• Published 26th May 2018
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Infinity Era - JDPrime22

Avengers: Infinity War / Avengers: Endgame crossover. The culmination has arrived. The Mad Titan has waited so long for this moment. Long live the Infinity Era.

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Chapter 174 – This is Nice


The Battle of Earth

6:22 p.m.

Clint and Natasha watched as the Titan burned from its core and crashed to the earth, its tremors reaching them even all the way back to the facility’s remains.

As the Battle of Earth raged across the blistered and scorched valleys and within the smoke-infested skylines, there was a calm within the storm of war. One piece of fractured world that had long since been abandoned by the treacheries of death and destruction. It was the New Avengers Facility, or, what was left of it. Both the facility and the Helicarrier lied together in a crumbled ruin of steel, concrete, and fire. Only the skeletal fractures remained.

Even that was not enough to hide Barton and Romanoff from the horrors of war. It caught up to them eventually, as a wave of snarling, snapping jaws and ferocious extraterrestrial hounds.

They heard the rumbling of concrete and rubble behind them, the two founding Avengers twisting back slowly to see the darkness within the ruin start to tremble. From the facility’s remains, having searched and hunted since its fall, the Outriders finally found their target. They screeched and snarled as their gazes locked with the Nano Gauntlet resting under Clint’s arm.

As well as the six Infinity Stones resting upon it.

“Think it’s time we joined the party,” Natasha breathed rapidly, whipping out her pistols.

Clint unsheathed his katana, tightening his grip on the gauntlet. He gasped, “Yep!”

The Outriders screamed at them. Screamed and charged.

The Black Widow replied with several bullets, rapid-firing each pistol to every Outrider she saw break through the remains and attack them. She earned some seconds for a retreat, Clint taking it and hurdling over a downed support beam of solid concrete. Natasha was quick to follow, unloading her magazines and diving out of cover. She rolled over the support beam, crashed on the burnt grass and dirt, and spun to fire a bolt from her Widow’s Bite onto the pouncing Outrider. All within three seconds.

The Outrider trembled in mid-air, crashing to the dirt beside Natasha and thrashing uncontrollably as the electricity coursed across its body. Romanoff stared at it hauntingly, the beast’s jaws agape and its rabid teeth snapping and screaming in her direction. The end of the sword struck down and impaled the beast through its head, ripping in and out cleanly and rapidly. Turning from the silenced Outrider, Natasha spotted Clint twirl his katana before her. He nodded to her.

“You with me?” Clint asked aloud.

Behind him, the rest of the world burned and exploded. Sanctuary II and the Chitauri Command Centers dotted the skies, with the Equestrian Grand Fleet and the War Horse holding off the onslaught and decimating the battlegrounds and dogfights of which they flew across. Laser bolts shot across the air and melting husks of chariots, starships, and airships descended to the ground for their final resting place. The miles of land beyond were filled to the brim with swarming bodies slaying one another, the screams and roars of each opposing side sounding off as their weapons clashed, firearms blasted, and allies fell. It was death for miles, no escape and no sanctuary for the living. Stepping into it may have guaranteed a quicker death.

“Always,” she whispered under a shaking breath.

But stepping away from it guaranteed something far worse.

Together, with the remaining Outriders chasing them, the two Avenger sprinted headlong into the battle. Nowhere else to go, nowhere else to turn, they kept each other and the gauntlet safe as they slipped between bodies and ran through shattered earth. They didn’t know if the Outriders were still chasing them or not. Their only priority was constantly moving forward, Natasha reloading her pistols and firing away to the Chitauri and Sakaarans that got in their way, ultimately leading them both and clearing a path for the Infinity Stones. Throughout it all, they were together.

As they slipped into a trench to avoid the crippling explosions from a chariot trying to dive-bomb them, Clint slipped and crashed into the dirt. The gauntlet fell free from his grasp, crashing to the dirt several feet ahead of him. Lifting his mortified gaze to the strewn gauntlet, he spotted Natasha spinning around and meeting his gaze. The Outriders screeched and entered the trench. Her eyes fell to the gauntlet. She sprinted straight for it.

Then promptly hopped over the Nano Gauntlet and grasped Clint by his forearm.

“Come on!” she screamed, dragging him back to his feet.

Though slightly taken aback by her actions, Clint nonetheless grasped her forearm and scrambled to his feet. The screams assaulted his eardrums, both he and Natasha turning to face it head-on. The Outriders had already severed the distance. They had reached them. A lone Outrider led the pack, leaping forward straight for the two Avengers. Clint jammed out his forearm, his Wristbow loaded and ready to fire. But he wasn’t fast enough. The Outrider was faster. Natasha tried to step in front of him. Tried to shield him with nothing but her own body.

Then, like a light straight from heaven, the green flames showered down and consumed the Outrider. It didn’t stop, washing over the remaining pack of alien hounds until they were screaming and writhing in agony. Both Clint and Natasha flinched back accordingly, gazing with eyes wide and astounded to the green flames eating away at the dying Outriders. It was so fast. Faster than Clint’s reaction. Faster than the Outrider.

Just as fast as the shadow flying over their heads. They turned to it, spotting none other than Spike flapping his wings and sending them a quick salute from above. Natasha managed to breathe again. Clint smiled in return. They both spun around, Clint retrieving the gauntlet and pushing onward with Natasha sprinting right alongside him.

And as for Spike, the young dragon watched the duo make their escape, hopefully safe from harm. Hopefully for the last time. He knew he was chasing fantasies, and instead focused on reality. It may as well have been a fantasy when that familiar voice called out to him and tackled the dragon straight to the earth. When they hit the ground, it was not a painful landing. Spike didn’t even hit the dirt. He was caught within a warming embrace, focusing ahead and seeing nothing but the metal mask and blue eyes holding him in a crushing hug.

Noticing the lack of recognition, the suit of armor released Spike and allowed him to take a few steps backwards. The mask retracted back in a wave of nanobots, unveiling none other than Twilight Sparkle beaming widely beneath. There were tears in her eyes from what Spike could tell, the dragon blinking several times before he finally put the pieces together. He knew the armor looked familiar, from what he saw when he first stepped into the battle. Just seeing Twilight within it took his breath away.

And he whispered, asked, “… Twilight?”

She nodded rapidly, her smile warm and contagious. The tears started to seep down her cheeks.

Like an infection, that smile consumed him, too. In less than a second, Spike was grinning, reaching out with his claws and crying aloud, “Twilight!”

He flew into her chest, wrapping his claws around her in the tightest, warmest hug he could offer. Twilight nearly fell back from the speed of the hug, falling instead to her haunches and wrapping her forelegs around him all the same. She giggled as the tears continuously flowed down her cheeks, nuzzling his scales with motherly intent.

“I have you, Spike,” Twilight whispered through pained breaths, eyes shut softly and only increasing in pressure. Matching her grip around her dragon, her friend, her little brother. “I’m not letting go this time. I’m never letting go…”

Even with the cold suit of metal she wore, Spike could feel the warmth of her body, the beat of her heart. Affirming to him that she was real and he was alive. They were alive. He smiled even brighter and clutched Twilight even harder. They were joined shortly by Rainbow and Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy, and, of course, Pinkie Pie. The former duo offered Spike their own hugs, glad to see he was still alive along with the rest of their friends.

It was a warm reunion that couldn’t last forever. In fact, it was cut off shorter than any of them would have hoped when a raging Chitauri Gorilla broke through the rubble. The group of seven flinched and spun accordingly to it, readying themselves in defensive positions as the Gorilla stampeded their way. They all took defensive positions in front of Spike, the young dragon slightly taken aback by their actions. He could have sworn he already proved himself on the battlefield, especially to his friends and to Twilight. And before he could protest, before the Gorilla could impact their group, it froze.

Mere yards ahead of them, and it simply stopped. It yelped.

Twisting its neck back, the Gorilla spotted the disturbance directly behind it. There, gripping its hairy back with his bare hands, Luke Cage grunted as he struggled to hold the beast at bay. Just before the Gorilla could properly retaliate to his actions, Luke grit his teeth and yanked back hard. Too hard for the Chitauri to fight against. And with a shocking amount of strength, Luke managed to toss the entire Gorilla backwards, away from the mares, and towards the light of the golden fist.

There, Danny Rand was waiting to meet it. He sprinted forward, leaping in the air and driving the Iron Fist onto the Gorilla’s back. He felt a sickening crack from the beast’s spine as it bent inwards from the force of the punch, a painful cry leaving the beast. It fell flat and crashed on the dirt with Rand landing on top of it. He rose up like a feral animal, fist held back and glowing a heavenly gold. But he hesitated. He lifted his eyes and saw her step forward.

Jessica Jones strutted up with a lackadaisical attitude gripping her features. The Chitauri groaned and planted its fists into the dirt to rise again. Its eyes met that of Jones’, the Gorilla growling and eventually roaring directly into her face. She sneered and responded tenfold, by sending her fist right between the eyes, cracking its skull and killing it instantly. Jessica hissed and shook her palm. A quick moment of pain that came and went. Danny hopped off the Gorilla, cast it a quick glance before returning to Jessica and nodding her way. Jones just stared at him, that same look on her face.

As for the mares, their defensive positions in front of Spike were breached and they let their guard down. Seeing the three before them brought a sense of ease to Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity, glad to see they got some heavy backup from the likes of New York’s finest. That moment of peace and assurance they thought they had was once more stripped from them when the sounds of laser rifles began to charge up.

A troop of Chitauri swarmed them in less than a second, taking firing positions that gave them enough distance so their foes couldn’t react fast enough. It was bad enough that the ponies and Spike were caught in their crosshairs, but Luke, Danny, and Jessica were trapped, as well. They all darted their heads around them, seeing the Chitauri surround their perimeter.

But before the Elite could take the first shot, a sai was stabbed through its chest.

A baton flew past its head and struck the surrounding Chitauri in rapid succession, from one alien to the next, until they were all down for the count. That baton froze in mid-air, being yanked back by that familiar magnetic force and returning to the jutted black glove.

The baton returned to Daredevil, he and Elektra standing together. She, in turn, pulled her bloody sai free from the back of the Elite she impaled, tossing its corpse aside. His mask retracted back, Matt Murdock’s expression softening when he heard their familiar heartbeats.

He smiled, staring off into space with the grin directed solely to his Defenders.

Danny was the first to smile back. Then Luke. Finally, after some reluctance, so did Jessica.

They got to work just as the next wave hit.

A stampede of Outriders, Sakaarans, and Chitauri swarmed their immediate area and consumed it under their veil of darkness. Within that cluster, they stood together and held them off as one force of good caught within the snares of evil. With Daredevil leading, flipping and dodging and returning the swipes and slashes of the Chitauri with his own killing blows. With Iron Fist right beside him, the two martial artists spinning and fighting as they utilized nearly every part of their body as a weapon of good. His golden fist did most of the damage, eradicating any alien that crossed his path. With Luke Cage as the impenetrable muscle, his fists being enough to kill every beast that neared him in just one hit. The blaster bolts the Sakaarans and Chitauri fired at him merely burnt his shirt, his skin beneath clean and without injury. With Jessica Jones as the ferocity, her own strength rivaling Cage’s as she punched, kicked, and screamed her way through wave after wave of Thanos’ goons. With Elektra right behind Matthew, for every last second. They watched each other. They kept each other safe.

They all did.

It was not their fight alone. Within the mixture of New York’s Defenders, the Elements of Harmony flew, bucked, punched, and sent repulsor and magic bolts in nearly every direction. Applejack sent tree-shattering kicks into the onslaught of Outriders, her grunts resounding and satisfying with each kill. Pinkie Pie bounded and disappeared, reappeared, and spread utter confusion amongst the Chitauri. Rarity and Twilight were nearly back to back, firing off both magic from their horns and repulsors from their suits as they aided the Defenders. And there was Spike flying alongside Rainbow and Fluttershy, breathing torrents of fire onto his enemies. With them until the very end of the line.

Fluttershy and Rainbow were neck and neck, dive-bombing the crowds and ripping several Sakaarans and Chitauri off their feet and disorienting them. As they submerged, various aliens crumbled and fell. Once they emerged, they turned to one another. Rainbow sent a particularly large grin to Fluttershy, nodding her way.

“There we go, Flutters! Now you’re gettin’ it!”

The Pegasus blushed and smiled to the compliment, taking her eyes off of Rainbow and off of the Outrider leaping at her blind side.

It was too late for Rainbow to even call it out. The Outrider struck the Pegasi but latched onto Fluttershy, knocking them both off course and crashing several meters off from the rest of the group. Fluttershy yelped as she crashed and rolled on the dirt, the Outrider rolling with her. Once she came to a halt, the Pegasus struggled to stand. The soft growling to her right made her ears stand on end. She slowly turned to face it, gulping quietly to see the Outrider roll back to its feet and shake some clarity back into its head.

It turned to her. Fluttershy yelped and backed away. Never breaking contact with the mare, the Outrider slowly stalked the Pegasus, barring its jagged teeth and brandishing its claws. Several other Outriders broke from the waves and joined it, all of them centering their attention to the lone pony. Fluttershy darted her eyes from one Outrider to the next, eventually coming to a halt when her rump hit the leg behind her.

They both turned to one another simultaneously. Fluttershy gazing upwards, and the Sakaaran glaring down. The Outriders shrieked and charged. The Sakaaran spoke in an alien tongue and jammed its laser rifle down at her, aimed right between Fluttershy’s eyes. Her pupils shrank. The mare shielded her head and closed her eyes as it all fell on top of her.

Yet in a flash, it was all thrown away.

In a flash of light, a swiping tail thrashed outwards and struck each Outrider, the Sakaaran, and the surrounding area until it was clear. Fluttershy raised her hooves when she still felt her heart beating, opened her eyes and saw the world still alive around her. She lifted her head and saw what had happened.

Like a serpent coiled around its egg in a protective embrace, Discord surrounded Fluttershy and glared to all who dared to near her. He planted his eagle claw and lion paw fiercely into the earth, cracking it beneath him as his glare burned at a thousand degrees, each pupil sending threatening daggers to all before him.

Just as quickly, that ferocity cooled. Discord spun his neck around and met Fluttershy’s eyes, sneaking in a fast wink and a smirk. “Told you I’d be back.”

Fluttershy smiled and snuck in her own fast hug. Which Discord gladly returned. The two were locked in a warming hug, allowing the Chitauri and Outriders to charge them. A dire mistake. Without even looking, Discord lifted his tail and snapped it.

And before they even had a semblance of a chance to reach them, the ground erupted and sent a wave of dirt and rock spewing outwards and consuming all within it. All except Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and the Defenders. The wave simply washed past them without harming a single hair on their heads. Their minds, however, were mildly shocked to see that wave only grow bigger and bigger, devouring entire tanks hovering their way and decimating them. The rippling wave spread farther and farther until it reached close to fifty feet high, eventually crashing and spewing the dead caught within it across the tattered battlegrounds.

Entire tanks were flipped and crashed in rippling explosions, knocking back various Asgardians and Equestrians but barely managing to deter Bucky Barnes from his pursuit.

The White Wolf gripped his LMG in his robotic arm, the other scrambling at the dirt and pushing the rest of him back to his feet. The final legs of the battle turned out to be almost a blur to Barnes, bodies flying and explosions ever-consuming every square inch of the battlefield. He had just risen to full height when he heard the cry to his left, turned to face it and jammed his weapon towards the Outrider charging him. It took his eyes away from the Outrider on his right, tackling Bucky straight into the dirt.

Barnes rolled several feet before the Outriders pounced on top of him, snarling and biting at his exposed flesh and limbs. Ripping out his rapid response combat knife, Bucky rammed its edge onto the Outrider straddling him, the beast thrashing and screaming as it continuously clawed at his person. It managed to tear free some of the armor on his tactical vest, exposing him. Barnes grit his teeth and continued to stab, continued to fight, as more and more of the feral hounds overwhelmed and overcame him.

To his astonishment, he heard the sound of a charging repulsor and then the various final yelps of the beasts before him were silenced. The weight placed atop of him was gone, leaving just a scratched and bruised Bucky Barnes lying with his arms covering his face, his bloody knife in his right palm, and his breath finally slowing down.

From above, the repulsor blast came. From above, the light shined down and showered over the White Wolf. Slowly lowering each arm, Bucky gazed skyward into the blinding light, narrowing each eye until the light eventually died down. And from it, lowering his own palm was the hovering body of the Iron Man.

And Tony Stark, from above, met Barnes’ gaze with his lingering one. He nodded down.

Bucky breathed. Nodded back. Watched as Stark flew off without a second more.

Did it fester in his mind? Any waning thoughts that questioned himself as to why he did what he did? Perhaps. Definitely. But Tony Stark had lived an entire life surrounded by his demons, with very few angels by his side. By Tony’s books, it was better to have another angel watching his back than a demon waiting to stab it. And perhaps it was just another opportunity to amend some old wounds.

Regardless of what he thought of himself, what was done was done. No going back. No changing his mind. He made the call and knew it was the right one, thus bringing his focus back to the battle at hand. He soared through the skies in his Mark 85, Homer pointing out targets for him and Tony responding in kind. Repulsors and rockets shot out and destroyed groups of Chitauri, hordes of Outriders, and entire battalions of tanks. Chariots and starships were blown out of the sky, their flaming bodies spinning out of control and crashing past Stark.

Spotting a group of Royal Guard fending off a crowd of blade-wielding Sakaarans, Tony broke flight and landed harshly upon the earth. He brought down a stream of red-hot lasers with him, slicing various Sakaarans in half upon impact. With his feet planted, Iron Man shot out his palms and blew apart several Sakaarans and Outriders that leaped for him. The Royal Guard cast him a quick glance before galloping off, their path cleared, a silent thanks given for the support Tony managed for them.

They didn’t see Tony getting backhanded by a Chitauri Gorilla.

Not even Stark saw that one coming. His back crashed against a pile of rubble and rock, Tony shaking the stars out of his vision and jamming both fists forward, the nanites forming two Repulsor Cannons and firing away. The blasts merely graced the Gorilla’s hide, the beast howling as it reared back with the slab of sharpened rock between its hands and drove it down onto Stark’s Arc Reactor.

Only, it froze mid-way.

Both it and Tony looked back to see the webbing latched onto its arms and keeping it still.

From that webbing, Spider-Man yanked hard and pulled the Gorilla onto its back. The beast dropped the weapon it held, screeching once the shadow hovered over and crashed right on top of it. Giant-Man made sure to press his boot extra deep into the ground before continuing onward, gaze centered on his own battles ahead.

As the giant-sized boot moved on and left the dead Gorilla in the earth, Tony’s arms fell and the nanites relocated to form his hands once more. He tried to stand, but found no need to when Spider-Man leaped forward and grasped his arm. The mask materialized back, the breathless expression of Peter Parker meeting Tony’s and already yammering away at a hundred miles a second.

“Hey! Oh… oh, wow, holy cow. You will not believe what’s been going on!”

And he yammered away, recounting events that occurred to get Tony up to speed. But Tony wasn’t listening. Not really. His focus was centered only to the glistening hair, to the sweating face, to the young and jubilant voice he thought he would never hear again, nor from the kid he thought he would ever see again. Tony’s expression softened at that, the man staring numbly and hearing very little that came from Parker’s lips.

“Do you remember we were at Wakanda, and I got all dusty? I-I must’ve passed out, because when I woke up you were gone! Okay, well Doctor Strange was there, right, and he was all like, ‘Come on, its been five years; they need us!’ Then he did that yellow sparkly thing that he always does, you know? Then we all went back to the Dragon Lands, because he said we needed to round everybody up, and then he was gone for a little while and…”

Tony broke the distance between them, surprising the young Peter Parker with a hug.

“What are you doing?” Peter mumbled, his hands slowly falling and grasping onto Tony’s back. “What are you…?”

Stark never answered his question. He felt there was no need. His wordless response was enough to make him feel whole again, Tony gazing skyward with burning eyes. He closed them both, clutching onto Parker with a secure and assuring vigor, with a bond that he would never break again.

“Oh,” Peter whispered, closing his own eyes when he realized it was an actual hug from Tony Stark. His hero. “This is nice.”

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