• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,366 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Damage Report

When Twilight next opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that she was no longer being pulled along by an invisible force. Rather she was her normal fleshy self, lying in a bed and looking up at a ceiling not unlike she had last woken up to in Ponyville. Though it was obviously made from a living tree like the library, this space was much smaller, and the tree itself was a different species.

“T-Twilight?” someone whispered.

Twilight turned her head towards the source of the voice, her neck protesting the movement by sending a jolt of pain down her spine. Sitting next to her bed was none other than Spike, whose hands gripped Twilight’s foreleg tightly, his eyes milky and his gaze distant. Twilight’s stomach lurched into her throat and she tried to reach out with her mind to find out if the dragon had truly been blinded, only to wince.

“Stars above, that hurts,” Twilight muttered bitterly, her voice so deep that she almost sounded male.

Spike smiled, his hands reached for the unicorn’s shoulders. “Oh, thank goodness, you're awake. It's about time.”

“What do you mean? How long have I been out?” Twilight croaked, looking down at herself.

Her body seemed intact, but her clothes and boots were nowhere to be seen, worse yet, her body was covered in light burns. Other minor injuries marred her skin, but the unicorn didn't seem to have suffered anything more pressing than the worst headache of her life. It was even more painful than the time she had suffered magical burnout, or the time she had pushed her psionic abilities too far. If she had to guess, Twilight would have assumed that she had pushed both of her powers to their absolute limit and was now suffering for it.

“You were asleep for… a while,” Spike warned, his hands gripping Twilight’s shoulders and keeping her from rising. “Don't move. Just wait until Zecora gets back. She’ll want to speak to you before you get out of bed.”

Twilight grunted and fell back down, idly noting that her resting place was surprisingly comfortable and actually fit her larger frame. For a moment the unicorn merely lay there, observing her surroundings while she gathered her bearings. The room they were in was small but cozy, having clearly served as someone’s bedroom up until recently.

A dresser, end table, and chest sat along one wall while the bed rested against the other with only a few feet of space between them. Above her on the wall was a small circular window which likely looked out over the Everfree Forest, but she wouldn't be able to tell either way as it was dark out. Other than that, a large mask hung above the chest, and at the end of the bed was a tall, rounded opening covered by a wall of hanging beads.

Beyond the small barrier burned a fire, upon which was a large pot and though Twilight could see shapes moving around, she couldn't make out any details. Relaxing into her bed, Twilight pressed her hooves against her eyes, focusing herself and trying to think of what to do next. That was until she thought of Spike as well as her freinds, and a pang of guilt stabbed at her heart.

“What's the status of our… friends?” Twilight whispered.

Spike sighed. “Not good. Nightmare Moon gave us a real thrashing.”

“Did… did Silver Bulwark make it?” Twilight asked.

Spike slowly shook his head. “I’m afraid not. Her injuries were too severe.” He paused and looked off to the right. “We buried her out back under a silverleaf tree not far from Zecora’s hut.”

Twilight felt tears building at the edge of her eyes, but she refused to shed them before she visited Silver Bulwark’s grave. “And the rest?” she asked.

Spike frowned. “You’ve been out for about a week and though you’ve suffered severe exhaustion of multiple different kinds, you're more or less okay. You’re going to be pretty achy though, not even being part zerg can stop your legs from cramping after not being used for seven whole days.”

“I suppose that's… good,” Twilight murmured.

“As for myself. Well let’s just say Nightmare Moon’s fire burns a little different than normal.” The dragon waved a hand in front of his eyes. “I can't see much, only blurry shapes, but it's gotten better already. Those first days they were… well, the less said about them, the better.”

Twilight nodded to herself, already imagining how horrible it would be to wake up blind and in an entirely new location. “You’ll heal, right?”

Spike nodded. “My scales still itch because I got burnt under them and my eyeballs don't work too well, but I’m healing really fast, or so Zecora says anyway.”

“Wait, who is this Zecora creature anyway?” Twilight asked.

“She's a zebra, though not really.” Spike winced and rubbed the back of his neck. “You’ll have to see for yourself, I’m afraid, I’m not great with the whole seeing thing right now.”

“Right,” Twilight fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling, “go on.”

“Well, Rainbow Dash lost both of her wings and is pretty depressed. I don't think she's said a word since she woke up a couple of days ago,” Spike remarked. “The closest she's gotten to talking is waking up screaming in the middle of the night.”

Twilight’s frown deepened and though a part of her wanted to tell the dragon to stop, she refused to listen to that urge. This was her fault, her burden to bear, and she wasn't about to shirk from that duty, especially before she even saw them.

“Pinkie Pie has trouble walking very far, she took a mean hit and can't really feel her legs anymore. She might heal, but it will take months before we know for sure if she’ll recover.” Spike smirked. “She’s tough though, I think she’ll walk again no problem.”

Twilight merely nodded.

“Scootaloo made it out surprisingly well, given what happened.” Spike smiled faintly. “Her wounds healed remarkably quickly, but she's a little scared and tends to stick to Fluttershy’s side like a burr.”

“And how is Fluttershy?” Twilight inquired.

“She survived, thanks to you,” Spike replied.

“That's not what I asked,” Twilight retorted.

Spike frowned. “She’s blind in her left eye, but she's part zerg, so there's still hope it will heal. It's deep though, like fried nerves and everything. Other than that a couple of light burns and that's it.”

“Mixed blessings, I suppose,” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Speaking of which, Applejack made it out more or less okay. She has trouble holding food sometimes and for a while there she had trouble breathing, but her lungs seemed to have healed,” Spike announced.

“And what about Rarity? How is our resident high templar doing?” Twilight asked, turning back towards the dragon.

“It… isn't good,” Spike murmured, tapping his claws together. “She can't move anything from the neck down and spends most of her time talking to herself.”

“Talking to herself?”

Spike nodded. “Fluttershy tried to help, but she’s like an amplifier and needs you there in order to do much. Either way, Zecora says it's like there are two minds in one body, but she doesn't know how such a thing could happen. There also doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong with her anymore, now that her exhaustion and light injuries have been treated.”

“That is disconcerting,” Twilight remarked.

“You could say that again. I know you weren't her biggest fan, but-” Spike began.

“That wasn’t fair of me,” Twilight interrupted. “I should have trusted her as she trusted me.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Well, that's good to hear. Hopefully she’s cognizant enough to hear you say those words.”

Twilight nodded and was about to ask for more information when the beads rustled, revealing a hooded figure standing in the doorway. Held aloft by a tentacled appendage was a wooden cup filled to the brim with some sort of bubbling green liquid. Though the shadows cast were deep and hid much of the figure’s appearance, Twilight could tell that the creature was not a normal zebra.

Her body was bulkier, lacking the lithe stature that zebras were known for, and the only thing Twilight could see were two orange orbs peering out from beneath the deep hood. Other than that, there was a single strange tentacle poking out from where her mouth would be, which jabbed the cup into Twilight’s chest. Taking the hint, Twilight downed the strange mixture in a single massive gulp, unbothered by the foul flavor or burning aftertaste.

“I told you she was tough,” Spike remarked.

Twilight swallowed again, trying to dismiss the irritating taste which continued to linger at the back of her throat. When it was finally gone, Twilight felt her headache vanish and her connection to the other infested beings suddenly return to her. Almost immediately she could feel relief and fear flowing from Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Applejack, though Twilight held them at bay for the moment.

She could tell that they had reservations about Twilight’s decision and that they wanted to come speak to her, but Twilight held firm. They would have time to talk shortly, right now she had a feeling that this Zecora individual would require her full attention. As if on cue, Zecora and Spike exchanged a glance and a nod, prompting the zebra to tug back her hood.

Revealing one of the strangest countenances that Twilight had ever seen before, including the strange zerg creature she had seen in her dreams all those years ago. The normal pony muzzle was gone, replaced by large organic plates which covered her entire face save for two beady orange eyes and a maw filled with half a dozen tentacles. Zecora’s eyes were the most striking part about her, reminding Twilight of her own, only even more fierce for lack of a better word.

The tentacles which sprouted from Zecora’s maw retracted into the creature’s orifice before she extended a sharp segmented limb to the mare. It then pointed towards Twilight’s forehead before gesturing to its own while making a garbled warbling noise. Putting two and two together, Twilight closed her eyes and focused on the connection she shared with the other infested beings already in her neural network.

After doing that, Twilight found that it was a simple matter to strengthen the bonds Zecora had already created with the others. Then Twilight linked herself to the strange zebra and was instantly awash with joy as well as a lingering sense of guilt.

I am sorry, Queen Twilight, but I was unable to save your guard, Zecora announced solemnly, the zebra’s thoughts filled with the bitter taste of disappointment.

It’s… fine, Twilight thought somberly. There was likely very little you could do at that point.

You are unfortunately correct. Even my finest elixirs did little to aid her. Zecora shook her head from side to side. Though the rest of your brood have survived, I fear that your uninfested companions will not be able to overcome their injuries without assistance.

Twilight glanced past the infested zebra, to where she knew her friends lay injured and broken. It's my fault they are like that, you know.

I have heard the tale of your battle. Zecora vigorously twisted her head back and forth. And I disagree with your assessment.


But nothing. You are queen, master of your brood. We who are bound to you live at your whim. Zecora stepped closer. And if I am being honest with you, the fact that you have suffered only a single casualty speaks volumes of your abilities.

Twilight frowned and reluctantly dismissed the urge to argue with the infested zebra. Wait, we?

Zecora nodded. In my haste to assist your brood, I connected to your biomaster, tying myself to you forevermore.

Biomaster? You mean… Fluttershy? Twilight inquired, eyebrows raised.

Indeed. Though we will speak more on such a topic at a later date as I feel the rest of your brood wishes to see you now. Zecora stepped back and slipped out of the way, pulling back the wall of beads.

Applejack was the first to approach, with the towering hydralisk hybrid peeking around the corner and using a scythe-like limb to keep the beads from falling back down. “H-hey boss. How are ya feelin’?”

Twilight smirked as she inspected the infested earth pony and noted that she appeared fine, save for a brutal scar near the middle of her chest. “Like I just got struck by lightning and stuffed in a washing machine after a very long night of drinking,” Twilight replied.

The hydralisk hybrid winced. “Yeah, I wasn't much better when I woke up either.”

“S-s-speaking of which,” interrupted Fluttershy, who peeked her head in the other side of the doorway. “H-how long have you b-been awake? I can hardly f-f-feel you right now.”

“Not long. Though I’m afraid my brain is still going to need some time to relax before I can use my full abilities,” Twilight warned, looking Fluttershy up and down and finding that Spike’s assessment had been correct.

“S-sorry to hear that,” whispered Scootaloo who poked her head out from between Fluttershy’s legs.

Twilight sighed as she noted the way Scootaloo had seemingly lost all her previous bravado and now clung to Fluttershy tightly. “It's okay. I’m just glad to hear you girls are alright,” Twilight declared.

“I wouldn't say that,” warned Applejack. “The other two are a lot worse off than us.”

Twilight winced and pushed herself off the bed, stumbling into a wobbly stand. “Show me.”

Fluttershy extended one of her clawed hands and leaned forward. “Yes, my queen, though beware. It isn't a pleasant sight.”

Twilight took the offered limb and awkwardly trotted forward. “I will be the judge of that.”

Fluttershy gripped the unicorn’s hoof and gently guided her into the much larger room which lay just beyond. Once she had passed through the door of beads, Twilight looked around curiously, noting that this second space was surprisingly large. The roof was at least ten feet tall, allowing even Applejack to stand up straight without worrying about bumping her head.

Before her stood a sizable bubbling cauldron which rested upon a fire that sat in a small dug out pit in the center of the room. Though the fire was low, it was enough to illuminate the rows of bottles that covered nearly every wall in its entirety. A large round door stood to Twilight’s immediate left which was flanked by two more windows the same size as the first one she had seen. To her right rested two ponies, neither of whom seemed to even notice Twilight staring down at them.

The closest was Rainbow Dash, who merely sat on her haunches, back pressed against the wall. Bandages were wrapped around her midsection as well as on her forehooves, but other than that, there were no other visible injuries. The look on her face however told a different story, as her gaze was distant and her expression vacant.

Kneeling down next to her, Twilight waved a hoof in front of the pegasus’ face, gaining her attention and causing her to turn towards the unicorn. “Does it hurt?” Twilight whispered.

Rainbow Dash blinked slowly and shook her head.

Twilight pursed her lips and touched the pony’s shoulder. “I know of a place where they might be able to replace your wings. Would you like me to take you there?”

The edges of Rainbow Dash’s mouth turned slightly upwards and she glanced towards Fluttershy.

“Yes, Fluttershy will be joining you there, if she’s still willing to stick with me after this, that is,” Twilight answered.

The infested pegasus nodded vigorously. “Of course, m-my queen. I will r-r-remain with you for as l-long as you have need of me. I’ve also already t-taken care of my animals and thus can leave whenever you d-d-deem it necessary.”

Twilight nodded slowly before turning back to Rainbow Dash. “I can't promise anything, but I’ve seen them replace limbs as well as eyes and other body parts.’

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly.

Twilight sighed and stood back up before trotting over to where Rarity lay on her stomach nearby. Her body was limp, and her chin rested against the ground as she stared off into the distance, muttering to herself. Though she suffered no external injuries save for a few bumps and bruises, even a single glance was enough to tell Twilight that something was deeply wrong.

Her psychic abilities remained muted, however, and as such it was hard to read the other pony’s mind. “Fluttershy, could you come here?” Twilight asked, extending a hoof towards the mare in question.

“O-of c-c-course,” Fluttershy stuttered, the mare stepping forward, Scootaloo close on her tail.

Gripping the other creature’s hoof tightly in her own, Twilight focused on the connection they had used to enter Rarity’s mind a week ago. Together their power was enough to let the infested creatures hear exactly what Rarity was muttering to herself. As soon as that happened, Twilight found herself agreeing with Zecora’s earlier assessment, as there did indeed seem to be two consciousnesses in one body.

Only one was much younger than the other yet spoke with a strange amount of force, while the other felt like the Rarity they knew, only not quite.

“How dare you steal my body from me! You're a monster, a demon!” shouted the younger voice.

“I didn't--we talked about this, I was-” began the older voice.

“I’ve heard all your stupid excuses, and I still think you’re dumb!” shouted the first voice.

“Rarity, are you alright?” Twilight asked both verbally and mentally.

The dishevelled unicorn turned toward her, a wide confused look on her face. “You--we--what--is going--my head,” muttered the mare in two entirely different voices.

Focus, one at a time, Twilight imparted.

The voices quieted before the younger suddenly spoke up. “How are you doing that?” Rarity asked out loud.

“I have some rather unique abilities, but that doesn't matter right now,” Twilight hastily replied. “Do you know what has happened to you?”

Rarity shook her head. “I was going to an appointment with my mother before I ended up in that strange prison you two found me in, and now I’ve got my body back, but it's old for some reason.”

“I am not old,” retorted Rarity’s other voice. “I am not even twenty-two yet!”

“That is so old,” the younger voice shot back.

“Girls. Focus,” Twilight asserted.

“Right. I think I have an idea as to what happened,” exclaimed the older voice. “Though I’m not wholly certain if it's true or not.”

“Fire away. Any idea is better than no idea,” Twilight offered.

Rarity took a deep breath, steadying herself. “I believe that when one first connects to the khala, it takes a part of you and locks it up. Though that may only happen to those who attempt to walk the path of a high templar.”

“Or you're an evil body-snatching demon,” growled Rarity’s younger voice.

“I think Rarity is onto something, the other Rarity,” Twilight remarked.

“Fine, I’ll let the old nag talk,” whined the younger Rarity.

“Right, where was I?” muttered Rarity. “Oh yes. I believe that whatever was housing my younger self was damaged right before I was kicked out of the khala. This created an opening for my younger consciousness to escape back into my mind which leads to my, or should I say our, current predicament.”

“That does make a lot of sense as different templars seem to have varied levels of personality and individuality. To me this would indicate that lower ranking members have had more of their mind taken from them,” Twilight murmured half to herself.

“Now tell the old nag to stop fighting me for the body. I haven't been able to move in forever, and I want to enjoy being able to walk around,” exclaimed the younger voice in a bitter tone.

“This is more my body than it is yours, you know. I’ve inhabited it for far longer, after all,” Rarity replied, lifting her nose.

“R-rarity are you s-s-sure you mean that?” Whispered Fluttershy.

The unicorn sighed. “No.”

“Here, I’ll create a space within your mind where you can retreat to. It should be able to allow you to switch control of your body, though both of you will have to focus to make it work,” Twilight offered, silently hoping that she could even do something, given her current power level.

“Fine. If that's what it takes,” declared the younger Rarity.

Twilight closed her eyes and reached forward with Fluttershy, entering Rarity’s cluttered mindscape. Together they created a space which one Rarity could inhabit while the other controlled their faculties. It wasn't perfect, and it left both Fluttershy and Twilight exhausted, but in the end Rarity was able to slowly stand up on her own.

Fascinating, exclaimed Zecora.

“Oh, thank the stars. Here I’d thought you were stuck that way,” murmured Applejack.

“Yes, well, I wasn't always as snooty as that other Rarity and-” The fashionista’s orange eyes went wide. “Monster! Everybody run!”

Twilight sighed and gently but firmly pushed Rarity onto her rump. “Maybe you should let the other Rarity drive while she explains things to you.”

“How are you not terrified of that thing? It's got claws bigger than a hook horror!” Rarity shouted.

“What's a hook horror?” muttered Applejack.

“It's an Ogres and Oubliettes monster,” remarked Spike.

“Rarity please, just trust me,” Twilight asserted, putting a bit of power into her voice.

The unicorn looked around the room before slowly nodding. “Fine, but I don't like this, and she better give my body back after she's done explaining.”

Rarity’s eyes flickered, becoming a bright, almost glowing teal. “Of course, darling, now would you please stop fighting Twilight. We have enough bruises already.”

The fashionista rolled her teal eyes before lying back down.

“Would you mind answering any questions they may have?” asked Twilight while looking at Fluttershy.

The infested pegasus nodded. “Of c-course, my q-q-queen.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” Twilight replied, trotting a little more confidently over to Zecora, who stood near the edge of the group. “Are you coming with us?”

Of course. You are my queen. Though I am curious as to where you are going as your mind is still in turmoil, Zecora replied, tentacles flicking in and out of her mouth.

“There's an old and well-hidden railroad that leads to the confederacy. I want to-” Twilight stopped and turned to the door just as it opened to reveal a confused Pinkie Pie holding a hoof load of wood.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing, come on in, Pinkie Pie. We were just talking about what we planned to do,” Spike announced.

“Oh great. ‘Cause this whole eternal night thing is really spooky,” Pinkie Pie remarked, stumbling into the room and depositing the wood near the edge of the cauldron.

“Wait, eternal night?” Twilight turned to the window and noted that despite the moon hanging above them, she could still see fairly clearly. “But it's so bright outside.”

“That's because the full moon hasn't set since we fought you know who,” explained Applejack, her voice lowering to a whisper near the end of her sentence.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and glanced at Spike.

Who shrugged. “I guess she was totally serious about the whole making it be night forever thing.”

“That explains the draft despite it being spring,” Twilight murmured.

“And it only looks like it's going to get colder,” remarked Pinkie Pie who grunted in pain as she lay down next to the fire. “The moon isn't exactly a warm place.”

“How cold has it gotten?” Twilight asked.

Only a single degree, but the wind is unkind and the weather is strange, Zecora replied, peering out the window. The wildlife is also quite confused by this turn of events.

“I’ll s-say. My a-a-animals needed to be calmed down for h-hours,” Fluttershy added.

“Okay, so now we are working on a time limit. Great,” Twilight muttered bitterly.

“What do you mean?” Applejack asked.

“Think about it. If she doesn't let the sun back up, we are all going to freeze,” Twilight explained. “But we’ll probably starve before that happens.”

“Which is why I’m sticking with you,” Pinkie Pie piped up. “If anyone will have a plan to get everything back to normal, it will be Celestia, and I got a feeling you want to save her.”

Twilight nodded. “I do, but first I was hoping to use a secret railway to send most of you to confederate territory. I have friends there who may be able to help you recover from your injuries.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and who are you thinking of sending?”

“Well, you for one. You can't do much good if I have to lead you around like a seeing eye dog,” Twilight replied.

Spike crossed his arms over his chest. “I really want to disagree with you, but I have to admit I wouldn't be much help anyway. If my eyesight does return completely in time, I get to come though!”

“Darn tootin’ ya do,” Applejack added, grinning.

“Really the only ones I was going to bring with me were Zecora and Applejack,” Twilight announced. “The rest of you are too injured to be much help, unfortunately.”

“B-but, my q-q-queen,” Fluttershy stuttered, stepping up to the taller creature. “It’s h-hard to think without you, and my injuries are light.”

“If you stick close to me, you’ll be okay,” Spike announced. “Twilight and I’s connection goes deep enough that distance isn't an issue.”

The unicorn nodded. “That it is, and though light, there are ponies who depend on you. So if that's everything?”

I will need time to pack up what few belongings I have and mark my abode so no animals move into it while I am gone, Zecora added.

“Good, and in return for joining us, I will extend the same promise I made to Fluttershy and Applejack,” Twilight announced, turning to the zebra.

No need. This form is efficient, and so long as I have purpose, I am happy. Zecora tilted her head left to right, joy emanating from the creature. It has been too long since I have belonged anywhere.

“Just let her have this,” Spike warned, stepping forward. “I’ve already had this conversation with her before. Oh and before you ask, that was her who was following us before.”

Though the Taken did tail you for a while as well, Zecora remarked.

“The Taken, oh you mean the houses, right?” Applejack interjected.

Yes, Zecora answered.

“Right, so are we all in agreement?” Twilight inquired, glancing at each of her companions in turn.

Everyone nodded, even Rainbow Dash and Rarity, whose eyes had shifted back to yellow. “I am not a fan of this entire mess I’ve fallen into, but it seems as though I am one of these Element things, so I kind of have to come with you,” the younger Rarity announced. The unicorn sighed, and her voice became deeper. “I’ve told you this a dozen times already. I’m the Bearer of the Element of Generosity. Not you.”

Twilight glared at Rarity, causing the other unicorn to close her mouth with a sharp clack. “We can discuss that while we’re moving, right now we need to get on the road. Canterlot is under siege, and we need to assist them in any way we can.”

“Wait, how do you know that?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I’ll explain on the way,” Twilight replied dismissively. “Now, is there anything else that you guys need to do before we leave? I don't think we’ll be back here any time soon.”

Spike shrugged. “I’m good.”

“I’d like to talk to my family, but I don't think they’d take it very well,” muttered Applejack, shoulders slumping.

“We can try, if you’d like,” offered Twilight.

Applejack shook her head. “No, it's fine. If the sun doesn't come back, then there won't be a farm or a family to go back to anyhow.”

Pinkie Pie tugged her saddle bags into place and walked up to the door. “I’ve already sent my family a letter telling them to go underground, so they’ll be safe.”

“It's j-j-just m-me and the animals,” Fluttershy whispered. “And they should b-b-be okay.”

“I would really like to see my parents and Sweetie Belle again. I bet they are like, super old now,” remarked young Rarity.

“I suppose we could do that, but it will have to be brief,” Twilight replied, putting a hoof on the other mare’s shoulder. “I know that the situation isn't ideal, but we aren't dead yet, and if we can connect to the Elements, then we could still defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“Then why don't we all go straight to her?” asked Applejack. “I mean if there is a chance the Elements can still work, then we gotta take it.”

Twilight shook her head. “Nightmare Moon will see us coming a mile away, and she will also know how beaten up we still are. All she has to do is keep her distance and throw spells and soldiers at us, stopping us before we can even get in range.”

“That would be a problem,” murmured Pinkie Pie.

“We need to heal up and get in contact with Celestia. Then we can go back on the attack,” Twilight declared, stomping her hoof in emphasis.

“Makes sense to me,” exclaimed Applejack with a nod.

“Sounds like a plan,” Spike added.

“I’m in,” declared Pinkie Pie.

Twilight nodded slowly. “I’ll meet you girls outside. First I have to say goodbye to someone.”

Rarity blinked. “Who?”

The unicorn’s eyes flickered and she slapped herself across the face. “Would you be quiet? I’ll tell you later.”

Spike stepped forward, his hand holding one of Scootaloo’s scythe legs tightly. “Don't worry about them, Twilight. Just go do your thing. I’ll make sure everyone is ready.”

Twilight smiled and pulled the dragon into a hug. “Thank you, Spike. I won't be very long, I promise.”

Take your time, my queen. It will take several minutes until I am ready, Zecora added.

The unicorn sighed. “I will, Zecora, and thank you. For everything.”

No, thank you. I feel lighter in your presence, and for the first time what feels like forever, I am happy. Zecora extended a pointed limb and touched the other creature’s shoulder. Truly I am in your debt, not the other way around.

Twilight winced. “I wouldn't go that far.”

I disagree, now go. We will have time to speak more once we are on the road. Now it is your heart that needs to heal, Zecora encouraged.

“Right. I can do this. I just need to say goodbye to the best friend I’ve ever had,” Twilight murmured, turning to the door. I absolutely cannot do this.

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