• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,586 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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23 - A Soft Crescendo

"Alright, Doc." Vinyl sat up, leaning against the wall beside her. "I'm done just sittin' here."

Doctor Stitch swiveled his chair towards her. "You're hardly in a state to do much else, miss."

"That's where you're wrong." She tapped at the side of her goggles. "You made a rookie mistake, letting me get these. I'm bolstered now, and ready to go." She started to rise, shaking as she did so. "I don't care if I got a little slow, but I'm not sitting in idle anymore."

The small doctor considered it, his ears trained on his patient. "A little movement may be good for you, but I must insist, beg if I must, that you do not strain yourself. If you feel uncertain, there's no shame in stopping and waiting." He hopped down from his chair lightly, landing spritely on all fours. "You are still very hurt."

Vinyl reached for the floor, hoof jittering in the attempt. "I'll be fine once I get back into my element. All sleeping and no music makes for a dull pony." She fell the remaining inch, her hoof sliding on the floor and sending her into a rough tumble beside the bed. "I got it," weakly complained Vinyl, stubbornly working to pick herself up. "Say, Doc, if you wanna help, charge these." Her horn glowed, picking up her headphones just for them to fall to the ground a foot away.

He shook his head at his patient, sighing loudly. She had passed out from the effort. Using her horn seemed to tire her out quickly, which left him with a patient on the floor where she shouldn't be, sprawled and likely to become cold. And she had the nerve to be twice his size.

There was nothing for it. He wouldn't abandon her there. He skirted around her and grabbed the scruff of her neck in his teeth, pulling at her slowly, working her up to the edge of the bed. He just had to get her up onto it instead of beside it. No... problem. Or so he hoped.

"I'm awake!" she suddenly gasped out, jerking out of his grip and rolling to her hooves. "Tell me that'll quit it. I don't like going out like a light without having had a lot of drinks to cushion the fall first."

Doctor Stitch smiled a little with relief. He wouldn't have to wrestle her back up into bed just yet. "You are in a very delicate position. Please... It would be best if you just--" He trailed off, seeing her stubbornly working towards the door, leaving her headphones where they had fallen. "Will you at least wait while I fetch a friend?"

Vinyl looked over her shoulder, ignoring the swimming the world was doing around her. "What friend?"

"You have several." Doctor Stitch smiled at that. "I'll fetch whichever I see first. Miss Melody or Mister Name?"

Vinyl crashed down to her haunches. "I want Octie. Get her." She thrust a hoof at the doctor, which would have been far more meaningful if she hadn't missed by about ten degrees. "Bring her to me and appease your rock goddess."

"As you wish, my liege." He dipped his head towards her, a wry smile on his little snout as he hurried from the office. "At least she's not trying to move," he muttered to himself as he searched for Octavia. It struck him mid-step and he pivoted, scurrying towards the tall radio tower that thrust free of a small hut.

He was suddenly on his side. "Pounce successful," declared Bullette Belle, sitting on him with a big grin.

Doctor Stitch flailed a moment before he processed what had happened, peering at the mechanical filly that was about his size, holding him down. "Uh, excuse me..." He was never sure how to approach the automaton. He couldn't perform medicine on her, but she was self-thinking. "I need to find someone."

"Friendship mission: accepted." Bullette bobbed her head at him eagerly. "Please identify the target."

"I think you know her." He wriggled, trying to get out from under her with limited success. "Miss Melody? Octavia?"

Bullette pointed a hoof in an abrupt snap. "Current position. Activity: Public performance. I wanted to hear her play, but I wanted to get No Name so he could hear it too, then I saw you."

Doctor Stitch smiled faintly. "And you decided pouncing me was more important."

"Affirmative." She bounced once in place, on him. "It has been too long. Without regular contact, friendship points can decay." She leaned in close, touching her metal nose to his warm one. "We are still friends?"

"Um, yes, of course." He pushed against her with a little squeak. "And friends let friends stand up."

"Error." She hopped free of him and landed with deceptive lightness for being made of metal. "We will continue our missions."

"That we will." He scrambled up to his hooves and looked where Bullette had pointed. "Thank you." It wasn't towards the radio tower, instead it was more towards the center of town. He started for it, ears perked for the sound of music. He didn't hear Bullette scurry off, his mind on finding Octavia.

He found it beside the well, where Octavia stood up, her cello crossed over her form as she teased out a stirring ballad that sounded like a preparation for a battle. There were people gathered around, about a dozen, give or take, watching, listening, and being still while she played.

Doctor Stitch hesitated a moment, not wanting to interrupt the show on one hoof, but on the other, he felt sure she would want to know that Vinyl was awake and wanted to see her. He rocked on his unsure hooves, watching and listening a moment.

"Doctor?" She noticed him before he had dared to approach. "I trust everything is alright?" There was a clatter, her bow falling free of her hoof with her delay in playing.

It was too late for second thoughts. He rushed up towards her. "Yes, just fine. She's still weak, but awake and asking for you."

"Then I should see her." She nodded towards the crowd. "I'll return, but I must pause for now." There were some grumbles and sad noises, but none of them tried to stop her. She had the cello put away quickly with the bow atop of it before she sealed her case. "In your office, Doctor?"

"Yes, this way." He hopped up and came down facing his office. "Let's get to her before she tries something unwise."

Together they departed. Bullette arrived moments later with No Name, but there was no performance, or crowd. "Error!" she cried in dismay. "She was performing."

No Name gently pat Bullette's head with a careful hoof. "I don't doubt you. She musta got called by sometin'."

Bullette perked. "Likely direction deduced." She turned towards Doctor Stitch's office. "He was seeking her attention. Begin revised mission: Music of friendship." She began to walk determinately towards his office, tail wagging eagerly.

"And I'm a part ah that mission, right?"

"Affirmative," sang Bullette with building joy. "It is only a proper friendship mission when my #1 friend is present." She looked over her shoulder, walking at full speed despite it. "Do you think there is good news about Vinyl Scratch?"

"Or bad news," he grunted. "We'll find out."

"And assist," continued Bullette with a grin before she bumped right into the door of the office. "Error..." She shook her head, focusing on the door that wasn't polite enough to get out of her way.

Inside, Octavia was holding Vinyl, squeezing the tired-looking unicorn carefully. "How do you feel?"

"Tired." She stood up, shaking but supported by Octavia's presence. "And I hate it. I'm tired of laying around. Sleeping is boring, and I can't do it so good anyway. I want to get out of here."

Octavia circled around, throwing a hoof around Vinyl from the side instead. "If you want to take a walk, slowly, I'm right here."

Doctor Stitch quietly pretended he heard nothing, figuring Octavia would be responsible about it.

"You're the best, Octie." She nudged against her friend gently before trying to walk toward, staggering. "I need the practice..." She suddenly twisted her head to look at Octavia. "And you're gonna make me do it. Even if I collapse again, you slap me until I wake up and we keep going."

Octavia raised a brow. "That is not a promise I can make, Vinyl. I will see to your safety first."

Vinyl grunted at that. "Fine, give me pass out snuggles until I wake up, then we keep going."

Octavia nudged into her, working her shoulder a little under Vinyl. "I can't promise those either, young lady. Let's go."

"No fun," groused Vinyl as they started towards the door. Their walk was interrupted by a soft thump on it.

"It's open," called Doctor Stitch, sitting up.

The door swung open with a small metal filly bouncing in the moment it was out of the way. "Friend detected!" she sang in an excited reverb. She pointed at each of the ponies present, in case they weren't sure who she was referring to. "What has your diagnostic reported?" She was looking at Vinyl as she asked that, focused on her.

Vinyl quirked a smile. "Oh, wow. I wish I had a diagnostic. Do you? I'm so jealous right now. How do I get one of those?"

Octavia shook her head. "You do have one. Tell us how you feel, Vinyl."

"Is that what she meant? I feel weak as all get out and I hate it. I feel like my lungs hate me and my legs hate me and my hooves double hate me." She shook a weak leg, hoof wobbling. "I'll show them by reminding them they have to work and stop giving me sass."

The doctor reached up onto the desk he was seated at and pulled down a sheet of paper. "Her body reacted least favorably to that toxin. Any word on getting clerical assistance?"

Vinyl snatched at the paper with her magic, getting it to reach her hoof before she had to give it up, her consciousness fading rapidly with the effort. "No! Not sleeping... dang it..." She shook her head, trying to banish the lethargy. "Don't let me..."

"I'm right here," gently consoled Octavia, giving her friend the softest little shake.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm alright. Say, where's the big guy?"

"Right here." He poked his considerable head into the small building, snakes looking around independently. "Feeling better?" asked one of many of his snakes.

"Hey, lookin' good," she complimented, raising a hoof slowly to thrust it upwards. "Now that the whole gang's here, I'm doing way better. Let's get going before the doctor changes his mind and straps me to the bed."

Bullette scampered over to Vinyl's other side. With a soft clicking, her legs extended until she was pushing up against Vinyl's side, supporting her much like Octavia had already been doing. "Initiate new adventure."

No Name nodded to the small doctor. "Take it easy." He ducked out, leaving room for the girls to come spilling out of the office, leaving Doctor Stitch to quiet.

Doctor Stitch hopped down and reclaimed the sheet of paper that Vinyl had dropped and forgotten so quickly. "This wouldn't have helped you anyway." If they found a cleric, what it hinted at wouldn't matter anyway. And if they didn't... He shook his head. They would. He would have faith in the sheriff.

Vinyl smiled a little as she was helped into the bustle of the town. "Aw yeah," she breathlessly sighed out, eyes darting from motion to motion. "This is what I needed..."

"Fresh air?" ventured Octavia.

"Well, sure, that, but people... Hardly nopony goes in there." She pointed weakly into town. "Onwards, my people... ah wait. I don't feel my headphones."

Octavia glanced aside, noticing that Vinyl's head was strangely exposed with no earphones adorning it. "Mmm, you must have left it at the doctor's. No Name, can you help while I fetch it?"

"Sure." He reached out a hoof, replacing Octavia as she sped away, leaving Vinyl to No Name and Bullette's care. "So, real talk. How bad is it?"

"Pretty bad," sighed out Vinyl. "Is this what dying feels like? Sucks. I won't do it sprawled on a bed for weeks. I'll do it standing and maybe listening to some sweet tunes." She nodded firmly, even if that motion hesitated and jerked, little pains making her hesitate. "Ain't going out like that, you know?"

Bullette bumped Vinyl lightly. "Error! You are not permitted to die. You may apply again, in writing, in sixty days time."

Vinyl choked out a laugh at the response. "Really? Why sixty days? In writing?"

"If that's too inconvenient, then I am afraid to inform you that you may not die." She shook her head sadly. "Perhaps this will change in the future. Until then, we regret the inconvenience while you continue living."

Vinyl snorted at that. "Stupid rules. Leave it to the man to make them, trying to pin me in. I'll show them! I'll live so hard, they'll wish they had let me die the first time." She took a step forward before hesitating. "We should wait for Octavia."

"She's coming back," noted one of his snakes as he pointed. "And she has them."

"Right here." Octavia hurried into position, headphones in her teeth. With a flip of her neck, she hung them right over Vinyl's head, capping her ears with them. "Are the batteries still good?"

"Nope," grunted Vinyl. "Worst part of sitting there, really. They ran out, and trying to power them with my horn made me conc out more often than I liked, so I had to live without music!"

Octavia gasped dramatically, putting a hoof over her mouth.

Detecting the need for drama, Bullette gasped in three octaves at once. "Unacceptable! Initiating charge." She reached up and snatched the headphones right off Vinyl's head in her teeth and sat on her haunches.

Vinyl suddenly listed to the side without Bullette supporting her. "Woah!" Before she could hit the ground, a large hoof came in to the rescue. "Thanks."

"Ain't nothin'," assured No Name. "What are you doing with her headpiece?"

"Charging," reported Bullette as she raised a hoof that split apart twice, allowing fine wires to escape from within her recesses, reaching to insert themselves into the charging port of the headphones. "Charging initiated. Progress: 1%. Estimated Time: 2 hours."

Vinyl shook her head. "You don't have to do that, you awesome little filly you." She looked around blearily. "Where's the generator? Plug it in there and don't sit around for hours just for me."

Bullette stood up awkwardly, one of her hooves occupied. "I know where that is."

"Go on," encouraged No Name. "Come on back once you have it plugged in."

She saluted sharply, an effect ruined by the wires dangling from the unfolded hoof.

Octavia's eyes followed the retreating form before pointing at the well. "That is where most people seem to gather. How about we go there?"

"Sounds good." Vinyl nodded once before slumping against Octavia. "Thanks for coming for me. What've you been doing without me around to hassle you? You bored too?"

No Name snorted at that, moving with the girls towards the well. "She's gone and become a radio star."

Vinyl's ears pricked up at that. "You're messing with me." She nudged against Octavia, her tone turning into a soft whine. "You were waiting for me to get out of the picture, then rushed right for the top! You slinging dope-ass classical jams they can't say no to?"

Octavia met the pressure easily, keeping Vinyl upright. "I was only warming the seat for your return. They seem to enjoy the calm nature of the music, living in a life in such constant threat."

"Oh, huh..." Vinyl squinted a little behind her goggles. "That kinda makes sense. If you live on a rock cover, you get used to it, huh... Wow, to get bored of rock? Maybe we really do need to get out of here." She shivered as if in fear of the idea of getting bored of rock. "Hey, does that mean they won't like my music?"

"Nonsense." She leaned over and nipped one of Vinyl's ears. "Balance in all things. A little spirited music from you will go over just fine, I should imagine. First, we need to get you up on your hooves."


No Name suddenly put out a hoof, slipping it right under Vinyl's legs, lifting her up by her belly away from Octavia. "Yer gonna be fine," he noted as if it were simple fact. "Don't act like that. Now, ya wanna drink?"

"Uh... yeah...?" Vinyl tilted her head, looking around from her suddenly lofty perch. "Could you... put me down? I think..." She never finished the sentence, the meager contents of her belly rushing up her throat and making a mess on No Name's leg.

He hissed with several snakes as he put her down carefully beside the well, shivering and obviously unwell. "Just sit there." Ignoring the mess, he fetched up the water bucket with a turning of the handle there and got a ladle-full of water from that. "Here."

Octavia pulled free her miniature. "We need your help," she whispered, willing her unseen presence into being. "Help them clean up," she ordered, and it moved to do just that, tidying at Vinyl's messy snout and No Name's besmirched legs.

A few tears stung at Vinyl's eyes. "This isn't how I wanna go... I don't want to be remembered as a sick mare that couldn't rock... This isn't half as cool as I wanna go..."

"It ain't nothin'," assured No Name, nudging her with the water-filled ladle. "Drink."

Vinyl pushed the ladle away with a hoof. "What's it matter? Look, let's just be outright, yeah? I'm dying. The doc's trying to make me all cozy, and I hate it. I'm dying and I want to do it where I can see people." She sat up as tall as she could, which wasn't as tall as it normally was. "I hope the headset finishes soon..."

Octavia suddenly thumped Vinyl in the center of her chest, almost knocking the sick mare over backwards. "You stop that right there! Are you going to let me outlast you after a daring mission?"

"You think I want this?!" suddenly shrieked Vinyl, her cool shattered before she sank, sniffling. "This ain't how it's supposed to go... Some rock goddess... Going out like a chump... Just bury me somewhere out of the way, don't bother with a marker, not like I des--"

Octavia failed to restrain herself, punching Vinyl right across the face, sending her tumbling to the ground. She heaved as if it had been quite a marathon, breathing deeply as she looked down at her downed friend. She could feel eyes, so many others that were passing by stopped to stare at her sudden violence. They were judging her, and she perhaps deserved it. "Vinyl... are you alright?"

Vinyl weakly raised a hoof. "Is that... the best you have?" She pressed the hoof to the ground, slowly pushing herself upright onto her haunches. "Damn... girl... someone needs to teach you how to swing one like you mean it."

Octavia felt her cheeks burning brightly. "I don't want to hurt you, Vinyl. Please, you must know that."

"Well, you didn't." huffed out Vinyl. Her horn glowed in a spastic little shudder as she took the ladle at last, taking a big gulp of water before it fell from her weak magical grip. "Huh, tastes better fresh... Thanks, Big Guy."

"Yeah..." He put a hoof right on her head, holding her steady. "Look, you know she just cares, right?"

Vinyl wrinkled her nose. "When Octavia's mad enough to wimp-slap a pony, you know you done messed up." Her eyes darted up to meet Octavia's, tears still spilling free. "But I'm scared, Octie, right? I'm scared and I feel... Help me. Just... I don't even know."

No Name gently tussled her mane, running his hoof over the top of her skull. "Hey, I've been there. I had hurts so bad, was pretty sure I wouldn't be comin' back. I've had sharp things prodded in me in ways you don't wanna know, figured my time card was already punched, just waiting for it to end..."

Vinyl reached up, pulling her goggles free and sliding them up. "Those things are just awful for crying into, lemme tell ya."

Octavia sat down beside her friend. "Want some fur instead?"

"Since you're offering." She flopped against Octavia and buried her face into Octavia's neck. "I'm not even mad..."

"I'm glad to hear that, but I don't want you losing hope either." She reached around Vinyl, gently patting her. "We'll get some help, fix you right up."

"You promise?"

"I swear." Octavia raised her other forehoof over her chest before starting to do a move that only those who have lived in Ponyville had much chance of knowing. "Right in the eye. Can you imagine?"

"You, a cupcake? Never." Vinyl slowly sat up. "You'd do anything to stop that. Alright... a promise..." She smiled in a wry expression before looking back to No Name. "Hey, big guy, can you pick me up carefully? I wanna ride you."

"Phrasin'," he snorted, but he did reach for her, carefully scooping her up in a combination of snakes and hooves, working her up onto his back. "Please keep your insides on the inside while yer up there."

Octavia rose to her hooves, looking up at her friend. "Suddenly you're quite a bit taller."

"That's me, lord and rock goddess." She smirked a little, looking around from on top of No Name. "Yeah, not a bad view. I can see why Bullette likes it."

"Error!" cried the metal filly as she raced back towards them. "That is my position!" She pointed accusingly at Vinyl. "Surrender the position i--"

She didn't get to finish, being plucked up by Octavia's teeth and tossed onto Octavia's back. "There you are." She shuffled a little to make sure Bullette was settled properly. "A touch heavier than I imagined, but I can manage a little while, at least as long as Vinyl is enjoying herself."

Bullette tilted her head left and right with some confusion. "I accept this compromise." She pointed at the radio tower. "I saw Duck on the way to the generator. He desires your presence when it is convenient."

Vinyl hiked a brow at that. "You made friends with a duck? What did I miss?"

Octavia gestured towards the radio. "Shall we go? You may like him. He's very nice, and a little loopy, but mostly nice." She turned and began walking with her new heavy burden on her back. "Please get my instrument for me."

"Yeah." No Name grabbed the strap with a snake and ambled after Octavia, easily keeping up with her. "Maybe he can put a smile on her face."

"Someone needs a smile?" asked the mallard-colored pony they were approaching who had saw them first. "Hi hi!" He looked between the two mounts. "I know you." He pointed at Bullette. "I don't know you." He pointed at Vinyl. "Hiya! I'm Duck, Quack."

"Hey Duck," greeted Vinyl with a tired little wave. "I'm a little sick right now, so--"

"Oh no!" he cried with all the drama that Bullette had at times. "Did you bring her for some of my healing bread?"

Octavia hiked a brow at that. "You have healing bread?"

"Wait here." He scurried off, only to return almost as soon as he was out of sight, a great kaiser roll bouncing on his back. "Eat up and get better."

Vinyl reached for it weakly, but he had to shove it up towards her for her to get it properly. She cradled it between two hooves and took a great bite out of it. "That's a real crust," she mumbled as she tried to chew on what she had. "Mmm."

Octavia doubted the roll had any healing powers, but Vinyl looked like she was approving of it, and that wasn't a waste of time, she decided.

Author's Note:

This is a Vinyl chapter. Soak in the wubs.

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