• Published 25th May 2018
  • 1,529 Views, 115 Comments

KONO DIO DA: 『Over Friendship』 - DIO Brando

  • ...

The Moon's Stand

Today is June 9th. The summer sun celebration is in thirteen days.

"Fine! You can forget about friendship anymore!" a mare shouted obnoxiously at a stallion, who looked around with a blush on his face at the equines staring at him in such a public area, "I was talking to a stallion better than you anyway!"

The stallion looked like he was about to cry as she stomped away, purposely brushing dirt into his face. On her way out, she bumped into a certain stallion with a blonde mane.

"Out of my way!" the mare shouted.

That stallion was Kira, who had watched the events unfold in quite an utter distaste, but who was accountable? The other stallion looked down, eyes wide as he seemed confused.

"That's Cocoa," Lyra whispered to Kira as she leaned over, having stood beside him the whole time, "I know he wouldn't hurt a fly, why would she do such a thing to him?"

Lyra approached the stallion to console him while Kira looked back towards where the mare walked, following her subtly from behind.

"The Stand's name is 『Solitude』, representing the individuality and self-reflection of a sentient being," Luna explained, "it's ability is to modify dreams and hold together the mind of an individual who is alone."

"Implying that an individual could not do so on their own?" DIO asked, raising a brow. Luna sighed.

"They are only animals," Luna admittedly stated with almost a feeling of defeat, "without my ability, they wouldn't be able to hold themselves together on the inside, causing them to break down to the way things were long ago."

"The conflict between the three races, the feeding of the sirens?" DIO asked, recalling some reading he had done in Fluttershy's cottage.

"Yes," Luna affirmed, "my Stand allows them to live, but I understand it so little."

"This, other Stand user," DIO said, "perhaps their ability, or even their lack of knowing their ability, is what's causing Stand users to enter into this world?"

"You bring up a good point. . .But it requires complicated magic to do such a thing, I can't even fathom it!" Luna replied. It was true, that kind of magic is heavily forbidden due to it's immense power and ability. Discord could access different dimensions with his chaos magic—the most powerful magic of that nature I can currently ponder—but this was an entirely different universe."

"In that case," DIO thought for a moment, "it would have to be some powerful creature working in conjunction with Stand Power in order to permit such a thing."

Luna only pondered the implications.

"Lord DIO! Wake up!" Fluttershy said, gently tugging at DIO's jacket as he slowly opened his eyes.

"What. . ?" He asked. He saw that the room was full of stressing equines. Luna soon stepped in the room as well, having exited the dream.

"There's been another killing. . ." Twilight said quietly. The room fell silent as discomfort arose. DIO quirked a brow.

". . .and?"

"Well, nopony knows who it was, and I have a feeling had it been human. . .they would have seen it," Twilight forced out. DIO nodded.

"What of the body?" He asked, before Twilight began to shake her head.

"No body. Just a body of magic floating around the home like some kind of residual energy," she replied, "I don't know if we have mages in Ponyville capable of deciphering memory from residual magic."

"Oh, why does this person have to be so mean!?" Fluttershy blurted out, earning the room's attention, "At least Lord DIO was nice and didn't kill anyone!"

Twilight began to raise her hoof slowly.

"Except for those people in Sugar Cube Corner that one time, but other than that he was nicer than this person!"

Twilight slowly put her hoof down.

"It's Yoshikage Kira," Josuke suddenly said, coming out from behind a door. Everyone turned to him attentively.

Kira walked up to Lyra's house, noticing that the door was left slightly open. Cautiously, he walked in looking around before he heard talking.

"Ah, she's just been sick lately!" Lyra said, sounding nervous.

"She's been sick for nearly the last week without going to a hospital?" Another mare questioned with an audible doubt, "I'm going to go see her."

"Wait, you can't—!" Lyra shouted. About that time, Kira walked in.

"Who the hell are you?" The mare asked, before gasping and standing back, as Killer Queen manifested behind him.

"My name is Yoshikage Kira. I've killed fifty-one beautiful women up until now."

"You will be fifty-two."

The mare tried to let out a scream before Killer Queen threw a fist into her face, muffling her shout before blowing her up entirely.

"Kira," Lyra said, breathing heavily, "I think people are starting to get suspicious."

"Let them," Kira said, "They'll only become so suspicious until they realize it's too dangerous."

Lyra nodded, hanging her head.

"Was killing Bon-bon the wrong thing to do?" She asked quietly. Kira sat down beside her.

"I would not say it was wrong, or right," He explained, sitting close enough to give her a kind of physical comfort, "But it was a decision you made, and a decision you made for yourself, therefore you should live with it regardless and be proud of it."

"You're right, I shouldn't go back on what I've decided," Lyra said proudly, lifting her head with a motivated smile, "And if anypony gets in our way, we'll just show them to Tartarus!"

"There you go," Kira said with almost a bit of enthusiasm as he smiled brightly, wrapping a foreleg around her and patting her side. "I appreciate your train of thought."

"And I appreciate your help, Kira, very much," she replied, nuzzling his neck lightly. He smiled again, feeling less conflict of thought this time. As long as she thought like he did, was there really any harm in having a friend, or even a love inter—

He shook his head, not willing to think that far yet.

DIO turned to face Josuke. "Is this name supposed to mean something?"

"He was a serial killer of my old town," He said, "He had a Stand named Killer Queen, and it was capable of turning anything into a bomb."

"So you mean that he's detonating ponies?" Twilight said, tilting her head with an expression of disgust.

"Yes, the bombs leave no trace," Josuke said, "after Killer Queen has touched something, anything, it is capable of exploding whenever Kira wishes for it to."

"And how are you so sure that this, Kira is the culprit?" DIO asked, placing his hands on his waist with a quirked brow.

"Because he has a pattern," Josuke said, "It would take a while to explain, but with Stand users coming from our world, this has to be the case!"

"it is worth considering, then," DIO nodded, "We should look for him, perhaps starting with the same area we had appeared."

Josuke nodded, looking at Twilight, "You can keep managing the records to see if any more Stand users arrive, we'll start searching now for him. It's important we find him as soon as possible!"

"Right!" Twilight said, "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, I want you to get the rest of our friends here so that we can be prepared to assemble the Elements if necessary."

The two nodded, hopping up and dashing off immediately.

They were sure they could take care of this threat with no problem, but, with the exception of DIO, nothing had ever been this serious. Luna stayed quiet in the background, using her own Stand to avert the amount of stress on the equines that this would have caused otherwise.

Later that night, Kira had woken up suddenly beside Lyra, gasping as he felt his body. Still equine, still real. Lyra rolled over slowly, groaning quietly.

"Are you okay Kira. . ?" She muttered, laying a hoof over him. He shook his head a bit.

"Yes. . .I had a strange dream."

"What was it?" Lyra had a voice of concern as she opened her eyes wider to observe him. His expression almost screamed with how deep in thought he was, and how worried he seemed.

"I saw two large figures, and they had these spirits behind them. One was white, and one was black, and white one's spirit was much larger. It stepped on the black one, then looked at me and pointed, before it let out a terrible sound and the world was torn apart," He explained. Lyra shared the worry, having never seen anything like that in her dreams before.

"Even if. . .for some reason. . .the spell didn't work," Lyra pondered aloud, "I've never seen anything like that, nor has anypony else—at least that I've spoken to. What could that mean?"

"I'm not sure," Kira said, "But I'll need to return to sleep regardless; I can't stay up all night because of a simple nightmare."

"Yes, you do," She leaned into him a bit, "See you in the morning, goodnight."

"You as well," He said quietly, closing his eyes.

Author's Note:

Jesus Harold Christ this took a long time didn't it?

I've FINALLY done something everyone, I hope to keep up a relatively active schedule in light of some more positive events going on now. I should be moving out soon as well! Who knows what the future holds, but it sure as hell better be the end of this damn trilogy.