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Chapter 20

Author's Note:

Thank you to Moonlit_Stardust for helping me decide what to play for the fight with Glass. The other options were
Sentenced to Death by Epic music world
No Return by Audiomachine
End of a Thought from Tales of Symphonia
Sasuke's Revolution from Naruto
See What I've Become by Zack Hemsey
Sombra Boss Theme by Jyc Row.

These were all choices I compiled before rewatching the fight.

Cassiel POV

"Well, why are you waiting to attack? Hero Naofumi." Glass asked. "Why not try sending those servants of yours at me first?" She taunted.

"Servants? What the Hell?"
"You just called us-"
"Naofumi's servants?" Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu said offended in order.

"Screw you!" All 3 said at once. Their party members surrounded Glass as they readied themselves to attack.

"Meteor Slash!"
"Meteor Thrust!"
"Meteor Shot!" They attacked at once. When we were able to see the result we saw Glass standing there unfazed.

"Is that all you've got?" She asked. She opened up her Fans and spread her arms to her sides. "Zero Stance Rondo: Reverse Four Seasons!" She sent wind slashes at everyone but us.

"Barrier!" I casted on the other 'Heroes' at least before the attack hit anyone, better meat shields and all that. Everyone else was knocked down, they however were able to keep their footing even though her attack broke through, though they were knocked back quite a bit. "See what I meant? She's more powerful than the three of you combined and your parties."

"As I was saying before, mere servants." She turned to me. "That was certainly something. To be able to quickly cast the same spell three times and still possess that level of power without an incantation? I'm impressed, and that's not easy mind you." She praised. "You might just entertain me a little."

"Sorry lady, but I wasn't much into entertaining. That said Shield Prison." Naofumi casted after drinking a potion Ren dropped. Glass was trapped in the sphere for not even three seconds before she broke free. I dashed forward ready to keep her occupied for a few seconds while Raphtalia and Filo moved in as well. Explosive Firas did surprise her as did shotgun Blizzaras, but she was still able to defend against my attacks and ignore the Blizzaras. Raphtalia and Filo attacked her after I was pushed back with no better results. She still hasn't moved from that spot since this fight started. When she pushed away Raphtalia she sent a wind slash at her which Naofumi blocked. Naofumi's shield sent three giant cobras that still didn't faze Glass.

"You didn't really think that would work did you?" Glass asked. Naofumi backed off.

"Filo!" He called and she kicked Glass faster than I could see clearly, though I did hear almost 10 kicks before she was knocked back.

"Eight kicks in a second, how very admirable, but I'm afraid it's not enough." Glass said. Raphtalia tried to get her from behind, but Glass blocked it. "Not even worthy of mention." She said disappointed and broke her sword with ease. As Raphtalia was pushed back Glass spread out her arms again.

"All of you get behind me, hurry!" Naofumi said panicking. "Shield Prison!" He casted once we were behind him.

"Reverse Four Seasons!" Glass tried to break the shield. As we were being attacked I quickly brought my darkness back out along with Dawn and Nightfall and stepped into the SR. I dashed behind her as she was attacking everyone and exited with Dark Fira on each weapon. This caught her by surprise and I got a few good hits in which forced her to focus her attention on me. This also pushed her toward the others a little.

"You are just full of surprises aren't you? Naofumi is still standing and you have been holding back greatly. I would know your name." She said.

"Cassiel, the Darkbringer." I don't know why I included that into my introduction, kind of ironic considering I'm named after an Archangel, then again there's still what God told me of Lucifer so I guess it isn't so after all.

"It suits you. I wonder what else you're capable of, though I'm also curious as to when Naofumi will bring out that flaming shield he's been using." After a few moments Raphtalia gave Naofumi the go ahead.

"Come forth, Rage Shield!" His Shield transformed and Filo went berserk again causing her to attack Glass head on. Glass deflected her and sent her flying to the other side of the ship.

"I thought I was clear, you can't touch me." She said plainly. I attacked her and now she was having more difficulty defending herself because every attack was now much more powerful and had an explosive ready. I backed off and readied an Aerora empowered shuriken enchanted with Dark Thundara and held it in place as I entered the SR and attacked her from above after exiting. With her back turned to the shuriken I made sure to keep her busy with the wingblades, scythe, and Lionheart. "And I think I was right about you. You have potential there's no doubt about that!" She knocked me away, her breathing just a little heavier now. "And your weapons are certainly unique, are you certain you're not a Vassal Hero yourself?" She asked.

"Even if Dawn and Nightfall are Vassal Weapons I'm certainly no Hero. I'm in this for me and no one else." I said ending Aerora and attacking her from behind. She turned to block it so I took the opportunity to throw another shuriken leaving me with just Lionheart. She turned just enough that both shurikens would collide, but I did to her what I did with the Darkside and she was still electrocuted. Just as I closed in with Lionheart she spread her arms again.

"Reverse Four Seasons!"

"Reflect!" Her attack was interrupted very shortly, but I was still hit at point blank so I was launched past Naofumi who charged her with the Rage Shield.

"I think I've seen enough from you Cassiel, by the next Wave you might be able to fight me on equal ground." She said as she took on Naofumi's attack and wasn't phased by it again. "Surely you can do better than that, your flame's just too cold."

'Even the Flames of Hatred did nothing to her?' I thought.

Naofumi backed off as one of her Fan's became almost like a sword due to a ray of purple light. She raised that Fan with the other over it and pointed it at Naofumi. "Rupture Stance Rondo: Tortoise Shell Cracker!" Naofumi blocked the projectile, but the armor on his right arm broke. "Interesting, so even that isn't enough to bring you down. If nothing else your defense lives up to your title of Hero."

"Flattery will get you nowhere." Naofumi said.

"It seems however your dark flame only activates in close quarter attacks, but the story is very different when it comes to ranged attacks. You must have an ace up your sleeve. Stop holding out on me and show me what you can do."

"Alright if you insist, but don't say I didn't warn you. Shield Prison! Change Shield! Change to Iron Maiden!" She had the power to escape before, she can do it again I'm sure.

"Pity, it's even less potent than I imagined it to be." Called it. "How disappointing." The ship shifted and threw everyone off balance for a moment. "The time limit? I didn't expect it to hit this quickly."

"When I give you the sign, use your light magic to blind her." Naofumi said to Raphtalia low enough to not be heard by Glass.

"The battle of the Wave will end in our victory, there can be no other outcome! I have nothing against you, but it is what it is." Glass said as fog began to cover the ship.

"Okay now!" Naofumi shouted.

"Right, Fast Light!" Raphtalia casted and blinded Glass.

"Alright, Fast Heal!" Naofumi casted on Filo before escaping. I stayed behind as I could escape easily.

"Of all the futile, useless-" She saw no one there so she looked under the ship to find them escaping. I moved to the highest point on the ship through the SR for what I was about to do as she shot them at extremely long ranges.

"As the Darkbringer, source of thy power I order thee. Heed the Raven's Call and rain death upon my enemies. Let not Blood nor Bone nor Ash remain." Glass looked up at me surprised. "Abyssal Cataclysm!" Darkness shot from above, the floor beneath her somehow changed into pitch black rock and encased her like the Shield Prison as darkness began to enshroud the sphere before a dark inferno seemed to erupt from the inside and send her crashing through the ship while she was still in the sphere. I flew down and saw her in pretty bad condition. Not life threatening, she was still standing, but not exactly going to be comfortable for a while, she could probably kick my ass still.

"You could do that the entire time?" She asked pained and I think angered.

"To be honest I had no idea what that spell would do, the last time I tried to use it I was stopped by the chance of friendly fire." I reached in my pocket. "Here." I tossed her a healing potion. "I doubt we'll see each im the next Wave, I might not even be around for it actually as I may have returned home so don't expect revenge if that's on your mind right now. And before you say anything, my home is perfectly safe from the Waves so don't bother." I entered the SR before she could say anything. She drank the potion and flew into one of the holes in the sky, that gives me a few ideas as to why she's an enemy. Hero of the Wave maybe? Questions for later. I flew back to the village after retrieving my mask and explained what happened to the others before a knight came along demanding mine and Naofumi's presence.

I decided to humor Aultcray so I'm in the throne room with Naofumi and Aultcray is watching a replay of the battle. Though it ends when the Soul Eater fell.

"I saw what happened through the crystal ball. You did well to quell the Wave, as much as I hate to admit it. I have a question for you two. I want to know exactly how you obtained such incredible strength! You possess powers unbecoming of the Shield Hero," he turned to me "and you possess power greater than the other Three Heroes, it is your duty to reveal the secret behind it. It's time to spit it out, and don't even think of lying to me." Aultcray warned. I put my hand on Naofumi's shoulder to get his attention.

"Naofumi don't do it." I warned. "As much as you hate him we both know nothing good will come of this if you do anything that might piss him off." He nodded I turned to Aultcray. "I'll answer for both if you'll allow it, though there are a few conditions I would ask that require little to nothing on your part and a few conditions just to be fair to Naofumi."

"Very well, speak." He said.

"1: What is said here doesn't leave the throne room. 2: You give him a fair reward for his involvement in the Wave, so no giving him a much lower payment like last time. 3: You clear his name, we both know he was innocent so at the very least clear his name with the other Heroes, cooperation between them is vital and all of them hating Naofumi isn't doing anyone any favors. 4: You give him the same support you've been giving the others. 5: Lift the ban on the church from offering services to him and his party. All I'm really asking for is for you to be a just and fair king from now on, I'm not asking for anything unreasonable like executing Myne or abdicating the throne. You can't keep us here and you know we're more than capable of fighting our way out, cooperate with us and we'll cooperate with you, fair enough?" His hands were shaking and I could tell he was angry, but he kept it down.

"I will... Adhere to the first two terms, though don't expect such again." He agreed reluctantly. This surprised me as well, how much of a pushover he is.

"That Shield burns with the Flames of Hatred, the stronger his hate, the stronger the flames. To my understanding he must have unlocked it after the duel you cheated in, that was an emotional breakdown if I've ever seen one and the Shield was the result. He didn't use it until later during a fight with an undead dragon, you might have come across the request from that village for medicine."

"That does sound familiar yes."

"Raw emotion unlocked that power, pure Hate and Rage, that Shield makes him go berserk unless he can get it under control. He did and in the process surpassed the others. He has you and your daughter to thank for it, though I wouldn't recommend trying to help the others unlock this power."

"And your power?"

"Also partially based on emotions, specifically the darkness, and I have a lot of it as my Goddess told me. Much like the Vassal and Hero weapons, mine also choose their wielder, though these two usually choose polar opposites as she told me. I died actually and woke up feeling twice as strong in a ruined castle with my weapons and this power suppressing mask next to me. Some time later I used my first spell in the heat of the moment. Since then my power has really just come from getting stronger and hearing the occasional voice in my head telling me new spells. No matter how much I explain it you won't be able to replicate it. Now there's one other matter to discuss."

"Spit it out!"

"I'm assuming you didn't watch the rest if there was more? A woman named Glass finished off the monster in two hits and claimed to be an enemy as she proceeded to wipe the floor with everyone. I have reason to believe there are other Hero weapons and Vassal weapons that you won't find im the library, she was using Fans. She ignored damn near everything everyone threw at her and barely moved at all during the fight. She took the other Heroes most powerful attacks and basically said they were boring her. After I caught her off guard and beat her she left by flying through those holes in the sky that keep dropping monsters."

"I did not see this." He said alarmed.

"If I'm right about this, the Waves have their own Heroes, perhaps even Vassal wielders. One was enough to fight off who should've been three of the most powerful fighters in the world and barely broke through Naofumi's defense while she was holding back. She barely even moved at all and she took the Iron Maiden like it was nothing. Assuming she's the weakest of the Four the Waves might have, what's the strongest capable of? As much as you won't like it you NEED to work WITH Naofumi. If you truly care about this country, if you truly care about the world you NEED to drop the metaphorical dagger you keep behind your back when he's involved." He slammed his fist on to the arm rest of the throne.

"I will not work with that swine!" He shouted.

"Then your kingdom and the rest of the world will burn because you can't look past a weapon he didn't even want to wield. If that is all we'll be taking our leave." I said entering the SR and heading back to Filo and Raphtalia.

On the road, the sun was setting, it'd be night in an hour-ish. Melty came all this way to ask Naofumi and I to apologize to Aultcray. Needless to say we refused. The guards behind her had a crystal ball, one tried to attack Melty, keyword "tried". Ice to the feet tend to stop that, and now we've kidnapped Melty apparently, this screams "bitch". Thankfully no one here saw my weapons or my face so I'm technically not a fugitive. Unfortunately the others didn't want me killing them so I had to allow witnesdes, silver lining, I got to torture one. We learned SO much and some things we didn't need/ want to know. We didn't need to know he LOVED his cousin, sick fuck.

I think I broke him.

I'm not apologizing.

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