• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 03 - Sisters

Lacewing and Katydid had spent the rest of the night sleeping while Queen Chrysalis stayed with the newly hatched larva. When the morning came, the two left the hive to collect food, both organic and emotional. They had donned their usual disguises, both appearing to be female pegasi sisters.

Lacewing, who would call herself Tea Cake, had a sugar cookie colored coat with matching wings and a flowing mane the color of hazelnut. Her cutiemark was of a cup made of fine china with a silver spoon sticking out of it.

Katydid, went by the name of Coffee Cake. She had fur and feathers the shade of caramel and a thick mane the color of creamy chocolate. On her flank was a cutiemark of steaming cup with two coffee beans beside it.

Over the trees of the Everfree forest they flew, then started to angle upward, heading in the direction of a city made of clouds. Cloudsdale was home to hundreds of pegasi, the location of a large weather factory, and is where the two changelings had been collecting love, their races main source of sustenance.

With the grace of practiced dancers the two gently landed on a cloud just outside of a café. Two pegasi stallions, sitting together at a table set for four, waved to them.

“You’re looking very handsome this morning Swifty,” Lacewing said with a voice as sweet as sugar before sitting down opposite of a light blue Pegasus named Swift Current. “I like the new mane style.”

“Good morning to you Cloudy,” Purred Katydid, putting a little sway to her rump as she made her way over to the chair across from a grey Pegasus named Cloud Cover. “Tell me how you’ve been.”

“We ordered your usual drinks, I hope you don’t mind,” Cloud said with a grin spread over his muzzle.

For the next hour the two disguised changelings flirted, whispered honeyed words and occasionally held the hooves of their dates. They pretended to laugh at the stallion’s silly jokes and showed faux interest when they discussed their jobs, all the while feeding off their infatuation. This was a ritual they had been performing every other day for the past couple months.

“So would you two lovely fillies like to see a play tonight?” Cloud asked, his face beaming.

“We have a friend that works at the theater and can get us some great seats,” said Swift while his wings absently fidgeted about behind him.

The two changelings looked to each other, both pretending to be unhappy about something.

“What's wrong?” Swift asked. His ears lowered and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof.

“Coffee and I won’t be able to spend time in the evenings with you two for a while,” Lacewing said softly, placing her hoof on top of Swifts and stroking it gently. “Remember that job we had interviewed for a couple months back? The job as nannies. Well… we got it.”

“Oh…” both disappointed stallions said, their posture de-flating like balloons.

“No its fine! I’m happy for you both,” Swift said, perking back up in his seat. “You both seemed so excited after the interview, it’s great that you got the job.”

“Yeah it sounded like a great job and you both said how much you like foals. And I mean, we can still see you in the morning’s right?” Asked Cloud. He had a smile on his muzzle and hope in his eyes.

“Of course!” Katydid answered him, mimicking Lacewing by rubbing one of Cloud’s hooves reassuringly. “And I’m sure we’ll have an evening off every now and then.”

“But we do need to get going,” Lacewing said, standing up and stretching her wings out. “We need to do a little food shopping before starting our new jobs.”

“Yes, and don’t you two also need to be getting to work?” Katydid asked, playfully poking Cloud with a hoof. “We don’t want you to be late again because of us.”

“Yeah, I guess we do have to get going...” Cloud sighed and stood up with along with Swift.

The two stallions payed for the changeling’s drinks, as they always did, and then said their goodbyes before flying off to their jobs at the weather factory. Lacewing and Katydid dropped off the side of the cloud and glided back in the direction they came from.

Not much later they landed back in the Everfree forest and started their “food shopping.” They collected some berries and turned over larger rocks to catch insects. Some they ate themselves, others they would bring back to the hive.

Evening came just as they entered the castle ruins, right through a hole in the back wall of the throne room. They followed the same path their queen had used the night before, dropping their disguises along the way, and entered the hive through the hidden passage behind the ancient tapestry. Outside the nursery they spotted Phasmid standing guard.

“Have you been standing there all night?” Katydid asked him.
“Oh, no, Odonate changed shifts with me before dawn,” Phasmid said, while adjusting the helmet that was just a little too large for him. “He just left a few moments ago.”

Odonate was a veteran guard and the oldest of the changelings that had followed Queen Chrysalis when she started her new hive.

“Ah, that’s good, you need to keep up your energy after all,” Katydid giggled and bumped her rump against him as she passed, making the younger changeling blush and shiver.

“Yeah, can’t have you getting all weak in the knees while on duty now can we,” Lacewing whispered to him, brushing her tail under his chin as she followed after Katydid into the nursery.

Both paused just past the door after hearing the sound of something being dropped outside. Phasmid’s helmet most likely. The two giggled and turned their attention to the little changeling larva that now actively crawled around the chamber. Most of them anyway because resting next to the queen was the grub that hatched first, just quietly observing its siblings as they explored.

“We brought you some food my Queen,” Lacewing said with a bow of her head before she placed down the pile of berries and insects that she and Katydid had collected.

“Excellent,” Chrysalis said. “You two have done more than I could have asked for the past few months.”

The queen used her long tongue to circle a portion of the offered meal and gingerly drew it back into her mouth. The little grub next to her watched without making a sound as Chrysalis ate. It looked up at Lacewing, when it noticed her looking down at it.

“That one is very unique,” Chrysalis said, standing and stretching out her back after finishing the first part of her meal. “I’ve never seen a larva so… perceptive.”

Lacewing and Katydid both knew the queen would want some of the love essence they collected that morning. Without needing to be asked they both stood still and opened their mouths, allowing Queen Chrysalis to draw a wispy pink mist from them that she quickly inhaled with a contented sigh.

“Mmm, very good,” She purred. “But I need one last thing before I leave you both to watch over the larva.”

“Yes my queen?” Asked Katydid.

“Bring one of the pony toys we stole a few weeks back,” Chrysalis said, glancing down at the grub by her hooves. “Something interactive. I wish to test something.”

With a nod and some care as not to trample on any of the roaming changeling larva, Katydid trotted out of the room. She returned only a few moments later with a small wood box held in her magic.

It was colorful and polished to a shine, about the size of a large book, with circular shaped holes cut into the top. Each hole had a ring of color painted around it and a ball inside to match. Pink, orange, blue, yellow, purple and white. Katydid placed the toy down in front of the quiet little grub while Queen Chrysalis used her magic to levitate the colored spheres free.

“Now then little one, watch me,” The queen said to the larva. “Watch carefully.”

After making sure its attention was on her, she placed each ball into its matching hole, one at a time. Then each ball was removed and placed in front of the little larva. It looked at the balls, then back up at her, then back to the balls and finally to the wooden box.

Opening its mouth as wide as it could the little larva griped the yellow ball with its fangs, crawled closer to the box and then dropped the ball into its proper place. When it looked back up at her, she smiled back approvingly and nodded for it to continue.

“That’s amazing…” Lacewing whispered, watching as the little larva returned the remaining balls to their matching color.

“As I said...” Chrysalis smiled with pride. “That one is very unique.”

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