• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh


One of the most dangerous coven of witches, the Daughter's of McCracken wrecked havoc amongst the communities of Equestria. One night they messed up and were brought down. 500 years passed before a new batch of creatures discover a shocking secret.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 48 )

“Please, somepony find my daughter. Tell her mother's sorry and that she loves her very much. Don't let her fall into the wrong hooves. Please? I beg of this...my final plea. *sigh*...I am ready. See you all in Tartarus.”, Terra plead as the torch reached her stake. She didn't even flinch as the flames scorched her body.


Wow, now that was one dark beginning...:rainbowderp:...can't wait to see more:pinkiehappy:!!!

As it is...I aim to please! Even with the dark sh!t

How do I know this story won't die after only one chapter?

Because the next chapter will be up in a little while.😉 And trust me.. it's a doozy.

“What?!? That's ridiculous. Cutie-marks can't... change?!? ”, Solange said as she looked at the place on her flank where there once was a orange and cream sunflower, now lay a caldron with green smoke.

Changing Cutie Marks huh:unsuresweetie:? Interesting...:ajsmug:. Let see what these seven along with Terra find next:twilightsmile:.

Don't worry, things will get WAAAY worse (also, way to be late to the party dude!?!).

Sorry, I was at football practice. I was kept there a little later than usual:twilightsheepish:.

“ IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CUTIE-MARK?!?!? ”, Sammy all but screamed as she saw the caldron on her daughter's flanks where a sunflower used to be.

Uh-oh, looks like the cat is out of the bag:twilightoops:!

“Because I...I think...it's time.”, Sammy said with a shaky tone.

The truth will soon be revealed:rainbowdetermined2:!!!

Yeah...yet this is just from Solange's perspective. The next 5 chapters are from the others pont's of view (next: Terra, Amaris, Zelda & Zeus, Salem and Sabrina). Secrets will be uncovered. At the same time, you get a glimpse into the lives of our 7 main characters....and the 3 that have the ultimate power...

“Okay, so I was helping Solange with the baby this morning and I noticed her magic was off. It wasn't the normal blue aura she has, but a blood red one. Plus her cutie-mark was completely different !”, Sammy explained.

It's slowly unravelling...:rainbowderp:.

“Of course there's no way! Our girls’ wouldn't be that dumb as to go into those woods and find the stuff!”, She rebuttaled.

Yeah, well...they kind of did:twilightblush:.

“I'm afraid so. Solange showed me the book and caldron she shrunk down in her saddlebags. If I'm right, Terra and Amaris must have the cross and voodoo doll. Ask them immediately!”, Sammy warned before hanging up.

Oh crap, the girls are so screwed:twilightoops:!!!



Yeah...the following chapter will be pretty similar to this, but of course we'll be with Amaris and her house.

“I am just glad neither one of you girls were hurt” Diana started as she hooded Amaris back the doll “However, I...I think you should just...go and meet your friends. Be quick now and don't have them a waiting!”, She finished as she all but herded her daughter out of the house. Not taking into consideration that she probably should've checked her daughter's flanks for abnormalities. As she thought that to herself, her phone rang with a group call.

Well they took that well:applejackunsure:.

“I don't know, but I do know one thing: Our girls’ secret will be spoken and we'll have to deal with 3 emotionally charged teenagers...Faust help us all.”, Diana responded with a sigh as she and her husband sat on the couch.

I feel so sorry for those two in that department:rainbowlaugh:! They’ll need all the help and luck they can get:ajsmug:.

“Absolutely certain. It's time ladies. Our girls deserve to know the truth.”, Sam replied as she said more stuff before hanging up. Hanging up the phone, Diana turned to her husband. Fear etched across both of their faces.

Oh boy...:twilightoops:.

Well...to be fair, out of all of the main characters' families, Amaris' parents are the most level headed of them all. Even if her mother is unemployed and [Amaris] and her father both work a lot. If you noticed at the beginning of this chapter, her talking to the voodoo doll, yeah... that's there for a reason.

Good. That'll be important in the coming chapters.

The three unicorns eyes lit up in the same colors of their auras as they launched a brilliant blend of the three colored magics at the stunned quartet of idiots. Being airlifted by the magic, each of the four of them were tortured inside and out. Two of them were literally turned inside out, one was set on fire and Amaris used a conjured up voodoo doll that looked like the leader and plunged a dagger that Solange summoned into its head. Effectively, the yellow leader soon found himself impaled through the head via a nearby carving knife. When they stopped finally, Zelda was shocked to see the twisted mangled bodies of their would-be rapists. She was absolutely floored to see the equally twisted smiles on her three friends faces as they laughed like insane mares.

Dear Faust that was brutal:twilightoops:!

“Okay okay so let me get this straight: You and ‘Zee-Zee’ were minding your own business up on the very empty balcony and all of a sudden these 4 huge colts come at you two like some creepers. When Terra somehow called for help, you two came and after that you guys all blacked out for a second before you came to. Laughing like insane asylum patients as you looked upon the bodies of said creepers. Yeah that sounds absolutely fucked up!”, Sabrina said as she placed the ground. The three unicorns nodding in shame.

Very:twilightoops:! Then again, considering their powers, I’m not really surprised:applejackunsure:.

Your replies are valid (a.k.a: Duh! That's kinda the point! I said this one was gonna be dark af! You should see some of the art I have for this story!).

A small part of me doesn’t want to, a big part of me is dying to:derpytongue2:.

Don't worry. So far the only art is how the 3 main characters look plus the cover art.

They will be available to view within the next few days.

Once they are finalized, they will be added to the corresponding chapters

The three unicorns eyes lit up in the same colors of their auras as they launched a brilliant blend of the three colored magics at the stunned quartet of idiots. Being airlifted by the magic, each of the four of them were tortured inside and out. Two of them were literally turned inside out, one was set on fire and Amaris used a conjured up voodoo doll that looked like the leader and plunged a dagger that Solange summoned into its head. Effectively, the yellow leader soon found himself impaled through the head via a nearby carving knife. When they stopped finally, Zelda was shocked to see the twisted mangled bodies of their would-be rapists. She was absolutely floored to see the equally twisted smiles on her three friends faces as they laughed like insane mares.

This is good

Why thank ya kindly. This particular paragraph was honestly ad-libbed as I wasn't entirely sure how I was gonna continue that thought.

“Well then, I must say Merry Christmas to us! Our task for the end of this year is complete and I can assure you ladies and gentlecolts that the Dark Lord is most pleased with our efforts. All while thankfully sparing our own young ones from the witches’ curse to Tartarus. To our highest mages!”, Zeus toasted and everypony followed his example. Marking the end of another successful Christmas.

Oh boy...those parents will not be happy:twilightoops:!

Another great chapter, I also see that you slipped in Children of the Night by SFS:scootangel:! I love that song so much:rainbowkiss:!!!

Firstly, did you read the Author's Note at all? If so you'd note that this chapter is...not totally canon to the rest of the story.

Yeah, I know....sorry if I made it sound like I didn’t:twilightsheepish:. Still, it was an enjoyable one nonetheless:twilightsmile:.

“Somepony wanna explain why Apollo was in his cart seat and why his diaper bag is packed? Because I’m sure for one, that it's close to his bedtime and two, that I didn't plan on taking him anywhere this time of night.”, Solange said in a tone that only a concerned mother can muster.

“He was in his cart seat because Falling Star is on his way here to come pick up his son.”, Sammy explained.

“But ma, this ain't Falling’s weekend. Why in Tartarus is he coming-”, Solange started before being interrupted.

“-I called him and told him to take Apollo for a few days. Believe me, what will happen these next few days...we don't need an innocent baby in the house for. Besides...you probably will be so distracted and confused that you won't be able to take care of him properly.”, Sammy explained as she interrupted her daughter mid freak out.

Yeah, a baby for a situation like this is the last thing that's needed:rainbowderp:.

Solange just looked at her mother like she’d grown a second head before gently placing her now calm son back in his carrier.

Just as she finished rehooking Apollo in his seat, a horn honked on the side piece of street. Looking out the screen door, Terra saw that it was Solange’s “on-again/off-again” coltfriend, Falling Star in his old beat up yellow cart. Getting out, he approached the door which Terra quickly opened up and let him in.

“Ladies and gentlecolts, good evening to you all.”, Falling said in a mellow speech.

“Hi Falling Star. Apparently my mom's called you up to take Apollo?”, Solange said in a completely even tone.

“Yes I did! Here Falling, here's his playpen, diaper bag and of course, the baby.”, Sammy said as she passed Falling everything (and Apollo).

“While I'm not sure why I’m getting him this weekend but judging by the completely serious look on your face Ms. Bridleway, I won't question it and just take my son.” Falling started in a demure voice as he placed everything by the door before grabbing his son “What day do you want him back?”, he finished with a questioning glance to his ‘ex’.

“Oh... probably best to keep him the rest of the week. He has plenty of pre-made bottle bags in the cooler inside the diaper bag. He also has plenty of clothes and toys. Now please, go.”, Sammy urged as Solange gave her foal a quick hug and kiss and her ‘ex’ a quick hug before the father and son left.

She's in a real rush to get outta there...:ajsmug:.

Once the pair were gone, the three older mares urged the 4 other equines that weren't their daughters out of the kitchen and upstairs. With a quick blocking spell and a silencing spell on the whole first floor, Bundty Cake came back and sat down with her completely confused daughter as the others did.

“Okay, now can somepony please explain just what on Equus is going on?! Because I’ve had one heck of a night and I'm already regretting drinking!”, Terra said as she rubbed her head in pain.

“Okay. Girls, do you remember how we used to tell you about those old faery tales about witches and wizards of the... malevolent nature?”, Sammy asked. Gaining a slow but steady round of uneasy ‘yeses’ as a reply.

“Well...girls, answer me this. Do you remember the story of how ‘Moonlight City’ got its name?”, Diana asked. Getting a similar response as Sammy.

“Of course. The town was rumoured to have been the nesting grounds for a coven of dark witches. Those who followed McCracken’s teachings and idolized Tartarus. They were one of the worst covens around in the dark ages of ponykind. Moonlight City got to be known as such because of the lake that the witches were supposedly drowned in, which happened to be called Moonlight Lake. That's also why the lake and forest around it are forbidden.”, Amaris answered in an unsure tone.

Just like in the beginning:pinkiesick:.

“Correct. However that story that you’ve all been told in school practically your whole lives…” Bundty sighed as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge with her magic “... it's not the truth. Or at least part of it is the truth anyways.”, She finished with a deep sigh.

“W-what do you mean?”, Solange asked. Steadily getting more unerved as the story went on.

“Well...the part about the witches is correct…” Diana started while receiving shocked gasps from the three teens “...what was falsified was the fact of how many witches and how they died. You see they didn't die by water. The night the coven was exposed and captured, they were about to sacrifice a young colt by the name of Calm Breeze. Their ritual was supposed to bring forth the most fearsome deity of them all: McCracken.”, Diana finished to even more shocked gasps.

“Luckily for Calm Breeze, his family had gotten the entire village together and went searching for him. Their trail lead them to a cabin in Swallow Forest--which is now known as the forbidden forest where they attempted to surprise the three witches responsible for so much destruction and misery. However the witches sensed the village was coming for them and they fled on their broomsticks. Now here's where things took a bad turn for the coven. There were a few unicorns in that search party that were skilled trappers. Using anti-magic net launching spells they shot two of them down and the third witch willingly gave herself up and the three were captured.”, Bundty continued.

And slain in a sea of fire...:rainbowderp:.

“A day after they were captured, they were taken back to the very woods they resided in and were burned at stakes. The leader of the cult however, right before the flames consumed her, summoned the power of all three of them and placed a powerful curse upon the land. With the promise that they would be back stronger than ever, they perished and their ashes were dumped in iron boxes and forever rest at the bottom of that very lake.”, Sammy finished with a sigh.

“Woah.”, Was the collective response of the teenagers.

Whoa indeed:twilightoops:.

“Indeed girls. However there's more to tell you. You see, what the townsponies forgot was that each of the three witches were mothers as well. The one who handled the caldron had a son, the one who handled the cross had twins a filly and a colt and the one who handled the voodoo doll had a daughter. Those 4 young ponies knew what their mothers and fathers were and they weren't afraid. Throughout the years and their bloodlines, the story of the witches’ fierceness and cunning were passed until it became legend amongst those who believed in it. Now I know it may seem like we’ve gotten off track but believe me this is all necessary information. Anyway, many years ago, when the three of us were in high school ourselves we went to a fair on the boardwalks. We came across a fortune teller’s caravan. While Bundty and Diana were sceptical about it at first, I wasn't and convinced them to come with me to get our fortunes told. So we went. What we were told next haunted us so bad that we hadn't talked about it in almost 20 years….that is until today.”, Sammy told the intrigued trio of young mares.

“What was is mama?”, Solange asked.

“She--she told us that we would bear the bringers of a new age of death and destruction. At first we didn't know what on Equus that meant, but after a few years went by and when you girls were born….somehow and I'm still not sure how, but I could tell something was wrong with you. Not wrong in the sense that you were unhealthy! Quite the opposite really. See around the time you were 1 year old, I noticed your magic surges would switch colors from blue to blood red sporadically. Diana and Bundty Cakes noticed this in you girls as well. Whenever it would turn red, something terrible would happen. Like for instance one time when you were 2 you accidentally killed our neighbors dog and you didn't look the single most bothered by it. In fact you laughed and clapped like it was a funny cartoon.”, Sammy explained. Tossing it to Bundty to continue.

That's kind of reminding me of a Month of Macabre story I'm still tracking:pinkiesick:.

“Or the time when you, Terra were 3 years old and you tried to help your cousin’s cat from out of a treehouse. You burned the house and killed the cat. Hell, if it weren't for my quick thinking, you could have easily killed both you and your cousin, Branch.”, Bundty Cakes added before tossing it over to Diana.

“And I recall once when you were still a foal, Amaris. We had given you a stuffed dragon to play with and not even 10 minutes later, you had the damned thing brought to life and it was spewing fire all over the apartment we were in at the time. Thankfully your dad managed to put the fires out, but sweetpea...your eyes looked as black as onyx as well as your aura. Yet you just sat there and giggled.”, Diana finished as she rounded it back to Sammy.

Wow...now that must've really went up in smoke:twilightoops:!!!

“The point is, originally, we thought that your magics were simply having those spurts that all young unicorns get. It even mellowed out by the time you three started school. However, with the way things have been going on with you three this past week. We can no longer deny this is true.”, Sammy capped it with a grim tone.

“What is?”, Amaris asked with a quivering voice.

With a slow inhale, Bundty Cakes spoke.

“That the three of you are the reincarnations of the leaders of the cult. The Daughters of McCracken.”

The net generation of one of the most deadliest beings to exist on the face of Equis:twilightoops:!!!

The three young mares gasped in horror at this shocking revelation. None of it made any logical sense. However, what was supposed to be an eye-opening moment, turned into exactly what the mother’s were expecting.

“Oh. My. McCracken!”, Amaris shouted.

“Sweet merciless Devil!”, Terra shrieked.

“By the dawns...We're witches!?!”, Solange screamed.

This set off a tumble of confused speaking/shouting from the teens. Unable to help their girls anymore, the mothers’ simply hung back as the teens basically went into a state of semi-shock.

“Wait wait wait! Does that mean?...Is that the reason why we felt that connection to those things we found in the cabin? Because those things...were ours to begin with?”, Solange finally reasoned once she stopped screaming hysterically.

“Faust’s mane, that makes perfect sense!”, Terra added.

Now it's all coming together...:pinkiesad2:.

Due to their hysterics, none of the young mares noticed their horns lighting up. Or the fact that the back door had flung open on its own as well as the broom closet door in the hallway. They certainly noticed when out of nowhere, three broomsticks slammed into their sides.

“Ow...”, groaned all three girls as they curiously picked up the offending brooms.

Now that was out of the blue:rainbowlaugh:!

“I think the brooms activated once their mistresses returned. But why now, is the question.”, Diana whispered quietly as they watched the three young mares go with their instincts and inspected the brooms.

Unknowingly oblivious to the conversations of their mothers, the three young mares took in the sights of the somehow familiar brooms.

“This feels…. familiar?”, the white one commented.

“Indeed….like we’ve done this exact thing before.”, the brown one added.

“Almost like...”, the blue one continued before abruptly stopping as the trio huddled together. Holding their heads in pain, the three of them all but screamed as their eyes turned completely black. Their horns cast a protective shield around them as the surrounding areas began to become disorganized and messed up. Fearing this would happen, the mothers quickly managed to grasp ahold of the magic sphere and, just as quickly teleported them all away.

Uh-oh, not good:rainbowderp:!!!

“Okay, well we're here. What shall we do now?”, Sammy asked as she stepped back away from the protective shield.

We don't do anything. It's all on them now. We’ve done our job. Now they need to figure things out. I just hope they choose the right path for them.”, Bundty Cakes replied, already preparing the lanterns around the desolate room with light. Diana, likewise was already preparing a note to the girls as Bundty went with decidable tactics and stepped back onto the raggedy porch. The other two mares following suit. With the crackle of electricity that usually signaled a protection spell wearing off, the three gave a sad look at their daughters before teleporting back home.

They're on their own now...:ajsleepy:.

“Wait! This is that cabin! Why are we here again?”, Amaris asked confused.

“Don’t know? Maybe something around here could--”, Terra started before being interrupted.

“-Girls! There's a very cryptic letter here. Only thing is, I can't exactly see what it says.”, Solange blurted out as she discovered the note.

At that point, Terra remembered that Solange always carried her reading glasses in her purse. Noticing said purse laying next to its owner, she grabbed it in her magic (which is still green) and rummaged through it until she found the glasses. Hoofing them to Solange, said mare cleared her throat and began to read the note, which was strangely in pony Latin.

It read:

aperire librum. ea enim responsa. invenire serpens, feles, et in media nocte vespertilio furrure. et illi tibi. Benediximus

“Well...I guess I’ll actually open that book I found. Let's see what we’re working with.”, Solange said as she carefully reached for and picked up the book she found before (as to how it got there, they only managed to assume that their moms brought it with them). Gathering around her, Terra and Amaris were stunned when Solange opened the book. There, right before them was a picture of one of the most disgusting creatures that anypony had ever seen. He looked like a pony, but only in face and body. His back legs were that of a goats, forelegs of a lion and wings of a bat. The most distinguishing features that he had were the pair of bull’s horns atop his head and the short, but neat goatee he sported upon his blood red face. Capped off with a long almost demonic tail with a point and the trio automatically knew who they were looking at.

“Dark Lord McCracken!”, the trio gasped before the same wave of magical energy came forth and blasted them in all directions.

The one and only:twilightoops:!!!

“Ugggghhh….wha-What happened that time Artemis?”, the white one asked as she rubbed her head again.

“Do I look like a timey wimey tuner? Your guess is as good as mine, Solaria”. The brown one replied with a buff as she stood up and helped the white one up.

“Will both of you shut up for a second?!? My head hurts enough without your questions Solaria and your sass, Terra Nova.”, the blue one griped as she rose to her hooves.

“Sorry Artemis. Just a little frazzled now. It is almost like...”, Solaria trailed off in thought.

“...Like we’ve just been asleep for a long time and now we're awake?”, Terra Nova completed the thought her ‘sister’ had started.

“Exactly...Now I admit, even I had my doubts about if my spell would even work. Apparently I was wrong! Our souls did stay in a state of sleep mode for” Solaria paused to look at the cellular phone in her purse “SWEET CERBERUS'S LUNCH WAGON!!! It's been 500 years! See?”, She finished as she showed the date of June 6,26 A.L.

Such a long time to have passed...:derpyderp2:.

“Clearly in our absence, the pony of nightmares managed to break free of her celestial prison. Apparently technology has advanced quite a lot since we've last been on these lands. Just look! Oh if the dark lord saw these cell phones, he’d have a field day! Ohhhh! Wait!--what was that note our mothers’ left?”, Terra Nova asked as she found it. Re-Reading it aloud for confirmation:

aperire librum. ea enim responsa. invenire serpens, feles, et in media nocte vespertilio furrure. et illi tibi. Benediximus

“Why do we need to find beasts?”, Terra Nova asked.

“Don’t you get it? Our familiars! We must be ready to receive ours! It's a sign.”, Terra Nova replied as she set the parchment down.

“I suppose so.”, Solaria agreed.

“Well, if we're going to find them or...more accurately have them seek us out, then we’d best get moving.”, Artemis said as they summoned their brooms and headed out.

Good luck girls...you're gonna need it:fluttershysad:.

Yes. However, predictions time!: What do you think will happen next?

That Amaras, Terra, and Solange will go on a journey of self discovery and see how they can control there newfound powers so they don't end up like their father did so long ago:rainbowderp:.

Wow. What a profound assumption....all I will say I'd that based on your prediction, You will be drastically disappointed by the outcome.

Yeah well, you gonna have ta "feel" it for another month or so. My break period starts soon, plus I'm having something done on Wednesday so..gonna be outta commission for a while.

That's cool, do what ya gotta do Phoenix:twilightsmile:. We will be waiting for your wings of fire to roar once again:rainbowdetermined2:!!!

Yeah I just gotta adult for a while.

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