• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 3,712 Views, 228 Comments

To Devour a God - the7Saviors

Peace had finally been achieved after years of war, but then they came—the monsters who would devour the world. In a desperate attempt to survive, we united and became the ones who would devour the monsters. It's been 113 years since that day.

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Chapter V – A Farewell and Departure

It was almost time.

I had already packed what little I was bringing with me and the rest of my things were being put into storage. Now I was waiting along with my mom for my brother to arrive.

My mom had opted to take some time off of work at the last minute to see me off. It wasn't something she normally did, being as hard working as she was, but it seemed saying goodbye to her daughter was much more important right now.

We sat on opposite sides of the coffee table in the living room, my mom in an armchair and myself on the couch. We had already eaten breakfast and were now both nursing a nice hot cup of coffee.

There was a tense silence between the two of us, no doubt caused by the fact that we both had for the most part already said what we wanted to say.

Really the only thing left was saying goodbye, and I wouldn't be leaving for another few minutes or so. True to their word, my friends had all either messaged or called me to say their own goodbyes, and now it was just me and my mother.

"Are you... gonna be okay once I'm gone, mom?" I asked, both desperate to break the silence and genuinely worried about my mother, "I know you have work to keep you busy, and I'm sure finances won't be a problem... but—"

"I've already come to terms with the fact that it'll just be me around the house from now on," my mom interjected, taking a sip from her mug, "Shining already promised he'd try to visit more often, and it's not like I have no friends of my own to visit from time to time."

She gave me a pointed look at that, and I rubbed my arm sheepishly. My mother did have several friends from work that she would either invite over or hang out with whenever she wasn't busy.

"Alright," I conceded with a sigh, "I just... I'm sorry, mom. I don't feel right, just leaving you on your own like this, especially with where I'm going and what I'll be doing."

"It's out of your hands, dear," my mom replied with a soft, if slightly pained, smile, "it's no fault of your own, and you don't need to worry about me. I have far more reason to worry, Twilight."

"I know," I replied, finishing off the last of my own cup, "and to be honest, I'm still a bit scared, but I'm not going to let that stop me from doing what I need to do."

"That's my girl," mom replied, leaning forward over the table and pulling me into an awkward, but heartfelt hug, "strong and focused, just like your brother and father before you."

As she sat back in her chair, I remained silent, a question forming in my mind.

"Hey... mom?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat for a moment before speaking again.

"I know you don't like to talk about him much," I began hesitantly, "but... since I'm leaving and all, could you tell me a little more about dad?"

The smile fell from my mom's face and after a moment, she set her mug down on the table and replaced her hands on her lap. For a few seconds, she just sat there, staring at her hands with a furrowed brow and a troubled frown.

"Oh, Twilight," she finally muttered before sighing heavily and shaking her head. She gave me a small weak smile, "I suppose I could, dear. Since you've gone and accepted your new and dangerous life, it's only fair that I accept what happened all those years ago."

I smiled and leaned over to rest a hand on my mom's as I gave her an encouraging smile.

"I haven't fully accepted it yet," I corrected, "but I'm willing to at least try."

"That's all I could ask for," my mom replied, her weak smile turning more genuine. She gathered herself together and I returned to my seat as she began speaking, "you see... your father Night Light... he—"

The sound of the front door opening caught both of our attention and we turned just in time to see a tall light grey stallion with a two toned baby and navy blue mane and tail step through the doorway.

"Mom, I'm here! Is Twilight—oh, Twily," the stallion stopped just inside, a look of mild surprise on his face, "I thought you'd still be getting ready."

"Hey, Shiny," I replied rising from my seat with a smile, "there wasn't much for me to pack. Mom and I already took care of it a while ago," I walked over and hugged Shining before pulling back and gesturing towards the dark grey duffle bag near the coffee table, "I figured they'd provide me with anything else I'd need at the base, so I didn't bring a lot."

"Fair enough," Shining replied with a nod, "the Daeus Hunter bases do provide quite a bit, so whatever you brought should be enough," he turned to mom with frown, "how are you holding up, mom?"

"Oh, I'm alright, dear," mom replied, pulling Shiny into a tight hug, "it's so good to see you again. Shining Armor."

"You too, mom," Shining replied, breaking the hug and holding her at arms length. He looked her in the eye, the concerned frown never leaving his face, "Twilight and I have to leave now if we want to make it to Ponyville on schedule, but I still want you to know I'll be back to visit as much as I can, alright?"

"Shining, I'm not some invalid that needs to be taken care of," mom chided, "honestly you two, I'm okay. Both of you were going to have to move out of the house at some point, in fact, I'm surprised Twilight hadn't left sooner given her age."

I blushed slightly, ignoring my mother's pointed look as I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Though it was true that most ponies in their early twenties would've already left home to be out on their own by now, I just found it more convenient to stay with my mom.

The house was the closest to Wendigo HQ without having to pay for the ritzier places within the inner wall. Besides, I wasn't a nuisance, and it's not like I was freeloading either.

I turned back to the other two in time to see Shining Armor step away and back towards the front door with a sigh.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," he said with a shake of his head, "I know you can take care of yourself, it's just... I can't help it, y'know? Being on duty as much as I am, I just feel like I'm never around enough, and with Twily getting sent off to do the same thing..."

I ignored the fact that Shining has more or less said the same thing I had earlier, as I made my way over to him.

"I'll manage, Shiny," I interjected, stepping up next to the stallion, "worrying isn't going to revoke my new status as a Daeus Hunter."

"I know that," Shining groused, "doesn't mean I'm not gonna worry anyway," he moved in to give mom one last hug, and I joined him, "stay safe, mom, and like I said, I'll try to visit more often, whether you want me to or not."

"I'll miss you, mom," I added, squeezing my mother just a bit tighter, "I know Shining Armor is just being... well... Shining Armor, but I promise I'll do my best to make sure I take care of myself so I can come back and see you at some point."

"I know you will, Twilight," mom replied with a warm, if slightly sad smile, "we may be a family of unicorns, but we're all just as diligent and hard working as any earth pony. I know you both will continue to make me proud out there."

"Won't let you down, mom," Shining said before turning to me, "you all set, Twi?"

I nodded and we both turned and headed out the door, stopping one last time to wave goodbye to our mother, who almost seemed to give an exasperated sigh before waving back with a smile.

"You really do worry about mom way too much, you know that?" I teased, "seriously, Shining, you know how tough mom can be."

"You were just as worried about her as I was, and besides," Shining replied with a grimace, "that's one of the reasons I worry so much. Who knows what she'll get herself into without either of us around to talk some sense into her."

As we headed for the greyish green armoured transport vehicle parked just outside, I looked over to my brother and frowned. He really did look every bit the soldier he was.

I had heard a Daeus Hunter could wear whatever they wanted once they had gone past the level of a recruit, but my brother maintained the navy blue military jacket emblazoned with the Wendigo symbol and combat jeans provided by Wendigo Corp.

And then there was that black and white monstrosity clamped just above his wrist—the giant armlet that allowed him and other Daeus Hunters to wield their Daeus Arms.

I grimaced and turned away, knowing I'd have to don the uniform of a Daeus Hunter and take up a Daeus Arm of my own soon enough. Thinking about it was enough to set me on edge all over again, but I pushed the trepidation down for the time being.

The passenger side door of the large truck suddenly opened as we approached, revealing an orange coated, blond maned, and stern faced earth pony mare.

She wore the standard navy blue blazer decorated with a cyan armband signifying a high ranking Wendigo employee. She looked me up and down, her gaze hidden behind dark aviators, before turning to my brother.

"This is your sister right?" she asked, pulling her shades down slightly to reveal sharp, bright blue eyes, "the one President Celestia is personally sending to Ponyville," she looked back to me, "Twilight Sparkle, was it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Shining Armour replied in a more formal tone, "I've been assigned to escort her to Ponyville, along with our other new recruit, Miss Scratch."

I waved nervously before curiously looking past the orange mare and further into the truck. Sitting in one of the seats in back was a white unicorn mare with electric blue hair, violet shades, an open black faux fur coat and jeans, and a pair of headphones currently blaring some kind of techno music.

She seemed oblivious to what was going on as she leaned back in her seat and bobbed her head to the beat of her music. She did eventually notice me staring and gave a small lazy smile and salute before going back to her head bobbing.

I raised an eyebrow but decided to leave her alone and return my attention to the conversation at hand.

"Very well," the stern mare replied, pushing her shades back onto her muzzle, "Miss Sparkle, my name is Elmyra Harshwhinny. I act as the official liaison between Wendigo HQ and the other Equestrian Branches of the organization."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I replied with a polite nod and smile, "While I haven't met you personally, I've heard you've done quite a lot of good work for Wendigo."

"Indeed," Harshwhinny replied simply, "I'll be the one introducing you to the Branch Director while making sure all the proper paperwork is in order regarding the reassignment. In short, I'm accompanying you all to make sure the transfer goes smoothly."

I nodded and Shining took the opportunity to pull the back door open, motioning me to get in once it was open. I complied and slid into the back seat next to the white unicorn mare. She turned and gave me a single nod of greeting which I returned with an awkward smile before looking away.

Before he closed, the door behind me, Shining gave me one of his 'looks' and I sighed. It was the same look he gave me every time he was about to go into what I had chosen to call one of his 'overprotective older brother' lectures.

I doubted he'd talk to me here and now, but I was willing to bet he'd have something to say once we were on the road. He closed the door and went around to the drivers seat.

"The trip to Ponyville should take us roughly four hours if all goes well," Shining announced, buckling in and starting the engine, "while this vehicle is heavily armoured it is not armed—though my Daeus Arm is stored in the back if the need for it arises."

I looked behind me, and sure enough, there was more room in the back where my brother's signature azure long blade, 'the Defender', was latched upon one of the walls. It looked more like a giant blue combat knife to me, but that's just how it was designed.

"In light of this, we will be escorted by three of our more heavily armed trucks waiting just outside the gates of the city," Shining continued as he pulled out onto the street, "the avidaeos don't attack this close to the city, but that's no reason to get complacent.

"Once we get further out, the road's gonna get a lot more dangerous, so the President has sent four other Daeus Hunters to accompany us. Between us five, the local avidaeos shouldn't be a problem, but again, that's no reason to get complacent."

His gaze flicked to the rear view mirror briefly before focusing back on the road ahead.

"That's it for the moment," he finished, "any questions?"

"Who are the other Daeus Hunters?" I asked partly out of curiosity, and partly to quell the rising nervousness in my gut, "anypony we know?"

"Maybe," Shining replied in an oddly teasing tone I didn't usually hear from him, "I've been informed not to divulge identities unless the need arises, so you're just going to have wait to and see."

I raised an eyebrow and turned to the white mare, but she didn't seem to have anything to add.

"Do you know anything about Ponyville?" I asked, remembering the strange lack of information back at the CPA building, "I couldn't find a lot of information on the town."

"Afraid not, sis," Shining replied with a small shrug, "maybe Miss Harshwhinny knows more."

"Indeed I do," the mare in question replied, "but I've been informed by the President herself to let the Branch Director explain more about the town."

"What?" I asked with a confused frown, "why?"

"I don't know, Miss Sparkle," Harshwhinny sighed, "I'm not privy to the intricacies of the President's plans, I only follow orders."

I huffed and looked out the window, watching the outer wall draw closer as we neared the city gates. Annoyed at all the secrecy as I was, I couldn't deny that a small part of me was somewhat excited to finally see what lie outside Canterlot's walls.

Who knows? Maybe things won't be so bad, maybe I'll get to see what's out there without getting attacked by crazy monsters, maybe Ponyville is actually a wonderful town.

I frowned.

Or maybe I'm just being delusional.

Author's Note:

No, for those of you who are wondering, Vinyl Scratch is not the other new type. As for Harshwhinny's first name, it's the first one that popped into my head and I like it. I think it rolls off the tongue nicely.

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