• Published 14th Apr 2018
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Homura Invassion: Madoka Magica x MLP - Eternalpinkiepride

The mane six are given a rude awakening when the demon queen Homura Akemi invades Pony, in hopes that they will blindly accept their new ruling.

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Chapter Seven: To Canterlot

The mane six stumbled onto their hooves, “alright, one at a time.” Spike said, he was somewhat annoyed by the situation, and he didn’t even realize how much time had passed, the day was almost over and as his bedtime came closer, the more aggravated he became, and the tense sensation of the entire day wasn’t helping. Somehow, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy ended up together, of course, Fluttershy was still struck with terror, but at least she was standing on her own again.
“Okay okay, so I was using my Pinkie sense to catch all the falling items from Cloudsdale, and then out of nowhere, everything stopped! But there was a small moment when things froze and the clouds were covered in this black and purple void thing and then, everything just stopped falling. But before that, I saw some more of those scary little doo-hicky doll things run across the clouds and hop into those void things before they shrunk down into nothing and left . . . basically frozen clouds.” Pinkie said, and ended with the question, “what is going on!” and paused at each syllable.

“That’s exactly what happened with me, everything in my house just stopped falling, and we saw a leg of one of those doll things, but wait, there’s more. I dropped Applejack so that she could see that void thing in the walls of my house, and I dropped her, but she didn’t pass through the cloud.”

“What?” Twilight said.

“What’s happening to our beloved Equestria, who is doing all this, although I wouldn’t mind being able to stand on clouds, I do after all have some fans who miss me ever since that wing competition.” Rarity smirked at the memory and fixed the curls of her mane. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but roll her eyes, but since she WAS the savior of the day, she didn’t bother saying anything.

“Alright, well now we know that things still aren’t right around here. But I have some more problems for you all. I ended up speaking with the person who is behind all this.”

“You what!’ they all screamed out. “Where, when?” Rainbow Dash asked, her voice was somewhat whiny, like she couldn’t believe that Twilight would do such a thing without her. “Who is it?”

“I don’t know, I never got it’s name, or her name - I think. But there is a problem, this thing doesn’t plan on leaving, I don’t think. It seemed surprised when I still said that it would have to leave after fixing everything. I am afraid that this thing might put up a fight, we need to go to Canterlot. ”

“To Canterlot?” Rarity expressed, however instead of with excitement, she to a questioning tone in her voice.

“Yes, we need to go find Princess Luna, I think she has information that will help us.”

“And Princess Celestia?” Applejack asked.

It hurt Twilight more than she could admit to herself, but she knew that for now, she couldn’t let Celestia know about the snooping, not until she knew for sure that Celestia wouldn’t lock any secrets away that would help them sae Equestria, rather than their souls or royal pride. Twilight shook her head, “she can’t know that we are snooping around for information yet. “Twilight responded. To her relief, none of them opposed.

“Alright, then we leave tomorrow, say your goodbyes, I don’t know when we will be back.” Twilight said.

By this time, the moon should have been rising, which reminded Twilight that the princesses no longer had power over their precious sun and moon.
Twilight carried Spike back to the castle, and before shutting the blind and lying down, she wrote a letter to Princess Luna, announcing their visit for the next day.

Ever since Luna had received the letter, she remained awake in her chambers, however she found it difficult to keep herself awake. She was both tired and depressed. Without her connection to the moon her energy and magic continued to drain, and her depression which came from a a sense of uselessness - these emotions only made her magic drain away from her faster. The doors to her chambers opened and the voice of a Guard announced himself and the ponies that stood behind them, although there wasn’t much need for it.

“Your Majesty, I present to you Princess Twilight and the saviours of Equestria.” He bowed and shut the door behind him, leaving them inside to their privacy.

Luna kept her back to them; dreading the moment when they’ll discover her sunken cheeks, dying mane and thinning body - she had never checked since she discovered that she had lost control of her beloved moon, but she would be surprised if her cutie mark was fading as well,

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked as she walked up to her.

“Yes Twilight it is I, I am glad that you have come to me so quickly. Did my sister see you?”

“No she’s been in the throne room, I did see a glimpse of her though, she looks sick.”

“Yes well, that is in both of our cases.”

“What?” Twilight asked. It was then that Luna thought it best to turn around and reveal her withering body. They all tried to remain calm, but Rarity was the one who gasped out loud and quickly covered her hoof. They all looked at her with a look of disapproval.

“Luna!” Twilight yelled out, but Luna extended her arm before Twilight could push against her side.

“No, I am fine - please don’t worry yourself.”

“Why is this happening to you both?” Rainbow asked.

“It is not important right now.”

“Did all this suddenly start yesterday, because if that’s the case, then it’s EXTREMELY important!” it was a surprise that Rainbow Dash didn’t add a ‘Duh’ to the end of it.

Luna sighed and went up to her bed to lay down - she could feel her legs starting to collapse from under her.

“Is your illness why the moon and sun have been slower lately, tell me how I can help.” Twilight begged at her bedside.

“I have thought about it thoroughly, you Twilight, have the strongest magic out of any of us. I do not know about princess luna, but I do know that for myself - the moon continues to yell out to me, trying to find a way back to me as it too continues to weaken alone in the dark. I have been attached to the moon for my entire life, and I have lived with in it for a thousand moons - our connection is beyond any others. I believe that I can break whatever force that is severing our connection to one another, but I will need to ask you a favor that is far greater than anything I will ever be able to repay in full.”

“Luna, Just tell me what you need!” Twilight was surprised with the lack of formality, although they were both princesses so - formality wasn’t required between the two of them.

Lujna hesitated and looked at all of them before she revealed her intentions. “I will require your magic Twilight, just for a moment, and soon after I will return it. But I do warn you, that this will not be the same spell that we used when Terik threatened to obtain ours. When I am done, some of your magic, you talents will remain with me, as some of my magic and talents will remain with you, gaining this kind of magic will be difficult to control and will eb a risk to the rest of our magic, as I do not know what will happen when our magic manifest throughout one another, but it is a risk that I am willing to take, so long if you are okay with this as well.”

Twilight knew there was a shocked look on her face, but it was an incorrect expression to how she truly felt. She was shocked that Luna would even ask if it was okay with her, and honored that she could once again help her fellow princess.

“Luna, I will do anything for you, especially if it involves saving your magic and your life.”

Luna bowed and gave a smile of relief. “Thank you Twilight, I will be forever in your debt, please, that black book that sits on the edge of my table, bring it to me.”

The book that Twilight brought was one that she had never seen before. Saying that the cover was black was an understatement - it was a replica of Luna’s mane, it even moved like her mane, and the pages were a light navy blue that had a faint glow to them. In the book was a bookmark that she opened to. On the page was the title “Lunar Gentem”. The spell looked complex, and surprisingly, was one that she had never seen before.

“We will need to be precise, nevermind the core of the spell, that is for me to worry over - you are to focus on this. She pointed to a small circular spell that seemed have a little familiarity to Twilight when she first started studying ancient spells. Remember to feel you magic and bring it to your core, but do not drain yourself of all your magic, if you do so, then when I try to return your magic to you, it will not recognize you and remain with me as it’s new owner.”

“Magic can think?” Rarity asked, and applejack seemed to have looked just as confused.

“Yes, these are one of the many secrets that I wish to be strong enough to tell you if this goes right, but Equestria wasn’t always a realm of harmony.”

Twilight stood at the head of Luna’s bed and focused on her magic - it worked! She had never felt the presence of her magic before, not like this. There was so much of it she didn't’ even recognize, as if she hadn’t yet discovered her true potential yet - she was much more powerful than she had realized. As instructed she focused on cutting some of it away, there was a slight pinch as she did so and she then hid it in the corner of her body and opened her eyes again. The glowed which, pink an purple (like her cutie mark) and she brought it all up to her horn. Luna was chanting something and her eyes went dark and her horn began to glow - ready to receive Twilight’s magic. The last of Luna’s chant was “Lunar Gentem” and Twilight released the ball of magic and struck against Luna and was absorbed through her horn.

Other than Twilight’s dulled coat and her faint dizziness, she seemed to be fine - it was much like a filly who had just discovered their magic, they were just weaker than most, but still functional. Luna on the other hand, had regained her former beauty, and more. She stood up on her hooved with her mane flowing and opened the doors to her balcony.

Twilight was the only one who was brave enough to join her, the others stood behind whispering to each other - even Pinkie Pie looked worried. Although they didn’t understand it, there was the presence of indefinite change that would be occuring that was too soon for comfort.

There was only the top of the moon that was still above the horizon, but it was enough for what she intended to do. “Brace yourself,” Luna said - although Twilight didn’t fully understand, Luna had faith that she could properly predict the aftermath of the spell. With her newly gained power, Luna spread her wings and flew out and slightly above the balcony. She lowered her head in concentration and then opened them, once again revealing her glowing eyes. The light went through her entire body before her horn brought out a huge cluster of magic that radiated into a ball bigger than the castle and struck into the top half of the moon. As if the moon had hit the earth, the ground started to shake from the impact.Instantly, the bond had started its restoration with Luna, the link between them was a missing love that was indescribably. Lost memories were restored - what many didn’t understand was why Luna and Celestia gained the power to rise and lower the moon and sun - it was because they had the power to gain their trust. The moon had been there before the beginning and has every memory of what has happened in Equestria, and the moon has shared these memories with Luna, and her imprisonment only grew that bond to a state that has made them inseparable, they are reliant on one another. Luna focused her love for the moon, and the memories that they had created together, and above all else, the time that they had together when they thought that nothing would be able to seperate them like this.

Within an instant, the magic of the moon had found its way to her and link to Luna, now all that stood between them was the dark magic that had placed a border between them. Both of them were chanting the spell to one another and a tremendous pressure had fallen over luna, the pain was almost unbearable, but with the amount of magic inside her - thanks to Twilight, she was still unbreakable. /I will defeat this, I will be with the moon again/ she said thought to herself as she continued to grind her teeth. Luna had no choice but to defeat the darkness - something that she wasn’t new too, so she new that it was going to be difficult. Both the moon and Luna sent out yet another blast that had the goal of linking to one another by breaking through the dark border.

Their magic only became stronger as the continued to chant further, and instantaneously, A symbol appeared in the sky that covered the sky, circles upon circles all attached by diamonds and squares, and within those were what looked like stars and a crescent moon that glowed a navy blue against the black backing of the spell. The moon and stars in the symbol where something that none had ever seen before, it glowed brighter to the point that the mane six had to cover their eyes from the instant burn that struck upon them. The symbols glow radiated to the center and struck below it where the dark border was, and like glass, shattered it to pieces, and as the pieces fell the the ground, the fades, and vanished before they could touch Equestria’s crust.

The bond between the moon and Luna and finally linked to its fullest potential and Luna had started to come back down to the balcony. Her mane had completely changed, somehow she had become more gorgeous. Although she was weak, she was still strong than where she had started, and the remainder of that forced her to continue. “Twilight,” she said, “are you ready?”

The moon’s magic was still attaching itself to her horn, that was now in the form of a mist of pure magic. Twilight nodded and bowed down. Luna bowed down as well, so that there horns were at the same levels, and with the aid of the moon returned her magic. The symbol that had appeared in the sky now took a smaller form and went hovered in front of Luna’s newly reformed horn and took the power to restore Twilights. Once it touched her horn Twilight began to change. The shock of her magic returning and Luna’s talents entering her body was painful. She could feel her hooves shifting and gaining golden coats, her torso thinning, her wings growing and her mane elongating and - shimmering, it was moving on it’s own. And last of all, her cutie mark. What used to be a shining star was now a shining star with a sliver of the symbol that had appeared, specifically the area with the crescent moon placed behind her cutie mark.

When the spell was over, both Twilight and Luna collapsed, Princes Luna’s cutie mark seemed to have gone under some changes as well, she now had an additional start to her cutie mark and a faint purple shadow that now outline her original cutie mark. And of course the full symbol that was no sitting on her flank, but unlike Twilight, Luna had gotten up again.

“I will need to see if the spell has worked, if so, this interference will not happen again, “ Luna started.

Luna faced the little bit of the moon that remained, she took a deep breath, and started to raise the moon. A beam of power shot out from her horn, it was still a mist and gave no signs of changing. The change in how much magic she had was a shock, she too had underestimated the amount of power that Twilight truly had, even though she had thought she was still overestimating her predictions beforehand. Eventually, she managed to take some control and bring her beam of magic to the moon where the moon raised to her command and sang out to her in glee for their rejoinment, and soon after - she lowered it again, in hopes that the sun would find its way to the morning sky.

Other than Twilight, who was proud to be a part of this, and was still shocked from the little bits of her new form that she could see - the other mane six were looking at Luna in awe. The magic that they had witness was a spectacle that before then, was a myth at best.

“Wow,” Applejack said. “I’ve never been so happy to be an Earth pony, all that is just too much for me.”

Luna gave a slight chuckle. “Come,” she said. “Now we can go and speak. I have a hidden room that no one knows of, we will be safe there as they try to look for us.”

As soon as she said that, the door started banging with guards, because of the light, they weren’t able to do anything until it had faded.

“Your majesty, are you okay?” one of the guards said.

“Hurry,” Luna insisted.

She went to her bedside and pushed on a stack of books, a false flooring had vanished and revealed a set of stares. She grabbed the spell book on the table and Twilight, who was still in a bit of a daze.

“Luna!” Celestia cried out form the other side of the door, although she seemed to be more angry than concerned.

When they managed to open the door from Luna’s spell, the floor had taken its proper place once again.