• Published 29th Jan 2019
  • 6,515 Views, 376 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Legacy - Little_Draco

Spike awakens and his time to return to world has come. With added family, grown body and new challenges to face, Spike will find the world has changed without him and he must adapt, even if pain must come from it.

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Spike’s Week: Day 2. Strength of our Mind

The Dragon Lord Legacy

Spike’s Week: Day 1-2

Strength of our Mind

Night had come and so did the tranquility of the Dragon Lands. Dragons young and old headed to their home caves to call it in, with few staying out by the lava pits or rivers to relax.

Spike was returning home, albeit slowly and cautiously. He had flown away earlier, literally flew out of the cave in fear of his mothers’ teachings on sex. About a few minutes after he had flown out, he realized he had flown out and was happy to have that, only to inevitably and painfully crash.

Worst of it, he crashed landed in front of hundreds of dragons out in the open. Of those that did laugh at him, where teenagers getting the best of him in his first outing with his wings.

Fortunately, he had a few of the adults understand that gaining new wings were a bit troublesome for the start. After that, he had gone over to Ember to show off his nearly flight-ful ability, though it resulted with him later explaining that he had to fly out of there so his mothers didn’t give him the mating talk, or as Ember had put it by her father’s saying ‘The Volcanoes and the Eruptions’. Spike had to really think on that for a good few minutes before he realized what it all had entailed.

He spent the remainder of the day, since his lessons were spent with his mothers in the morning, with Ember. He wanted to avoid the ‘talk’. Ember chastised him for it, wondering why it would be awkward, if they had nearly mated themselves.
After telling him the horrors he endured with his previous talks about sex-ed, by Celestia and the true horror, Twilight, she reluctantly agreed to allow him to stay with her and hide.

Though all it resulted was him regretting this because he had specifically asked for one week to be spent with his family.

“And that is what family is,” Explained Ember to him. “That they do whatever they can to embarrass you, but they do it with love and joy, knowing that you will always be in there heart.”

Smolder had thrown her two bits in too. “Garble was also like that, always trying to protect me and at times, it got really embarrassing, but in the end, I knew that he would beat up any dragon who would mess with me. He also goes out of his way to make me look more tough than himself.”

It spooked him to know that there was a side to Garble that seemed soft and cuddly like a pony. More so, it was the fact that he also had a little sister and that he would be with her all the time as part of Ember’s hoard. Did that mean that he would have to share Ember with Smolder and Amethyst in a personal way as well?

He avoided asking or figuring out that question himself, but it didn’t hide the fact that Smolder did kept giving him long glances. Any chance that she could, would look him over, staring at his new, leaner, body. If he did catch her staring, she would quickly look away with embarrassment and red cheeks. Along with that, he knew and was confirmed by Ember that Amethyst was only interested in her, not him. That was one less… female had to worry about.

When the evening arrived, he reluctantly went home, dragging his tail on the way. He actually wanted to return and apologize to his mothers, dealing with inevitable ‘talk’, though in part he actually did need a bit of useful information in case something did come up he had questions on.

Pulling into the cave, he slowly made his way inside, hoping that he hadn’t upset his mothers in anyway. Each step was light, hoping that he didn’t bring unwanted attention to him….

“Son, if your going to sneak in, you might want to keep your tail lifted and your breathing silent, it would be difficult to sneak upon anyone like that.

'…self’. He sighed out loud. Turning towards the corner of the cave, he saw both of his mothers lying together with their bodies facing forwards. He expected anger or a bit of a disappointment but instead, both were smiling and both looked… content.

“Hello, Spike.” They spoke in near unison. Okay… that was weird. Approaching closer to his mothers, a new tingle ran up his spine and a small shudder ran down them. A unique smell hit him and it was something he was close to recognizing, akin to that of Ember. Only it was stronger, a slight hint of cinnamon and musk that baked into the cave all around. It wasn’t potent or over empowering, but it was intriguing, even having him move a bit sluggish.

“Why does it smell so…”

Both of his mothers flushed and shuffled between themselves.

“That… would be us, Spike.” His momma Zynthia explained, her scales turning a slight shade of rose. They shifted around, making themselves seem more presentable.

“Why do you both smell like…”

“Well…” begun Eliyinsa softly, cheeks still glowing. “When you ran or ‘flew’ off, in that case, we were a bit too focused on teaching you on mating that we may have… ‘triggered’ ourselves.”

Spike felt like he should be disturbed that his mothers just confessed they had just mated or at least participated in sensual activities, which it didn’t. If anything, he felt warmth fill his body, as well as a bit of a tint of red enter his cheeks.

Noticing his lack of disgust, both dragonesses saw that he was somewhat caught up on their scents and was being influenced by it.

No use in hiding it, the females motioned for their son to approach. He did so, though he felt a bit light headed and his movements seemed a bit sluggish. Did he hear humming? It was as if he was in a trance, though there was a nice warmth surrounding his body. Speaking of body, he found himself suddenly at his mother’s forelegs, already laying in between her. How did he get there so quick?

Leaning down, Eliyinsa and Zynthia brushed against him, giving warm growls in their throats that sounded soothing to him, though humming was heard from them. “I feel… fuzzy… m-m-momma… m-mother…”

Both females continued to brush against him, making him feel lighter and lighter. “Your tired son, just sleep now.”

His eyes began to flutter, trying his best to stay awake. Whatever was that smell, it was nothing compared to the feeling of being nuzzled and rubbed by his mothers. Tingles and light shivers raced across his body, making his body feel numb but in a good way. Like if this was natural way to fall asleep like this. Soon, his body began to slowly slump over, the gentle tenderness of his body, being caressed continuing to relax his body up until he was on the floor, his head resting on her arm and his eyes fading.

“Just sleep son,” Eliyinsa spoke so softly, coming as low as a whisper. “Let your dreams take wing.” The soft hum rumbled from the back of her throat, which was echoed by her mate. Spike fought sleep no more and soon fell into a gentle snoring. His chest rose and fell easily, signs of a resting state. However, even with his sleep, the duo mothers continued to hum, keeping the low tune the same so he could always remember this.

For almost a year, they would do this to him. For almost a year into his coma, this humming would let them feel like parents and hoped that one day when he would wake up, this would be in his mind and they could always use it to get him to sleep. It was a gentle, more meaningful method to get him to sleep, rather than Eliyinsa uses her abilities towards him.

The fact that now, they could enjoy it, watching their son fall asleep to their hum made them bristled with pride and joy. Though, it would have been better if their scent wouldn’t be what he would associate it with later on.

“We will have this discussion later, yes?” Zynthia asked his mate, pausing to speak and continuing to hum after. Eliyinsa nodded, not braking from her humming. “Interaction?”

This did cause her to stop her hum and look at her mate intently. Spike stirred slightly but remained asleep. Zynthia returned to her humming as she let her mate contemplate what she had asked.

The question was a conundrum and it begged the question on whether or not the two should actually demonstrate on a physical interaction between them and their son. They had no blood connection to speak of, but Spike had already been taught some education on mating. Though ponies and dragons were different by a large margin, some details were the same when it came down to the ending or outcome.

She lowered her head down to her forearms, letting it rest. “We will… decide it necessary when the topic shall return. For now, let him enjoy what he wants for this week. Come the week’s end, he will be taught properly on dragons.” She resumed her humming next to her son, who moved his head close to hers.

Zynthia laid her head across and on top of her mate’s neck, adding to her tune once more. Pausing momentarily, she added, “Why the end of the week?”

Eliyinsa smiled softly, giving her song a small lick to his smaller frame, earning a small sigh from him.

“Something tells me that he may need it before his return trip to Equestria. Ember and him need to understand that their future must be prepared.”

Dawn came, signaling the second day already for Spike and his time here. His mothers were treasures beyond any hoard he could ever have. Waking up to warmth that exceeded any blanket, feeling the care of a body held you close, and inhaling the rich smell of sulfur, his mothers’ unique scents and home.

Though his mind was still reeling in the fact that his mothers had mated and… they somehow got him to sleep through the scent. Was that a dragon thing? Was he slowly becoming acquainted with them so much that it didn’t bother him, or was it because he had Ember already? He had to ask that.

The second day had him wondering what else could be taught to a dragon that he didn’t know. He wanted to be treated like a son to both Eliyinsa and Zynthia, but he also wanted to learn things as a dragon he couldn’t learn from ponies. Though that meant that he wasn’t taught his lessons like a newborn hatchling. He needed to learn quick, but he still wanted to enjoy it.

His stomach growled at, letting him know he was hungry. His eyes wandered towards his mothers’ hoard and licked his maw in hunger, eyeing a few gems that stuck out brightly. However… something else gnawed at him, like the gems weren’t his goals for consumption. They sparkled, they smelled delicious even from this distance, but his body craved for something more, something… stronger.

A small dread crept up his spine and he soon found himself eyeing the remains of a deer his mother caught days ago. The bones were left towards the side, as toothpicks or as something to chew on, and it reminded him of the darker side of what his body needed. A brief remembrance that he had tasted flesh before, prior to his memory returning. His tongue flicked out instinctively, as he remembered the taste of rich cooper, earthly tones and indescribable taste that his body, his tongue and his primal mind craves. A brief flash of his friends and family with their blood in his jaws entered his mind.

Even with his more advanced mind, matching that of most adult dragons, he felt like a whelping right now. A tremor of fear rose through him at the recognition that his body needed the blood and flesh of another animal to continue to grow. A whimper, a cry for help in the drake, left him almost inaudible to any other species. But it triggered parental instincts and nerves that immediately woke up both of his mothers.

Eliyinsa’s eyes flashed open and she looked down at Spike who was staring at their cave, as if something spooked him. Her instincts told her to seek the threat that threatened her son, but saw none. Casting her gaze, she gently brushed her son with her snout, stirring him. “Spike? What’s wrong? What scares you?”

Spike blinked, forced to return back to reality and he turned to look up at his awakening mothers. He shook his head, trying to quickly forget the mental image out of his mind. “I-I-I just… had a bad thought and…” he swallowed the lump in his throat. “... and I-I was hungry and wanted to eat but… I didn’t want gems.”

Both parents were now fully away and staring at him intently, letting him continue. “M-M-My body wants… it wants…”

“Flesh?” His mother finished for him. It came out more of a statement than a question and in doing so, sent another shiver up his spine, followed by a shaky nod from him.

“And what of it… causes fear, in you son?” Zynthia moved her head down at him, bringing her eyes into his own. “Did we not already deal with how to properly eat your meat or what to do when we encounter our food?”

Spike remembered some of it, but the ideal of eating the flesh of another was still in his mind. “I don’t…

“You cannot ignore what your body needs.” Eliyinsa chided with a light warm tone. “Ignoring it or denying it will make those thoughts become reality.”

This really caused him to cease up in fright. He would lose control? Like he did with his greed?! No! That wasn’t what he wanted it! He didn’t want this!

His emotions began to radiate and this was not a healthy sign to start off the morning. Both mothers saw his emotions flaring, like before. How he would become unstable and lose his mind. But they were ready for this. Unlike before, they understood who Spike was and why he was this way.

“Spike,” Eliyinsa began, still softly spoken, “Relax my son. Relax, you have nothing to fear.” As she did this, Zynthia began to hum a small soothing tune in the back of her throat as her mate continued to ease her son. “You are strong, son, stronger than your fears can be.” Spike started to ease up, his breathing slowing and he blinked away any fearful thoughts. He sighed.

“I… I’m sorry mothers.”

Both mothers leaned down and nuzzled him on each side, purring from their throats. “You have nothing to apologize for.” Warmly assured Zynthia. “Your still emotionally attached to your pacifist side by your ponies and that holds you back.” Spike was about to retaliate on his mother’s words but she quickly added more. “Nothing is wrong with that. But you must be aware, that if they were here, they would want you to get better, stay strong and live your life without suffering.” A small snort left her with a plume of smog leaving her nostrils. “They will come to understand that when you return, you have changed… for the better. You need to consume flesh but they shouldn’t hold it against you for being what you are.”

“Neither should fear of losing control enter your mind. You are not going to go savage or feral if you do not eat meat at a constant rate. You may get sick or feel hungry or even lash out emotionally, but you will not go savage. You consumption for meat is only that when you feel your body the need for it on a bases.” She rose from her resting, slowly rising to all four of her legs, stretching out her joints. Zynthia moved away to her own space, while Spike remained sitting, waiting for his mothers.

Once done with their stretches, Eliyinsa stepped over her son, with Spike looking from the underside of his mother as she moved over him.

Eliyinsa looked back at him and motioned to follow.

“Come now son, I think if you want a better understanding, we will teach how it's done properly.”

Despite being told he had nothing to fear, he still felt tense at what he knew he might do. Still, he had to ask. “What are we doing?”

Zynthia used a wing to create a ramp for Spike to climb onto her back. “We are going to hunt, son.”

The morning winds were cool and the fact that he actually enjoyed spending some time up here for awhile, made the situation on what he was about to do, a lot less stressful.

However, he still didn’t know how to properly use his wings. It's not like he could master flight in a couple of minutes…

Holding onto one of the spines from his mother, they had apparently headed far north of the Dragon Lands. Far from the heated deserts and dangerous outlands, desert transformed into plant life, with jungles and forests began to show. With rivers and streams of pure blue water ran down. Nature’s rainbow colors returned and it sent a warmth up Spike’s heart. It was as if he had returned to Equestria’s beauty.

They landed in a clearing in the forest with light gusts of wind. As they touched, Spike used his wings to jump to a light glide unto the ground. His first site was green in every direction around him, trees and bushes, grass and the vast arrays of plant life native to the area.

He looked up to his mothers. “So… what now?”

Zynthia looked down him. “Being raised by ponies has robbed you of your keen instincts,” she began. He bristled a bit at the jab at ponies, but remained quiet. “You were raised in a safe and sheltered environment, never hunting, never getting a chance to explore your instincts.”

“And while it was good that you never had to struggle,” Continued on Eliyinsa, “They removed the predatory part from you, making you… like them.”

A look passed over him. Once more, he bit back the flare to say something. They caught it. “Speak up!” Zynthia said sharply. He jumped at that. Never had he heard her speak like that to him… at least not since the trials. Zynthia had a different tone now, while Eliyinsa remained stoic and passive. What changed? Spike tried to chose his words but failed, so he only looked down. Zynthia snorted. “Out here, its different Spike. Out in the open, the world is wild and unpredictable. The Dragon Lands are made for dragons to live and rule there. The world and outside the boundaries of the lands, are where prey and predators are born.”

She looked down and around them. She saw a few tracks of various animals; she took in a deep inhale and smelled a variety of species that roamed the area recently. From their fur to their droppings, to their usual eating grounds, she took in the world around her. The black dragoness then refocused on him. “I don’t expect you to understand right away, but you should have figured out by now that… just because you are a dragon, doesn't mean your invulnerable.”

He looked up at her, a bit intimidated by her words, but understanding them easily. Though he did ask, “What does that have to do with hunting?”

“Everything!” she snorted, a puff of smoke leaving her nostrils. “You are at your weakest when you are hungry or hunting. You are more vulnerable when you are resting or sleeping. Most if not, all the creatures that grace the lands and beyond are intimidated or afraid of dragons. Any that can find a chance, will use that chance to fight or kill you. Especially one as young as you, Ember and the others.” She then began to walk towards the trees, followed by Eliyinsa whom remained quiet. He followed after, though his mother used her tail to shove him close to her side, continuing her speech. “When you think you about to land a kill, another creature could blindside you. When you are hungry, your movements are desperate and uncoordinated. Your belly guides you, not your mind.”

“The first time I ever hunted, was when I was a little older than you are, but less patient. I was hunting a deer, not caring that it was intelligent or that it already knew why I was there.” She stopped, standing in her place while scanning the area. “I was itching to hunt, excited that I was about to kill something. But I failed to realize that deer are smarter than dragons, far more than they are given credit for. It knew of my hunger, it knew of my impatience and it knew that I would only care to catch it.” She lowered her head, eyeing the ground, finding more cloven tracks before pressing forward, albeit at a slower pace. He gave a quick glance to Eliyinsa but she remained quiet and focused forward.

“When I jumped out to catch it, it sprung a trap, using itself as bait.” A small sniff left her, followed by a plume of smoke from her mouth. “The forest came alive and the vines wrapped my body. I struggled, I fought, and I roared in anger at being played. A group of deer had set up the ambush, having known that my kin were hunting now. But I was just the first to fall for it… and the last of that season to do so.” Her upper lip twitched upward as her memory returned to that moment. “They left me bonded to the trees, my mouth, tail and wings tied, until I remain calm enough to collect myself.”

She stopped moving, almost freezing up. Eliyinsa also froze, eyeing any movements. Spike stayed by her side, expecting something to come out and attack them. For a few moments, no sound was heard, except the wind that blew through the trees. Once she got over her spook or whatever it was, she sighed and raised her head, speaking calmly and evenly. She remained in her spot, sitting on her haunches. “I struggled for three days in the trees, trying to bite, burn, or claw my way out. For three days, I roared in anger and rage for the binds to cut lose. By then, my hunger was high, almost bleeding to a point of starvation. But the deer didn’t let me die. The vines in my mouth would spill with fresh water, to keep me calm or burn the forest down at least.”

She cocked her head to the left, as if gauging on something, the forest giving her nothing. She straightened out and kept her eyes forward. “I would have burnt the forest down if it meant getting my revenge. But… I knew that I would not be eating deer that day or any other. Two more days passed and I am weak, from the lack of food or gems in my belly. I was not dying with the water I drank, but I knew that I was in no condition to fight or hunt. That is what they were waiting for.”

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, making the memory more vivid. Spike could tell that this had really affected her. “I hung by the trees, weak and tired. The leader of the deer had come to me and told me that I shouldn’t hunt his kind, for they were intelligent and resourceful. They had methods of dealing with me. Should he wanted, he could leave me there for a day more until I either die of hunger or, allow a Roc to come and kill me.”

Spike vaguely remembered the creature in Twilight’s book on Mythical Creatures. A Roc was a giant eagle, the same size as an adult dragon. However, he hadn’t known that they hunted dragons. Maybe the young ones?

“I realized that I was at the mercy. Me! A dragon! At the mercy of deer!” She huffed, but no smoke came out. Instead, she inhaled deeply and exhaled with prolonged exasperation. “I hated them, I hated every last one of them. I wanted to rip them to shreds and feast on their insides… but I couldn’t and I didn’t. I felt horrible, even shameful that I had been brought down by what I had assumed were lowly creatures. But instead, they were smarter in the small group then perhaps most of the dragons at the time.”

A paused moment passed before she slowly rose from her haunches and back to her feet. Her mate followed suite and Spike followed by her side. She continued to look forwards towards the forest. “He only wanted his kin to live long enough to reproduce and so they wouldn’t be driven from their homes. They had magic to hide themselves but they didn’t wish to remain hidden forever. At the time, many dragons were hunting and driving their numbers low. I was the first one they tried their new traps on, so it was up to me to decide whether I would be the first dragon to fall at their hooves, or remain away from the forests. At the time, I just wanted to eat, for my belly began to claw at me from the inside. I surrendered to them, hoping they would give me a quick death. Instead, they had gathered gems and pressed them to me, basically giving me the small energy I needed to live on.”

Zynthia then began a slow move forward, not taking large steps in to the forest. “I ate with ravenous intent, though I re-framed from lashing out. Instead, this was the first of many challenges that I would face in my life and that I would carry with it, the pain and scars that it left.” She brought a claw up and pointed to her lower neck, the region where it met with her chest, showing a line of deformed, uneven scales. “The bind had broken my scales here and even after I shed them, they would never grow back properly.” She shook her head and neck to the left and right, as if shaking off a phantom pain. “After I ate, they told me that should I ever return, that if I were to hunt, it would be the non-intellectual life that flourished around here. I agreed almost immediately. If I went after their kind, they would kill me.”

‘To ever return…’ “Wait, then how did you get the deer…”

“When I made my way back home,” she interrupted him quickly, silencing his sentence. “I had realized how weak and powerless I felt to a physically weaker creature. One that beat me not in strength but in mind. They knew dragons and how we were, so they found our weaknesses and took advantage. My greed and hunger didn’t make me check for my surroundings. I should have paid mind to the numerous waiting deer.”

“But… how could you know that they there if they are hidden?” Spike asked confused. “If they are hidden then, you wouldn’t have known.”

She remained silent for a moment before briefly looking around her environment. “Have you paid attention to the environment around us?” Spike blinked, realizing he hadn’t for he had been paying attention to his mother this whole time. He didn’t admit it outloud but they were just walking. Seeing from the corner of her eye that he hadn’t, she bobbed her head up and down. “We have been followed since we stopped for the moment, they have been following us ever since and continue to do so.” She stated matter-of-factly. Spike’s eyes went wide and began to immediately scan the area for threats or anything that stood out. At first, the forest remained still and quiet, but then his keen eyesight had shown the branches and trees moved, not like the way they do in the wind, but they moved alongside them, as if the forest was alive.

“Their magic projects what’s behind them allowing the forest to conceal them. The illusion is broken when they move.” She didn’t seem afraid or even affected by this. “They are the ones that protect the forests now.” Spike looked around him and saw that the whole forest was practically alive, moving with them as they ventured into the forests. He was scared now, feeling an odd chill running through him, not to mention that it was really hurting his eyes as they moved alongside them.

“Worry not,” assured Zynthia, “They are not here to harm us, just guide us and make sure we stay to our goal, nothing else.”

Spike swallowed, nodding in understanding but remained scale to scale close to his mother. “B-But I thought you said that if you ever came back, they would…”

“And I knew of that, Spike. I knew that I would face their wrath but… I had come to understand many things.” She stopped once more as did the forest. A clearing was in front of them, where it opened to reveal a small river flow and a view of a valley stretched on for miles. “In my return home, I had come to realize that I was alive because the kindness of creatures. That I would live on because they were not as I had thought. I gained some insight on the outside world and learned that not all creatures are what we are thought of as young.” She then lowered her head and met his eyes with her own. They glistened with insight and wounded pride. “Sadly, I am still learning that lesson painfully and shamefully... through you and the ponies.”

He felt happy that she had turned around on this, though he could still tell there would be some turmoil. She then gave a quick motion to the forest behind them. “Coming home, I wanted to do something kind for them, in thanks that they had let me live. The current Dragon Lord of the time named Magmus, had been looking forward to hunting deer at the time. I knew of it because he announced that he had wanted a few on the menu.”

“I had gone before him and told him that the deer had been driven to extinction. That there were no more; That I had gone for about a week to find some myself but returned empty. He of course, didn’t believe me, thinking I was trying to trick him and keep an area to myself. But when I showed him that my belly was empty, save for a few gems and I carried no scent of blood on me, he was disappointed. He called off the hunt and no dragon since returned.”

She gave a faint smile and opened her wings to pull him close and her mate close as well, giving them a warm hug. “I was thankful to my heart that I lived and because of them, I learned patience and virtue. I returned years later to keep the new generation from seeking out and trying to hunt them. Doing this, I had prevented their numbers from going out again. The leader at the time was thankful, seeing that I was the same dragon they had captured way long ago. Because of my announcement, their population had increased, but was slow.” She paused as she threw in a quick fact. “They are slow to age and live a few centuries but their birth rates are lower than dragons. Without the fear of dragons in their home, they were able to come out of hiding and live. The leader, seeing my place in protecting them, told me that I could hunt in the forest for other livestock. Should one of their own passes and I was in the area, I would be able to take their corpse for food.” She looked down at him, seeing realization pass in his eyes.

“I say I hunt the deer because I need other dragons to believe that I go further out and seek other locations for my kills. They will never hunt in an area where no food lives. Every deer I bring back, it's one of their own that passes. Or its an elk, or other herbivore that looks similar to trick the dragons whom watch me come home with.” She pulled her wings from them and turns around to the forest. Spike and Eliyinsa do the same. From the forest, it shifts around them and shakes, the illusion breaking with a few deer suddenly coming into existence. Spike realized that their magic allows them to camouflage seamlessly. “As I will always honor and respect, those who've shown me the way to patience and respect.”

A male deer with large antlers that carried glowing, orbs on some of his tips, walked into the view of them. Spike was awed by the large deer and the orbs on his antlers. A voice, as deep as a dragon’s, spoke with the gentle brush of a breeze through the trees. “And we will forever be grateful for your kindness. As it should be, balance and harmony. When a life is taken, it will be renewed. When your energy is replenished, you will return it.” He moved forwards towards the dragons up close and calm, without fear until he settled right in front of them, particularly Spike.

“You, young dragon, are something I have not seen in a long time.” He blinked owlishly at the deer. The male explained further. “A blend of both worlds. Pony magic surrounds you, but are of draconic nature. Something not seen in eons. Perhaps one day, you and your kind can restore that balance, and bring worlds together. Fate smiles kindly on your soul, but your future is not set. We are curious as to what it entails for the world.”

Author's Note:

So my reasoning for this one will help Spike understand that he can't ignore his nature, but he can decided how to go forward with it. You never can ignore what you were meant to do, but you can control your actions on how to achieve it.
The second thing is that, your parents will always stay your parents, but there are moments that they need to be instructors, guides and other things, in order for you to improve your life. One has to let the other lead, or the other has to stick by their partner.
One thing that dragons as a species, are fierce in both sexes, regardless of your view and the history you read of them. Both are strong, wild, powerful, but here, the female is the one that will show you knowledge and then make you experience it. My view on dragons are that, the mother or mothers in this case, are the ones that will provide Spike with everything he will ever need to learn about being a dragon.
No pony will ever come close. As the week progresses, you will learn of a story about dragons you may never have come across in other works on and experience a different side to them.

I thank you for reading. Please comment and rate my work! I appreciate any criticism.