• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 5,202 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Dashie: Unbreakable Bonds - mcb893

It's been a long time since Rainbow was brought back to Equestria, and some things have not gotten..

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5. Pillow Fights and Nightmares

I awoke in a panicked sweat. I looked left and right, but it was my room. Not the torture chamber they had been locked into. I wiped my forehead to relieve the sweat and brought my hand to it.

"Just a dream..." I told myself over and over again. With a sigh if relief, I started my shower. These nightmares were getting worse and worse as time went on. They all had a similar formula though, one or more of the main cast, usually RD, being physically assaulted, tortured, or beaten. I was always restrained to something and forced to watch. The graphic material I saw in these nightmares always made me want to vomit. And no matter how hard I fought against the restraints, I always found myself unable to get away. If I tried to close my eyes, I would be shocked until I opened them. I breathed heavily as the water splashed down on my face. I needed help, but the last two doctors I had seen had said it was just too much stress and I needed to set time to relax. It actually was good advice, but I almost never got the chance to rest. I was always at work, dealing with the next nightmare, or thinking about Dashie. I sighed as I turned off the shower and dried myself off. After putting my clothes on, I headed downstairs to my truck. I was just going to wait until I got to work for breakfast. I grabbed my keys, said goodbye to my family pictures, and was off. Snow was still falling from the night before, but it was soft, and not enough snow had accumulated to close down the roads and work. Despite my wishes.


Rainbow unrolled her sleeping bag next to the bookshelf. Applejack similarly placed hers next to one at the opposite end of the room.

"I gotta say Dash, you look pretty good in that there cap." She said. RD chuckled and tipped it.

"I am so excited! This is gonna be so great! Cupcakes are in the oven, we have tons of games, and I am so ready for the pillow fight!" Pinkie shouted as she bounced with joy. Rainbow rolled her eyes and walked over to Twilight.

"So, what's next on the list of things to do?" She asked. Twilight smiled and replied;

"Depends. What do you wanna do first birthday pony?" Rainbow smiled fiendishly, grabbed a pillow, and slammed it into Twilight's face. As Twilight hit the ground, she threw the pillow across the room, hitting Pinkie in the chest.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" She shouted as she ran for another pillow.

"Oh it is on!" AJ shouts as she kicks three pillows at Rainbow. She dodges the first two, but the third hits her back hooves and she somersaults into a bookshelf. Fluttershy desperately looks for a pillow to shield herself as Twilight begins to use her magic to launch several pillows at once. Pinkie flips all over the library and grabs pillows out of the air to use as ammo. Dash dodges two pillows and throws another at Rarity, who fails to dodge. Dash turns and ducks just in time to avoid a toss from Pinkie. She tosses a second pillow, but RD catches it, flies over, and hits Pinkie in the chin with it. Her head jerks forward as a pillow comes into contact with the back of her head. She turns and gets slammed by Pinkie. Pinkie gets hit away from Rainbow as she' blasted by five pillows from Twilight. Rainbow leaps and dodges two pillows from Rarity and lands next to Fluttershy, who is holding a pillow in front of her as a shield.

"Come on Fluttershy! You gotta be more aggressive in this!" Rainbow shouts as she throws a pillow at AJ, hitting her in the head.

"I uh... I'm fine." Fluttershy says nervously. She shrieks and ducks behind her pillow as AJ launches pillows at RD. Rainbow easily dodges them and catches the last one.

"Come on just try! I'll help you out!" She says tossing the pillow she caught to her friend. Fluttershy gives a short shriek as she drops the first pillow and catches Rainbow's. RD readjusts her dad's hat and smiles fiendishly.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Fluttershy asks as she nervously backs away. RD grabs her friend's dropped pillow and shields her.

"I told you, I'm helping you out. Now let's go!" Rainbow blocked two pillows and slowly moves forward.

"Come on!" She shouts. Fluttershy jumps and replies;

"Oh, um, okay." She stammers. Slowly she moves forward, closely behind RD. Pinkie leaps and lashes out, but Dash blocks the strike. Fluttershy squeals and swings the pillow, connecting with Pinkie's jaw.

"That's it!" RD says in encouragement. Behind them, Twilight rushes forward with four pillows. Fluttershy shrieks again and swings it hard into her face.

"Now you're getting it Fluttershy!" RD says. Fluttershy smiles and blushes. RD returns to her friend and blocks another pillow. Fluttershy follows closely behind and swats anyone who gets close. This strategy was working well.


I got back into my car and slowly drive back home. I shook my head in disgust. This was ridiculous. A new guy had just gotten a raise for performing better than was expected of him. I did that five years ago and that didn't happen to me. What's worse is that this FNG is disrespectful to everyone except the boss. Aren't kiss ups supposed to end up with a dock in pay? He mocks me and other long time workers just because the boss isn't around and he's "bored". I wish I had Dashie here right now. She was always able to help. "No, don't think like that." I reminded myself. And it was true, I shouldn't think like that. She's home, happy and safe. What kind of father would I be if I had her here, worrying about being spotted and being miserable cooped up all day? A bad one, that's for sure. I sighed. Sometimes it felt like the world was intentionally screwing with me. Truth is, it probably is. Everything went downhill the second my parents died. Only getting better when Dashie came along. Now, not only was I alone again, but I was plagued by this annoying sorrow day and night, no matter what happens to me. I sighed as I turned into my driveway and took my keys out of the ignition. I was about to unlock my door, but stopped. I looked up from the lock at the forest next to my home. I looked from the forest to the door of my home several times. Eventually I put my keys in my pocket and walked toward the woods. The fresh blanket of snow had covered up all the fallen leaves that had littered the ground only yesterday. I walked past a large tree and stared at it a while. This was the tree Rainbow and I had reconciled under six years ago. Was that right? Had it only been six years? I chuckled. Back then, years flew by, here one minute and gone the next. Now they just lingered for what felt like eternities. Then again, that tends to happen when you have so little to do. Was this what it felt like when parents let their kids go off to college? No, it wasn't. They still saw their kids, on holidays and during breaks. I never got to see mine. Was that why I was feeling this way? I checked my phone to see what time it was. 5:00. Right in the dot. I can't remember, but I think that's when Dashie found me. But it was a long time ago. Speaking of time, it had been two months since that guard had come here, saying her birthday was about a month away. I wonder if she's gotten my hat and note yet.