• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


This Hearts and Hooves Day is shaping up to be just like last year; Twilight won't come out of the library, and Rainbow Dash can't seem to come in. Sweetie Belle decides it's about time they got together. Together with her coltfriend Spike, the two set out to push the hopeless romantics together before the day is through. Though it might take a little less prompting than they suspect.

(Rated teen for mild sexual references. Just being safe.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

Slow blinks.

Holy shit. You're back. bats is back. Even I'm back. And I'm pretty sure I saw a comment posted by kits earlier.

I'm not sure what this means, but hopefully it's not a sign of the apocalypse.

Anyway, I'm off to work, but I'll check this out when I can, old friend. For the TwiDash, at least. Can't say I'm into SpikeBelle; that'd be a big lie. :rainbowwild:

This was such a pleasure to read. The snark between Spike and Sweetie works well, while Dash and Twi feel distinctly in-character.


Also, coltfriend and SpikeBelle.

It's like you're trying to upset me.

Drat. He found me out, guys. This entire thing; my hiatus, the comeback, this entire story. It was all an elaborate ruse to annoy this one person. I'm glad these past years of hard work have paid off in such a grand way.

That's kind of unnice.


Now go finish Of Sky and Snow. :P

I am kinda a big deal. People have gone to greater lengths to minorly inconvenience me.

Oh my god I haven't thought about that fic in ages. Hmm... I may just have to see what I can do. As a favour for an old friend returning at the same time as me.

Not possible; I'm Canadian. It's basically against my DNA

You know I genuinely can't think of a witty retort. Touche.

Dang it.

Now I want more.

You monster.

Wing hugs and intertwinded tails, my secret fetish!
Finally a story that focuses one the dating part itself rather than everything else but that.
Oh and I love matured teenage Spike, this is how he should have grown in the show too.

There was no secret admirer, I was just too embarrassed to give them to you.

A lesser story would have used that part for cheap, pointless drama, here it was handled very well instead.

Honestly Spike is one of my favourite characters to write. He's the perfect straight man but j often find him criminally under used in Twidash

Where do we put comments?:derpytongue2:

But on a serious note, thank you for such a wonderful story.

“Much better,” she said, holding her head high and marching down the street. “Birds are flighty and run away; a narwhal will stab you if you provoke it.” Sweetie emphasized her point by brandishing horn towards her drake.


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