• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,751 Views, 1,004 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Questions, Suspicions, and Threats

Friday morning was usually something to be looked forward to at Canterlot High. The impending freedom of the weekend lent an anticipatory energy to the school from students and staff alike. In general, this was still true.

In the principal's office, however, things were tense.

Very tense.

“Would you like anything, Agent Shadow?” Celestia asked as she sat behind her desk. “Coffee? Water?”

“I'm fine,” Tempest answered. “Thank you, Principal Celestia.”

“Now, how exactly can I help you?” Celestia steeped her fingers and looked at the STORM agent. Tempest reached into her inner jacket pocket and pulled out her phone.

“As I said on the phone, the Taskforce investigates unusual phenomena, and recently we've gotten several reports originating here in town.” She brought up her notes. “Some of them pertain to this school and we were hoping you could provide some insight.”

“I'm happy to help in any way I can.”

Tempest nodded and swiped a couple of times. “So, the most recent thing I've found was last March during something called the Friendship Games.”

“Ah yes,” said Celestia. “A friendly competition between the students here at CHS and Crystal Prep Academy. Academic and athletic. It promotes camaraderie between the two student bodies.”

Tempest held up her phone. On it were two pictures, one of the Wondercolt statue, the other of the empty plinth. “From what I understand, there was some sort of incident that destroyed the statue out front?"

“A prank that went wrong,” Celestia replied. “Despite the name and the intended purpose, the Friendship Games have tended to start prank wars in the days leading to the competition. The usual things. Toilet papering the grounds, stealing mascot heads or trophies. That kind of thing.”

“And the statue?” Tempest quirked her visible eyebrow.

“The plan, as I understand it, was to set off fireworks after the final event and the winner was announced. Some of the students at Crystal Prep felt their victory was assured and wanted to rub it in. They used several illegal types which, unfortunately, caused more damage than anything else. The Wondercolt, sadly, was a casualty.”

“And did they win?”

Celestia blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“Did Crystal Prep win the Games? I assume so, since they set off the fireworks.”

“Actually, they were declared a draw. The fireworks went off prematurely right as we began the third event,” Celestia answered. “Given the damage, we felt the Games should end right there. The score was one to one, so it was a draw.”

“'We?'” Tempest asked.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You said 'we,'” the agent clarified. “I was curious who was involved in the decision.”

“Ah... yes.” Celestia put her hands down. “That would be myself, Vice Principal Luna, and Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep.”

Tempest glanced down at her phone. “That's odd. I asked around and I kept hearing about someone named 'Principal Cinch' was in charge at Crystal Prep during that time.”

“Abacus Cinch. Yes, she was the principal at Crystal Prep during the Games, however, she retired last April. She also agreed to the draw.”

“I see.” Tempest went back to looking through her notes. Celestia's brows came together, but quickly returned to a neutral position as the agent looked up. “Would you happen to know where Ms. Cinch is now? I'd like to get her take on the events.”

Celestia swallowed. “Unfortunately, I don't. Part of the reason for the rivalry between our two schools was Ms. Cinch's own rather... competitive streak. She doesn't exactly get along with people. Principal Cadance can probably help you with her current address.”

“Mm-hm.” Tempest glanced back down at her phone then back up. “Another incident. Back in November, I understand the school held some sort of music concert at the Canterlot Bowl? Reports came in of... odd things in the sky over the venue.”

Celestia's smile returned. “Yes that. One of the bands teamed up with out resident DJ and created a holographic light show. We didn't know anything about it and it surprised everyone. I spent the next day explaining what happened to the authorities.”

“Yes, I talked to them. There's was also a... gas leak last fall as I understand it?”

“Yes. During the Fall Formal. Tragic. Fortunately, everyone was in the gymnasium at the time, away from the front of the school.”

“Really?” Tempest's lip curled upward slightly. Celestia noticed and braced herself. “From what I've heard, there was a student in the crater that remained.”

“She fell in following the explosion, when everyone came out to see what had happened. A few bumps and bruises, but she was otherwise fine.”

Tempest crossed her legs. “I'd like to speak to her, if I could. And the band who created the light show. And any other students who may have witnessed any of these events.”

Celestia's frown returned. “I don't know if I can agree to that. At least not without notifying the parents of the students in question.”

Tempest said nothing, only quirking her eyebrow again. Celestia matched her look. After a moment, Tempest spoke.

“Principal Celestia, I'm sure you already know that, since this is a federal investigation, I could force the issue.”

“And I'm sure you know that I have a responsibility to ensure the safety of my students. And that includes making sure their families are well aware their children are being asked to speak to a federal agent of a government agency with, you must admit, nebulous credentials.” Celestia's voice was polite but firm. Tempest's eyes narrowed.

“You're talking about obstruction.”

“Nothing of the kind,” Celestia said airily. “I will be more than happy to facilitate your interviews with my students... after their parents are properly notified. Or...”

Celestia leaned forward and a pleasant but dangerous smile spread across her face. “You can come back with a warrant and I will gladly arrange things so you can speak to the students that interest you.”

Tempest's frown deepened. “You should tread lightly, ma'am.”

“So should you,” Celestia replied, the smile vanishing. “Because I will not be bullied into violating the rights of my students by an agent of the federal government. So, you can either leave me a list the students you'd like to speak to and I will make arrangements so you can interview them with full knowledge of their parents or you can return with a warrant. Either way...”

Celestia got to her feet and leaned over the desk. “... you will not be speaking to any of my students today, Agent Shadow.”

Tempest slowly lifted her gaze, then the rest of her body followed as she stood. She straightened her blazer. “Do you have a card, Principal Celestia?”

Celestia stood upright and pulled a business card out of her desk. Tempest took it and glanced at the text before speaking again.

“I will send you a list of the students I want to speak with later today. Will the weekend be sufficient time to notify their parents?”

“As long as I receive your list before one PM, that will be acceptable.”

“Excellent. I'll be in touch. Thank you for your time, Principal Celestia.”

“My pleasure, Agent Shadow.”

The two shook hands again, and the STORM agent left the office. When the door closed, Celestia let out a sigh. She looked at the clock. Ten minutes, then I call Sunset and her friends.

Outside, Tempest made her way to the exit, frustrated. The principal was right, of course, but usually when STORM interviewed civilians, they could count on their interviewees not realizing where the lines were. The fact that the principal was ready for Tempest's gambit told her one thing.

She prepared for this. She knows our playbook.

Tempest frowned. The principal knew something. She could tell.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang, releasing the students into the halls. The agent scanned the crowd, automatically memorizing faces and details. She was certain some or all of the girls from the music video were here.


Tempest's head snapped around at the sound of the name. She saw a girl with poofy pink hair nearly tackle the girl she had staked out earlier in the week. Tempest noticed with interest that Rarity was now on a pair of canes and had braces on her legs. Another girl, a redhead with streaks of gold in her hair, was standing behind Rarity, putting books into the backpack the violet-haired girl wore. The three began chatting. Tempest observed them for a few seconds, and nodded to herself before leaving the school.

Three out of seven. We will definitely be having a discussion on Monday, ladies.

Author's Note:

Sorry about missing yesterday. I've been going through a thing.

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