• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 5,202 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Dashie: Unbreakable Bonds - mcb893

It's been a long time since Rainbow was brought back to Equestria, and some things have not gotten..

  • ...

7. Planning

Twilight walked around the market with Spike in tow.

"Twilight, what exactly is it we need this stuff for?" He asked as he twisted his arms and squinted at the list. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"For the tenth time Spike I don't know. Princess Celestia sent me this list saying that the were a TOP priority. We'll see what she needs them for when we get to Canterlot." She said.

"I still don't get why she needs you to buy them. Can't she just order the sales ponies to give them to her?" He asked as eyed the list.

"No Spike it doesn't work like that. Besides, she has to attend to business at the castle, so if she needs things she sends me to get them." Twilight explained as she paid for two book sized generators.

"Well it's cleaning you out, that's one thing I know." Spike murmured to himself. Twi thanked the pony at the stand and loaded the generators in her saddle. Along with the wires and fuses.

"Ok Spike, what's next on the list?" Twi asked. Spike checked off generators and looked.

"Uh, let's see... Ah here we go, circuit breakers." He said. Twilight nodded and looked around. Suddenly something crashed into her and she hit the ground. Spike rushed over and helped her up. Twilight looked up to see Rainbow slumped against a tree.

"I'm guessing that was you Rainbow Dash?" She said as she picked her saddle back up. Rainbow got up and stumbled for a while before answering.

"Yeah sorry. I was trying to beat my record in flying around town." She said as she picked up her dad's hat and put it back on. Twilight eyed the hat and smiled.

"So you like the baseball cap?" She asked. Rainbow leaped up and flapped her wings.

"You kidding? I don't take it off unless I'm going to bed. I love this!" She said as she soared high into the air and dived back down to her friend. Landing suddenly on the grass, she adjusted it and smiled.

"Makes me feel like he's here with me." Twilight smiled and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Well I'm glad." She said. Rainbow laughed and soared off. Spike came up to Twilight and tapped her.

"Come on Twilight, we need to finish up here." He began to say, but just then, a flame came from his mouth and became a note. Twilight unrolled it and read.

"What's it say?" Spike asked as he picked the list back up.

"The princess doesn't need the circuit breakers, they have extra. We can head up to Canterlot now." Spike nodded and the duo loaded up. Headed for Canterlot.


I sat in my living room not knowing what to do. I couldn't go to work, and there was nothing on TV. I had already written in my journals three times today. So I say in my chair, doing nothing. Dashie had a lot to do. Even when she was here, she would come up with something interesting to do. She was good at stuff like that. I'm surprised she didn't become a writer. I didn't have that gift. I was a guy that had to have a routine to follow. If I didn't, I would just sit around, pondering my thoughts. I decided to go for a walk, not because I thought it was interesting, but because it helped me think. There was some stuff I needed to sort out. So I slipped on my coat, put on my ski cap, slipped on my gloves, and I was off. I guess I can always count on taking a walk. That always seems to be an option. I steeped out in the soft snow and watched a few snow flakes fall to the ground. It was very calm at home, something that never occurred with Dashie. Except for when she was sleeping. I wonder if she ever feels that same empty feeling that I do. Like my life has lost it's purpose. I turned and began to walk toward the forest. Christmas was almost here. Just a week away. Was that right? One week? It had felt like a month had passed. Oh well. The cold air felt nice on my sweaty face. I had cranked the heat up so high in my home, and I don't know why. I just did. A calming sensation was seldom in my life anymore, so I enjoyed the ones I got. Again I focused on Dashie. I can never help but wonder what she's up too. I wish I could visit. Check up on her every once in a while, see how she's doing. But that's exactly what it was. A wish. One I would never get. On Christmas day, I was just gonna drive around town and buy groceries. There was always a few stores open on the holidays. The ones family owned, where the kids help run the shops. Those always stay open. Not the best way to spend Christmas, but I'll manage.


"Rainbow! Wake up! Wake up!" Dash groaned. Who wanted her up at this hour?

"Pinkie Pie, allow me. Rainbow Dash. Awaken." Dash instantly sprung up at the voice, Princess Celestia. She fell out of her bed and hit the floor of her cloud home. She fumbled around as she grabbed her dad's hat and put it on.

"Princess, I um... Didn't know you gonna visit." Rainbow said as she tried to straighten the hat. It was hard to put on straight with hooves. Her dad could just use his hands. Celestia smiled at the cyan Pegasus.

"It is quite alright Rainbow Dash. Now, you still remember and care for the man, correct?" Rainbow hung her head and frowned. She eyed the princess, who was still smiling.

"My dad, your highness. Yes, I still love and miss him. I... I want to see him really badly." She said. The princess let out one long, satisfactory breath and walked over to Rainbow.

"Then follow me. We have some good news for you in Canterlot." Rainbow looked up to the princess to see her smiling still. She turned her lip to a half-smile and nodded.

"Pinkie, Go to the balloon and float up to the castle we will meet you there." The Princess said. Pinkie literally launched from the ground up into the air. Rainbow chuckled and walked next to the princess, who was wide-eyed. She quickly snapped out of it and began to flap her wings.

"Let's go Rainbow Dash, time is of the essence." She said.

"Okay I'm coming!" She said as she took off. Within minutes, the two ponies arrived at the castle.

"Princess." The guards said in unison, bowing to the ruler of Equestria.

"At ease." She said calmly. The guards returned to their standing position and moved away from the doorway.

"Come along Rainbow." She said, nudging Dash to the door. Rainbow nodded and walked inside. The castle was a magnificent site, chandeliers and fancy rugs were everywhere, as well as of course the windows depicting Equestria's finest hours.

"We must go upstairs. Come along." The princess said again.

"Ok." Rainbow said. The view outside the castle was still dark, due to it being night. The two ponies walked calmly upstairs as Rainbow heard chattering from across the hall. Princess Celestia walked ahead and opened a door, revealing Twilight and the others. Even Pinkie, not even Celestia knew how she moved so quickly. In the middle of the room was some sort of device, with an arc over it.

"What is this?" Rainbow asked as she eyed the strange object. She had never seen anything like it.

"It's a gate way between worlds. One in particular." Twilight said. Rainbow grew wide eyed and turned to her friends.

"Are you saying..."

"Yes Rainbow. His world. The one you met him in." Twilight said with a smile. She raised a fore leg to reveal several cuts and burn marks.

"It took a lot of work." Rainbow stood there, mouth agape, and stared.

"I can see him again?" She asked as she shed a tear.

"But I thought you said I wasn't meant to be in that world." She said turning to the princess. The princess smiled and spoke slowly.

"Yes, that world is not meant to be your home. But that man is meant to be in your life. I was foolish to think otherwise." Rainbow smiled and let her tears flow, her lip quivered.

"He's celebrating a holiday called Christmas right now. We thought it would be the best time. He's out shopping right now. We're going to surprise 'im." Applejack said as she wiped her hooves with a cloth. Rainbow shook her head. This was incredible, she was going to see her dad again!

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Pinkie shouts as she fires up the machine. Instantly, the air inside became blue, and rippled, as though made of water. It made a quiet humming noise and gives off a cyan blue light.

"Come on. He's waiting." Fluttershy said to her friend. Rainbow nodded... And walked through the strange device.