• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 111 – Five Years Later


Five Years Later


Canterlot, Equestria

10:57 a.m.

Above Landing Zone A

General Rainbow Dash of the Equestrian Army could barely even see the goliath refugee shuttles making their entry into Equestrian airspace. They broke through the heavy storm clouds, followed the flashing lights from the nearby Wonderbolt Pegasi and Canterlot airships leading them to the landing zone.

It was all a stale routine for her at that point in her life. More Earthen refugees leaving the hopeless efforts on their home world to search for a new opportunity, a new life on the Equestrian front. Spanning across the severe reconstruction sites around Canterlot Mountain, gargantuan steel and concrete structures stood erect upon the city’s edges. The Landing Zones were barren and clear, more Wonderbolts waving landing lights in their hooves like burning flares to call to the shuttles making their descent from the skies. The Landing Zones led into the redesigned and refined train stations surrounding the edges of Canterlot Mountain, which undoubtedly led to Ponyville and the refugee camps stationed there.

As for General Rainbow Dash, she and Commander Tempest Shadow stood upon the lead airship of Equestria’s Grand Fleet, a mighty behemoth of a warship formed from metal, wood, and fire. It spanned more than a mile long, a towering balloon attached to its deck alongside several dozen cannons the size of castle pillars. The balloon kept the ship afloat alongside the steam-powered engines on the stern. It was an astounding feat in Equestrian engineering and a clear sign of the nation’s dominance within the world. Joining it was the rest of the Grand Fleet, dozens and dozens of smaller airships pockmarking the skies like crows. Like vultures. Forever circling and protecting the capital of the Equestrian Empire.

The ship they stood upon was rightly named the “War Horse”. It sent a haunting and frightening image and shadow upon all the refugee shuttles as they finally made their landings. Safe and secured, ensuring them the power of the nation they were granted to enter as well as what was willing to defend them from any signs of a threat. Upon the edge of the bow, Rainbow Dash and Tempest Shadow stood side by side, soldiers in arms, as they watched the shuttles open and the ramps descend to the awaiting Wonderbolts and Equestrian Refugee Service members. The ERS consisted of various unicorns and Pegasi, hardly any Earth ponies present as their expertise lied to more pressing matters. Nearly all Earth ponies were stationed back in Ponyville or throughout the rest of the Equestrian frontier, doing what they were born to do: farm.

Now more than ever, Equus needed farmers. They needed food. And they were getting a helping of fresh hands for the field by the looks of the refugees.

Various men and women stumbled out of the darkness of the goliath shuttles and shielded their eyes from the brightness of the day. Even with the sun shielded by the thundering storm clouds above, the bright gray of the skies would still be quite unbearable on first viewing. General Dash and Commander Shadow could only watch from above the War Horse as various humans and ponies—surprisingly enough—entered onto Landing Zone A, B, C, D, E, and F, each one spanning and circling across Canterlot and the mountain.

The ponies exiting the shuttles caught Rainbow’s interest, but only for a second before she finally realized they were probably just visitors, families reuniting with those who chose to remain on Equus. The ponies stepping out of the shuttles were returning from their new lives on Earth, the ones who sought new opportunities and new lives upon the sister world when Equus could offer them none. Alongside the ponies, the humans entering Equestria’s capital either for the first or the last time came with their lives literally attached to their backs, carrying large strollers filled with the necessities to rebuild. As well as their families. It was quite possibly the largest conglomeration of children General Rainbow Dash had seen in a long time, their innocent and curious eyes gazing to the vast majesty of Canterlot’s reconstruction.

The mighty pillars of the Equestrian Empire were finally coming to a near-completion. The sprawling city of Canterlot took years to finally find its place back on the mountain of its original birth, but after several dangerous months of reconstruction, the base of the city was completed and the real rebuilding had begun. Various towers lined the skylines within Canterlot, hundreds upon hundreds of refurbished and rebuilt homes that housed hundreds of families. There were still hundreds more that needed to be finished, a constant drove of worker ponies flying by and with an even more constant flow of noise and bustle within the mighty capital city. The refugees were gathered and directed towards the offices within Canterlot. Their paperwork needed to be settled before they could ship off on the trains to their desired destinations. Mostly humans filled that void, the majority of the ponies already gaining entry to the trains and taking off. Several horns sounded off as the chugging of the steam engines powered up and the trains shipped off out of Canterlot.

As they watched the shuttles settle themselves onto the Landing Zones and the refugees and travelers from afar made their first steps onto Equestrian soil, Rainbow and Tempest could feel the wind start to pick up around them, the smell of rain fresh in the air. The wind tugged at their manes, Rainbow’s mane slightly shaved in the back and spiked forward in the front, practically covering the entirety of her right eye and leaving the left open and visible, the fiery stare cautiously watching each and every shuttle and refugee. As for Tempest, her spiked manecut remained much how she preferred, although with her shattered horn still present and forcing her to shield the wound with a forward spike of her rose-colored mane.

They both wore the new Equestrian standard uniforms for the reformed Equestrian Army, a navy-blue set of steel armor and jumpsuits beneath with helmets resting under their forelegs. The bright, violet star remained as a large patch on their shoulders, signifying who ruled them and the nation as a whole. Who they proudly followed and led her army across the vast, rural plains of the Equestrian frontier and beyond. To establish order amongst the chaos. To bring peace to Equestria and her allies.

A crack of thunder broke out the same moment Captain Spitfire landed behind them. She saluted, declaring loudly over the thunder, “General Dash, Commander Tempest! The Wonderbolts and I have successfully unloaded the refugees! No issues!”

Rainbow Dash slowly nodded, gazing nowhere else except upon the refugee shuttles. Upon the Landing Zones. The city of Canterlot. Tempest was the only one to meet Spitfire’s eyes, Rainbow naturally silent amongst the screaming wind and roaring thunder only growing closer.

Finally, she said, “Good work, Captain. As you were.”

Spitfire nodded, tightening the strap of her helmet around her head as she shot out her wings and flew off the deck of the War Horse. Tempest Shadow slowly looked away as the gust of wind from her jump blew her mane slightly back, forcing her to return to Rainbow’s side and watch, wait as the storm settled in and covered their fleet in its rain.

And General Rainbow Dash stared on, in silence, as those refugee shuttles collected a helping of ponies and less humans and rose up from their world. Returned to Earth to continue the endless cycle.

Canterlot Castle

Throne Room

11:03 a.m.

There has been a… slight increase to the refugee caravans coming from your very capital, Your Majesty. We… do not wish to point any fingers, especially during this severe financial and population crisis, but… all we ask is a quick notification of the exact numbers you wish to bring to Earth prior to actually doing so. That way we can better prepare. Is that too much to ask… princess?

Almost everything seemed to be too much to ask of Princess Twilight Sparkle. She just never showed it on account of the already overwhelming weight placed upon her withers.

The Canterlot Throne Room was poorly lit, a mere collection of less than a dozen flaming cauldrons lining one end of the room to the other. They were draped along the walls, the pillars, and the stained glass windows alongside the dark violet drapes adorning the cutie mark of the ruler of Equestria, the bright purple star etched upon each surface and remaining unmoved. No draft. No wind. Hardly even a breath. The storm was picking up and sprayed a helping of rain against the windows, the light gray of the clouds seeping and giving minimal light to the darkness.

Resting just before the golden throne, a row of thirteen drones hovered mere feet above the floor. They were formed in a semi-circle, facing the throne and the Princess of Friendship resting upon it. From those drones, a shimmer of blue light expelled from their irises and revealed live images of various world leaders. Hailing from Earth, the leaders of America, France, Great Britain, Russia, Japan, and Saudi Arabia all sat presently in their chairs from where they were situated in their home countries, the hologram revealing just them. Hailing from Equus, the rulers of Hippogriffia, the Changeling Empire, the Griffon Kingdom, the Dragon Lands, the Minotaur Nation, Abyssinia, and Yakyakistan stood at attention, their holograms flickering slightly as the kings and queens of each proud nation looked about to those present and accounted for.

They looked, especially, to the president of the United States, the man dropping the question to the ruler of Equestria. Several heads flickered as they turned towards Twilight’s direction, awaiting her response. Queen Novo, especially, awaiting Twilight’s final word on the subject.

The duo had become almost inseparable over the years. When Twilight was off trying to save the universe with the Avengers, there was Novo, taking her place and uniting the two kingdoms of Hippogriffia and Equestria for the time being. It was only until Twilight and her friends returned to Equus did that bond shatter, Novo resuming her rule in Hippogriffia and Twilight assuming command over the nation of Equestria. Without Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, or even Shining Armor left to rule, the fate of her home now rested on her withers. They needed a leader to bring them out of the chaos and criminal darkness that Thanos had left them in years prior. Twilight was that beacon for a short time, rebuilding from Ponyville and eventually beginning the reconstruction efforts to Canterlot once order was sustained worldwide.

Even when she was at her lowest points, falling further and further down with hardly any help from her other allies across Equus, there was Novo once again. She helped Twilight through every endeavor she faced, helping the young princess naturally enter into the realm of ruling a nation until it slowly became natural for the Princess of Friendship. It was what Celestia and Luna would have wanted for her, and Novo was more than willing to oblige and fill out her old friends’ last request.

Together, Twilight and Novo had helped to keep the flow of resources between the sister worlds strong and managed human integration and equine travels to Earth. A year after the Snap, humans began arriving to Equus for new chances and opportunities via space shuttle. NASA supported the endeavor. It was only after the rulers of the sister worlds signed an accord. The Earthen/Equine Accords stated clearly that any species may travel to and fro from the sister worlds through the newly-established refugee shuttles, bringing with them their lives if need be and starting over on either world. Considering the extreme and sudden drop in resources following the Decimation, the accords also mentioned the use of greater farmland needed for resources. Most of all the humans who traveled to Equus were farmers on Earth, their crops nearly destroyed and unable to be harvested. On Equus, miles and miles of fresh pastures and farmlands were just ready for their arrival. The accords ordered that all crops harvested would be shared equally among the sister worlds, the shuttles going back and forth between the planets also dropping off supplies along with refugees and visitors.

Unfortunately, the refugee crisis was still one of the many defiant issues that Princess Twilight had to deal with in the current day and age. She could not complain, as just as much ponies traveled to Earth as humans did to Equus. It must have been hard for the United States and various other countries just as well as it had been for Equestria, having to deal with so many lost lives, picking up the pieces following the invasion, and now faced with a flow of refugees looking for hope and the start of a new life. The war truly never ended. A war of politics now filled the void of bloody and wretched warfare that plagued their worlds just before the Snap.

After nearly thirty seconds of silence, Twilight Sparkle laid a hoof just over her heart, breathed in, and exhaled, releasing that pent-up anxiety with a flow of her hoof outwards. An old trick from an old friend. When she opened her eyes, heavy bags lay underneath her eyelids, her mane straightened properly with the golden crown resting upon her dome. She sat elegantly and dressed appropriately for the meeting, even though her inward appearance managed to slip through her facial features given the drained expression on her face.

“No, Mr. President, it’s not,” Twilight finally said, the light of the holograms reflecting off her golden-plated hooves and crown, especially from her face and eyes. A lone drone hovered forth from behind her throne, resting on Twilight’s side and displaying a holographic scroll for her to point to. “Our most recent caravans have just left with approximately one hundred and sixty-two refugees. You can send them straight to Filthy Rich in D.C. so he can get their paperwork signed and everything.”

The president of the United States nodded softly to that information, leaning outwards to speak to his Secretary of State momentarily on the recent information given. “Moscow will not take in any more refugees,” the Russian president spoke up, the holograms translating the Russian into Ponish, English, and various other appropriate languages. Twilight shifted in his direction with a pair of raised brows. “Should you continue to do so, we will be forced to excommunicate the recent inflow to the wildlands.

You would kill them?” the minotaur king snarled, stamping his axe heavily upon the stone floor of his castle, the sound traveling even through the hologram.

Not ‘kill’,” the king of Saudi Arabia corrected, earning the furious eyes from the minotaur. “My homeland has suffered enough turmoil these past five years. Much… of our homelands have suffered and need the space to rebuild. The wildlands of Asia are barren. Many refugees can form their new lives away from an already crowded civilization.

Should we do the same with the humans you have sent to the Changeling Empire?” Pharynx hissed, Novo and Twilight darting their widened, warning eyes to the changeling king. “The Badlands are as barren as they come.

Is that a threat, changeling?!” the French president growled, nearly rising out of his chair as he and many others glared to King Pharynx. Mainly, the Russian president and Saudi Arabian king. The leaders of Japan, Great Britain, and the United States turned to their fellow Earthen rulers, offering them to calm down.

In the end, it was Princess Twilight who shot out her wings, raised her hoof and firmly declared, “That will be enough! As long as a steady flow of resources are continuously offered to the refugees, then you may allow them on their terms to decide where they wish to settle other than your cities! Is that understood?”

It took a moment for the remaining Earthen leaders to fall in line, but they eventually did, the French president snorting as he settled himself back in his chair. Queen Novo filled the unsettling silence that followed Twilight’s declaration, breathing in loudly and stating, “Unless… there are other issues we would wish to discuss…?

The president of the United States shook his head. As did the Russian president, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and so forth. From the king and queen of Abyssinia, to the new prince of the yaks, the Dragon Lord, the griffon royalty, and the many more that eventually fell in line, they all slowly shook their heads. Novo cleared her throat, but several already cut off their holograms and ended the live stream.

I think we can firmly… declare… this meeting… adjourned,” Queen Novo stuttered, watching as one after the other, each hologram flickered off and the rulers cut off their holograms. That last word came out as a sigh, leaving just Novo, Pharynx, and Princess Twilight as the final leaders amongst the throne room. The president of the United States sent a firm nod to each before he ended the hologram.

Dropping her gaze and shaking her head, Novo unfurled her wings and fluffed her feathers to stretch out her weakened joints. She turned slowly to King Pharynx, the dark changeling merely gazing to her before he dropped his eyes all the same, cutting off his hologram. Leaving just them. The ones who started it all and would always seem to finish it all.

Princess Twilight and Queen Novo slowly lifted their eyes to one another. One so utterly tired and the other so weakened, neither one able to tell the difference between either. Queen Novo offered a tiny, helpful smile from her beak, muttering, “It never gets easier, Twilight.

“I’m starting to see that,” Twilight sighed with a fluff of her wings. Regardless, she breathed in anyway and lifted her eyes back to Novo, joining her smile and nodding firmly to the Hippogriff queen. “Be well, Queen Novo.”

Novo’s hologram flickered, the queen nodding to the pony princess. “Fair winds, Princess Twilight.

Her hologram vanished, all thirteen drones spinning accordingly and leaving the throne room in single file, the Royal Guard by the throne room’s entrance opening the doors and allowing the levitating drones to escape to their recharging station. The massive, twin doors closed rather loudly, the echoing thunder of that sound reverberating off the walls, flowing past the drapes, and hitting the lone princess on her throne. Twilight breathed in sharply, closing her eyes the instant that sound reached her.

Until only her shaken breaths were all that remained in the desolate throne room.

Raising a shivering hoof, Princess Twilight once more placed it over her heart, trying so hard to breathe in and successfully doing so a second time. However, when she tried to breathe out, when she tried to release that pent-up anxiety, it only escaped as a whimper. As a cry. All of it just reminding her of Princess Cadance. Her sister-in-law…

It was already too late to turn away from it. The influx of memories filled Twilight Sparkle with so much mixed emotions that she could only express them all in her shattered facial expression, her eyes tightly closed as well as her teeth when those beads of tears grew at the edges of her eyelids. The pressure had only been building, never once ceased or released since Twilight took the throne and the sister worlds came together to solve the crisis together. It only seemed to create even more problems, various riots sprawling from Equus’ cities to Earth’s own when the flow of resources between each just didn’t seem to add up evenly. Even by the shortest margin. People were hungry. Warlords fought in abandoned cities for control over resources, land, and sacred shelter when they were in a time when all three became a scarcity. All of it fell on her withers, her shoulders, her everything…

Something that Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance could have handled easily.

But they weren’t there. Like so many others, they had left two worlds—an entire universe—to pick up the pieces, mourn for the Vanished, and get right back to living. Get right back to having a life. Sometimes they had to start over that life, look for something new, and find that hope on another world entirely. And they would find Princess Twilight leading one of those worlds, the lone Princess of Friendship never feeling more alone and friendless than ever before. She even wondered why she still let others call herself that. If anything, she had never been more undeserving of that title. Merely five years ago, even when it felt like yesterday, she had her closest friends by her side, ready to face the dangers that threatened Equestria with the magic of friendship by their side. It never ended any other way… except them standing proud, on top of the world, in victory for ponykind and the world as a whole.

But they weren’t there. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Flurry Heart, Trixie Lulamoon, Ember, Thorax, and… Spike.

Shining Armor

Her parents.

Twilight couldn’t contain herself anymore and cried. She pressed her hooves firmly against her forehead and whimpered pitifully, painfully, wailing with such agony that the pair of Royal Guard by the entrance doors broke their stone expressions and closed their eyes all the same. Forced to stand guard and protect the last ruler of Equestria, even they couldn’t stand to see Twilight cry. She had done it many times, but this one took the cake. They dropped their heads and gripped their spears even tighter, trying to hold in their own tears as Twilight continued to cry.

As those tears flowed down her cheeks, her hooves, and pelted her throne softly, Twilight lifted her head and breathed in several times. Harshly, through her stuffy nostrils and into her shivering lungs, until the tears finally ceased and she could focus again. Her family was gone. Nothing could change that. The world moved on and so did she. She needed to be strong.

For herself and her little ponies.

Ponyville, Equestria

The Castle of Friendship

11:15 a.m.

Starlight Glimmer sat alone in the throne room, only her throne filled amongst the few others.

The barren others did not have a pony to occupy it, merely a towering stack of folders that also covered the rest of the crystal table, the remains of the Cutie Map forged together as best as the finest unicorns Equestria had to offer could. It no longer held that magic that once flowed within the rest of the castle, however. That magic had long since been snuffed out, leaving just a dark, cold Castle of Friendship within the rebuilt town of Ponyville.

Starlight was currently muzzle-deep in the small stack of folders before her. The folders were filled with many things, most of which being important notices from other towns and cities, citizen complaints, construction contracts, and even refugee papers. Since Mayor Mare was among the Vanished, the leadership within Ponyville fell solely on whoever sat on the crystal throne. Not only that, but Starlight was also placed as headmare of the School of Friendship, leading the school through a strong but very tedious five years. Gallus, Ocellus, and Sandbar were among the few first graduates, Starlight herself present during the ceremony and handing them their diplomas, a hug each, and congratulating them for completing their studies at the School of Friendship. The real challenge began when they took those lessons back home to teach them on their own.

Her life never slowed down since the Snap. In those long, five years, Starlight had led Ponyville to a successful recovery… as well as herself. Her horn was as good as new, perhaps even more so after a couple years of training and perfecting her magical prowess. Even then, Starlight hardly found a moment of rest while maintaining the current state of Ponyville as well as running the School of Friendship, which was a battle all on its own. Other folders on the table were papers she still hadn’t had the time to grade. She still had to set up final papers and arrange the next graduation ceremony within the next couple weeks.

Thankfully, she wasn’t entirely alone. Rarity, Maud Pie, Derpy Hooves, the surviving members of the Castle of the Two Sisters… and even Sunset Shimmer stayed with her to help rebuild. While Princess Twilight was busy running the nation, the reconstruction of Ponyville fell to them. They helped to provide food, clothing, and other necessities to ponies, Crystal Ponies, and any other creature who traveled to seek asylum and help within their humble town. Even migrating humans from Earth settled either on Sweet Apple Acres or elsewhere nearby, working for Big Mac, Granny Smith, or even themselves to provide fresh crops and other resources by word of the accords. They were designated and protected as refugees, but they always wanted to be called farmers. Starlight could tell the humans were proud creatures, fond of their work and hard workers nonetheless.

Rarity returned to her boutique, but didn’t design the finest, most elite dresses and suits Equestria had ever seen any longer. Instead, alongside with Sunset Shimmer, she led the Distribution Center within her own boutique, employing several ponies—and even humans—to creating clothing and other necessities for those who couldn’t provide for themselves. Derpy Hooves became the manager of the Post Office in Ponyville, delivering the majority of Starlight’s letters on her own time while also managing an entire crew of human/pony employees. She was Starlight’s own personal mailmare. Then there was Maud Pie, who had led the reconstruction efforts and expanded Ponyville several miles outwards. She was the lead construction manager and personally managed any form of rock structure that got in the way of their drilling, mining, and constructing of new homes and search for resources.

Sometimes she missed just studying rocks. But she moved on. She had to.

Much like Starlight Glimmer moved on.

There were days when Starlight still yearned for what could have been. She could have been flying kites high in the air alongside her best friends. Trixie and Sunburst were but many of the names plastered on the memorial stones in the Ponyville Gardens. She could have… spent a life with her closest friends, having perilous adventures saving the world… but sometimes things didn’t work out. Life put her behind a desk, upon a throne, living the most of it the only way she could: helping others.

Time to get back to that selfless life.

A few soft knocks struck the throne room’s exit doors, each one magically pulled aside to allow the unicorn entry. “Knock, knock,” Sunset Shimmer greeted, smiling softly to Starlight. Her fellow unicorn merely lifted her head, a short, silent greeting without even looking her way. Sunset approached the table, staring to the towers of paperwork and Starlight’s snout pressed into it. “Hey, how are you doing?”

Starlight closed the folder with her magic, levitating a fresh folder out of the shrinking tower towards her. “It’s going.”

Sunset nodded, taking a seat on the throne that labeled her own cutie mark. “That’s good. Hey… Rarity and I were gonna go get some lunch later on… and we wanted you to join us.”

Sunset’s heart fell. It was the moment Starlight shook her head. “I’m really busy with this new construction contract right now. I’ll get lunch later. You girls go on without me.”

“Come on, Starlight,” Sunset pushed, leaning forward and holding out a hoof to Starlight. Offering it to her. Saying, “You haven’t left the castle in days. I get that your running Ponyville and the School of Friendship and all, but we’re working as teachers too, ya know? We got other duties and we’re still trying to find time for one another. Don’t you think you should do the same?”

Starlight snapped the folder shut in front of her, turning her worn, vexed stare onto the unicorn sitting to her left. The unicorn in question leaned back a few safe inches, furrowing her brow and staring onto Starlight with an almost hurt expression, mainly doused with confusion and concern. An odd mixture of the two. Starlight caught it all the same, sighing as she lowered the folder in front of her. Her anger dwindled, leaving just her.

Just Starlight forcing herself to say it.

“Don’t you think it’s time… you go home?” Starlight murmured. The reaction she was expecting came forth, Sunset leaning even further back, tilting her head, and even more hurt crawling into her eyes and filling her expression. Starlight shook her head, already backing up her rather harsh statement. “Your friends are probably worried sick. Five years… Come on, Sunset. Not even a letter? How long are you gonna keep yourself trapped here?”

The longer she sat there and listened, the further Sunset continued to shrink back against her words. Mostly because she was right. Mostly because Sunset hadn’t come to truly face the reality of what she had left. Back in the human world, all of her friends were probably visiting that same statue every day, hoping by some slim chance their friend Sunset Shimmer would walk right out of it. Or they had all already moved on, went off to college and got their degrees. Maybe they all had a life after. All of it she sacrificed to stay in Equestria and help her friends and family there.

Just returning to that wretched thought brought Sunset’s gaze down, the unicorn tightening her facial muscles and closing her eyes tight. She shook her head, a painful sniffle following the sharp inhale she took. Starlight gazed to her, every shred of exasperation she once held now replaced with rancid distress. Her eyes began to burn the moment she heard that sniffle, gazing onto Sunset Shimmer and waiting. Waiting for her to defend herself.

“There’s never a dull moment here,” she finally replied, lifting her gaze and staring onto Starlight. Sunset began to cry, hot tears leaking down her cheeks as she shook her head and faced Starlight head-on. Starlight faced her, too, the pain clearly evident on her face. Matching Sunset. “But mostly because I don’t know if I could face them after all this time. After what I promised them…”

Starlight blinked. Her vision was getting blurred with tears. “What’s a visit going to hurt?”

“Starlight, there’s so many ponies here who need me,” Sunset argued, her voice cracking. “And if I go… I’m afraid I won’t ever want to come back to Equestria. I barely wanted to leave back when you girls first welcomed me here. Now with the life I have, with my parents, helping ponies and people less fortunate day in and day out… how am I supposed to stay in the other world knowing I left all of this? All of you?”

Starlight brought forth the folder once again, pulling out the papers and laying them out in front of her. She never turned away from Sunset. She stared right into her and told her, “I guess that’s something you’ll have to decide for yourself then.”

With that final word, Starlight got back to work. Sunset quietly scoffed, more like she tried to breathe again. Knowing she wouldn’t get another word out of Starlight for the rest of the day, Sunset hopped out of her throne… and left. She walked right out of the throne room and traversed the cold, dark hallways of the Castle of Friendship. It used to be filled with so much life, so much love. It hardly deserved that title of friendship anymore. Sunset didn’t want to leave Starlight alone in the large, barren castle… but she really didn’t have a choice in the matter. Starlight chose her place in the world.

Perhaps it was time for Sunset to choose hers.

She stumbled upon the library, the titan-like doors glaring over her in silence. Gazing up to them and their mighty structure, Sunset took in a deep breath through her nostrils, pushing aside the doors with her magic and stumbling inside. Friday wasn’t there to greet her that time, the suit of armor elsewhere in the castle. Probably charging. Once inside the darkness, Sunset gazed to the shelves of books, hundreds and hundreds that could never be read. They slowly collected dust over the ages. They weren’t the only objects collecting dust, it seemed.

The Mirror Portal lay directly ahead of her, its empty mouth almost beckoning to the unicorn. Sunset reached for her knapsack, feeling her journal still resting within its confines. Always with her. Still holding the magic that kept her tied to the human world. As well as with the geode around her neck, swaying softly to her movements, it seemed to reach out to the portal, reach out to that life Sunset left behind. The life she sacrificed to live another.

She had her parents and ponies who needed her on Equestria. Just leaving them would be selfish. She could visit her human friends anytime, but the portal was only used for communication with the Avengers. Then again… they haven’t really had contact with the Avengers in months. Neither had Twilight in the human dimension contacted her since. Not a single message in her journal. Not a word. Would her journal even work with the Mirror Portal? Would her friends even forgive her for breaking that promise so many years ago? Why hadn't Twilight contacted her? Could she even contact her? Could Sunset even contact her friends?

Would she even be brave enough to make that decision?

She turned around and left, leaving a trail of tear droplets. Back to work.


New York City, USA

1:22 p.m.

The fog had rolled in and covered New York City in a blanket of white. Clear, silver lining that left a desolate, silent death upon the city. A silent death. Many hundreds of thousands experienced that five years prior, the following chaos and destruction leaving what remained of New York as a wasteland. It only came to be rebuilt following the order the United States military brought upon the city, rightfully turning New York into a police state overnight.

That was years ago. Even with life still bustling about in the midday, things seemed so much slower than they used to be. Hardly any cars filled the roads, and thousands more remained abandoned in parking lots surrounding vacant baseball fields. Even Lady Liberty herself held a collection of abandoned ships by her harbor, pulled in from sea with no seamen to steer them home.

Within the city of New York, a lone rehab center stood in the fog and darkness. It was owned by Curtis Hoyle, a veteran who had worked closely with a certain Frank Castle a lifetime ago. Neither one had seen each other since the Snap, and Curtis had been left to tend to what remained of his usual crew who came in to vent. Some were taken, others spared. Curtis was lucky enough to be meeting with some familiar faces that day, some new ones… and a bit of both.

A bit of both from the likes of Steve Rogers.

They sat in a circle of chairs, filling the empty room with some form of life. Even for a war hero, a living legend like Captain America… like Steve Rogers… he found it difficult to connect with others of his particular field. Some were veterans from Afghanistan, bringing with them haunting wounds like Curtis’ prosthetic leg. Others brought in different kinds of scars into that group, scars recollected and brought forth through painful discussions and even more painful memories.

Steve picked up for them when there was a lull in the conversation. “We were in Germany when it happened. Me, Buck, Morita, Pinky, Dugan, all the Howling Commandos; you know them, right?” Steve began, smiling a tad when the others around him chuckled and nodded their heads, knowing exactly who he was talking about. “Anyway, we had finally come across the HYDRA compound, one of the last ones in all of Nazi Germany. It was gonna be the same routine, just break in guns blazing and raise utter hell. Do whatever it took to win the war. Until… Happy Sam wanted to… take things a little slow for once. We had a couple of close calls before, but… you know, we always kind of knew we were untouchable back then. What with the famous… Captain America leading you and all… there was no way in hell any of us were gonna die.”

Several of the veterans surrounding Steve slowly nodded their heads. Curtis was leaned forward, hand covering his mouth, listening intently to the words of wisdom. Steve continued after a short moment of recollection. “I didn’t know why… but we went with Happy Sam that day. We snuck in… and it just so happened that HYDRA was waiting right by the doors for us. Biggest arsenal and defense I had ever seen. If we had broken through those doors guns blazing… by God, none of us would have made it out.”

“The kid trusted his instincts,” the veteran to Steve’s left piped up, earning Rogers’ attention. “Sometimes that’s better than following orders.”

A solid round of approval filled the circle, Steve nodding to the man on his left. “I didn’t know then… but I know now why we went with Happy Sam’s advice. If we push on as fast as we can… we can miss what’s important. We can go too fast and life will already be gone. It’ll have been taken from us and we wouldn’t have had time to react. If we take things slow… live what life has given us… then maybe we can all admire those choices we made in the past. Maybe… we can truly appreciate what we had… before it was lost.”

Steve let his head fall following those heavy words, almost unable to remain as strong as he did for so long. Before that silence could make its triumphant return, Steve felt a presence on his right, turning to it to see a World War II veteran sitting on his right. He laid his hand on Steve’s shoulder, a certain strength and… magic… hidden behind his large, dark sunglasses.

The man said, “You know, back in ’45, I left a loving wife at home while I went to go fight the fight off shore. Me and my buddies all enlisted together, knew we were gonna make it out of the war alive… what with Captain America rooting for us! But… I lost my buddies in Okinawa. I still visit their graves every year, and this year was no different. Why would next year be any different? All I know is that I won’t be facing those graves alone. They’re always there.”

His old, warming palm tightened on Steve’s shoulder, Rogers never looking away from his eyes. Unable to. “In a way, Captain… we never really lost them. We didn’t lose anyone. And even if we lose ourselves… we’ll see them again. One day.”

He finished with a large, toothy smile. It was almost mystical in a sense, holding a deep and powerful wisdom that Steve wished he had.

Upstate New York

New Avengers Facility

3:21 p.m.

Natasha Romanoff sat alone within the living room, letting her long, orange hair overcome the blonde and drape over her shoulders as she stared hopelessly into the various holograms standing in front of her. She listened as they argued, as she lost control of the meeting and let them diverge into their own state of chaos.

Among the holograms, those participating were James Rhodes, Queen Shuri, Captain Marvel, Nebula, and Rocket Raccoon. They were all off elsewhere in the world or the galaxy, helping to maintain the order they had somehow established following the Snap. The two Guardians of the Galaxy were off-world alongside Carol Danvers, helping Captain Marvel lead the reconstruction efforts across a vast number of planets that had also suffered just as bad as Earth and Equus. Rhodes mentioned he was somewhere in D.C., helping to solve some sort of refugee crisis that had recently broken out. Shuri was streaming right from the War Room in the Golden City of Wakanda, currently taking the lead.

We don’t know how it happened,” Shuri stated, dressed in a fine, ceremonial cloak with royal jewelry displayed upon her neck and arms. “All we can decipher from the earthquake was that it was under the Atlantic Ocean, leaving beached whales within rivers on the coast.

Did it harm any refugee settlements?” Rhodes asked.

Shuri shook her head. Captain Marvel shrugged her shoulders. Carol Danvers wore with her an updated addition to her attire, the red and the blue streaks switching places and the gold being much more prominent, especially on the star resting over her heart. A short, blue sash was tied around her hips, swaying gently to her movements, joining the likes of her long, golden hair falling past her shoulders.

When she spoke, everyone turned to her. “Things are still looking pretty bleak up here. Judging by this recent news… I can tell things haven’t really changed since I’ve been gone.

Yeah, how long are you gonna stay away from your home planet this time?” Rocket interrupted, Carol turning his way. “They’re your people, Danvers. Kinda messed up to let them deal with this on their own.

Earth has the Avengers, furface,” Carol retorted. “The rest of the universe just lost the Nova Corps, so they need another line of defense to help keep the peace. The rest of you… might not hear from me for some time. But if you need me… for anything… you call. Okay, Natasha?

Glad to be a part of the conversation again, Romanoff breathed in sharply, leaning forward from the chair she nearly drowsed off in, and nodded. “Yeah, no problem, Carol. You keep the peace in the stars.”

With that, Carol’s hologram faded away, followed shortly by Shuri and Rocket’s. Nebula eyed Natasha from where she sat, nodding once to the leader of the Avengers. “We’ll be in touch… Romanoff,” Nebula told her. More of a promise than a statement. Natasha nodded either way, watching as Nebula’s hologram faded.

Leaving just the old pair in silence between them.

Natasha and James had a history, to say the least. Whether that be getting Stark out of his wild situations gone south, standing on the same side in an Avenger civil war, or even fighting against the forces of evil for the fate of the very universe… now just left as the few remaining Avengers just trying to keep as much order and sanity to the broken worlds as possible. Their lives were never dull. The Black Widow and War Machine had seen enough bloodbaths to leave them stained in crimson, most likely their souls if anything. Nothing was displayed on their skin, their hopeless expressions, as they slowly turned to one another.

I know things have been hard…” Rhodes said, watching as Natasha’s aged expression eyed his own. She could see the grays in his hairline. He could see the wrinkles under her eyes. Stress and age. A deadly combination for either of them. “I wish I could be there with you, Nat. But duty calls. Anything comes up, you don’t hesitate—

“I don’t hesitate to call you,” Natasha croaked out, forcing a teary smile. “I know, Rhodey.”

He could see the tears starting to well up in her eyes, but he didn’t dare point them out. He simply nodded, stating softly, “Keep in touch.

The last hologram was gone and Natasha began to cry.

She surprised even herself with how long she was able to keep it in. It started when the grave news only began to pile up, leaving Natasha with even more trials to overcome and more situations to handle and control. More outreach. More contact. More sleepless nights. Leaning forward on the desk, Natasha placed her palms over her mouth, covering to the bridge of her nose as tears began to leak free and flow down her cheeks. Her palms. Natasha wiped them away just as she heard the doors open and the pair of feet made their way inside the facility. The doors were always locked.

A couple of Avengers came to visit her.

Wiping her eyes, Natasha sniffled and spun her chair around, facing the entrance of the living room just as Steve Rogers and Matthew Murdock entered. Steve wore a plain T-shirt and jeans, leaning against the wall as Matthew made his way inside shortly after. He was dressed to impress, a slick tie and suit only a lawyer would wear as his cane tapped away at the floor. His dark red shades hung just on the bridge of his nose, Matt smiling Natasha’s way as he folded up his cane and sighed.

“How are you doing this fine day, Ms. Romanoff?” the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen asked.

Natasha almost smiled. She always wondered why it was Murdock’s attitude that made her smile. If anything, he should be just as miserable as her considering he lost more friends than she ever could. Maybe it was the Devil underneath it all, the beast within the human that sent a certain… wild sensation from Murdock towards Romanoff. The saint within it all shined brighter, giving him that strength to smile even in the darkest storm. Whatever it was, she liked it, and it almost made her forget about the horrible day she had.

And to top it all off, Matthew Murdock was an Avenger now, which meant she got to see him almost every single day. How tragic. She couldn’t hide the smile any longer and let it beam, joining Matthew’s. God, she hated it when he did that.

“I’m pushing on, Matt,” Natasha replied, looking to Steve. “How about you, Mr. Rogers?”

Steve settled himself on the opposite side of the desk, taking a seat and staring intently at her. “I’d say the rehab went by pretty successfully. Curtis was asking about Frank.”

Natasha beat him to the punch, shaking her head. “Haven’t heard from him in years.”

Steve turned back to Murdock, watching as he settled himself on the distant couch. Matt merely held out his hands in a surrendering manner, admitting, “I haven’t even attempted to look for him. Don’t really have time anymore. Things have been… really busy back in Hell’s Kitchen. My mother and I, we were… running some housing efforts with the church. Try to get as many people clothed and fed as we can. I only dropped by because Steve dropped by the cathedral… and I guess I could help here if you needed anything.”

He flashed that same, warming smile. As warm as the fires of Hell. Natasha smiled back, dropping her gaze from his. “You really are a saint, devil boy.”

A short, calming silence between each, filled with Natasha’s own sniffles and her failing to conceal them. “It was probably better you didn’t hear from the rest of the team,” Romanoff finally said, Steve and Matt’s eyes turning her way. “Otherwise you would be a… mess like me.”

“You’re never a mess, Ms. Romanoff. The way you’ve handled the Avengers… I’d say you’re the bravest among us,” Murdock told her, a supportive smile sent her way. He succeeded in his mission to make her blush, the Widow waving a strand of blonde and orange hair behind her ear.

Natasha scoffed out an even larger smile, a tear slipping down her cheek. “God, I hate you,” she said with a shake of her head, voice cracking and tears falling. “Well, you do know how to make a girl blush, Murdock.”

“Is that what happened? I couldn’t tell on the account of… being blind,” Matt joked, that time earning a soft chuckle from Natasha. Seeing her so distraught from earlier was something Matthew hated to see. He always loved it when she was happy, when she smiled. She was always… so beautiful either way.

“The way you’ve handled things…” Steve began, shifting the attention of the room back to him. He smiled appreciatively to Natasha from the other side of the desk. “Never a doubt in my mind you could lead this team.”

Natasha quickly wiped her eyes, hiding away whatever tears lingered still. She took several seconds that time, shaking her head. “Well, I won’t take all the credit. It was all of you who brought us out of this madness, brought me back to realize who I was. Even before the Avengers, I didn’t know where this life was taking me. I could’ve killed for a living. I lost everything and everyone I ever knew. Everyone I could have known. I used to have nothing…”

Another tear escaped her hold, falling down her cheek and meeting her smile. “… and then this team gave me a family.”

That statement alone got a grin out of Matt, Natasha succeeding in making him smile that time. The moment of warmth between the three Avengers lasted as long as they wanted, the coldness of the world creeping its way back in when Steve brought them back to that reality.

“I keep telling everybody they should move on,” Steve said with a shake of his head, turning to Natasha with that knowing smile. “Some do… but not us.”

“How do we move on from this, Steve?” the Widow asked. “How can we possibly focus on tomorrow when yesterday never leaves? I’ve tried, Steve. I’ve worked day in and day out and we’re nowhere close to protecting the world since the day we lost.”

“Maybe we don’t move on,” Matt replied, both Steve and Natasha turning his way. They watched as he folded his hands together, his fingers interlacing and his gaze unknown behind the darkness of his glasses. They could only assume he pondered, stared through them and saw that blazing earth. Heard their heartbeats. Knew who they were when no one else could. “We keep trying to protect the world. We keep trying because it’s our job.”

Natasha didn’t know how she felt about that, the weight of the world literally resting on her shoulders. She sniffled and wiped once again at her eyes, asking, “When is it ever gonna be someone else’s job?”

Steve stared only at her. Stared at her with a sad, strong smile. “When we’re done.”

She chuckled and shook her head. “Yeah, I have a feeling we’re a long way from being…”

Her voice trailed away, eyes rising and turning to the right of the living room. To the empty sofa save for Matthew Murdock and watching as he flinched rather heavily. His neck twisted to the far right, mouth agape as he took in a sharp breath and remained utterly silent.

“Matt…” Natasha muttered, nearly rising out of her chair. “Matt, what’s wrong?”

He could only say, “Front gate.”

By then he just stayed quiet and listened.

Hey, uh, hi! This is Scott Lang! You know me from a few years back!

The security camera instantly flickered to life, showcasing a live footage hologram of the front gates on the facility’s property. Steve and Natasha turned to face it, Matthew remaining unmoved even as the hologram shimmered brightly on his face. It showed everything he heard, but Murdock didn’t need it. He could already see a disheveled, middle-aged man standing by the rusting, front gate of the New Avengers Facility, drenched in rainwater with the overheating 1972 Ford Ecoline van directly behind him.

“Matt, you said this was the front gate?” Steve asked, rising from his chair alongside Natasha.

Scott Lang! You know, Ant-Man? I know-I know you know that!

Murdock held his breath, flinched even more subtly. “He’s there now.”

Scott Lang smiled brightly in the eye of the security camera, pointing to the front gate and shouting, “Yeah, that Ant-Man! Can you buzz me in? I got one hell of a story to tell ya!

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