• Published 5th Apr 2019
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While I clean this slate

Ratchet was running faster than he had ever run in his entire life. The cause of this was neither pure panic nor pure excitement. It was actually a combination of the two. Since he was well over sixty million years of age and was considered an elderly member of his race, running at that speed was not good for his health. The only times he had to run or drive extremely fast was when one of his fellow Autobots was injured and required immediate medical assistance. This was definitely one of those times and as he was running through the battlefield right in front of Canterlot City, and blasting Decepticon soldiers left and right with his Neutron Assault Rifle, he could not help but feel two different emotions at the same time: Pride and Fear.

He was proud of not just himself, but of the royal guard ponies all around him, instead, So far, they had clearly shown that they had understood everything he had taught them about Cybertronian anatomy and the aspects different enemy types. It was filling him in immense pride to see them putting what they had learned to good use and exploiting the weaknesses of their opponents. They were throwing spears at the Decepticons' optics, blinding them, and causing them to shoot their comrades in pain and panic. Since the Titans had formed the first line of attack, they were the first ones to be blinded, which caused them to accidentally mow down a quarter of the Drones and nearly all the Rocketeers with their mini guns. This had allowed Optimus to cut down the Titans in half with his axe and Bumblebee destroying another quarter of the Drones after picking up one of the mini guns. While the Brutes were able to protect their optics with their hand-held shields, the guards had managed to run past them and throw their spears at the square-shaped fuel cells attached to their backs, which were making them literally blow up in smokes. All in all, it was suffice to say that Ratchet was proud of both the royal guard ponies for making a huge contribution to the fight and himself for being very effecting in teaching the guards how to fight Decepticons.

At the same time, however, he was extremely fearful for the safety of one particular pony who might have bitten more than what she could chew: Luna. That was the main why he was running so fast. She was flying through the battlefield, blinding every single Decepticon on her path, and was now heading straight towards the Destroyers. In spite of them being the toughest and the most heavily armed enemy type, she was more than determined to take them all on in order to put a quick end to the battle. By the time she had finally reached them, Ratchet was only halfway to her position and his servos were about to malfunction. However, he knew that he absolutely needed to keep going so that Luna could be safe. She was not just a friend. She was the first and so far, the only real friend he had made in this world. Losing her after spending so little time with her would be truly devastating to. Therefore, he simply had to push on. No matter the cost.

Luna, meanwhile, had only just begun to realize her own overconfidence. The Destroyers were firing at her with everything they got and though they had not yet managed to hit her, she was barely able to dodge their laser beams. Despite firing her magic at them, she could not get a clear shot at their optics due to her constant need to dodge oncoming attacks. After a full minute of this, however, she finally managed to shoot one of them in the optics, which unsurprisingly caused the panicking Destroyer to blindly emit laser beams to everything around him in pain, including his fellow Destroyers and other types of Decepticon soldiers. While the other Destroyers were firing at their blinded comrade to end his misery and put a stop to his chaotic rampage, Luna took a moment to catch her breath when suddenly...


She was knocked out of the sky with a powerful shock wave generated by none other than Brawl, who was laughing very maniacally at her situation. After falling down to the ground really hard, Luna tried her very best to get back on her hooves. Unfortunately, by the time she accomplished that, Brawl had already reached her location, and he proceeded to grab her by the horn and lift her up towards right in front of his face.

"In all my stellar cycles, I've never a species as annoying and pathetic as you ponies", he said. "You're so petty and tiny. Yet, you refuse to give up even in the face of certain doom. I will gladly help Lord Megatron make sure that not a single member of your race is left alive in any planet whatsoever!"

While Luna struggled to free herself from his grip, she replied, "You, your master, and all the other Decepticons are the ones that are truly pathetic. You intimidate the other species into submission with your power and actually expect them to live in peace under your oppression. Tell me, do you honestly believe that Megatron creates harmony everywhere he invades and conquers? From what I've seen, he only creates chaos and devastation with his actions."

"Doesn't matter what you and I think!", argued Brawl. "He's the strongest and bravest of us all. He had the will to stand up to the entire Cybertronian government, he destroys everything that poses a challenge to him, and he’s never been defeated in combat. The only smart thing to do when you encounter him is to submit and follow his orders. You and your precious little subjects, however, will pay the price for your idiotic rebellion."

"Those who force others into submission with power and intimidation can never prosper", countered Luna. "One day, their tyranny finally falls apart and the ones that made this happen are not foolish. Instead, they are more intelligent and courageous than the tyrants can ever hope to be. Believe me, this is all first-hoof experience for me."

"Well, I would love to stay and hear the whole story, but frankly, you're really starting to bore me to stasis", Brawl announced. "So, how about we wrap this up here and now, huh?"

Right after saying that, he threw Luna up towards the sky and as she continued to ascend, he prepared to smash her into countless pieces with his fist as she felled down. Unfortunately, seconds after Luna began to plummet towards the earth, he took a dozen direct hits from a Neutron Assault Rifle and the princess of the night was caught right before she hit the ground. The one who caught her was none other than Ratchet.

As Brawl was recovering from the attack, Ratchet gently placed Luna on the ground and jokingly asked, "Why is it that I always have to risk my spark and servos out for you?"

In response, Luna let out a little chuckle and said, "I admit, I can be a bit careless and stubborn at times. So, how about we fight side by side this time? That way, we can look out for each other much more efficiently."

Ratchet responded by retrieving a smaller version of Optimus' axe from his back and declaring, "Couldn't agree more".

They gave each other determined nods and advanced towards a fully recovered Brawl, who had also equipped himself with his war hammer. He snickered maliciously for a few seconds before saying, “So, Optimus Prime’s beloved medic is friends with royalty, it seems. Yet another reason why friendship is nothing but a weakness. Because of your bond, I now get to smash two targets with one big hammer! Come to think of it, maybe I should instead make one of you watch as the other one perishes. That would be even more fun!”

He came towards the two with a whirlwind attack and while they got out of his way, Ratchet turned his assault title into his Energon Repair Ray and fired at the spinning Decepticon. Instead of healing Brawl, the weapon’s beam began to drain his energy and half a minute later, he became too tried to spin any longer.

Seizing the opportunity, Ratchet attempted to strike Brawl with his axe. Unfortunately, the enraged Decepticon blocked the attack with his arm and responded with both a headbutt and a punch to the face. A dazed Ratchet was then hit extremely hard by the hammer, which caused a huge dent in his chest and sent him flying ten feet away.

Just as he was about to run up to Ratchet and smash his head in, Luna fired a few magic blasts at him, succeeding in getting his attention and trying as best as she could to avoid the oncoming hammer strikes. Then, immediately after she managed to dodge all five of those swings, Ratchet threw his axe right at Brawl's head and ripped out his spinal chord attached to his head while retrieving the axe, spilling Energon shards everywhere and causing the now-headless Brawl to fall down.

The malicious-looking yellow optics of the Decepticon warrior quickly faded away. Ratchet pulled out the head from the axe before placing both it and the hammer beside the body, and saying "May Primus have mercy on your spark, brother". He then motioned a slightly confused Luna to follow him and the two quickly proceeded to rejoin the battle.

Author's Note:

Last chapter of 2019, everyone! See you next year! :scootangel: