• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 19,619 Views, 1,328 Comments

Knowledge is Power - hydra30

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17 Introduction

"MY QUEEN!" Shouted Pharynx, staring at the unmoving body of Chrysalis.

He brought his attention to the huge mass of tentacles above and sneered.

"Changelings, prepare to attack," He ordered, "We shall avenge our Queen."

Nothing happened, Pharynx stood before the monstrosity alone. Looking over his shoulder, he saw something he never thought possible. The few changelings that had survived that massive storm were all huddled together, looking up at the primordial terror before them, shaking with fear. He had never seen his changeling soldiers express fear before.

Then they all let out a scream and galloped off in the opposite direction, making for the road that led out of Canterlot, too scared to even take flight.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING? " Screamed Pharynx, the veins on his neck bulging with frustration. "I'll have you all banished for this!"

"Hhhrrrrrr,” Pharynx looked up as the noise pierced the air, the gigantic eye amongst the tendrils watching the changelings flee. "Do you think you can escape from me?"

A big splash of black liquid erupted in the path of the changelings, halting them in their retreat. Then giant muscular creatures emerged from the deluge, bipeds with aquatic features. The small army of Lurkers looked right into the changelings eyes.

Then they all let a ferocious roar skyward and attacked.

The changelings were bored down upon in an instant, either being seized in massive arms or bound head to hoof in black rope like tendrils that protruded from the Lurkers mouths. In less than a second the whole swarm was restrained, trembling under the monstrosities that held them prisoner.

Pharynx let out an enraged hiss and made to lunge at the huge terrors, but another Lurker emerged from the group in front of him and ensnared him in its tendrils.


The group of ponies and one dragon watched the whole thing happen under the protection of Shining Armour's shield, their eyes wide in terror, except for Twilight, who felt nothing but shame at what her friends were being exposed to. Chrysalis still lay before them, unmoving and lifeless as a rock. But all anyone had attention for was the huge tendrils that waved and wiggled above the city.

"What...what is that thing?" Asked Fluttershy, surprising everypony, and snapping them out of their unresponsive state.

"I don't know," admitted Celestia, her focus solely on the great vortex above. "I have never seen anything like it."

"But we won't let whatever it intends to do happen," said Luna, glaring. "We will fight it off."

"That will not be necessary," said Twilight, gaining everypony's attention "He won't harm us… not if we don't get in his way."

"Twilight? " said Cadance, holding her closer protectively. "You are acting as if you know this thing."

"I do," said Twilight, her friends all gasping in surprise.

Before anything else could be said a shout came from above.


They all looked up towards the dark red sky, seeking out the voice. A pegasus pony grew closer, flying in at a hot steep angle. She was obviously flying too fast to have a safe landing, but was making no move to slow her decent in any shape or form, obviously determined to get to Canterlot as quickly as possible.

So Princess Celestia did it for her.

Using her experience and precision, the sun princess caught the pegasus mare in her magic, freezing her in place. She wore the trademark blue jumpsuit of a Wonderbolt, though it was hard to make out in the crimson light washing over everything. But Rainbow recognized her immediately.

"SPITFIRE?" She shouted, looking at that flame style haircut only one pony was known for. "What is she doing here?"

"Captain," inquired Celestia, looking to Shining Armour.

"On it, your majesty," replied the head of defense, shifting his force field to form a hole big enough for Celestia to pull the panting pegasus through, which he closed as soon as she joined them.

"Princess Celestia," said Spitfire when she caught her breath, kneeling before the matriarch.

"What is it, Lady Spitfire?" Asked Celestia, noting the lead pegasus’ panicky look.

"We have a situation in Cloudsdale," answered the Wonderbolt captain, throwing a look to the tentacled eye that watched them from above. "A portal like this one has appeared over the city, as well as multiple smaller ones."

"What?" Gasped Rainbow.

"And that is not all," continued Spitfire, returning her attention to Celestia. "We have had pegasus couriers coming in from all over Equestria, from Vanhoover to Baltimore. They all report the same thing, massive tendrils wiggling out of huge black vortexes. And they also say panic is spreading rapidly."

"These things are appearing all over Equestria?" Squeaked Fluttershy, still held up by Rainbow Dash. "How is that possible?"

"Nopony knows," explained Spitfire, "But the bedlam is only going to get worse if we don't put a lid on this situation soon."

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna exchanged looks before bringing their attention to the massive eye hovering above their city. They were different in many regards but had the same mind set involving some things. They would both like nothing more then to fly up and strike at this thing with everything they had.

They were not oblivious to what had transpired just moments ago.

Chrysalis had struck at this thing with all she had, but her attack just passed through it without doing anything. And as a result, she was now a lifeless husk lying before them, her minions held in the grasp of those huge terrors that had appeared out of nowhere, obviously in league with whatever this thing was. It also did not escape their notice that this thing had not struck out at them since it appeared.

Those things, so far, only held the changelings captive, they had done nothing more. Them, or this monstrosity above could have done immense damage without effort, but had not. That told the Princesses something.

"Spitfire," said Luna, approaching the lead Wonderbolt with authority. " Have any of the courier ponies reported any hostile behavior from these tentacled vortexes."

"Negative, your majesty, " said Spitfire. "So far, only reports of sightings, no casualties or destruction."

"That's a relief, " sighed Pinkie Pie, drawing all their attention. "I was hoping old Hermmy wouldn't be a meanie mac-mean pants, then I would not be able to welcome him to Equestria with a big party."

"Hermmy?" Asked Applejack and Rainbow Dash together.

"Its rude not to pay attention when somepony introduces themselves, girls," said Pinkie Pie, giving them a consenting frown. "He said his name was Hermaeus Mora, right before he gave that mean Queen that bizarre kiss. So I'm going to call him Hermmy, for short."

"I think we were a little distracted, Pinkie," said Fluttershy, looking up and trembling as she saw the single eye, feeling as if it was looking right at her.

"Yes, most distracted," added Rarity. "Upon seeing that monster suck somepony’s brain out."

"I agree," said Rainbow, looking up with a glare. "Besides, that thing is a monster, why should we care what its name is?

Shining Armour and Cadance still felt they knew the name Hermaeus Mora from somewhere, but still couldn't place it.

Princess Celestia had been coming up with a strategy ever since hearing that these things had not lashed out aggressively towards her kingdom. She did not know what they were, but if they weren't threatening anything or anyone, then she had to address the more important matter. According to Spitfire, all of Equestria was in a state of panic.

"We must round up our guard, sister," said Celestia sternly, Luna walking up next to her. "We must find a way to calm the masses before somepony is hurt."

"Allow me, princesses."

They all looked up, this being the first time this thing had addressed someone, other than Chrysalis.

Twilight braces herself, wondering what the Daedric Prince's intention was.

She did not have to wait, or worry.


The words echoed throughout the whole kingdom, fear, panic and disorder melting away as a blue flash settled over all in Equestria. Twilight and company felt all their terror leave them in a swift blink, even Fluttershy was calmed, lifting out of Rainbows supporting hooves, while she herself felt her fighting spirit calm. The Princesses somehow knew there was nothing to fear.

"Greetings, denizens of this land," said Hermaeus Mora, his voice echoing throughout all of Equestria's cities and towns, whose inhabitants had ceased all panicked behavior and looked up to the portals in the sky, each one now sporting the same bulbous eye in their center. "I… am Hermaeus Mora… knower of the unknown… master of destiny… prince of knowledge.”

There was a small pause.

"Or... in the words of a certain rainbow-maned pegasus, an egghead."

Rainbow Dash gave a slight confused look, she would never have believed this was the kind of being that would have anything to do with knowledge. This thing was hideous, deadly, and obviously ruthless. Yet it had pretty much called itself an egghead, something Rainbow always considered should be mild mannered, and harmless.

"The reason none of you recognize me… is because I hail from a different world. "

Applejack stood out in front of her friends, her stubborn family ties still making her want to defend her friends if things got worse. She was calm, but not enough to drop her guard.

The Princesses all watched it before them, it had been a long time since they had felt so at peace they were almost unsure of what they were feeling.

Twilight looked up at Hermaeus Mora, knowing he was probably talking to all of Equestria, not just them.

"I understand… that my… appearance can be… intimidating, but you need not fear. Malice… destruction… death… these things are of no value to me. "

All across Equestria, ponies could not help but believe the voice, the sound passing through them like a sweet song. The way it sounded led them to believe it was being truthful. A kind of intelligence existed, and everypony could feel it, feel this thing’s desire for knowledge above all else.

"And if those of this world cooperate, I shall share my knowledge with you as well, in exchange for contribution of this worlds knowledge. If you have a thirst for knowledge, you may seek me out, and whet your appetite in the endless stacks of my library."

All across Equestria, scholars, researchers, geologists, scientists, educators...all types of ponies felt something stir inside them. There were those who studied their pursuits for specific reasons, and this thing was claiming to have complete stores of knowledge. Knowledge that would be accessible, if they made contributions to this thing.

Now that did awaken some excitement.

"How to step into my sacred halls will be revealed in time, for soon I shall devise a path," said Hermaeus Mora, "Those of intellectual fortitude should seek me...out...for all who seek knowledge are my servants...even if you all...have been...unaware till now. "

Twilight's group watched as the tendriled vortex that had held Chrysalis move closer to the glowing orb that surrounded them, another eye emerging from within. As it drew closer, the ponies plus one dragon could only watch. They should be fearful of what was happening, but whatever had calmed them allowed them to think clearly, even in the worst of times, like now.

They all watched as it came up to them, its tendrils waving lazily around as it stared.

Even this was not enough to scare them anymore, they all just waited to see what was going to happen next. The whirlpool passed through Shining Armour's shield like it was not there, slowly approaching. It stopped only a few feet from where they all stood by Twilight protectively.

Author's Note:

The end is near. Hasbro has announced that season nine will be the final season for My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, and that saddens me greatly. It has been a long run, and I have enjoyed the show and the fics immensely. I hope FIMFiction stays on the web for many more years.

Letting go of the show will be hard enough, but I am not ready to lose the stories. Over half of my favorites are still incomplete.

I hope you all enjoyed the show as much as I did, and will miss it just as much.