• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,515 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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The Dragon Lord Legacy

Spike, along with Ember and her two hoard members, Smolder and Amethyst, waited as the Elders made their way back to them, with both of Spike’s mothers looking like if they just received terrible news. In a sense, it may have been the case.

“Mom? Mother?” Both female elders looked at their son, surrounded by his hoard… in time. Ember looked stoic, much like her father, but she knew that what may happen next, Spike needed her more than ever. “What’s going on?” he asked, almost innocently, thoughts of confusion and hesitation filled his voice however.

Eliyinsa was the first to break the ice, though her own voice betrayed sadness and guilt. “We… we have spoken Spike,” she motioned towards his mom and Torch. The two giant dragons looked almost just the same as his mother, though Zynthia was less guilty and more worried while Torch was… Torch. His face didn’t give much else. “We have spoken,” she said. “And it was decided that we need to tell you everything about you. Your past, your history… how you came to be here.”
He got the jist of why he was here by Ember. The trials, the lie, the truth and so on, but to hear it from his mother was something else. “What about my past?” he asked her.

Once more, Eliyinsa was hesitant, which irked Torch,who growled. “Spike, where you are originally from, is not here in the Dragon Lands. You are from a far away land, raised by non-dragons and only came here to save my daughter from an ill-gotten fate.” The truth rang in Spike’s head, but that may have been Torch’s loud voice. Both of his mothers flinched but they also looked more guilty than before. Torch pressed on. “You come from the land of ponies. Ponies who hatched, raised, and cared for you, up until a near year ago when you came here to be my daughter’s consort. The trials we put you through had sent you into a catatonic state.” He snorted, releasing a puff of smoke from his nostril, then focusing on his mothers. “They took you in, kept you safe until you would have awakened.” His mood slightly dropped, focusing back on the purple and green drake. “Your… memory loss was a factor we have not considered.”

Spike could feel every eye focused on him, waiting for his reaction towards all of this. Torch was blunt, to the point and held nothing back, yet none of his mothers denied everything. Instead, they nod slowly with guilty eyes, while Ember just holds him close. His mind was racing, millions of miles in seconds, with his eyes staring blankly out.

Was not born, nor raised by dragons…

A land of ponies from far away…

Lost his memories do to his mother…

Had no real mother and father… or any parental figure…

What did he have?

A squeeze in his claws made him look down, to see his claws wrapped with Embers. He looked at her, seeing worry on her own features. Had it gone to far? Was it right to just… unleash all this upon him without proof or warning?

He realized that despite everything, he knew that it was all done in vain. He needed the trials to become a proper mate for Ember. He suffered and endured them all to be worthy for the eyes of other dragons. Two of the dragons that had harmed before, made it their duty to take him in. They could have let him go, like most parents, he had found out, and let him suffer. They cared for him when he was in a coma, even dealing with his molts and did their best to keep him safe.
Waking up, he only knew that they were his parents. They lied, they manipulated and they only told him what they wanted to keep his mind sane. Yet, he felt content with them, treating him as if he were their flesh and blood. The care and love they gave him, the warmth and joy that surrounded him… that was no lie. That love, that care, despite the manipulated stance they did, the love was all true, which is why he didn’t hate them.
No, but that did leave out something that bothered him with his black scaled mother.
“Why didn’t you tell me you could read or manipulate minds?” His eye focused solely on Eliyinsa. Her deep purple eyes stared at him with fear. “Why didn’t you say anything about your abilities?”
She was lost at words, even her mate had some trouble finding words to back her up. When Eliyinsa spoke, she sounded fearful, almost expecting rejection from him. “I-I-I didn’t manipulate you to believing w-we loved or cared for you. T-That was all true…”
He shook his head. “I know that you did,” A brief, appreciating smile appeared on his muzzle, easing part of her heart. “That love was true, but… why didn’t you want me to learn about your mind… powers or whatever they are called?”

“They weren’t relevant, son.” Spoke up Zynthia. “Eliyinsa’s gifts aren’t needed to be mentioned often. Most dragons respect or fear her because of them. Any conversation has no merit with her abilities to be spoken of.”
“Along with that,” added Torch. “Is her abilities are meant to only be used on the most extreme cases or when information is needed.”

“Information needed?” asked Spike. “Like… reading a mind and pulling it out?” He paused, another memory coming back to him. “You wanted to know of my past…” It almost came out as a question but spoke in a tone of an accusation. Again, there was no malice in his voice, but things were starting to connect into his mind that made this a bit more harder to understand his mothers’ full intentions.
Eliyinsa nodded, though she swallowed whatever lie she wanted to spew. “I-I… As part of the trials, I had to make sure that the mate Ember was going to be with, was worthy and not going to steal off with her hoard or usurp her throne. If she chose you as a simple consort or hoard member, the trials were moot. Otherwise, you choosing to be an Elder, Advisor, Successor or Guardian.” There was a pause after as she said ‘guardian’ but pushed on. “But again, the trials are the only time my abilities are used.”
Spike absorbed all that information, understanding the parts of only using them for needs like that. However, it didn’t stop this question from coming up. “Why can’t you use it to restore my memories then?”
A heavy flinch came from the surrounding dragons and he felt a cold shiver run through his spine. Torch answered. “I wish for your mother to do so for you.” He noticed their harsh but tense glare but brushed it off. “Time is of the essence, Spike. Your presence in Equestria is needed.”

Spike was in a dilemma between asking more questions on his past, his mother’s abilities or what is so important that he had to return to the ponies… whom helped raised him. But first and foremost, he wanted his past back. Turning to Eliyinsa, he stared at his mother. “Do it.” His voice was uneven but determined.
The black scaled dragoness quickly shook her head. “No, we have to do this slowly. Rushing it could damage your mind permanently.”
“We do not have the time, Eliyinsa.” Warned Torch, his voice betraying his command. “As is, the Equestrians are seeking asylum and passage to see him and judging by the year of constant patrols from their guards, their waiting has gone far enough.” He then nodded towards Spike. “Give him his memories back.”

Elyinsa was torn, as a mother not finding comfort in hurting her hatchling, or as her duty to doing what was best. Her heart thumped with uncertainty. Her only comfort was her taller, scarlett lover brushing against her, trying to ease her worry.
“We need to do this… for his sake.” she whispered to her.

She looked down at Spike, still seeing determination, small traces of fear but something was different. Unlike before during the trials, Spike had no one to support him. No lover standing next to him, no friends or family. He was on his own when she used her abilities to use them on him.
Now, Ember held his claw in hers. Next to her side, was her hoard Smolder and Amethyst, both of them acting as her backbone and support for Spike. Her lover had her tail surrounding them, as if protecting them. Torch himself was standing ready to give support if needed. Lastly, her own love for Spike was there since the beginning of taking him a year back. The trial he endured alone, but this trial… this was his final trial and it would be the greatest one he would face.

WIth a sigh and a nod, she leaned down. “Alright my son, I will do it.” She paused. “I believe that this time though, you can handle it.” She gave a smile and motioned to the others. “You have them for support.” Spike felt his claws wrapped with Ember but he kept his determination, looking into the eyes of his mother.
“I’m ready, mother.” She gave a small smile, but felt turmoil. She inhaled softly... breathing in as much air as possible, closing her eyes, then… she exhaled. Her eyes opened up once more and a bright violet glow came from them. Spike’s eyes were immediately caught in their glow. Ember held tightly to his claw, letting him know that she was still here.

The other dragons watched as Spike nor Eliyinsa hadn’t move, their eyes meeting each other but never blinking.
Ember knew that Eliyinsa’s abilities allowed her to see into the minds of any she wanted. But she also knew that she could read their minds, their intentions and go as far manipulate a dragon against their will. But all this could happen in seconds or minutes, while in the ‘mindscape’ as Eliyinsa called it once before, that would be hours in there. Memories, history and such playing quickly and rapidly at such speed that…

Spike suddenly slumped, his body almost heaving forward and Eliyinsa blinked, breaking out of her glow. She blinked rapidly, trying to get her vision to focus, before her eyes focused on Spike, widening in panic.
“S-Something is wrong!”

Just as she said that, Spike began heaving, clutching his stomach while leaning forward.
“Spike!” Every dragon looked in distress as Spike began to cough violently, small wisps of flames leaving him. Ember held him, bringing him close. Eliyinsa watched her son was once again affected by her abilities. She growled and snapped at Torch.

“I told you! He wasn’t ready!” She roared at Torch. The bigger dragon didn’t argue, as worry filled his own heart. Ember was important to him and if something else happened to Spike, she would die… maybe literally.

Ember couldn’t do anything but watch as Spike continued to heave or cough violently… until he gagged once before a huge burst of flames left his mouth, inflaming the area in a bright emerald flame… and a scrolled appeared.
Spike slumped forward and the scroll fell to the floor with a light thunk. Ember caught him, bringing him gently to his knees, while he tried to regain his breath. The others watched as he regained his sense but were confused at the scroll landing before them. Silence reigned between them all, but it was Smolder who broke it.

“Um… what in Mother Wistala was that?” she asked out loudly, pointing to the scroll on the floor.
Ember checked on Spike, seeing that his breathing was back to normal, before she focused on the scroll. Her eyes went wide as she saw the stamp and a violent bind around it.
“I-Its from Princess Twilight.”

A heavy silence then followed, with the dragons all in different states of emotions. Eliyinsa was still worried for her son, though the letter was intriguing. Like her mate, Zynthia found herself curiously looking at the scroll on the floor, intrigued at the unique way of sending an item over. The care for her son was first and foremost, but the idea behind the delivery… very peculiar.
Torch was actually at eased for once, his heart settling as Ember hadn’t lost the one she loved. Though his mind wandered towards dropped scroll.
“Why would they send a scroll through him? How is that possible?”

Ember was about to speak but it was Spike who reached for the scroll, seeing the band. “B-Because that's how I-I talked to Twilight and the other Princesses through messages.” His voice was hoarse but he kept trying to clear it, coughing here and there. No one said anything. His focus was on the scroll in his claws. He sighed. “I-It feels like forever since I had t-to cough out these… more like burp it out.” It was Amethyst whom actually broke the tension with a sharp laugh.

“Ha! That’s a great way of sending messages… and a greeting!” The others regarded her for a moment, Spike gave a small chuckle and slowly stood up.

“I think that… if Twilight sent me a letter… she must know I am awake.” A vivid detail in the dream he had, it was pony shaped and the figure was memorable. Luna… She had probably alerted Twilight. He pulled on the purple bind, letting the scroll unroll. Three words were simply posted in the middle.

“Are you awake?”

He sighed and turned to everyone. His eyes were focused, emerald colors staring at them all, waiting for confirmation that he had gained his memories back. “Spike?” Ember asked, unsure if he was all there. He give her a look, smiling lightly before bringing her close and blew a kindle across her face.

“I love you, Dragon Lord Ember.” A tear fell from Ember, with a smile wide upon her muzzle and she instantly hugged her returned mate tightly.

A sigh of relief washed through everyone and with it came so many questions, though one was important than all the rest. “Wait, that’s it?” Blurted out Smolder. Everyone turned to her, Ember and Spike separating. She had a crossed look upon her, though somewhat timidly shrunk at their eyes. “No… harsh or difficult way of trying to gain his memories back? No… days or weeks of trying to restore it all? Not even an epic scream or cheer? He endured way worse before! What gives!?”

That actually did cross the minds of the elders.
“That… surprisingly makes sense… and no sense as well.” Stated Zynthia. She turned to her mate. “Why was there no feedback?”

Eliyinsa herself seemed unsure, though she tried her best to answer. “My abilities were freely used upon this time for his mind didn’t resist it. During his trials, he kept trying to push me out, while I forced my way back in. Here… his mind was open, free and I could easily influence any gaps or blocks he had. The few memories I put back in… where from what I had seen before. But I can also assume that him having Ember here to help you, was what made it easier.” Her tone lowered, as did her head. She looked down at Spike, sadness filling her features. “I apologize Spike. For everything that has befallen you.” She swallowed, trying her best not to showcase her emotions. “I hope that you could forgive me…”

“Us!” Exclaimed the other two elders.

“...for what has befallen you. I know you wish to go back home now, though I hoped that we had tried our best to make it feel like you belong here.”

Spike cocked his head. Yeah, his memories were back. He remembered the trials, the pain, the near destruction of his mind and the fact that he nearly lost his friends and family. Yet… from that mess, he gained more family. Two mothers who took him in while under a coma. Ember had gained a hoard and it would be part of his as well. He possibly also had a father-like-influence from Torch. Possibly… He was still waiting on that one to fall through.
He noticed that Zynthia also seem hopeful as well, maybe silently praying that everything they had done to him as well as for him, would make him want to keep them as his family.

“Everything you have done, after the trials,” he began, slowly but through confidence. “Was to keep me alive. Whether out of guilt or your sake, you kept me safe and warm. You filled my mind with your lives, your love and more. You both didn’t know I had lost my memories, but you did your best to hopefully keep me sane.” He gave a smile towards them both. “I know that you think I will… forsake what you have done, but I won’t, despite what anyone else may think. You are still my mothers.”
Sheer relief and joy filled the two females, tears forming at their tear ducts at their son’s words. He could see their forms relaxing and love radiate from them at his words. “Thank you, Spike… our son.”

He kept his warm smile towards his mothers, though Ember broke through their moment. “Are you going to respond to Twilight?” She swallowed, small amounts of worry crept into her voice. “I don’t think she could wait any longer.”

He looked down at the scroll in claw before nodding. “I will, though she will be begging for you for clearance to arrive here, I think it would be better if we go to Equestria to see them.”
“We?” she asked.

He nodded. “We all… should go.” he motioned to a wave of everyone in the cave. “I think it would be a great way to introduce everypony to everyone here. Not only that, but maybe seeing the Elders could prove a benefit for the future of both nations. The princesses could meet the elders of the dragon lands and establish a peaceful ruling!” His voice was filled with excitement. However, he quickly noticed worried look upon everyone’s faces. His mood dropped. “What?”

“Spike,” Ember hadn’t let his claws go, though she held them firmly as she spoke. “A lot has changed in the time you were in a coma. You might not know but almost a year has passed since you were awake.”

He knew he was in a coma, he knew time had passed, but it still somewhat came to a small shock that a year had passed. A lot could happen in a year. “Did… anything happen to Equestria?” he asked, his early, happier emotions began to drain from him.

“As far as we can tell, Twilight has been trying to steady the relationships between us and the ponies,” Ember stated. “I have been trying my best to keep them peaceful but… if you hadn’t woken up anytime soon, the Princesses themselves would have forced their way to us.” She then looked up at her father. “We… me and father, have been seeing ponies patrolling our borders, setting up camps and outposts, not to mention that we have had infiltrators nearby.”

“Normally, we would deal with the issues the way dragons do,” Torch said a bit gruffly, hating to sound weak. “But the fact that the ponies have the aid of the Chaos Chimera and those shifting bugs, it is getting difficult to be sure how close we are to a fight or… a war.”

Spike had never known that he was that important to the ponies. He knew that… he played his part with his friends, was the official/legal son of Princess Celestia and hero to the Crystal Empire, was there, but a whole nation nearly going into war just for him? Base camps? Infiltration? Shifting… wait bugs?

“Did you just say… shifting bugs? As in… changelings?” he asked.

Ember added in quickly, “According to Twilight, some months ago, they became allies with the changelings after the fall of their queen. They already created an ambassador station for both ponies and changelings. It was your friend… uh… Starlight?” She shrugged at the name. “Whatever the other purple unicorn name is… she helped create the bond with them. She defeated the queen, along with the Chimera.”

That was… a real shock value for him. Never in a million years would he have thought that the changelings would be allies to ponies, especially since the invasion at Canterlot back then. It also seemed odd that it was Starlight whom defeated Chrysalis. Truly… a lot has changed.

“So… if I bring you over, I have to let Twilight and the Princesses know that you are all coming?”

“It would be best, son.” Eliyinsa answered. “As is, the princesses have months at stating their intentions. We have no way to retaliate if push comes to shove, especially with the Chimera and changelings on their side.”

Spike somewhat waved off the mention of Discord. “Ehh… Discord… uh, that’s the name of the Chimera your talking about. I wouldn’t worry to much on him. When it comes down to it, he’s really a big softy when you get to know him. Before coming here, me and another pony named Big Mac, we used to play with him in Ogres & Oubliettes together on guys night! I don’t know much about the changelings, but I’m sure that everything is just a precaution, at worst, they just really want me back.”

They all looked at him as if he had grown another head. Playing? With the chaos chimera? With no ill intentions?

Torch shook his giant head, trying to make sense of it but moved onto a question. “Tell us Spike, what is the relationship between you and the princesses? Clearly, you had some sort of affliction to them if they have been demanding your return and throwing threats at us.”

Spike furrowed his brow a little. “I thought Ember told you. I was adopted by Twilight?”

“And the Princess of the Sun herself?” Zynthia curiously asked. “Surely… well you mean a lot to us but to her? No real leader would go to war or conflict with another nation unless… that leader’s children or blood relatives were on the line.” A tense shuttered went to the room and even Ember forgot about it until now but… Twilight had stated that she adopted Spike into her family until later on but who was it that raised him since he hatched? Even Twilight’s pony mother had no knowledge on dragons, so the only one that could possibly raise him was…

“Well,” he began lightly, not seeing their tension. “I was hatched by Twilight, but she was a filly at the time, so she couldn’t raise me herself. In truth, I was raised by Princess Celestia. I was her officially adopted son.” He paused. “I technically am still her adopted son and since I am her son… and I guess Twilight’s brother too… I guess that would make me prince but I...”

The color drained from his mothers’, Torch looked shocked and Ember was filled with fear. In no effort to restrain herself, she practically boomed at him. “YOUR PRINCE OF EQUESTRIA!?” Her voice matched her ferocity… and her fathers.

Spike’s ears rang, forcing him to move away from Ember. That in itself sent an all to familiar feeling between the two. Something they hadn’t experienced since before the trial. There was no feedback, but the feeling of being separated was there. It was something that Ember never wanted to experience again. She instantly regretted yelling at him, trying to regain their bond and quickly trying to move towards him.
“S-Spike… I-I’m sorry!”
Spike just shook his head, trying to get the ringing to stop before giving a small, pained smile at her. “Hey, its okay. I should have mentioned it before… but I didn’t think it was that important.”

“It is more important than you know, Spike.” Eliyinsa stated loudly. “You being the son of the Princess of Equestria has been causing severe consequences, not just by coming here but also falling into a coma!”

“But all that wasn’t… well it was my choice!” He almost yelled back, trying to defend everyone’s action. “It was my choice that I came here!” He looked back towards Ember. “I will say everything has been on me… all of it. None of you or any dragons should have to suffer because of… accidents that lead to my injury. I can write to Twilight and clear everything up.” He paused and looked around the cave, then refocused on Ember. “Where is the book where I could send Twilight with notes and messages quickly?”

“I have them in my cave,” Ember answered, though she hesitated lightly. “I… haven’t checked in on it that last month, so maybe there are messages there I haven’t seen.”
Spike nodded. “That’s okay. I’ll send this one back to Twilight that I am awake but I will talk to her through the book. You go get it and once I start talking to her, I can also send a message to Princess Celestia to clear out the patrol.”

Ember nodded and moved away, motioning for her hoard. “I will and hopefully we can resolve this quickly.” The trio of dragons quickly made their ways out the cave and took off in flight. Torch meanwhile grumbled lightly… and that was saying something, as he shook his giant head.
“You should have mentioned this when you got here, that you were royalty.”

Spike looked up at the giant, towering form of the former dragon lord. “I am not royalty though. I have no title, no influence, not even a checking's account from Celestia. In truth, she adopted me, so I could be raised by a pony and not be declared a pet or something.” He then realized what he said and quickly retracted his statement. “I-I mean … not that ponies have other pet dragons and such!”

“That is too close to what the true assumptions were.” Zynthia nearly spat, a low growl vibrating from her throat. “Your history, along with what Ember has told during your coma state, you were practically their pet or toy...”

“No I wasn’t!” He practically yelled back at his mother. Zynthia’s head jerked back in surprise at his loud voice. His glare was directed towards her, not waning at all of her height… or the sheer fact this was his mother he was yelling at. Torch and Eliyinsa were caught off guard by his sudden outburst. “They never treated me like a pet! They treated me like family and you have no right to say that!”

Eliyinsa had seen all his memories, his past, his actions and what each and every encounter with him has been. Some of them are not as clear as he thought they were.
“Son, I have seen your memories,” spoke Eliyinsa, trying to defuse the heated situation. “From the few instances, they have treated you as family, but other times…” she trailed off. Spike looked up at her, seeing that sadden looked in her eyes. He couldn’t deny it. “There are instances where you were put in danger. For one so young, you had instances were they could have killed your or the minor, raised you incorrectly.”

Spike huffed loudly, allowing smoke to leave his nose. “I chose to go on most of those adventures, even of what would happen. Also, of course they would raise me differently. How could they know how to raise a dragon, if they could never study them?” He waved to them all. “How could they know how to raise me, when dragons didn’t want anything to do with ponies? That ponies were too afraid of dragons that they didn’t want to ask one in fear of getting eaten?”

“The fear is there for a reason, Spike.” Torch answered immediately, his form shifting to a more stern approach. “As it is now, your adopted mother had a dragon egg. One she received or found, with no information. As far as we can tell, no eggs have been reported missing in centuries outside of…” He stopped and he look like he was visibly struck. Eliyinsa and Zynthia looked at him, difficulty etching into his face. He shook his head and looked away, a frown settling upon his face

“Outside of what?” asked Spike, watching the former Dragon Lord trying to find his wording once more.
Eliyinsa lowered her head and spoke low to him.

“Torch’s mate, Saphira, was born in a clutch of two. One was taken and was never seen again. Ponies were the assumed culprit for centuries” She gave a quick glance to Torch and saw him nod, though he gave no indication that he would speak on. She leveled her head back up and looked at Spike. “We keep the fear in ponies and other creatures because we do have our weaknesses, Spike. The trials themselves could be used to exploit our weaknesses.”
She looked towards her mate, whom continued on for her.

“You already aware of them,” Zynthia huffed lightly, showing the scar on her leg that he had created, then she lightly lifted her neck where he held her life in his claws before. “These… Spike, are the weaknesses of dragons. The trials have shown more to the world than any other creature could see if they were not looking closely. If our greed was forced to come out, could we be blindly set on an innocent town of ponies or creatures? If they find that certain materials or minerals could destroy scales, would others not weaponize them? The exposure in between scale that you exploited… have others not found them yet? Most, if not a lot dragons don’t have strong minds, what is to say they cannot be controlled?” She hesitated, but leaned down to brush against him. He didn’t fight it, in fact leaned in, almost purring at her gentle caress before she pulled back.

“Our hatchlings, Spike,” she said softly. “Our hearts and souls are in the eggs. They are vulnerable, they are vulnerable and they are the greatest weakness we can ever have. I dare not imagine the difficulty that you endured as an egg to be among ponies, but I know that we stay to ourselves because… we dare not admit it, but we are just as frail, just as sickly, and just as likely to be killed, if we are not strong.” She lifted her head back up.

“What has happened to you,” continued Eliyinsa, nearing him as well. “We wish to find out. Regardless of what the ponies and the princesses think of you, we feared that their neglect in some...” She quickly emphasized on ‘some’. “...Of their ways of raising, may have been prevented or in some cases… discovered.”

“But… I’m ‘me’ because of them,” He pointed a claw at himself. “I am… the nice dragon you all know because of them. Yeah, they are with flaws and all but, I am here because of them. If ponies weren’t nice or careful, who is to say that I would be here? If Princess Celestia wasn’t nice to take care of my egg, would I even be alive now?”

“Perhaps,” answered the blacked dragoness. “Perhaps she raised you… as a sort of diplomat for species. The peace between dragons and ponies. She kept your egg and your life safe yes, but she raised you with kindness not seen in dragons normally.”

“And that is a bad thing?” he asked, confused at his mother’s words.

“Far from it,” She shook her head, motioning at Torch. “Dragons like him come far and few, natural kindness or genuine intelligence that speaks volumes…”

“His case, literally.” Zynthia chuckled with a snort. Amusement danced in her features as well as Spike’s. Torch snorted with a huff, but a glint of merit sparkled his eyes.

“But what you must also realize is that you were meant to be a diplomat, a bridge between two species, born and raised to help keep that relationship stable.”

“...But none of you knew I existed until I stepped foot on the dragon lands.” He stated, somewhat vexed. “How could I be born to be a diplomat, if none of you knew who I was? Again, you said that no eggs had been reported missing since…” He gave a glance to Torch before continuing on. “And not to mention that Princess Celestia didn’t even know about my egg…”

“That we know of,” Cut in Zynthia, though she was tamer with her speech at the mentioning of ponies. “I know it maybe difficult to believe it, son, but chances are, your pony princesses have secrets or lies they have no told their subjects. Just as we are as old, if not older than her, she has thousands of years to hold in any information she did not want the masses to know,” she paused. “Or where you came from either.”

He frowned lightly, wanting to defend his adopted mother’s name, but it wasn’t only until after Twilight left to Ponyville did he also learn that she was destined to become something, she was not told of. As is, Celestia had many secrets, and it was true that she kept a few to herself for the safety of others. Did that include those around him?

“Does that mean you have secrets too?”

All at once, the trio of elder dragons answered in a unified voice of certainty. “Yes!” There was no hesitation, no regret in answering him and there focused remained on him.

“Every leader, every conquer, every lord or master,” Torch spoke heatedly lacking the charm of his usual gruff, “Everyone that has ever held a title, has secrets and lies. Your naivety and innocence is sometimes blessing in disguise, young Spike. That goes for many across the lands. In order to be a ruler, sometimes secrets or illusions must be placed. To keep those in check and to keep your status safe.”

“I am a good example of that,” Tuned in Eliyinsa. Her eyes glowed, as did the brace on her leg, parts of her body also glowing light violet. “My abilities were once considered omens and dangerous, causing fear for others including my own sire and dam.” The glow ceased and she looked down at Spike with saddened eyes. “I had to keep them in check, had to hide them away from potential suitors, even be forced to wear this,” she swung her tail around, bringing the large dark metal brace around her tail into view. Spike looked at the thick ring around her. Small runes could be seen etched or engraved in them. The dark metal, an almost gloss like sheen, in two rings on the top and bottom carried a very thin line, almost a mane’s width of gold. She flashed her abilities through her body once more, allowing the ring to briefly glow once and highlighting the runes before it cease. “This is to keep me in check.” she finished.

More than ever, Spike felt sorrow for his mother, though he voiced it this time. “Why would you…”

“Bonded onto her when her powers first manifested in her teenage years,” Torch answered gruffly. He then sighed. “A mistake I regret years later.” He then locked eyes onto Spike, lowering his giant head to meet them. “And that Spike… is our secrets.” Spike saw that Zynthia and Eliyinsa all nodded. He didn’t push for it.

“The history behind my abilities and all the reason for it, are my secrets Spike.” The black scaled dragoness spoke with an even tone. “As we have said, we all have secrets… Celestia is no different.”

His confidence was broken, yet remained undeterred that Celestia was still a good pony. “Does having secrets make a leader a bad one? Are you saying that all leaders are prone to keeping secrets at some point?” He dared ask.

“Good or bad, its serves a purpose.” Stated the scarlet elder. “Some can be revealed later on,”

“While others must be carried to the graves,” Finished Eliyinsa, a small brisk cold filled the room. “When you and Ember fully embrace your roles later on in life, you will find truths that may disturb you or others and that is what must be kept from others.”

“...Ember will have secrets?”

“Yes. She already kept one from you,” Torch reminded him. “She did so for both of your sake's, to keep you alive and well. Does that make her as bad as a leader in whole, or is doing what she needed to do in order to keep both alive something that needed to be done, despite some consequences?” He then lowered his giant head to meet his. “You both, future rulers of the dragon lands, may or will develop secrets or lies, later on. Whether you want them or not.” He raised back his head.

Spike remained silent and the elders felt that should be the end of their conversations. The sound of flapping wings were heard and the dragons saw the return of Ember and her hoard. In her claws, she held the Bloodstone Scepter and Twilight’s book.
The mood lightened a bit. Ember was smiling as she came in with book in claw.

Spike could already tell that once he sent the letter, that book would light up like Heartwarming Eve. He looked back at the scroll in claw. “Well, its now or never, we fix the mistake that…” He looked up at everyone. “We all had a part in. My choices, or all of our mistakes.” That had everyone nod, except Smolder and Amethyst, the tallest being the one to input loudly her disagreement.
“We had nothing to do with you dude!” The light pink dragoness yelled, irritated and huffing black smoke from her nostrils, while retaining a small grin “We ain’t at fault in anyway!”

This really brought up the mood, with everyone chuckling at that. He nodded. “Right.” He flipped it over, making it a blank slate. He then reached down with a claw, scratching the cave floor lined with soot and sulfur. With a good part of claw tip blackened, he wrote only a few words on it.

“Hi Twilight. This is Spike. Yes, I have awakened. But if you want me to speak better, let us do it on your instant messaging book.”

He paused looking at it. He then thought that if she wanted his proof of his awakening, he made his brand of calligraphy to the last part in the only way possible.

“Sincerely, your number one assistant.”

With a small puff of flames, the scroll ignited brightly before swirling in a flaming green light and flashed past them all and out of the cave, disappearing outside.

“Incredible,” Zynthia saw with awe, watching the flame carry the scroll out. “Sending objects or items in fire and it to be delivered almost instantly.” She looked at Spike, joy and wonderment twinkled in her eyes. “Truly magnificent. Tell me… how did you come up with that method of magical flame manipulation?”

Spike shrugged, reaching for the book in Ember’s claws. “In truth, Princess Celestia casted a spell over me when I was young. I guess we are not magic resistant when we are young, so she placed one when I was about… mmmm ten years old? Yeah… she created one for me and what it did was that since Twilight was her sister, she needed ways to contact her through her studios without bothering her if she was busy.” Ember gave the book, along with a quill and just as it did, the book began to light up. “That was the old system, this one is the new one.”

He opened it up and just as he knew it, each page began to flash with words be written at sentences per second. Twilight writing as fast she would in real life, making a lot of the sentences in a blur. He did get a gist of most of it.

“...So happy to see your awake!”

“...Missed you for so long…”

“...So much has changed…”

He allowed her to finished what she needed to say, ignoring most of it since a lot of it repeated itself until he decided that it was his turn. He took the quill and began a few pages over before they could be filled by her ranting.

“Yes Twilight. I am fine, glad to see… err read from you soon. I really missed you. You and everypony. All of our friends, I hope that they are doing well!”

He paused, looked up and saw that all the dragons were waiting on him intently on sending a message to Celestia. He quickly wrote in.

“But before we play catch up, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to send word to Princess Celestia that I am indeed awake and that she can recall all the soldiers that are patrolling and setting up bases by the Dragon Lands. They have all the dragons on edge and it would be terrible if one pony made a mistake and started something. Do this first priority before we can speak anymore.”

As he wrote all that, he spoke out loud for the surrounding group. That seemed to ease them a bit, though they still waited for the response. In came in shortly.

“I didn’t know Princess Celestia had sent guards to the borders? Are you sure they’re patrolling there? I mean, why would she do that?”

Immediately, he looked up at the elders and confirm their suspicions. “S-She didn’t know about the guards.”

The trio of older dragons remained silent, but their eyes said it all. ‘The princess had secrets. Secrets even from Twilight’
Once more he spoke out loud as he wrote.

“Yeah, for the last couple of months, they have been bordering the Dragon Lands… along with changelings?”

The book actually paused for almost a full minute. It was a tense minute and Spike wondered if it even went through. Finally, the book lit up and the next words came.

“I’m sorry Spike, but I didn’t know that Princess Celestia had sent guards on the border or changelings. Wait, how did you know about the changelings?”

He sighed in somewhat annoyance at the confirmation of the changelings.

“Yeah, I just got informed that they have been allies with us for months now. What gives?”

He stopped and quickly shook his head.

“I’ll read more about that later. For now, please, get Celestia to recall all the troops. Last thing we need is conflict or a war.”

At the word ‘war’, the dragons bristled in different states of anger, disgust or fear. Spike felt the vibrations through the floor, also hoping that nothing to it comes close. A follow up message came up next. He read this one out loud too.

“As much as I want to speak to you, I think this should come first. I’ll send a letter to Princess Celestia, but it will take me awhile to get through.”

He softly exhaled and wrote back.

“That is fine. The sooner, the better. I rather not delay it any longer.”

He sighed, feeling a bit sadden he couldn’t respond to Twilight with better news.

“Sorry Twilight, but like you said a lot has changed. Some of it I wasn’t even aware of until I…”

He paused, looking back up at them all before shaking his head.

“Woke up today. For now, just briefly run down any changes we have until after you send the letter.”

“Alright. Again, glad your back.”

“Me too!”

He sighed and spoke up to the others. “She’s going to send a letter to the Princesses. Hopefully in a couple of hours we can see them leave soon.”

Apparently, Celestia also had created the same type of fast communication for her soldiers. When the elders, Spike, Ember and her hoard stood near the borders, they witness that the patrols have already began disbanding and cleaning up their outposts, shy of just the hour of the letter sent. Most of them were tents and the few buildings they had built were easily demolished, leaving a heavy print of where they were.

From their view, Spike saw that there were changelings amongst the ponies. But… they were not the black and cold changelings that he saw in Canterlot during the wedding. No, they were completely opposite. Bright and colorful, more so than ponies, with light vibrant riches that extended the rainbow. Some were cheerfully interacting with their brother in arms, while others just enjoyed being out and about without fear of ridicule or hate.

“A lot has changed,” He muttered out loud. “I would hate to imagine if I had slept any longer than just a year.”

“We are also grateful for your early awakening, son.” Eliyinsa lowered her head near to his. “We were wondering what would be the consequences if they decided to force their way to you.”

“We would have fought…” Began Torch.

“But I am not worth it.” It came out as a counter but he felt unsure of his own words. Celestia had set out a camp for soldiers to monitor the dragon activity here. Twilight and the others had demanded clearance to enter and visit, almost wanting to fight Ember for him. “Why would anyone die for me? I am no one special, I haven’t done much… I shouldn’t be fought for, let alone start a war.”

Ember was by his side when he said that. In truth, she wanted to argue that he was worth fighting for. He was the reason she was alive and why the dragon lands were changing. He alone had done more in the time he was here, than any other dragon in history. It would be unfair to say that he wasn’t special.

Spike’s influence when it came down to actual dragons were vague or non-existent prior to Gauntlet of Fire. Outside of actually beating the trials, he was just known as Spike, the pony lover. Now, he was the winner of the trials for her consort, as well as succeeding all of them in near perfection. That barely phased most of the dragons here.

“I would fight for you,” Ember grabbed his claw in her own, looking at his emerald eyes. “You are worth fighting for. Whether you know it or not, you have changed the lands, something no dragon has done before.”

“Indeed young Spike.” Torch continued on before. “You may not see it now, but the dragons here have changed because of you. Mindful, generous, with others beginning to show loyalty or merit that has never seen these lands before.” He gave the smaller drake a small grin. “Just like you said to me before, it’s like… magic.”

The other dragons nodded in unison, though it was Amethyst who snorted out loud, trying to hold back a laugh. It failed, but the others also saw it did seem a little funny. Still, Spike smiled at the mention of what he had told Torch before but the moment lost its merit, still hating the idea of any kind of battle for him.

The book in his claws lit up and he saw that there was a message.

“Hello my son, I am thrilled to see you are awake.”

A returning warmth settled through Spike, as he read the flawless calligraphy of his mother. When he would get personal letters from her, they would always fill his heart with warmth… along with the few chocolate infused gem cookies she would make for him. Even now, with the secrets and guards, his warmth remained strong for her.

“Hello mother, I’m glad to… read from you again. I’m sorry it took me to long to respond but, I guess I overslept.”

It was a terrible way to defuse the situation but, he felt that if anything were to go wrong now, he might wanted to get some answers from his mother.

“I see that your humor hasn’t left you, son. Glad to know that after your coma, that you're still you. I hope that know you are awake, you will return home soon, right?”

He paused at reading that. Yeah, he wanted to return home, but not soon. Awakening left him with many more questions than answers and he still needed to learn how to harness his inner dragon. That included his newly grown wings, his fire breathing and perhaps, learn from his mothers on fire manipulations. He decided to not answer that as the first message.

“Maybe, but first I do wish to ask. Why did you have guards at the border? Why did you keep trying to fight Ember on being able to see me? She told you that any magical sources could be bad for me.”

Like Twilight, there were pause though it took few minutes. Spike realized that despite being hundreds of miles away, he could feel the hesitance and obscure features his mother would have when caught with a problem that she didn’t want to deal with. Another minute passed before he got a reply.

“We wanted to know if you were held captive against your will or being mistreated. When we got word of the coma, we believed it was their fault and we wanted to come. However, Ember stated that you were… overfed with magic of sorts and that whatever the trials did to you, gave you a feedback that nearly took your life. I dare not imagine what would happen if they told me you had died.”

Spike sighed out loud, alerting all the dragons to him. He didn’t want to look at them yet, and responded back.

“I am not someone worth creating a war with. I maybe your son but I have no stake in anything. You above all should know that war would never be good. No amount of thousands should die just because what happens to me. I’m not worth fighting or dying for.”

He actually hated himself for saying that, but he didn’t like knowing of others bleeding or giving up their lives for him. He had no value, no particular value that could benefit Equestria or the Dragon Lands. He was no prince that could influence much, he was leader, and he definitely wasn’t worth the amount of ponies that would get hurt for him.

He hadn’t received a response from her yet, so he decided to right more.

“Either way, I am not coming home… yet. I need some time to adjust to my new ‘body adjustments’ and learn more about dragon history. I promise to return home, but all I ask everypony whom is with you there, that I will return home in one week.”

Reading that outloud, the dragons around him gave different looks of confusion, especially his mothers and Ember.

“Y-Your not going to return right away?” asked Ember, relieved but confused.

He nodded and looked towards her. “I just woke up… not even a couple hours ago. I literally remember my life up to this point but… I need time to deal with body upgrades and I need to learn more about what it means to be a dragon...” He was about to continue but his book lit up.

“What do you mean a week?! Why not return now?!”

That was Twilight’s writing and she was freaking out. He gave a small smirk and snorted with a puff of smoke.

“Well… to make long story short, I had gotten through several ‘molts’ or maturities that ponies call them, but molts are for dragons. With them, I grew bigger, I am stronger with my flames and… I… got… wings!”



He could practically feel her yell from here and the book vibrated hard to mimic her excitement.

“I did. I got them when I was asleep, so that is why I need to stay here just a bit longer. I need to practice how to use them, as well as anything else I can learn. I wouldn’t want to come to Ponyville and meet our friends back and suddenly crush them with my strength or accidentally burn them. I need time, Twilight. Just a bit more.”

He felt his tail being wrapped and Ember brushed her head next to his. “I will teach you everything I know. You will learn fast and you will show them how much you’ve changed for the better.” He smiled at that, brushing back against her.

The book lit up and he saw her responds.

“Well… if its only one week more, than that is fine Spike. It would help to learn more about your biology, especially in the dragon lands since you are surrounded by teachers and such. If possible you could send me more notes on dragon biology.” There was a pause in writing. “Though Rainbow Dash is disappointed that she won’t be able to teach you.”

He grinned at that, writing in,

“I don’t think dragon wings and pony wings are the same, however tell her that once I learn how to properly fly, I will race her.”

An immediate response.

“She just said ‘Yes!’ before getting out of hoof. Anyways, will you still be speaking through me here?”

“Of course. Just because I am not there yet, doesn't mean I can still respond.”

“Is Ember the only friendly dragon you have over there?”

At this he shook his head and looked around him to see the wonderful dragons he was surrounded by.

“No, I am surrounded by family more than anything.”

There was a delayed response.

“You have a family over there? How?”

“I do and for the last year, they have been taking care of me, making sure I was cared for, loved for and even though you, the girls and Celestia are my family, I gained one in the form of dragons. That is also why when I return in a week, I want to bring them to Ponyville and hopefully, we can all get along.”

He paused, as if trying to remember something really important before quickly adding in,

“So prepare Ponyville for the arrival of large dragons the size of Torch… including Torch.”

“I can’t go, young Spike. My mate is still immobile.”

“Scratch that, just the arrival of two dragons the size of Torch, along with me, Ember and her hoard.”

“Ill… try me best to warn them. But again… how did you gain your family? I mean… you don’t just gain a family like that? You were in a coma. Ember told me you were being taken care of by two dragons but she didn't mention that they were your family.

“I’ll explain more later, but just like you and Celestia, they adopted me.”

he answered quickly.

“Right now, we are waiting for the last of the guards to leave so the dragons have some peace. Once all that is done with, I’ll speak to you again.”

“Keep me posted then.”

That was the last of the communications. But then came the response from his mother.

"Forgive me... son. I pray that you do not hate me for what I thought was best."

Spike didn't want to respond, but... he felt guilty. He didn't like being disappointed in someone he loves, he also couldn't blame her. For what its worth, he was something to her, he was something to Twilight and her friends. And he was worth something to many ponies out there... but not here.

"I will... but for now, this week is with me and my family here."

With that he closed the book.

The dragons watched from the distance as the guards had all gathered the bases, leaving only wooden outposts or degradable waste.

“And… they are not to return for any reason?” asked Eliyinsa, leaning down to her son, wondering if there was something in the messaging missed.

He shrugged. “Not unless we give them a reason to. Celestia thought you were holding me against my will. I said otherwise.” There was a snarl on both of his mothers, with their upper jaw teeth visibly twitching. He quickly assured them. “Its a misunderstanding, that is all.” He actually felt tired and slightly slumped. “All of this… all this conflict… for me. Such a waste.”

They had already tried to tell Spike of his value, yet… they didn’t wish to repeat it. A month into his coma, the guards had been sent. Three months, they set up a post. Six months suddenly brought in the changelings and at ten months, they had infiltrators within. If the year had gone, Celestia would have walked in with an army.

Ember, Torch, Eliyinsa and Zynthia all knew of it, yet they did not tell him. Another secret that had to be held from him.

The drake had been through a lot. He didn’t want to feel down, even with Ember pressed against him, he didn’t want to feel like the world should revolve around him. Seeing the last bits of the ponies and changelings pack up, Spike along with Ember and her hoard turned around and made their way back.

The trio elders allowed them to leave, waiting until they were a good distance away before speaking.

“He is right you know.” Spoke Zynthia, somewhat moodily. “All of this for him,” she gave a flicker of her head to the ponies. “It’s not worth it for him.” Eliyinsa hissed and was about to growl at her mate, but Zynthia quickly cut her off. “You know what I mean.” She towered her mate but she tried to brush her at her level. “We see him as our son, as our love and more. Ember sees him as a mate and suitor. The other dragons… only see him as a dragon with a title… but not worth going into conflict for.”
Eliyinsa wanted to back away from her mate but she didn’t. She growled at distaste for her words but lowered her head, submitting to her mate’s touch. She closed her eyes, leaning into her next for support.

“I know, I know,” She felt unclean, knowing she said that about her own son. “But… he has done so much for us… for us all.”

“And he does it without even realizing it,” Jumped in Torch. His focused remained on the last of the ponies. “His influence alone has made it impossible to revert the Dragon Lands back to its origins.” He snorted, smoke leaving his nostrils. “I hate to say it as well but despite his deeds, there are many dragons out there that would not fight for him.”

“But why would the alicorns send their guards here? Why create outposts, guard-stations and more? Why the near conflict just because of him?” Eliyinsa almost pleaded for an answer. “Why did they set all this up for him?”

“His deeds in Equestria have made him popular.” He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. “Surely you have seen his memories? Why have you not been able to see that he has made an impact on the ponies?” He shifted his giant form to turn to them slightly. “The savior of their Crystal Empire. The help of defeating that Nightmare that we also nearly suffered for. The reformation and befriended of the chimera… And those are just what we know of. Who is to say that there isn’t more to what he has done over there or outside of his view?” The giant dragon then pointed his giant paw to the retreating ponies. “They are clearly here because he means more to them then he does to us. That means that we would have sacrificed unnecessary blood and scales on our end, if we just simply handed him over to them.”

“As much as it pains me to say it, its true.” Zynthia said in seldom. “We love him with all of our hearts… but he has hundreds, if not thousands of influences in Equestria and maybe beyond. Helping save the world or an empire or defeating chaos gods, he has gained love and favoritism from them. But here… he is only another dragon.”

Eliyinsa wanted to tackle the issue more, but… it was moot at this point. Her love for her son was grand but to any other dragon, he was just another dragon amongst dragons. Not much else.

When the last ponies disappeared in the horizons, the trio went back to Eliyinsa’s and Zynthia’s home, to hopefully enjoy as much time as possible with their young ones.

Spike had gotten to reading any bits of information he could from the book during the last few sessions Ember had with Twilight and the changing that had happen. When his mothers and Torch returned, his mothers allowed Ember and her hoard to take some gems from their hoard to eat, while they discussed the future.

“With the threat of the Equestrians now dealt with,” began Torch, sounding optimistic in his normal tone, “I ask, what happens when you return to Equestria, Spike?”

Spike didn’t look up from his book, though he shrugged and replied without removing his eyes from the pages. “I don’t know. Talk to Princess Celestia, catch up on current events… and get me a hayburger the size of my head because I’m craving one badly.”

Eliyinsa tilted her head slightly. “And… that is all?” she asked curiously.

Her tone had Spike look up and stare at her violet eyes.

“What do you mean? That’s all there is, no?”

“What I mean son, is that you must ask your… adoptive mother where your origins lie.” The words ‘adoptive mother’ came out like poison to her. “Where did she receive your egg or how did she acquire it.”

A puzzled look settled upon him, with suspicion being woven in. “Where I come from?” He closed the book. “I told you where I came from.”

“You told us what came after you hatched… we want to know, where you egg came from.”

“Does it matter?” The question was sharp and it stung quick. Both of his mothers almost jerked at his tone. It was only until Ember had moved in close that she actually eased his mind with her presence.

“Spike, don’t be mad at them. They just want was best for you. Maybe a little bit about your past my ease them.”

Despite his calmer tone, he still nicked at them. “But… why? Why does it matter? Isn't best if I didn’t know past? For all we know, my mother… didn’t care for me. Didn’t want nothing to do with me. I don’t want to know...” A sigh left him, though he was comforted by a wing wrap by Ember. Her eyes betrayed her sadness for him, but behind them was the love that he yearned for. Looking towards his mothers, he saw the same expressions and gave a small smile. “Besides, even if she doesn't know, you are my family. You, Eliyinsa, and you, Zynthia, are both my mothers. You may have not raised me but… that is why I want to stay here for a week more.”

Eliyinsa and Zynthia transitioned from cautionary guard on their words, to slowly radiated joy and love for him, his words catching them. He saw it in their eyes and continued. “I need to know how to properly be a dragon… without all the bad stuff I learned from Garble and the other dragons before.”

“Wait, you learned something from my brother? And what bad stuff did he do?”

The question threw Spike off hard, almost physically struck and his mood doing a one-eighty at the words. He looked a bit wide eyed at Smolder whom had her arms crossed, looking a bit annexed at bad mentions of her older sibling. All that left Spike was a deep unending stutter. “Y-Y-Your...Y-Y-You are his…. He-he’s…”

Ember and Torch actually smacked their faces hard with their palms, creating two different but deep echoes of smacking scales that bounced off the cave walls. His mothers, himself and Amethyst looked between the two of them, wondering what had happened.

It was Amethyst whom actually figured it out first and she began to giggle before it turned into a large laugh. “Oh Wistala! You guys never told her before!”

Torch and Ember looked guilty towards Smolder who looked very confused at the dragons around her. “Told me what? What does this have to do with Gar-Gar?”

Amethyst lost it and dropped to the floor, holding her sides as she burst into uncontrollable laughter, flames jetting out of her mouth. “Gar-Gar!” She wheezed through breaths. Smolder quickly fumed and walked over to the fallen dragoness, began to kick her to stop making fun of her brother.

“Hey! Only I get to call my brother Gar-Gar! It’s our names we had when we hatched! He didn’t like Garbles or Gary, so I chose Gar-Gar! And only I can call him that!”

This only made the fallen dragoness laugh harder, wheezing and spewing flames longer, even with Smolder kicking her. “That is not funny!”

Meanwhile, the more… mature audiences looked back at one another before sighing in unison, though Ember and Torch filled with guilt, looked towards him. Spike broke from his shock and looked towards Ember. “Sorry, it never came up.” She brushed her arms. “And I forgot only because she hadn’t hung around him for months.” She then quickly assured, “She is nothing like him. In truth, he his actually softer, just… hiding it better than most.”

“...And that is why you chose Smolder?” She nodded.

“If he could see that his sister was a better dragon for being nice, he would want to change for the better as well.”

He gave a curious glance at Smolder, seeing nothing of her brother, but seeing a teenager that… well, acted like a teenager and not much else. A pity smile graced his mouth. “I...I think I know why you chose them.”

Ember scoffed, but gained her own smile. “The… brighter of dragons around, but they were the smarter and better behaved ones.”

“Stop kicking me!” Wheezed Amethyst, still laughing, “You gonna make me pee!”

“I’d rather you not!” Zynthia warned loudly, though it fell on deaf ears.

Spike shook his own head, before focusing back on his mothers.

“Anyways, as I was saying, I wanted to live like a dragon, but I won’t get that in Equestria.” He paused and looked at Ember. “Though… are you and I still…” The question was left hanging in the air. Ember shook her head.

“After we… separated, I haven’t been able to put you back in. It must be voluntary.”

He nodded in understanding. “Then…”

She walked over to a nearby wall where she had sat down the Bloodstone Scepter. She then returned and held it out in claw for his own. “With you by my side, as long as you will have me.”

Amethyst and Smolder had stopped their meddling to watch the scene unfold. The elders watched as well, anticipation and waiting.

Spike saw the center stone glow brightly, waiting for the energy to be transferred to him. His eyes marveled at the glow, something warm and tingly nipping at the back of his head. The emerald in his eyes danced with the hidden flames inside the blood red stone and just for a moment, his mind remembered the energy.

He reached for it… but stopped. Instead, he reached for Ember’s wrist holding the scepter. She looked confused and a small amount of fear began to form. Before she could ask, he quickly cut her off.

“If I rejoin you, I will have to stay with you…” He then lowered it and moved closer. “But that means I can’t be with my mothers as well.” He sighed and looked at her intently with his eyes. “I love you, no matter what. That is a given. But… like I’ve been saying. I didn’t get to be raised as a dragon like you and the others did. That is why… just like I told Twilight, I want a week to be raised by my mothers. No major interference's, just be… the son that they want.” He then leaned in and blew a gentle kindle across her face. “In one week, I will return to you. Forever and eternally. I will grab the scepter and we can be together again. I will be by your side, never to let go, until our final breath, you and I will be bonded.”

Ember had never experienced such words in her life, at least not to herself directly. The few times she has heard words as beautiful and as kind as that had been true love dragons. Dragons that had bonded and fallen so deeply in love that their vows were set in blood and flames. His father did so with her mother, before she was conceived. Every now and then, before and after her own mother’s awakening, he would remind her of the words that he had told her years ago and repeat them to her.

Spike, as young as he was, spoke of ages of wisdom and care that even dragons many times older than her father, couldn’t comprehend. His adoption from his pony family made him far more intellectual than most dragons combined and it spoke volumes.

Her heart swelled with love and she nodded, lowering the staff. “One week,” she confirmed. “One week to enjoy your life as a dragon.”

He smiled and brushed his snout against his. “One week.” He then turned around to see everyone giving him gazes of absolute adoration. His mothers looked ecstatic and enraptured by his words, while Amethyst was gushing with her own love, shedding tears of joy for her hoard master. Smolder had calmed down enough to somewhat enjoy that Spike would come back, but he would get a chance to live as a dragon.

Torch felt a huge weight off his chest, knowing that soon, his daughter and future son-by-bound were to reunite in a week. His mate would love to seem them both. Clearing his throat to gain their attention, he spoke in a bit of a cheerful gruff. “Now that… we have all settled any problems, for the time being that is, what say we enjoy the day and spend it outside. We have only been outside for the time being and it was a bit moot.”

The others nodded and confirmed their own agreements. Spike and Ember agreed and walked in claws as they all made their way outside. Though Spike did have one more thing to say.

“Since I beat the trials, have you three decided what I was good for later on in life?” This cause the three larger dragons to stop and look at him. “I mean, Ember and I will return to one another but I still kind of wish to know what I will be. An Advisor? An Elder? A Successor?”

There was hesitation for their responses, trying to figure that out themselves. Turning fully towards him, they looked at each other, wondering if the other had a clue as well.
Zynthia shrugged and Torch raised an eyebrow. Eliyinsa looked at them both and turned to her son. “Well… in truth son, your intelligence, your skills, adaptation, cunning and quick wit makes you a perfect candidate for all three.” Spike looked confused cocking his head to the side.
“So… I can choose whichever I want?”

“You can,” Zynthia answered, though she looked a bit conflicted. “In truth, when a dragon wins the trials, we highlight the best in which one they did better on but you surpassed them all with no major flaws.” She nodded her head. “You can choose whichever you want.”

He himself seemed unsure, for each option did hold some benefit, but he conflicted on what his best one was. “I-I don’t know what to choose. Is there a another option?”

A moment of silence passed at the mention of another option. This time, the trio of large dragons looked at one another and seemed to be thinking the same thing. It was an unorthodox one, but… the opportunity was there.

Lowering her head to meet her son’s, her features bristled with small wonderment, but contained cautionary eyes. “There is… another option, one that is different. It is… of its own, but never asked for by dragons who win trials. This one… special option is a little bit of everything, but its masked by the duty only given to those whom fit the role.” There was a twinkle in her eyes that sparkled in Spike’s own.

“My son, it has been nearly two and a half millenniums since a dragon has choose to fit this role. It is one that is demanded respect, but at the same time, if properly understood, could demand the same amount of authority as a Dragon Lord, an Advisor or Elder. If you are up to understanding what that role is, I think you will be well respected in the Dragon lands for eons.”

Spike’s eyes danced with curiosity, wondering what this strange role was. “Why wasn’t this mentioned in the trials?”

“It is… a difficult role and none of us here could teach you. If you were born here a time before Torch and Zynthia was Dragon Lord, there was a master of this role and he would teach the next dragon to take over his part before he would move on. Outside of him, no other dragon, except the architect, the dragon whom collects knowledge and books, would be able to teach you what this role means and… how it could change the dragon lands, especially if it laid in your claws.”

Finally, his hungering curiosity got the best of him and he asked the question.

“What role is that?”

Eliyinsa spoke and when she did, Spike had realized that this may have been the choice he never had until know.

“The role… my son… that is an honor to have by your name is called…”

Author's Note:

And that is it for the first act of Dragon Lord Legacy.... :yay:
56 pages 12000 + words and three weeks to nail down what would be the better end of Spike's return to the world.

I originally had this down but... some things needed to be added or replaced. I debated with my editors on if I should split in two but... It was to much work and I just wanted to end this.
So, the next few chapters will be shorter than these, but it will bring Spike up to modern time. These chapters will be known as Spike's week. Shorter but still containing a good story for him and the others. Smolder will be more involved along with Amethyst. Saphira will be part of it too.

Speaking of which, those of you into my side stories of dragon tails, expect a chapter deticated to the parents of Ember soon! :raritywink:

Thank you all for your support!