• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 28 - Kalzuk Dungeon

Floor 58

March 21 – Year 2

Bladescape’s sword clanged nicely as it connected with the Tzhaar’s mace. It put him in a stun type effect when the attack was perfectly blocked. Parry was better at it, but Bladescape was using Search with Weapon Defense to increase her chances of it working. Backbreaker switched in to take advantage of the moment and her glowing hammer pounded him to polygons.

Floor 58 was a sulfuric realm that was primarily lit by lava flows. The heat wasn’t too bad, but it still sucked away at Bladescape’s energy. There were several variants of the “inhabitants” on the floor. Inside their cities they were safe, but outside they were everywhere, along with various flame creatures and flame giants. The four-armed anthropomorphic Tzhaar creatures were the strongest on the floor and where what was mostly in the Dungeon they were attacking. Because of the style of the cities, Floor 57 was still the front-line base camp.

It was Bladescape, Backbreaker, Joltron, Astro, Thunderborne, and Kiefer in the field this time. The rest were helping set up for the big sale the following day. That was why they were focusing on the Kalzuk Dungeon. They would see how far they could go in their party, mapping it to sell, and see if they could take on the dungeon boss or not. It was a small dungeon, but a single party was a push.

“That wasn’t bad,” Backbreaker said, pulling up her visor. “These guys have a lot of HP, but they're pretty easy to take down.”

“Yeah,” Bladescape sighed contently. “This feels like an adventure game. We can’t let it drag us into overstretching ourselves, but it's fun right now.”

The others agreed and they continued deeper in.

Bladescape flipped up Harmonic Salvation and the mace clanged loudly as it connected with it. Kiefer was in immediately with several quick cuts. Thunderborne switched in and drove home a solid stab. The beast turned to its new threat and Bladescape smiled as she unleashed High Infinity. She traced the infinity symbol with her slashes and it finished the last of the Tzhaar’s HP.

Together, the three of them yelled and joyfully ran to their friends who were blocking three of the creatures. The level of the creatures gave them difficulty, but their skills with switching out was fine-tuned enough to offset it. They were not jumping to raise levels or push against a Labyrinth. They were having fun for once in a long time.

The next one was ready.

“I got this,” Bladescape grinned.

It was a single beast so Bladescape could safely solo it. Her friends could jump in if she got in trouble, but Bladescape had a lead of, at minimum, 5 levels on her guildmates. Doombunny was their lowest now, and Bladescape had her bested by 10 whole levels. The long hours and pain of solo grinding XP had paid off.

The first mace swung at Bladescape. She stepped out of the way to let it pass harmlessly. The second she blocked easily and the third she ducked low to avoid before leaping up and swinging hard as her blade glowed. The Tzhaar staggered a bit as he was sliced up through his chest. It was all Bladescape needed to ram it home with a powerful lunge. She blocked several more strikes and danced past two before cutting low, severing a leg clean off, which finished the creature.

Bladescape grinned as her friends whooped and hollered in celebration. It spurred a round of solo hunts while the others watched. Astro had the worst time soloing it, but if they paired her with a tank, her long spear and skill was a combination that destroyed most creatures with ease. Backbreaker had her own trouble going solo, but she could hit better than Astro. It just took her longer because of her large shield. She let the hammers strike her shield and then countered in a real back and forth battle.

This dungeon had not been cleared yet and neither had it been mapped. They hit plenty of dead ends, but they were mapping it really well. The data would sell for a good chunk of Col.

Bladescape dashed out and over to another Tzhaar. This variant was carrying three black swords, with a split down the center of their oblong blades. It was a faster battle because she was not blocking heavy maces.


“SAAAYA!” Bladescape roared as it was her turn to attack. The three blades were so much easier for her to deal with. She ran it through with ease and it staggered. Astro leaped forward and activated a skill that ran the Tzhaar through the head. With Armor Pierce, it was registered as a Critical Attack and the only thing left was polygons.

“I like these guys,” Backbreaker announced. “They're a lot easier than the last floor.”

“Well, we are at the top of the curve,” Astro said. “And our party is one of our best attack builds. Outside of boss battles, I don’t know the last time I fought with you five in a party. It's not bad, because none of the others drag us down, but we are the Wondercolts’ best fighters, with the best instincts.”

“It is fun,” Bladescape chuckled. “Let’s keep going forward. We have time still. I'm enjoying this dungeon dive.”

“Same,” Joltron chuckled. “We need to do this more, but as a guild. We focus too much on the Labyrinths for a medium guild. We need to have more fun adventuring with them.”

“We will,” Kiefer said, drawing his sword. “But I hear one stomping around the corner. I call Forward!”

Kiefer charged in and got a strike as he leaped past the Tzhaar. Joltron slid up and blocked the maces on his shield. Astro stepped out from behind him and drove a powerful one hit Sword Skill, Rocket, into his chest. The hit allowed Backbreaker to land a solid hit and then block the counter attack. Thunderborne rammed Oblique into the back of it and Bladescape leaped high, bringing Avalanche down on the Tzhaar. That was all they needed for it to be destroyed.

They laughed with glee and continued on. Those power attacks could only happen when they all could target a single enemy. Most of the time they were split between two or three.

They knew they were getting closer to the Boss chamber as they encountered a new enemy. It was called a Jalimcot; a snake type creature that kept its upper body elevated as it moved around. Alongside its viperish head, which sported rows of sharp teeth, it had claws like the Killer Mantises on Floor 20. The scythe claws were deadly slash damage, and they had higher HP and damage overall.

Bladescape blocked a claw with a beautiful ping as she turned and then she leaped past it, nice and high. It was a stretch as she sunk her sword down at an angle behind her. It had the reach and connected with its head. Joltron was right there to draw its aggro and sink his axe into the abdominal section of the snake. It was a Critical Attack area and Joltron’s axe had enough power to finish it off.

Bladescape panted as they all recovered from the fight. It quickly turned to a smile because they knew what the doors beside them meant. They had found the boss. In a single day, in a dungeon dive by a party of 6, they had mapped almost the entire dungeon and found the boss.

Bladescape popped the top off a health potion and drank it. “So, should we try it?” Bladescape asked.

“Why not?” Joltron replied, also topping his HP off. “We all have teleport crystals. If we need to bail, we do.”

“It’s a risk,” Backbreaker reminded them. “Six against a boss...” She finished with a shrug.

“Yeah, but an easy dungeon,” Astro said. “I’m not saying that the boss will be easy, but typically that is how they go. If a single team can clear this the first run, we should be able to claim the boss.”

“Yeah!” Thunderborne exclaimed. “Are we Wondercolts or are we Wondercolts!”

“Let’s clear this thing,” Kiefer grinned.

Bladescape pushed open the doors and they found themselves on a peninsula surrounded by a narrow stream of lava. The lava was flanked by high cliffs that poured more into it in a few spots. Several pillars and low rocks were strewn about. It would provide some cover. The question was, cover from what.

They continued in and the doors closed behind them. That was not normal. They all grabbed teleport crystals from the pouches on their waists. The Boss stepped out from the wall, wading through the lava as if it was nothing.

“TELEPORT MISHE!” Bladescape yelled. Nothing happened. She glanced back at the closed doors and made the command again with more urgency. “TELEPORT MISHE!” Bladescape panicked and switched towns. “TELEPORT TOWN OF BEGINNINGS!”

“It's an anti teleport zone,” Astro said when hers didn’t work the second time. “We have no choice but fight. We can win this. I'm sure of it.”

They knew their roles well by this point and they knew how to work together. They didn't have an option but to use it to their advantage. The Boss was identified as Kalzuk. He was a stone Cyclopes with a horned helmet with downward sweeping horns. He had 3 claws on each hand. Three health bars popped up by his name.

“Yeah,” Bladescape said cracking a grin as she twisted her sword in her palm. “We got this. He has to come out of the lava at some point.”

They advanced in further, with Joltron and Backbreaker up front. Bladescape popped out a throwing pick from her belt. The Blade Throwing Skill was the only Skill that had any range to it. There were no bows or even javelins. The available weapons were mostly knives and various throwing stars, but there were some variants that were not really blades.

The throwing pick was one of them. It was a long, needle type rod with a very sharp point. Argo had recommended Bladescape use the picks. Argo used them and Bladescape had seen Kirito had a set. They were not very good for use against bigger monsters, but they had one of the best linear attacks for thrown weapons. Bladescape was using a variant that had a strong Piercing DOT. Thanks to Doombunny, they were all laced with various poisons.

AFCK was using a hack to get around the skill that needed a blade. No one could throw a blunt weapon like a rock or steel ball. At least not to do any real damage. It had to have an edge to it. The pick’s point was enough to qualify it and trigger the Skill. AFCK had thick clam shaped chunks of steel made. The edge was sharp enough to trigger the skill, but there was tremendous weight behind it.

Bladescape and AFCK could train the Skill in their small back yard. They had put up a target and it was enough to rank up the skill rather quickly. AFCK was a master of striking the clam shaped blades on the blunt back end. It was registered as hitting the handle instead of the blade, and it became crush damage. With the weight she could throw, it did a lot of damage. Fortunately, and unfortunately, they didn't explode like her sprinkles did I.R.L.

Bladescape pulled her arm back, took aim and the Skill triggered. She was at the edge of its short range. The pick flew across the room and hit the boss in the chest. It tinged off the rock chest, not even doing any damage. But that wasn’t the point. It triggered the fight to really start while they stayed at a safer distance.

Slate grey rocks jumped off the cliffs and onto the plateau. They walked on four legs and had a tail of sorts. Astro charged the first one and rammed her spear through it. It did the job.

Joltron took a swipe from one’s claws on his shield. Then it spun and tried to slice him with its tail. Again, Joltron blocked it with his shield and then his axe glowed and he blasted it to pieces.

Distracted with his minions, the boss took a deep breath in. Bladescape’s OSS Search caught it and she realized what was coming in. The precognition came with just enough time.

“TAKE COVER BEHIND THE ROCKS!” Bladescape ordered.

Kalzuk blew lava all over the peninsula. The rocks and the columns protected them. To get to them further back, he stepped up on the land and walked inwards a bit. Bladescape and Astro were out immediately and both scored strong hits. Astro miscalculated how much time her delay would be and Kalzuk swiped her with his claws. The damage taken was a good fourth of her HP, but the real problem was that she was heading straight for the lava. Out of nowhere Thunderborne zipped in, leaping across the lava to vault off the wall and catch her in midair as she was coming back towards the land. It saved Astro from certain death.

“Nice save!” Bladescape praised as she swung hard with Rapture.

It left her close to the boss and he was pulling back to swipe at her. Bladescape had not miscalculated though. Backbreaker jumped in front of her, blocking the claws with a dull thud. From the position Backbreaker was in, her hammer landed a perfect kidney shot, at least for a human.

The boss retreated back into the lava and more of his minions came leaping off the cliffs. The Wondercolts charged them. They were smarter this round and got themselves back to the rocks for the second time Kalzuk shot lava at them.

Like last time, he came up onto land again. Unlike last time, the Wondercolts went in as a full team and between the shields each of them scored perfect blows, forcing him to retreat back into the lava.

“One Sixth of the way there!” Bladescape laughed. “We got this!”

The second health bar brought a new challenge. The minions were a new type. They were bigger, stronger, and lacked tails. They had horns and they charged. Backbreaker and Joltron blocked them with their shields and then retaliated. The rest of them jumped out of the way, or over, to strike at their exposed backsides. It did the trick and once they were gone it triggered the boss to come out again.

Backbreaker was stuck too far out from cover. She hunkered down behind her shield. The boss spouted lava again and it burned Backbreaker for slow DOT. She downed a health potion and was the first one to strike the boss. Her retaliation was so strong it took off 20% of the remaining health on its own. It was a risk, but she knew her friends were right there to draw the aggro as she was stuck, frozen.

When Kalzuk dropped into the red he thundered out of the lava and began to charge with his claws. The bigger problem was that he smashed the rocks, destroying them to polygons to never return. They had to rely on Backbreaker and Joltron for protection.

Astro and Thunderborne switched to Damage Dealer roles, waiting behind the Tanks to slip out or above them and ram their pointed weapon home with incredible force. Bladescape and Kiefer were playing as the Forwards. They couldn’t afford to get hit with the now lava laced claws, and weapon defense would not save them from any lava spit at them. Still, as Forwards they provided enough distraction for the charging and enraged boss to give the Tanks a quick break and for the Damage Dealers to really lay it into the boss.

Kalzuk stumbled back from getting rammed by Astro. Unlike Thunderborne’s rapier, it had weight behind it. It was a slower weapon though. Bladescape unleashed Battering Ram, stopping it from stumbling back too far. Joltron took the moment to step in and unleashed his most powerful Sword Skill, an 8-combo attack. It knocked off the last of Kalzuk’s XP.

They piled in for a round of celebration, like they had just won state in some sports event. High fives went all around and Kiefer even tackled Joltron with a hug. All in celebration. Behind them the doors to the chamber rumbled open.

Hidden under their cheers for an adventure well done was the knowledge that they had just survived something they were not ready for. Something they shouldn't have been in. But they faced the challenge head on and won. They lived.

“That was awesome!” Kiefer exclaimed. “We need to dungeon dive a bit more. Clearing the game is important, but we could use a little more adventuring in our lives here.”

“Totally!” Astro laughed. “These dungeon bosses can be fun. Or, I guess that one was.”

“Hey,” Backbreaker said as she leaned on her shield. “Weren’t we caught in here, unable to teleport out?”

“Oh yeah,” Bladescape chuckled. “I guess we really didn’t have anything to fear, but we got lucky with that.”

“I recon we did,” Backbreaker said. “But I'm more interested to see what Joltron scored.”

Everyone agreed and Joltron looked at his Last Attack Bonus. The dungeon bosses didn’t give as good of rewards as a Floor Boss, but the Last Attack Bonus was still worth it.

“It says it's an Obsidian Shield,” Joltron said. “It's better than what I currently have.”

Joltron equipped it and a large black and red square shield popped onto his arm. It was big, which he needed as a Tank. Long obsidian crystals emanated from the center at 45-degree angles that made four red V shapes in between them. The notches of the red Vs were black crystals.

“Diemond won’t like that,” Bladescape chuckled. “It doesn’t conform to our visual standards.”

All of them laughed. With Backbreaker’s odd shield and new armor, that idea had been cracked for the Tanks. Now it would be clearly broken. A good shield would not be discarded. They did their best, but they could only control so much. They all loved looking clean and sharp like the KOB.

“Too bad black or red isn’t in our color scheme,” Joltron said.

“I wonder if you could get it painted,” Bladescape said. “If you wanted to. We won’t make you.”

“I do like our colors,” Joltron shrugged. “We'll contact someone and see.”

“Let’s move out,” Bladescape said. “Before we get caught back in here for some reason.”

"We don't want the boss to respawn on us," Astro agreed. "If they catch you off guard in other games, it's disastrous. Here... well we had a hell of a hot fight on our hands already for the first time."

Those who were on the ground got up and they exited the boss chamber. They used teleport crystals to go back to Mishe. They had all gotten more crystals in the loot from the boss.

In Mishe, they wrote up the guide information about the boss and then Bladescape contacted Argo. Bladescape met with Argo in Floor 50’S main city, Algade. The city was the second largest in Aincrad, only being eclipsed by the Town of Beginnings. A large part of it was a mess of alleyways that you could easily get lost in. Half of the city was shady. Some places you couldn’t even tell what the shop was selling. Stories of players being lost for days or disappearing altogether quickly became common.

They met up in a hole in the wall restaurant. It took three messages from Argo about how to get there. It was so small it only had two shoddy four-seat tables and four more seats at the counter. It was concrete floors and the outside didn’t seem stable.

“What is this place?” Bladescape asked.

“A player owned restaurant. The owner here, I.R.L., is an owner of a Japanese ramen shop, so he knows what he is doing, even if it feels a bit scummy and takes some time for the service. The important thing for me is that it is rarely busy. Also, it doesn’t look like real ramen, so don’t expect that.”

“I know ramen as a pack of dried noodles that could survive nuclear fallout and still be safe to eat if you added water and heated it up. I have never had real Japanese ramen.”

“Right,” Argo chuckled. “You are not one of the Japanese players. You are one of the lucky outside gamers. Well, that does depend on how you define luck.”

Argo had a white bowl set in front of her and the owner looked at Bladescape.

“Just the water,” Bladescape said. “I have-”

He walked away before she could say anything more. He seriously lacked any motivation or real care, but he somehow paid the bills.

“I have the data for the Kalzuk Dungeon on Floor 58. We mapped it and took down the boss, Kalzuk.”

“That is an original name,” Argo quipped. “But how did you guys have the time to map it and be ready for the big sale?”

Bladescape chuckled and drank from the cloudy glass. “It was BB, Joltron, Astro, Thunder, Kiefer, and I. The six of us took it down. It's a small dungeon, but it is good for gaining XP and decent for Col. We didn’t have Knightstar to run the drop rate calculations, but we have the various loot found and some calculations. We were diving for fun and didn't make any unnecessary stops. Also inside is the creatures and their attack patterns. That includes the boss. But a big warning there: it’s an anti-crystal zone. We couldn’t teleport out.”

“So you six dove into a front line Floor’s dungeon, mapped it, and beat the boss even though you couldn’t teleport out?”

Bladescape just grinned in response.

“Dang,” Argo said, exhaling.

“It was a blast,” Bladescape said, still smiling. “I haven’t had that much fun in a while.”

“You couldn’t teleport out from the boss?” Argo asked to confirm it.

“The doors shut and everything,” Bladescape nodded. “It’s in the guide. We all tried at least twice, but they didn’t respond. I tried both Mishe and Town of Beginnings.”

“I keep hearing of more and more of those zones,” Argo mumbled. “But mostly in dungeon traps. Are you sure it was the boss?”

“He was named Kalzuk,” Bladescape nodded. “It was a dead end too. We had exhausted all routes.”

“You guys have to be powerful if you could take a dungeon boss on your own.”

“We are very fluid and well-practiced,” Bladescape replied with a short nod. “That is our best attribute. It is our real power. Thunder and Astro are deadly when paired with our tanks.”

“I believe that,” Argo replied. “So, where is this report?”

Bladescape opened her menu and the scroll popped out onto the table. Argo knew better than to take it, even though Bladescape was going to slide it over to her. Argo picked up the scroll once it was offered and did a quick read through, judging its value.”

“Knightstar wasn’t with you?” Argo asked.

“Nope,” Bladescape chuckled. “I am usually with her when we do work for you, so I know how to record game data. All of us have learned well. But like I said, we were having fun and pushing forward, not calculating.”

“I doubt that with how detailed this is,” Argo said, shifting in her seat. "Still, I know you are trustworthy." She offered Bladescape a generous amount of Col for the guide and Bladescape accepted it. “Now that the initial business is done, I have another question. Does Diemond have any cloaks or things that are what I would need in the field? Or maybe off?”

“I don’t know,” Bladescape said, a grin forming as she thought of something. “But I will get you in to see tonight if you give me a piece of information. I guess it's a two-part piece.”

“Go,” Argo nodded.

“Can shields be painted, and if so, who can we go to so we can get a recent acquisition painted in our colors.”

“Is it a metal shield?” Argo asked.

“Uh?” Bladescape stalled. “Composite?”

Argo thought for a moment. “Go to Rendil. He is an armor smith on Floor 48, Lindarth. He has a shop there and his focus is armor and shields. He is probably the best armor smith in the game right now. Especially when it comes to making shields. That is his real specialty.”

“Thanks,” Bladescape nodded.

Argo finished up her meal and then navigated them out, back the main plaza. They teleported to Mishe and Bladescape got Argo into their HQ. It was a mess inside as Diemond tried to get everything out of deep storage and organize it. She most likely had changed how she wanted it laid out at least twice.

“Blade! Argo!” Diemond greeted them. She was in her idea dress, but her hair was frazzled. “What do you need, dear? I am assuming you bartered for early access?”

Argo nodded. “These are old. I was hoping to update my town gear a bit more. While not losing my trademark look.”

“That’s going to be the hard part,” Diemond sighed. “The colors are so…plain. And brown. All accent colors. Anyway, may I see your cloak?”

Argo pulled it off. The most open she had been to them, and probably anyone, was pulling her hood back. Her curly golden-brown hair and brown eyes were easily visible. The cloak hid how nimble she was. Her weapons, claws, were hanging on her waist. Her throwing picks were also visible. The cloak hid things very well.

“Take a turn,” Diemond said. “Let me see what I'm working with.”

Argo slowly turned for Diemond.

“I’ll be right back,” Diemond said, handing Argo the cloak back.

Argo began to browse the clothes.

“She is good,” Argo said. “I know you mentioned she is a known name for fashion I.R.L. Small time is still a known name. I see why. She could easily rival Ashley.”

Bladescape chuckled. “She certainly could. The only problem is that she doesn’t know how to work with non-traditional materials. The materials provided here in the virtual world offer a much more diverse selection than she has grasped yet.”

“Ashley has that down,” Argo stated. “It’s not easy with a game like SAO. I’ve played plenty of others, and they had more standardization in materials. Here, it's very open. So much has the potential, but doesn’t drop anything. Others drop things rarely, and then still others drop stuff and you have no idea how you could even craft with it.”

Knightstar had come in while they were talking. “I was looking for material guides, and found none. The only real guides I found for the high ranks were the ones I put out for leveling.”

“The players at the top are keeping those secrets,” Argo nodded. “At least, they are not putting them in guides you can buy.”

Knightstar sighed. “That’s what I keep getting told. And they won't share them with me.”

Argo found a few pieces she liked. They were things she would never wear in public, but that didn’t matter. Diemond took longer than expected, but she eventually came out with something. “These are a clear upgrade. I used the best I had on hand. Check them out for yourself.

Argo stepped into a changing room and closed the curtain. In another second she was out again. The grey pants were stylish but practical. The belt was the same she had been using, but the top was a lighter grey than what the pants were. The cloak was a dark gray, almost sliding to a brown. It had to pain Diemond to make it that color. The cloak wrapped around her torso more, slightly tapering out the further down it went, so that it easily parted as she moved. It also offered three buttons to adjust how much she wanted it wrapped around the top. The hood was actually a separate piece that had been attached after. It sunk down into the neck when it was not pulled up, and it had her trademark ears stitched on the top for when the hood was pulled up.

“It’s waterproof,” Diemond stated. “And the wrapping is designed to keep body heat in if you need to be in colder temperatures. It won’t heat you up much if at all on the warmer Floors.”

“Wow,” Argo said taking a spin. The cloak didn’t flare up much. She could move with it protecting her. “Did you just whip this up?”

“Mhm,” Diemond nodded. “It’s not hard. How do you think I got all this inventory? Darling, this is the stuff I did after I maxed tailor. Because I wanted to, or I was bored, or I was working on a line for my friends and they just didn’t come out with the perfection my friends deserve. I did a whole line of cooking clothes for AFCK, just cause. I still have to get some colors right when I dye the material, but that is for the harder, more specialized colors.”

Argo didn’t know what to say for a minute. “Alright, how much do I owe you?”

They finalized the deal after they calculated in the other pieces Argo had chosen. It was all very cheap. Argo was shocked at the price.

“Seriously, you should knock up the price on each piece a bit more,” Argo advised them. “Don’t sell yourself short. The players will pay higher prices than this for these. You will still move your inventory. Especially if you allow haggling like your ad says. But I doubt you will need to with prices near this low.”

“Duly noted,” Diemond smiled. “I will fix that after I finalize the layout I want.”

Bladescape chuckled and her grin got mischievous. “Run while she's distracted and before you get roped into doing more. It happens faster than you realize.”

Argo winked back in response and slipped out. Bladescape leaned against the wall with a sigh.

“Blade, Dear,” Diemond said, looking up from what she was doing. “AFCK has food in the dining hall for us to grab whenever. Go eat and then get out of those clothes. You earned it after clearing that dungeon today. It sounded like a real blast. Yes, I heard about it. I know about Joltron’s shield. He will be using his old one tomorrow for display purposes while he guards the front of the building. BB is too well known for her unusual shield for her to switch. But his new one is an interesting piece.”

“We might be able to get it painted,” Bladescape said as she headed to the dining room. “To better match our colors.”

“Shields are the crux of our uniforms,” Diemond replied. “At least the big shields. The others we can easily have standardized.”

“It is a pain,” Bladescape said. “If we really wanted to tighten it up, we would standardize our weapons. But we don’t quite have the numbers to do that since most of our members wield weapons no one else does.”

“Weapons and shields are so personal,” Diemond replied, distracted. “Armor is a different thing entirely. We can standardize it well and have been. We look way better than the DDA, not to mention our friends in Fuurinkazan. Unless we completely took away the individual’s choice, we couldn’t standardize ourselves like the KOB. That's okay though. I don’t actually want us to be that stuffy; as sharp and appealing as it is.”

Bladescape chuckled as she ducked out of the room to eat, change, and then help sort out the mess however she could.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 78 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 68 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 71 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 74 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK (PP): Lvl 71 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 71 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 68 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal
Astro (PS): Lvl 71 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 68 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts
Lessa: Lvl 68 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search
Joltron: Lvl 72 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Blunt Weapon Forging – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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