• Published 19th Oct 2018
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The Cake Twins and a Baby Pie - Foal Star

Pinkie Pie was somehow regressed to a one year old foal by chaos magic. But the Cake twins also grew into adults as well. What can go wrong?

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chapter seven: Learning From Foals

Applejack was quite nervous as she slowly walked inside Sugarcube Corner. The farm mare could hear the cries of foals as she gradually walked upstairs. She gulped as she slowly entered the nursery and was quite surprised upon what her eyes beheld.

Pumpkin Cake was still having a tea party with all the fillies on the left side of the nursery, everything seemed to be under control more or less. So Applejack continued walking through, turning to see that Cheerilee was busy playing school with a dozen other fillies all sitting down on the floor, learning about shapes and colors. Meanwhile, Nurse Redheart was been busy putting diapers on all the dolls and plushies in the corner of the room.

Applejack dawwed at the scene, she couldn’t help but walk over to Nurse Redheart and ask her. “So, what ya doin’? Looks like ya been busy.”

Nurse Redheart gave a nod as she explained. “Yeah, I put diapees on ta dollies and ta pwushies. I awso gave tem checkups so tey dun get so sick!!” She then pulled out her plastic stethoscope, showing it off.

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh and daww. “Aww, what a little cutie. Well, keep up the good work, might as well get all the practice you can while you’re a foal. Betcha you have to put diapers on baby ponies all the time at the hospital.” The little nurse gave an excited nod and waddled back to diapering another doll.

Applejack then walked over to the colts side of the nursery, where everything was in chaos. She came upon Filthy Rich bartering with colts as she smirked. “I see you’re still tryin’ to sell toys even as a little colt. And here I thought Spoiled was the rotten apple of the bunch. Now I can see why your mama called ya ‘Filthy’.”

The toddler got up and babbled. “Dun caww me tat! I not nasty! I just teachin’ tese foaws about money! Ya nevew too wittwe to weawn about tat, evewyting costs somethin;!” He then showed a toy cash register filled to the brim with toy money.

Applejack gave a small nod of approval. “Well, at least you’re not bein’ a brat and hoardin’ all those toys for yourself like a poopie head.”

Filthy Rich rolled his eyes. “Of course not, and dun caww me a poopie head. I know tat Discord is gonna tuwn us back to normaw, so I just having some fun untiw ten! I used to play gwocewy stowe aww ta time when I was wittwe!”

Applejack then turned to see that Caramel was having his own tea party with a couple of dolls while wearing a pink, frilly dress. The colt squeaked and stammered, embarrassed to be caught by the pony who already often got on his case for losing grass seeds during Winter Wrap Up. “A….A...Abbwejackie! Wha ya doin hewe?!”

The fare mare smirked at the colt and simply replied. “I came to watch y’all of course. I didn’ know ya liked dolls.”

Caramel gulped and whimpered. “Yeah? We...well this is gonna be ta onwy time I couwd be a foaw again. So I thought it wouwd be intewesting to twy somethin’ I nevew done befowe.”

Applejack patted his little crop of mane and cooed. “Ah, don’t be embarrassed, sugarcube, no one’s judging you. Just go on and play, sugarcube. And let me know if you need somethin’, ‘cause that’s what I’m here for.” The little colt hugged his plushie to his chest.

Applejack then heard a crash, looking over to see the rest of the rambunctious foals were standing around. Pound Cake who was on the ground and swarmed by colts whacking him with foam swords. The farm mare became rather furious as she slammed a hoof on the ground and shouted. “That’s quite enough, y’all need to listen to Pound Cake! He’s working his tail off tryin’ ta take care of ya! Yes, I know he’s a big foal, but he’s bigger than all of ya and that means he deserves your respect. He’d do the same if any of you were bigger than him.”

The colts all suddenly stopped and whimpered in unison. “Yes, Abbwejackie. We sowwy.”

Applejack gave a nod as she replied., “Good. Now if ya want you can continue runnin’ around. But no fightin; and keep it down. Y’all are gonna bring the house down on top of us if you keep shoutin’ like that.”

The colts all chirped. “Otay Abbwejackie!” They then went back to wacking each other with foam swords and running around, but things were a lot less chaotic.

Pound Cake gave a sigh of relief as he stood up. “Tanks, Abbwejackie, I was on my wast wegs twying to keep up with tose foaws.”

Applejack came over and chuckled. “Wel, I hope this gives ya some perspective on how you and Pumpkin Cake drive your parents and Pinkie Pie crazy.”

Pound Cake sighed as he gave a nod. “Right, I suwe do. No wondew tey awways wook so twied. I pwomice we gonna be mowe behaved when we tuwn back to babies,” Then he sighed. “Weww, I bettew make sure Pinkie Pie isn’t tuwning any other ponies into foaws.”

They both turned to see that Pinkie Pie was talking to Derpy and Dr. Whooves, discussing something in baby babble.

Applejack came over as Pinkie Pie looked up, blushing as she scrunched her diaper between her legs. The farm mare picked her up by the neck. “I see you’ve been causin’ a lot of trouble, little missy. Not even Apple Bloom was as naughty as you when she was a foal. And boy, Apple Bloom was a little devil. Granny’s got the baby pictures to prove it.”

Pinkie Pie blushed a little as she scrunched her diaper between her legs again and whimpered. “Yeah, I did a big oopsie and tuwned wots of ponies into babies. Now me in a sowt of time out.”

Applejack eyed Pinkie as she asked. “Sure, you turned everypony into foals by accident. Now where’s Twilight? I’m sure she can fix all of this. Where she’d go?”

Pinkie shook her head as she twirled about nervously and continued. “Uh, she went to find Discowd so he can wevwse ta speww.”

Applejack rubbed a hoof over her mane and sighed. “Guess I’m gonna have to just stay here and watch all of y’all until he decides to help. Now how about we get your diaper changed, Stinky Pie? It looks soaked, how have you not gotten a rash yet?”

Pinkie blinked in surprise as she looked down at her sodden, yellow stained padding, and squeaked. “I actuawwy peed?! Sowie, Abbwejackie, I didn’t know I pee pee. Guess I just had too much to notice.”

Applejack just chuckled then bent over, picked the squirming Pinkie up, and cooed. “Oh, don’t you worry bout a thing, missy. I’ll get you changed. It’s only natural for foals to wet themselves uncontrollably. At least you didn’t make a poopie.” Applejack then went over to the changing table.

Meanwhile, Derpy waddled over to her husband, who was busy making a robot out of cardboard and glue as she asked. “Hey, Whoovesy I gots a question?”

Dr. Whooves turned to his wife and asked. “So, um, Dewpy. Twily is gonna come back with Discowd soon and change us back to aduwts. Wight?”

Derpy nodded. “Bu I wana ask if maybe...c...can ya stay a baby?”

Dr. Whooves blinked in surprise at what his wife told him and shouted. “Why?! Dun ya want me to be a big cowt?!” He blushed at how he said that, making Derpy laugh as she replied. “Weww...it would be fun with ya being a baby and I be ya mommy, just fow a wittwe bit. Sounds wike ya nevew had anyone cawe fow ya as a baby.”

Dr. Whooves shrugged. “Weww...I dun know...wet's ask Twily if tas wouwd be okay. Thewe’s a wot of ponies staying as foaws awweady.”

Derpy blushed and hugged Dr Whooves. “Otay, wew if we do become big ponies I might put a diapee on ya. Ya just so cute in tem. I pwomise I won’t wet Dinky tease ya ovew tem.”

Dr. Whooves kicked about, making his diaper crinkle as he giggled. “Oh stop, ya cuter in diapees ten me.”

The grey coated pegasus filly waddled over, poked her husband’s chubby pot belly and jeered. ”Nah uh, ya cuter. Ya got tat big, chubby tummy. Is wound wike a bawwoon!”

Dr. Whooves blushed and put hooves over his tummy with an embarrassed look on his face as he whined. “It just baby fat! Ya got more ten me fwom eating aww tose muffins. Tey not good fow ya.”

Derpy looked down at her own, pudgy tummy. “I guess so. Thewes gots to be a way to pwhove whose ta cutest.”

Dr. Whooves turned to Applejack as a big smile spread over his face. “Whoever makes Abbwejackie daww ta most wins!”

Derpy smirked. “Ya on, mistew! Winnew gets stay a baby!”

Dr. Whooves turned to Pinkie (now in a fresh diaper) and asked her. “Hey, Pinkie we need ya hewp. Dewpy and I are gonna have a cute contest: Whoeva makes Abbwejackie daww ta most stays a baby.”

Pinkie giggled with delight. “Tat sounds wike ta siwwiest contest eva! Ya want me to be ta judge, wight?” The two foals both nodded and she smirked. “Otay, I gots some time befowe Pound and Pumpkin Cake need me. But fiwst, ya two need Pinkie’s adowabwe makeovew!” She then got out a kit and the two little foals oohed at the big, pink colored box with wide eyes.

Dr. Whooves gave a blink of surprise and whispered. “Wha’s in thewe? It wooks biggew on the inside, just wike ta tawdis!”

Pinkie smirked. “Oh, you’ww see! Ya two gonna be ta cutest foals eva! Just howd stiww and wet me do my wowk.”

While Pinkie Pie was giving Dr. Whooves and Derpy an “adorable makeover”, and Applejack was handling the dozens of regressed ponies (and keeping them under control with the help of the Cake Twins), Twilight and Celestia both blinked in surprise to find themselves in a classroom.

It was decorated with posters of basic colors, shapes and the alphabet. There was a big, pink rug in the middle, and a polka dot carpeted floor. The two mares were confused as to how they’d gotten there, and then they both looked up to see a nice looking, blue colored unicorn mare talking to a brown coated earth pony mare with bright yellow eyes. “Yes, I would like to have my foals attend your class just for today if that's okay with you?”

The teacher waved a hoof. “Oh, that would be just fine. I love to see some new faces in my classroom!” The mare then looked down at the two fillies and cooed. “Hello you two! You must be Twily and Tia, correct?”

The two fillies both squeaked seeing they had backpacks on their backs and Celestia gasped seeing her cutie mark was gone! She then exclaimed. “My cutie mark! What did you do, Discord?!”

The brown coated earth pony mare with glowing yellow eyes cooed. “I’m not Discord, sweetie I’m your mommy. Now you two be nice and be on your best behavior. I'll pick you up around four.” She then left the classroom before Twilight and Celestia could say or do anything.

The teacher then looked down at the two and cooed. “Alright sweeties, come and meet the rest of the class!” The two filles gave exasperated sighs as they were then lead into a classroom filled with school foals all looking up at them with surprised looks and giggling.

Twilight blushed. “But why?!”

The teacher looked down at Twilight. “Because it's what we do with every new student. Now go on and tell the class your name, age and something about yourself.”

The young filly gulped nervously, it was just like her first day of magic kindergarten. She walked forward and whimpered. “My name is Twily and I’m six years old, and, um...I like to read books.”

The class giggled and some ponies even clapped. The teacher looked down. “Oh really? What a smart little filly, learning to read. We’re actually learning the alphabet right now, we left off at D.”

Twilight just stammered. ”W...well...I just um...read that one story ‘The Silly Diaper Filly’.” She squealed at what she just said, making many ponies burst into laugh.

The teacher cooed. “That’s nice, sweetie. Now go and sit down at any of the empty desks.” Twilight quickly ran to an open desk, trying to keep her head down.

The teacher turned to Celestia and cooed. “Your turn, sweetheart. Go on and introduce yourself to the class.”

Celestia angrily stomped forward and grumbled. “My name is Tia and I six too, and I like eating cake.”

The entire class cheered. “Yeah, Tia!”

The teacher giggled and asked the little filly, “What's your favorite flavour of cake, Tia?”

Celestia blushed and explained. “I like... um... vanilla cake with pink icing, and cute little candies that look like suns!”

The teacher dawwed and gave Celestia a pat on the back. “That sounds delicious. Alright now, go on and find an empty desk.”

The regressed princess rolled her eyes, sitting down on a desk and grumbling. “Discord is going to pay for this.”

Twilight turned to Celestia with an embarrassed look on her face. “Uh, yeah, well this shouldn't be too hard. We could even teach these foals a thing or two about magic.”

Celestia rolled her eyes as the teacher began her lesson. “Today we're going to discuss the basics of magic. So last week we learned how to change colors on objects, now let’s see if you can do it yourselves.”

The class cheered and Celestia groaned as Twilight raised a hoof, and the teacher turned and asked. “Yes, Twily? What is it?”

The little filly asked. “Um...that sound like really basic magic that babies get taught. Aren't we in magic kindergarten?”

The teacher cooed. “Oh no, silly, this is magic preschool. Also, your mommy told me you two are still in potty training, so if you need to go potty just let me know.”

The two fillies squeaked in embarrassment, looking down at their rumps to see pull-ups modeled after Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks as the entire class erupted in laughter.

While the teacher tried to get the class to settle down. Twilight turned to Celestia with a glare and growled. “Oh yeah, Discord is definitely going to pay for this!”

As Celestia and Twilight learned about colors and shapes (among other things) Derpy and Dr. Whooves were now in super thick diapers, making it hard for the two to even get up! Foal powder billowed out of the leg holes, and they had cute bonnets wrapped around their heads. Tons of foals were now watching and awwed at the two, who sat there with their cheeks now bright red from the embrasement.
Pinkie then raised a hoof, put on a plastic headset and proclaimed. “Alwighty, is time fow ta cutest foal evew competition! Whoevea can make Abbwejackie daww ta most wins! I’ww cacuwate it with my daww metew! I wiww awso be ta pwonucer fow tis cute competition!” She raised up a small device as Dr. Whooves explained. “I made it mysewf. It simpwe, wheneva Dewpy ow I do something cute ta daww metew will measure how wong and woud ta dawws awe. We wiww each get a tuwn so it wiww be faiw.”

Pinkie Pie gave a nod and then asked. “Otay, so want to fwip a coin to see who goes fiwst?”

Derpy shouted. “Nah, is otay! I gonna go fiwst!”

The pink coated foal looked over at Derpy and gave a nod. “Otay, ya good to go.Ya got five minutes to make Abbwekjackie daww.”

Derpy gave a sigh as she got up on her hooves and waddled over to Applejack. The farm mare was busy storing diaper supplies underneath the changing table. She didn't notice Derpy as she grabbed the mare’s mane and started to suck on it.

Pinkie oohed.” Wooks wike Derpy went for ta cwassic mane sucking. I dun know why foals wike the taste of manes so much.”

Applejack turned and dawwed as she asked. “Hey, Derpy, what ya doin’, sugarcube?”

Derpy waddled over and babbled incoherent gibberish as she rubbed her hooves over Applejack’s face. The farm mare laughed, picked her up by the diaper, and checked it. “Huh, you’re clean and seem to be okay. Don’t know why you’re bein’ so cute.” Derpy then somehow started to climb over Applejack’s head, making her daww even more as Derpy’s diapered rump shook about.

Pinkie squealed! “Oh, wook at that! Derpy is shoving her adowable diapee in Abbwejackie’s face! Is gonna be hawd fow Dw. Whooves to top tat!”

Dr. Whooves shoved his hooves across his chest and grumbled. “Oh yeah?! I can be cuter, ya just watch!”

Derpy, meanwhile, squealed as she fell down from Applejack’s head, plopped onto the ground below, and slammed into the seat of her enormous diaper, making her fall over and reveal her thickly padded bottom.

Applejack dawwed again, making the “daww meter” go way up as Pinkie chirped. “What a finish! She was able to get the daww metew aww ta way to ta top!”

Derpy waddled back with a smug grin on her face. “Beat tat, Mistew Doctow!”

Dr. Whooves pouted as he waddled over and babbled. “I can beat tat! Ya just watch!” He strode over to Applejack and proceeded over to the changing table. He took out two diapers and began taping them over his rump quite clumsily. But somehow the little colt managed to diaper himself into two more diapers, making his legs spread out even more underneath all that padding. He then took out a bottle of foal powder with a gulp and sighed. “Is time fow ta diapee dance,” He then poured the entire bottle of foal powder into the front of his diaper and squeaked. “Oh Cewestia!” The foal began to dance around as foal powder billowed out from the leg holes, as Applejack looked over at Dr. Whooves doing his diaper dance. She dawwed again and the meter’s needle went up half way as Pinkie proclaimed. “Wook at tat! Whoovesy is doin ta famous diapee dance! I taught onwy Shining Awmow and Bwight Wing did tat!”

Dr. Whooves continued his diaper dance as Applejack watched and giggled at the silly dance. The little colt danced around in his padding, making foal powder billow out like a big white cloud. He didn't anticipate the thickness of his tripled diapered rump as he suddenly swayed back and plopped onto his rump with a surprised look on his face. Then without realising it, he began to wet himself and bushed as his second and third diaper fell off, exposing his soggy, yellowed diaper.

Applejack gave another long dawww as Pinkie’s daww meter went all the way up again as she commented. “Oh deaw! It wowks wike Dr. Whooves cwumsy diapee change and him putting too much foal powder weawwy made tat siwwy diaper dance work! Which of course was made famous by Shining Awmow when he was a foaw. You can verify that with his mommy, who has his embawwassing baby photos. Thewe’s even one of him fighting ta eviw potty monstew! But, now is going to be hawd to see who’s going to win tis cute contest.”

After Dr. Whooves had his diaper changed he was plopped back down right besides Derpy, who couldn't help but give her husband a cute boop on the nose. Pinkie then stood up proudly in her diaper and proclaimed. “Is concwuded! Both Dw. Whoovesy and Dewpy awe cute!”

They both blushed as Derpy giggled. “Wooks wike tis whowe contest was a waste of time.”

Dr. Whooves just rolled his eyes and plopped onto his diaper. “Fine, whateva, wets go pway Candy Wand. Whoeva is ta winnew in tat wins instead.”

Derpy smirked. “Ya on!" She waddled off to grab the box, but stopped as she turned around and asked. "But um, di ya wemeba ya cowows?”

Dr. Whooves scoffed. “Of cowse I do!” He then looked down at some blocks. I wemebwa bwue, wed, gween...um…" He picked up a purple block. “Oh, what tis one again?"

Derpy couldn't help but giggle. “Wooks wike we weawwy awe becoming foaws…”

Dr. Whooves blushed as he scrunched his diaper between his legs out of embarrassment and whimpered. “Yeah, maybe...hopefuwwy I dun fowget too much more…”

Pinkie saw that with Dr. Whooves and Derpy’s silly contest over, and Applejack was taking care of things, there was only one thing left for her to do. Looking at the Cake Twins’ diapers, she could see that their next potty time was fast approaching. And she squealed, toddling over to them. “Gweat! Now’s my time to go teach Pound and Pumpkin Cake about ta big potty! I just hope I have to go.”