• Published 25th May 2018
  • 1,533 Views, 115 Comments

KONO DIO DA: 『Over Friendship』 - DIO Brando

  • ...

Hey! Remember that time I hit you with a steamroller and made a chess reference?

"DIO, take a look!" Josuke pointed at a figure sitting under a tree in the distance dressed in white. DIO looked, nodding.

"That's definitely a human," he replied, walking closer. Josuke followed, and, as they approached, the figure lifted a very familiar looking hat. DIO squinted his eyes.

"Is that. . ?" Josuke said, stopping for a moment as DIO continued to walk slowly forward.

"It can't be. . ." DIO said, clenching a fist.

"Wait, DIO, what are you—" Josuke said, before DIO started to fly in that direction.

The figure stood up, a long, white coat with a dolphin pin flowing in the wind as he kept the hat over his eyes with a pointer finger and thumb. His black hair, tall stature, there was no mistake who it was.

"Yare Yare Daze. . ." the figure said, looking up at DIO, who was now five meters away.

"Oh no," Josuke said, "It is! Don't fight!"

"DIO!" the figure shouted, the vampire landing on his feet and looking towards the figure.

"Jotaro," DIO said, summoning The World behind him with clenched fists.

"This won't end well. . ." Josuke said quietly, remaining hidden as he knew that there was nothing he could do.

"You seem to have a very long list of people. . .ponies that you want gone," Kira noted, quirking a brow as Lyra had finished discussing her personal "hit list".

"Well, you see. . ." she explained, looking away and scratching her head, "if you compare that to the list of ponies who have such a fascination with humans. . ."

"I see," Kira said, understanding her point, "so they've bullied you in some way? How evil. I assure you, we can take care of them."

Lyra smiled, nuzzling him. His conflicting emotions had been festering for a while now, and he was not sure what to do. After a few moments, Lyra looked up.

"Why are you so conflicted?" she asked. Kira was taken aback, thinking he was doing a well enough job of concealing it. Unfortunately, he didn't do a good job of not feeling it.

I'm sorry.

". . .why would you say such a thing?" Kira asked, nearly baffled by her intuition, and still trying to play it off.

"It seems humans and ponies are very similar in how they act," Lyra said, "you can notice the patterns. I understand, of course, I'm not mad. I'm just curious, you know? I'd. . .really like to make something. . .you know, work?"

Kira's eyes widened a bit; Lyra's voice had gotten a bit timid. It was obvious what she was implying.

"Perhaps we should talk about it later," Kira said suddenly, getting up from the bed they had been sitting on, "we have a long list to go through."

"Right!" Lyra said with excitement, seeming not to have been gravely affected by his sudden change of subject. She hopped up, walking out as Kira followed, heading to their next victim.

The air was torn by the thundering of clashing fists. The once beautiful forest area had been nearly decimated as the two formidable stand users fought, neither showing relent as they both showed equivalence of power to one another. Even Jotaro, with his five seconds of stopped time against the several minutes that DIO had, still managed to match up by sheer power and endurance.

"You surely cannot win, Jotaro! I have more power than ever before!" DIO shouted, hurling fists faster than light. Jotaro kept up with him, having a grimacing face as he began to feel fatigued.

"Power? Is that what you call breaking my dolphin pin?" Jotaro shouted back.

"What does your dolphin fetish have to do with anything?" DIO said, more casually as his punches slowed down, before he took a heavy hit to the chest.

"Hmph," Jotaro said, walking towards DIO again as he had been knocked through a tree, "what kind of power are you talking about that makes you endure getting rammed through a tree?"

"Jotaro!" Josuke suddenly said, "you need to stop fighting! He's changed now!"

"Josuke!" Jotaro replied, turning towards him before DIO swung a kick into his face.

After minutes of more fighting, and Josuke trying to stop them, the gang of ponies showed up to see what all the commotion was. As they arrived, they were baffled by the destruction of the two creatures.

"Is that Kira?" Twilight asked Josuke, gesturing to Jotaro.

"No, that's my nephew," he sighed, having given up on trying to stop the two. The ponies exchanged looks as it sounded like a bad punchline.

"Why are they fighting?" Dash asked. Before Josuke could answer, another loud bang with a bright light interrupted the combat.


All was silent for a moment, as both DIO and Jotaro looked up at the glorious figure, Celestia herself, standing amidst them with a stern expression.


Celestia dropped her expression, as her and everyone looked at DIO, and I honestly have no clue what to describe the emotions they or I am feeling right now.

"Did Lord DIO just. . ." Fluttershy said softly, before Celestia shook her head and spoke up.

"This one is not the culprit!" Celestia said suddenly, "he was here far more recently than the other, so why are you two fighting?!"

"He started it!" DIO said with a frown.

Jotaro looked at him with a confused expression, as DIO had obviously done so. By this point, Jotaro had noted DIO's very strange and bizarre change of character. It was almost frightening; in fact, Jotaro was starting to wonder if he had actually gone into some kind of coma entering the new world.

"DIO, you bastard," Jotaro said, "what has happened to you?"

Fluttershy trotted up to DIO now, comforting him; Jotaro was only more confused.

"Friendship," Twilight said, "he learned friendship."

Instead of having a typical d'aw moment, Jotaro simply refused to believe such a thing; however, he still retracted his Star Platinum and decided to stop fighting, as DIO had obviously a vastly alternative demeanor from before. Celestia sighed, opening her wings again.

"There's been another killing. I'm going to set up a patrol around Ponyville's borders so that we can closely monitor who goes in and out. This killer cannot be let loose in the rest of Equestria. Now, work together and find him!" She suddenly launched into the air, leaving a cloud of dust behind as she left. There was a long pause.

"While you two were fighting, we found out there was another killing," Twilight said, breaking the silence, "it seems to be of a mare that really didn't get along with Lyra specifically. I remember hearing her gossip constantly about her obsession with humans."

"Are you implying she might be working with Kira?" Fluttershy asked, looking concerned. Twilight shook her head.

"No way," she said, "Bon Bon went missing, I'm assuming she was one of the first victims of Kira."

The few were silent for a moment, as most of them had known Bon Bon rather well.

"Then why would Kira kill one of the ponies she isn't fond of, or do you think it was a coincidence?" Dash replied.

"Could it be Stockholm's, maybe?" DIO suggested, "Perhaps her obsession with humans increased the likelihood of her finding him, and maybe she's deluded after the traumatic experience?"

"That's plausible," Twilight said, "but that must be terrible."

"I couldn't imagine losing one of my friends like that," Fluttershy said quietly. DIO petted her mane slightly, looking at Josuke.

"What do you think?" DIO asked. Josuke thought for a moment.

"He has a pattern of going after people who are. . .for lack of better word, 'deserving', in his eyes," Josuke said, "perhaps he feels some kind of twisted sorrow for the pony?"

"Perhaps," DIO looked at Jotaro for a moment, Jotaro returning a sour expression before DIO spoke up, "Will you help us find the culprit?"

The group all looked at Jotaro. He reluctantly closed his eyes.

"Good grief," he said, before nodding, "fine."

The ponies, as well as Josuke, all smiled with glee. DIO kept a straight face, as he himself still had a bit of resentment for Jotaro. It was quite obviously returned.

"This is too bizarre," Jotaro pondered to himself as they began to walk back to Twilight's home.

Author's Note:

I fulfilled my DIO Squeeo and "I can show you Za Warudo" promises.

You're welcome.