• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,366 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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True Colors Part 2

“Still not sure why you ended up sending your buds away,” Quick Buck muttered, pausing to slip around a burning car sitting near the edge of the road.

Ahead of him, Twilight leaped over a small barricade hastily erected by defenders who had long since abandoned it.

“Simple. I needed someone I trusted to make sure the mission gets done,” Twilight replied.

“Then why put Free Flier in charge?” Quick Buck asked. “Wait a sec, I see another patrol. Let's lay low over there.”

The pair trotted over to the former restaurant along with their escort of marines. The group knelt down amidst the burnt out ruins of what had once been a cafe. Outside a large gathering of zerglings, a few infested confederates, and a single hydralisk passed by without looking in their direction. Though the danger was no longer present, Twilight and her squad remained quiet as well as motionless for a few minutes longer.

“They’re gone,” Twilight whispered.

The infested mare rose from behind the counter and, with the others close behind, made her way back onto the street. There they quickly scanned the area for movement, and after finding none of note, they continued on. The constant pressure of roving patrols, waiting bands of zerg, and exploding buildings spilling their infested contents seemed to be in the past.

“They must really be razing hell over there,” Quick Buck whispered over the radio. “We’ve barely seen any resistance.”

“A little stealth, a bit of magic, and one large distraction make for an easy mission,” Twilight replied.

The group crept through the remnants of another confederate barricade at the center of which sat a destroyed APC. Stopping next to the armored vehicle, Twilight held up a hoof before clambering atop the personnel carrier. There she peered out at the road which led up to the community center, her mind quickly tallying up all the foes before her.

“Fifty plus zerglings, a few dozen infested, and nearly thirty hydralisks along with a couple of short ultralisks,” Twilight whispered. “We’ll have to go around.”

“Wait, how short are we talkin’ about here?” Quick Buck asked.

“Still about a good thirteen feet tall,” Twilight replied, hopping back down. “They likely can't even grow a full-sized one out here, given the limited resources available to them.”

Quick Buck snorted. “So, we waiting or what?”

“No,” Twilight pointed to the left. “There is a park over there, and an uninfested apartment building that we should be able to slip through.”

“We’d be able to go around most of 'em,” Quick Buck reasoned, poking his head up over the layer of sandbags. “Those ultralisks will still be a problem though.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Twilight retorted.

The stallion huffed silently, but fell in behind the other pony without complaint.

Not one to wait, Twilight slunk off down the narrow side street barely visible between a pair of collapsed market stalls. The heavy clunk of metal-clad hooves signaled that her squad was right behind her with Quick Buck taking up the rear. Together they slipped down the access path at a slow and silent pace, careful not to brush against the wall or any of the many garbage cans that littered the area.

Near the end, Twilight saw green, and not the twisted kind that grew across an infested’s body. Rather it was a small park, complete with trees, a rusted play structure, and a couple of benches. Though whoever had built it had evidently not put much effort into making it an enjoyable space, it had been much beloved.

Now, however, it was deserted, with neither any residents nor zerg present.

“There,” Twilight whispered, pointing to the still intact set of double doors leading into an apartment. “I think we should be able to get through there.”

“Wait. You hear that?” Quick Buck whispered.

Twilight quirked her brow and was about to ask what he was talking about when he heard the snap of a branch. The infested mare along with the rest of her squad all tensed, searching the area for the source of the noise. They found it a moment later when a seemingly completely normal pony stepped out from a bush nearby.

She didn't notice the armored group of soldiers clustering near the alley, her eyes low, searching the ground. She wasn't alone, however, as a moment later a group of zerglings bounded out of cover and began to sniff around. The lesser aliens seemed to be following the first mare’s lead, looking around for something on the ground.

She's probably one of the infested who were able to sneak into the city, Twilight reasoned, directing her thoughts at Quick Buck. If we capture her, we should be able to get answers to how this all happened.

Quick Buck nodded back, his weapon pointing down range at the zerglings. The rest of his compatriots did the same a moment later, each waiting for Twilight's signal. Which came a moment later, after the unicorn had charged a spell and was about to release it.

Just as Twilight dropped her hoof and silently commanded the slaughter to begin, a zergling released a shrill cry of shock. The others in its small troupe tried to dodge the incoming projectiles, but were only partially successful. Nearly all of the zerglings were cut down in a single volley of concentrated fire, though most importantly the pony was able to dodge in time.

She avoided the undulated circular mass of energy that Twilight had hoped would have incapacitated her. Leaping to the side, the bright orange mare unfurled her wings and jumped into the sky, hastily flying away. While she tried to leave, her zergling escort rushed the small squad, though none were able to reach their targets. Short, well-timed bursts of fire blew them apart, distracting the majority of the marines for a few tense moments.

Aim for her wings, Twilight commanded.

Quick Buck raised his rifle high and fired where he was ordered, blowing apart one of the feathered appendages. Bluish blood spattered across the pony’s body, and she released a shrill ear-piercing scream as she plummeted to the ground. As she fell, Twilight used the same spell again, knocking the mare unconscious before she could even land.

When she did, her body slammed into a metal slide before bouncing off behind a large bush.

“Go, secure that asset,” Twilight barked.

Immediately the entire squad began to sprint towards the patch of green, but stopped halfway when an explosion annihilated the plant. Centering seemingly from the mare herself, the dull boom sent gore flying in all directions, leaving only a blue smear on the ground. For a moment they all just stood there, staring at the mess that had once been a seemingly infected pony.

“What the hell was that?” Quick Buck muttered.

“She seems to have been a suicide bomber of some kind,” Twilight reasoned, crouching down next to the remnants of the bush which were burning a bright green color. “Weird. There isn't even a shred of their essence left, nor a chunk of flesh large enough to analyze.”

“No kidding. Should we warn the others?” Quick Buck asked.

“No time,” Twilight replied, rising back into a stand. “Radio won't work, and there is just enough mental fog that I can't reach the others with telepathy.”

“So, onward then?” Quick Buck offered.

“Hold on a second. Think I found something,” offered one of the marines.

Twilight turned to find that one of the marines was holding what appeared to be a wedding band of some kind. The large bangle bore three small gems, one purple, one green, and one yellow all in a line. The ring of metal was simple iron, but the gems were well cut and looked expensive even from a casual glance.

“Leave it,” Twilight commanded. “We can't afford to have random junk weighing us down. Loot the dead when the job’s done.”

“You heard her,” Quick Buck barked. “Let's get moving.”

“Right,” replied the marine, a hoof tucking behind his back.

Zecora, Applejack, and Free Flier walked at a brisk pace down the road, Banana Fluff as well as the rest of their squad right behind them. Their pace was quick but unhurried, more than aware of how much attention their group would gain otherwise. Their caution didn't seem to be needed however, as the apartment building down the road commanded nearly all of the zerg’s attention.

Though fighting had died down for the moment, it wasn't hard to see that it would begin again, and soon. Infested pegasi circled overhead, zerglings bounded through dark alleyways, and hydralisks occasionally took the odd pot shot at the defenders. The few who did notice the squad of creatures didn't pay them any mind, and in turn, they were ignored right back.

“My hoof’s gettin’ itchy over here,” muttered a marine. “I don't know how much longer I can watch these creepy crawlies run past me without shootin ‘em.”

“Hold on just a minute longer,” Free Flier replied. “We’ll hold up in that post office, then wait for the attack to begin. Then at just the right moment we’ll burst from cover and hit them from behind.”

The pony’s plan is a good one, Zecora added. We wouldn't survive if made the focus of the entire horde, but our timely aid may go a long way.

Without another word being spoken, the motley crew ducked into the partially destroyed post office. Inside there were a few blood smears and signs of struggle, but other than that it was undamaged. The entrance was swiftly barricaded using the receptionist desk while the two large windows were manned by marines.

Peering out over the head of one such soldier, Applejack looked across and down the street to the apartment building. Inside she could see confederate soldiers constructing barricades, stacking ammo crates, and otherwise preparing themselves. Signs of destruction were everywhere, with the entire front half of the main floor wall being completely gone.

There were no windows left intact on the five-story structure, and only the top two levels were in one piece. Chairs, beds, and any other furniture left behind had been repurposed to either serve as a cover or were now being used to patch the numerous holes in the walls of the structure. Despite how slapdash the entire thing looked, Applejack could see that there were a good number of ponies still alive inside.

See Jetstream? Zecora inquired.

“No,” Applejack replied aloud, “I can't see… Wait. That marine’s got darker armor like the ones that came with us from the fort. He's not one of the locals.”

“This Jetstream of yours must be inside,” Free Flier added. “She’ll probably know more about what's going on around here.”

“Let's hope so. This whole thing makes my head hurt,” Applejack murmured.

Free Flier chuckled, elbowing the hydralisk. “What? Not a fan of puzzles?”

“Nah,” Applejack replied before Zecora could utter some angry retort. “Seems like a waste of time.”

“Just think about it like-” Free Flier paused, a loud echoing shriek cutting her off mid-sentence. “Well, here we go folks. Get ready.”

Weapons were lifted, attacks readied, and gazes directed outward onto the street in front of the post office. There a mass of twisted flesh surged towards the waiting defenders inside the apartment block. Hundreds of zerglings, half that number of hydralisks, and dozens of infested former ponies descended upon the housing complex.

The opening salvo of organic darts, sporadic gunfire, and occasional spell crashed against a series of multihued magical barriers. A couple shattered, but the majority managed to resist the onslaught and continue protecting their occupants. This was only cover, however, for as they poured on the fire, zerglings and other ground-bound units swarmed forth.

Like a tidal wave of mutated flesh, the oncoming zerg horde charged as one toward their target. The outgoing fire was far less numerous, but far more effective, cutting down dozens of the aliens in little time. Only a few seconds later, the horde slammed into the first barricades and slowed, their covering fire stalling almost immediately.

Shooting back from their protected positions higher up in the apartment building, the embattled soldiers took out numerous targets. Mainly the hydralisks or other ranged foes firing at them from across the way, though a few unloaded upon the ocean of zerg that had swallowed the street. With only a few inches of road left bare and now slick with zerg blood, it was impossible to miss, and they knew it.

Despite this, the defenders were still patient in picking their targets, killing the most imposing. Hydralisks, infested marines, and other high-priority targets were struck down with carefully aimed bursts. At the same time, stun grenades were thrown into the midst, the bright flash briefly blinding Applejack.

When she was able to shake off the effects, she noticed that the attack had slowed to a crawl. Despite how well organized the zerg swarm was, the defenders had all the advantages necessary to ward them off. Within seconds, the horde’s own numbers began to become a hindrance, as they had to push past the bodies of their dead brethren. Despite all this, they continued, throwing themselves at their entrenched confederate foes.

“Whoever or whatever is leading these buncha mongrels must be about as bright as a desert lizard,” Free Flier muttered.

“Wait, look there,” Banana Fluff indicated.

Applejack followed the pony’s hoof to where she saw a bloated zergling leap upon one of the apartment’s supports and explode. When the dust cleared, the I-beam was no more, and in its place was a twisted greenish mass of liquified metal. It was at this point that Applejack saw more of these zerglings sporting bulging masses filled with an unknown substance.

“They ain't trying to take the apartment block. They are tryin’ to knock it down,” Applejack murmured.

“Load up, everyone. This is worse than we thought,” Free Flier exclaimed. “They only got three more of those beams and judging from the way that building is starting to tilt, they can only lose one more of ‘em.”

As everyone began pulling aside the barricades and checking their weapons, a deep groan could be heard coming from nearby. The apartment block creaked and cracked, sending hunks of plaster tumbling to the street. Looking up, Applejack saw that the entire thing was now leaning forward, having stopped after moving only a few inches.

“Go, go, go!” Free Flier shouted.

Applejack was first out the door, the hydralisk shoulder-checking her way through the simple wooden barrier. Once outside, she immediately began to pick off targets, firing bursts of spines into the closest foes. Four, then five zerglings went down before the swarm was even aware that they were facing a second foe.

By the time they turned and began to attack, the others had assembled behind Applejack. The distinct thwip, thump of the hydralisk’s spines were punctuated by the staccato rhythm of high-powered rifles as well as the wet belch of Zecora vomiting a mass of acid on the lone zergling who actually managed to get close.

The initial barrage only left the swarm startled for a few seconds, but they made those few seconds count. Dozens of dead zerg hit the ground before a force split off from the main group and began to charge the attackers’ position. Applejack counted nearly forty in total, with the majority being zerglings, though there were a few hydralisks and several infested.

Firing on the move and among their companions left Applejack’s enemies with poor aim. Even still, she was forced low, ducking under a spray of machine gun fire sent by the only infested marine in their ranks. She didn't slow, however, continuing to fire shot after shot into her enemies with barely a heartbeat between one enemy and the next.

Applejack lost track of how many she had killed after the number had reached nearly twenty. Then the leading ranks of the swarm were near, forcing Applejack to abandon her ranged attacks entirely. She knew that her allies had little chance in melee, so she met the charge with scythe arms raised and a battle cry on her lips.

“For the queen!” bellowed the former farmer.

Zecora mimicked her cry as she charged alongside her companion, hurling a mass of yellow sap that erupted into a swarm of angry hornets. Once more the swarm was surprised, giving Applejack the chance to impale an unfortunate zergling on one of her limbs. Applejack then tossed its still squirming body aside before finding herself locked in a close fight with another hydralisk.

The alien lowered its shoulder and surged into Applejack, driving her backward. This also exposed her belly, leaving her open to a chop from the hydralisk. That attack never landed, however, as Zecora was swift to seize the creature’s limb, dissolving it in a deluge of acid.

The hydralisk recoiled backward, its cry of pain ending suddenly when it was turned into a pin cushion by Applejack. The former farmer didn't waste a second thought, immediately leaping upon a zergling and cutting its forelimbs off. She was about to finish it off when she saw the infested marine charge her, bayonet affixed to its weapon.

Zecora. Knock him out! Applejack thought.

It will be done, Zecora replied.

She charged forward, dodging several lightning-fast jabs of the weapon before leaping suddenly. Gripping the actuator in one of her tentacles, Zecora tore the rifle from the marine’s back and tossed it aside. She then gripped his helmet, forcing it open and revealing the stallion’s twisted visage beneath.

Their eyes met for only a moment before a dark blue mist billowed out from Zecora’s mouth. The faintly mint-smelling fog knocked the infested out almost immediately, dropping him to the ground. There he lay, while the rest of his former comrades were cut down one after another.

“I got this one,” Free Flier declared.

The mare then fired off two rounds, blowing the forelegs off an infested and dropping it to the ground. Moaning in agony, the pony was knocked out by another burst of dark mist courtesy of Zecora. With that, what few remained were forced to flee, retreating back the way they came and leaving those that remained to die.

“Whew. Thanks,” Applejack muttered.

“Just doin’ my job,” Free Flier declared. “Speakin’ a which. Let's go see this Jetstream person. I don't like sitting out in the open like this.”

“Me and you both,” Applejack agreed.

“Hmmm, this is going to be difficult,” Twilight muttered to herself.

Across the way, sitting outside the community hall, was the same horde of zerg they had seen earlier. Including the short ultralisks, and the nearly forty-strong force of support creatures, most of whom were zerglings. Behind them was Twilight's goal, the structure standing tall, its exterior completely normal and sporting no signs of infestation.

“What are you talking about? You can take these guys easily. I saw those fireballs you were throwing before,” Quick Buck exclaimed.

Twilight snorted. “It's not that easy. The only reason we’ve been able to get this far is that whatever force is controlling these zerg is distracted. If we strike at their command structure, their attention will shift, and we will be facing potentially hundreds of enemies.”

“Hmm, yeah. That might be a problem,” Quick Buck admitted.

“Our support should be here by now,” Twilight whispered. “Maybe we should wind our way back to the others and-”

A surge of motion caught the mare off guard, and in response, she ducked back down behind the car her squad was using for cover. Peering out from around the edge, Twilight saw that nearly all the community center’s defenders were leaving. They also seemed to be heading towards the greenhouse, their pace quick with the ultralisks taking up the rear.

Once gone, only a small force composed of only a handful of zerg remained at their post. These were mostly hydralisks, with a few zergling support units filling in the gaps left by the others.

“I think the distraction is working,” Quick Buck whispered.

“That it is,” Twilight conceded, rising back up. “Each of you pick different targets. I’ll take the four on the left.”

The squad of marines carefully slipped out from behind the car, creeping into more advantageous positions. Their targets sat motionless nearly a block away, merely staring straight ahead. Shrouded in darkness and behind cover, the marines could barely be seen amidst the debris, their forms hidden from sight.

“Ready, over,” was repeated several times while Twilight calculated.

Once she had readied her spell, she lit her horn, let the magic build, and released it.

“Fire,” she exclaimed the second the beam of energy left her horn.

Quick as a flash, the superheated mass of eldritch power zipped across the way and split into four sections. Each one of which hit its target, slicing straight through the heads of a trio of zerglings and their hydralisk companion. At the same time as that was happening, the soldiers all fired in unison, the crack of their rifles breaking the relative calm that had fallen over the area.

The defending zerg died in an instant, their insides painting the wall of the community center. Only one survived longer than a single second, though he perished a moment later, his collapsed lungs unable to make a sound. With their enemies now no longer a problem, Twilight's squad stood up and began to creep forward at a quick pace.

Within a few seconds, they had maneuvered through the mess of discarded carts, broken vehicles, and zerg corpses. Without a command having to be issued, the group separated into two groups, positioning themselves on either side of the entrance. Flashbangs were prepared, weapons cycled to replace the missing rounds, and Twilight readied another spell.

“On three,” Quick Buck whispered. “One-”

The doors exploded from their hinges, a large four-legged creature emerging a moment later. Before Twilight could even get a good look at the thing, it grabbed one of the marines and threw him onto the street. Twilight didn't bother checking on the fallen soldier before rapidly backpedaling and altering her spell.

Her magic fluctuated and nearly slipped from her grasp the second she saw just what was standing before her. The two secretaries she had seen before had been fused together into a horrific abomination. The larger female minotaur made up the bottom half of the quadrupedal entity, her hands having morphed into feet.

Atop her shoulders came the twisted malformed features of her former fellow employee. His legs joined with the other minotaur’s shoulders, while the rest of his body rose up into the air like a cruel imitation of a centaur. They also sported horrifically elongated limbs, greatly enhanced muscle structure, and visages so twisted that they unnerved even Twilight.

“You don't have an appointment,” the two-headed abomination shouted.

“Kill it!” Quick Buck shouted.

As the various marines backpedalled, they unleashed everything they had into the beast, though the small arms’ fire did little. The unnaturally thick muscles and a layer of hardened black flesh that covered them shrugged off most of the attacks. A few managed to pierce the creature’s thick hide however, but none struck anywhere particularly important.

The abomination grabbed another marine too slow to avoid the attack and seemed intent on pulling him apart with its arms. Twilight had finished her spell however and unleashed the blast of cold into the creature’s left arm. Quick Buck followed this up with a burst from his rifle, causing the limb to shatter and leave the beast reeling.

The marine landed hard, but quickly scampered away, limping all the while.

Twilight followed this up with a telekinetic shove meant to knock the creature off balance. Which was exactly what happened, as the monster stumbled backward and struck its topmost head on the wall. By then the remaining marines had formed up and were pouring on the lead, driving the creature further away.

Twilight could tell that their attacks were doing little but annoy the creature, but that's all they needed to do. The infested mare leaped forward, punching an armored hoof through the bottom head, crushing it utterly. She then used her mind to twist the topmost head from its place atop its shoulders, the attached muscles resisting as best as they could but ultimately getting overwhelmed.

With both of its primary cortexes dealt with, the creature stumbled briefly before collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut. For a moment the squad merely stood there, weapons trained on the thing, waiting for it to get back up. When that didn't happen, they reloaded and breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“Flower Stand! Go grab Private Windy Wings!” Quick Buck barked. “The rest of you, on me!”

Twilight took point, charging into the reception area, her horn already alight. When she saw not another abomination waiting for her, but instead a mostly empty room, she relaxed. She scanned the area regardless, glancing over the destroyed remnants of the previously respectable space.

When no hidden trap was triggered, and no unseen zerg leaped out of nowhere, Twilight crept forward. She could hear the heavy thump of metal-clad hooves follow after her as she approached the entrance to Long Haul’s office. There she paused, her mind reaching out into the space beyond in search of anything that may be amiss. As like every other time she had tried, it came back with nothing, a strange psychic static filling her mind.

“Ready?” Quick Buck whispered.

“On three,” Twilight replied, lighting her horn. “One, two, three!”

A blast of psychic power knocked the doors open a second before two flash bangs were thrown inside. The group was about to run inside when the two hoof-thrown disrupter grenades flew right back at them. Twilight was faster still, using her magic to toss them outside the building a millisecond before they detonated.

“Go, go go!” Twilight shouted, charging into the room.

She was forced to stop almost immediately after entering the spacious office, as the ground gave way before her. Falling several stories into a fleshy pit, the hole sported dozens of pearly white teeth and twisting tentacles. Standing atop a single pillar of purple flesh at the center was Long Haul himself, an amused smile on his face.

“I’m surprised you didn't give up,” he exclaimed while clapping slowly. “Bravo.”

“Uh, what?” Quick Buck muttered.

“I’m complimenting your commander,” Long Haul expressed, extending a hand. “She did a remarkably good job getting all the way here and powered through that little disruption to her plan. Her essence will make the swarm stronger than ever before.”

“Then it is you who was the cause of all this,” Twilight stated, gesturing around the room.

“Indeed I am,” Long Haul exclaimed, his voice becoming feminine and strangely buzzing. “Though I would hate for you to believe as though a disgusting minotaur was the one to beat you.”

Then before Twilight had a chance to ask what Long Haul meant, his form was covered in a wave of green fire. When the flames dulled, there stood a chitin-clad creature that Twilight immediately recognized from her lessons. A changeling, only this one was as large as Twilight and was clearly infested, sporting a longer horn, a pair of massive fangs, and two extra scythe-like appendages sprouting from its back.

“A changeling,” Twilight muttered in shock.

“Ahh, so you do know of our race,” buzzed the cat-eyed changeling. “Good to know that the destroyer hasn't forgotten us completely.”

“How did you create this mental fog?” Twilight demanded.

The changeling sighed. “You are strong, that much is plain to see, but we changelings have had psionic powers for millennia. None can match our skills. Certainly not some mere pony.”

“So are we killing her, or…” Quick Buck muttered, gesturing to the changeling.

“Oh, we are. Just thought I’d satisfy my curiosity first,” Twilight replied.

The changeling chuckled. “Then prepare to die in the name of subqueen Pupa. Know that your bodies will not go to waste.”

“I’ll go ahead,” Free Flier offered.

“Good thinking. Wouldn't want to uh… spook 'em,” Applejack murmured.

Free Flier departed swiftly, leaving the infested as well as the rest of their squad waiting at the edge of the carnage. With her weapon placed in its holster, Free Flier approached the defenders, a wide smile on her face.

“Hey, uh, it's us. The cavalry,” Free Flier called.

Bodies were tossed aside to reveal several confused, but quickly relieved confederate soldiers.

“Thank the princess you’re here,” muttered one of them. “I don't think we would have survived that assault if your squad didn't intervene at the last moment.”

“You do have a squad, right?” asked the other.

“We do. Just a forewarning, we have infested in our ranks. They are good though,” Free Flier hastily explained.

“Applejack and Zecora, right? Jetstream made sure to tell everyone about them,” replied the marine.

Free Flier exhaled. “Alright, good. Now speakin’ a Jetstream. I’m assumin’ she's still alive and kickin’, right?”

“Last I checked,” replied the marine, who reached down and tapped his leg. “Hey, boss. You still alive up there?”

“Last I checked,” answered the staticy voice of the confederate commander. “I assume you're thanking whoever’s been put in charge of Twilight's squad.”

“We are,” stated the marine.

“Good. I can see ‘em standing awkwardly in the alley over there. Tell them to meet me on the main floor. I have a mission for them,” Jetstream continued.

“You heard her, and hurry it up. I don't want to be here when this whole place starts coming down,” barked the marine.

Free Flier nodded and took wing once more, flying over the dozens upon dozens of corpses that covered the ground like a blanket. Within a few flaps, the pegasus was back amongst the squad explaining what had just happened. They then returned to the apartment building once more, gathering in the lone space cleared of bodies, though not blood. There, in the center, stood an armored Jetstream, her helmet pulled back to reveal her dishevelled face.

“Gross,” Banana Fluff murmured, lifting her boot to reveal she was standing in a pool of zerg ichor. “I sure hope this doesn't seep through the seals.”

“Who is this?” Jetstream barked.

“The base commander of Sandhome,” Applejack replied. “Twilight drafted her after they tried to kill us on Long Haul’s orders.”

Jetstream snorted. “Yeah, that sounds like her. Now lemme guess. She’s off to the community center to deal with Long Haul herself?”

“Pretty much,” Free Flier replied.

“Just what I need…” Jetstream inhaled sharply. “Right. Here's what's going to happen. This position isn't exactly secure anymore, so we are going to move out and rejoin Twilight along with these idiots.”

“H-hey! We were just following orders,” Banana Fluff exclaimed.

“I don't care. Now shut up and start hauling ammo,” Jetstream barked. “You three, I’ve got a mission for. Something a bit more important than serving as a glorified distraction.”

“We’re listening,” Free Flier stated.

“Good. I want you to extract our botanist from the greenhouse. We got bogged down before we could reach her and need her out in order for this mission to be a success,” Jetstream explained.

“What are the details, and why do you think such a small squad will succeed where a whole damn platoon failed?” Free Flier asked, gesturing to the numerous marines pouring out of the apartment building and into the street.

“Because you all can sneak. I am barely capable of stealth when I’m not wearing half a ton of armor, and I sure as heck ain't capable of it now,” Jetstream answered. “As for the details. There is a back lab present on the far south-eastern side right next to the warehouse. It's where the cloud seeder was being built, and it's where our scientist is holding out in a panic room.”

“This machine sounds important,” Free Flier pointed out.

“It is, but it's more important that we get its creator, Ariel Hanson, secured. We can always build another one,” Jetstream stated. “Oh, and the panic room is in her office behind the shelf. Knock in the morse code for Project Sky Seed, and she should open up.”

I don't like being ordered around by this… pony, Zecora commented. Though something tells me that our queen would give similar such orders if she was here.

“We're in,” Applejack stated. “So long as you lot are backin’ up Twilight, then we're at your command.”

“Good. Your unique nature should give you an edge in there,” Jetstream added.

“Let's hope it's enough of an edge. Come on, I think I know where we're going,” Free Flier exclaimed.

Applejack and Zecora exchanged a nod before following after the pegasus as she slipped back outside. Avoiding the wary gazes of the confederate soldiers, the trio entered back into the body-strewn road once more. They didn't remain there for long, trotting further away from the signs of battle and towards the greenhouse nearby.

Even from their current distance, they could see that something massive was moving within the structure. Tentacles occasionally emerged out of broken windows, wiggled around, and then receded back inside. The central mass was easily the size of a house, and sported many of the strange appendages, though how big it was exactly wasn't known.

Thankfully no zerg moved to block them, and no obstacles presented themselves, allowing the group to make their way over to the greenhouse. There they peered through the glass and saw what looked like a huge zerg-infested plant the size of a command center. With many enormous limbs, the creature was huge but utterly immobile, creating a massive barrier between them and the labs further inside.

“That thing is huge,” Free Flier murmured.

Quite. I don't know how we could even kill something so massive, Zecora remarked.

Applejack rolled her eyes and moved off to the side, ignoring the one-sided conversation entirely.

“We’ll have to go back, gather some grenades, and maybe an extra gun or two,” Free Flier offered.

What we need is aerial support or perhaps some of that artillery my queen mentioned, Zecora reasoned.

“Maybe even some C4 or other big explosive,” Free Flier continued. “I could drop it from up top and blow the thing to hell.”

That might cause damage to the superstructure though, Zecora pointed out.

“Might attract too much attention though,” Free Flier muttered.

“Over here,” Applejack called. “I found an alley that should go around the lab.”

Zecora and Free Flier looked over to find that Applejack had indeed located what seemed to be a back alley. The burnt-out armored personnel carrier covering its entrance had been pushed aside just enough to allow them to peer inside. Where they were able to see that there was indeed a path that wound around the exterior of their target.

G-good work, Applejack, Zecora exclaimed.

“But… big monster,” Free Flier murmured pathetically.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Come on. Let's go already.”

“Fine,” Free Flier agreed.

The trio moved out once again with Applejack in the lead. Squeezing into the tight confines of the narrow alleyway was easy enough for all present as they were working their way around the building and to where the lab in question was supposed to be.

“There's no door, how are we going to get in?” Free Flier asked.

Is this the spot? Zecora inquired.

“She's asking if this is the spot,” Applejack interpreted, gesturing to the wall right next to them.

Free Flier glanced one way, then the next before nodding. “Sure seems like it. This is the corner they were talking about, and it is right next to the warehouse.”

“Best stand back for this then,” Applejack warned.

Free Flier did as was sugged, as did Applejack herself.

Now with free range to work, Zecora coughed several times, each exhale becoming more and more watery. Until with a wet squelch, she vomited a torrent of acid over the wall. Bright green liquid melted through the metal exterior like it was little more than absorbent toilet paper. Within seconds there was a hole large enough to see through, and a little after that it grew large enough to serve as a door.

“Looks like a machine shop or somethin’,” Applejack muttered.

Peering in through the small opening, Applejack did indeed seem to be correct. The main laboratory area was dominated by large metal parts, work tables, and a central raised dais. This space was empty but was obviously designed to house the in-construction cloud seeder, as numerous bundles of cables lead up to it.

“Whew. There's no one in there, and look, there's her office,” Free Flier whispered.

“I’ll take the lead,” Applejack offered before doing just that.

Slipping inside, the hydralisk quickly scanned the area, but found it empty save for the forgotten equipment. Free Flier and Zecora were quick to join her a second later, swiftly trotting through the melted opening they had created. Then without a word needing to be said, Applejack made her way over to the office door, where she waited.

Free Flier peered into the room. Finding that it looked like normal office space, she pulled open the door. She and Zecora then entered, with the pegasus moving to the lone bookcase on the wall. The zebra helped, and soon the makeshift barricade had been pulled back, revealing a solid metal door about two feet high.

Free Flier rapped her hoof against the door in rapid succession, pausing occasionally between letters. Once the message was sent, she sat back and waited for the door to open. That, however, didn't happen, and instead, a series of short taps could be heard from inside the panic room.

“The door is jammed. You’ll need to cut your way inside,” Free Flier interpreted. “Great, just great.”

Zecora pushed Free Flier aside and began coughing up thick wads of greenish slime onto the panic room door. The pegasus scowled in disgust, but remained close by, pointing out the various structural weaknesses she saw. Now swiftly growing bored and paranoid, Applejack scanned the interior of the laboratory once more.

Behind her, along the wall were a few other offices, while to the left were two large doors. These no doubt lead further into the greenhouse, while in front of them was a large cavernous entrance. Though unlit, Applejack could tell this was the warehouse Jetstream had mentioned earlier. She also noticed that a wide expanse free of clutter had been made from where the cloud seeder should be back to the opening.

“That's odd,” Applejack murmured.

The hydralisk wound her way through the room and over to where the large machine should be resting. There she knelt down and noticed that a pair of tracks could be seen as someone had recently wheeled away the invention. Then she heard a clang, and in an instant, the hydralisk hybrid was winding her way over to the warehouse, shoulder hoods open and ready.

Surging into the next room, Applejack felt as though she was ready for anything. That turned out to be wrong, for she was not prepared to see the cloud seeder getting wheeled into a flatbed truck. That wasn't the startling part, however, rather it was the familiar red stallion atop the APC attached to the trailer which so surprised Applejack.

“Big Macintosh?” she whispered.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

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