• Published 9th Dec 2018
  • 3,267 Views, 83 Comments

Zero-Three - Cipher800

Twilight Sparkle is the reincarnation of Zero from the Kirby franchise.

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Twilight Sparkle, a lavender unicorn filly with a dark blue mane that had a pink strip in it, was about to get through her entrance exam. She had attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and she knew she was going to pass. She also had her parents there to see her. The test was simple, hatch a dragon egg. If she could do that, then she could do anything.

The filly channeled all her magic towards the egg in an attempt to hatch it, wanting to see that little baby dragon from within so badly, but can't. Not even a single spark came out.

"We're sorry for wasting you're time." one of the teachers said. She was about to slump in defeat from her failure as the teachers were about to finish their notes, when all of the sudden, a massive shockwave went through Canterlot. She lit her horn in shock, letting out a powerful beam of magenta magic at the egg, releasing a small purple lizard with green spines and a light green underbelly. which let out a yawn. "What!" he said as the filly's eye's glew white, and magenta magic spirialing out of control.

Twilight Velvet and Nightlight got hit by it and were turned into potted plants plants by the filly as the teachers floated in the grasp of the aura. The dragon was hit, growing to a larger size. The light that was directly above Twiliight was dethatched from the ceiling by a magic bolt and fell directly on her head, causing even more pain on the filly as her magic began to turn a blood red color. The teachers began to see black clouds with eyes fly towards them and screamed in horror. The next thing they knew they found themselves in an eerie red and black space, where a white creature went towards them, flapping its strange wings, the feathers of which were separate from its body. A golden halo floated above the band-aid located right above a giant red eye. Each and every one who saw the vision was screaming in pain and terror or just fear at the sight of that thing: Zero, which let out a loud roar at them.

Meanwhile, Celestia was minding her own business when she saw the massive jolts. "Celestia, damnit, oh wait, that was me." the alicorn said under her breath. "BUCK!" She ran into the castle door as fast as she could, not even noticing that the magic was turning red. Hastily, she ran as fast as she could before stopping. "Why didn't I do this earlier?" Celestia muttered as she charged her horn, only to meet the horrific sight of a giant dragon through her roof, red magic flying throughout the area coming from Twilight, who had the broken remains of a lightbulb wedged onto her head and its electricity surging around with her.

The teachers were screaming in horror, and two plants sat there for some strange reason. She took a deep breath and whispered, "Okay Celly, you can do this..." as she slowly walked towards the morphing pony and slowly touched her hoof on Twilight's shoulder, causing her to close her eyes. "No, no, no." Celestia cried as she looked at the filly's head. Blood and shards of glass were on it, her mane was different, and a glowing yellow ring floated above her head. She knew that halos were a common symbol for death and for the afterlife, but this was very strange for a hole to actually appear above one's head. Twilight Velvet and Nightlight, who were no longer plants, joined her in hugging their daughter, desperately hoping for a sign that their little baby was still alive. The newly-hatched dragon just sucked the spade of his tail, he was still a baby, so he was completely unaware of what happened.

"How is she?" Velvet sobbed. "She needs to be alive, she HAS TO BE ALIVE!"

The Princess charged her horn, casting a spell that checked for any signs of life. "She is, but I'm afraid she won't be for long unless we do something. Don't worry, I'll pay for the bill, no good heart deserves to die this young..." Celestia said before feeling two small lumps on Twilight's back. "...and I'm also afraid she might not be the same Twilight Sparkle you came to know. We can only hope for the best..." Celestia turned to the teachers, who were quivering in fear. "I also might need to send these ponies to therapy."

Twilight groaned as she regained conscious. The last thing she remembered was some kind of shockwave, and she let out a jolt of magic in pure surprise and went into a surge, right before a lightbulb slammed into her head and everything went black. "Ugh, how long was I out?" she said as she opened her eyes, only for a blinding light to enter, forcing the filly to close her eyes and cover them with her hooves.

"My baby's moving, she's alive!" a familiar voice said. She recognized the voice, the voice of her mother.

"Mom?" she moaned as she let her eyes adjust to the light. She saw two figures of white and blue. "Dad?" Twilight said to the blue blur.

"Twily, you're alive!" Nightlight said. As soon as Twilight regained her vision, she noted that the background was much more vivid. 'Three-dimensional' and 'textured' would be the words she would use if they were in her vocabulary. She can see the fabriclike texture on her covers, the shine on the metallic bed frame, and the glare of the light. The only things that haven't changed were her parents. Both her parents hugged her, being careful not to crush her to death. "Thank Celestia you're alive." he said. A strange feeling came from Twilight's back as she wriggled two brand new appendages.

Twilight slowly got up, being careful not to go too fast to keep her head from hurting. It was then that she saw a snow white alicorn with a rainbow mane and golden regalia walked in. "Princess Celestia, it's you!" Twilight wrapped her front legs around Celestia's neck as the alicorn nuzzled her. She looked exactly the same as before, all the way up to her golden regalia. Twilight could detect a few chips and scratches here and there, but nothing major.

"It's good to see that you are alive." Celestia said with a smile before it dissapeared. "However, you didn't go out unscathed."

"Unscathed, what do you mean-" Twilight looked back to see two purple limbs sprouting from her back. She recognized them as wings due to the shape, but the main limb was the only thing connected. The feathers on her wings were not connected to her body, and were mainly white with red feathers at the lower edge of her brand new wingspan. "These look like wings, but not the kind I know of, and what happened to the rest of me, am I a monster? I don't want to be sent to the Everfree. I don't want to be a monster!"

"Twilight, you are not a monster." Celestia said in a louder voice. "You don't look like one. If it makes you any better, then here's a mirror." she said as she levitated the glass object towards her. Twilight looked to see not the face of a grotesque horror like she expected herself to be, she still saw the face of a young filly staring right back at her, but there were some differences. Her mane now white, her purple strip was now black and her pink strip was now a bright red. Her eyes were also different, with the sclera being a bright red, her irises were pitch black, and her pupils were white. She still had her lavender fur and unicorn horn, so that was relieving. Strangely, there was also a glowing yellow circle above her head.

At first, she thought she was dead, but she can feel a familiar thumping in her chest. She let out a smile at the fact that she was still alive, but the filly began to think about others. "But what about everybody else?" Twilight said, not noticing the change in grammar she had. "They can't see me as, whatever I am." Twilight said before wondering what kind of pony she was, if she still was one. "Princess, what kind of pony am I, if I am still one?"

"From what me and the doctors have seen, you're an alicorn, like me and Cadence." Celestia said. Twilight looked up to the white alicorn at the name of her old foal sitter. She knew of the common thought that only Celestia was a three-in-one pony, but she saw Cadence's earth pony strength in action, along with flight and a little bit of magic. "But as you see, you are not the same kind of alicorn she and I are. This is something new to me."

"Wait, are you going to dissect me!?" Twilight said before covering herself for some reason, but nothing came.

"No, we never would do that to a living creature, ever! What I'm saying is, I want to study you, and you can also learn a thing or two about me. Twilight, how would you like to become my personal protégé?" Celestia asked.

"Do I? Yes!" She said, but before she could get up, she reminded herself of her hurt head. "But I think I might need to recover, first. Do I?" Twilight said, tilting her head.

"We can always do both." Celestia said before looking at the guard with a sleeping baby dragon. He opened his eyes and the moment he saw Twilight, he attempted to take off with his wings, but fell to the ground trying. "This little guy misses you, too." the alicorn said as she levitated the dragon onto Twilight. "You know, baby dragons imprint on the one who hatched their egg, in this case, you."

"Wow, that's a neat fact." Twilight stated. Twilight Velvet and Nightlight were more than glad to see that their daughter was still alive and well, even if she is a bit different now. The newly-made alicorn was too busy talking with Celestia about what she'll learn to notice her parents let out a few small tears of joy, knowing very well that their daughter will live to see another day.