• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 51 - Blacklist

Floor 59

April 19 – Year 2 -- 10PM

Bladescape opened the door to their Headquarters to find it had been Argo knocking. She did not look like she was having a good time.

"Come in," Bladescape offered. "You don't ever come here. Is something up?"

"I will owe you big time if I can spend the next five days here. In complete privacy. No questions asked. And no matter who comes knocking, I am not here."

"Yeah," Bladescape shrugged. "Our 12th room is open for your use. Bed and all. Think nothing of it. Most of the others are asleep or already in their rooms. I'll go privately inform them. But first, follow me to room 12."

"Thanks," Argo quietly said.

"Just one question," Bladescape said, stopping. "Are you going to be needing to get a new house?"

"Do you actually know where I live?" Argo asked.

Bladescape rolled her eyes. "No, I don't. But I bet AFCK does."

"What is up with that?" Argo asked as they got back to moving.

"It's something she does in real life. She just… knows things. I can't explain it. You just have to experience and accept it."

"Interesting," Argo mumbled.

Kiefer and Lessa were chatting on a couch on the second floor. They didn't even notice Argo, but Bladescape decided it was best to address it now.

"Guys," Bladescape said, interrupting their conversation. "Listen. Argo has to crash here a few days, but we are not going to say anything about it. As far as anyone who is not a Wondercolt is concerned, she's not here."

"Okay," Kiefer shrugged.

"Sure," Lessa said with a nod.
Room 12 had been furnished in case a new member joined them. On the nightstand was a platter with a pitcher of water with some fruit in it, a steaming meat pie, and a dozen cupcakes. There was a card with it too.

Sorry to hear about the evil info broker threatening you. So I made your favorite meat pie and your favorite fruit water! Also, cupcakes, because cupcakes make everything better. - PP

"Okay," Argo said, picking up a cupcake and taking a bite. "Seriously, what is up with her? I'm not talking about the baking and cooking. This pie has a baking time of 14 hours. She would of had to have started that this morning to have it ready now. This isn't the first time she has been weird about knowing things, and I'm not even touching on her menu's agility."

Bladescape sighed and sat down in the spare chair. "It is a complicated tale."

"What does PP stand for?" Argo pressed.

"It stands for…" Bladescape paused. "Look, I trust you. But I know you have a job and it is information. Everyone says you would sell your own grandma’s stats for the right price. To explain it, we have to go to private, I.R.L. stuff."

"It won't leave this room," Argo said, sitting on the bed and pouring herself some water. "I know what they say I will sell, but I do have standards. You read the card. Competition between info brokers got heated recently. Competition that went past game etiquette and became vengeful. I need to keep my head down for a few days until it cools off and I can make my next play. I have to make sure it doesn't happen again, somehow."

"You guys have a hard enough time getting the info for the players, you don't need to be backstabbing each other. There is a difference to everything having a price and putting players or that info in jeopardy."

Argo's snort was all the response needed.

"First off, PP stands for Pinkie Pie. My real name is Sunset Shimmer."

"I like that, Sunset Shimmer is a beautiful name. Izawa is mine."

"Beautiful too," Bladescape said with a warm smile. "That is me and AFCK. Backbreaker is Applejack, Doombunny is Fluttershy, and Thunderborne is Rainbow Dash. Astro is an online friend of Thunderborne and we picked up Joltron, Lessa, and Kiefer in game. The three of them I found the day before the Floor 1 boss raid. I saved them from getting themselves killed. They pushed ahead too far and a giant boar almost ended all three of their lives. They were half our level.

"I won't speak for Knightstar. She is a good friend and I won't betray her. This argument will end soon enough and we will go back to being best friends. So, that is us in game. Our history as friends I.R.L. is very complicated. It is a story you may not believe."

Argo handed Bladescape a cupcake. Bladescape took a bite as Argo responded. "I've been stuck in here so long, I almost forget what real life is like. Help keep me grounded. I doubt it can get more messed up or unbelievable than being stuck in a virtual reality game like SAO. On second thought, there could be worse 'games' to get stuck in. Like being in a bubbly, all female boarding school."

Bladescape gave Argo an overview of their dealings with Equestrian Magic. Argo took it well. She was still skeptical, but as she had said, being stuck in SAO helped put the otherwise unbelievable things she was being told in a different perspective. The cupcakes were polished off as Bladescape finished their summer adventures before getting caught in the game.

"I knew there was something I liked about you," Argo said with a sly grin. "You guys are too wholesome. And that is a good thing. It is moving this game forward more than most players know. It's amazing you have been on the front line rather than breaking apart to craft. Whatever the argument you mentioned earlier, I know you all will sort it out fine.

"But you all are on the front lines and for a reason. Your I.R.L. experiences have prepared you well for this world. Something few other players can say. And that wholesomeness, plus what I now know is real experience, is why I keep going back to you guys for assistance."

"How bad is it exactly?" Bladescape asked.

Argo's grin held a lot of pain, frustration, and way too many late nights of planning behind it. "I'd love to stab him in the back with real stakes. Enough to remind him to shape up and watch out."

Argo tried to control her rage. "He has sent less than reputable players to harass me, hence my orange marker the other day, and I ran from another group as I tried to work on a quest. It's what led me here. We lost crucial Floor Boss information because he killed quest giving NPCs so that I couldn't finish. I was ahead and he couldn't beat me to finishing them, so he nullified them. I have to hidefrom his goons until I can figure out how to solve a few problems."

Bladescape chuckled darkly. "Could we hit the streets with a special ops team and handle it?"

Argo grinned back mischievously.

Bladescape made her pitch. "Give Doom your jacket, paint on the whiskers, and she can be a convincing stand in. We could bait and switch in a duel, and she could remind him how to play nice."

Argo's grin was sly and mischievous. "I like the way you think. I will need some info from a, friend, to start."

Bladescape stood up. "I'll get Diemond to make us the cloaks. She can copy yours without a problem. We can all easily look like you.

Bladescape woke up Diemond. She only told her what they needed, not what they were for. She put on a set of robes to match Argo's equipment and a set of darker clothes to meet any shadowy needs.

Doombunny took no convincing. After a quick explanation, she was all in. Colorra was as well. It was odd to Bladescape, but the past few days had been odd and she was learning to see Doombunny a lot differently than the meek, animal loving friend she had back in the real world.

AFCK baked for them, and Bladescape left Knightstar in charge with Astro as her second. She didn’t like how Knightstar was looking. She was quiet and apathetic about what Bladescape was doing.

Bladescape pulled Astro aside. Astro had planned to take a team to the Sand Crabs, but that was it. She wasn’t going to push the guild hard at this point. Bladescape didn't even need to try and set up a plan.

Bladescape departed with Doombunny and Argo, cloaked and hidden as best as possible. It was still dark, with dawn a few hours off. No players needed to know that the Wondercolts were aiding Argo. That was a secret they needed kept as closely as possible. Argo had to be neutral, which meant no guild and no close friends. Players wouldn't trust her info if they thought she had loyalty to others over the coin they gave her.

Doombunny had already activated Hide. It was an automatic advantage when other players believed that they were at lower numbers than they were. Two meant Argo had a single friend and was less threatening.

The first location was the Town of Beginning. A shadowy merchant had a shop there and hadn't bothered to move it. By now, she was established and her dealings were on the sketchier side. She didn't need to move to a higher floor. Players went to her for equipment rumors. The rumors of the rarest of the rare were traded or acquired through her skills.

Argo led them into the dark shop, which was decorated more like a parlor than a place of business. If Argo ever settled down into a shop, the low lights with warm, dark colors would be exactly how she would decorate the place. It would also practically melt Diemond's eyes in horror.

Argo sat down on the couch and beckoned for the Bladescape to join her. Doombunny stayed by the door, letting them take up the whole seat. Across from them was a lone, high backed, cushioned chair. It had a table on its left-hand side, closest to the door. To either side of the couch were two more side tables with short lamps. An unusually tall coffee table sat in front of them without any other decoration of its own, providing separation between the seating.

Despite the appearance of the seat being empty, Bladescape knew it wasn't. Her Search Skill told her as much. But it fit the style. It was obvious that Argo knew it too, and Doombunny had to know as well, even from where she was standing.

A player in bright red clothes, accented by bright Yellow and Blue appeared as she dropped her Hide Skill. She looked like a Macaw, which was no doubt the effect she was attempting to achieve. Especially with the feathered headdress on her head.

"I am Mo," She said. "You come seeking the darker things. And you come with Argo, my friend. Which means you seek someone or something very special."

"Actually, she is with me," Argo stated.

"Including the one by the door?" Mo asked.

"Including her," Argo nodded before launching into her explanation. "Floor 59 has been a problem. I ran into resistance from another info broker. The deadly, backhanding kind that destroyed information before I could get it, because they couldn't get it. Information that will leave the Boss Raid Party blind."

"I see," Mo nodded. "I may do some sketchy things, but even I know where that line is, and I don't cross it. I was not a beta tester. I do not have what it takes to do what she does. But I do what I can to help clear this game. Specifically, to make sure equipment that is needed for the clearers gets to them. Even if some disapprove of my methods."

Argo grinned under her hood. "And while you do that, you come across a lot of special things. I need information on a necklace. An upside down cross with an all-seeing eye on it. It's black."

"Ah, yes," Mo grinned. "I know it. I helped move it. It gives the wearer the ability to see things hidden from view. Name, location, quest objectives."

"And to who did it go?" Argo asked.

"What are you willing to pay for it?" Mo asked, without displaying any emotion.

Argo shot off the couch faster than expected and grabbed Mo's shirt, pulling them face to face. "How about less time imprisoned in this blasted game! How about no deaths on your conscience!"

"So the rumors of Argo going orange are true," Mo grinned back into Argo's face.

Argo released Mo, who fell into her seat with a poised grace. Argo took her seat as if nothing had transpired.

"Your payment is good," Mo stated. "Four weeks ago, I sold the necklace to an info broker named Iliad. I know, original name."

Argo snorted. No only did Argo know the info broker, but Mo’s response was also a quip at Argo's own name's lack of originality.

"I can find him," Argo said, standing up. "That won't be hard. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the necklace anymore. I ran into him yesterday and that run in almost ended badly. I had to escape before I did something I would regret.”

Argo looked at Bladescape. "Come, we have work to do."

As they got to the door, Mo stood up and called out. "Wait!" It was earnest and she was concerned. "Do you really mean to say that we have an info broker who has gone beyond game etiquette? One who has worked against us?"

"Yes," Argo said firmly, without turning to look at Mo. "Three crucial quests were canceled as I was doing them. I was close to almost finishing one when I was notified the quest failed. The NPC giving the quest had been killed.”

“No,” Mo said, barely above a whisper.

Argo nodded back.

“What are you going to do?” Mo firmly asked.

“While I would love to gut him myself with my claws, we are going to expose him, publicly, and black list him out of a job. We are also going to scare him nearly to death, with a full duel.”

“I approve,” Mo replied with a nasty grin. “However, you are going to need to conceal your Wondercolt friends better than that. For one thing, the guild tag is too well known. If you are going to make copies of yourself, make sure you are all the same.”

“How?” Bladescape asked.

“Leave your guild, temporarily. Also, you need to dye your hair, wear nothing but black. Wrap your hands, wear gloves, paint yourself, hunch over so that you appear the same height as Argo. Anything and everything until nothing but your eyes are visible. The same with you Argo. You will need to get blank weapons as well. No identifiers. Your outer cloaks all match and will help conceal your true heights and body shapes, so you can have some variance beneath them, but you need to look the same and limit weapon reveals as much as possible."

“Where do we do that?” Bladescape asked. “Specifically the hair dying.”

Bladescape loved her hair. She knew places did haircuts and dye jobs, but she had never had an interest in even reshaping her hair. It didn't grow in the game either.

“I know a few NPC places,” Argo said.

“You won’t beat Iliad,” Mo warned Argo. “Even if you get him into a full duel, it won’t go well. You could probably beat him, but it would be a nasty fight. It would not only look bad on you, but it won’t scare him. You need a one shot hit, and you can’t deliver that.”

Mo walked into the back, obviously looking for something. She came back out a minute later. She walked straight up the Doombunny. “This is the Blind Eye Necklace. The wearer can change the name that appears above them. It can be anything, even another player’s name. I want it back, immediately, once you are finished with it. You Wondercolts have a reputation, but I still don’t trust this in anyone’s hands but myself. Have it set so that when you duel him, your name is labeled as ‘Argo.’”

Doombunny took the necklace with a slow, but sure nod. “I will protect this with my life, like I do my poisons and drugs.”

“That is why I handed it to you, and not Argo.”

The cut at Argo was harsh, but it was ultimately playful banter. She was giving them a powerful tool. A tool she wasn’t letting anyone else know about. It also showed just how concerned Mo was about Iliad's actions.

“None of us will speak the name of this item, ever,” Doombunny assured her. “It is items like this that make the game very dark.”

“I failed to get a hold of Mate Chopper,” Mo stated. “I am certain that PoH, the head of Laughing Coffin, has it. It is a knife with the sole purpose of killing players. It gains power every time it kills a player, and loses some every time it kills a monster. So yes, this game is dark. There is an element to SAO where it is designed to encourage the killing of players. Ultimately, Laughing Coffin is just doing what this game was designed to do, kill.”

“I walk that line every day with my Drug Mixing Skill,” Doombunny replied. “I am working to develop countermeasures to them and all they have at their disposal. Reveal is also an interesting skill. I know you know what I mean.”

Mo just nodded back in silent reply. Argo opened the door and had them teleport to Floor 11. She led them into a small place where they got their hair dyed. Even in the early morning, they were open. Both of them had their hair dried brown like Argo's. While they did that, Bladescape sent all of the guild a message, letting them all know she would be slipping out of the guild for a bit with Doombunny, and emphasizing that it was only temporary but that she couldn't explain why beyond helping a friend with something sensitive. It was an odd thing removing herself from the guild. It was something she had never planned on doing, but after another look at Argo and seeing her stoic body language being betrayed by her anger and pain, Bladescape felt a lot more sure about the temporary leave. Before they left, they bought bottles of shampoo that would remove the dye.

On Floor 34 Argo took them to a player owned shop where they could get body paint. It had a sign that said it was always open.

“Why are there colors like yellow, pink, and silver?” Doombunny asked. “And the glitter?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Argo said. “We are here for black.”

Bladescape took the opportunity to buy more than body paint. The shop sold paints for a variety of things, including make-up. She purchased several colors of nail polish, eye liner, and even blush. She also purchased general use Blue and Yellow. It was better to buy a variety of paints and be forgotten. It was more memorable if you purchased a single item.

They moved to Floor 40. There they picked up cloth wraps and basic leather shirts, pants, boots, and gloves. Diemond would throw a fit if she ever saw the quality of the materials.

With everything procured, they grabbed an inn room. They all stripped down and painted themselves in black, from the tips of their toes, all the way to their scalps. Colorra was painted as well to keep her from shimmering in the light. Then they wrapped their joints and anywhere the clothes might slip and reveal something in the rough fabric. On top went the clothes and then their “rat eared” cloaks that Argo was infamous for. She passed them each a set of claws to wear at their waist like her.

Disguises complete, Bladescape and Doombunny hunched under their cloaks until they were the same height as Argo. It was uncomfortable, and took a bit of practice to move around without looking strange, but they eventually worked it out.

They jumped Floors again, to 50. They needed weapons they could use without being identified, since their usual equipment was too distinctive. In a back alley they entered a tiny player owned smithy that had just opened up for the day. Inside, Argo was the only one who spoke. She brokered a deal for a dagger that Doombunny liked. The smith made a cheap two-handed blade for Bladescape. She didn’t like it, but it would do. It was almost as short as the longer one-handed blades could be.

They went back to the teleport plaza. Their target was Floor 57, Marten. The town was still the main city for the front lines. It was the best starting point. Argo usually met people further back or out of the limelight. Each info broker did things differently, but Iliad was known for being public and readily available. His information wasn’t as good or as comprehensive as other brokers like Argo. He made most of his money by being accessible and quick.

Doombunny was invisible and free to walk around with Hide active. Bladescape and Argo had to rush to the shadows so they didn’t raise suspicion. Argo's Hide Skill was high, but not maxed. Thankfully for them, the front-line city was on the quiet side as the sun started to rise.

Argo and Bladescape split up. They were searching for Iliad or any sign of where he would be. Marten was getting busy as the clearers began to organize themselves. Bladescape sat in a back corner, blocked by a bush, and ate breakfast while she watched the center of the town.

Doombunny popped up in front of her, almost making her scream, but she had been keeping an eye out, knowing Doombunny would show up out of nowhere. Doombunny’s eyes said she had located him. Bladescape tossed aside the food and it shattered into polygons as its durability broke when it hit the ground.

They walked to where Argo was posted. Running would draw attention to the black figures in the town. Bladescape got several looks, but most assumed she was Argo. None of them saw Doombunny.

They met up and Argo already had a plan. She pointed at Iliad. He was in the middle of a group of players. Bladescape recognized most of them. He was dealing information to a few groups. She saw Col exchange hands.

“Doom, you ready?” Argo asked.

“My dagger is laced with a paralyzer. Keep a red crystal on hand, but I’ll swap places with Colorra. If it works, it will look like I have changed into the snake. Or rather, you have. You just have to get him to accept the duel. I can get him to talk.”

“Necklace is set?” Argo asked.

“See for yourself.”

Both of them looked to see Argo above her head.

“A little disconcerting,” Argo said as Doombunny disappeared. “I have seen a lot of names in this game, but my own on someone else, that was odd. We need to move. I’ll circle around that way. You wait a bit and then approach him from his left. Doombunny located him, and plotted it out. She is not the same girl I remember from when we first met.”

“It’s a bit concerning,” Bladescape agreed. “But she isn't. She is doing well for what she needs to do here. Some new stuff came to light the other day. It’s been an adjustment.”

Argo nodded and they split up. Bladescape adjusted her cloak and began to circle around. Iliad had quite a group around him. Bladescape slid into the crowd and waited a bit. She got a few glances, but he was selling his info and that was the focus. Bladescape caught sight of Argo on his other side.

Bladescape opened her menu and popped out the sword. With the crowd, she was now glad that the blade was as short as it was. For now, she kept it sheathed and close to her body, under the cloak.

Argo made her move, stepping out from the crowd right up beside him. She leaned back and crossed her arms. He noticed her with a quick glance but kept answering the group in front of him. Bladescape stepped out on the other side, flaking him, but she didn’t cross her arms. She set her hand on her sword hilt, keeping it in front of her chest.

The area froze, unsure of what was happening. He didn’t know who to address.

Bladescape chose for him, but made sure to disguise her voice. She knew players in the crowd, and couldn’t risk being caught. Thankfully, none of the players were friends with her and therefore unable to automatically see her name. “You know why we are here.”

“I do not,” He replied, trying to play innocent and doing a good job at it.

“You do,” Argo said, also changing her voice. “We ran into each other in the west forest. And then you tried to kill Argo. That was five days ago. Argo was forced to attack first to protect herself against a set of four players you tried to intimidate her with.”

“If you are not Argo, is she?”

“We are Argo,” Bladescape replied. She drew her sword and took a step to her right, in an attempt to get behind him. “You will face us shortly.”

He was defiant. “Are you really going to try and pressure me, in front of all these players. Argo wouldn’t dare. She isn’t that dumb. You know it and so does she, her reputation would be ruined.”

“Are you that thick?” Bladescape asked. “We wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t already crossed the line and destroyed your own integrity.”

“How?” He asked. “And what proof do you have?”

Bladescape directly pointed her sword at him. She waved it, motioning for him to take a few steps forward. He shook his head no.

“They won’t let you bully me,” Iliad said with a smirk. “I’m a well known info broker. You are who?”

No one had any idea who they were, and that was good. He was concerned, but confident since it was a safe zone and he was banking on the protection of the other players. Normally that was a safe bet, but he didn’t know what they had on him. Or what was about to happen.

Bladescape Needed to flip the crowd he was using for safety against him. They were wanting an answer from the Argos, some even having weapons half drawn. Bladescape asked her question, as loudly as she could while keeping her voice concealed. "Do your customers around us know you are selling blood information? Or that you work with orange players to get what you want?”

They heard the question and began to whisper back and forth. Bladescape continued.

"We checked the quest logs. Every quest. It states how many times it has been attempted, how many times completed, and how many times it has been canceled."

Argo carried the accusation, "And we found something very disturbing. Three quests your rival Argo was working on were not canceled or incomplete, they were forfeited. The crucial NPC was killed.”

Bladescape took a definitive step forward.

"You killed those NPCs, critical to those quests because you couldn't complete them. We were ahead of you. And who does that hurt? It hurts the clearers around us who have been paying you all morning. Valuable information on the Floor Boss has been lost because of your selfishness."

Argo stepped forward, further boxing Iliad in and said, "There is a big difference between competition and crossing the game etiquette line, and then even past the morality line. You endangered Us and others because you used orange players to force the information out of them in the field. You are selling information and then stealing it back!"

A menu popped up in front of him. He glanced at it. "A full duel request‽" he exclaimed. It was a mix of begging, fear, and stalwart defiance.

“Where is she? Where is Argo! I want to face her.”

Blade pointed with her scabbard. The crowd parted. Doombunny was standing there, for all the world appearing to be a third Argo. Her hood was drawn as far forward as it would allow, completely hiding her eyes in its shadows.

“Why don’t you face me yourself instead of bringing in your muscle?" Iliad challenged. "I am surprised you got these two thugs to try and boss me around, not the Wondercolts. What? Did they not approve?”

Doombunny didn't say anything, merely tilting her head as if to dismiss the idea. The silence was somehow more intimidating than if she had burst into maniacal laughter.

He looked around at the split crowd. Things had shifted. They were not backing any particular side at this point.

The real Argo made a definitive step towards him. “You don’t mess with Argo and get away with it. We don't do anything to compromise the players of this game. We don't hurt other players. We don't kill NPCs to cancel quests. Especially key quests that give Floor Boss information. Stuff that helps free us from this virtual prison. You will face our answer with that duel.”

“That request is a full duel!” Iliad protested, loudly. “The loser dies! I am not accepting a full duel!”

Bladescape didn't give him an option. Her hand struck and forced his onto the accept button. Everyone was focused on her action. She was receiving heavy conduct warnings, but she wasn't orange, yet. She let go and stepped back. Argo did as well.

He stood there for a bit, shocked as the preparation clock ticked down. He snapped out of it. “WHAT THE HELL! SHE IS GOING TO MURDER ME! YOU! STOP! GRAB THEM! TAKE THEM TO PRISON!”

Bladescape flipped her blade up to his neck, silencing him. “I would focus on your duel,” she growled.

Iliad glanced at Doombunny but she was gone. Colorra, painted pitch black, was coiled up in Doombunny’s spot. No one had seen her disappear. They had been focused on Iliad and the Argos by him.

He tried to speak but it was gibberish as he tried to comprehend her turning into a snake. Valuable seconds ticked off the clock.

“I DID IT!” He yelled. “I killed them. It was wrong, but I won’t do it again!”

The buzzer sounded and the duel started.

Doombunny appeared right beside him, shoulder to shoulder, except she was facing away, like she had darted forward and was about to pass him. “YOU CERTAINLY WON’T!”

The dagger was stabbed into his back and she disappeared, leaving him paralyzed and crying in pain on the ground. The dagger was still in his back. Everyone was shocked, unsure of what to do. Bladescape had slipped away when Doombunny made her move. Argo had slipped away before Bladescape had.

Around the corner, out of sight in an alley, Doombunny and Colorra appeared beside her. “Third floor, second room on the right is ours. Go change before you get caught. We will finish up.”

Bladescape rushed off to the room.

Argo had circled around and slipped back to Doombunny's starting position. Now she could really do her job. She spoke loudly as she walked towards him. “A lot of players complain about me and what I do. But unlike you, I know how to cleanly, FAIRLY, and safely acquire my information.”

“How! How were you a snake? And then here!” Iliad growled, still stuck on the ground.

“I’m a quest crunching machine,” Argo spat. “I have tools and equipment that you haven’t even heard rumors about at my disposal because of it. That’s how I am still solo after all this time. You wouldn’t even know what to do with the stuff I have acquired. You certainly wouldn’t use it responsibly.”

“I…” Iliad stammered, writhing in pain. His HP had taken a big hit from Doombunny's strike, but it wasn’t sliding down that fast with only a knife sticking in his back.

“That’s for all three quests you forfeit,” Argo declared. “And it’s for sending those 4 after me, to put a stop on my progress. When they failed, you must have freaked. But unlike you, I am actually reasonable. I’ll cancel this duel and pull that dagger from your back, and when I do, you better run to the nearest teleport plaza and get the hell out of here. Your days as an information broker are over.”

Argo wasn’t nice when she pulled the dagger out of his back. She pulled up her menu and at the same time, Doombunny also did from her hiding place. Doombunny canceled the duel in sync with Argo.

Even with the duel canceled, the paralysis effect was still pinning him on the ground. Argo snorted and pulled out a green crystal. She walked over to one of the bystanders and put it in his hand.

“I can’t bring myself to end his suffering. I’m enjoying it too much after all the hell and pain he has given me over the past few weeks. Also, the info you bought, it’s 95, not 85. His info is as poor as his judgement.”

The player snorted. “Thanks. I'll go bail him out for you because you gave me the right info...”

Argo was enveloped in a blue light as she teleported out. She didn’t grab a crystal or name a destination.

Doombunny entered the room to find Bladescape stripped, with the paint off her face and hands. The rest of her gear was covered up and she was wearing a cheap chainmaile coif to conceal her hair. It didn’t take Doombunny long to do the same. Both of them teleported to Floor 1 from inside the room.

They quickly walked to Mo’s shop. Inside Argo and Mo were waiting for them. Doombunny immediately handed over the necklace.

“Thank you,” Mo said with a sly grin as she took the necklace. “I understand it went well.”

Bladescape chuckled. “We more than ruined his day. He won’t be dealing info anymore. But, now that it is done, do I want to know how much info on the boss we lost?”

“I only know it was 3 quests," Argo replied. "Similar to the one I ran with you before. But each one ended before I could complete it. I had a feeling it was going to lead me to the Necromancer himself. I was going to call you guys back in for that. But we will never know now. The front lines are probably a day or two away from the boss chamber. We will see. But I need sleep.”

“The offer still stands,” Bladescape said.

“I’ll take it,” Argo replied with a grin. “I more than owe you for this.”

“I think we all do,” Mo stated.

“Do you guys really get a lot of special things from these quests?” Bladescape asked.

Argo pulled out her necklace. It wasn’t the one Diemond had given her at Christmas. It looked like a mini blue teleport crystal hanging off the chain. “This lets me teleport wherever I want that has a teleport plaza, without wasting a crystal. I couldn’t have done this without you, but I do get cool stuff from these quests. Mo here focuses on the rare quests and equipment. I focus on progressing the game with relevant info, she stays back from the front lines. What she gets, well I let her know where to start on certain items. I can trust her to hold the dark stuff where it belongs; in the dark.”

Mo just shrugged. “I do what needs to be done. And some of the pieces I sell, well…” She shrugged. “I know that you, Doombunny, hold the Beast Tamer’s Charms.”

Doombunny gave a nod in reply.

“And that is where they need to be, with you.”

"You got me the parrying dagger and the gauntlet, didn't you?" Doombunny asked.

Mo just gave a simple nod.

“If you ever need assistance,” Bladescape said with a grin, leaving the rest unsaid.

“I have eyed you for a few things,” Mo replied coyly. “However, I have a feeling that you will come to me before I realize I need you. It is just a hunch I have had for a while. Especially now that you know who I am and where I am.”

“I need sleep,” Argo said. Her voice was unsteady as she stifled a yawn.

“We need to get back into the guild first,” Bladescape chuckled. “I am sure one of them is at the HQ.”

“Grab my hands and hold on tight,” Argo said.

They both took a hand, gripping it tight. They were enveloped in blue light and then found themselves on the teleport plaza in Mishe.

“Nifty,” Bladescape said.

“It has saved me hours,” Argo shrugged. “And my life. Twice.”

They opened the outside door and entered the waiting room. They knocked on the door. A minute later Joltron opened the door.

“Hey,” He said, looking them over and then stepping to the side. He pulled up his menu and extended guild requests to them.

It felt good, right, safe even, to accept and be an official Wondercolt again.

“She is going to sleep in the last room,” Bladescape told Joltron. “Doom and I need baths. Who is here?”

“AFCK and I,” Joltron replied. “I don’t know about Knightstar, but Astro and Kiefer took the rest to the Sand Crabs. I’m helping AFCK try and solve ice cream. It isn’t going well. And not because of the ingredients. She keeps distracting herself and messing up because of it.”

They all laughed and then split.

It felt good to get the black paint off. Bladescape stayed in the bath until it was cold. She only slightly regretted it as she dried off and got into clothes that warmed her. It was also good to have her normal hair color back. The brown didn’t look bad, but it wasn’t her. It felt like she had been muffling who she was. But the job came first, and it was a job well done.

Bladescape decided that, after spending the night awake, a nap was in order. And after that, she was going to try on the nail polish she had bought.

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 79 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry
Knightstar (TS): Lvl 69 – One-Handed SwordShieldEquipment AppraisalParry – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Search – Armor Pierce
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 72 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 75 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 72 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 74 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal - Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 72 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts
Lessa: Lvl 69 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search
Joltron: Lvl 73 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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