• Published 9th Jul 2018
  • 3,773 Views, 1,008 Comments

Consequences - shallow15

Things come to a head as recent events bring Sunset Shimmer and her friends in conflict with a government agent and something angry lurking in the woods outside Canterlot City

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Healing, Surprises, and Sequins

“Pony up!” Sunset called. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity immediately cut their attacks on the Ursa short. Rainbow grabbed the handles of Rarity's wheelchair and sped them both back to the rest of the group, Applejack following behind.

When all seven were together, Rarity created a large crystal dome around them as protection. Frank, startled at their sudden departure at first, quickly recovered and let out another roar before rushing to the dowm and smashing his claws into the top.

“Whatever we're going to do, we better do it quickly!” said Rarity, her face flushed with the strain of keeping the dome together. “I don't know how long I can hold him back!”

Sunset's mind raced, trying to remember how to trigger the healing explosion of magic that all seven of them had produced before. So far, it had always simply triggered when all of them were together, but in this case it wasn't happening.

There was another roar anda crash, causing the girls to let out a cry of surprise as cracks began forming in the dome overhead.

“Sunset...” Twilight's voice was tinged with panic. Sunset closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, hoping that something would come to her. Some magic word, or action, or something that could help her and her friends...


“Join hands!” Sunset cried. Another crash rocked the dome and more fractures appeared.

“Is this the time for that kind of touch feely crap?” Rainbow asked.

“Just do it, for corn's sake, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack snapped back. She grabbed one of Dash's hands and took Pinkie's in the other. The rest of the girls followed suit, forming a ring. At that point three things happened at once: Frank smashed his claws into the dome causing the whole crystal structure to dissipate into magic dust, the girls formed a ring with their linked hands, and Sunset felt something similar to a circuit closing in her fingers.

Instantly, the magic coursed through all seven girls. Each felt a sudden soothing warmth on their right cheek as cutie marks appeared there. Rainbow colored light becang to eminate from them, causing Frank to wince at the sudden intensity and stagger back.

The girls felt the prison scrubs they were wearing ripple and change. Much to their surprise, the new clothes were not the ones they had acquired and ponied up into since Camp Everfree.

Twilight was now clad in a near sleeveless periwinkle tunic, her cutie mark emblazoned on her chest with a flared purple skirt and slightly lighter purple tights underneath. The entire look was topped off with black boots covered in stars and a tiara on her head.

Sunset's outfit was even more vibrant. A red sequined gown with matching tights. Knee high black boots topped with a yellow flame motif. A tiara of spikes atop her head.

Rainbow's outfit was simple and practical: a long blue and red tunic with her cutie mark on her chest, black sequined tights and a pair of winged multicolored high top sneakers.

Fluttershy's was even more basic; A purple sequined wrap dress with an open green overskirt aroudn her hips and pink flat shoes with white butterflies on the toes.

Pinkie's new outfit, as expected, was a poofy pink and blue balloon of sequins complete with white and gold ankle boots.

Applejack's was probably both the least flashy and most practical. A blue denim shirt, cowgirl boots, and a flowing ruffled red skirt with the apparenly now required sequins.

By contrast, Rarity's was nearly mythological. An off the shoulder tunic dress with a gold belt and tiara dotted with sapphires. Sandal style boots in gold that came up to her knees and the piece-de-resistance; a flowing shoulder cape.

They had no time to appreciate their new looks though. No sooner was the transformation complete, than the now-familiar magic double rainbow spiraled upward from the circle of friends, reached its peak and crashed down onto the Ursa, who let out another surprised roar. However, it wasn't the only surprise.

As soon as the rainbow hit Frank, a beam splintered off and smashed into Rarity, causing her to let out her own shocked yelp. The girls gasped as Rarity's form became lost in the swirl of color. Soon, however, the magic ceased and both Rarity and Frank crashed to the ground.

Sunset glanced over at Frank, who was now back to his normal size and shape. Something that could have been steam or smoke but was actually neither was coming off his fur. She turned to the girls.

“Fluttershy, go check on Frank. Applejack, go with her in case he gets physical again. The rest of us will check on Rarity.”

“Right,” said AJ. “C'mon, Fluttershy.”

The other girls crowded around Rarity, who was on her back on the ground. Her eyelids fluttered and they opened. She looked up at Sunset.

“Was it like that for you?” she asked, her voice small.

“Maybe?” Sunset's expression was vague. “I'm not sure. Are you okay?”

“I think so.” Rarity sat up and wiggled her feet. “Everything seems to be all right.”

“Do that again!” Twilight demanded.

“Twilight, what --” Sunset began, but Twilight held up a hand cutting her off.

“Do what you just did again, Rarity,” she repeated, less forcefully this time.

Rarity looked at her confused, but her feet wiggled once more. Then her eyes widened.

“Did I just move my feet?” she said, her voice tinged with wonder.

“Yes!” Pinkie cried, throwing her arms around the fashionista. “You did! You got your legs back!”

“Let's take it slow,” said Twilight, “We don't know that for sure. Rainbow, help me.”

Twilight put one of Rarity's arms around her shoulders, while Rainbow took the other one. Then slowly, all three girls got to a standing position. Rarity set her jaw, then lifted her arms and took a few halting steps forward. She staggered a bit, but quickly recovered.

“It's like my feet are asleep, but I can feel the pins and needles!” Delight was evident in her voice. She took a few more steps, gently at first, then with more assurance. Soon, she was moving with increasing speed, almost running. She turned back to her friends, tears of joy glinting in the corners of her eyes.


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