• Published 11th May 2019
  • 2,582 Views, 12 Comments

Kirby Star Allies: Friend Hearts are Magic - The Kelduo

Kirby, his allies, and a villain are accidentally teleported to Equestria. Will the Star Allies find a way home? Will they prevent Hyness from ruling over Equestria?

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Chapter 10: Double Team?

Since I had nothing else to do, I just followed Bright to Twilight's castle. I stopped, however, when I heard hoofsteps. "Howdy, Kirby." Applejack was pulling a fainted Twilight in the direction of her castle. Spike wasn't far behind. "Can ya believe it? Twi's still out cold."

Spike added, "We're taking her back home so she can recover."

We continued together to the iconic crystal tree castle. However, when we got in the Cutie Map room, we were in for a surprise. There was not only Bright, but another Bright!

"Uh," AJ asked, "What's goin' on?"

The Bright closer to us said, "Just a stare-off between the imposter and the real deal. It's cliche."

The other Bright replied towards us, "You wouldn't understand, because you don't have an identical evil clone."

"How do you know that? You're not me."

"I'm quite certain I'm not the imposter."

The two continued volleying insults until Applejack stepped in. "Hold on, now. Instead of playing Am Not, Are Too, y'all should actually be tryin' to figure out who's the real deal."

The Bright near us said, "That is an excellent idea. Therefore, I hereby challenge myself to... a dance contest!" Okay, that threw me.

The other Bright would have to agree with us. "Why not a trivia competition?"

"Either one of us could fake answers to questions based on Kirby. And besides... I was born to dance!"

"...Very well. Prepare for your defeat!"

Far away, on planet Earth, a slender, green biped gasped. "There's a dance competition going on in a different planet, and I'm missing out!"

To keep things simple, I'm gonna call the Bright closer to us Brighton and the farther away one Brighter. Brighton began with a moonwalk followed by a backflip onto his front right hoof. Brighter countered with a somersault into an electric slide. Brighton came back with a running-mane transition into the robot.

The battle continued until Applejack once again interrupted, "I beg your pardon, but who's the judge?"

Both Brights stopped dancing upon hearing this. Brighton said, "Might I suggest Kirby?"

Brighter replied, "That is a ridiculous idea! Kirby doesn't know what good dancing is!"

"But I do!" Entering the room was a light brown unicorn mare with her auburn mane neatly curled into a bun. "I, Power Beat, will determine the victor of this dance battle! I could sense the dance vibes from a mile away, and I already know the victor."

"Oh?" Brighter grinned. "And who might that be?"

"The winner is..." Power Beat paused before pointing to... "...you, who did the brilliant running-mane transition into the robot! That was a bold move for a pony like you!"

Spike said, "Bright Fountain sure is a good dancer, but what does that have to do with knowing about Kirby?"

"If you want to know which one of these Brights knows Kirby and is therefore the real Bright, then I suggest a new challenge: a sing-along!"

"Challenge accepted." Brighton looked Brighter straight in the eye. "I have a feeling that you are a good singer, but do you know some of the songs Kirby has come across?"

Power Beat laughed. "You took the words right out of my mouth. Ready, set..." Power Beat's cutie mark, a whole note, glowed as it gave off upbeat music. "Here we go!" She began to sing:

Chugga, chugga choo, we're comin' for you! Get run over or out of the way!
None of us will brake for the bad guys' sake, rollin' right into the fray!

Brighton joined the song:

All aboard the Friend Train! We're livin' life in the fast lane!
The Friend Train isn't powered by steam, but by our collective dream
So come on, it is time for us to go team!

Twilight began to wake, due to the music's influence. She seemed surprised, but she didn't faint again. Instead, she eventually began to join the song. "I have no idea what's going on, but I just can't help but sing!"

The same went for AJ and Spike.

Chugga, chugga choo, we're comin' for you! Get run over or out of the way of the Friend
(Train) None of us will brake for the bad guys' sake, rollin' right into the fray on the Friend Train!

We're not gonna stop 'til the bad guys drop,
Then the Star Allies will say, "Hip hip horray!"

Brighter's jaw was dropped. But he quickly pulled himself together. "I must admit, you're good. But I believe it's time for one more challenge..." He pulled Brighton close to his face with his horn as he scowled. "...Appeal." Brighton casually smirked in response. Brighter opened his mouth and... nothing happened, to Spike's, the ponies', and my surprise. "What?! B-but how?!"

Brighton replied, "Here's the thing: I do indeed feel emotions, but the emotions are emulated. I was pretending to feel. I adapt to my environment to gain an advantage. I pretended to feel so that you would reveal your dark side and try to feed on my love. Now that you know my secret, it's time to drop my disguise." Brighton's eyes turned completely purple as his body faded away, revealing one of my friends. "I am an artificial lifeform known as Roborygon! Now it's your turn..." Roborygon hit Brighter with a bolt of lightning, causing Brighter to rapidly change forms before settling with a black alicorn with holes all over her body. "...Queen Chrysalis!"

Her disguise broken, Queen Chrysalis grimaced. "You disgust me. You emulated love, you knew who I was this whole time, and yet you didn't let the bystanders know my identity! I seem to have no choice but to choose another victim." The Queen pulled me in. "Little pink thing, give me your love!"

It's your funeral, Chrysalis. I created a pink heart out of thin air, and I threw it to her. She turned it into a mist that went into her mouth, but she choked on it.

"Ugh, what was in that? Your love tastes terrible!"

"That was because it was pure love," Roborygon said smugly. "Kirby gained the power to throw Friend Hearts when a pink heart given off by the Heart Spears landed on him. The Heart Spears were keeping a villain of pure darkness sealed in a dark heart known as the Jamba Heart."

Now it was my turn. I opened my mouth wide again and inhaled really hard. Chrysalis tried to resist, but she was pulled into my vacuum of a mouth. Twilight resisted the urge to faint as I waddled outside and... Ptooey! I spat Chrysalis out, sending her far into the distance.

Twilight was speechless. I expected another research session revolving around myself. I would've been right if Twilight hadn't fainted from seeing my musical pal Meloetta in place of Power Beat. "I knew I was missing out. I just had to join the fun!"

Author's Note:

Power Beat used Transform! Power Beat transformed into Meloetta! It's super effective at making Twilight black out!

Time for another chapter of Kirby.