• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


Mamihlapinatapei; a meaningful look, shared between two ponies, both wishing the other will initiate something that neither wants to start.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Twilight frowned. “Y-yes, please…” she trailed off watching as Rainbow trotted away quickly than strictly necessary. An angry glare was thrown back over her shoulder at the feathered criminals still fully extended. “Why now ?”


In a blur of rainbow mane and sky blue feathers Twilight was tackling to the ground, landing in the soft, cool grass. Before she could react a familiar pair of lips were on her own, communicating emotions their owner found difficult to put into words. Twilight stared up into the cerise eyes of somepony who was now much more than a friend, eyes shining against the backdrop of a starry sky.


Since joining the fandom, this is the second word that I've had to look up the meaning
(The other was "pronking")

But, you cheated! This one ain't English in origin.
Dight thee for my frowny face! :twilightangry2:

So this story was written by Maud Pie, right? How else could you dig up this kinda word?

Yay! Finally a new TwiDash so I don't have to keep reading old ones. That was great, have a like and a fave. :twilightsmile:

Wonderful wonderful, lovely fuzzy horse feelings. Thank you so much

As long as she's not flying east. :facehoof:

I've read this before, at least more than a year ago. Is this republished? It's an incredible story, but the déjà vu is simply uncanny.

Nope, just finished writing this last night. I'm sure there have been stories in a similar style, with various flashbacks to mostly mundane scenes, but I cant think of anything specific that's overly close to this one

To limit oneself to a single language is a shame.

Etymology has always interested me. You tend to pick up a few obscure words alone the way. Ever since I first learned this one I knew I had to do a story based around it.

There was another story by a different author with the same name about Twilight and Flash Sentry but I'm having a hard time finding it or the author who originally wrote it.

FOUND IT! Only took me an hour of pouring through all of my stories but I did it!


No, Rainbow's more interested in learning about words for bones.

Oh, sorry. Wrong story.

All that's missing is the THE MORE YOU KNOW! Star flying by ^^

Not going to lie. When I first saw the name of this in your previous blog I briefly assumed an animal of some kind had jumped on your keyboard.

So well done. Each little vignette managed to invoke a different reaction out on me most strongly. The first had me laughing almost non-stop, the last had me holding my breath. Also the framing of the story was smoothly pulled off, I know that flashback style can be hard to manage. Great job.

This is still such an underrated gem of a story to me, a lot of people see Flash Sentry and Twilight in the tags and take that at face value which is sad.

that word sounds greek to me

English is just three languages in a trench coat, pretending to be a single language.

Its so good! Everything about it just works and he knows just how to tug at your heartstrings at the perfect moment.

So even though I come and go, you're still here churning out Twidash! I'm impressed you've been writing about them all this time. :twilightsmile:

It's been awhile since I read one of your stories, and man you've gotten real good at characterizing them down to a tee. I don't know if I've ever written a more convincing Rainbow Dash than you did here, maybe I should take some notes!

The flow of the story was good, and I liked how you basically treated it like a bunch of flashbacks towards the main scene, although it took me a little bit to actually sense that's what you were trying to go for. But you did it well, and this was a nice fluffy story. You can never have too many of those.

Cheers dude, and hope you're doing well!

Eyyyy. Now that's a name I haven't seen around here in a good while. Seeing you again is getting me all nostalgic.

Yeah I'm still kicking around. Although I did die for like... three or four years. But odds are if I'm still writing I've got something Twidashy cookin'. Just the way I am. The ship's got its claws into me and won't let go.

I'm flattered you think so highly of my characters. My Rainbow Dash has been a point of pride for me for a while now. A lot of my stories tend to revolve around her and her voice. I should really do something more Twilight-centric one of these days. Need to practice her voice. Still, high praise, considering several of my favourite Twidashes are yours. Hell, my next project is very much inspired by your Colorless (among other dystopian-style fics).

Anyway, it's good to see you around again. I noticed you put something new up. I don't do too much reading these days, but it's definitely on my list. Hopefully I'll see you some more.


Yeah I've had times where I wasn't around for over a year, but came back and read a lot, then disappeared again. I think all of the stuff happening this year made me come back, just because I wanted something to take my mind off things, and ended up getting interested in things again.

The story I wrote is just a small comedy/slice of life thing, but it's been 5 years since I submitted something here. I don't really know if it's any good, but I was pretty happy while writing it and even laughed a bit at parts. And I'm extremely flattered to hear you liked some of what I wrote that much, I'm really curious what you plan to do in relation to Colorless (should also tell Wovenword too, since his Wonderbolt story inspired mine)! :twilightsmile:

But yeah I'll be around more often for awhile I think. Also, if you have the time and are up to it, you should do a Twidash fic for the shipping competition. I plan on trying to get one done before the end of this month!

I do have something planned for that competition. Whether or not it'll actually be done in time has yet to be seen. It's been a long time since I threw my hat into a contest. But I definitely have something in the works.

So, so many things in the works....

Man this story really reminded me how much I love romantic one shots. Theyre always so cute and really nicely contained.

Me has da fuzzy feel goods.

I’ll have you know you’re responsible for writing some of the best banter between these two! :twilightblush: Sooo cute!

You are the best Twidasher!

That was tons of fun! The fact that they both knew how to dance was a bit contrived, especially since so many other fics depend on that NOT being the case, but I still really enjoyed the ride. Perhaps one fewer vignette would have sufficed since they all involve Rainbow’s one-track “awesome vs lame” thought process. That got a bit old. Still, after all that build up you depict the eventual kiss so well that I won’t hesitate to fave this.

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