• Published 11th May 2019
  • 2,582 Views, 12 Comments

Kirby Star Allies: Friend Hearts are Magic - The Kelduo

Kirby, his allies, and a villain are accidentally teleported to Equestria. Will the Star Allies find a way home? Will they prevent Hyness from ruling over Equestria?

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Chapter 9: Rocky and Boulder

I found myself at the entrance to a mine filled with rare gems. My footsteps echoed as I slowly walked in. Stomp, stomp, stomp. The gems everywhere were quite a sight to see.

But there was a sight that saw me first. "Nice hat." I looked deeper into the mine and saw a gray pony with flat hair. Her expression was equally plain. "I'm Maud. Who are you?"

So, she's this Maud pony that Rarity spoke of. I replied by turning into my name again.

"Nice to meet you, Rocky." I was impressed that she didn't seem surprised, either by the fact that I'm a living rock or that I turned into another rock form. "Have you met Boulder?"

I tilted my head--or body--in confusion. Who's Boulder?

Maud took a small rock out of her pouch and put it in front of me. "This is Boulder. ...He seems to like you."

I stared at Boulder. Boulder stared back at me. A lot of people don't know the inside story of rocks. They just think that rocks are useless and do absolutely nothing. They are completely wrong. When I looked at Boulder, I could tell that he's been through a lot. Maud must have rescued the little metamorphic rock from the clutches of weathering and erosion. We need more people like Maud where I come from, people that know the usefulness of and care for us rocks. Rocks can be saviors, of forests and deserts alike. They stomp out fires and protect humans from storms. I never forgot the true story about how that one man made my ancestor generously give water.

My thoughts were interrupted by Maud, who asked, "What do you do for fun, Rocky?"

The truth is, I never really thought about it. But there is this one thing we Rockies do when we have nothing else to do. I led Maud to the edge of a cliff, and I stood on the edge. I did something that most people would never do if they wanted to live: I jumped off. Long falls are nothing for Rockies.




That felt... nostalgic. It reminded me of the thrill of falling off of things. Hmm, perhaps I should take up parkour sliding again like from my stone-age years...? I hadn't done that since Papa Golem gave me a white and blue bandana for my 12th birthday. Ah, I remember when I was just a wee little pebble and Grandpa Blocky would push me off a cliff. He always was a hard-working, fun-loving stone, running all around and trying to smash annoying critters that came by. But then came the day when Kirby met him. Gramps sure got a beating from that round pink ball. The worst part was when Blocky got eaten whole! I swear, I was gonna teach him a lesson he'd never forget, that awful Kirby guy! The only memento of Grandpa I have now is my hat. However, now that Kirby taught me about friendship, I don't feel quite as mad at him. But still, I wonder every once in a while why Kirby whooped Blocky's hind end and ate him.

Maud met me at the bottom. She wasn't scared for my safety, because I wasn't risking my life. "Good job, Rocky. That was a great fall."

I, Rocky, had a great fall indeed. Ah, I sure enjoy nursery rhymes. It always fascinated me how a Grizzo could jump over a moon or why a bunch of Poppy Bros Juniors would live in a shoe... Wait, is Boulder fallin' asleep on me? *stomps to wake Boulder*

Author's Note:

Wow, I even surprised myself by how deep that got. :rainbowderp: Anyway, we're going to check on Kirby again next.