• Published 9th Dec 2018
  • 3,268 Views, 83 Comments

Zero-Three - Cipher800

Twilight Sparkle is the reincarnation of Zero from the Kirby franchise.

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Stories and Reunions

It's been three days since Twilight Sparkle awoke to find herself to be transformed, and three days since she became the personal protégé of none other than Celestia herself. She didn't know how to raise a baby dragon, especially when you're bound to the bed, but she managed to figure something out. Currently, Spike, as she called him, was lying down, curled right beside her as she wrapped one of her new wings around him as she was singing him a lullaby. For whatever weird reason, it was compelling, but the thoughts were interrupted when a familiar alicorn walked in. "That was some great singing, little one." Celestia said. She knew that Twilight was very shy at singing before the surge, but she didn't know how she was suddenly a good singer. Maybe it was because of her new form, she did not know.

"Yep, for some reason, it feels natural." Twilight said as she pulled Spike closer to her so she could hold him between her hooves. "Spike was crying, and I sung him Mom's lullaby, and, well..." Twilight stated as she blushed. "This little angel dozed off." The strange alicorn looked at the pile of books. "Princess Celestia, what is the lesson today?"

"Actually, I haven't been thinking about lessons today." Celestia said as Twilight pouted, rather adorably, despite her red sclera. She was always the one willing to learn new things. "However, I did find a couple of books lying around in Starswirl's old library that you can read." Twilight began looking at one of the books. While they were a bit worn and torn, they were still very strong and sturdy, she can tell they were. "I used to read them with somepony very special when I was a filly."

Twilight looked at the cover. "The Adventures of Tom Soo-yor?" Twilight said as she looked at the book. It had a picture of a bipedal, hairless primate with a brown mane and only wearing a straw hat and a light blue garment, holding a fishing rod while sitting in a dock over the pond. "What kind of creature is that?" Twilight said as she looked at the illustration of something she never saw before. "I didn't see this in any work of fiction. I mean, the closest thing we have to that are the minotaurs, but it looks more like a monkey instead of a bull. And fishing rods were invented long after Starswirl!"

"Technically, no. Starswirl the Bearded sometimes travelled between different worlds, and he occasionally buys books from those worlds and stores them in his library. Tom Sawyer was one of my old favorites. Your parents told me that they're coming with someone that you'll want to see very dearly. I came in a little earlier to bring you my old childhood stories." Twilight's eyes widened when she heard hoofsteps on the other side of the door. Out of the door came a white unicorn mare with a white and purple mane and a blue unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane. However, a third figure was coming. Twilight's eyes twinkled with joy as the white unicorn teen with a blue mane came in.

"BBBFF!" Twilight said, electing the attention of the unicorn. "You came back!" Twilight said. Shining Armor was an apprentice in the Royal Guard, so he was around the city patrolling and spent most of his time at the barracks. When he looked at her, shock spread across his face.

"Twily," he said as he looked at her. "They told me that you've changed."

"Yeah, I know. Light fell on my head, my magic went berserk, and I was transformed." Twilight explained before she thought about why Shining Armor was curious about the whole thing, studying her sister's recolored mane, the halo on her head, and her new wings. "Why do you ask, anyway?"

"I was expecting just about anything from you." Shining said before a smile spread across his face. "But hey, you're still alive and well!" He ran over and hugged her. Twilight wrapped her wings around him before he looked at them with curiousity. "I thought that you were going to be a monster, but you're still as adorkable as ever. And besides, you're still my LSBFF." Shining nuzzled his little sister with tears of joy as she laughed.

"Wow, you're acting so calm about this. I guess they told you, didn't they?" Twilight said as her older brother nodded in response. She smiled before looking at Celestia who smiled at the scene.

"It's been over five hundred years since I have last seen something such as this. Do you want me to read one of these stories to you, Twilight?" the Sun Princess asked as Twilight nodded, eager to learn of culture from another universe that her idol visited, telekinetically grabbed the Tom Sawyer book, who was written by some Mark Twain character. "This story that I'm reading to you is about a young human boy named Tom Sawyer and his friend, Huckleberry Finn, who went on many adventures together..." the snow white alicorn said before beginning to read not just to Twilight, but to everyone in the room, including Spike, who had just woken up after his nap. He is just so cute to her. And so, Celestia wove a tale of a human boy named Tom Sawyer who lived with Polly, who was his aunt, and Sid, who was his half-brother. According to Celestia, the story was set in the 1840s on the human calendar in the fictional town of St. Petersburg in a land called Missouri, inspired by Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy. In the novel Tom Sawyer has several adventures, often with his friend, Huckleberry Finn. And Twilight loved every moment of it, happily snuggling her new little brother, Spike with her while Twilight Velvet, Nightlight, and Shining Armor were busy wrapping their heads in the new vocabulary. Her personal favorite was when Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were hunting for some buried treasure in a haunted house. When Celestia closed the book, she looked at them. "Unfortunately, that's all the time I've got, but don't worry, Twilight. Maybe we can read some other time." Celestia said as she went through the doorway and to what Twilight knew very well of as royal duties.

"Wow, guys. Did you hear all that?" Twilight said to her family members. "This was one of the best stories I've heard so far in my life, and the first one from another dimension, on top of it." While they weren't as excited as her, they all agreed that those books were pretty interesting. "So, Mom, wanna read a book to us?" Twilight said with an adorable smile. While the red eyes may look intimidating, they actually worked on her.

"Well, of course, dear. Let's see here. Huckleberry Finn, Three Musketeers, yada yada ya." Velvet looked at several of the books, looking for the right one. "Hmm, Moby Dick, never heard of it." Velvet said. The book she read is this Ishmael character's narrative of the obsessive quest of a captain known as Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on the ship's previous voyage bit off Ahab's leg at the knee. She was honestly a bit confused about what Celestia had kept in the library, but she didn't question it and just kept on reading. As she read it on and on, it actually started to feel more and more interesting. However, she grew a bit nervous at the ending, where all but the narrator survived. Ishamel floated on a coffin for a whole day until a ship came by and saved him. "Well, that was something I'll never forget." Although the ending was a little dark, Twilight loved the book just as much as the first.

"Wow, mom. That was pretty cool." Twilight said. "The ending was not the happiest, but hey, a good story is good." she said with a shrug. "Come on, dad, your turn." Twilight said as she handed a book over to her father.

"Life of Pi? Huh." Nightlight said before reading the story. It started out with a guy who went to the house of a man by the name of Piscine Patel, who told the man about his childhood in a place called India. He was a Hindu, a Christian, and also a Muslim, whatever those things are. But one day, his family decided to sell their zoo and move to Canada, but a storm hit their ship, and Pi was stranded on a boat with a tiger. That part made him gulp, as that was one of the last places that just about any sane-minded pony would want to be. Pi ventured across the ocean, caught fish, talked with an "echo", and also went on a mysterious carnivorous island before finally going onto land. It reminded him of some comics about great voyages and adventures. He was starting to see why Twilight thought it was interesting.

But of course, by the time the novels were finished and meals were passed, it was about time for bed. Shining hugged his sister before returning to the barracks before Velvet and Nightlight kissed Twilight on the cheeks. Before Twilight began falling asleep, she began to wonder about those characters. "All three of these guys, Tom, Ishamel, Pi, all went on crazy adventures. Maybe I would wind up like them in one way or another..." And with that, she fell fast asleep.

Author's Note:

Alright, so, she's still recovering in the hospital. Originally, Celestia was going to teach her new student some lessons, but my mind's wheels turned it another direction, setting them to read human novels.

And yes, for all those who have seen the movie, there is a novel. Although, I could use that gimmick sometime in the future.