• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,567 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Partnerships and Mutations

"And that's how we ended up here, Mr..." Joker trailed off and rubbed his chin in thought, "You know, I didn't quite catch your name. No, don't tell me... CyborgBrain?!"

"Subrime! Kraang Subprime!" Subprime shouted, in exasperation, "Is that so hard to guess?! What're you, a moron?!"

The headless Kraang droid had done what Joker said and lead him and Harley Quinn to the Kraang's hiding place, another abandoned warehouse. At first, Subprime ordered the droids to destroy them, but Joker convicted him to let him explain how they found their hideout. Subprime agreed, but said they would destroy them afterwards.

Joker payed no mind to the alien's shout and continued to guess, "Oh, wait! Brain Bot! I knew it had to be off the tip of my noggin."

Subprime's face twisted into rage, "That's it! You're wasting my time," he turned to the other Kraang droids, "Kraang, annihilate this clown!"

The droids aimed their blasters, ready to open fire, when Joker held up and waved his hands.

"Wait wait wait!" He said, quickly, "Before you blast me to smithereens, let me show you all a little magic trick. Nothing up my sleeve, except for this," He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a rubber chicken. He took a sniff, "Pew, It's gone raw, here catch!" He tossed it into the hands of a droid.

"Thing, that is known as, gag toy, will not stop Kra-" before the droid could finish, the chicken exploded with a loud BOOM destroying both the droid and a few others that were close to it"

Joker laughed "Got a really BANG out of that one, ay!"

Subprime glared, "You just made a big mistake, weirdo!" His cockpit door closed and the Cyber Shredder unsheathed it's blades, "Now. You die!"

"Uh uh uh!" Joker waved a finger, "I'd watch it if I were you," he then looked up, "And I'd also take a look at that very interesting ceiling..."

Cyber Shredder and the rest of the droids looked up as well and saw that the whole ceiling was decorated with more of the exploding chickens, "I can't really take all the credit, though," Joker confessed, before calling up, "Bang up job there, Harley!"

Harley Quinn was hanging upside down from one of the metal beams, "Thanks Mr. J!" She called down.

Joker then turned back to the Kraang, "Now then... I have a little proposition for you, Mr. Subprime. But I'm afraid if you're not willing to hear me out," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small remote with single red button, "Then I'll be tempted to push this button and blow this place SKY HIGH!" He threw out his arms to illustrate his point before hold a finger near the button, "So what's it going to be?"

Cyber Shredder looked up at the chickens then to the destroyed droids before Subprime came out of the cockpit with a frown on his face. Joker had him boxed in, "This had better be good!" He grumbled.

"Oh, I assure you, Subby. You won't be disappointed." Joker smiled, before laughing out loud.

At Wayne Manor, a pizza delivery boy, with long blue hair and a checkered vest and glasses, had delivered twelve pizzas and was counting up the money he had been paid then he turned back to Alfred, "Are you sure you don't need any help with that?"

Alfred hefted the pizza boxes and looked at him firmly, "I once worked for one of the most exclusive restaurants in London. I think you'll find I am quite capable of carrying a few pizza boxes."

"Okay if say so." replied the pizza boy.

As soon as Alfred closed the door, he frowned, "Pizza! I mean, really.... I offer to make a feast and they ask for pizza? Teenagers."

Rarity approached, "I have the same problem with Sweetie Belle."

"Your little sister, right, Miss Rarity?"

"Indeed. Here, Let me help you, Alfred." Rarity used her diamond disk to lift half of the pizza boxes from Alfred. Then they made their way towards the cave.

"So, does your sister train to be a ninja?" Alfred asked, out of curiously.

"Both she and her friends wish," Rarity responded, "But I should certainly think not! They're far too young."

"And just how young is she exactly?" Alfred raised a brow.

"About the same age as Robin," the fashion girl replied, "Unfortunately, Michelangelo gave her and her friends ninja weapons! Without my permission mind you. And now they all want to train to be ninjas! Can you imagine the unspeakableness?!"

"Yes. But it does raise a question on the matter," Alfred said, as they both stopped at a flight of stairs, "Have she and her friends shown potential?"

Rarity was surprised at first, but answered, "Well... they did help us defeat Scumbug and Antrax a while back, not to mention they saved me, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash when we were cornered by three of Antrax's drones. So I suppose they did show some potential then. But that's not the point! It's far too dangerous a life for her!"

"Miss Rarity, I understand that you don't want to risk your sister's life," Alfred put a hand on her shoulder, "Believe me, I know. I had realized right on that young Master Bruce had wanted to become a crusader against crime. Naturally I forbade him and did my best to dissuade him from that path. But Master Bruce was persistent and eventually became the man he is today. It did, however, teach me something that I shall tell you, concerning your sister: if she wants this and if she has potential, then she doesn't need your refusal, but your guidance. That is a lesson Master Bruce learned himself, when young Master's Dick and Tim started out. Do you understand?"

"Well, I suppose I- wait, do you hear that?" They both listened. From up the stairs, came a rattling noise.

"What on Earth?" said Alfred.

They both looked up just in time to see both Rainbow Dash and Mikey skateboarding off the rim.

"All Right! an Awesomely perfect score, so far," Rainbow Dash said, "And now for the final trick....."

"Oh, no!" Rarity winced.

"Booyakasha!" shouted Mikey, as both he and Rainbow grinded the rail and flew at Alfred and Rarity. Alfred quickly dodged Mikey but Rainbow Dash ended up crashing into Rarity, knocking her down and causing some pizza slices to fall in her hair.

"Rarity!" she exclaimed, "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

Rarity answered by glaring at the her without saying a word. Mikey and Rainbow Dash then each took a slice off her hair and ate them.

"Mmmm. It's still gooey," Mikey munched.

"Though it tastes kinda funny," Rainbow Dash looked down at her friend, "What kind of shampoo did you use?"

Rarity gritted her teeth as if she was gonna explode.

Alfred turned to them, "I'll meet you three in the Batcave."

Down in the Batcave, Leo was sparing with Batman while Sunset spared with Black Canary. The blonde was throwing some of her best moves while Sunset was doing her best to block and counter them. When she threw her fist, Black Canary grabbed her arm and flipped her, but Sunset quickly countered with a kick.

"You know, Canary, Huntress warned me that you were a brilliant fighter." she threw another kick but Canary caught her leg. Sunset looked surprised as she was thrown to the floor and pinned down.

"She wasn't lying." Black Canary said

"Point made," Sunset Shimmer groaned, "But... didn't Raph warn you that I was tricky?"

"He did," the blonde answered, "But so far I'm not seeing it."

Sunset grinned, "The thing about your opponent being tricky is, you usually don't see it!" Before Canary knew what was happening, Sunset Shimmer hooked her legs around her waist and rolled, flipping her off.

Black Canary quickly got up and grappled with her, "Now it's getting interesting." she said, and pushed Sunset back.

Huntress was facing Fluttershy, but the shy girl was dodging more than fighting back. When the heroine rushed at her, Fluttershy dropped down and cowered.

Huntress stopped and frowned in disappointment, "Oh, come on!" She complained, and reached toward her, "You're not even trying- " Fluttershy suddenly grabbed her arm and threw her into a display case.

"I'm not as helpless as I look." Fluttershy grinned.

Robin and Pinkie Pie had been watching and they burst out laughing, "I can't believe you fell for that!" Robin chuckled.

"Fluttershy's full of surprises!" Pinkie Pie noted, while laughing too. Until Huntress shot them a nasty look that instantly shut them up.

Twilight Sparkle watched Leo spar with Batman. The two had grappled when she called out, "Watch your footwork, He's pushing you further than you think!"

"His footwork looks fine to me." Batman said, as he was pushing against the turtle.

"That wasn't towards Leo, Batman." Twilight rebuffed.

Leo and Batman broke apart and Leo threw a kick. Batman dodged. Batman swung a fist. Leo dodged. Leo swung another kick and Batman blocked it with his arm. Then he tried to strike Leo in the head, but the turtle ducked. Leo tried to sweep Batman's legs, only for the Dark Knight to jump up, missing Leo's kick. Then Leo back flipped to avoid a punch and kick from Batman. When he leaped to deliver a blow, Leo grabbed him by the arm and flipped him onto the floor.

"Your girlfriend distracted me." Batman said.

"She's not my girlfriend," Leo corrected, as he helped Batman up, "And if she was a distraction, then why did she warn you?"

"Excuse me, sirs and madames," Alfred called, as he walked in and plopped the pizza boxes on a table, "But your greasy cheese bread is here. Rarity should be along with the rest."

"Ow ow ow, Rarity!" Came Rainbow Dash's voice.

"Not the mask, girl! Not the mask!" Called Mikey's.

Rarity walked in, with a frown on her face, and dragging both Rainbow Dash by her ear and Mikey by his mask, while the two carried the rest of the pizza boxes.

"Jeez, Rarity," Rainbow frowned, while rubbing her ear, "I said I was sorry."

Mikey fixed his mask, "Yeah, Rare, what more do you want from us? A written apology?"

Rarity got in their faces and angrily pointed to cheese and condiments in her hair, "Out of all the worst things you two have done, this is the WORST!"

Huntress watched the scene and turned to Fluttershy "Is she always that fussy?"

"You have no idea." the shy girl responded.

Everyone gathered at the table and each took a slice. Before Donnie ate his, he saw Batgirl coming and offers her his slice, "For you, Barbara." he said, with a goofy grin.

"Uh, thanks, Donnie," Batgirl said, a little confused.

April glared at the scene, then without turning her head, she pointed at Fluttershy and Rarity, who were giving her smug looks, "Not a word!" She warned, in a dark tone. The two Rainbooms looked at each other before they slid away, nervously.

Rarity looked to Robin and asked, "Um, Tim, darling, if I may be as so bold but to ask you," She pointed to 70s Robin costume and said "Did you really wear that costume without pants?"

"Actually, that was me." Nightwing interjected.

"You, Dick?" Rarity asked, in confusion.

"He's right," Robin confirmed, "Besides, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that."

"When I was younger, I stared off as Robin before I became Nightwing." Nightwing explained.

"He was the first Robin. I'm the third," Robin said, proudly.

"Third?" Twilight Sparkle raised a brow, "Who was the second Robin?"

Nightwing and Robin looked hesitant for a moment, "Uh... we don't talk about it." Nightwing responded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Let's just say, it's not a pretty tale." Robin stated.

Black Canary turned to the ninjas and girls, "So you're all from New York, in your dimension?"

"Actually, April, Casey, and the guys are from New York," Sunset Shimmer corrected, "My friends and I are from a city called Canterlot."

"Canterlot, huh?" Nightwing inquired, "What's it like?"

"It's pretty bright compared to your Gotham." Fluttershy said.

Huntress frowned, "Already hate it."

Sunset Shimmer gave her a dry look before speaking, "We all go to the same high school, Canterlot High."

"Well, I went to Crystal Prep, the other school there," Twilight Sparkle noted, "Until the former principal made me use magic beyond my control. I then transferred to Canterlot High."

"About that," Robin said, "How did all that magic stuff start?"

"Weeeeeeelll," Pinkie Pie looked at Sunset who shook her head no "... It just happened one day when three sirens tried to hypnotize our school through our battle of the bands competition. Luckily, Sunset is an expert on magic."

"Are you a sorcerer?" Batgirl asked.

"Uh, no," Sunset replied, "I just read a lot of books on it." She flashed a nervous smile.

Nightwing looked to Batman, who gave him a look that said she wasn't being fully honest, then he turned back to the girls and said, "Not that we don't buy your story, it's just that Batman and I don't think you're telling us the whole truth. You said your world didn't always have magic, right? So it had to come from somewhere."

"Oh, yeah..." Twilight Sparkle glanced away, sheepishly, "We did tell you that, didn't we? Well, it's actually quite complicated to explain. So..."

Batman interrupted, "If you don't mind, I'd like to take a wild guess."

"Go right ahead," Sunset Shimmer said, glancing to her friends with narrowed grin. Confident that he wouldn't be able to guess where the magic came from.

Until Batman said, "It came from an alternate world known as Equestria, where talking ponies and other mythical creatures live," he pointed to Sunset "And you are from that world but now live in their world as one of them. Am I right?"

His answer came in the form of Sunset Shimmer dropping her slice on the floor as she and the girls stared at Batman in complete and utter shock.

"Wow..." Pinkie said, in amazement, "You really are the World's Greatest Detective!"

Twilight Sparkle groaned, before she said, gloomily, "So much for keeping the cat in the bag." Then she noticed Nightwing staring at her "What?"

"Sorry," Nightwing apologized, "But the way you said that, you sounded like a friend of mine."

Before Twilight could ponder on that, she was interrupted by Sunset stammering as she continued to looked at Batman in shock " But... you... I... Huh?! But how?!" She exclaimed.

"You're not the only one's who have been to other worlds," the Dark Knight explained, "My team, the Justice League and I have been to parallel worlds before, but the most interesting one was Equestria. Only that one was by accident as well. Through a scuffle with our enemy Lex Luthor, and one teammate's attempt to shut down his laser weapon, we were all transported there along with Luthor. We met with it's rulers Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who helped us get back home again. Once we rounded up Luthor."

Mikey butted in, "Did you turn into ponies there? Cause that's what happened to us when we went there the first time."

"Actually, we remained human and so did Luthor."

"What?" Twilight Sparkle was both surprised and confused, "How was that possible?!" She asked.

Donnie spoke up, "Well, it could have had something to do with the-" before he could go on, a loud alarm on the Batcomputer sounded.

Batman rushed to the Batcomputer, and pulled up a map as well as three pictures of some of his enemies. The first looked like a large brown blob of mud. The second was a big muscular man dressed as a wrestler. And the third was a beautiful red haired woman with greenish skin and clothes made from green and black leaves. "We got three escapees from Arkham! Clayface. Bane. And Poison Ivy." Batman informed, showing everyone footage of each of the Arkham escapees fleeing the authorities.

"I could so pick better names for them." Mikey stated.

"Really. Like what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Mikey pointed to each of the villains and named "Mud man, Mucho Scario, and Gon Gal!"

Everyone gave Mikey odd looks and Raph smacked him upside his head.

"I think the first ones sounded cooler." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"We better head out." said Black Canary.

"Let’s go." Leo told his team.

However, Batman had another idea, "Stay here." He said as he walked past them and got into Batmobile.

"But we can help!" Twilight protested.

Huntress scoffed, "Oh, and what are you planning to do? Fire a barrage of cupcakes at them?"

Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie, who had loaded a bazooka with cupcakes. Then she hid it behind her back, grinning sheepishly.

"That's what I thought."

"We’re ninjas!" Sunset Shimmer insisted, "And there’s a possible chance that the Kraang might show up! You need us."

But Batman ignored her, "We’ll discuss this later!" He said, and drove off with Nightwing, Robin, Black Canary, and Huntress not far behind on their motorcycles, leaving the Turtles, April, Casey, and Rainbooms behind in the Batcave.

"He benched us!?" Raph said, angrily.

Applejack turned to Mikey with a frown, "Still think he's awesome, Mikey?"

Rainbow Dash took a stand and turned to the others, "No way I'm sitting this one out!" She said "I say we head out anyway! Who's with me?"

"Ooo Ooo Ooo, me me me!" Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down, waving her hand.

"I'm in, girl!" Mikey said, "I wanna face Mucho Scario!"

"Count me in, yo," Casey chimed in 'I'm gonna show Nightwing who's the best!"

Leo waved them off, "Forget it, guys. Batman told us to stay behind."

Donnie meanwhile had taken a look on the Batcomputer, he squinted at the videos of Bane and Poison Ivy. Curious, he zoomed in on the two escapees, then his eyes widened, "Oh no!" He turned the others in concern, "Leo, guys, we actually do have to help Batman!"

"Why?" April asked.

"I enhanced the footage of Bane and Poison Ivy," Donnie explained, and pointed to screen, "And I'm fairly certain they're not supposed to look like that!"

Everyone looked at the footage and sure enough, they noticed something very different about the two villains. They all gasped in shock, realizing that Batman and his allies were heading into extreme danger.

"We've gotta go help them!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed "They won't stand a chance on their own!"

Leo sighs, "So much for following orders."

"Oh, well." Raph rebuffed him.

"April, Rarity, Fluttershy you go help the Birds of Prey!" Leo ordered, "Rainbow, Casey, Mikey, and Pinkie you help Nightwing and Robin! The rest of us will help Batman!"

"Aww!" Mikey moaned, "I wanted fight Mucho Scario!"

"And I wanted to save Batgirl!" Donnie added, but then noticed April glaring at him, "Uh, you know, just to help out!"

"There's just one problem with that," Alfred pointed out, "Master Bruce took the Batmobile and the other's took their respective modes of transportation."

"Uh, they took their rides," Rainbow Dash noted, "But we on the other hand... " she pointed with her thumb to all the other Batvehicles.

Alfred frowned, "Absolutely not!"

In Gotham city park, the Birds of Prey were sneaking around, hiding behind trees, statues, and all the while keeping a look out for the floral villainess Poison Ivy. After no sign of her, the three heroines stopped behind a park bench by a large pond.

"So you're sure she was sighted here?" Black Canary asked Batgirl.

"According to Batman’s detail, Poison Ivy was last seen heading to the park." Batgirl answered.

"Probably wanting to get rein tuned to nature." Huntress guessed, dryly.

"Oh, I have indeed..." came a seductive voice.

The three women looked over the bench and saw a figure, silhouetted against the moonlight, approaching them and in an instant they knew it was Poison Ivy. But something was different about her, it seemed. It wasn't until she got closer did they see why. Poison Ivy had been turned into a mantis!

"Oh, my..." Batgirl breathed, in horror.

"What the blazes?" Black Canary said, in shock.

Huntress was more amused by Ivy's appearance than surprised, "What’s with the new look, Pamela?" She asked with a smirk, "I thought gardeners exterminate insects?"

"Insects have their place in nature," Poison Ivy retorted, "The mantis eats those who harm plants."

"How did you get like that, Ivy?" Batgirl asked.

"I was exposed to a substance called mutagen. Courtesy of some new business associates: the Kraang," the mutated villainess replied.

"Sounds like we found our brains." Black Canary stated.

"And... they also gave me something extra." Poison Ivy said, narrowing her huge mantis eyes.

Then a big shadow fell on the heroines. They turned and looked up. Towering over them was a giant plant mutant! It had big buggy yellow eyes and vines for arms. It looked down at the Birds of Prey and growled.

"What is that?" Batgirl said, her eyes wide.

"Meet Snakeweed," Poison Ivy said, "Or at least that's what their enemies, the Turtles, call it. Of course this is a little something the Kraang helped me make from my plants and their mutagen. Go get them!"

Snakeweed threw his tendrils down at the heroines, but they leaped and flipped out of the way just in time. Huntress shot an arrow from her crossbow, severing a tendril only for it to grow back.

Batgirl was surprised, "He can regenerate?"

"Of course he can," Poison Ivy scoffed, "Did you honestly think it would be that easy?"

"Great." Huntress frowned.

"Let's see him handle this." Black Canary said, and used her sonic scream. Snakeweed recoiled back, but he recovered and attacked them again.

"I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that!" Poison Ivy laughed.

The Birds of Prey jumped, dodged, and flipped to avoid Snakeweed's vines. All the while, Huntress fired more arrows and Batgirl threw some batarangs, slicing off more Snakeweed's vines. But the more vines they cut off, the more kept growing back.

"That thing just keeps growing!" Black Canary shouted, as she dodged another vine, "How are we going to stop it?"

"We take out Ivy!" called Batgirl.

"That, I can do!" Huntress said, as the three of them dodged more vines and rushed straight for villainess.

"I think not!" Poison Ivy smirked.

Just as they reached her, Snakeweed grabbed each of them in his vines. The struggled to break free, but it was no use. As they struggled, Huntress glared down at the mantis, "When I get out of here, Ivy, I'm chopping you into salad!"

Poison Ivy chuckled, "Oh my dear Huntress. Words are all you have left to fight with," then she spoke to Snakeweed, "Finish them!" Snakeweed's vines squeezed tighter and tighter, slowly beginning to strangle the three heroines, "Ever hear the phrase "Killing Two Birds With One Stone"?" Ivy asked them, "Well, I'm killing three birds with one plant!" She threw back her head and laughed maniacally.

Suddenly, everyone was bathed in lights. They looked to see one of the Batmobiles facing them. And Batgirl was more surprised by who was at the wheel.

"Excuse us, darlings." Rarity said, as she and April poked their heads out.

"But mind if we cut in?!" April added.

She pushed some buttons and the Batmobile fired some missiles at Snakeweed, forcing him back up past a tree, where Fluttershy was hiding. As soon as the giant plant stumbled past, she whistled and some squirrels leaped from the tree, scurried up Snakeweed, and chewed through the vines the Birds of Prey were snared in. When the vines snapped, the three of them fell and landed on Rarity's diamond disk.

"Punch it, Rarity!" April said.

Rarity slammed her foot down on the gas and drove the Batmobile right into Snakeweed, knocking him down with a crash. After that, the two exited the car with their weapons out, ready to fight. But then Rarity noticed the dents in spot where the hit Snakeweed.

"Oh, my!" she said, in worry, "I hope Batman won't be too furious with me!"

"Maybe he’ll forgive and forget?" Fluttershy said, trying to help.

"Worry about that later." April interjected.

Fluttershy ran over to the Birds of Prey and helped Huntress up, "Are you three okay?"

Huntress jerked her back, "Batman told you not to come!"

"And we just saved you from Snakeweed," April looked back with a frown, "So I think a little gratitude is in order!"

"Let's save this for after we stop Ivy!" Batgirl interrupted.

Poison Ivy jumped in and stood in front of them, "Fools!" She shouted, as Snakeweed got up. One look at her and Rarity screamed.

"Is that Posion Ivy?" Fluttershy asked, in surprise, "What happened to her?"

"Apparently the Kraang did that to her," Black Canary answered, then pointed to Snakeweed, "And created that Snakeweed thing."

"Looks like we were right," April said to Rarity and Fluttershy, "The Kraang did team up with the Gotham villains."

"And they've created another Snakeweed clone!" Rarity replied, remembering when the Turtles told them about the Creep returning to life and making a Snakeweed clone.

Poison Ivy threw out her arms, "Finish them!"

Snakeweed attacked the heroines with his vines and they all scattered into groups of two: Batgirl and April, Black Canary and Rarity, and Huntress and Fluttershy. Then they all fought against Snakeweed's vines. Deflecting and severing them with their weapons. But like before, the more they cut off, the more kept growing back.

April hit Snakeweed with her psychic attacks, but that had little effect. Batgirl prepared to throw more batarangs, but before she could, April threw her tessen that cut off more Snakeweed's vines. April gave her a smug look "Too slow," she smirked, making Batgirl glare at her. More vines crept up behind April, but before they could grab her, they were cut down by Batgirl's batarangs.

The heroine gave her own smirk, "Always watch you're back."

Judging from the frown on April's face, Batgirl expected her to say something nasty, but instead April's frown instantly turned to shock as she shouted, "Duck!" And tackled her out of the way before more vines could snare her.

Black Canary was swinging her fist and legs, deflecting all the vines coming at her. Rarity was slicing more with her sickles when she called, "I've got an idea, darling!" She used a diamond disk to lift Black Canary off the ground and hurled her at Snakeweed. The blonde heroine soon caught on and leaped off, unleashing her scream to knock the giant plant off his feet. Snakeweed fell to ground with a loud crash.

Black Canary landed on the ground and turned to Rarity "Good plan," Rarity beamed, until both she and Canary were knocked into the others by one of the vines. "But I take that back," she said, as they saw Snakeweed get up again. Then Black Canary turned to April and the two Rainbooms, "Since you three know about that thing, how do we take it down?"

"See that red spot?" April pointed to a bulging red lump in the middle of Snakeweed's chest, "Go for his heart! Hit that and he'll be weakened!"

"Not a gonna be a problem," Huntress aimed her crossbow and shot an arrow. But at the last minute, a hard plant cocoon covered Snakeweed's heart and the arrow broke upon contact. Huntress looked surprised, "Okay, it is gonna be a problem." She looked back to the girls, "Could he do that, before?" she asked.

"No, he couldn't." April said, equally surprised.

"He's adapting!" Rarity cried.

"Evolving right before our eyes!" added Fluttershy, in worry.

"He's not the one doing the evolving," Batgirl pointed to Poison Ivy, who had her arms raised at Snakeweed, "As I said before, the only way to beat Snakeweed is to take out Ivy!" But right after she said that, they all dodged as Snakeweed threw down one of his vines at them.

"Too bad Snakeweed won't let us near her." Black Canary stated, as they dodged more of the vines.

April spoke up, "We just need to keep Snakeweed busy." she severed a vine with her tanto.

"Right," agreed Batgirl, then turned to Huntress and Fluttershy, "We'll hold off Snakeweed, you two get Ivy!"

The two nodded and ran towards Poison Ivy, while the others kept Snakeweed's vines from stopping them. April used her tessen and tanto to cut off more vines, Rarity used her sickles, and Batgirl used her batarangs. While Black Canary used her scream to distort him.

Huntress and Fluttershy reached Poison Ivy, who was sitting on a swing made from vines. She looked at the two with disappointment in her large eyes, "Really? Must this all end in violence?"

"I don't know?" Huntress smirked, and aimed her crossbow, "That always seemed to work well for me."

Fluttershy frowned, "You must not have a lot of friends, with that kind of attitude."

"Sticks and stones, kid."

"So are you going shoot me with you're little arrows?" Poison Ivy said, mockingly, before she smiled, deviously, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Well, you're not me!" Huntress said, "Besides, we've got you cornered, your little pet is busy, and you have no where to run."

"Who says I need to?" Poison Ivy responded, coyly, "Besides, I'd be more concerned about yourself," Huntress fired an arrow, but Ivy reacted quickly and caught it, snapping it in two, "I told you not to shoot at me," she grinned at the surprised Huntress, "Mantis have fast reflexes, dear!" Poison Ivy lunged forward and body chucked Huntress into a tree.

Huntress looked up just in time to see Poison Ivy bring her mantis arms down. She flipped out of the way and knocked her back with a roundhouse kick. Then she struck Ivy with hook punch, a kick, then grabbed her by the head and kneed her in the face. But when she threw another punch, Ivy caught it in one of her arms. Poison Ivy smiled, before she pulled Huntress in and grabbed her other arm "Here's another fact: Mantis bite when provoked!" She sunk her jaws into Huntress's shoulder, making the heroine howl in pain. Until Fluttershy knocked her off with double spin kick.

"You leave her alone!" She scolded. Poison Ivy lunged at her, swinging her arms left and right. Fluttershy blocked and deflected them before she grabbed on arm and flipped Ivy onto the ground.

But then Poison Ivy kicked Fluttershy off her feet with her mantis legs. Huntress came back at her, throwing a punch, but Ivy caught it with her right arm and when Fluttershy tried to hit her with her blow pipe, she grabbed it with her left arm. Then she yanked them in, smashing them into each other, "Now that I'm a mutant, I'm faster and stronger than before! You can't beat me this time!" She said, and was met with an upper cut from an angry Huntress. Then the heroine struck her left and right, hit her across the face with her elbow, and side kicked her in the jaw, knocking her toward a pond.

Huntress charged at Ivy, ready to finish her off, "One, I don't care and two, you're history, Ivy!" Suddenly vines erupted from the earth and bound her to the ground.

Poison Ivy got up with, chuckling, "Foolish Little Huntress, you've forgotten that plants are my friends?" She smirked, until Fluttershy spoke, with a stamp of her foot.

"Well, animals are mine!" She said, with determination, then she leaned up toward the sky and whistled.

Suddenly, Poison Ivy was swarmed by a flock of pigeons, who started pecking her and pulling at her hair "Ah! Shoo! Get away from me! Ow! Don't touch my hair! Augh! You rats with wings!" While that was happening, more squirrels came in and gnawed threw the vines, freeing Huntress. Once she was free, Huntress ran toward Poison Ivy and tackled her, plunging them both into the pond.

Back with the others, Snakeweed was had just knocked them back with his vines and just about ready to finish them, when his head suddenly jerked up. Then he slowly tilted forward and began to fall. The girls quickly scattered to avoid being flattened as Snakeweed hit the ground with a huge thud.

"Uh, what just happened?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah," added April, "What did happen?"

Batgirl looked off in a direction and smiled, "Huntress happened." she said, and pointed to wet Huntress, who is carrying an unconscious Poison Ivy.

Black Canary looked concerned, "You didn't?"

"She's fine." Huntress said, and dropped the mantis on the ground.

"Mmm hmm," Fluttershy confirmed, "I made sure of that."

The three kunoichi all stood together, waiting for the Birds of Prey to thank them for their help. But instead thanking them, the three women all frowned as Huntress snapped, "We could handled it. We didn't need you three getting the way!"

April, Rarity, and Fluttershy gasped in shock, then they frowned as Rarity spoke, "I... beg... your... pardon?!"

"Uh, you're welcome for still being alive!" April shot back.

"We had it under control!" Huntress said, getting in Rarity's face.

"Oh, and getting caught by Snakeweed was part of the plan?" Rarity countered.

"We’ve had worse." Black Canary noted, sternly.

"Like I believe that!"

"The last thing I need is being bothered by teenagers from another universe!" Huntress said, pointing to them.

April frowned, "Apparently, thank you is a foreign language here in Gotham." she said, offended.

Batgirl interjected, "Look, do you want to get home or not?"

While they argued, Fluttershy noticed to her horror that Poison Ivy was starting to wake up! "Um, girls?" she said. But she was too soft for any of them to hear.

April glared and got in Batgirl's face, "The sooner we get home, the sooner we're away from you!"

"And just what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Girls?" Fluttershy said, a little louder. But not loud enough.

"We know these villains more than you," Black Canary said, "You are out of your league here!"

"Girls? Ivy!"

"Out of league?!" Rarity fumed, "If you saw what we go through at a regular basis- aah!

The group suddenly found themselves wrapped up and entangled in more vines. Then they all looked to see a very unhappy Poison Ivy with her arms raised, controlling more vines to restrain them.

"Ivy's awake!" Batgirl cried.

Fluttershy sighed, "That's what I was trying to say."

"You really need to learn to speak louder, dear." Rarity said.

Poison Ivy interrupted, "I would kill all of you right this instance!" she said, angrily, "But unfortunately, I have somewhere else I have to be. So I guess I'll just have to leave you birdies here until I'm long gone!" She turned on her mantis heels and ran off in another direction.

After a few long minutes, the vines released the heroines.

Huntress glared at the girls, "Well I hope you girls are satisfied, Ivy got away because of you!"

"What?!" Rarity said, in shock.

"You had her in custody last." April pointed out.

"We had her and you girls botched it!" Huntress shouted, "Why don’t you just take your pony friendship magic and leave?"

"FINE!" Both Rarity and April shouted back, and they and Fluttershy walked away in a huff.

As they left, Rarity said to her friends, "Of all the ungrateful, we save their lives and this is the thanks we get? Ugh! And then they blame us for Ivy getting away?!"

"Let's hope the others are doing better than we are." April said.

Fluttershy looked back at the Birds of Prey and frowned, "You girls go on ahead. There's something I have to do first," She walked back towards the heroines and right up to Huntress, "I have a few things to say to you three. And Huntress, I'm very sorry."

"For getting in our way?" Huntress asked, with her arms crossed.

"No. For this!" Fluttershy drew back her fist and sucker punched the heroine off her feet and onto the ground. Then she turned to the other two, "You three wouldn't be alive right now if me, Rarity, and April hadn't shown up! And we've had more experience in fighting mutants like Snakeweed, so you're the one's out of your league!" Then she angrily pointed down at Huntress, "And if you hadn't started arguing, or if any of you had listened to me, Ivy wouldn't have escaped! So it's your fault she got away, YOU BIG MEANIE!" And with that, Fluttershy turned her back and stormed off after her friends, leaving the Birds of Prey in complete shock.

Huntress got up and rubbed her jaw "Girl's got guts, I'll give her that."

Robin and Nightwing were trekking through the sewers on the hunt for the sludge monster Clyface.

"Clayface was last seen escaping through the sewers," Nightwing said, "He shouldn't be to far."

"Hey, Dick," Robin said, "Could I ask you something?"

"It's about our 'guests', isn't it?"

Robin shrugged, "Nothing gets by you, huh?"

"Don't get me wrong. They're pretty good fighters," Nightwing admitted, "It's just that they can be such teenagers."

"Like the Titans?" Robin guessed, with a smirk.

"Admittingly, yes," said Nightwing, "That Casey guy can be annoying and Mikey reminds me a lot of my friend Beast Boy."

"Yeah, me too," Robin agreed, "They're both green, they both love pizza, and they're both lazy. And April obviously hates Batgirl for some reason, but what I don't know. But speaking of Batgirl, it's totally obvious that Donnie has the hots for her. And Raph and Applejack don't seem to like Batman very much, either."

"Raph probably hates him because he stole his sai and bruised his pride. He seems like the sore loser type," Nightwing stated, "And Applejack's probably still mad at him for calling her dumb. And proving it."

"Yeah," Robin laughed, "But what I don't get is why would Sunset try to hide the fact that she's from another world?

"You think it's easy to say you're a pony from alternate world?" Nightwing asked, rhetorically.


"Well, if Batman trusts, then so do- wait!" Nightwing paused, before turning back to Robin, "You hear something?"

Robin stopped and listened. Very faintly, they heard a splash come from somewhere behind them. Then they heard it again, only this time it came from the front. The sound came again and again, it seemed to be coming from all sorts of directions. The two young heroes stood ready, Nightwing with his batons and Robin with his staff. They both listened as the splashing echoed all around them, waiting for anything to jump out at them, until they whipped around to see...

"Sorry, boys," Black Canary said, with Batgirl and standing by her side, "Did we scare you?"

"Girls?" Robin said, lowering his staff, "What are you doing here? We thought you went after Poison Ivy?"

"Well, we did but she got away." Huntress said, with a scowl.

"So we decided to come help you catch Clayface." Batgirl continued.

"Well, the more the merrier." Robin remarked.

Huntress chuckled, "Good one, kid."

As the Birds of Prey headed out, Robin was about to follow them when Nightwing put a hand on his shoulder and threw a birdarang with the other straight at Batgirl. But then at the last minute a hole opened up in her back and the weapon sailed right through.

Nightwing smirked, "Nice trick, Clayface!"

The Birds of Prey slowly turned around and said in unison, "Clever boy..." then their bodies turned reddish brown and mashed together into the big hulking figure of clay himself.

"Looks like we found him." Robin said, sheepishly.

"Brilliant performance, Clayface," Nightwing said, in sarcasm, "Guess the acting bug never dies, huh?"

"What can I say," Clayface retorted, "It's a gift. But how'd you figure me out?"

"Three words: Huntress. Doesn't. Laugh."

"Yeah, well neither do I!" Clayface morphed his hands into hammers and slammed them down on the two heroes, but they flipped out of the way just in time.

Robin landed on his feet and threw a couple Batarangs at Clayface's left arm, severing it off, then he pulled out his staff and charged only for Clayface to grab him with his other arm and started spinning him around.

"Round and round Boy Blunder goes! Where he stops, only I know!" Clayface chortled, and slammed Robin into a pipe. But then he was suddenly shocked by Nightwing's taser baton causing him to drop Robin. Nightwing then fought one on one with Clayface, swinging his batons and hitting him with his kicks. But just as Robin was about to rejoin, both he and Nightwing got pinned to a wall by Clayface's arms.

Clayface morphed out two more arms, that shaped into axes, "Time to clip both your wings, birdies!" He said, and raised the axes, when a bunch of hockey pucks landed in his arms "What the? Hockey pucks?" Before Clayface could question any further, the pucks exploded, severing all four arms and freeing Robin and Nightwing.

"Yo, Mud Man!" Came Mikey's voice.

They all looked just in time to see Rainbow Dash and Casey riding two Batcycles out of pipe, with Mikey riding with Casey and Pinkie Pie riding with Rainbow Dash.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey yelled, then he and the others jumped off as the cycles crashed into Clayface, knocking him back.

They landed by the two heroes as Rainbow Dash spoke, "Let's see you take us on, Clayface!"

"You guys?" said Robin, in confusion.

"Didn't Batman tell you to stay?" Nightwing said.

"Yeah," Casey answered, smugly, "And we didn't listen!"

Clayface got up, threw off the bikes, and growled at Nightwing and Robin, "Friends of yours?"

"Not really." Robin said.

"Well, they're about to suck clay!" Clayface tried to smash the ninjas only for them to dodge. Then Mikey whacked Clayface in the face, who in turn then pined him against a wall.

Clayface looked oddly at Mikey, "And what are you suppose to be?" he asked.

"The turtle who’s gonna shell shock you, Mud Man!" Mikey mocked.

"IT'S CLAYFACE!" the angered mound of clay shouted, as he slammed Mikey all over the ground three times, "And I’m about to crack your shell!"

Pinkie popped up from behind him, "How bout some sprinkles?!" Before Clayface could react, Pinkie Pie leaped up and threw down her sprinkles in his face and arm, which exploded both distorting him and blowing off his arm, freeing Mikey.

Clayface growled and grabbed Pinkie in his hand, but Rainbow Dash ran in and sliced her free with her naginata. Clayface turned his hands into hammers again and tried to hit her, but she kept dodging with her speed. Then Casey launched some more exploding hockey pucks, distorting him.

Mikey and Pinkie Pie watched from on top a smaller pipe when Mikey spoke up, "Hey, I got an idea!"

"You thinking what I'm think?" Pinkie Pie asked, slyly.

Mikey nodded and the two jumped down from the pipe and ran off.

"Wait, where are you two going?" Nightwing called after them, but they were long out of sight.

While Casey and Rainbow Dash were whacking and slashing at Clayface's weapon morphed arms, Robin leaped in, "Uh, you know, you’re only making him angry," he said, as he back-flipped to avoid another swing from Clayface's hammer hand and threw some exploding batarangs, blowing his limbs off, which regenerated shortly after.

"Like you're doing any better." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"At least Nightwing and I know how to stop him." Robin retorted.

Nightwing charged at Clayface with his taser batons ready, "Physical attacks won't do much, the best way to fight him is with electricity-agh!"

Casey had shoved him out of the way and got out his own taser, "Casey Jones is gonna show you how it's done!" He jabbed the taser into Clayface's stomach as the villain howled in pain.

"It’s not enough!" Nightwing said, shoving Casey aside, "We need more voltage!" He stuck his taser batons into Clayface, shocking him more.

Casey knocked him aside, "I got this!"

Nightwing knocked him back, "No you don’t!"

Then before they knew it, they were both flattened and grabbed in Clayface's hand.

"Hang on, guys!" Robin called, and circled Clayface, looking for a opening, when he suddenly collided with Rainbow Dash, who had also been trying to do the same.

"Ow!" Rainbow Dash rubbed her head, "Watch it!"

"You got in my way, you watch it!" Robin retorted.

Before they had time to react, Clayface grabbed them in his other hand and smashed them into Nightwing and Casey before he threw them all into a wall.

"Well, you're all in the way of this!" Clayface morphed his hand into a huge solid block and pounded the heroes four times. Then they fell to the ground and could barely get back up again. Clayface chuckled and morphed his arm into an ax, "Mess with clay and you get smeared!" But just before he could bring the ax down...

"Hey, Mudman!"

Clayface turned to see Mikey peeking out threw a passage, "I told you, the name is Clayface!" the villain growled.

"Whatever," Mikey said, "Oh, by the way, your dad was fertilizer and your mom was a mud puddle!"

Clayface roared and went after Mikey, who took off down the passage with clay villain right behind him.

After they had left, Nightwing and the others slowly got to their feet, "Come... on," Nightwing groaned, "We gotta... stop him!" Then they all ran after the villain.

Clayface chased Mikey into a much more water fulled area. Unfortunately, the only other entrance was tunnel that was barred up.

Clayface laughed, "No where to run now, kid!"

Mikey looked back with a smug look on his face, "Who says I was running. Now, Pinkie!"

"Surprise!" Pinkie burst out of the water and threw a barrage of her exploding sprinkles at Clayface, distorting him, and blowing holes in his body.

After shaking off the dizziness, Clayface looked around and saw the two had disappeared, "Where are you?" he said, annoyed.

"Booyakasha!" The two dropped down from the ceiling and wrapped him in their chains, just as the others showed up.

"You have to be really stupid to think this would hold me!" Clayface smirked.

"It's not for holding you," Pinkie Pie said.

"It's for this!" Mikey said, as he and Pinkie pulled the chains causing Clayface to be quartered. As Clayface tries to pull himself together, Mikey called to Nightwing and Casey, "Now, shock him!"

The two quickly got the message and stuck their tasers into the water, shocking all of Clayface until he turned into a float pile of mush.

"And that's how it's done." Casey said, triumphantly.

"Good plan," Nightwing said to Mikey, "But we could have handled it."

"Didn't look like from where we were standing." Rainbow Dash rebuked him.

"We've battled Clayface a bunch of times," Robin noted, "You guys just got lucky."

"Oh, yeah?" Casey challenge, "Well, you should see the scum we face on a daily basis!"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash chimed in, "I bet the mutants we fought would make that guy look like child’s play!"

"Or the Triceratons!" Pinkie added.

"If you fought half the rogues in this city, you would be lucky to live to tell about it." Robin said.

"If they were like Shredder, we would still win." Mikey shot back

"We still beat that Clayface dude!" Casey said.

"Yeah and saved your lives!" Pinkie Pie put in.

Nightwing paused for minute before he said, "You’re right."

"You’re not being fair! I can’t believe you- wait!" Mikey exclaimed, before realizing what Nightwing had said, "You agreed?"

"Yes," Nightwing admitted, "Clayface caught us unprepared, so we were in trouble. You guys did save our lives."

"Yeah," Robin sighed, "You did. Thanks."

The ninjas and vigilante smiled at the gratitude, until Nightwing said, "However, Batman will not be happy to hear you guys disobeyed his orders."

"Trust me," Robin added, "He won’t. And he definitely won't be happy that you took his Batbikes."

At that moment something caught Mikey attention, "Um, guys," he said, "Clayface is getting away!"

While they had all been talking, Clayface had regained enough strength to escape, by slipping his mushed body through the barred tunnel.

"Oh no, he's not!" called Rainbow Dash, as she raced forward, "I'll get-agh!"

And apparently, Clayface also had enough strength to morph into a fist and knock Rainbow Dash off her feet and into the others. Mikey quickly got up and dove for Clayface, but he had already slipped into the tunnel and was gone.

All Mikey had manged to grab, or rather crash into, were the bars "Ah, sewer apples!" he frowned.

"And Batman won't be happy that we let Clayface get away." Robin said, to no one in particular.

Batman walked through a warehouse where the muscle bound terrorist Bane had last been seen. Batman looked looked this way and that, but there was no sign of Bane anywhere, and Batman knew from very hard experience that Bane was every bit as much brain as he was brawn, and had defeated him on more than one occasion, so he had to be extra cautious.

He stopped walking and called out, "I know you're here, Bane."

Batman heard a chuckle and turned to see a massive figure standing in the shadows, "Buena noches, Batman," Bane said, "I see it did not take long for you to find me."

"You're coming with me back to Arkham, Bane!"

"Now, Batman," Bane retorted, "You very well know I have no intention of returning to Arkham. At least not until I've tested my new found strength!" With that, he dumped his venom device at Batman's feet, then stepped out of the shadows, revealing he had been mutated into an elephant, with his trunk sticking out of his mask, "Surprised, Batman?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't," Batman admitted, dryly, "But I have my hunches these Kraang things did this to you."

"Brilliant, detective, as ever," Bane said, "But that will not save you from what is coming next!" The mutant elephant hooted and charged at Batman, bringing his fists down. Batman dodged and threw some batarangs, but they bounce right off the mutants skin. Bane caught one and crushed it, "Your toys will not help you, Batman!"

Batman wasn't fazed, "I've gotten around your strength before."

"But you won't this time," Bane stated, then he stomped over to some crates and hurled them at Batman, while the Dark Knight rushed toward him, dodging the crates, after flipping over another, he started punching Bane across the face, but his attacks hardly did anything. When he swung another punch, Bane caught his fist before lifting him up and throwing him into a pillar. Right as he was getting up, Bane ran in and slammed his fist into his gut then tossed him back onto the ground, "This time, I'll not just break your back, I'll make sure you never get up again!" As Bane approached to finish Batman off, a sai landed between them, "Que?" Bane raised a brow and he and Batman looked up.

Through an open skylight, they saw the Batwing. And perched on the rafters were Leo, Sunset, Twilight, Donnie, Raph, and Applejack.

"Back off, Dumbo!" Raph called, then they all jumped down and knocked Bane back. As Leo, and the others stood waiting for Bane, Sunset and Twilight checked on Batman.

"Are you okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Batman got up and frowned, "I thought I told you to stay at the cave."

"That was before we found out your enemies had been mutated." Leo said.

"We've fought mutants like this before," Twilight Sparkle explained, "Let us help!"

Raph glanced back at Batman, "Is there anyway to stop this guy?"

"I have plan to stop Bane," Batman explained, "But I'll need you keep him busy. Can you do that?"

"We'll try." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Like you need to ask?" Raph said, confidently.

Bane got up and frowned "Batman sends senioritas and tortugas against me? I’m very disappointed."

"We'll show you disappointment!" Raph challenged, while twirling his sai.

"Ninjas, take him down!" Leo called.

Then everyone began to battle Bane, attacking him from all sides. Then Leo high jump kicked Bane, making him stumble back, and Applejack body checked him through a wall of crates.

"Now that was too easy!" Raph gloated, "And here I was lead to believe he was one of the most dangerous guys in Gotham."

Suddenly, they heard a hooting, as Bane came smashing through the crates, enraged.

"Ah, sewer bunnies!" Raph groaned.

The ninjas rushed at Bane, but this time, the mutant elephant got serious and easily plowed through them, knocking away Leo and Raph with his fists and Sunset with a kick.

After Bane knocked her back, Twilight Sparkle used her magic to throw crates at him. But that had no affect and Bane grabbed her in his trunk before he threw her over another wall of crates.

Donnie ran up and started whacking Bane with his bo staff, but his attacks did no damage and only irritated him. Bane grabbed Donnie's staff with one hand and punched him with the other, before lifting him up by the strap.

Just then, a forklift came speeding out from behind the crates, with Twilight at the wheel. She floored the gas and smashed the vehicle right into Bane. But that did nothing except damage the forklift.

"Eh, I thought that would work." Twilight said, sheepishly, before Bane grabbed her as well.

Then he smashed the two brainiacs into each other and threw them, faces first, into a support beam. Then they fell to the ground knocked out and with Twilight's glasses cracked.

Bane snapped Donnie's staff in two and dumped them on the unconscious turtle, before he was attacked by Raph. The turtle had jumped down from some high crates and bounced off Bane's head, causing him to almost fall over. Raph then landed in front of him with a smirk.

"I will crack your shell!" Bane shouted, in rage.

"I'd like to see you try!" Raph challenged.

Bane gave out an elephant roar and charged straight at Raph, throwing a punch. But Raph jumped up, and using Bane's arm to balance himself, delivered a sharp kick, making the elephant back up.

"Just like every other lummox," Raph remarked, "All brawn, no brains!" Then he rushed at Bane, only to be grabbed at the last minute.

"I could say the same of you," Bane said, "I think you will find I am very much both brain and brawn. But if you prefer brawn, I will show you brawn!"

With those words, Bane body-slammed Raph all over the floor, making him lose his sais. Then Bane run down a line of crates, smashing Raph through each one, before dragging him across the floor and throwing him into another support beam. Bane pounded Raph three times with both his fists and his foot. Then he tossed Raph onto the floor, as the turtle bounced and tumbled on his shell. Raph looked up just in time to see Bane jump up and smash down on him with his fists. Just when Raph thought he'd had enough, Bane held him down with one hand and repeatedly punched him with the other, harder and harder with each strike. When Bane stopped, Raph was battered, bruised, and completely out cold.

Bane slowly picked up the beaten turtle and held him high with both hands "This was reserved for Batman," he said, "But it will be the perfect way to crack your shell!"

"I don't think so!" Leo came leaping in and knocked Bane back with a double kick, making him drop Raph. Leo then held up his unconscious brother, trying to wake him up "Raph, Raph!" he called. But then a shadow fell on him and he looked up just as Bane grabbed hold of him and head-bashed him over and until Leo was knocked out cold as well.

Sunset Shimmer threw her kunai at Bane, but thanks to the elephant's thick hide, her weapons did little damage. Bane dumped Leo aside then ran at Sunset and tried to smash her, but she kept dodging and striking him in random spots, irritating him. And when Bane took another swing, Sunset wrapped her arms and legs around his arm and turned herself with enough momentum to cause Bane to loose his balance and fall over. However, the minute Bane got back on his feet, he instantly punched Sunset with one hand and grabbed her with the other.

Bane leaned in as she struggled to free herself, "You are a brave one, but that will also be your downfall!" He squeezed Sunset so hard that she screamed in agony. Then he slammed her on the floor and stomped down on her with his foot, knocking her out.

Now the only one left was Applejack.

"I have finished you're friends, chica!" Bane said, "And now you'll get yours!"

"We'll see about that, Pachyderm Puss!" Applejack shot back, discarding her claws, and tapping into her geode power.

"Very well." Bane replied, and charged at Applejack, slamming his fists down on her.

Applejack had caught them, but she had been forced down onto one knee. Never the less, she struggled hard, pushing herself back up, until she threw Bane's fists off, causing him to stumble back.

Bane was surprised, but spoke out in enjoyment, "You might give me a challenge yet, seniora!"

"Oh, I’ll give you more than that!" Applejack grinned.

The two rushed at each other, slugging it out. Bane threw every punch he had at her, but she blocked every one, until he grabbed her and threw her into a crate. Then he tried to ram her, only for the country girl to back-flip onto the crate before jumping up into the air and pounding Bane with her feet as she came back down.

Enraged, Bane ran into Applejack, grabbing hold of her, and smashing her through every wall of crates. When they smashed out of the final wall, Applejack dug her feet on the ground, wrapped her arms around Bane's waist, and body-slammed him onto his head. Bane then struck her across the face, into her gut, then he locked his fists together and knocked her off her feet with an upper cut.

Applejack got back up. Then she and Bane ran at each other, their fists drawn back, and collided into grappled. Applejack grabbed Bane's fist while Bane grabbed her's.

As they struggled against each other, Bane spoke up, "You've done better than your amigos did, I say that!"

"Yeah?" Applejack said, "Well, y'all did better than Rocksteady!"

"I do not know who Rocksteady is and I don't care!" Bane rebuffed, "I will crush you- ah!" Before he could finish, Bane felt something small and sharp stick him in neck. Then he wobbled around before he fell with a loud thud.

Applejack looked up and saw Batman standing behind Bane, holding some kind of gun, "What did you just do?" she asked.

"Elephant tranquilizer." Batman answered.

"And why didn't y'all use that when my friends were gettin' creamed?!"

"I couldn't get a shot in," Batman said, simply, "Now, help me gather up your friends." He went over and picked up Sunset.

Applejack frowned, "Fine," she grumbled, "But only cause I want to and not because you said so." Then she went around, picking up the rest of her unconscious friends.

Once they handed Bane over to the authorities, Batman and three turtles and Rainbooms returned to the Batcave. However, once everyone else had returned, Batman had some stern and very unhappy words for the young ninjas.

"What I Do is serious work!" he scolded, "I’m responsible for anyone who assists me in these missions. While some criminals are superstitious and cowardly, there are those who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty!" Batman glanced at the 70’s Robin outfit, and spoke dishearteningly, "Because I foolishly underestimated them, a couple people paid the price," But then he turned serious again, and continued to scold them, "When I give you all an order, you obey it! No arguing! No Trouble! No nothing! It’s my house, my rules. My rules are what keep people alive on this team and if you want to stay on it, require my help to get home, you will abide by them! You know nothing about these criminals! Had you face them without any of the others, they would have defeated you or Worse!"

The ninjas looked away dejectedly, while Fluttershy was on the verge of crying.

But then, Batman's tone turned calm as he said, "However, if I hadn’t anticipated all of you disobeying my order, we would have all perished."

"Wait what?" Twilight Sparkle said, as the ninjas looked up in confusion.

"You expected us to disobey you?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"If we are ever going to stop The Kraang, we need to work together," Batman stated, "I had a hunch it was only a matter of time before somebody teamed up with the Kraang."

"So, we’re just pawns whether we obeyed you or not?" Raph yelled from a table where he, Leo, and Sunset Shimmer sat as Alfred tended to the injuries they got from Bane.

"Your manipulation almost cost all our friends their lives!" Applejack snapped.

Leo on the other hand, had a different opinion, "That’s...... pretty clever."

"WHAT?" both Raph and Applejack said, disbelief.

"I admit," Robin said, "We did make a pretty good team despite our setbacks."

"Yeah," Raindow Dash agreed, "We still kicked butt."

Birds of Prey approached Rarity, April, and Fluttershy, looking a little guilty, except Huntress.

Batgirl spoke first, "We..... owe you three an apology."

"And thank you," Black Canary continued, "For helping us out." Then she nudged Huntress.

"I’m...... sorry for blaming you for my own fault," Huntress apologized, reluctantly. Then she got in Fluttershy's face, "But hit me again and it’s gonna take more than your stare to save your innocent butt! Got it!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Fluttershy squeaked, while hiding in her hair.

"Wait. Fluttershy hit Huntress?" Rainbow Dash asked, astonished.

Fluttershy blushed, "It was on impulse. And I'm really not proud of it!"

"I am!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, "That sounds awesome!"

"Wow!" Robin said, "Remind me not get in a fight with you!"

"Could everyone please not remind me," Fluttershy begged, "I feel guilty enough, already!"

Huntress rolled her eyes, "Look, I'm fine, that's all that matters, so be a big girl, and get over it!"

Nightwing, meanwhile, had walked over to the table where Leo, Raph, and Sunset were seated. Raph had bandages covering all his bruises. Leo was nursing his head with an ice pack. And Sunset Shimmer was just having her waist wrapped up by Alfred.

"How are they?" Nightwing asked the butler.

"They’ll be alright, Master Dick," Alfred replied, "Thankfully, there was no permanent damage and nothing was broken. But they will require some rest."

"So we're gonna be out of action for a while. Great," Sunset sighed.

"You're all very lucky," Nightwing said, sternly, "Bane is very dangerous. Not someone to take lightly, ever."

"Yeah, real lucky pawns here." Raph said, sarcastically.

"What I’m curious about is how come Ivy and Bane were mutated and not Clayface?" Robin wondered aloud.

"Probably his clay-like body is unaffected by mutagen," Donnie guessed, "Or just rejected it since he’s already mutated."

"Are you listening to yourself?" Raph called out, "We almost died here!" But no one seemed to hear him.

"All I wanna know is who was crazy enough to deal with Kraang Subprime?" Twilight Sparkle pondered.

"Seriously?" Applejack said, mad that everyone but her and Raph had seemed to forget that Batman had risked their very lives.

Author's Note:


.Mikey and Rainbow Dash crashing into Rarity is from Batman/ TMNT #3, when Mikey crashed into Alfred, while skateboarding.

.Leo and Batman's spar is from Batman/TMNT #3.

.The pizza boy is actually me in human form. Didn't expect TMNTony to suggest putting that in it but i'm glad he did.

.Joker's meeting with Subprime is based off the meeting with the Shredder in Batman TMNT adventures #2.

.Nightwing mentioning that Twilight and Mikey sound like friends of his, is a reference to the fact that Tara Strong voices both Twilight and Raven and Greg Cipes voices both Mikey and Beast Boy.

.The Birds of Prey battling a Snakeweed clone in the park is from Batman TMNT Adventures #3. And Nightwing and Robin facing Clayface in the sewer from #1.

.In My Little Pony comic, Ponies of the Dark Water, Evil Fluttershy's look and behavior are a reference to Poison Ivy.

.Poison Ivy and Bane do mutate into a mantis and elephant in the Batman/TMNT.

.Sunset flipping Bane is based of Nightwing flipping Tommy Terror from Young Justice Outsiders.