• Published 7th Jul 2020
  • 2,973 Views, 92 Comments


A driver doesn't pick the car. The car picks the driver. It's a mystical bond between man and machine.

  • ...

I was looking for something that I couldn't find

While all that was happening, in a completely different part of the very same desert, Bumblebee was driving as fast as he could in order to escape the constant bombardment of jet missiles sent by the alternate mode of the Decepticon air commander Starscream, while also trying to protect his human friends, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle, from being harmed in any way by the said missiles. The humans themselves, in the meantime, were holding on to their dear lives as a result of being violently shaken by the all the sharp turns that their Autobot guardian was forced to make so that they would not get blown up by their air-borne adversary.

As for the air-borne adversary in question, he was very clearly having a ball with all this as he was maniacally laughing all the way through during his release of seemingly infinite supply of missiles. Eventually, he even went as far as merrily announcing to his prey, "Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can't escape me! I can do whatever Megatron can!"

Hearing this poem then prompted Twilight to poke her head out from her window, look back at Starscream with a stern expression on her face, and reply, "Hey, those lyrics belong to two different songs! You can't just mash two completely separate things together without any regard for their respective context!"

Starscream responded by sending another missile near her and after it resulted in her fearfully retreating back inside the car, he proceeded to add, "SILENCE! This is my very first attempt at poetry and I absolutely love it! In fact, I love it as much as the thought of vaporizing all three of you this very instant! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!"

Immediately after declaring that, he sent another missile at those he was hunting, but instead of hitting the rear or either side of Bumblebee's alternate mode, the said missile hit a spot right in front of the car and caused it to spin out of control for a few seconds, which was more than enough time for Starscream to get a clear shot and send yet another missile that sent all three of his targets flying in the air, with Bumblebee forcibly transforming back into his robot mode as a result of being hit by the missile.

Fortunately, as soon as the trio started falling back on the ground, the young Autobot scout grabbed both of his human friends and then, transformed back into his vehicle mode just before they made contact with the ground, leading to a bumpy landing that still resulted in all three of them surviving in the end. As the humans heavy breaths in an effort to calm themselves after this terrifying experience, their Autobot guardian made some buzzing noises that sounded like a question and Fluttershy managed to answer, "We're okay, Bee. We're okay. Scared, but okay. Thank you so much for catching us in the nick of time."

"I agree, but let's just never go through something like this again," Twilight added.

In response, Bumblebee made some more buzzing noises and Fluttershy translated, "He wants the same thing, but he can't promise anything while Starscream keeps firing on us. If we don't fight back in some way, we'll surely be blown to bits in a matter of minutes."

Whilst an extremely worried expression appeared on Fluttershy's face and she even tightly held on to her hair while trembling in fear, Twilight began thinking about ways they could get out of this situation alive and after a several seconds of contemplation, her face suddenly lit up confidence as a brilliant idea came to her mind. So, in order to execute her latest plan, she once again poked her head out of the nearby window, and proceeded to yell at the Decepticon hunting her and her friends, "Hey, ugly! Was that missile supposed to finish us off? As you can see, we're all unharmed and very unimpressed by your so-called attack."

"Oh, you want more pain, then?!" Starscream shouted back. "I have plenty of ammunition to go around! How about you try a bunch of them all at once?!"

Immediately afterwards, he came right on top of Bumblebee and started dropping a series of bombs in order to eliminate all of his opponents with one savage strike. However, just before those bombs hit their intended target, Twilight managed to halt every single one of them in mid-air with her magic before sending them right back at Starscream, severely damaging the Decepticon air commander and blowing him dozens of feet away in the process. As his crash created a large crater in the process, Bumblebee hit the brakes and after letting the humans out, transformed back into his robot mode before cautiously walking towards the said crater alongside his friends.

However, just when they were only a dozen feet away from the crash site, Starscream suddenly rose back up and started firing at them with both blasters while screaming in pure unadulterated rage. In response, Bumblebee quickly shielded the girls from those blasts with his back and despite making buzzing noises that sounded like screams of agony, he managed to stand his ground for several seconds. Horrified by the torture her friend was going through, Fluttershy used her magic to summon a flock of vultures to attack Starscream, who became immensely annoyed by them pecking at his head and tried to swat them away long enough for Bumblebee to recover.

Then, just as the vultures flew away from Starscream, he was tackled to the ground and got repeatedly punched in the face by Bumblebee. It was only by firing the rockets on his arms at the Autobot's chest that he managed get his opponent off of himself and once he got back up, he pounced on Bumblebee laying on the ground in order to stab him with his claws. Unfortunately, the young Autobot scout managed to roll away quickly enough to make Starscream stab the ground and get his claws stuck, instead. As he tried his hardest to pull them out, Bumblebee grapped him by the wings, lifted him upward, and then slammed him against the ground. Unfortunately, when he attempted to shoot at him with his blasters to finish him off, Starscream reacted quickly enough to dodge the blasts and even got close enough to slash at Bumblebee with his now free claws, who managed to block this attack with his arms like the last time they fought.

After blocking several more of these slashes with his arms, however, Starscream managed to knock him down with a leg sweep and tried to stab him once again. Fortunately, he grabbed the Decepticon's arms just before he could puncture his body, and succeeded at throwing him off of himself with both a headbutt and a kick to the chest. Just as he got back on his servos and prepared to deliver a punch to Starscream's face, however, his sneaky opponent kicked him face so hard that the strike itself made him take several steps backwards and give Starscream time to take aim with his blasters. Once he had done so, he once again proceeded to rapidly fire at Bumblebee and as the Autobot scout desperately tried to block the shots with his arms but still kept getting damaged in the process, Starscream could not help but manically laugh at his opponent's predicament.

"I shall tear you into shreds and finish what Megatron started with your voicebox!" he exclaimed as he continued to fire. "For once, I get to succeed at something he failed at!"

However, immediately after uttering those words, he was knocked back a bit by what looked like a dust storm that had formed out of nowhere. Even though this was making it nearly impossible to see what was going on around him, his optics did manage to make out Twilight using her magic to blow all the sands of the desert in an effort to buy Bumblebee enough time to recover, which only infuriated him even more than he was before and prompted him take a few steps forwards with extreme diffiulty so that he could finish the girl off once and for all. Just as he had managed to take those few steps, however, Bumblebee charged straight at him and kneed him in the face hard enough to send him flying several feet back.

Then, just as he rose back up and attempted to fire his blasters at the Autobot (who was still running towards him), he felt his blasters being forcefully pointed at his chest by Twilight's magic and only managed to let out a simple "Oh, scrap," before his opponent delivered an uppercut to his jaw that was so powerful, it flung him at least a few dozen feet upwards. Then, as he kept rising in the air, the said opponent jumped towards him and grabbed him by the legs before both of them fell back on the ground and he was slammed against it once again, even bouncing a few times in the process.

Nevertheless, he got back up with lots of struggle and groans, and after glancing at the severity of the injuries he had sustained, he glared daggers at the ones responsible for those injuries in the first place and declared, "You may have won this battle, pests, but the war is far from over! When I return, I will have so much power at my command that even Megatron will have no choice but to bow before my might! All worlds will tremble before Starscream, the one true leader of the Decepticons and emperor of des-"

"Oh, will you be quiet already?! You're making less sense with each word that comes out of your mouth!" a voice coming from an unknown source nearby interrupted his speech and he turned to his left to see Fluttershy hovering in the air, as well as looking at him with a stern expression that actually looked really intimidating to him and immediately prompted him to do as she had said.

"Good. Now, listen up, mister!" she continued. "If you think being needlessly mean to everyone around you is gonna do you any favors to you in the future, then you're sadly mistaken! I mean, who in the right mind would even consider following a leader who only thinks of himself and constantly takes advantage of other people's suffering? If you really wanna be a leader who deserves respect, then I suggest you take a good look at yourself and start thinking of ways to become a better person first! GOT IT?!"

By the end of this little pep talk, Starscream had become absolutely terrified of Fluttershy and only managed to utter in response, "Um... Yes... Yes, of course, ma'am. T-thank you for your advice. I... I should be going now. H-hope to see you again soon."

Immediately afterwards, he transformed into his vehicle and flew away as fas he could, even though his engine stopped working a few times and released a rather large amount of smoke in the process. As he went farther and farther away, Fluttershy proceeded to land on the ground before turning around to give both a wink and a smile to her friends, who were both flabbergasted by what she had done earlier. Upon seeing their faces, she became a little concerned and asked, "Oh, dear. Do you think I acted too mean?"

They both responded by quickly shaking her head to get rid of the shocked expression on their faces and Twilight revealed, "No, not at all! That was fantastic, actually! I never would've guessed you could be this brave when confronting a Con like Starscream, but you were truly astonishing out there! Right, Bee?"

The Autobot scout's response was nodding a few times and playing a song on his radio that had the following lyrics:

We are all together
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
Now it's better than ever
(Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh)
You can feel it, we are back (You... can... feel... it...)
And I'm so glad that we're better
Better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh
Oh yeah, we're better than ever
Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Fluttershy could not help but blush at all these compliments and replied, "Oh, thanks, guys. I was actually pretty terrified when standing up to Starscream, but I just couldn't let him hurt two of my closest friends, as well as himself. Besides, even if I was scared to during all that, I knew you two would be there to help me out no matter how dangerous things would get."

The trio then happily came together for a group hug with Bumblebee even making buzzing noises that sounded like he was full of joy. After they separated, Twilight asked, "So, what do we do now?"

"Hmmm... I think we should go help out our friends fight off the remaining Cons, but Bee looks pretty beat up right and I really don't want him to be damaged further if he can't take it anymore," stated Fluttershy.

Bumblebee, however, responded by raising a fist in the air and play another song on his radio that had the following lyrics:

Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it
Let's have a battle, battle, battle
Battle of the bands!

"Well, it looks like he's more than ready to take on even more Cons and you know what, so am I," Twilight declared with determination. "We need to end this war as soon as possible to protect not just our world, but also countless others from harm. The only way to do that is to keep fighting no matter what. Right?"

Upon hearing these words, Fluttershy thought on them for a short while before smiling with confidence and raising her fist while shouting, "Right! Once more to battle, then!"

Immediately afterwards, Bumblebee transformed back into his vehicle mode, and drove off with his best friends to exciting new adventures.