• Published 5th Apr 2019
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Put to rest

Ratchet immediately stepped forward and exclaimed, "Optimus, you cannot be serious about this! That cube is the only thing in the whole universe that can bring back everything we lost during the war. Our home, our friends, our brothers and sisters... We can't just turn our backs on all these. I mean, how can we even live with ourselves if we don't honor the sacrifices our comrades made on the battlefield? They gave their lives so that we could return Cybertron to a time when peace and harmony reigned supreme. If we do what you suggest, we'd be disgracing their memory."

Bumblebee then came between Optimus and Ratchet, and stated, "Whoa! Take it easy there, Ratch. Let me handle this one for you, okay?". He then turned to Optimus and said, "As much as I respect and support your decisions, boss bot, I have to agree with doc on this one. We'd basically be throwing our one chance to bring back both our home and our loved ones to life if we go through with this plan. All three of us have lost so many Autobots we cared about. So, why are we not taking our chances with the AllSpark and using it to restore all of them, plus our entire civilization?"

Then, Luna landed on Ratchet's left shoulder and added, "Even if you do agree to utilize this new strategy, how will you be able to destroy the Cube, anyway? I tried to use the most powerful destruction spells in existence and none of them had any effect on it, whatsoever."

Optimus confidently replied, "As I stated before, the power of Dark Energon is polar opposite to that of the AllSpark. The former is the ultimate weapon of destruction, while the latter is the ultimate weapon of creation. If I can put the Cube to Megatron's chest, the resulting reaction should not only destroy it, but also cancel out the Dark Energon within him and thus, make him weak enough for me to deliver the finishing blow. With their leader defeated and their greatest ambition eliminated, the Decepticons will retreat to the stars and it will be a good long while before their possible return. Of course, they will be severely weakened by Megatron's absence and the one who would most likely replace him as the new leader is very incompetent when it comes to strategy."

Bumblebee briefly contemplated this before stating, "That... actually might work. I mean, like you said, the powers of creation and destruction could balance each other, which would leave Megatron powerless. Well, not completely powerless, since he would still be able to use his combat skills, but I'm certain you can finish him, regardless. With him gone, Starscream would definitely become the new leader and we all know how terrible he is at planning things out. Remember the time when he almost got an entire battalion of Decepticon soldiers massacred because he didn't count for the fact that we had automated sentry guns on an Energon transport?"

He laughed at himself for a bit while Ratchet let out a frustrated sigh and countered Optimus by saying, "It doesn't matter whether your plan will work or not. We can't go through with it. We can't just abandon our millennia-long quest to restore our home, people, and civilization. Why would a selfless and rational bot like you even consider such a strategy?"

"Because, I now understand the folly of our quest", determinedly replied Optimus. "I realize that ever since the AllSpark came to this planet, it has brought nothing but chaos and destruction with it. All those assaults initiated to find this elusive treasure had only resulted in the decimation of cities and slaughter of innocents. We can allow this no more. From now on, we start acting like the protectors we claim to be. That means we eliminate the motivation behind these Decepticon attacks and help the planet's inhabitants defend their home. It is the only way we can finally put an end to this senseless conflict that has already claimed so many innocent lives. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing those words, Ratchet considered them for a while before taking a deep breath and sadly stating, "All I have ever wanted was the survival of our race."

In response, Optimus placed his hand and on his right shoulder and said, "As do I, old friend. Who knows? We may still find another way to make this dream come true. However, we must follow a path that does not cause the loss of innocents."

"Well... when you put it that way... I guess, you have a point", Ratchet admitted. After taking another deep breath, he regained his confidence and declared, "Alright, I'm in, but we WILL find another way to restore our people after this is over."

"You have my word", replied Optimus while nodding in agreement. "Bumblebee, what do you say? Will you join us?"

"I'm... uhhh... still a bit skeptical about how we can find an alternative source of energy, to be honest", he nervously stated. "But, I actually do realize that sacrificing the Cube is the right thing to do. I mean, what's even the point of trying to fulfill a quest to save our civilization while those we've sworn to protect and... grown to care about get hurt along the way, right? I'm pretty sure the friends we've lost back on Cybertron would think the same way. So, yeah, count me in."

"Glad to hear that", Optimus said before turning his attention to Princess Luna. "I know I am asking a bit too much, your majesty, but you and Princess Celestia need to provide assistance for us in the upcoming battle. We simply cannot win without it. The fate of not just your world, but also all other worlds hangs in the balance."

Luna immediately flew upwards and began hovering only a few inches above the Autobot leader while declaring, "Fear not, Optimus Prime. I am on my way to Canterlot right now to discuss the war preparations with my sister. We will never allow an army of tyrannical outsiders to invade our kingdom and endanger the lives of our subjects. Not in a million moons!"

She then began flying towards Canterlot as fast as her wings could carry her, leaving the Autobots astonished that she still had this much strength, considering the fact that she was hit with a spear to the back not long ago. Ratchet's optics suddenly widened with realization and he remarked to Optimus, "I should probably go with her. I promised that I would teach her soldiers how they can exploit the weaknesses in the Decepticon anatomy and it's most likely that her sister would refuse to send those soldiers into battle without this kind of knowledge."

Optimus gave him a quick nod as permission to go, and watched as his old medic friend transform into his vehicle mode and drive towards Canterlot at his top speed before vanishing in the horizon. Then, he noticed that Twilight was looking both a little sad and a little disappointed at the same time. So, he proceeded to kneel before her and asked, "You do not seem too pleased with our new strategy. Why is that? Is it because you do not fully understand why it is necessary?"

"No, no! I do understand!", she hastily replied before talking in a more somber tone. "It's just that I've really wanted to get my hooves on the AllSpark and obtain the answer to questions that I've been asking to myself for a good long while. I mean, why did it decide to transfer all that knowledge and a small portion of its power to my ancestor in the first place? What exactly is the full extent of its abilities? Can it only create evil robots or is it able to create good robots too? These questions have been driving me crazy ever since I listened to Princess Luna's story and I think examining the Cube is the only way to answer them."

In response, Optimus let out a rather sad sigh and said, "You know that I understand your desire for knowledge all too well, Twilight. As you already know, I was once as hungry for information as you are now. However, what we are about to do is a necessary sacrifice to restore peace and harmony to this world. We simply cannot allow your people to suffer any further for our mistakes."

These words made Twilight contemplate them for several seconds. In the end, a very determined look appeared on her face and she asked, "What's the plan, then?"

Glad that he had bolstered her confidence, Optimus replied, "We await word from your fellow princesses. Their armies will be critical in holding off Megatron's forces until you and I can reach him. Once we do, you will help me getting the AllSpark off of Megatron's grasp and I shall plunge it into his chest. The ensuing reaction between its energy and that of the Dark Energon flowing through Megatron's body should cause both powers to be canceled out and make Megatron weak enough for me to take him down. His army will fall back as soon as they see his defeat and will not return to Equestria any time soon. I ask that you do not engage Megatron under any circumstance. Just help me get a hold on the Cube and I will take care of him. Any questions?"

"Is there there really no way to do this other than an all-out battle?", she curiously inquired.

"I hate it as much as you do, Twilight, but we have no alternative options right now", firmly replied Optimus. "The only other way we can accomplish our objective is sneaking into Megatron's warship, the Nemesis, which is currently hovering just a few meters above the clouds. Unfortunately, this approach is out of the question. We cannot reach there and even if we could, the Decepticons have undoubtedly increased their security ever since we infiltrated the warship last night. So, yes, there is no way to do this other than an all-out battle. Any other questions?"

"Yeah, um, why did you sneak abroad their ship in the first place?", she asked in a slightly fearful tone.

"Shortly after we found that little creation of the AllSpark I showed you earlier, a Decepticon spy learned of our discovery and delivered the information to Megatron. He and his forces then made their way here and we chased them across the solar system. Finally, we caught up and attempted to infiltrate the ship, intending to stop Megatron before he could reach the surface. Unfortunately, he, along with Brawl and Barricade, managed to slip away from our assault and we were forced to follow them in the same type of escape pods they used to come here. While they landed near the Crystal Empire, we made our landing in a region you call the 'San Palomino Desert'. Since those escape pods do not possess the capability of propelling themselves to outer space and also because the resources of this planet are severely limited compared to our own, it is virtually impossible for us to reach the Nemesis, let alone infiltrate it a second time. Are you finished asking questions?"

"One more. Where exactly is the Decepticon army supposed to strike first?"

While Optimus thought about the answer to this question, Spike came near them and pointed out, "I know where they're gonna attack, actually."

Both the Autobot leader and the alicorn princess looked at him in complete puzzlement as he continued, "Right after Megatron covered the entire castle with Dark Energon crystals, he gloated that he and his army will stage an attack on Canterlot first thing in the morning. After that, they're gonna burn the whole planet to cinders."

Twilight looked back at Optimus with great concern and he determinedly announced, "Very well. It seems we need to regroup with Ratchet and Princess Luna. TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!"