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Chapter 61.

Cassiel POV

It took me some time to find Oscar, apparently, Ironwood decided to label us all as criminals to be detained on sight. I pulled him into the SR and snatched the Lamp before pulling him up to the other teams to make it a 10vs5. I tried searching for Neo for a minute before giving up and heading down to the Maiden. I arrived before Winter and Penny and was about to kill the Maiden who was currently sleeping in her bed before a thought came to mind. I switched my plans around and held out the Lamp.

"Jinn." I called out. Time slowed to a halt before she manifested and stretched.

"It seems thing are becoming quite lively here in Atlas." So she knows what's going on? Good. "So what do you want to know?" She floated towards me after examining the Maiden.

"I have questions you might not have answers to. My first question, can Winter and Penny beat Cinder?" I asked.

"You and I both know the answer to that. Even in her current state, she's still more than enough to wipe out those Ace Ops upstairs." Her current state?

"What do you mean by 'current state'?" Does Cinder have a new weakness?

"Her Grimm arm is now more than an arm. Broken aura won't exactly protect you from a parasite of that nature." Really? Good to know!

"So aim for her left side then? Got it. Next question, can the Staff be used to create a barrier of sorts to protect Mantle and Atlas? Maybe create a weapon of sorts to wipe out Salem's coming army? A means of evacuating everyone?"

"Yes to the first and third, no to the second. Though, you would have to lower Atlas first before doing so. I suppose it's convenient that Atlas can be lowered safely."

"Next question, was Salem permanently injured by Summer Rose before she died?" I need to know if this war can be ended here and now.

"Surprisingly, yes. Against all odds, she did in a few minutes what the old man has failed to do for most of his lifetimes. I was honestly disappointed when she failed, but that damage will linger even if she's reduced to ash." I love it when I'm right.

"What kind of damage was inflicted?" Am I going to have a bad time?

"She hasn't used traditional magic since. She has only used magic directly linked to Grimm." An easy fight then? I doubt that.

"Can Salem open the Corridors?" Backup plan.


"Just a few more questions. Can the keyblade lock away a Relic's power?" She raised a brow.

"So that's one of those questions, hm? I only know what the inhabitants of Remnant know about the keyblades. You're thinking about locking me inside the Relic, aren't you?" She asked.

"If I lose, I intend to make sure she doesn't get to enjoy it. Yes, if I make it back, I'll unlock the powers of the Lamp and the Staff. The ultimate cock-block if you will. I mean, she's only been waiting how long for this?" I answered, she laughed at how I put it.

"That's one way to put it! I see no reason for the keyblade to not be able to lock away a Relic's power, but as I said before, my knowledge on that subject is very limited."

"Last question then. If I can lock away a Relic's power, do you think I could also lock away a Maiden's powers? Or perhaps even remove the gender 'lock' on them?"

"That is something I'd like to know myself. Do as you wish. Though, if you return, I expect to have my Lamp unlocked again." She said, seriously.

"That is all, thank you." She faded away and time resumed. I held out the Lamp and aimed Exile at it, a beam of light shot out and a keyhole formed on the Lamp. "Jinn." I waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. I turned around to face the Maiden, but she was awake now.

"I heard... Everything... Who are you?... Why are you here?" She asked.

"Who I am isn't important. What is important is Salem is on her way and Ironwood is panicking. He intends to scrap his original plan to reunite the world and use the Staff to lift Atlas high enough to escape her, leaving Mantle and the rest of Remnant to fend for themselves. Winter is on her way here to claim your powers, but she might not realize she's leading a Maiden working for Salem here to you." I answered.

"I... See... What do you intend to do?"

"Keep the Maiden powers out of Salem's reach and keep Ironwood from abandoning the world." I walked closer to her and held Exile to her chest as shouting and explosions could be heard from the other side of the wall. "I don't care for this power, I'm not doing this because I want to, but because it needs to be done. Everyone is doomed if Salem or Ironwood get their way, I'm trying to prevent both and achieve a better outcome. Your duty is to protect your powers, but two others are coming for it. One is misguided while the other just wants power. Can you trust me with them instead?" I asked. "As selfish and greedy as this may sound, either I get them, or no one does. I would rather no one have them than a tyrant or a devil."

"I... Remember... I had a job to do... I think... What... Is your name?"

"Cassiel." I answered. "Can you trust a stranger who's claiming to be an ally? Or would you prefer no one gets it?"


A few more minutes passed and I still haven't received an answer. Cinder burst through the wall to find me standing in front of the Maiden and made a couple swords of her own.

"So Ironwood made you into a guard dog now?" She noticed the Lamp and smiled. "And you even have the Relic? This day couldn't get any better."

"... Tell me, has anyone ever told you the definition of insanity?" I asked her as I held out the Lamp, causing her to tilt her head in confusion.

"Changing sides? I'm sorry, but it's a little too late for that." Not even going to respond to that question? Okay then.

"Insanity is repeating the same course of action multiple times and expecting a different result." She was about to charge at me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I moved the Lamp to my side and opened a Corridor as I threw my mask by the sink.

"And why is that?" I showed her the keyhole on the Lamp.

"As the Lamp is now, no one can use it. I locked away it's power, and I'm the only one who can open these things." I gestured to the Corridor. "If you move, there's nothing stopping me from throwing this away,-" I held Exile to the Maiden's chest. "and there's nothing stopping me from killing her, keeping the powers out of your reach. Unlike you people, I don't need a Maiden to reach the Relics. You even so much as twitch, and you lose the Lamp, the Maiden powers, and by extension, the Staff!" I threatened.

"You're bluffing." No, no I'm not.

"The Relics mean nothing to me, I have no problem reducing them to mere decorations. Even if by the off chance you win, how do you think Salem will react when she learns you failed so miserably in retrieving the Lamp or the Staff? And because of me no less?" I asked before aiming Exile at her and tried to lock away her powers. She dodged and threw one of her swords at me before charging in. She tried to kill the Maiden as she got close, but I stopped that with a Barrier and blew her back through the door before throwing the Lamp away and pursuing her.

I summoned Nightfall and clashed blades with her, she almost took my head off after a few seconds, so I blew us both away with Aeroga. I threw Nightfall at her as a shuriken and shot her with Exile as a bow. She dodged Nightfall and deflected the arrows before charging me again. I casted Magnet behind her to catch the arrows and used Stop on them once they turned around. I drew Lionheart and kept pushing Cinder back towards the arrows, combining a flurry of slashes from both weapons with gun shots and triggered strikes from Lionheart. After the eleventh shot, the arrows struck Cinder in the back, allowing me to strike her with Exile while it's ablaze with Dark Firaga, blasting her through the wall, outside the medical bay. She recovered from the fall and hovered for a moment.

"I have come to far to be stopped by some kid with a death wish!" She shouted in rage.

"You haven't gotten any further, any closer to your goal since Beacon, and even that was a close call." I changed Nightfall into wingblades and Exile into a scythe. "You're nothing more than a power hungry sociopath with no future." I airstepped to her, but she blocked my attack and pushed me away. We forced each other away with every strike, she was the one pressing the assault until I casted Barrier behind her and blasted her through it before she could recover from slamming into it, though she quickly recovered from slamming into the wall further behind it and threw her sword at me. I caught it, but it blew up in my face.

'Okay, she has a new trick!' I thought as I recovered from the blast and was put on the defensive again.

"'No future'? You're about to face the closest thing this world has to a Goddess, and I have 'no future'?" She kicked me and slashed at me, but I was able to get a few good cuts in on her Grimm arm with Nightfall, causing her to scream in pain.

"What do you intend to do with all that power? Just with the power of the Fall Maiden, you're one of the most powerful people on Remnant, yet you crave more power, almost like you're starving if that makes sense. So why are you so obsessed with power that you'll slaughter even bystanders and discard your humanity just for a little more?" I asked as her arm regenerated.

"You just answered your own question; I refuse to starve!" She shot a stream of flames at me that I had to avoid until I flew close enough to strike her.

"Reflega!" I was protected from the flames as she was blasted back again. I channelled my Darkness and flew behind her, striking her in the back with Lionheart while it was enhanced by my Darkness with a round of dark Dust in the chamber. Rather, she blocked with a sword in her Grimm arm, but it shattered and she lost most of the arm as she screamed louder than a mother on the hospital bed after nine months (I was there for that). Fire burst out from her as she regrew her arm after several seconds.

"That Grimm is surprisingly resilient. I've one-shotted the fucking Mammoths w-" She flew at me, screaming in rage and pain as she attacked me relentlessly. Even when powered by Darkness, she's still pushing me back. After several close calls, she detonated both her swords and blasted me back into the medical bay, dust and smoke completely blocked my vision ahead. As I was trying to stand back up, she extended her arm and I barely had enough time to avoid major damage. Unfortunately, she pinned my arm, barely missing with her claws. Though not only was I in a position to grab her arm, I saw an opportunity and faked being hurt by screaming.

"Give the Polarity girl my regards after I reduce you to ash." She said as I heard her step closer. I opened the cylinder on Lionheart and loaded a light Dust round into it as I continued screaming. I'd say it's about another seven seconds before she's visible again.

"What's the matter?"


"Nothing to say?"


"Weren't you going-"


"-to kill me?"


"Avenge your 'friends'?"


"No insults or death threats?"




"You should've joined-"


"-when you had the chance." I was slightly off, but now I can see a silhouette. I grabbed her arm and shot the light Dust into it before aiming it at her and shooting her left shoulder with the dark Dust. Her screams became loud enough to give a banshee competition. While she was writhing in agony on the floor, I used Exile to lock away her Maiden powers, leaving her defenseless.

"I would've joined if you lot found me first." I stopped channeling Darkness before walking to her as she tried and failed to make weapons. "All worlds begin and end in Darkness, the heart is no different. It sprouts within it, grows, consumes it, such is it's nature. Every Light will fade, every heart return to Darkness!" I grabbed her by the throat and held her over the edge as she continued screaming and resisting. "I would've seen it as simply following the natural order of things, but they found me, and I learned something else." I threw her back into the Maiden's room.

"STAY BACK!!!" She finally said something as I approached her.

"I learned there are Lights worth more than what the Darkness has to offer, and I will see this through to the end." I held Exile over her chest. "Maiden powers make one susceptible to silver eyes, probably because magic on Remnant was a gift from the God of Darkness. If that truly is the case, then I will bear that curse despite my eye and make it my own against Salem." Light shot out of Exile and into Cinder before I plunged it into her chest. Her heart floated out, but I didn't let it escape.

(end music)

Once the heart was destroyed, I felt a wave of sorts hit me hard enough to almost knock me down. It was hot, burning, but I didn't feel any discomfort if that makes sense. I saw a mirror and walked closer to examine myself. Similar to how Cinder looked when she used her powers, I had a red, fiery glow from my eyes.

"A Maiden's power... Wielded... By a young boy... How?" She asked in confusion. I turned to the Maiden with Exile in hand, I could try to lock away her powers, but it's possible death or inheritance can unlock it. I held it to her chest again, but hesitated.

"You're getting better." I remembered what Blake said when we discovered my Semblance and my hand shook.

"The smarter decision would just be to kill you and take the power for myself. I could also try to lock it away and hope it stays locked even after inheritance, including the ability to open the Vaults." I desummoned Exile. "But how could I face any of them after going that far? I was seriously ready to kill an old woman who can barely remember anything just for power!!!" I shouted as I blasted another hole into the wall.

"You didn't though... You want... To save everyone... Yes?"

"Just the ones that matter to me. Maybe this is enough power?"

"I think... I think I'm ready... But you're not the one..."

"That was supposed to be Winter, though, whether or not Cinder killed her is a different story."

"I... See..."

"How do you want to do this then?" She reached out to me and took my hand.

"I think... James... Is making... A terrible mistake... I remember... I had a mission... I'm ready... You're not the one... But you'll need it..." She let go of my hand.

"I'm not doing that."

"Not now... Later... Go... I'll be fine..." I destroyed the pods before retrieving the Lamp reluctantly leaving her behind. I tried to make contact with Ruby and the others as I searched for Penny and Winter, communications were down, but I found them both. Winter was barely breathing, but conscious, and Penny seemed fine. Something might have been knocked loose, she's still in what looks like good condition otherwise. After healing Winter, I ignored her to look for the others. I flew outside and after about a minute of searching, I got a call on my scroll.

"Cassiel, where are you??!!" It was Ruby.

"I'm outside right now, I'm assuming you all took care of the Ace Ops?" I asked.

"We won, yeah. We're coming for you now."

"There's one last thing that needs to be done. I'm giving you the Lamp before stealing the Staff, then I want you all to run while I deal with Salem."

"Are you crazy???!!! You can't-"

"I asked Jinn some questions, Ruby. Your mother came very close to killing Salem, according to Jinn, she hasn't used any magic that wasn't directly related to Grimm since then! Her only advantage if she's been crippled to that extent is numbers, numbers I can avoid and tame!"

"We're not letting you-" it was Blake that time.

"This isn't up for debate! If we move the Relics, Salem will have no reason to remain in Atlas! With all her attention focused on the only one capable of fighting her, everyone can be evacuated and you all can get to Vacuo if the worst happens! If I die, one of you will be in my final thoughts and you can get the Crown once you find the vault!"

"You're not going-" I hung up on who sounded like Yang. I entered the SR and looked for the Vault. Ironwood was there, but I was kind of in a hurry, so I let him live. I took the Staff, Atlas stayed afloat if nothing falling is anything to go on. Once I arrived outside, I tried calling them to let them know where I was, but comms died again, so I went for the next best thing. I tried out the new powers and poured some Darkness into it, a stream of black and purple flames shot straight into the air. I hardly felt a drain at all from that. After a minute, an airship flew by and landed nearby. I unlocked the Lamp in case they'll need it before walking on board.

"Can you not hang up on everyone??!!" Weiss said.

"Sorry, just dropping this off." I handed Oscar both Relics and was about to leave before Blake grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"You can't just do this alone! Take us with you!"

"That's not a risk I'm taking, I can't lose any of you." I refused.

"And we can't lose you!" She pleaded.

"This is more important! I'm the only one who can-" Blake slapped me before hugging me tightly.

"Remember what you said to me before the dance? 'You have a team willing to help you!' Don't try to do this by yourself"

"The circumstances are different! You were so obsessed with stopping Torchwick and the White Fang that you were depriving yourself of sleep, you were barely eating, and your grades were suffering! You were hurting yourself and pushing us away while trying to shoulder that burden on your own! I'm still more than capable of fighting and I'm sending you all away to fight another day in case I fail to finish this!"

"We've got multiple hostiles on radar, is anyone else seeing this?" A male voice asked on the ship's comms.

"These readings can't be right." A female voice responded. I moved away from Blake to see what they were talking about and the radar showed nothing but red a little to the southwest. I looked out the window and saw dark clouds flashing red as lightning could be heard from that direction.

"Does Atlas have nukes?" I asked.

"What are nukes?" Yang asked in response.

"We're fucked." Was my only response.

Well, I guess I'm doing this in the dumbest way possible. Either I'm going inside that giant Grimm that's still hidden in the clouds and destroying it's heart and lungs, or I'm fighting Salem immediately.

Author's Note:

I thought Vanitas's theme, "Enter the Darkness" fit nicely with the megabitch of RWBY. A final battle between two people who've lived in darkness for most, if not their entire lives and made it their own. One pursues power at any cost, and the other seeks revenge while keeping those lights he's found worth protecting safe from his own and the darkness of others. One will dive further into darkness for her own desires, the other will dive further into darkness for retribution and so others don't have to.

I was originally planning on a confrontation with Winter and Penny after the fight, having Cassiel ask things like "are you a Huntress, a soldier, or a machine?" and "who the protector of Mantle will be protecting if she abandons everyone?". Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a conclusion to all that. Instead, I went with this.

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