• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 3,712 Views, 228 Comments

To Devour a God - the7Saviors

Peace had finally been achieved after years of war, but then they came—the monsters who would devour the world. In a desperate attempt to survive, we united and became the ones who would devour the monsters. It's been 113 years since that day.

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Chapter IV – Friends are Never far Away

I didn't have much in the way of advanced magitech in my home, though Celestia knows we could've afforded it.

Apparently my dad had grown up in an old fashioned home and my mom agreed to humor his views... somewhat. She would always tell me and Shiny that 'the only place magitech needed to be was in the workplace' which I never thought made any sense, as there wasn't a single building that didn't have some kind of mana device or another in it.

Regardless, because of that, Shiny and I grew up without a lot of access to computers, television, mobile phones and the like. My mom eventually relaxed her standards and got my brother and I mobile phones and a TV for the living room... but that was about it.

Sure we had the necessary amenities needed for everyday living, but no computers or anything else that would be considered a luxury when it came to magitech. Thankfully Moon Dancer's parents had no such hangups and I was able to learn how to use a computer whenever I visited her house.

Some time passed and I learned a bit more, going so far as to pick up coding in my spare time, but I still only really used computers during work and didn't have one at home to this day.

It was for this reason that I opted to visit the Canterlot Public Archives. The CPA building was probably one of the largest and most well protected structures in Canterlot aside from Wendigo HQ and Canterlot Castle.

It housed every kind of record available—from historical, to governmental, to corporate, and everything in between—though many of the records regarding the Age of War were heavily restricted.

The Canterlot Public Archives building was a place I had visited regularly as a filly and I had fond memories of it. It was where I had first met Moon Dancer and where I did most of my studying growing up.

Now I was going to use it to learn more about the Avidaeos that frequented the region around Ponyville, as well as information about the town itself. My mom and I had spent the whole morning making arrangements for my departure and trying to figure out what I should bring on the trip to Ponyville.

She had insisted on bringing everything she could pack into an oversized suitcase, but in the end, I went with only my research materials, a few clothes and a few hygienic necessities. After that was done, I had told her my plan to spend the rest of the day at the CPA, and she had insisted on me bringing my friends along.

So it was that I contacted Moon Dancer, who in turn contacted the rest of the girls. Now I was supposed to meet Moon Dancer, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, and Twinkleshine outside of the CPA building.

To be honest, I was kind of nervous about seeing all of them. I hadn't seen the latter three in well over a year, and when they finally show up, I turned them away because I didn't feel like talking.

I made my way up the steps to what was essentially a massive grey and white tower with 'Canterlot Public Archives' labeled in large black letters over the front. It didn't take me long to spot the others. The girls were all either sitting on the benches lining the entrance talking to each other, or leaning against the railing that lined the concrete pathway as they messed with their phones.

Minuette happened to look up from her phone and spot me walking towards them all. She flashed me a big smile and said something to the others before waving me over. The rest of the girls followed suit, and I breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

At the very least, it didn't seem like they were mad—if anything they all looked ecstatic to see me. I gave them all a small smile and wave of my own as I made my way over to where they were.

"Twilight!" Lemon Hearts cried happily as she stood up from the bench and rushed over to me. I let out a surprised yelp as the pale gold mare wrapped me in a quick but tight, hug, "it's so good to see you again!" she pulled away and held me at arms length, her bright smile fading a little, "are you okay? I heard about the relocation and—"

"It's okay, Lemon," I interjected with a reassuring smile, "I'm... I'm okay now, for the most part," when she remained unconvinced I elaborated further, "I talked it out with my mom and we both agreed that if I had to leave, I'd do it with my head held high... or that's what she said anyway."

"Wow, not gonna lie, Twi," Minuette chimed in as she stepped up next to Lemon Hearts and rested an elbow on her shoulder, "that's pretty cheesy. Good advice, but cheesy."

We both shared a small laugh at that before I turned my focus on Twinkleshine and Moon Dancer who were both making their way over.

"Hey you two," I called out, "was I late, or were you all just early?"

"No, we were early," Twinkleshine replied with a small shrug, "I was already in the area on an errand and both Minuette and Moon Dancer already live close by," the light grey, pink maned mare turned a questioning gaze towards Lemon Hearts, "now that I think about it though, why were you already here?"

"I was actually already here with my dad. We were helping my little brother with some research he was doing for school," Lemon Hearts replied with a shrug of her own, "when I got a call from Moon Dancer, I figured I'd stay behind and wait for you all."

"Fair enough," Twinkleshine replied, before turning to me, "It really is nice to see you again after so long, Twilight. I know both you and Moon Dancer have been busy with work, but it means a lot that you decided to see us all one last time before you were shipped off to Ponyville."

"No, I... I should've tried to hang out with all of you more," I replied, my gut twisting with guilt, "I had free time, but I was so caught up with my research and making sure I was on top of everything that I... kind of neglected you all," my ears flattened and I looked away, "I'm sorry girls."

Though I was willing to admit my past mistakes of not paying attention to any of my friends, I still didn't have the heart to tell them I had only chosen to meet up with them because my mom had suggested it.

"Ah, don't sweat it, Twilight," Minuette responded, pulling me into a one armed hug and poking me in the nose, "yeah, it does kinda suck that you didn't bother to at least call, but we all know how you are by now," the light blue mare stepped back and gave me a sheepish grin, "and besides, it's not like we got in contact with you either, so I guess that makes us even, yeah?"

"Minnie's right," Lemon Hearts added, giving me an apologetic smile, "we all had one thing or another going on, and could've made just as much of an effort to stay in touch as you."

I didn't really know what to say to that, so instead I just smiled gratefully.

"Come on, we can all catch up inside," Moon Dancer interjected, putting a hand on my shoulder before gesturing to the entrance, "Twilight leaves tomorrow morning so we don't have a lot of time."

With that, we all headed into the building, chatting and laughing about times long since past. We spent the rest of the afternoon searching through the archives for anything that would help me during my stay in Ponyville, and to my surprise, there wasn't a lot of information on the little town.

Thankfully, there was plenty of information on the Avidaeos, as well as a bit about the enigma that was the Everfree Forest. From what little I knew about the Everfree, it seemed to spit in the face of the current state of the world.

There were very little forests and woods left on Equus—the more plant-like Avidaeos taking the place of any actual trees and their role in the production of oxygen—but the Everfree stood as a testament to old Equestrian wild magic.

The forest just refused to die—rather growing even wilder as the centuries past instead. Naturally it had also grown far more dangerous as a result, and not just from the strange and extremely vicious Avidaeos that gathered there.

There was something... off about that forest, and many of the citizens knew to stay away from it—though apparently some wayward Daeus Hunters hadn't heeded the warnings, or their CO was a nutcase for issuing the order to enter the forest.

Either way, I now had to take their place, which I found rather unfair, but I already decided I wouldn't complain anymore... even though I really wanted to. Still, despite the odd lack of information on Ponyville, my friends and I managed to gather enough general data that I felt far more comfortable taking the trip.

Knowledge had always made me feel safer about my surroundings.

By the time we left, any trepidation or guilt I had felt about seeing my old friends was completely washed away. The sun was beginning to set, and each of the girls had decided to walk me home, which I was kind of beginning to regret, as it gave the others a chance to talk about the one thing I had been avoiding during our research.

"I can't believe it's really happening," Twinkleshine said as she turned to me. Her voice had taken on a more morose tone, "they're really sending you to Ponyville... to become a Daeus Hunter."

I grimaced for a moment before letting out a sigh of resignation.

It looked like I wasn't getting around this conversation after all.

"Apparently I'm uniquely qualified for the position," I replied, furrowing my brows, "at least, that's what Celestia wrote in the letter."

"How is somepony like you uniquely qualified?" Minuette asked raising an eyebrow and jamming her hands in the pockets of her dark blue jacket, "I mean, no offense, Twilight, but you're not exactly a badflank soldier.... not like Shining Armor," she looked away, her frown turning to a goofy smile, "I swear, that brother of yours could—ow!"

Minuette rubbed her arm and grimaced at the pale yellow mare who glared back with a raised fist.

"Alright, alright, yeesh," Minuette muttered, looking away with a surly frown, "so I think Twilight's brother is a nice piece of flank, so sue me," she huffed and turned back to a flatly staring Twilight, "look, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't be anywhere near a D.H.D.F. base of operations, that's all."

"I know that," I said, a hint of exasperation creeping into my voice, "but apparently I'm just what Celestia was looking for. You know the 'new type' Daeus Arms that were just developed?"

Minuette and Lemon Hearts nodded while Twinkleshine just looked confused.

"No," the light grey mare replied, brushing her pink mane out of her face, "when did that happen?"

"Daeus Arms R&D have been working on them for awhile now," Moon Dancer explained, "but the information was only just released to the public," she turned back to me with a bemused frown, "but what does that have to... do... with..." her eyes slowly widened in disbelief, "...no."

I nodded gravely.

"Apparently Wendigo got ahold of the blood samples from my last physical," I explained, "I'm completely compatible with the new Arms—only the second candidate in Equestria so far it seems."

"That's... Twilight, that's crazy!" Moon Dancer cried in bewilderment, "how does that even... why you?"

"I don't know, Moon Dancer," I replied with a sigh, "it just... worked out that way I guess, and it's a big reason why they're making me a Daeus Hunter," I turned to each of my friends in turn as I spoke, "there's other reasons they're making me go. I'm also supposed to work with the scientists in Ponyville as some kind of authority on Hive Cells."

"Well, at least there's that, I guess," Twinkleshine responded, "but still, that's just putting more pressure on you, isn't it?"

"Not really," I replied with a shrug, "I've never considered Hive Cell research a burden or even any kind of 'work' really," I smiled wistfully, "it's something I've given my life to, and I enjoy every single facet of it."

"Good on ya, Twi!" Minuette laughed, clapping me on the back, "at least you'll still be able to do what you love."

We talked a bit more before eventually arriving back at my house. As we reached the steps leading to my front door, the four of them stopped and turned to me. I looked back at them in confusion before Lemon Hearts stepped away from the others and towards me.

"Seriously though," the pale gold mare said, pulling me into another tight hug, "be careful out there, Twilight. We haven't seen you in ages, and I don't want you to die before you have a chance to come visit us in Canterlot again."

She eyed me worriedly as she pulled away, and I could see both Minuette and Twinkleshine giving me the same looks. I turned to Moon Dancer who gave me a stern frown.

"I don't know what it'll be like working at the Daeus Hunter base in Ponyville," the bespectacled mare said, "but remember that you have friends and family who care about you back home. Remember us when you're out there fighting for your life, and don't be reckless."

I stood there frozen, completely caught off guard by the sudden sincerity in everypony's voice and gaze.

"I... I won't," I stammered before shaking my head and giving Moon Dancer a warm smile, "I won't be reckless, and I won't forget any of you—not this time."

"And don't be afraid to make some new friends in Ponyville, Twilight," Twinkleshine added with a small smile and a nod, "you'll need ponies who can watch out for you. Whether it's in Canterlot or your new post in Ponyville, just remember that friends are never far away."

I smiled at each of them in turn and for a few seconds, none of us said anything—at least until Minuette let out a bark of laughter and gave Twinkleshine a playful shove.

"Really, Twinkleshine?" the light blue mare teased, "any more sap and I would've mistaken you for a tree."

Twinkleshine rolled her eyes and gave me one last hug before she and the others stepped past me and towards the sidewalk. She stopped briefly to wave back at me.

"We'll try to contact you before you leave tomorrow," she called out before rushing to meet the other girls who had also stopped to wave goodbye, "look for a message from all of us!"

I smiled and returned their collective waves with one of my own. I watched them go as they made their way further and further down the sidewalk. Once they were out of sight, the smile dropped from my face and I sighed heavily before turning back to my front door.

I don't deserve friends like them, but I'm glad they stuck by me all the same.

I allowed myself another small smile as I opened the door and stepped inside my house for what would probably be the last time in a long time.

Author's Note:

And that's... almost it for the feels. Twilight still has a brother to talk to, but that'll be on the way to Ponyville.

Sorry about the long wait for the new chapter, guys. I had a bit more difficulty putting it together than I thought I would. This is more or less a new direction for me compared to my other stories and I'm still trying to get used to it, so you'll have to forgive me if it feels a bit rough. :twilightsheepish:

Also for anyone who's curious, modern day Equestrians, as well as the other creatures that inhabit Equus, harness the natural mana in the air to power their devices instead of something like electricity—ergo, magitechnology.

Could've explained it in the story, but I felt it was quicker to just put it here. I feel like I've put in enough world building for the moment as it is.

Also, I'm wondering if I should add a sci-fi tag. The tech I'm using isn't really all that much more advanced than the modern day tech we have today save for a few things here and there, so I'm not too sure.

Well, now that I've gotten over the wall that was this chapter, the next one should arrive a bit faster.

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