• Published 7th Jul 2020
  • 2,972 Views, 92 Comments


A driver doesn't pick the car. The car picks the driver. It's a mystical bond between man and machine.

  • ...

'Cause I'm bringing you back

Even though she had become extremely shocked by the sudden appearance of the Decepticon communications officer just like everyone else was, it only took a few moments for Rainbow Dash to regain her composure. As soon as she did so, the terrified expression on her face was replaced with a determined one, and she then quickly snatched the necklace holding her geode before placing it on her neck and exclaiming at her friends, "Guys, make a break for the ground bridge ASAP! I got you covered!"

Even though Sunset attempted to grab her shoulder in order to stop Rainbow, it was already too late as she used her super speed to get right in front of Soundwave and hold the geode for him to see while shouting, "Hey, tin man! You want this so badly?! Come and get it, then!"

In response, Soundwave extended one of the claws attached to his chest right towards her like a tentacle, but Rainbow once again used her speed to quickly get away from it. The same sequence then repeated for a handful of times, during which Rainbow's friends did not move a single muscle as they were all unable to choose between helping her out and doing what she had told them to do. Despite the fact that they all knew that she could keep Soundwave busy for a long time if she kept doing what she had been doing so far, they also had no idea what exactly this Decepticon was capable of and whether or not it possessed the ability to find a way around Rainbow's speed. As such, they did not like the idea of leaving her with Soundwave one bit, but they also could not help but think that they had to get themselves out of the base and into safety before more Decepticons (such as the one who transformed into the jet just outside) could show up.

After several seconds of contemplating this in silence, however, Rarity suddenly put her necklace on and started running towards Soundwave. Once she stopped right in front of him (and at least a dozen feet to Rainbow's left), she trew a couple of diamonds at the Decepticon's head, which unfortunately got deflected by a second claw that was extended like a tentacle. Immediately afterwards, she exclaimed at Soundwave while summoning a couple more diamonds with her hands, "Listen well, you faceless fiend! If you wish harm Rainbow or any of my friends, then you need to go through me first!"

While the Decepticon responded to this declaration by silently staring at her, a confused expression appeared on Rainbow's face and she turned around to see that none of her friends had done what she had told them to do. As a result, her facial expression turned from confused to utterly furious and she even yelled at them, "Are you freaking kidding me?! What are you guys still standing around for?! GO!! NOW!!! GET TO THE PORTAL!!!!!"

Upon hearing this, every single one of them started running towards the portal, thinking that Rainbow would stand a much better chance of distracting Soundwave with Rarity by her side. Thus, the moment Rainbow saw her friends moving, she nodded at Rarity with determination, to which Rarity responded by nodding back and continuing to throw several diamonds at Soundwave's head. As the Decepticon successfully deflected each and every one of these diamonds with a single claw, he extended his other claw in an attempt to grab Rainbow, but she once again managed to avoid it with her speed.

The same sequence repeated for a short while, but as the group went behind Soundwave's back and headed for the ground bridge, his head followed their movements and turned with each step they took. Ratchet, who had been trying to find someplace to store the flask of the new type of Energon he had created this whole time, finally came to the decision that ensuring the safety of his friends was far more important than saving his new discovery. Therefore, he smashed the flask into countless pieces by throwing it to a stone wall across the room, transformed both of his hands into blades, and charged directly towards Soundwave, intending to finish him off once and for all while he was seemingly distracted.

Unfortunately, when he was merely a couple feet in front of his intended target, the Decepticon communications officer turned his head around to face him and began emitting sonic waves from his body at such a high frequency that they caused everyone besides himself to cover their ears and scream in agony. Eventually, they were all forced on their knees and after a handful of additional seconds of this torture, they were knocked unconscious, with Ratchet (whose blades were turned back into hands) being the only one still trying to resist the sonic attack. Just then, the sound of a huge explosion came from the ceiling and when Soundwave looked up, he saw several rocks and a fairly large amount of dust falling down, reminding him of what he had to do next:

It was finally time to let the air commander in.

So, he stopped his assault on the Autobot medic and ejected Laserbeak from his chest, who proceeded to fly upwards and start blasting the edges of the ceiling. After completing two full rotations around the said ceiling, he flew back down and attached himself back to Soundwave's chest, who walked towards the ground bridge controls and pushed the lever up to close the portal. Then, just as Ratchet was beginning to recover from the attack on his audio receptors and stand back up, another huge explosion was heard and this time, the entire ceiling not only shattered, but also collapsed on to the floor, creating both a gigantic pile of rubble and a gigantic cloud of dust.

As the medical officer of the Autobots tried to shield his optics with his hands and even coughed a few times, the jet that had caused all this mess in the first place transformed into Starscream while passing through and dropped on to the floor. As soon as he saw Ratchet (who had nearly recovered his full eyesight), he pounced on the medic like a leopard, stabbed him in the chest with his claws, and pinned him to the ground.

As his latest victim grunted in immense pain, the Decepticon air commander yelled in pure unadulterated rage, "DID YOU THINK YOU COULD HIDE FROM ME?!"

In response, Ratchet grabbed his head with both hands, delivered a headbutt, and then, with the help of his legs, flipped Starscream over his head and threw him right towards a nearby stone wall. Upon quickly standing back up, he transformed his hands back into blades and tried to swing them at his opponent a few times, but the nimble Decepticon avoided all these attacks before slashing his legs from behind and forcing him to stand on one knee. He then delivered a powerful kick to Ratchet's face and knocked him against the same stone wall that he was thrown into.

As he turned his left claw into a blaster, he declared, "Now, you'll die screaming, just like all your weak and pathetic frie-"

Just before he could finish that sentence, Ratchet struck him with a shoulder charge and once he was knocked down, he turned his blades back into hands, grabbed Starscream by his legs, smashed him against the floor a few times, and then threw him to the stone wall that was right across the room.

While his opponent tried to recover from this devastating attack and stand back up, Ratchet decided to seize his opportunity and charged directly at Starscream with his blades. Unfortunately, the Decepticon air commander reacted more quickly and fired several shots from his blaster at him, severely injuring the old medic and forced him on his knees. Then, upon noticing that his opponent was not laying on the ground as he had expected and still trying to stand back up, Starscream proceeded to fire the rocket on his right arm right towards Ratchet, causing a rather large explosion on the Autobot's chest and sending him flying several dozen feet away.

He landed back on the ground with a heavy thud and after Starscream waited for a few seconds to see if he would get back up, he confirmed that the medic had lost consciousness and would not be moving any time soon. Therefore, he started walking towards the body while chuckling menacingly and once he was standing right beside his head, he stated, "Yet another one of Optimus Prime's most devoted followers has fallen. Lord Megatron made a very wise decision when he personally assigned me to lead this mission. Otherwise, it would've most certainly failed, given how much of a fight this Autobot has put up. He may be old, but he's far from obsolete. I suppose, I should also commend our master on his generosity. After all, he gave me the opportunity to strike a huge blow to the morale of our enemies and extinguish the spark of an undoubtedly worthy opponent."

As soon as he said that, he turned his blaster back into his left arm and aimed the rocket attached on it directly at Ratchet's head. However, after a handful of seconds of contemplation, he lowered his arm and declared, "Actually, now that I think about it, he's as good as offline, anyway. Considering the severity of his wounds, I am positive that his systems will shut down from Energon loss in less than a mega cycle. Besides, I've spent enough ammuniton during this assignment already and we have far more important duties to focus on."

He then turned towards his silent partner in crime and said, "Alright, Soundwave, it's time to bring forth the rest of our little squad, don't you think?"

In response, Soundwave gave a nod of approval and opened a ground bridge behind his air commander before seven Decepticon foot soldiers emerged from the said bridge, with the rightmost one holding a small cube-shaped box. Right afterwards, Starscream turned around to look at the new arrivals and pointed a finger at two on the far right while announcing, "You two, carefully gather the geodes and put them in the Energon Container. The rest of you will pillage and plunder this place from top to bottom. Bring me every single piece of technology and Energon the Autobots have hoarded for themselves!"

The soldiers saluted him in response and as they went off to fulfill their assignments, Starscream once again turned his attention towards Soundwave and said, "As for you, Soundwave, perhaps it would be best if you access the computer and salvage all the data you can find. After all, learning what our enemy knows would no doubt give us a significant advantage in terms of battle strategy."

Soundwave once again nodded in approval and extended his claws to connect himself to the computer. As he started downloading a large number of files from it, his air commander looked around the room for a short while and as he observed his troops carry out his orders, he put his claws on hips and smirked in satisfaction. A few seconds later, he pressed on the left side of his head and stated, "Lord Megatron, the mission has been a complete success. My forces and I have defeated the outpost's inhabitants and acquired our main objective. I expect we will make our way back to the Nemesis in short order."

"Excellent news, Starscream. Perhaps, you are not as useless as I once thought. Report back to me as soon as you return to the ship. Megatron out," replied the Decepticon leader as he continued to watch the ongoing battle between his undead army and the Autobot team consisting of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Wheeljack.

While it was clear that the sheer number of his minions were beginning to wear the Autobots down, the trio were remarkably continuing to stand their ground, cover each other's backs, and slice down any and all resurrected soldier on their path. Even when one of them was grabbed, bitten, piled on by several of the undead, another member of the team would come to his rescue before he could get seriously injured. Even though he hated to admit it, Megatron did feel a certain admiration for the way his enemies were working together to defeat the legion under the control of his newfound power. It was most certainly a far cry from how they used to fight during their first few battles on this planet.

That being said, it would also make their crushing defeat in the end all the more satisfying.

After about half a minute of watching the battle unfold, he witnessed the Autobot warriors dissecting the last few of his zombified soldiers and thus, emerging victorious. Although all three of them were utterly exhausted and their entire bodies were covered in dents, they were still able to stand on their servos and hold on to the swords they had used to cut down the undead army.

Much to their collective surprise, however, observing all this had been quite entertaining for the Decepticon leader and so, he expressed his enjoyment by applauding, sneering, and also exclaiming, "An outstanding spectacle, Optimus! It pleases me to see that our war over the eons has not diminished your warrior spirit at all. Unfortunately, I must confess that your struggle, no matter how admirable and entertaining it proved to be, has also been utterly pointless. You and your comrades may have survived the prelude, but an inevitable defeat still awaits you in the main event."

Hearing all this caused the Autobots to look at each other in confusion for a bit before they all turned back towards Megatron and Optimus asked, "What do you mean by that, Megatron? How is your pursuit of the geodes related to the re-animation of these brave soldiers who gave their lives protecting our Energon supplies?"

In response, Megatron let out a very menacing chuckle and declared, "I can assure you, old friend, all will be made clear in due time. Besides, I believe you have far more urgent matters to attend to. Perhaps, you should start with returning to your base and seeing if you have lost anyone or anything."

"Wait, what? What's he talking about?", asked a visibly concerned Wheeljack to Bumblebee, who just shrugged in response.

The Autobot engineer then pointed one of his swords at Megatron and shouted, "You better start making some sense, bucket-head, or I'll come over there and wipe that smile off your face! Do you hear me?!"

"Calm yourself, Wheeljack. There is no need for further violence at this point," Megatron replied while also raising one of his claws and continuing to sneer. "If you wish to learn the truth so badly, then I suggest you do what I say and go back to your base. In fact, I shall see if I can expedite your return. Wait just a moment."

He then pressed on the left side of his head and asked with fake courtesy in his tone of voice, "Soundwave, if you are all finished up there, would you be so kind as to open a ground bridge so that our 'champions' could return home? They are currently about two klicks north of my position."

Only a handful of seconds after he said that, a ground bridge opened up right in front of the trio, causing them to glare at Megatron in suspicion for a few moments before they cautiously started walking towards the portal. As they were about to enter it, Optimus stated, "Stay vigilant, Autobots. This could very well be a trap."

His teammates nodded in agreement and they slowly but surely made their way through the ground bridge. Just after they entered it, the portal closed behind them and as soon as he saw that happen, a cocky smirk appeared on Megatron's face. He then transformed into his jet mode and flew away at astonishing speed, breaking the sound barrier in the process.

Meanwhile, back at the Autobot outpost, Optimus and his team finally arrived there, and once they exited the ground bridge, they became completely horrified at what they saw. The whole base was in ruins, the ceiling had collapsed on to the floor, and all the organics were lying on the ground unconscious right in front of them. Optimus only managed utter a simple "No!" before he and his teammates rushed beside their respective human friends in order to make sure they had not been hurt in any way.

In the Autobot leader's case, he kneeled right next to Sunset, gently grabbed her with one hand, and brought her closer to his face so that he could scan her body. The results of the scan showed no serious damage whatsoever and although this made him let out a sigh in relief, he also said with an immensely sad tone in his voice, "Sunset... I... I am so sorry. I should never have abandoned you like this. Please, forgive me."

He looked at the ground for a few seconds in sorrow, but then looked back at his friend when she suddenly groaned and started to wake up. Immediately afterwards, she partially opened her eyes and managed to say, "Optimus... Is that you? Thank... Celestia. We tried to get out... but the Decepticon... he knocked us out... with sound."

Even though he became slightly furious upon hearing this, the Autobot leader neverhteless replied, "Shhh... It's quite alright. Just rest and try not to speak. You have all been through enough for one day and you need time to restore your energy."

Sunset did as he asked and closed her eyes to sleep. After Optimus carefully placed her back on the ground, he took a good look at the destruction that had been caused during his absence. Then, as he gazed upon the fallen debris at the center of the room, he noticed Ratchet's severely injured body and immediately rushed to his side to check up on him.

"RATCHET!", he frantically shouted as he came right beside him.

Upon crouching right next to the medic and holding his hand, he said, "Come on, old friend! Stay with me! Please!"

Unfortunately, Ratchet remained unresponsive and when Optimus scanned him, he saw that the medic had not only lost too much Energon, but also entered stasis lock. The Autobot leader once again looked at the ground in immense sadness for a few seconds and then, he let out what could only be described as an epic yell of pure rage and frustration that was so powerful, forceful, and loud that it could even be heard echoing across the entire planet: