• Published 14th Apr 2018
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Homura Invassion: Madoka Magica x MLP - Eternalpinkiepride

The mane six are given a rude awakening when the demon queen Homura Akemi invades Pony, in hopes that they will blindly accept their new ruling.

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Chapter Ten: Homura and Luna

Luna had left the ponies to think about what she had said, as expected, they looked at her differently, with small traces of discomfort across their faces, but the world was in too much stake for her to be alarmed by it.

"Twilight," Luna said. "I want you to take these, it is the true history of our ways and the completed text on the arts of symbol magic, this is the only magic that will help us defeat this omnipotent creature."
Twilight did nothing but bow her head and take the books from Luna's magical hold. Luna directed them to the tunnels where they would be lead to the waterfalls of the castle and leave without being detected. In a perfect world, Luna would be able to lay down and say that it was now in her chosen ones' hands, but that could no longer be the case.

"I see my mistake in taking your moon, although it was not intentional. All the dimensions I have been in have solar systems that are independent." The voice echoed throughout the room.

Luna was unmoved by the voice, if anything, it seemed as though she had expected it.

“I agree, you did fail by taking the moon, but as I have reclaimed it and have gained more power, I see no need in focusing on the past.” Luna said.

Homura was intrigued by the darker pony, there was an essence protruding from her that she could relate to, although as a demon she made sure to quickly push the compassion to the back of her mind.

“Unlike the rest of my fellow ponies, I do not see you as my superior, you underestimate others because of the large amount of power you have, and because you are alone, there is no one to sensor you from falling too deeply into your head. You may be the God of the world you have brought down, but do not forget that I am one of many gods in this world and you do not have a say in how this world functions,” Luna began, she was annoyed by this, but also proud to once again defend her beloved Equestria. “You may do this the easy way, and return thing to how they were, my sister's power over the sun, and leave our realm or we can do this the hard way, when I force you out of my realm. I know that this island may seem cheerful and much like a utopia of sorts, but keep in mind that the lands that live in a perfect world are the ones that have the darkest history.”

Luna appeared to have closed her eyes and in that time (through her perspective) time had stopped and she connected with those who were sleeping, specifically discord. She made sure not to disrupt him as she went through his memories and hopes that there was any information on her - if she were to have spoken to anyone, it would have been Discord, she then opened her eyes again, but to the rest, it seemed to have just been yet another blink.
“What is your answer, Homura?”

For the first time, Homura was shocked for all the right reasons; Luna's tone against her held accountability towards Homura's actions - there were no more maybes, whether or not Homura's choice had been out of love or not did not was irrelevant. Homura was the demon who had invaded a realm and caused chaos - she was the villain in all this. The thought what have I done, coursed through her mind on repeat, yet she was still stone cold. Luna might have been on a mission, but so was she. Homura still planned to keep this realm safe from the incubator by continuously paralyzing in realities where they could do no harm to her or Madoka. And last of all, she would make sure that this world accepts her so that they - Madoka could finally be happy, without the need of her sacrifficing her life, family and world for the sake of dumb, selfish little girls who traded their life away for a meaningless wish!
"Have you run away again?" Luna asked the dead air.

Homura's reaction was one that she didn't have in months - a human one; her cheeks had gone red. It was official, Homura had had enough, her clara dolls started dancing in circles around her and waving their hands as if they were trying to get her to change her mind against whatever plans she had created in her mind. But with the most innocents of flicks of her fingers her Clara dolls had been forced to stand at attention and organized themselves in a single filed line behind her. She took a breath and blew out, releasing the molecules around her, like a thin dust - it blew away and revealed a tear in reality, on the other side was Princess Luna, she passed through the void before it repaired itself and stood in front of Luna who was unshaken by the uninvited visit (however, she had been more invasive already). There were no words spoke between them, but a reluctant respect to bow to one another before continuing their civil debut. There was a comfort that came to her from the similar color scheme that they shared.

"I have not abandoned our conversation, and I do not appear in front of you to attack."

Luna lifted her brow and gazed at Homura and the small beings that dwindled around her feet. "i sthat why you bring you minions that have been distressing my ponies throughout Equestria?" The dolls knew that Luna was referring to them, and lower their heads and brought their hands behind their backs as they kicked the air around the ground, Homura didn't look down at her dolls, rather Luna who still kept her eyes on them, more so in annoyance than guard.

"Is that why your horn continues to glow with magic read for attack?" Homura pointed out.

"Let me remind you that I am not the one who came to you, nor the one who invaded your world. I have every right to keep my guard at its sharpest and more. But as I am sure you saw when I took the moon back from you, I also took a new form as my magic became even stronger," Luna finished.

"Once again, I apologize. I was unaware of your world's . . . nature." The pause made Homura sound insincere.

"You're stalling." Luna said. And despite the fact that it was the first time Homura was meeting Luna, she could that the tone in her voice was a protective and prideful one that she did not get to use often; Homura hoped that she could use it to her advantage.

"I've come as the weaker link," Homura began and bowed once again to show that she truly believe in the words she was speaking out to her majesty. "I have come to find sympathy and aide in understanding. Homura was going to stop there, but had realized that she already tried this technique. with the stubby princess who was clearly much stupider than this princess who was worthy to be a queen - this wasn't going to work on Luna. Sympathy was an impossibility, but gaining respect wasn't fully out of the question.
"And for help, I have been placed in a position of which I had no choice but to enter your realm . And with the quick pace of the events, I had no chance for selection, so your world was by random. I have come here as refuge.

Luna squinted her eyes, she was still skeptical but made a faint grunt signalling her to continue. Homura attempting to keep her smiling to a minimum, and continued to justify her plans with the cold fact that what she was saying wasn't a lie, just missing minor details of the truth. Homura hopped to the opportunity and explained herself. She told Luna about about the Incubator and it's purpose of stealing energy and destruction of all the planets and realities it encounters. It explained it's strength, where it was, but Luna had had enough, she knew that there was something she wasn't telling her, and was very blunt to the point.

"And what about you main reason?"

"Pardon?" Homura asked.

"Why are you doing this for? As noble as your story is, you are a witch and you are a magical girl, so I assume you have taken a darker form, on that is superior to witch. So why are you doing this?"

"I've told you already that coming here is a mistake."

"Whether I believe that are not is still up to debate, but you staying here is a choice, are you looking for a new home?" Luna's tone had gone soft, which was confusing to Homura - was she getting an invitation to come into Equestria?

"I am looking for a home for the most innocent and wonderful person I know, who has sacrificed far too much for the world that she serves, has died for and has never noticed her. I am looking for a world where she can live in peace and be happy." It was a risk to tell the truth, but Luna had an unspeakable hold one her, Homura felt as though she was the submissive one in this situation.

"Then this is not the world for you. We often have villains here who spawn because they feel unappreciated. And ponies who are important are the same ones or - the same six. Our people are forced to be happy and ignore their problems until it corrupts them - in other words, I guess you can say that Equestria is an Incubator within itself." Luna admitted.

Homura said nothing, there was a pressure that fell over her heart - it was the same sensation that fell over her when Homura has rejected her offer to live a happy life with her and to forget the world and leave the Magical girls to face the consequences of their actions.

"Is it your family, or your people who don't appreciate you?" Homura asked, but her voice felt muted as the air around them became heavier.

"It doesn't matter, I am sorry for you lose and your friend. But you still need to leave." Luna insisted.

Homura made the risky decision of moving forward to Luna so that they stood eye to eye. "What if we make this world better then. I know the dangers of the outside world, we can make sure cast spells to protect us from such things. We can rule this world where every ... pony will be happy and appreciated. There will be no outbreaks of unappreciated ponies corroding into monsters. we can make this world the utopia that it mimics." Homura said.

"And what will we do with you and your dark magic that has been embedded into your veins. You have made it clear that restoration is something that you are incapable of."

"I only say that because in my world, there are no second chances. Once you are stuck in a corrupt state, you stay that way. If your world has the power to take away the darkness within me and allow me to keep the light magic that I used to have, then please do so . . . but only after we fix this world."

"What you are suggesting is a rebellion against my sister."

"You have said yourself that she does not appreciate you, and that she is forcing these ponies to live in a facade of happiness. Why not fight for your people as I do for mine and bring them happiness?" Homura looked at Luna who was still thinking, it was clear that she was weighting her options.

"If I were to say yes, what would you have in mind?"

Homura smiled, this was going to go very well.