• Published 5th May 2018
  • 1,579 Views, 506 Comments

Duet in the Dust - David Silver

Vinyl and Octavia fall face first into the grips of a post-apocalyptic Everglow. Can their friendship see them through the challenges ahead? (Ponyfinder Crossover)

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24 - Friendship is Medicine

Duck half-bounced in his step towards the radio station. "So do you like music?"

Vinyl swallowed down some bread, letting out a sigh. "I don't know how you made this, but... It's everything I ever needed."

Duck paused, looking back at her, his face brightening like the sun had failed to do for so many days. "Thank you! Um, but yeah, you like music?"

Bullette tilted her head. "Are your diagnostics reporting increased system efficiency?"

"Exactly that." Vinyl thrust a hoof at Bullette, barely wobbling for the effort. "Still ain't right, but... I feel a little alive." She tore at the bread with her teeth, ripping another chunk out with crust and fluffy core mixed. "And it's not all rushing back up, praises for that."

Octavia shook her head. "While I would normally question the veracity, its effects seem plain to see. Thank you, friend Duck. Are we to play today? Perhaps Vinyl would like that?"

Vinyl flopped down against No Name, her valliant mount. "Actually, yeah... It's been a while since your soft notes teased my ears. Lay it on me thick."

No Name pointed to the small building with the large tower projecting from it. "Well, this is the place. Ah ain't goin' in though, still ain't room fer that."

Vinyl lifted her shoulders in a shrug between chews. "S'all good. Not like I can't hear it, 'specially if they leave the door open."

Octavia huffed softly. "Not the best acoustic arrangement, but we work with what we have." She sank to the ground. "Last stop for adorable fillies."

"That is me!" cried Bullette with joy, sliding down from Octavia to the ground. "You have accomplished your task. I rate this ride 4 out of 5 stars, would ride again."

Octavia tilted her head at that. "What kept me from a five?"

Bullette pointed upwards. "Insufficient height." She then spread her hooves apart. "Insufficient width." She then pointed at No Name. "You are not him."

No Name shrugged gently. "Can't argue that, really."

"I suppose not." She circled around No Name to grab her cello case. "Now let's play some music. Are you in the mood for any particular genre, Vinyl?"

Vinyl sat up a little, still working on her bread. "Mmm, something with some metal, but sweet, like you."

"Mmm..." Octavia strode away with a thoughtful expression.

Inside the small radio building, Duck was already enthusiastically speaking to any listeners. "Quack! Hey hey hey! It's D U K Duck in the house! And the string tickler with a classy smile is with us." He waved dramatically at Octavia even if that couldn't be seen. "Her friend is sick, so this song is devoted to her. Spoiler: She can hear us, 'cause she's right outside!"

Octavia deployed the foot of her cello, leaning the instrument against herself, bow already held in hoof. "Hello, everyone who may be listening. My friend prefers a harder kind of music, so I will play something I hope she, and you, enjoys. Not written by any of the great classics, this one is more a call to how things are, rather than how we distantly remember them being."

She began playing her somber tune, imagining the wastes stretching out so far. She imagined the bandits that could attack, the monsters that could burst free from a pile of dead ash, intent on making you their meal. The struggle, but also the hiding beauty in it. Life was still there, still rising, growing, and even loving.

The world they had ended up in was an injured world, but it was not a dead world. She thought of Vinyl, sick herself, but struggling against it. She would not give up on Vinyl, did the world not deserve the same? She would recover, and so would the world. Her music picked up as her heartbeat rose with it. They would not give up! Though it would be long and hard and the struggle fierce, they would win, and the world would get a little better.

It was not dead. Nor was Vinyl. With a firm strum, she completed the song and bowed towards the only one actual person there staring at her. "Keep up the fight, those who are listening. The world is not dead, and neither are you. We will win in the end."

Duck clip-clopped his hooves in obvious enjoyment. "Nice song, Octavia. Isn't it great when she visits? Oh, I forgot the weather." He leaned in his chair to peek outside. "Still overcast, oh, Uh... If you aren't outside, you gotta go now! Now now now now!"

Octavia perked an ear at Duck, confused at his suddenly frantic message. She leaned her precious instrument against the radio equipment, abandoning it just a moment to peek outside and be blinded.

It was bright. So bright. She squinted her eyes open just a little, pupils narrowing as they had not had to for weeks, or was it months? She had lost track. There was a sun, peeking out from behind the clouds. It was grand and glorious and so very bright.

It was also gone, hidden behind the clouds an instant later as if it had never happened. She fell back against the building she had emerged from, a hoof to her heart to feel it thumping wildly. She was in bipedal mode still, hunched forward a little, panting deeply.

Vinyl was laughing, so very loud and wildly. "Wooooah, you saw that right? You literally rocked the sun into coming out! You won! You so won! Oh, wow, woah!" She clapped her hooves, but she was not alone, Bullette Belle clapping alongside her with her digital cries of joy.

No Name let out a slow sigh. "Ain't the first time ah saw it, but it still gets you..." He reached a hoof for Octavia, but she was stunned too far away to get to without moving. He started walking on his other three hooves. "Hey, thanks fer bein' here."

"You're... quite welcome." She fell to all fours, feeling less unsteady. "I... don't think I caused that." She had some magic, surely, but nothing quite like that. "I feel like I had been sleeping and just woke up."

"Yeah..." He gently brought down a hoof, stroking through her mane once. "It is like that... but ain't sure I'd call this a dream."

Octavia's nose wrinkled. "I disagree. You get to be with Bullette."

He jerked back with surprise before looking to the grinning little metal filly. "Huh, yeah... forgot to think that way. 'Course this is a dream." He waved a hoof at her and Bullette sped towards him quickly to receive gentle pats. "Yer too good to be true."

Bullette extended her metal tongue. "That is factually incorrect. My veracity is over one hundred percent!"

Vinyl snickered from atop No Name. "How can somepony be more then a hundred percent real?"

Bullette pointed a hoof at herself. "With the accrual of friendship points. Veracity is partially subjective. The more people know and desire your attention, the more real you must be."

Octavia blinked softly. "That's an interesting philosophy. Let me get my instrument." She turned back into the radio room to see Duck already standing on the ground instead of sitting in his chair. "Oh, the broadcast is over?"

"Yeah. I doubt people are doing anything but talking about how cool the sun-peek was." He reared up to clop his forehooves. "It barely ever happens! That's a good way to end a show. Can you do that next time too? Please! Please please please!"

Octavia went for her abandoned Cello, gently stroking it to remind it that she still loved it as she set it in its home and parked the bow in with it. "I can't make that promise. Today seems to be a fine day for unreasonable requests."

"Aw..." Duck came closer with a big grin. "Don't even worry about it. I mean, it would be super cool if you could, but I'd want you to come even if you never did that again. Quack! Ducks need sun!"

A small yellow face peeked out from his saddlebag, a young duck, not yet grown into its adult colors.

Octavia backpedaled in surprise. "I didn't know you had a pet?"

Duck looked to the side. "Oh! You never met Dolan? That was silly of me. Silly Duck. Quack. Dolan, this is Octavia."

Dolan tilted his head up at Octavia. "Charmed to meet you, Miss."

Octavia had to blink at the little bird that spoke more eloquently than its... owner? "Likewise. Do you usually remain in there?" She pointed at his saddlebag.

"I was just taking a nap, apologies." He slipped free of the bag and stood on Duck's back before settling on his belly. "Now then, I hear you are a performer? I apologize for missing your--"

Duck suddenly thrust a hoof up. "Wait!"

Dolan peered at his mount. It was quiet as Octavia slung the instrument case into position.

"What? Oh yeah, I said wait." He giggled to himself, pleased. "That was my fault. Some people get nervous around Dolan. I don't know why. You like Dolan, right?"

Octavia tilted her head. "He seems perfectly reasonable." The duck that acted like a pony was, in some ways she determined, less troubling than a pony who acted like a duck. "Does... he also like bread?"

"Yes!" shouted Duck.

"No," more quietly refuted Dolan. "Too much bread can be bad for you. I prefer more variety in my diet if it can be helped."

Octavia nodded to Dolan. "You should pay attention to him, he seems to know a thing or two."

Duck rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mother."

Octavia's cheeks lit up instantly. "Only Vinyl gets to call me that!"

Duck tilted his head. "I thought..." He trotted right past Octavia, pushing the door open to go outside. "Hey, hey hey! Vinyl?"

Octavia felt her lips peel back in horror as she rushed for Duck.

"Is Octavia your--"

Octavia jumped on him from behind, tackling him to the ground. Dolan flapped free of the mess, taking off before Octavia finished her pounce.

"Oh... my gosh... Hug time!" he giggled with growing joy, detecting no malice in the sudden tackle. "You even remembered to not tell me. You are one of the best friends I ever met, wow."

Vinyl pushed up her goggles. "What's a mare have to do to get tackled by an Octavia around here?"

Bullette Belle suddenly hopped up to all fours. "Longshot."

"Aw, don't be like that." Vinyl stuck out her tongue at Bullette. "Really, calling it a long shot? I thought we were cool."

No Name reached up towards his back as best he could, limited as that was. "She's not... Look." He decided pointing was better. Queen Sheriff Longshot was approaching, a vulpine pony trotting alongside her, taking notes on a large-looking scroll.

Longshot smiled brightly. "Well, look at this, some of my delightful citizens, enjoying the day. Did you see that spot of sun? Wasn't it delightful? I hope no one's eyes were harmed?"

Duck scrambled up to his hooves. "My peepers are A OK!" He saluted sharply. "Miss Longshot, Ma'am. We were just doing a show and Octavia played the sun out. It was amazing!"

Longshot nodded at that. "I have little doubt that the sweet notes of an angel could summon the sun for a time should she wish it." She smiled at Octavia briefly before her attention fixed on Vinyl. "And you, the other half of the holy duet. Are you still hurt?"

Vinyl's happy expression faltered, reminded of her situation. "Yeah... It... Well, Duck's bread helped a little, but it ain't fixed..."

She shook her head at that. "Doctor Stitch informed me somewhat, but seeing you paints a more clear picture." She leaned in and nudged Vinyl with her snout, watching as Vinyl flopped atop No Name's back. "Unacceptable... You must be seen by a healer, now, not later. Waiting for one to happen by is not an acceptable strategy."

Vinyl held up a weak hoof. "Hey, c'mon, I mean... I don't... want to die, but I know how this works too. I haven't paid for so much. I owe you and everyone else in this town everything..."

"And you will owe us more." She tapped Vinyl right on the nose. "Which is why it is in our best interest to see that you live long enough to start putting a dent in that."

No Name snorted at that. "Oh, sure, make helping someone sound shady."

Bullette shrugged her shoulders. "Initiate friendship mission?"

Dolan suddenly landed right on her head. "A mission, certainly. I would not classify it as a 'friendship mission', however."

"On the contrary." Longshot turned and directed to the northeast. "I'm sending you back to old friends, because they have answers. The human town has a trained healer, the magical sort. I feel certain they can cure you, and a written promise from me that we will repay the kindness and materials will go a long way to making sure they agree to render services."

Octavia bowed to the regal mare. "You are too kind by half, but we will not turn--"

"Don't be accepting things for me, Octie." Vinyl sat up on No Name's back, huffing softly as she met Longshot's eye. "How can we be sure they'll even let us in the town?"

"We cannot," easily admitted Queen Longshot. "And yet, you must go. You are too weak for us to accept waiting as the course of action. You did not leave them on too bad of terms, we hope?"

Octavia put a fetlock over her eyes. "I let a bandit go and was being punished for that. Other than that, not particularly?"

Vinyl huffed softly. "Your 'punishment' was just pulling the goods here that we traded and got ditched for. Barely a punishment. I bet he did it to look mean."

Dolan hopped with a flap of his wings, easily landing on Duck's head. He leaned in, whispering something quietly to the duck-colored pony. "Oh yeah, great idea," Duck replied with a big grin. "We'll help!"

Longshot turned an ear to Dolan and Duck. "You are both very brave, but this is not your battle. Why are you eager to join them?"

Duck put a hoof to his chest. "I am a bard." He pointed at Vinyl. "She wants to play music, but she's too sick, so if I can help her do that, I'll feel better." Dolan leaned in and whispered something. "Oh yeah! She'll also have to play on my radio a little, you know, for fun. I bet she'll have a great time once she's better again."

Vinyl weakly waved a hoof. "You got it, little duck."

"Just Duck. D U K, Duck. Quak." Duck bobbed his head eagerly. "So, yes?"

Queen Longshot looked to No Name silently. He knew what question was being asked of him. Having Duck along meant another body to watch carefully, and he already had Vinyl and Octavia and Bullette to watch carefully. "Yeah yeah, I'll keep 'em all in one piece."

Bullette saluted sharply. "Weapon systems are ready. No harm will be allowed to those with the designation of friend."

Longshot peered down at the small metal one. "Do we have that designation?"

Bullette sat up at that. "You are a respected adult. We have had insufficient opportunity for friendship point exchange. Would you like to begin?" She hopped forward, pronking on all fours in one big bounce. "We can start by exchanging information about our likes and dislikes."

Longshot gently set a hoof on Bullette's metal mane, holding her in place lest she bounce forward again. "I appreciate your energy, Little Belle. Use it to keep your friends safe. Can you do that, please?"

"Command accepted," sang out Bullette as if she had just been given free candy. "Danger level: Green."

Octavia inclined her head softly at Bullette. "You never asked me for my likes and dislikes."

Bullette tilted her head. "We broke that barrier of familiarity in other ways." She gestured to herself then at Octavia. "We are friends, yes?"

"I like to think so," agreed Octavia with a little smile. "Well, when do we... make this trip? The human town isn't that dreadfully far, about a day and a half of a hike to my recalling. We had to sleep out once, and we were pulling a cart at the time."

Vinyl patted the side of the large pony she rode on. "I don't feel scared of no stupid bugs with big guy here to watch our backs."

"I'll watch your front," bravely volunteered Duck, springing in place with all the energy that Bullette had. "Friendship trip!"

"Yes, friendship trip!" sang out Bullette in obvious agreement. The two began to pronk around each other, bouncing with a joy that only seemed enhanced with the presence of the other.

No Name shook his head a little. "You'll help me out, right?"

Octavia's smile turned wry. "Of course. Us 'responsible adults' have our weight to pull." She nodded to Longshot. "Well, we'll gather the supplies for the trip and, with any luck, it'll be far less harrowing than our last."

"I would hope as much." She sighed softly, but it turned back to a gentle upwards curl of her lips. "But put that thought aside. The humans, though cool, are friendly towards us. We've never had problems trading with them. Come respectfully and leave the same way, and there should be no issues." She unfurled her wings, stretching them wide as she turned to the right. "For now, my town needs me. Please travel well, and return safely, that is an order."

She departed to a collection of waving hooves. Vinyl's cheeks bulged suddenly, but she grimaced and swallowed it right back down, panting. "Huh... your bread ain't... entirely bad the second time."

No Name shook his head. "That sounds like a good sign we should get going. Octavia, want to handle the shopping?"

"On it." She took off in a gallop, Bullette chasing after her.

Duck was left looking confused. "When is bread ever bad?"

No Name pat Duck on the head. "Hey, Dolan. You're a member of the responsible team, right?"

"Undoubtedly, Sir." Dolan bowed and swept a wing aside in a proper bow. "Someone has to watch over him."

Duck looked back at the duck bowing on his back. "You're so silly. I take care of you." He leaned towards No Name. "He likes to pretend he's in charge, shhh." He was not at all subtle in his loud whisper.

Vinyl snickered softly before pointing vaguely eastward. "Let's head to where we'll have to leave town, then you can put me down a little. If I want to lose anything, at least it won't be on you, No Name. I mean, thanks, really..." She ran a hoof gently through No Name's fur. "Ain't too many people I'd figure would carry me like this, knowing I'm a ticking time bomb."

He turned an ear towards her, but he was facing away from her, ahead of himself. "Ain't no thin'." He began to lumber towards the East side of town, making sure Duck followed along. "It was kinda my fault anyway. Couldn't even protect you, or her... Ain't no excuses fer that."

"Don't be like that." She slumped against him, watching the world go past blearily. "I fought with you, remember. At worst, you didn't outshine me too much."

"And I should have," suddenly hissed out a snake.

"Sorry," whispered another, glancing around. "Sorry... We're seasoned adventurers. You are both... innocent. We should have protected you, and I failed. I failed to protect either of ya and I let her get... Look, ah'm gonna put it right, okay? You just hang in there, and enjoy the ride."

"Can I get a ride?" asked a hopeful Duck.


"Aw..." Duck stuck out his tongue at the big meanie that was No Name. "You're lucky."

Vinyl snorted softly. "Yeah, wanna trade? You can have the lung crud and I'll walk. Sounds fair to me."

"Ooo, can we, can we?" Duck bounced as he walked, looking dangerously eager to accept.

Dolan bopped him with the flat of a wing. "No."

"Why is everyone telling me no today!?" cried Duck, looking scandalized. "I gave bread and everything. I'm a good duck. Stop being mean to me!"

Dolan gently patted Duck as he walked. "Don't worry, perhaps on the way back, when Vinyl's feeling better, No Name will consider, but you shouldn't ask until at least then, and you'll have to deal with Bullette."

"Deal with her?" He looked back at Dolan, walking/hopping blindly. "Quack, why would I need to do that, not that I mind talking to her. We're like best friends!"

Dolan tilted his little yellow head. "Then it may be easy, but be sure to ask her too, or she'll get grumpy and mean. That is her ride."

"It's true," agreed No Name with a nod. "If she could, she would attach a little sign to my back, 'Property of Bullette Belle'."

Duck gasped loudly with a quack. "You must be super besties with her then." He was gazing at Vinyl with newfound amazement. "What's your secret? I wanna be besties with her too!"

Vinyl shook her head slowly. "Dude, love your energy, but being sick sucks, and blows, usually in a messy way. Uh, can you tone it down a few notches? I can't believe I'm asking that of anyone... Cure me or kill me, please. This is not how a rock goddess lives."

"Aw, don't be like that." He bounced up, his own wings giving a flap to life him just high enough to nose at one of Vinyl's dangling hooves. "We're on the case! We're gonna visit the humans, and say hi, and give them... Oh no!" He came to a sudden and complete halt. "I gotta go get bread to bring!" He hurried away, Dolan barely hanging on for dear life as Duck dashed through the town.

No Name kept going forward, nodding. "Wish granted, a few minutes of peace."

"Woo... Gonna pass out now, alright?" Before he could reply, her soft snores could be heard, turning off as readily and easily as someone brushing up against a light switch.

He snorted softly. "Wish I could do that..." Sleep did not always come easily to his troubled mind, but he didn't spend much time considering it, plodding forward with care to his sleeping passenger.

"Oh, it's you." The shopkeeper grinned softly. "I heard your last trip went... oddly, but I hope the supplies were good?"

"They were quite fine," easily agreed Octavia as she looked around the shop. "This will be a shorter one. I need food for... 3 normal sized ponies like myself, 1 duck, and one pony that is significantly larger." She held up a hoof high. "And water for the same. We still have the sleeping equipment and such from before. Plan for 4 days."

"Where are you headed, if you don't mind the prying?" The shopkeep busily started stacking rectangular cubes of rations on the counter, making several seats as they counted them under their breath. "Going with little Bullette here?"

"Affirmative," sang the little robot as she sprang right up on hydraulic pistons, firing herself in a little arc that landed with her standing on the counter perfectly. "I will ensure that no harm comes to her while further accruing friendship points. Humans are resistant to most attempts, but I feel ready to try again."

The shopkeep patted Bullette on the head. "You keep at it. I know you'll win through eventually." They pushed the cubes together firmly and began wrapping them up tightly for moving. "Here we are, all ready. Let me get some water skins filled up for your trip. You be careful, alright? I don't want to hear our neighborhood angel got hurt."

Octavia turned bright red swiftly. "Who told you that name?!"

"Longshot mentioned it to someone, who told someone else, you know how it goes." The shopkeep waved it off as they went to get the water. "Be right back."

Author's Note:

I was a slow writer today, but here we are! Enjoy. Are things too crowded?

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