• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 10,005 Views, 221 Comments

Broken - SilverWind14

When Sunset Shimmer gets framed for posting personal secrets on MyStable, she becomes the target of the entire school. Even her friends.

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“Why? Why are you doing it?” Rainbow sternly asked Gilda as she crossed her arms.

“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about, Dash.” Gilda replied in annoyance. She knew damn well what she was talking about, but for her sake and Sunset’s, she decided to keep her cool. She turned to Mrs. Cake, who was waiting to take her order. “Two sandwiches please.” She says as she handed the money.

Mrs. Cake smiles and goes to make the sandwiches. Rainbow Dash scoffs and says, “Don’t act stupid with me. Why are you going out of your way to defend that bitch?”

Gilda quickly turned to face Rainbow. “Why? Because I’ve been down this road before if you remember correctly. I used to be just as bad, if not worse than Sunset. Always picking on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and yet you still had it in you to forgive me So I gotta ask, Why me and not her?” Gilda says as she crosses her arms and looks into Rainbow’s eyes.

Rainbow was taken aback. She never thought Gilda of all people would be saying something like this. Nonetheless, this only serves to piss Rainbow off even more. “Because we already gave her a second chance!” She growled. “I don’t know about you, but mind controlling the entire school and almost killing us is nothing compared to some bullying from you!” Rainbow took a step towards her now former friend. “Thanks to Princess Twilight, we gave her a second chance. We showed her forgiveness. Clearly that meant nothing to her cause now she’s back to her old ways again!”

“Y-Your sandwiches, miss.” Mrs. Cake says sheepishly, not sure when to interrupt this rather heated argument. “Rainbow dear, if possible, do try to keep your voices down, the other customers are starting to stare.” Sure enough, some of the customers were staring at the two high schoolers. Gilda grabs the sandwiches from the counter.

“Well Dash, that to me sounds like you never gave a shit about Sunset to begin with.” Rainbow takes a step back upon hearing that. “She was just some charity case. Some chore that Twilight left for you guys. I bet you were waiting for something like this to happen. That most likely explains why, after everything you guys have been through together, you guys were so quick on pointing the blame on her and not giving her a chance. That to me says a lot about you Rainbooms.”

With that, Gilda turns and walks towards the door, leaving Rainbow Dash behind, now more pissed off by the words of someone she once called a friend. “Hey! Get back here! We’re not-” But it was too late. Gilda was already out of the building, slamming the door behind her. Rainbow was about to go after her until she heard a voice calling to her.

“Rainbow Dash stop!” shouted the now annoyed Applejack. She and the rest of the Rainbooms had pretty much heard what was said, what with the not so inside voices used by the two hotheads. “Don’t go causin any trouble now. Come back and finish your food.” Rainbow huffed as she stomped her way back to their table. AJ was right. No point in causing trouble and possibly problems for Mrs. Cake. She’ll just have to talk to Gilda again. Privately.

Once outside, Gilda took a deep breath. “Calm down Gilda. Just relax. Forget about her and focus on Sunny.” She says to herself. This was a rare moment of self restraint from her. Normally in a situation like this she’d be more hotheaded and lash out more. This time, however, she felt the need to stay calm. Why, though? Was it her past experience with Rainbow and her friends? Was it Sunset? Please. Don’t start stooping down to their level. She remembers her words clearly. Calm, yet stern. That Sunset. What’s she doing to her? Speaking of Sunset…

“Hey Sunny! Where you at? I got the grub!” She looked around and to find her new friend but couldn’t see her anywhere. Surely she wasn’t inside that long was she? “Sunset? Come on out now you nerd!” She called again but still no sign of her.

“Take this, bitch!” Gilda faintly heard someone from within the alleyway next to Sugarcube Corner. She began walking towards the noise deeper in. Gilda suddenly had a bad feeling. There’s no way right? Surely Sunset isn’t- “Not so tough now without your bodyguard here are ya? Gilda’s stomach dropped. That voice. Of course those two morons couldn’t behave themselves. She dropped the bag containing the sandwiches and sprinted deeper into the alleyway.


Pain. That’s the only thing Sunset could feel at this moment. Pain to her stomach and face. Especially on her blackeye. It hurt so bad that it was starting to go numb. A punch to the face. A punch to the stomach. Then back at her face. The only reason she didn’t drop to the floor was because of Hoops holding her up.

“Oh don’t go to sleep on me now, Shimmer,” Score says as he grabs Sunset by her hair and lifts her head up. “We’re just getting STARTED!” He shouts as he delivers a hard punch to Sunset’s already damaged eye.

“Please….. Stop…..” Sunset said weakly. She could barely muster up the strength to speak.

“Stop? You want me to stop?” The bully suddenly spoke in a softer tone, frightening Sunset even more. “Alright. I’ll stop. All you gotta do is admit you’re behind this whole Anon-A-Miss BS and I promise to leave you alone.”

Of course she couldn’t get an easy way out of this. With all her strength, Sunset says, “I…. already told you. I-I’m n-not…. Anon-A-Miss. So you can go fuc-” She stops to cough, spitting out some blood. “Yourself.” She finished, giving her attacker a small, bloody grin. Probably not the smartest choice, given her current state, but she’s had enough. Even if it means taking a beating, Sunset refuses to let the real Anon-A-Miss win

Score lets out a small chuckle. He grabs Sunset by the hair once again and raises a fist. “Well then. Guess I ain’t stopping then.”

The bully was so eager to resume his beatdown that he failed to hear footsteps rapidly approaching. Before his fist could connect with Sunset’s face again, Score was suddenly tackled from the side, flying head first into the dumpster they were next to, the sickening sound of head hitting metal filled the alleyway. He laid there motionless, likely knocked out.

“Holy shit!” Hoops looked on in horror at the sight of a furious looking Gilda. He dropped Sunset, her face touching the disgusting alleyway floor, and took a few steps back. “L-Listen Gilda. I-I-It’s not what it looks like!” Hoops knew he couldn’t talk his way out of this, but he was absolutely terrified. Gilda slowly began to close the gap between them, carefully stepping over Sunset’s body.

“P-Please Gilda. L-L-Let’s just c-calm down alright? W-We were just-” But before he could finish his sentence, Gilda quickly lunged forward, grabbed Hoops by his shirt and delivered a powerful headbutt to his nose, sending him to the ground. He groaned in pain while holding his probably broken nose. Before he could think of what to do next, Gilda grabbed him by the shirt again. Then, still remaining silent, proceeded to punch Hoops repeatedly in the face. Punch after punch after punch, Gilda did not let up.

After about 30 seconds, which felt like an eternity, Gilda stopped. She looked down on Hoops who was barely conscious. His whole face was bloody and swollen, and he appeared to be missing some teeth.

Gilda leaned down to get face to face with the mangled boy. “Listen. And listen well.” Hoops, despite barely being able to see, listened carefully. He’s never heard Gilda this angry before in his life. “If I see either of you near Sunset again, I promise you. I will not stop. I will beat both your faces in until you have no teeth left. Do you understand?” All Hoops can do is just simply whimper and nod his head. Satisfied with her work, Gilda dropped Hoops to the floor and rushed over to Sunset.

“Sunny! You alright? Say something.” She kneeled down next to Sunset, who looked considerably better than Hoops at the moment.

“Oh hey Gilda,” Sunset said weakly. “Took you long enough. Y-you eat all the sandwiches or what?” She cracked a small grin.

“Oh shut up. I should’ve at this point,” Gilda retorted, trying and failing not to smile. “Come on. Let’s get you up.” She helped Sunset to feet and put her arm over her shoulder to help keep her up. Gilda gave one last irritated look over to the two downed bullies before walking back out of the alleyway.

“Hold up.” Gilda stopped walking. Still holding Sunset, she kneeled down and picked up the sandwiches, who were thankfully still wrapped up. “Alright, let’s get the hell out of here.” With that, both girls began walking back toward Sunset’s place. Exhausted, frustrated, and in pain, they couldn’t wait to just get back and try and relax.

Author's Note:

And here it is. The latest chapter. It only took a thousand years but here it is. I may have rushed it a bit so please forgive any mistakes. Now that I finally updated this fic I can focus on a Halloween themed fic I've been planning since last year! Once again, sorry for the long wait! :derpytongue2:

Comments ( 20 )

We soon hopefully will see some turn around on this situation sunset is in. She has been beaten enough. There better be some equal revenge on those who have wronged her

Where were ya, the moon? :rainbowlaugh:

Gilda quickly turned to face Rainbow. “Why? Because I’ve been down this road before if you remember correctly. I used to be just as bad, if not worse than Sunset. Always picking on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and yet you still had it in you to forgive me So I gotta ask, Why me and not her?” Gilda says as she crosses her arms and looks into Rainbow’s eyes.

Rainbow was taken aback. She never thought Gilda of all people would be saying something like this.

Gilda does have a point there.

“Well Dash, that to me sounds like you never gave a shit about Sunset to begin with.” Rainbow takes a step back upon hearing that. “She was just some charity case. Some chore that Twilight left for you guys. I bet you were waiting for something like this to happen. That most likely explains why, after everything you guys have been through together, you guys were so quick on pointing the blame on her and not giving her a chance. That to me says a lot about you Rainbooms.”

OOF!!!! Take that Rainbow Dash!!!!

It's alive! It's alive! It's alive! It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

There is no amount of salve that will help with that burn.

I think a trip to Pluto and back would've taken less time than me uploading this chapter honestly :rainbowlaugh:

Oi, whats this now (checks feed) 'oly Shite mate! IT FOOKEN UPDATED!

ngl chief, I thought you was dead


Can only imagine if They walk past the building and the Rainbooms see Sunset beat to hell.

after many years (4 years) this story is finally back

Reasonably certain 3 out of 4 people from that last bit might need to go to receive some form of first aid.

Eh just rub some dirt on it, it'll be fine.

Still technically counts as first aid.

Since I'm done reading this fic, can you tell me what happened in the end? You can sent it to me on my email: goldenlight478@gmail.com

This story is riveting

Hope author returns soon.

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