• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,567 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Game of Riddles part 1

"So, Bane, how was your trial run?" Joker asked.

"The Bat and his little friends were no match for my new might!" Bane said, hefting his fists, "Except for the country girl, your partner here, warned me about."

"You muscle-headed moron!" Subprime shouted, "I give you the power to take out this Batman guy and the Turtles and Rainbooms, and you let yourself get shot with a tranquilizer!"

Bane stared, menacingly, down at the Kraang, "I easily knocked out and demolished those tortugas and chicas. And I'll do the same to you if you ever speak to me like that!"

"Back off, Pachyderm Puss! The guy I based this suit off of, took out guys your size," Subprime warned, "So, be nice!"

When the police had taken Bane back to Arkham, they couldn't have known that it was now under the control of the Joker.

"Now, now, Subby," Joker interjected, "What matters is that Bane gave'em a really whooping! So don't be so hard on him," Just then, Clayface oozed out of a vent, "Why Hagen old boy, how was your night out?"

"You might say, it was Electrifying!" Clayface grumbled, "I had Nightwing and Robin right were I wanted them, but those newcomers showed up and pulled a fast one on me!"

"Another failure, why am I not surprised?" Subprime scowled, before Poison Ivy burst through the doors, looking irked, "Let me guess, you lost too, didn't you?!"

"The Birds of Prey and those other girls took out that mutant of yours," the villainess explained, crossing her arms, "Luckily, they all started squabbling, so I managed to get away."

Subprime still wasn't amused, "Everywhere I turn it’s failure! You’re all as useless as these other Kraang!"

"Kraang, that which is known as, resembles that remark." a droid said.

"Oh, shut up!" Subprime yelled, before turning back to the villains, "As for the rest you, get outta my sight before I get mad!"

"That isn't mad?" Clayface asked, rhetorically.

"Did I stutter? I SAID SCRAM!"

The villains looked at each other before they frowned and walked away.

After they had gone, Subprime rubbed his forehead, "Oye, I should have figured! If you can’t beat a bunch of morons in Halloween costumes, how do you expect to beat a bunch of mutant turtles and a couple of teenagers?!"

"Jeez, Subby, you sound as whiny as a parrot!" Joker quipped.

"Really?" Subprime said, "Is everything a joke to you?!"

"Well, I am called the Joker. What did you expect?"

"I can't believe I let you talk me into using this Arkham place as our base of operation. Not to mention, giving our mind control devices to this Mad Hatter character." Subprime glanced at all of the doctors, nurses, and security guards walking around, all were mind-controlled.

"Hattie did a bang up job, did he not? More to the point, they have succeeded in proving that your miracle gel works!" Joker pointed out, "It proves we can handle Bat breath and his little pep squad as well as those Shell backs and Rainbooms. We just need a little more umph if you catch my drift."

"A little umph you say?" Subprime said, in thought, "Perhaps you’re right, Joker. Maybe I was a little too conclusive. But when we add more mutants, I want those turtles shells as hubcaps!"

"Now you’re getting the picture!" Joker said, "Now then, what's say you get started on that portal of yours?"

Subprime turned to two droids, "Go get Dr. Khan."

The droids left and came back, in a few minutes, dragging a man and push him toward Joker and Subprime.

Joker bent down to look at him, "Dr. Khan, I presume?"

"Ahh!" Dr. Khan cried, "You're the Joker!"

"My, my, you really are a brilliant mind aren't you?" Joker said, "Oh, but you needed fret. I'm not the one who requested you're service."

Subprime shoved him aside, "Enough with the yacking, already!"

"What are you?!" the terrified scientist asked.

"I am Kraang Subprime and we are the Kraang. We hear you're a big believer of the Multiverse, am I right?" the alien brain replied "Well, then, consider us your proof. We come from a dimension known as Dimension X, but the thing is, we're stuck here, because we don't have our portal devices. But you have plans for a trans-dimensional portal. So it's your lucky day. You get to build it."

"But the project costs billions," Dr. Khan, "And even if I had the money, I don't have the parts to build it."

"Luckily, I thought of that." Subprime motioned to a double door as two droids open it, revealing all the technology they had robbed.

"Is all that stolen?" Dr. Khan asked, "You're crazy if you think I'm going to build you a portal from stolen tech!"

"Crazy? No-no, that's my game!" Joker interrupted and laughed.

Subprime looked him right in the eye and said, "Let me rephrase that. Build the portal, OR LOSE YOUR HEAD!" his Shredder suit unsheathed it's blades, startling Dr. Khan. Then he spoke to the droids holding him, "Put him to work!"

As the droids carried him into the room, Khan shouted back, "Even if I get started right away, it'll take at least a week to construct. And by that time, Batman will have already found you!" But after that, the droids closed the doors.

"Ooooo, Batman!" Subprime said, mockingly, "I'm shakin'!"

"I'd heed his words if I were you." Joker said, seriously.

"Are you implying that I should be worried about some mere jerk in a bat costume?!"

"Oh, I'm not implying," Joker said, innocently before turning serious again, "I'm telling! Batman is anything but mere. He knows about you, and one way or another, he will find where you're all hiding! He's that good. But you don't have to take my word for it. Just ask yourself: How many times have you lost to those Turtles and Rainbooms?"

Subprime thought about it and remembered that no matter the number of droids, how advanced their technology was, or even when they had taken over New York they had always lost to the four turtle brothers and seven high school girls. If they weren't so mere, then maybe, neither was Batman. "Aww, kraang!" he groaned, realizing that Joker was right, "Say I buy your claim, how do we stop this Batman?"

"Oh, I'm afraid there is no stopping the Batman," Joker said, in disappointment, "But, there is a way to stall him. As well as those Turtles and Rainbooms."

"Stall them?" Subprime repeated, "And just how are we supposed to stall them?"

"Oh, that's easy, they're heroes and what do heroes do? They fight crime! And who commits crime? Villains! And this whole place is filled with the worst villains in all of Gotham... catch on?"

Subprime started getting it, "Yeah!" Subprime said, enlightened, "Sick all these baddies on Batman and those Turtles and Rainbooms! I'm beginning to like the way you think, Joker."

"Why, thank you, Subby," Joker grinned, "And luck is on our side. Their little encounter with Bane has put three of them out of action, so that's fewer heroes to keep busy. But, never the less, we still have to keep the others occupied. And I've got just the men for the job. They just need a little make-over first..."

"Is this the place?" Asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Yep, this is it." answered Nightwing.

Batman, Nightwing, Twilight, Donnie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, April, Casey, and Batgirl had arrived at an old factory, where another Arkham escapee was last seen.

"Uh, who are we looking for, again?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Batman showed them all a photo, "Edward Nygma: The Riddler."

"I've read about him online," Donnie said, "He's a genius!"

"And Batman's unofficial intellectual rival." Nightwing noted.

"I don't get why we have to be careful," Applejack questioned, "He don't even have any powers."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash agreed, "From what we've heard, all he does is make riddles and stuff."

"Yeah, this is gonna be a breeze!" Casey said, confidently.

"And that's exactly why you're friends, especially Raphael, are still nursing their injuries back at the cave," Batman said, reminding them of what happened to Raph for underestimating Bane. Just thinking about it made Donnie and Twilight shudder. Twilight's glasses were still cracked.

"Trust us," Nightwing added, "Riddler's a very tricky guy. He once used every villain in Gotham, and even Superman as a pawn against Batman. And made him think it was all the work of an old friend of his."

"Precisely my point." Batman stated.

"He's right, guys," Twilight Sparkle said, "We're not taking any chances this time!"

"And it's a very big possibility that he's working with the Kraang too." Donnie theorized.

"Another reason we have to bring him in," Batman said, "So that we're one step closer to getting you home."

"The sooner, the better!" said Batgirl bitterly.

April spoke up, equally bitter, "Well that's one thing we can agree on!"

The two redheads turned away from each other while the others watched in concern.

"Still mad over their little incident in the cave." Nightwing stated.

"Yeah," Twilight said, "I've never seen April so angry."

"I have," Donnie said, "When she was taken over by the aeon crystal. But I agree with you there, Twilight. I really only ever expected that kind of behavior from Raph. But never April."

Earlier that night, April was sparing with Batgirl as Nightwing, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Donnie watched.

Twilight Sparkle walked up, "What’s going on?" she asked.

"April was practicing when Batgirl needed a sparring partner." Fluttershy said, worried.

"I originally was going to," Nightwing noted, "But April insisted."

"And you guess the motivation," Rarity said, and pointed to a love struck Donnie.

April threw a punch that got caught by Batgirl, who threw her over her shoulder.

"Nice one, Batgirl!" Donnie called.

Hearing that irked April so much that she started to use her psychic powers on Batgirl and lifted her up and started slamming her down shocking everyone.

"Not so tough now are you?" April mocked.

"You tell me!" Batgirl threw a batarang at her. April quickly caught it, but lost her psychic grip on Batgirl. Once she was free, Batgirl flipped over and elbowed April in the neck, knocking her to the floor.

April looked up and saw Donnie staring at Batgirl with a goofy look. The same one he once had for her. April gritted her teeth. Finally, she couldn't contain her jealousy anymore. With all her strength, she shot up and socked Batgirl in the gut, knocking the wind out of her and surprising everyone.

"Oh... no!" Rarity and Fluttershy said, in worry. Knowing it wasn't going to end well. And it didn't.

April struck Batgirl left and right across the face, harder and harder. Then she held by her right arm and kneed her three times in the face. And finally, April wrapped her arm around Batgirl's waist, held onto the back of her head, and slammed her, face first, hard onto the floor.

But April wasn't done. She put Batgirl in a head-lock and, without knowing it, started to strangle her!

Luckily, Nightwing instantly realized what was happening and pulled April off, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" he shouted.

Batgirl rolled over and held her throat, gasping for air, and the others knelt down next to her, wondering if she was alright.

"Are you okay, Darling?" Rarity asked, before she turned to the red-headed kunouchi, "What were you thinking, April?!"

"We were just sparring!" April said, and pushed Nightwing off her.

"That wasn't sparring," Fluttershy argued, "That was attacking!"

Batgirl stood up and glared at April, "What is wrong with you?! Ever since we met, you've been treating me with resentment! Why do you hate me?"

"None of you're business!" April snapped.

"That's enough!" Nightwing interjected, "I don’t know what your problem with Batgirl is, April, but whatever it is DROP IT!"

April huffed and stormed off.

"Wow," Twilight Sparkle said, "I expected this kind of thing from Raph, but not April."

"Yeah," Donnie agreed, "The only time she's ever been like this was when she was corrupted by the Aeon crystal."

"Do you think she might still be infected by some of it's negative energy?" Twilight asked.

"Or maybe it's something else entirely," Nightwing chimed in, "And I think I know what it is."

"What is it?" Donnie asked.

"I'll give you a hint. It's green and wearing purple."

Meanwhile, April was sitting in chair with her head hung.

"April?" April turned to look and the first thing she saw was Rarity's tapping foot, then looked all the way up to the frowning faces of both her and Fluttershy.

"What?" April asked, irritated.

"April, your jealousy is getting out of hand!" Rarity said.

April stood up, annoyed, "For the last time, I'm not jealous!"

"Yes you are!" Fluttershy said, sternly, "You're just too stubborn to admit it!"

"And we know what stubborn is, we hang out with Applejack." Rarity noted.

"Just drop it!" April said, "Both of you!"

"I think you’re the one who needs to drop it!" Rarity shot back.

April narrowed her eyes, "I’m warning you!"

"Maybe if you tried talking to Batgirl, you’ll see she’s not trying to steal Donnie from you." Fluttershy insisted.

"I’d rather get captured by the Krang than go near her!"

At that moment the crime alert went off. Batman rushed to the Batcomputer, "We've got two more escapees from Arkham!" he announced "The Riddler and Mr Freeze! Sighted at west side of Gotham and at the old abandoned puzzle factory."

"I'll get Freeze!" Black Canary said, mounting her motorcycle and putting on a helmet.

"And I shall go along as well," Rarity added, before turning to Canary, "After all, you don't want a repeat of what happened with Poison Ivy, do you?"

Black Canary signed, remembering the incident, "Point made," she said, tossing her a extra helmet, "Get on the bike."

"Nightwing, Twilight, Donatello, Batgirl, and I will go after Riddler," Batman stated, then spoke to Black Canary and Rarity, "Both of you be careful, Freeze is dangerous."

"And there's a good chance he may have been mutated by the Kraang." Donnie added.

"Message received." Black Canary said, mounting her bike.

"Oh, and Batman," Rarity said, coyly, as she took a seat on the back, "If I may make a suggestion, bring April along with you as well."

"What?!" both April and Batgirl exclaimed.

"Mmm, Hmm," Fluttershy agreed, with a sly look, "She and Batgirl made a good team when they fought Snakeweed together."

Batman thought for a moment. He looked to Nightwing, who nodded towards Donnie and Batman soon caught on to the reason why Rarity and Fluttershy wanted April to go with them, "Very well," he said, "Come on, April."

April shot angered glare at the two Rainbooms, "Thanks!" she said. Fluttershy grinned while Rarity winked as she and Canary rode off on her motorcycle.

"Lucky, us!" Batgirl grumbled, and glared at April.

"I'll go along too," Applejack butted in.

"And me!" Rainbow Dash zipped in, "I wanna get in on the action!"

Applejack strode right up to Batman, "And I'm wanna make my friends don't become pawns to Mr Dark Knight here!" she gave Batman a heated glare.

Batman wasn't fazed, "Not going to let it go are you?"

"Everyone stay close," Batman cautioned, as they all snuck into the dark factory.

Suddenly a spotlight shined down on the heroes, as the Riddler's voice came over an intercom, "Well well, I thought I had just a bat problem but it includes a bird, a turtle, and children? So you’re the meta humans I heard so much about. Well, If I knew you were coming, I’d of baked a cake!"

"Okay, Nygma!" Casey called, "Come out and fight like a man!"

"Does Wayne Gretzky know you stole his hockey stick?" Riddler retorted, "And I am amazed. A walking talking turtle!"

"Yeah, the guy’s PHD material all right." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"He makes Baxter Stockman look like a school boy." Donnie said.

"And he’s intelligent! Let me guess. Fifteen years ago, you came in contact with a colloidal gel which turned you to your present state?"

Donnie was left speechless.

"Well if you ask me, it sounds like the basics of a comic book, which I find droll." Riddler criticized.

"Droll?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "I'd say it's awesome comic book!"

"You must be Rainbow Dash," Riddler guessed, "I could tell from raspiness and over confidence in your voice."

"What'ya mean raspy?!"

"And the purple one must be Twilight Sparkle," Riddler said, ignoring Rainbow Dash, "I wonder if you're as naive as you look?"

"Naive?!" Twilight said, insulted.

"And let's not forget the way too stubborn and very simple-minded Applejack." Riddler remarked.

"What?!" the country girl glared, "Why you low-down-"

"Calm down, girls," Donnie eased, "He's just toying with you."

"And Donatello, one of the famous ninja turtles," Riddler went on, "How many inventions have literally blown up in your face?"

"Hey! That only happened once!" Donnie corrected, "Or twice. Or twelve to thirty-five times..."

"Knock it off, Riddler!" April called out.

"April O'neil. My you're quite the looker. But alas, your beauty pales in comparison to feminine physique of Batgirl. Wouldn't you agree, Donatello?"

"Uh..." Donnie was unable to answer.

After hearing that, April got angry and started to get out her tanto, when Nightwing stopped her hand.

"He's trying to get under your skin," Nightwing said, "Don't let him."

"Smart as ever, Nightwing." Riddler commented.

"Enough!" Batman said, "What's your game, Riddler?"

"Riddle me this, detective: How many villains have just recently been mutated by the alien brains, the Kraang? Answer: your's truly!" A screen protected onto the wall in front of them, revealing that Riddler had been mutated into a fox.

Casey laughed, "A fox! Very original."

"Scoff all you want, but foxes are very intelligent creatures. Hence the phrase: Smart as a Fox. But, I expected no less from the incredibly stupid Casey Jones!"

Casey frowned and pulled down his mask, "Casey Jones is gonna show you stupid!"

"Oh, no need. You already have," Riddler retorted, "Referring to yourself in the 3rd person, is a sign of low intelligence as well as being a complete egomaniac!"

Donnie couldn't help but laugh at Casey. Which made the vigilante sweep the turtle off his feet with his hockey stick.

"But, enough of that, riddle me this: What's Black and White and Red All Over?"

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes, "Duh, a newspaper." Seeing one in front of them, she levitated it up, only to find it was a attached to string.

Then suddenly, three trap-doors opened up and heroes all fell through and onto a hard metal floor. Batman, Donnie, and Twilight started to get up and saw they were in some kind of hallway. But the others were no where in sight.

Riddler appeared on a screen laughing at Twilight, "I can't believe you didn't realize that was an obvious trap. You really are as naive as you look! A real simpleton!"

"I don't like him..." Twilight said, bitterly.

"Where are we?" Donnie looked around "And where are the others?"

"We're on the other side of this wall!" Nightwing's voice called from behind one "At least, me, Casey, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are."

"I'm with Batgirl!" April called from behind another.

"Unfortunately!" Batgirl said.

Riddler spoke up "Allow me to explain. As you can see, you've have all just fallen into my labyrinth and the only way out is to play my Game of Riddles! But of course, you heroes won't play without the motivation, so I took the liberty of kidnapping the city council and holding them hostage. And if you refuse to play, I press a button and they'll instantly be terminated! So that sums up your choices now doesn't it? Here's how the game works, you've each been placed into three teams, for you each have three hostages to rescue. Follow the green question marks to where their held up. To rescue them, you must answer my very complicated and extremely tricky riddles and no cheating or trying to use anything other than your mind. Oh, and speaking of which, no weapons, gadgets, sports equipment, or utility belts!" Small tables rose up in front of each of the heroes, "Hand them over. If you don't, you know what happens to the hostages," With no choice, everyone placed all their gear on the tables, "Geodes too, girls!" Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash reluctantly put their geodes on the tables, then the tables pulled back in, "Good luck, my players! You'll need it." Riddler laughed as his screen shut off.

Then the heroes each set off down their passageways, following the green question marks.

Back at Wayne Manor, Alfred and Robin knocked on Sunset's guest room.

"Come in." she called.

"Room service!" Robin said, as he and Alfred came in.

"Very funny, Master Tim," Alfred said, dryly, as he carried a tray of food for Sunset, "How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"A lot better now," she answered, "I think better enough that I can get up and walk at least.

"Say, Sunset, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Robin asked.

"Sure, Robin," Sunset responded.

"How exactly did you know about Batman's parents? I mean, from the way you reacted back at the fight, it's almost like you experienced it yourself."

Sunset Shimmer looked away for a moment, "I... kind of did. Like my friends and I told you, our powers come from these geodes." She held up her geode, "Mine allows me to look into people's memories and also feel what they're feeling when I touch them."


"When I first touched Black Canary I could see all her memories, including the ones of her, Batman, and their superhero allies fighting all sorts of villains and threats. That's how I knew you guys weren't our enemies. And when I broke up Leo and Batman, I ended up touching his arm. And I saw that horrible memory. Not only that, I also felt something in him... pain. Lots of pain." Sunset Shimmer said.

Alfred nodded, grimly, "Losing his parents, left Bruce forever changed. He was lucky to have me there for him when he needed it. And I've been there for him ever since."

"So, how come you didn't tell your friends?" Robin inquired.

"I didn't think it was my place to tell them," Sunset responded, "Although, if I had, maybe Raph and Applejack wouldn't be so resentful to Batman. I know Applejack blames him for what happened with Bane and the other villains. And Raph's really not happy at being put out of action."

"Which I may complement that you and Master Leonardo are handling much better than he is." Alfred said.

He wasn't off. In the guest room next to Sunset's, Raph was laying in bed with frown on his face.

"Augh! I just hate being on the benches while everyone else is fighting with little to no idea of where the Kraang are!" he grumbled.

"Calm down!" Leo eased, "After fighting with Poison Ivy, Clayface, and Bane, we’re bound to be getting close! And Sunset is still recovering from our fight with Bane and you don't hear her complaining."

"And why did we get hurt again?" Raph asked, sarcastically, "Oh, that's right, BECAUSE WE WERE PAWNS FOR BATMAN!"

Huntress watched everything from the crack in the door, "What a hard case," she said, then noticed Mikey and Pinkie Pie looking at her with sly grins on their faces, "What?"

"Nothing." they answered simultaneously.

Meanwhile, down in the Batcave, Fluttershy was looking at the costumes. Some of them looked kind of scary to her while others looked like they were from the 70s or 90s. She was just passing an all black one with a red bat logo, when she notices a new costume. It was black, with grey gloves and utility belt, and skull mask with a red X on it. It was also about the same height as Nightwing, if not a little taller.

"I don’t remember this one." Fluttershy said, and reached for the mask when suddenly the costume grabbed her hand.

"Look but don’t touch, cutie." it said.

Fluttershy's eyes widened. That wasn't a costume, it was an intruder!

Her scream echoed throughout the cave and reached up to the manor where everyone heard it.

"Fluttershy?" Leo turned toward the scream.

"Fluttershy!" Sunset Shimmer cried.

"What now?" Huntress asked.

Robin dashed out of Sunset's room and toward the cave entrance, "I better get down there!"

"I gotta get down there too!" Raph said, and tried to get up. Only to pushed back down by Leo.

"Forget it, Raph." Leo said, as he tried to keep his brother in bed.

"No way am I missing this fight!" Raph retorted.

"You're in no shape to fight."

"Really? Did that stop you from taking on the Creep with a broken leg?"

"Fair point, Raph," Leo admitted, "But Alfred told you to stay in bed, no exceptions. Now just stay here."

With that, Leo left the room and headed to the cave.

"Why?" Raph called, "Because Batman told him to?!"

Mikey and Pinkie Pie poked their heads in.

"Aww, don't be such a grumpy-pants, Raph," Pinkie Pie said, coyly, "If you don't want to stay here, we can always move you to a better spot. Right, Mikey?"

"Yeah," Mikey said "We've got just the hiding place for you, Raph." The pair snickered to each other.

"Wait? Hiding place!"

Robin arrived at the Batcave first and found Fluttershy bound and gagged in some kind of x-shaped material, "Fluttershy, you okay?" he asked, as he moves the gag, "What happened?"

"Behind you!"

Robin turned around just in time to get kicked to the side by the intruder.

"You're Robin now?" the intruder said, "How humorous."

Robin got up, "And you are?"

"That would be telling, kid," the intruder rebuffed, "But all I can say that I'm disappointed that you're not the kid I remember. But it doesn't matter. A kid like you doesn't have a chance."

Robin smirked, "That's the thing about being a kid. Just about everyone underestimates you. And they always get outsmarted because of that. Just like Vandal Savage did." In a flash Robin throw some smoke bombs, distorting the intruder, then he leaped in bringing his staff down, by the intruder flipped out of the way.

Intruder landed on his feet, "Point made, kid. But I bet you're no as good as the last kid."

"News flash, I'm better." Robin said.

"Prove it."

The two fought head on, blow for blow, and kick to punch, until they reached a grapple.

"You're not too bad, kid. But you're not good either," The intruder tried back flip Robin, but when he did, the Boy Wonder landed on his feet and flipped the intruder instead, throwing him into a wall "Alright, I'll admit it, you are better," But then he pressed a button on his belt and teleported behind Robin. Before he could react, the intruder fired a big X that pinned him to a wall, "But it doesn't matter." the intruder said, then he suddenly whipped around and caught an arrow.

There stood Huntress, Leo, Mikey, and Pinkie Pie with their weapons drawn.

"What matters is that you are going to answer the obvious question," Huntress said, aiming her crossbow, "Who are you?"

"And what do you have against Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"She tried to touch my mask." the intruder answered.

"Alright, whoever you are, you’re going down." Mikey said.

"Name's Red X," said the intruder, "And you're welcome to try."

Leo noticed that the disobeying Raph hadn't showed up and asked, "Mikey, Pinkie, where’s Raph?"

"Well, we knew he wasn't gonna stay put." Pinkie Pie started.

"So we put him someplace safe." Mikey finished.

Upstairs, Raph banged from inside a broom close,t "Mikey! Pinkie Pie! I’LL GET YOU TWO FOR THIS!" he shouted, until some of his bones cracked from pain, "Ow."

"Why are you here?" Huntress asked.

"I want something here," Red X replied, "That’s all."

"Whatever you want, you’ll have to get through us first!" Leo declared.

Red X didn't seem bothered by that "A pleasure."

Batman, Twilight Sparkle, and Donnie walked through the labyrinth, keeping their eyes peeled for any traps and also for any of the hostages.

"Stay close," Batman cautioned, "The traps are as crazy as the Riddler himself."

Soon they came to a door with a panel that had three sliding tablets. A cat. A hen. And a bag of seeds.

Riddler appeared on a small screen above it, "I see you found the locked door. All you have to do is get the cat, hen, and seeds to the other side of the river. Fair warning! The cat is in the mood for hen while the hen admires those delectable seeds. Put them on the other side and the door will open! And this’ll make it more amusing..."

Suddenly a wall with spikes slammed shut and pulled up behind the heroes, threatening to close in on them!

"Donatello! Help me keep the wall back!" Batman ordered "Twilight! Figure out the puzzle!"

"Yeah," Twilight Sparkle said, nervously, "No pressure!" She looked over the three tablets, thinking, 'Okay, you got this, Twilight,' she thought, 'No pressure, none what'so ever! Let's see, move the cat first then the hen? No, the cat will eat the hen! Move the hen first then the seed? No, the hen will eat the seed! Ugh! Why does this have to be so tricky?!'

"Twilight, hurry it up!" Batman called, as he and Donnie struggled against the closing wall.

"I'm trying!" she exclaimed, "But this puzzle is difficult!"

Donnie called over to her, "Twilight! Remember when Fugitoid was broken and I was freaking out with doubt? You not only helped me fix him, but you helped keep me calm and told me I could do it. You're genius, Twilight, you've got this, so just keep telling yourself that."

"And make it fast!" Batman chimed in.

Twilight Sparkle took a breath, "Right, I'll try," She closed her eyes and rubbed her head in thought, 'Okay, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this!' Her eyes shoot open in realization, "That's it!" she said, and slid each of the tablets across in the right order. First the cat. Then the seeds. And finally the hen.

With the puzzle solved, the wall stopped and the door opened up.

"Very good. But that was only the beginning, the next two will be even trickier." Riddler said, as the screen went blank.

"Let's move." Batman said. And the three headed off, knowing the game had only just begun.

Author's Note:


.The Chapter title is a play off of Game of Thrones, which had been referenced in MLP episode: Tanks for the Memories when Twilight said "Winter is Coming!".

.Joker saying Subprime sounds like a whiny parrot is a reference to Gilbert Godfrey's other character Iago.

.When Nightwing warns the ninjas about how smart the Riddler is, he mentions his role in Batman: Hush, in which the Riddler was the true mastermind behind the mystery when he told Thomas Elliot Batman's identity.

.When Robin says to Red X "Just like Vandal Savage did" he mentions the events of the Young Justice episode Summit, (in which Tim Drake was present) when he warns Red X about underestimating kids, which was the mistake Vandal Savage made.

.The puzzle Twilight Sparkle has to solve is the same one from Between the Lions: Farmer Ken's Puzzle.

.Raph getting put in the closet is from the 2003 TMNT episode: Cousin Sid.