• Published 19th Oct 2018
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The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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chapter six: Babies and School Foals, Oh my!

Pinkie Pie was preparing to lead Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, but they stopped in their tracks and looked at her. “We dun actuawwy have to go yet. Our diapee cwocks say we not gonna go fow at weast anothew hawf houw. We just checked to make suwe we no have accidents.”

Pinkie humphed. “Fine, bu ya not getting out of using ta toiwet. I gonna be watching ya two.”

“And we gonna be watching you, big sistew.” Pound warned, as he and Pumpkin both proceeded to look at the dozens of foals, unsure of what to do.

Rarity turned around and explained. “Look, we clearly can’t do this by ourselves and it could be awhile before we get help.”

Pumpkin Cake asked. “So who can hewp us? We can't take cawe of aww tese foaws by oursewves. Especiawwy not when Pinkie Pie’s one of tem.”

Rarity pondered for a little bit, then suddenly chirped. “Applejack can help! She’s a mommy, so she knows lots about foals! Plus, she helped raise Apple Bloom! And she helped deal with a whole bunch of regressed foals in Manehattan. She’ll know what to do!”

Pound and Pumpkin both looked at each other with worried looks on their faces. Pound replied. “Weww, otay, bu how do we take cawe of aww tese foaws whiwe ya gone? We taught it be easy.”

Rarity smiled and chirped. “And it will be if you just split them in half. Pound Cake, you take care of the colts, and Pumpkin Cake, you take care of the fillies. Just watch them and change their diapers when needed. I’ll be back soon. Make sure to keep them out of trouble.” The little school filly then ran off out of the nursery. All the while the two foals turned adults just gulped as they looked among the foals running around the room.

Pumpkin Cake turned towards Pound Cake. “So if we spwit the wowk between us, I’ww take ta weft hawf of ta nuwsewy and care for the fiwwies. You can take the wight side and cawe fow ta cowts.”

Pound Cake clapped his hooves. “Yeah, tat sounds wike a good idea! And tis way we have an excuse when ouw next potty time comes awound.”

The twins then went about gathering the foals, going to each side to care for their designated foals. Soon, the nursery was clearly split. On the right half, Pound Cake was completely beat as he was buried under a mountain of diapers and foal bottles scattered all over the place, and there was dozens of colts running around, hitting each other with foam swords.

Pound Cake had five colts on his back, with a screaming baby Caramel in a dirty diaper, squealing on the changing table as the stallion was trying to change him. “Stop whining and wowwing awound!” He then turned to look down, trying to find the clean diapers and gasped upon seeing there was none. The worried stallion asked. ”Hey, whewe did ta diapees go?!”

Pound turned to see that Filthy Rich had all the clean diapers behind him with a toy cash register. He was banging on the keys and he chirped. “You want a diapee? Tats five bits, pwease.”

Pound Cake grumbled irritably as he held the foal down and shouted. “Awe ya sewious?! Come on! I shouwd put ya in time out too!”

Filthy Rich came over. “One diapee, one bit, tat’s my finaw offew. Take it or weave it.”

Pound grumbled a bit as Filthy Rich hoofed him a diaper. Filthy smirked, waddling back to his diaper stash.

Caramel whimpered as he was tapped into his new, clean diaper. Pound placed him down and let him waddle over to the dozens of colts as the stallion went over to Filthy Rich (after washing his hooves with some nearby hoof sanitizer). Filthy had diapers, plushies and other toys in a huge stash as Pound Cake growled. “So ya hoawding evewyting, ya poopy head?!”

Filthy turned around. “Not hoawding! I making a pwofit. See, if a pony wants a toy, they gots to give me toy money fiwst. I showing tem how money wowks.”

Pound Cake eyed him. “Ten why did ya make me spend a bit?”

Filthy Rich smirked. “Because ya know by now how weal money wowks, and I assumed ya gets some tips!”

Pound chuckled. “Even as a foal ya pretty smawt. Weww, I guess tis wowks.” He then turned to see Caramel waddling over, grunting as he pulled the wagon to Filthy Rich. “Hewe’s some mowe new pwushies to seww!”

The stallion rolled his eyes and turned across to see how the filly side was doing. Pumpkin Cake was having a tea party with the fillies. They were all sitting around, playing with dolls and building with blocks. Redheart was waddling all over, taking plushies and teddy bears, putting band-aids on them and giving them checkups with a toy doctor kit. Cheerilee was in a frilly baby blue dress, sitting with many foals sitting around a small table, teaching them ABCs on a mini chalkboard.

Pumpkin Cake looked up with a smile. “Oh hey, Pound, how it going?”

Pound Cake’s mouth just dropped upon seeing how easy everything was with Pumpkin Cake’s half of the nursery. She was looking so calm and peaceful compared to his chaotic mess with the colts. He grumbled. “Now I kinda wished that I born as a fiwwy. Fiwwies seem to have it eaisew. Ow maybe I just got the wowst of the cowts.”

While Pound and Pumpkin were busy caring for the dozens of foals at Sugarcube Corner, Rarity was going across Ponyville to Sweet Apple Acres to find Applejack. She reached the front of the door of the Apple family’s house and knocked rapidly as she shouted. “Come on! Open up! This is an emergency!”

To the mare’s surprised, she saw Apple Bloom open the door. The filly eyed her at first as Rarity asked. “Hey, Apple Bloom, is your sister here? We need her help!”

Apple Bloom eyed her and replied. “Yeah, she’s here, but ya look new! Did you move to Ponyville recently or somethin’?”

Rarity stomped a hoof. “I’m not a new filly, Apple Bloom! I’m Rarity!”

“Rarity?!” The farm filly gasped as she turned to see Sweetie Belle’s eyes glowing as she squealed. “You’re a filly?! This is so cool! I just came over here to hang out with Apple Bloom since Miss.Cheerilee never showed up to teach. I had no idea you were my age! But where are Hoity Toity and Blueblood? Shouldn’t they be with you?”

“I left them in capeable hooves. I trust them to behave,” Rarity explained. “Now please, you must let me talk to Applejack! It’s urgent!”

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were fascinated, however, and asked Rarity dozens of questions as Applejack came over. “Hey, what's goin’ on out here?” Rarity looked over and whimpered as Applejack burst into laughter. “Oh, Rarity! I didn't notice ya there for a second, how did ya turn yourself into a filly?”

The little filly got flustered and stomped a hoof. “It was those darn magic muffins! It turned me into a school filly along with dozens of ponies who are foals at Sugarcube Corner!”

Applejack gulped. “Oh, I guess that's why ya came to find me.”

Rarity gave a nod as Apple Bloom turned around and asked. “So um...while you go over to watch those foals, can we please play with Rarity?”

Sweetie Belle shouted in delight! “Yeah! This would be a great opportunity for us to bond as sisters! Especially since she was too busy with Hoity Toity and Blueblood to do the Sisterhooves Social.”

Rarity whined. “Oh come on! I’m not really a school filly and I have my cutie mark, so that disqualifies me as a Cutie Mark Crusader! Besides, I’m not interested in getting covered in tree sap and pine needles!”

Apple Bloom came over, examined Rarity’s rump and commented. “Looks like you’re a blank flank to me, so that means you’re a Cutie Mark Crusader and you’re comin’ with us.”

Applejack chuckled. “Seems like they make some good points. Alright, ya convinced me. Rarity you play with my little sis and your twin sis while I go help take care of a bunch of foals. Ain’t worried about Zecora, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith’ll keep her out of trouble. She’s startin’ to get old enough to help out around the farm, just a little.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie cheered as they dragged Rarity along who shouted in protest. “I'm not her twin sister! Watch my mane! Please, not the tree house! Anything but the tree house! I just got my hooves done!”

Applejack snickered a bit at Rarity’s protests, before she sighed. “Alright, time to head to Sugarcube Corner and see what's goin’ on. After I tell Big Mac and Granny Smith to watch Zecora. Can’t have her addin’ onto the troubles. Sounds like I’ll already be in over my head.”

While Rarity was (reluctantly) hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Twilight was dealing with her own situation in Canterlot, standing by in Canterlot as Celestia flew down from the sky to see the little filly Twilight.

The princess couldn't help but blush upon seeing her most trusted student regressed to such an age. She tried to whisper. “My goodness, Twilight. You look exactly like the way you did when we first met. Oh, you were so adorable back then."

Twilight blushed, quite embarrassed by the comment as she sighed. “Y-yeah, well...um...we should get going. You sure waking up Discord is the best idea, princess? The last time he was free, he nearly drove my friends and I apart, and literally turned Ponyville upside down. This time, we don’t have the Elements of Harmony to stop him.”

Celestia replied. “If it were just a few ponies like you originally reported, I’d feel confident that Luna and I could reverse the damages. But this is chaos magic on a level I have rarely seen before. I doubt even Discord could’ve imagined it becoming this out of control. We don’t have a choice at this point. We can’t have dozens of ponies stay as foals. There’s already quite a few as it is, and ponies were already starting to panic.”

Twilight then went onto Celestia’s back as she flew off towards the castle gardens. There, they came upon Discord’s statue in his frightened pose from losing to the mane six a few months earlier.

Celestia sighed. “We have no other means of recourse. With you and Rarity as school fillies, and Pinkie Pie as a foal, I don’t think the elements will work. This is just a gamble at this point, but it’s the only gamble that has any chance of solving the problem before it gets out of control.”

The princess lit her horn and released the statue as it cracked, and the draconequus broke through the stone.

Discord rose up and stretched, before he looked down at Celestia and the filly Twilight, and burst into laughter. “Oh yes, the magic muffins really did it! They worked! How many ponies are foals now?! Come on, tell me!”

Twilight growled. “There’s a lot, Discord. Now, you’ve had your fun, so can you please help turn me and them back to normal? If you do, then maybe we won’t have to turn you back to stone afterwards. Princess Celestia seems to think she could find a good use for your ‘abilities’.”

Discord smirked. “Well, I suppose I could do that...however, I think I need something in return considering I won’t turn Equestria into my own playground. I need some entertainment…” He then turned to Celestia and told her. “Here's the deal, if I do this I get to go to my dimension and watch as you and Luna are turned into foals, and Twilight has to care for you for a year!”

Twilight stomped a hoof in protest and wanted to say something, but Celestia shook her head and turned to discord. “It's a deal, but only for a month and no longer! Break it, and I’ll have Twilight and her friends turn you back to stone forever!”

Discord smirked. “Alright, done! But first, I think I need a little insurance to know you won’t try to double cross me. I think you two deserve some time off from all your work.” He snapped a claw and Twilight and Celestia teleported with him in a cloud of smoke.