• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 19,619 Views, 1,328 Comments

Knowledge is Power - hydra30

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"Am I missing something here?" Asked Spitfire as she watched the group before her.

The captain of the Wonderbolts had remained silent since delivering the news she had been tasked with to the Princess, and now she was waiting for further instructions about what she should do now. But the ruling matriarch's had yet to pay her much attention since the conversation with one of those strange tendril portals had started. And from the looks of things, it would not be ending anything soon.

So Spitfire decided that it was a good idea to stay out of it for now, it did not involve her anyway.

Besides, she did not want to provoke that strange creature.


Twilight's companions all stared at her with overly shocked expressions.

"Twilight," said Applejack, her hat shaking with the rest of her. "Is what that thing said true?"

"How could it be possible?" Asked Rainbow Dash, so stunned she actually had to land.

"Fifteen years? " said Fluttershy, tears of fear and worry budding in her eyes.

"You told us Hermmy could manipulate time in his world," started Pinkie, her happy demeanor changing to one of worry. "Did he really make it so while we were talking dresses and that false Cadance was singing it up in her dressing room, you were spending years and years learning how to make the sky fall with the Thu'um?"

Twilight could only look down and close her eyes.

"I do not know how long I studied under Hermaeus Mora," she said, her voice a mixture of regret and sorrow. "Apocrypha is a world like no other. There's no sun or moon there, nor are there seasons or any method of telling time in general. The only thing that matters in Apocrypha is knowledge."

"But Twilight..." gasped Cadance, looking down at her little pony who still had not opened her eyes. " Fifteen years?"

"Hermaeus Mora is not someone who tells lies," said Twilight, finally looking up at everyone again. "If he says that is how long I was in Apocrypha, it must be true."

Twilight's companions all stared at her with varying degrees of emotions, mostly concern.

"You all should be proud of her for accomplishing what she did in such a small amount of time," said Hermaeus Mora.

"HOW DARE YOU!" screamed Celestia, taking flight and pressing her muzzle up as close to Hermaeus's eye as she could. "NO ONE DOES SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO ONE OF MY SUBJECTS, LEAST OF ALL MY OWN STUDENT!"


"Princesses please stop," said Twilight, horrified at how close they were to Hermaeus Mora, and how they were talking to him. "He will..."

"You're a no good stinkin varmint," said Applejack, her face turning red with anger. "Filly-knapping Twilight and forcing her to learn deadly magic. What kind of monster are ya?"

"I agree with AJ," said Fluttershy, looking up at Hermaeus Mora with anger instead of fear. " Twilight said your world has no sun or moon, being trapped in a place like that would be horrible."

"Girls please stop," said Twilight frantically.

"You despicable ruffian," said Rarity, her tears changing to ones of rage. "How could you take our friend from us and keep her for what will be Fifteen years for her."

"Fifteen years of nothing but studying?" Gasped Pinkie Pie, her mane poofing out like a porcupine. "No parties, no singing, nopony around but Hermmy for company. How could something like this even happen, what kind of terrible place is this Apocrypha? What...? What...? What...?"

"Stop," said Twilight, still to weak to even raise her voice.

"You monster, " snapped Shining Armour, walking over to stand under his hovering Princesses. "After today, I will make sure you never come near Twily ever again."

"Agreed," said Rainbow Dash, hovering over to place herself between Hermaeus Mora and Twilight. "This monster will have to go through me to get to Twilight from now on."

Cadance had said nothing, only tightening her hold on Twilight as she stared at Hermaeus Mora with more hatred than she had ever felt coursing through her soul.

"You had best leave, before things get violent," said Spike angerly, the little dragon blowing smoke out of his nostrils to try and look more intimidating, for all the good it did.

Twilight could only watch as her friends all got defensive towards Hermaeus Mora, terror in her eyes. Hermaeus Mora was a patient individual, not easily provocate, but she was not inclined to test it. Even the most steel class mind could be irritated if one touches the right trigger, and everyone was throwing out plenty of those.

Twilight also knew that there was nothing more dangerous than an irritated Daedric Prince, and with this being the first time Equestria ever encountered one, it would not be good.

With her friends deaf to her pleas, Twilight shot the waving tendrils before them all the most pleading look she could muster. It stared at her, she stared back, hoping to convy her disire through her expression. Her worry increased as nothing happened but her friends constantly threatening Hermaeus Mora for several seconds.

But then a small tendril extended from the ground and before her face, clutching a bright green vial in its coils. Smiling, Twilight opened her mouth, the vial sliding its mouth past her lips. She felt the tasteless liquid slide over her tounge, her throat tissue twinging pleasantly as it made its way to her stomach.

Cadance was drawn to the gulping noise she heard, gasping in terror as she saw Twilight drinking deeply from a small green bottle offered to her by a thin black tendril, " Twilight no, what are you...?"

But Twilight had already swallowed the last of the potion, flashing a bright light for a second before she suddenly disappeared in a flash of her signature purple magic. Placing her now empty forelegs to the ground, Cadance saw Twilight reappear before them and Hermaeus Mora, standing tall and draped in her transparent dragon armor. All present fell silent as they saw her.

"EVERYPONY FREEZE!" She called, her horn lighting up in a purple aura that wrapped everypony and Spike up in her magic, except for Spitfire, who backed up and took flight as Shining Armour's shield finally vanished when his sister grabbed him in her magic, taking refuge behind a nearby tree as to stay out of the way, but still be here should she be needed.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief once they were all secure in her magic, though she feared the damage was already done. And if that was the case all she had fought for, all she had done up to now would be in vain. Taking a deep breath, Twilight turned around and faced Hermaeus Mora, and bowed respectivly.

"Please forgive their impudence, Lord Hermaeus Mora, " said Twilight, fighting to keep her panic under control. She had been around Hermaeus Mora for a while (fifteen years she now found out) but she never allowed herself to get to used to his presence to the point to were she forgot who and what he was. "They are oblivious to what is before them."

Twilight's compatriots could only watch in stunned silence one top of the silence Twilight was enforcing on them.

"Do not fret, my champion," said Hermaeus Mora calmly. "It takes more than this to instill my wrath."

Twilight nodded her head in gratitude, then turned to her friends and gave them a pleading look.

"I know learning that this has happened has upset you all, but please, quell your anger," said Twilight desperately, looking at each of the individuals before her that she loved with all her heart. "Hermaeus Mora did not force this on me, I chose it, of my own free will."

All present could only watch on, unable to do anything within the telekinesis that held them.

"And I was not imprisoned in Apocrypha, " Twilight continued, focusing on Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "I could leave anytime I wanted, and I chose to do so when I felt I was strong enough to protect all of you." Now that she was outside of her brothers force field, the devastation the changelings had caused to Canterlot was visible, plus the gigantic vortex of black tentacles above. "And now I Know that I wasn't ready."

She once again looked into the eyes of all before her.

"Please don't lash out at Hermaeus Mora anymore," Twilight begged, tears streaming her face. " Equestria could not afford it if we draw the wrath of a Daedric Prince."

"I am afraid you are not getting through to them, my champion," said Hermaeus Mora, Twilight throwing him a look.
"Their love and determination for you is unswayed by your words and my appearance. They will continue to defend you from me, as long as they believe they need to."

"Then what can I do?" said Twilight, twinging a little as her efforts to keep her loved ones restrained began to take a tole on her, "I don't want them to make you angry."

"It is not what you should do, but what I should do," said Hermaeus Mora, amusement in his wet voice. "Maybe a demonstration will dissuade them from lashing out."

Movement from above brought the attention of Twilight, who gasped as one of Hermaeus Mora's larger tendrils came down towards them. She fought the urge to run as it landed behind her, were her friends could see it lying length wise on the edge of the rounding platform they all stood on. Turning around, Twilight saw the tendril, so close she could see her altered Cutie Mark reflected in its glossy surface.

Then it started bubbling like hot tar, the surface rippling and disturbing the reflections upon it. No heat or waves of fumes were produced from this, none even felt any liquid land on their bodies, despite the shifting surface of liquid that bubbled and turned. Then everyone present beheld the strange creature's that emerged from the bubbling tendril.

Twilight recognized them as Hermaeus Mora's Seekers, but the rest saw them as strange masses of grey tendrils extruding from ripped black cloths, their tentacled faces staring at the group with beady eyes. Fluttershy and Rarity felt their blood turn to ice as they saw these abominations emerge from the tendril that had almost cruched them, these things looking even creepier than the creatures that held the remaining changelings prisoner a few yards away.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armour, and the three Alicorn Princesses were not as terrified, but concern soon formed in their minds as the number of Seekers grew to so many numbers that soon a small army hovered up above them, instantly out numbering the amount of Changelings Chrysalis had unleashed upon them. Spike and Pinkie Pie felt overwhelming fear as well as the red sky above became dotted with Seekers along with the huge tendrils. Though Pinkie also was formulating how much punch one of these dudes could drink if they held a cup in each tendril.

"Lets see if they still have the will to lash out at me now," said Hermaeus Mora, retracting his tentacle.

With a combination of not wanting to hold them against their will anymore, and exhaustion, Twilight released her friends.

As soon as they were free, they took in the mighty army before them. None of them, not even Rainbow Dash would dare think they would stand a chance against such outnumbering odds. For a few minutes all that happened was everypony looking at the army before them with trepidation.

"Please...don't challenge Hermaeus Mora anymore," begged Twilight as she approached Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and bowed to them both. "He is not something we could have a prayer against."

Celestia and Luna could only stare with wide eyed expression' s. This army of bizarre creature's had been brought before them in a matter of seconds, and unlike normally, they had been conjured magically. Again they were given a reason to be cautious.

"Was it really your choice, Twilight? " asked Celestia, giving her a concerned look. " Hermaeus Mora did not force this on you against your will?"

"No, your majesty, " said Twilight, shaking her head.

"And you should be proud of her, Celestia of the sun," said Hermaeus Mora, everyone looking to him again. "Fifteen years is an unpresident amount of time to master the Thu'um. Those who have studied it before her have studied all their lives, and never gained even a fraction of the power she can utilize now."

"All their lives? " said Princess Luna, looking at Twilight with interest. "What kind of magic is this...Thu...uu...uum."

"The most complex," answered Hermaeus Mora, "And since Twilight could adapt to it so well, it leads me to believe that your people have an aptitude for magic much greater than anything creature I have ever encountered..., intriguing.

Everypony and dragon did not like his tone, but none questioned, not with the force above.

"Hey," said Twilight, pointing forward. "I think we have forgotten something."

They all followed her hoof and saw the changelings still held prisoner.

"Hey, I actually forgot all about them," said Applejack, arching her eye.

"Yeah," said Rainbow, looking at the changelings with revolution. "They're not much a threat now."

"I thought I had seen the worst when they showed up," said Rarity, looking to the Seekers above. "Not anymore."

"Maybe we could throw them a nice try taking over Equestria party?" Said Pinkie, scratching her head.

"Oh, we shouldn't hurt them," said Fluttershy, looking at the changeling swarm worriedly. "They aren't a threat anymore. "

"We should throw them in a dungeon," said Spike, clenching his claws. "They ruined the wedding."

"Yes, I agree," said Shining Armour, great anger in his voice. " Months of planing, plus taking my love prisoner, unforgivable."

"WAIT," shouted Twilight, turning to Celestia and Luna. " I have an idea, may I handle this situation?"

Celestia and Luna exchanged looks, then Celestia turned back to look at her student.

"I ignored your judgment when I should have listened," said the alabaster Alicorn, giving an apologetic look. "I won't do it again."

Twilight gave her a grateful smile and walked forward to the captive changelings. Her friends made to stop her but a quick glance from the Princesses made them stop, though Shining Armour had to really reign it in. Before long Twilight stood before the Lurkers that had a hold of the changelings.

It saddened her that so few were left.

"Are any of you the changeling that distracted the others long enough for me to evade capture?" She asked, hoping that one did survive Storm Call.

"What are you badgering about?" Snapped the changeling with the red frilled. "No changeling would ever deceive its own brethren so a potential enemy could esca..."

"It was me," said a soft male voice.

Twilight made her way over to the left of the group, stopping before the changeling that spoke.

"THORAX?" shouted Pharynx, great veins bulging in his neck. "You will pay dearly for this treachery. I will personally rip out your th..."

"You have a serious impulse control problem," said Twilight irritability, her horn pulsating with magic as she sealed Pharynx's mouth shut with some duck tape.

She turned back to the changeling before her.

"So your name is Thorax?" Asked Twilight, the changeling only nodding in response. "Why did you help me?"

"I have never agreed with how Chrysalis ran the hive," answered Thorax, looking over Twilight’s shoulder at her gathered friends. "I noticed long ago that Equestria gives love freely, and it never made sense why Chrysalis would come up with this invasion when she could have just approached you. Till today, when I saw her reviel in the misery she caused you...when she turned all who you loved against you."

Once again blades of guilt stabbed into all of Twilight's friends heart's.

"After that I knew I could not let our so called queen tear apart any more loving relationships, " said Thorax. "And when I saw how quickly you had her on the ropes, I knew you could stop her, once and for all."

Twilight looked to the bound group of changelings then at Thorax." Who will you obey, now that Chrysalis is dead?"

"You defeated her," said Thorax, "You and Hermaeus Mora, whatever he is. We will follow you now."

"And if I tell you all to follow Thorax you will obey?" Twilight asked the whole group, a plan forming in her mind.

There was silence. Then all the changeling survivors nodded their heads, fear in their eyes. Twilight was hoping for that.

"Please release them sirs," she said to the Lurkers, who released them then vanished in a splash of black liquid.

"Go back to were ever you came from," said Twilight to Thorax, who paid close attention. "Recover from your injuries. But I warn you." Twilight gestured up to the waving mass of tentacles above, "If any of you try to pull this again, you see what Equestria is host to now."

All the Changelings looked up at Hermaeus Mora with fear.

"Now is are chance," said Pharynx, dive bombing Twilight.

He was stopped when about six other Changelings dog piled him, dragging him along as the other Changelings made their way out of Canterlot. He screamed and thrashed, his voice echoing with how they were so close to victory, that retreat was not an option. Twilight only sighed at how pathetic that was as the Changeling swarm vanished on the horizon.

"Is it over?" Moaned Fluttershy, watching the changelings vanish.

"No," said Twilight, walking past everypony up to Hermaeus Mora's vortex. " Is it time?"

"I believe so my champion. "

"Twilight?" said Celestia, not liking the sound of Twilight's voice. "Time for what?"

Twilight only gave a sad look to them all.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Cadance, Spike, Shining Armour, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, I did all of this to protect all of you," said Twilight with a crackly voice, "I made a deal with a Daedric Prince, and they do not offer their services without payment."

Twilight's companions only stared at her with worry.

"Payment?" Whimpered Fluttershy. "What kind of payment?"

Twilight cringed as her memories resurfaced.


"This is were we reach a turning point, my champion, "said Hermaeus Mora, the small mass of tentacles he was speaking through holding a large gray book."If you proceed from here, you will owe me...compensation."

Twilight looked at the book before her, the title read Thu'um, or Storm Voice as she had been told. Twilight had been following Hermaeus Mora's instructions for she did not know how long, but the spells she had already learned had more potential than any other she had studied. That morning she had been called to her extravagant room, being told that their was more advanced magic she could learn.

Magic that was within that book.

"What do you mean? " asked Twilight nervously.

"I am willing to let you cease at this point, and allow you to return home, explained Hermaeus Mora, his eye staring at her. But if you wish to continue..., it will cost you."


"Now that the threat to Equestria is averted, I must return to Apocrypha and contribute my knowledge to Hermaeus Mora's purpose's."

"WHAT? " echoed through Canterlot in multiple voices.

"You have to return to that place?" Asked Applejack, her face contorted in fear.

"Why would you do that?" Asked Rainbow.

"I had to girls," said Twilight sadly. "I had mastered many spells by the time Hermaeus Mora told me about the Thu'um, but I knew it was not much more powerful than the magic I already had, the Thu'um was something I knew I could use if I needed a last resort."

"Twilight, no," said Rarity, grabbing Twilight by the shoulders. "Look what that monster did to that wretched queen."

"Hermaeus Mora will not harm me," said Twilight, teleporting out of Rarity's hooves.

"You?" Said Celestia, walking up to Hermaeus Mora's writhing eye. "Is it true, did Twilight agree to contribute her knowledge in exchange for your help?"

"All knowledge has its price, your majesty," said Hermaeus Mora. "Your student has knowledge I desire... knowledge that will be essential in aquiring what I...DESIRE...it will be a fitting exchange for the Thu'um."

"Can we not come to some other arrangement?" Asked Celestia, "As Princess, I have access to Equestria's most rare of knowledge, I would gladly gift them to you."

"Tempting, your majesty, However...I do not just seek knowledge...There is something...Else I require...something I am certain your student can obtain for me... "

"And besides, I already promised him I would," said Twilight, remembering when she accepted Hermaeus Mora's offer.


"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my..." a black tendril haulted Twilight's hoof before she could jab it in her eye.

"That would not be wise."


"Twilight you can't," said Cadance desperately. "This thing is dangerous, and how long would you be gone? "

"Till my task is complete."

Again, Twilights friends did not like that.

"No, Twilight please don't," begged Cadance, putting her hooves on Twilight's shoulders."Despite all that has happened today, I still need you here. I can't marry Shining without you..."

Twilight let out a choked sob as her horn flashed a light green color. Shining Armour, Twilight's friends,and the alicorns all keeled over, still as as statue's. She didn't want it to come to this, but she had to.

"I would love nothing more than to be at your real wedding, Cadance," said Twilight, Cadance looking up at her in worry. "But I made the deal, and if there is anything stupider than breaking a Pinkie Promise, it's backing out of a deal with a Daedric Prince. Besides...," she cast her brother a look. "It was made very clear to me that I am not welcome at your wedding anymore."

Twilight began to walk towards Hermaeus Mora, but stopped, levitating her family's ancient ring and placing it under Shining's vision, "I think Mom and Dad will want that back."

As she approached she passed her immobile friends.

"I want you to know that I hold no resentment for what happened anymore, I love all of you," she said, giving them all a loving smile. "But if I don't give Hermaeus Mora what I promised he will only take it by force. Most likely the same way he took knowledge from Chrysalis."

She continues on, passing the paraliyzed princesses.

"Princess Celestia," choked Twilight, tear's in her eyes. "I still wish to study under you. I don't know how long I will be gone, but when I do return, I hope we can pick up the pieces and resume my studies."

With that Twilight arrived before Hermaeus Mora, trying not to notice the tear's streaming from Celestia's eyes.

"I'm ready."

"I admire your dedication and loyalty," said Hermaeus Mora, a black book appearing in his tendrils.

Twilight's friends could only watch as she read the book and was dragged under the ground by a black tendril.

"Go my Seekers," said Hermaeus Mora, his hovering army scattering. "Seek... and collect."

With that, all visage of Hermaeus Mora receded into his vortexes, the sun and moon returning to their places as there image reappeared on the princesses bodies. The spell Twilight cast on them left them still, unable to move. Help did not come until Lyra, Twinkleshine and Minuet arrived on the scene, laughing hysterically as they were tackled by over a dozen Lunar and Celestial guard.

"Gotcha, we finally got you," said one guard before he noticed the paraliyzed ponies and one dragon. "Ugh... did we miss something?"

Author's Note:

Reaching out to you guys, I need some advice if this story is going to turn out the way I want:

1)What would be a good name for a pony entomologist? Please, I need some suggestions.

2)What is the difference between The Daedric Prince's and the Nine Divine's? I know it is a noob question, but the wiki is to vague, and I have only ever played Oblivion and Skyrim, plus, hearing it from you guys is more informative.

3)Are the Daedric Prince's related to each other, I mean Brothers and Sisters? I know Mephala is said to be Hermaeus Mora's sister, but what of the rest?

4)Are The Nine Divine more powerful than the Daedric Prince's?

Could realy use all the feedback I can get, would appreciate it.

One more:

Was it the Dwemer or the Ayleid people who vanished first?