• Published 16th Jan 2019
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To Be a Changeling - PlagueRat

A newly hatched changeling feels like the world around is more strange than it should be but can't understand why.

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Chapter 57

Things had not been going the way Twilight had hoped for during Maxilla’s checkup.

One, it had taken almost an entire hour to convince the changeling that the magical radiographer she invented had been thoroughly tested and was perfectly safe. Two, she had to resort to making sketches of her volunteer’s organs because, as it turned out, her device was incompatible with instant cameras and any pictures taken would develop as a smear of colors. Three, the compact size of the radiographer made it even more time consuming to compose proper diagrams of the changeling’s internal workings since she had to work in little sections; and four, Maxilla had a tendency to fidget; a lot.

“Um, Twilight?” the lime colored changeling squeaked timidly and shifted her weight which, once again, caused the area the alicorn was studying to move, “are you almost done?”

Taking in a calming breath, Twilight reminded herself that Maxilla was being kind enough to volunteer despite how uncomfortable the examinations made her.

“I’m a little over halfway complete to mapping your digestive tract,” Twilight explained, giving the changeling a supportive smile. “It should only take a little longer and then we can move on to charting your nervous system.”

Watching as Maxilla bit her bottom lip and tensely stare ahead, Twilight decided some words of encouragement might help to reassure the changeling.

“I can’t express how grateful I am that you’re willing to do this,” the alicorn said honestly. “You’re not only helping your fellow changelings but you’re advancing the understanding of changeling biology in a major way.”

A single curt nod was her only response.

“But, maybe we should take a little break,” continued Twilight after seeing her reaction, “would that help?”

“Please, oh yes!” the changeling breathed out with obvious relief before swiftly dashing over to the closed door and wasting little time in making her exit.

“Wait, wait!” Twilight called out, following quickly behind her. “I need you to return in about an hour! You are going to come back so we can finish right?”

“Okay!” Maxilla said as she jumped out an open window, spread her red elytra open and flew off into the noon sky on her clear pink wings.

“I hope she comes back,” the slightly frowning purple alicorn said with a sigh.

“Don’t worry,” a voice said from above, “she’ll will.”

Releasing a startled cry and tripping over her own hind legs, Twilight stumbled backwards and landed gracelessly on her rump. Gritting her teeth the alicorn shrugged off the minor pain caused from her cheeks hitting the unyielding crystal floor and gazed into the solid ruby red eyes of the mint green changeling standing on the ceiling.

“Oh! I’m sorry Princess Twilight!” the changeling, Cricket, apologized. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

Using her transparent violet wings to turn herself right-side up as she dropped to the floor, the concerned changeling quickly trotted up to the alicorn and reached out a helping hoof. Twilight accepted the assistance to stand up with a friendly smile.

“Its fine,” said Twilight, “no real harm done. I just didn’t expect you to be back from Carousel Boutique so soon; and what were you doing on the ceiling?”

“Just waiting for you and Maxilla to finish,” said Cricket, looking back at the window her fellow changeling escaped through; “and hanging upside down has always been relaxing for me.”

“Okay then, but what happen with Rarity?” questioned the alicorn. “I thought you were really excited about trying on a dress for the first time.”

“I was,” said the changeling, her ears turning inward to press against the sides of her head as she looked back at Twilight, “but there was a note on Rarity’s door saying she would be away for the week.”

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight exclaimed while putting a hoof up to her forehead. “I thought her business trip to Fillydelphia was next week! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to send you over there for nothing. You must be so disappointed…”

“A bit,” said Cricket with a good-humored smile, “but I’ve gone this long without trying on clothing, I can wait a little while longer.”

“That’s a positive way to look at it,” the alicon grinned.

“Thorax has been encouraging everyling to see things more optimistically,” explained the changeling, “and it has seemed to help to keep the mood back home upbeat; but it could also be all the excitement about the letter we got.”

“A letter?” blinked Twilight.

“Yeah, somepony wants to hire changelings,” Cricket said.

“Really? Do you know what for?” asked Twilight with a hint of concern.

“I’m not completely sure, because everything I’ve heard was second hoof from my hive mates,” said the changeling, “but Thorax is going to talk to Trixie about it today.”

“Trixie?!” squawked the wide eyed alicorn, causing Cricket to hop back in surprise with her elytra open.

“Sorry!” Twilight said in a much more subdued tone, “I didn’t mean to shout at you… but why Trixie?”

“Because she knows a lot about show business?” answered the changeling.

“You said Thorax is here too?” asked the alicorn.

Cricket nodded.

Trixie’s wagon was parked just a stone’s throw away from the Castle of Friendship and, if the square shaped patch of dead grass underneath it was an indicator, the mobile dwelling had remained in the same spot since the unicorn had returned from her last magic show tour. That was a month ago and knowing that caused Twilight’s frown to deepen.

“Now, as the hive’s talent agent Trixie will make sure none of the changelings are taken advantage of and each one is paid fairly,” the showmare’s confident voice could be heard coming from the opposite side of the wagon, “and for that Trixie will receive ten percent of the bits earned.”

“I guess that sounds fair,” responded the voice of the less than worldly changeling king, Thorax.

Peering around the side of the magician’s wagon, Twilight spotted the pair facing away from her looking at a long unrolled scroll that levitated before them in a field of blue magic.

“Oh this is so exciting,” said Thorax, his orange antlers bobbing up and down as he trotted in place on his long green-yellow legs, “I know a lot of changelings will want to do this.”

“Do what?” asked Twilight, causing both unicorn and changeling to jump at the sudden interruption.

First to turn around and face the alicorn was Thorax; and as soon as his large purple eyes fell upon her the shocked expression on his face quickly melted into one of happiness. Trixie, who had hidden herself behind the changeling king, peeked cautiously around the side of his flank.

“Hi Twilight!” the changeling king said, genuinely enthusiastic.

“Hello Thorax,” the alicorn responded, returning a courteous smile of her own. “I’ve heard there’s been some excitement at your hive.”

“Yes!” Thorax confirmed, using his magic to bring the scroll around to float next to him for Twilight to see. “We’ve received mail for the very first time!”

“But I’ve sent you letters before,” deadpanned the alicorn.

“I know, but your letters are sent by magic. This one was delivered to us by a mail pony!” said Thorax before feeling the need to clarify even further. “Er, I mean a pony whose job it is to deliver mail, not made of mail; or not the male as in a stallion. Well, actually he was a stallion…”

“Thorax,” Twilight said, trying to get his drifting attention.

“To be clear, it was a stallion, pegasus, whose job it is to deliver mail,” said the changeling king.

“Got it,” the alicorn deadpanned, “So… what was it about?”

“Oh! A pony from Applywood wants to hire some changelings for a show!” Thorax said giddily.

“That’s wonderful!” Twilight beamed.

“I know! And Pharynx wanted to just toss the letter, since we don’t really know much about show business,” continued Thorax before shifting to the side to fully reveal Trixie, “but then I reminded him we know somepony who does.”

“Er, yes. That’s right!” the blue unicorn said, quickly regaining her composure and stepping forward to stand alongside Thorax. “I mean, who better to discuss the dos and don’ts of show business with than the great and powerful Trixie!”

“She’s even offered to be a talent agent for anyling who’s interested in giving it a shot,” grinned the changeling king, “and only for 10 bits per changeling.”

“Ten percent of bits earned per changeling,” corrected the unicorn.

“Well that is the standard amount,” Twilight noted. “Does the letter say what kind of work they want you to do for their show?”

“Dancing calligraphy,” Thorax said, causing Twilight to tilt her head in confusion for a moment.

“Stylized dancing while writing?” the alicorn asked, her eyes lighting up as if she just discovered the most amazing thing to grace ponykind. “That sounds incredible! Why hasn’t anypony told me about this before? Is this something new?”

“Dancing choreography,” Trixie sighed, again correcting the changeling king.

“Oh,” Twilight pouted, disenchanted that calligraphy dance wasn’t a thing; but mentally filing the idea of it away for a possible school performance in the future. “Well, anyway, are you sure you can handle something like this by yourself Trixie?”

“Of course I can,” huffed the showmare, flipping her mane back in annoyance before poking the alicorn with her hoof. “I’ve been handling my own promotions, bookings, business deals and contracts for years.”

“I’m not doubting you Trixie,” responded Twilight, gently placing her own hoof on the unicorn’s and guiding it back down. “I’ve heard how well you plan out and budget your show tours from Starlight.”

Trixie stared blankly at the alicorn, seemingly off balance from the complement.

“But this will be a new chapter in relations between ponies and changelings,” said Twilight, “and I’d hate to see anything bad happen. So if any problems or questions or pretty much anything comes up that you, or the changelings need help with, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Okay?”

“Yeah… I will Twilight,” murmured Trixie, rolling her eyes when Twilight turned her attention back to Thorax.

“I need to get back to the castle,” the alicorn said, “Maxilla should be returning to finish her checkup any minute now. Will you’ll stop in to see me before you leave?”

“Sure thing,” said Thorax, “I’ll be there in a little bit.”

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