• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,907 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 10

With a groan, Marcus slowly started to wake from his slumber and grogally asked, ”What happened, where am I?” As he gradually regained his senses he could feel his arms raised upwards. In his groggy state, he tried to pull them down but they didn’t move, instead, all that happened was the rattling of chains.

This noise was the last catalyst for Marcus to come to finally completely rejoin the land of the living. Quickly he moved his head to look upwards at his raised arms and was shocked to see not only that they were chained to the wall but they were the arms of an Impmon. Trying his best to recall the events that happened prior to his sudden nap. His eyes then shot open as he remembered his fight with Knightmon and how two other digimon got in his way. “Crap who were those two?” he angrily asked.

“That would be the personal partners to the Princesses Apollomon and Dianamon” a voice suddenly cut Marcus off mid-thought. Snapping his head to look where he thought the voice came from. Through metal bars, he could see Shinning Armor and just growled.

Shinning Armor sighed as he lowered his head and asked,” I can see that your little nap hasn’t helped your little attitude.” He raised his head as he walked up to the prison bars and set a hoof on one of them. With a slight smirk he said, “Maybe a little bit of a timeout down here will help you cool off.”

A large vain appeared in his head as he yelled, “If you don’t let me out of here right now then I will not hesitate to level this city to smoldering ash!” He then started to thrash around in sheer anger, the chains that bound him.

Shaking his head he removed his hoof from the cell bars and turned his back to the Impmon. He quickly left the cellblock, Marcus screaming the whole while. He just figured that the tiny digimon would just ware himself out. However, he stooped dead in his tracks as a bright light appeared behind him, sending his shadow in front of him.

The royal guard captain slowly turned around once the light was gone and noticed it had just gotten a lot quieter. His eyes shot wide as he ran back to Marcus’s cell and found it empty, his shackles just hanging there. With a groan he slumped forward as he said, “This is going to be such to report.”

In the Black Clover Kingdom, the first queen was sitting with the princess in the nursery letting her play. Fluttershy was hoping to were her daughter out so she could feed her and then lay her down for her much-needed afternoon nap.

One of the council members then knocked on the door, “Your highness, it’s Tinder may I enter?”

“Come in Tinder I’m decent,” Fluttershy called out as she rocks her little girl.

Tinder opened the door adorned in his day-to-day garb and haori with his position as head of the council stitched on the back.

“Sorry to interrupt you,” Tinder bowed looked her straight in the eye, “But You’re the only member of the court in the palace right now so I must have sign a few things straight away.”

Fluttershy let out a sigh, “Very well… Haze!” she called out.

“Yes your highness,” A tall and buff Pegasus man emerged from the shadows.

“Please watch over Aurora while I step out in the hall for a moment,” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am,” Haze bowed then took the giggling princess from her mother.

“Be good sweetie,” Shy said as she stepped out.

Haze set the little pony girl on the floor and began to play with her. He then got a message over telepathy and had to take it so he stepped out of the way while the baby played with nearby toys when something shiny caught her attention.

Aurora quickly crawled over and found something that shouldn’t have been there. I card with an intricate picture on it.


Picking it up the baby could hear words from nowhere but simply giggle and eaves the cards around. Soon a portal opened up next to her with a strange impish-looking creature walking out of it. The baby stared for a moment then clapped her hands at the show as the portal closed/

Marcus blinked a couple of times before looking around while asking, “Okay where the heck am I?” He then noticed the little baby humanoid pony pointed at it and asked, “Hey you, you the one who brought me to this weird place?” Raising his left hand a blue flame ignited as he said, “I warn ya right now, I have not had the best day and am rather pissed so ya better tell me why I'm here or your gonna get a taste of my bada boom.”

Aurora only clapped her hands and giggled at his fire. She forced herself onto all fours and crawled over to the strange new toy and reached out, pawing at the flames.

Marcus blinked in surprise as the baby got closer to him and tried to grasp his flame. Using his free hand he tried to push her away while angrily saying, “You're supposed to not want the flame to touch ya!” As he was trying to keep the flame away it ended up falling out of his hand and onto a nearby teddy bear, setting it on fire. “Oh crud, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said with slight fear in his voice.

“Smoke magic,” Marcus heard a rough voice as smoke smother the flames. He turned to see a very big and very angry-looking Pegasus, “What are you and how did you get into the nursery? More importantly, what are you doing with the princess?!”

Marcus growled as he called up and said, “Hey I was brought here by this little gremlin and she is currently pawing after me so calm down chicken wings.” He ignited another flame and asked, “Now are you gonna back off or am I going to light you up?!”

Suddenly, Marcus felt something take a very firm hold of his tail. He looked back and saw Aurora clutching it in her tiny paws.

“Ah…” Marcus was about to speak when the baby suddenly lifted up causing Marcus to face-plant. “Wait, does this kid have super strength or somethin?”

His question was soon answered when the baby easily whirled him around by the tail and let go sending him flying into the nearest marble wall.

Haze just blinked then turned his attention back to the baby and went over, picking her up and noticing the card on the ground not far from her. He picked it up and looked it over as Fluttershy reentered the room.

“What was that noise?” she asked.

Haze pointed a the wall.

Marcus groaned as picked himself up from being thrown at the wall and under his breath asked, “Sweet lord, is that thing really a baby? Cause it just threw me like a rag doll.” Shaking his head to focus himself he looked at Haze before looking towards Fluttershy and blinking. With a growl, he said, “Hey I didn’t do anything by choice!”

“Gaia Magic,” Fluttershy said as plants sprang from the floor and form a hand that immediately grab hold of Marcus. Aurora giggled, “Haze, thank you for your service. Please bring her to the bedroom and call a maid while I take care of this Displaced,”

Haze bowed and left the room with the baby.

“Now,” Shy loomed over Marcus with a very scary smile and a menacing aura came from her, “What was it you said about my little girl?”

A large beet of sweat formed on his brow as he nervously said, “O-oh me, I didn’t say nothin'.” With a gulp, he thought to himself ‘This chick will kill me if I piss her off,” Letting out a small cough he asked, “Ya mind letting me go now…please?”

“No,” Fluttershy said flatly. “You’re staying in my grasp until we speak with my husband on what to do with you. He obviously didn’t summon you as he’s out in the city right now. It only leaves his daughter. The one who just slammed you into the wall. We’re going to the throne room.”

She motioned and walked on with Marcus in toe, “What is your name?”

With a groan, he turned his head away and quietly said, “That is a loaded question.” He looked at her as he said, “Right now you can call me Impmon.”

“Oh so you’re Impmon,” Fluttershy thought, “I know exactly who you are now,” she giggled as they pass a window. As they do Marcus catches a glimpse of a large black dragon snoring peacefully in an open area.

It took him a couple of seconds for his brain to fully take in what he was seeing and yelled out, “Okay where the hell am I, why is there a massive dragon, and how do you know me!?”

“Because my husband told me about you,” Fluttershy says coyly. “I’m not the timid little girl or pony from your world. Here I’m the second most powerful sorceress in this entire kingdom, only behind Twilight because she’s technically a goddess.”

Marcus’s eyes went huge.

“Welcome to the Black Clover Kingdom, Marcus,” Fluttershy smiled as she set him down a pair of grand doors opened into a throne room to reveal an ash-haired man sitting on the throne at the far end of the room.

As Marcus was put down he contemplated running away, maybe through the nearest window but quickly found none of them in the room that were at his level to reach. However, as soon as he saw the man sitting on the throne he pointed at him with surprise and yelled, “Asta, this is your dimension!”

“Universe actually,” Asta corrected his Digi-visitor. “I heard from Haze that my daughter found your card,” he said as he looked over papers, not even looking up. “How it got there is being looked into, but as my daughter can’t properly speak that means your summoning is an accident as no terms were ever stated thus no contract was made, and seeing as she can’t speak or express any real concern to send you back, you’re stuck here in this universe for the time being unless I can persuade an acquaintance to send you back but knowing him, he well but only after what you need is done…” he looked up finally, “You look like hell dude.”

Marcus’s eye twitched as slumped his shoulders while saying, “Well getting sneak attacked by two Mega-level Digimon can do that to a man.” With a sigh as he asked, “It seems fate is obsessed with having princess summon me to new worlds.” Angrily he then ran up to Asta and jumped onto the king’s legs and grabbed his collar while yelling, “Oh and your daughter made me drop my fireball before throwing me into a wall, I think I deserve an apology from you as her father!”

“Why would I apologize for her having fun,” Asta said as he stood up and easily pulled his guest from his clothes. “Time flows slower in your world than here kid. I’m much stronger than the last time we fought Barbamon together,” he set Marcus on the ground. “How about a tour of my capital and some food, or would you still prefer an apology?”

Marcus was about to say he was up for a fight but his stomach suddenly let out a massive roar. With a deep blush, he looked away in embarrassment, similar to how a child would when caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

With a low tone, he said, “I could eat.”

“How about a lunch tour then,” Asta walked on. “Caribou make the best kabobs after all!”

“I’ll see you later Asta,” Fluttershy kissed his cheek. “Be sure and let the others know we have a guest if you see them.”

“Well do,” Asta nods, “Oh, and no wisecracks on how I have four wives!” He pointed at Marcus.

“What, me, I would never,” Marcus said with a delish smirk before climbing onto his shoulder.

With a chuckle he said, “Trust me though I don’t care about your love life bro, just as long as everything is consensual then you do you.”

“All good then,” Asta shrugged. “Come on I'll show ya around the street vendors. We can pick up some good eats. Anything, in particular, you want to do while in my city?”

With a shrug said, “Dude I was brought here randomly by a toddler, who subsequently threw me into a wall. Let’s just get something to eat first so I can get out of this form.” He then lightly kicked his back with his foot while saying, “Onward black knight!”

“Black King actually,” Asta corrected as he led Marcus out of the elaborate place. “Not bad for a ten-second construction aye?”

Marcus looked around and with a low growl and said, “I want to say you are lying in that time frame, but given what I know about you I believe it.” With a cough into his hand, he said, “Marry Sue.”

“Say what you want about me 'cause I wasn’t the one that actually built the whole damn city,” Asta laughed out loud. “I didn’t have a hand in any of the outright construction practically at all, just the post-construction add-ins. I did set up the first outer crystal wall to protect the refugees at first and there’s also the rose garden I planted in memory of my father-in-law, but no I didn’t build this place. All of that glory belongs to my supremely overpowered older brother,” He remarked with an eye roll.

“Oh yeah, you mentioned that you had a brother when you came to my world,” Marcus said as he thought of their last meeting. Snapping his fingers and asked, “Oh speaking of the last time you and I met, there has been something on my mind as of late.”

“Shoot,” Asta waved away a couple of white shihakusho shinigami-looking guys. “Kabob?” He pointed to a nearby food stall.

Marcus looked at the food stand and hopped off Asta’s shoulder and went over to the stand. His mouth was watering as he said, “Meat, real meat. Fluttershy never lets me have anything aside from fish.” He pointed at it food and said, “Please can we get some?”

“Yeah,” Asta chuckles. “Shy never let me deviate from a balanced diet. Of course, you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my first wife already, so you know how she can be when she’s in a mood or thinks various things are going on,” he gave Marcus a knowing look as he slightly cringed at the thought of Asta’s version of Fluttershy.

They stopped at the booth and the vendor gave a bow to his king before Asta held up two fingers. The vendor nodded then quickly pulled out two plates of well-proportioned of several Kabobs. Asta paid the man, or at least what looked to be a human man wearing a silly antler-themed headpiece.

“Here ya go,” Asta handed over the plate that was easily twice the size of Marcus’s head. “Want to sit to eat?”

Marcus grabbed the plate and just held it over his head and said, “I say sit, unless you want to walk and munch.”

Asta raised a hand and two stone blocks popped up behind them. “That stack of food is nearly half your height dude. You really think you can walk, talk, and most importantly, eat all at the same time?” He chuckled while listing off on his fingers as he sat down.

With a shrug he said, “Hey we Impmon are acrobatic Digimon so it more than likely would have been fine.” Quickly he hopped onto the stone seat and crossed his legs as he sat down, setting the plate on his lap. With a smirk, he started to tear into the Kabob like a wild animal. It didn’t take very long before all that remained were sticks. Leaning back he let out a loud burp while rubbing his stomach. With a content sigh, he asked, “Ah much better, a good piece of meat is the best wouldn’t you agree?”

“True,” Asta swallowed while he let his last stick on fire before putting the end of it in his mouth, “but that’s not the real question ya wanted to ask,” he pointed out as he waved the stick out before standing up and tossed both piles in the garbage before returning the plates to the vendor. “So what’s on your mind?”

Marcus snapped his fingers before jumping onto his feet and said, “Oh yeah, I nearly forgot what I wanted to ask.” He then looked him dead in the eye and asked, “Have you ever asked why you were brought to this world?”

“Not once,” Asta shook his head. “I was sent here by chance cause I gambled in a game of blackjack against a Displacer and won this book!” his black grimoire floated up next to him, “While also seeking out leads about my older brother’s disappearance nearly nine years before my own displacement. Why? Do you really need a reason to be displaced? Most of us just are cause of the bullshit we buy from those merchant asshats. Others can be reincarnated or just are because they want a fresh start and new life to live how they want. I’ve never seriously thought about it, to be honest. I guess your answer depends on who you ask and their experiences in their lives both before and after as well as in and out of their current realities.”

“It’s really one of those questions you can have a million differing answers to,” Asta shrugs as Marcus wobbles to his feet and Asta motioned the blocks back into the ground. “What brought this on?”

After steadying himself he looked up at Asta and with a growl said, “I found out that in my world the reason the Digimon were brought into that Equestria is because of the Princesses. Apparently, they learned how to summon Digimon through a ritual and gave somepony the green light, which lead to me becoming a Beelzemon in the first place.” Igniting a flame in his hand he watched it while saying, “I was taken from my home, family, friends, and life because some idiots decided to mess with forces they couldn’t hope to ever control.”

Marcus crushed the flame as an egg-shaped blue light overcame him until dissipated to reveal his Beelzemon form. Turning his attention back to Asta and said, “I want to know what was so important that I had to lose everything, and won’t stop until I get the answers I need.”

“Maybe you should stop trying to force those answers from those who may or may not have something to do with your situation Marcus?” Asta asked as his gaze hardened. “You’re not a normal Digimon like the others remember. You’re a Displaced. The princesses rarely have the power to pull one of us across the Omniverse and totally shifted their species and or gender at the same time of the summoning. If that does happen then they would face a severe backlash and drain of their magic power making them unable to even lift a tissue for a month let only barely able to walk for about a week. I understand you want answers but you’re grasping at straws without even trying to get all your facts straight first kid. Did you even ask Twilight to send a letter detailing what happened to you, to both Celestia and Luna?”

Marcus clicked his tongue as he said, “No, as soon as I found out from Wiseman about this ritual I went to confront them.” With an equally harsh glare, he then poked Asta while saying, “But that is beside the point. Yeah they might not have meant for what happen to me to go down but it still did, and that still makes them responsible. They are the reason my world is lost to me, any dream for my future gone with it.” Letting out a demonic growl he said in quite voice, “So forgive me if I don’t give a damn about what kind of Digimon they meant to call, I deserve to know why any of them were summoned.”

“You’re letting your emotions rule your mind,” Asta knocked away Marcus’s claw with a hard hand as a pressure spread over him making it slightly harder for the Digimon to breathe. “You’re right that you have a right to know why but that doesn’t mean you can tear through anyone else who is just doing what they're supposed to do. You can seriously hurt others in just your Impmon form. Ponies are very squishy and they frighten easily and when frightened they retaliate in force. Which in your case would’ve been justified. You could’ve easily asked Twilight instead of charging up the mountainside like I know did,” he pointed. “Fly,” he said and a blue aura covered Asta for a second and he started to float. “Follow me. You need to hear and see what my actions did to put me in the position I’m on now.”

Asta flew into the sky. Marcus turned into blast mode and followed suit. The duo headed well outside the city. There the Beelzemon saw a massive canyon and an even more massive scorched piece of earth with fresh grass just sprouting up giving it a slight tint of green.

Resting his non cannon arm on his side Marcus asked, “Okay we’re here, what is so important about this place that is supposed to make me change my mind?” Honestly, it was obvious through the deep scowl on his face that his fuse was very short at the moment, meaning he could potentially blow up very soon.

“Twilight, Aj, and Shy were all kidnapped and meant to be sex slaves,” Asta said coldly. “That piece of burnt land is all that’s left of the Caribou's former capital from the night I lost my girls and my sense of self-control. I cut down anyone who got between me and Shy. She was nearly raped physically,” He clenched his fist and even Marcus could feel the outright rage pouring off the mage king. “For good measure, I burned the whole city. In the following times, I killed more and more in the following days and weeks as armies came to try and take my people. At the time it was in the name to protect my girls but if I had taken time to ask around and see what it was like I could’ve prevented so many needless deaths and killing done by my own blade.”

“I am sorry that you had to go through that, but that will not stop me,” He said in a low tone. Looking into the canyon he said, “I offered Knightmon the chance to get out of my way, he was the one who wanted to fight. He assumed that I was going to attack the Princesses, told him I wasn’t, he wouldn’t listen so we fought.” A low growl then escaped his throat as he said, “The only reason he wasn’t gutted is because their partner Digimon to Celestia and Luna, Apollomon and Dianamon, came in with a cheap shot to knock me out. So let's get one thing straight I tried to be peaceful but at this point, if anyone else gets in my way I won’t hesitate as long as I get my answers.”

Asta let out a hard sigh, “I guess trying to tell you is useless then,” he said as he looked back to his city and then back to Marcus, “if can get my point across by speech then I guess I’ll have to use my favorite method. My fists.”

He points to a large arena in the city, “Meet me there in an hour. Take some time to cool off but don’t threaten my territory or people 'cause I won’t be so forgiving if you so much a insinuate anything,” Asta gave a look that meant he wouldn’t hesitate to kill. “The building not far from it is the training academy for my knights and shinigami. Go see Ichigo if you’re still miffed about that. Until then I have things to see to,” he rocketed off back into the city leaving Marcus in the sky alone.

As Marcus floated there in the sky all he could feel is rage. Who was Asta to judge him, what made his approach so wrong?! His teeth started to crackle a little bit from how hard he grinding them together. He then pointed his cannon to the sky, it powering up with purple energy until at full charge, and with a roar that could be heard for miles away fired a full-power Corona Destroyer. As the beam left the weapon it cleared the clouds got in its path until finally dissipating after a couple of seconds. Slowly he lowered his cannon arm to his side as he said, “He will pay for treating me like some dumb kid.” His eyes then started to glow lightly as the hazard symbol appeared on each of them.

“Well, you’re certainly throwing a tantrum like one right now,” came a cocky tone. Marcus turned to see and spiky orange-haired man standing behind him on the air the massive katana on his back a tell tail sign of who he could be. “Could ya not do whatever you just did man? It's partially my job to keep the normies in the city calm and I don’t need them freaking over an invasion or possible hollow attack.”

Marcus growled as he pointed his canon at the orange spiky-haired man while saying, “I don’t care who you are and what you do pineapple head! I am pissed off enough and don’t need another sword-wielding schmuck giving me a lecture.”

“Woah there! Cool your jets biker dude,” the man waved off the anger. “I’m just asking you to dial down the fireworks a little. The peeps in the city don’t take it too kindly when shit hits the fan around here. Last time it did the whole city went on the offensive, literally,” He said. “I’m not here to give a lecture just doing my job as one of the city’s appointed protectors as given to me by my bro Asta. Name’s Ichigo Kurosaki, head-captain of the Black Clover Shiningami of this kingdom and a fellow displaced.”

“So you’re his brother, he’s told me about you,” Marcus said as he lowered his canon to his side and rested his hand on his shoulder. “Honestly never been a big fan of Bleach, but if you're not here to talk down to me then you are fine in my books. The name is Marcus, Marcus the Beelzemon,” He said as he extended his normal hand at the end.

“Good to finally meet ya,” Ichigo shook Marcus’s hand. “Just a heads up, I’m pretty much a jackass to everyone so don’t take any insults personally,” he pointed off in the distance, “If ya want to vent a little we’ve got the training hall for those who wish to learn defense. Nearly the whole city’s populace are former slaves so we taught’um how to fight back and many went on to form the knights and shinigami later but at some point Asat even formed the Demon Slayer Corps. You game for game target practice there?”

Marcus thought for a moment and said, “As long as I am done in an hour so I could make it to the arena.” Clenching his fist tight, it popping as doing so, and saying, “I am going to knock that brother of yours on his smug ass.”

“Fair warning,” Ichigo said as they arrived at the training grounds, “Asta is a hella lot strong than the last time you saw him, dude. The dude fought a goddess of balance when the city was founded and nearly won, she only did cause she had just a bit more magic,” he turned around to face Marcus. “I’m not trying to get ya to back down cause even I can tell a really need this but fair warning when fighting Asta, he treats every fight as a death match, even if it’s not.” He held up a hand and a glowing katana materialized in it, “I can give ya a bit of a boost but I can still tell ya won’t win. Still, be a helluva a fight to watch though. Kind of had my fill of fighting since fighting Akainu in the last Displaced Tourney. Don’t ever accept an invite from an alchemist without details first!” he roared, “That fucking jackass… Oh let me clear things up for ya, I have no idea what this sword will do to ya, I just know it’ll unlock a spiritual variant of some sort of or powers, seeing as you’re ya know a Digimon… Your choice.”

Marcus thought for a moment as he turned back to his normal Beelzemon form and said, “You know what, sure why not.” Stretching his arms out wide to fully expose his chest he said, “I would love to lay the smack down on him with the power his brother gave me.” As he said that bit a truly demonic smile spread across his face.

Ichigo shrug slightly and held up his other hand and a bow formed in it, “This won’t hurt at all,” he smiled as he shot the sword Dead center into Marcus’s chest, “Oh, and just so you know Asta can materialize his zanpakuto in the living world without a catalyst, that goes for his Bankai and hollowfication to.”

As the glowing sword hit him in the chest a white light overtook him. After a few seconds the blade of a Katana slashed through the light to make it dissipate. Standing there was a more less regular-looking Marcus, just with a katana in hand that had the hazard symbol as the guard. With a smirk, he said, “Got to say that is no digivolving, but not a bad feeling.” Looking at his new sword he suddenly said, “Marchosias huh, ever hear of a zanpakuto with that name Ichigo?”

“Nope,” Ichigo said immediately, “Zanpakuto are as unique as people and no two of them are alike and no two can have the same name at any given time, no matter what the films say. In canon, there have been swords in the past that have the same names as ones in the present but they’re still totally different from each other. It looks like yours is an Arranca’s too, so at the moment you'll only have one release. Wanna learn how to sword fight?”

Ichigo drew his sword from his back and it glowed with a rainbow aura then he returned the sword to its sheath on his back, “I won’t be releasing him just yet,” he smirked as he started to walk and placed a hand on Marcus’s shoulder, “Teach skills Swordsmanship, Marksman,” he listed off before removing his hand.

Suddenly a status window appeared in front of Marcus’s eyes, listing the sills he just require from Ichigo with the Lvl 1 status following them.

“They’re gamer skills that’ll level up the more ya use them,” Ichigo explained. “Highly compatible with your Digimon nature. As I said the more ya use them the more the skill will increase, by the status will stay the same even if ya change modes or forms. There’s no limit to how high they can go… That being said I won't be able to get you up to mine and Asta’s level with any amount of training I give. That would take any number of years to be on par with the little dude but I can at least give you a better handle on a sword and your new powers.”

Marcus just tapped his new sword on his shoulder and said, “Sure might as well learn the basics of how to wield this thing.” Pointing the Katana at Ichigo he said, “Just don’t expect me to call you sensei or anything.”

“Hell no dude,” Ichigo laughed. “The only ones who do that are the learners here, and still that only cause they see it fit. You should know,” he walked across the way and turned to face Marcus, “Asta and I aren’t really related by blood. We’ve just known each other since we were in pre-k and have a lot of the same stuff in common, so we get along as if we were,” Marcus could now feel a steady pressure building around, emanating from Ichigo. “Another thing you should have realized is that, unlike another Ichigo we both know, my sword is in its sealed state and not Shikai. Also,” Marcus soon found it harder to breathe and move steadily, “is that I have several forms of Bankai instead of just a stupid long sword. You’re a demon, so how about we train in hell?!”

Suddenly massive gate-baring skeletons sprang up behind Ichigo and sucked both of them inside for the rest of the next hour. Upon the allotted time passing the two exited the gates Marcus looked worse for wear out first, tapping his sword on his shoulder the whole time but having reverted back to his Impmon form from having spent all his energy in his training sessions with Ichigo.

With a slight growl, he said, “You do know just because I am a demon doesn’t mean I have ever been to hell, so thanks for that.”

“Well the reason I brought you to hell is because of the much harsher environments,” Ichigo said as he walked out, dispelling his hell guard armor. “That and it drastically boosts hollow powers and the abilities of malevolent spirits, thus making it harder for you as a demonic Digimon to control your power and causing you to have to focus on it more.”

Marcus rolled his eyes as he said, “So basically it is just a hotter version of the hyperbolic time chamber from Dragon Ball.” With a stretch, he said,” Anyways that place has screwed with my sense of time, how long until me and Asta duke it out?”

“Sort of like a mini time chamber but only cause of my ID skill,” Ichigo corrected, “My skull is nowhere near the level of the ones that Asta uses for his own training. One day in there is like nearly a month but at least we were able to level your sword skill up enough to where you can use it. I’m more of a weapons fighter. Really the only hand-to-hand fighting skill I know is judo and that’s not even close to the level Asta has mastered. And I’d say a few minutes to spare. Just enough time to get you over to the arena. Ten bits says our boy is already there waiting on us.”

He started to walk to the entrance, “I’ll show ya the way, and whatever ya don’t piss him off in the fight. He’s not a berserker but someone whose focus sharpens on his goal the madder he gets.”

“Hold up boys,” came a new voice.

Ichigo let out a harsh sigh, “I know that voice…”

Marcus looked around to try and find the voice and asked, “Um care to inform the Digimon who is talking?”

“No one you need to know at the moment young one,” the voice chuckled. “In the box at your feet is a sensoo bean that I prepped especially for you,” Marcus looked down and there was indeed a small box at his feet. “It will not only fully heal your wounds from your training with Ichigo, but also fully restore your energy levels back to max, allowing you to digivolve back to Beelzemon. Though I recommend you eat it just before you enter the arena in order to make the effects last longer. Asta is a master fighter both with and without weapons. I look forward to an entertaining fight. So long for now….”

Marcus picked up the box and as he looked at it he said, “I know that after everything I have gone through I shouldn’t be surprised at the disembodied voice, but I just have to ask. What or who the hell was that?”

“I honestly want to tell you but I literally can’t,” Ichigo stated. “Every time I think about I get this blaring horn in my head so… I’m just gonna say it's someone Asta…. OW, MOTHER FUCKER!” He cried out as he fell backward and held his head, “Fuck this… Let's get to the arena…” Ichigo grumbled, “Fucking op bullshit…”

Marcus smirked as he said, “You do know that the term op could apply to both you and Asta also fits that criteria.” He then started walking while saying, “Now come on I am ready to hit stupid Asta in his stupid in his face.”

“In terms of overall power yeah we're pretty out there in terms of combat power but not much else,” Ichigo rubbed the inside of his ear. “This guy is just… bull shit crazy out there and let’s leave it at that. And to top it off he’s not even technically a void dweller but has power on par with those top-tier bastards.” He leads Marcus into a massive stadium and through its corridors.

“Let’s just say he’s someone you’d rather have backing you in just about any situation rather than even trying to go against him.”

They both stood in front of a massive archway that led into the floor of the arena. “Alright dude this is your stop, and go nuts with those Digimon powers as there’s a void barrier around the seats so nothing can go through and hurt the audience.”

Marcus turned and looked at Ichigo with a scowl, “Hey, don’t blame me. Blame the guy that runs shit in this place. Fights are actually a normal spectacle we have daily here. The crowd loves it and it brings in money but also no one dies. We heal them and give them a cut of the profits then send them on the way. Everyone in the city is here because the last time Asta fought in this place was with that goddess chick so they came out to not only watch but also to support their king. Good luck dude,” he waved as he walked back down the hallway.

Marcus gave a nod and said, “Thanks, for both your advice but also the new power and training.” Turning to face the tunnel's exit he pulled out the bean and ate half of, a bit hesitantly, and felt himself get fully healed, making sure to pocket the other half. With a smirk he started to walk out of the tunnel, digivolving back to Beelzemon as he entered the battlefield eyeing his opponent.

“I see you had a bit of fun in hell,” Asta said from across the field, his eyes showing an extremely sharp gaze. Marcus could even feel the aura around the man in front of him was not even the slightest bit friendly, but a the same time there was no malevolence in the air surrounding Asta either. Asta stood up from the stone black where he’d been sitting, “Honestly, since I took that fight with Barbamon as nothing more than a joke. I had to do some serious rethinking after that. You’ll only be the fourth real demon lord I’ve faced. This’ll be entertaining for us both,” he smiled evilly as he took a fighting stance without his swords.

Marcus held his new sword tight and started to grind his teeth together. He could feel the sheer power difference between the two, truly seeing how outmatched he was. For a brief moment, his eyes once again had the hazard symbol in them. With a growl, he said, “Just shut up and come at me already.” He then got in a kendo stance and readied for the fight.

Asta smirked and then swiftly moved his palm barely forward. Marcus flinched slightly by tightening his grip on his sword. He didn’t like being teased at all but this wasn’t mere teasing. Asta had done something, something that Marcus knew was something he wasn’t able to do the last time they fought with Barbamon.

Suddenly stone spikes erupted from the right in front of Asta making be line for Marcus. Relying on instinct Marcus back-flipped onto the wall and then using the momentum, launched himself straight at Asta.

“Nice trying,” Asta smirked, “Light magic, Particle Transfer!” he said as he teleported away.

Marcus used his katana as a break, digging the sword into the ground. Stooping, he glared at Asta who had not one but two books floating on either side of him.

“That really was a nice comeback,” Asta glared, “But not good enough to catch me off guard.”

Marcus pulled his sword out of the ground, swinging it to the side to get the remaining remnants of earth off it. With a growl, he said, “Then how about this.” He then pointed the tip of his blade at Asta as a red ball of energy appeared at the tip. “Cero,” he said as the ball turned into a beam attack aimed at Asta.

“Ah a cero,” Asta pointed a finger and gathered spirit energy into a cero himself before firing it right at Marcus's own causing the two attacks to cancel each other out. Marcus just stared in shock, “You didn’t think Ichigo well tell you everything I can do would he?” Asta snickered as he pulled back his fist, “Here's a simple trick using your spiritual pressure!” He said as he let a flurry of punches of concentrated spirit energy at Marcus.

The Digimon couldn’t react to all of them as they were much faster than a cero.

“It's called a Bala,” Asta held up a fist as it crackled lightly with his power, “Not as destructive as a cero but as you can tell,” he launched the attack Marcus narrowly avoided it, “Much faster and easier to control. I must say I’m a bit disappointed though. All that training and all you were able to do is fire off one cero. If you keep up this mindset, those megas in your world will kill you in less than five…. No three minutes.”

Marcus knew that wasn’t an insult either but it still pissed him off more. His body pulsated with energy as he said, “Maybe your right, but I still have one more trick up my sleeve.” He raised his zanpakuto to the sky, it starting to glow blue, and called out, “Mutilate Marchosias!” As those words escaped his lips his whole body was consumed white the same blue glow until it took on the shape of an egg. Suddenly the egg started to grow until it was five times its prior size, the hazard symbol appearing on its face.

After a moment the egg started to crack as a demonic voice could be heard calling, “Beelzemon digivolve to..” The egg finally split open to reveal a massive white armored wolf-like creature, adorned with the wings of Gryphonmon and the tail of Sandirmon. The beast unfiltered its wings and let out a vial howl of “Marchosiasmon!”

The newly born Ultra Level digimon looked up at Asta and roared as it used its wings to rocket into the air, reaching his level at lightning speeds. Marchosiasmon growled as he stared at the king of this land. It was clear that in this form Marcus had little control and was just running off the anger he had towards the swordsman. Opening his mouth an orb of blue fire started to form, biting down on it once fully formed. He reeled back his head before throwing it forward while opening his maw, sending out a beam of blue hell hire, while the demonic voice bellowed, “Hellish Nova!!”

Asta’s eyes glowed bright white, “You little brat!” he roared in a multi-toned voice as he moved his arms about quickly and water gathered around the attack, quickly drowning it. “You dare unleash a power you can’t even control in my kingdom!” He roared as black anti-magic flowed forth and covered Asta’s body, turning him into Black Asta. “I will not allow you to run rampant in this state!”

Asta vanished and appeared right underneath Marcus’s jaw before delivering a hard uppercut sending the newborn ultra cartwheeling through the air. Asta motioned his arms again and the water that had turned to steam consolidated into tentacles that restrained Marcus as Asta rocketed up into Marcus’s gut this time. The Digimon plummeted to the ground half dead at this point.

“Get up,” Asta ordered as his demon destroyer sword flew to his hand from his black grimoire, “We’re far from done…”

Marchosiasmon Marcus let out a low groan from being slammed into the ground but it slowly turned into a growl. Slowly he made his way back to his feet he had his wings span out before flapping them hard to send him back into the air and breaking his bonds. Once there,, he started to spin rapidly in the air, making a vortex of black winds. The wind started to grow larger and fast as the voice again called out “Hellish Mailstrum!!” At this point, the winds were going so fast that any normal item or being would be shredded into nothingness.

Asta’s eyes glowed white again but this time intricate blue tattoos cover his entire body, “Moon Breathing,” he whispered as veins bulged over his body, “Moon Dragon Ringtail,” he roared and with a single slash sent hundreds of black crescent moon through the air tearing a hole in Marcus’s wind.

Asta held up a hand and fire came forth above then it was surrounded by a ball of wind, “Desolation sphere!” He shouted as he launched the ball right through the hole and as send as the ball made contact with Marcus it erupted in a flames burning the Digimon all over as his own attack caught fire as well.

The storm had evolved into a burning hurricane and was hurting the berserk Ultra as he acted as its core. Marchosiasmon stopped the spinning and spread its wings out far to the inferno out across the battlefield. At the same time, the flames that covered him were dissipated, but there were clear burn marks on him.

It was clear that Marcus was running on steam fast but something in him wouldn’t let him stop. As a last-ditch effort he raised his mouth to the sky, a giant ethereal version of the hazard symbol appeared. In the middle of the symbol, energy started to gather, until with a howl the energy shot outwards as a continuous volley of energy balls rained down on the arena. Once again a voice could be heard calling, “Hazard Volley!” The blasts were going far and high enough to hit the barrier.

“ENOUGH!” Asta hollowed as he raised his hand. That’s when everyone in the crowd saw the sword was no longer in Asta’s hand, “Black Death!” Asta swiped his hand and out of the corner of the stadium shot four black streaks that shredded not only Marcus’s Hazard symbol but the ultra as well.

Marcus slumped over as he reverted back to his Impmon form and the black streaks shot behind Asta. They floated there in mid-air revealing themselves to be his demon swords.

“How, just how can you be so freaking strong?” he asked while trying to catch his breath.

“I spent nearly ten years traveling across countries training under many masters in order to gain the strength I need to do what I want to,” Asta glared at Marus, thoroughly pissed. “I continued to train so I may get the chance to see my older brother again who disappeared without a reason. The brother my parents cast off as nothing but a nuisance but who loved me and looked out for me even after he was disowned by my family. Alone was his name,” He sighed, “You asked me if time goes on while we’re displaced here, well I can tell you it does. Because ten years for me was over fifteen thousand for him. So much time had passed for him that he’d come to terms with the people he’d cared for deaths. And that’s not very many, probably a total could be counted on both hands. He had the chance to go back once but he gave up that chance to live the life he wanted with the creatures that he loved and loved him for who he was.”

“I’m strong because I lived my life the way I wanted to like my older brother does, “Asta walked away, “Tell me, Marcus, do you truly wish to go back home or is it what you think you should do?” He looked at the Impmon, “Like when you decided to unleash that beast of a form in my city that you could barely manage to keep under control? My strength comes from training my powers, not recklessly unleashing them so that may end up causing greater harm.”

Marcus groaned as he moved to stand up, and with ragged breath said, “You wanna know if I just wanna go home because I think it is what I should do?” A small chuckle left his throat before glaring back at him and saying, “Hell no, I could care less about going back there. What has pissed me off is that yet again the universe has thrown me to from one crap storm to another, none of which I got a single say in.”

Standing tall now the Impmon said, “Since you got to tell your story it is time for me. My folks left me and my elder sister alone with nothing but our names and a rundown shack to our names. She tried her best to raise me and keeps us from ending up on the streets, but I could see how hard it was on her despite how much she didn’t want me to. She was the only good thing in my life, the one good thing and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. So I am done letting others control my life, and will do anything to keep it from happening again.” Spitting to the side he asked, “Does that answer your question mister high and mighty?

“When we first met I was still against becoming the ruler of these people,” Asta looked at him, “I just wanted to live a quiet peaceful life in Ponyville with Shy but then I heard of what the original Caribou kingdom did to the ponies and other slaves, treating them less than dirt. I figured hey I have money I can help, so I tried and during that, I lost my girls during one of my summonings. I came back and showed no mercy and became the leader here by my hand and not my choice. It wasn’t until I fought alongside you against Barbamon that it finally sunk into my skull, Hey I have a lot of people looking to me to lead them. I still don’t think it should be me on this throne but I stay because it's what I choose todo,” he pointed at himself. “My older brother didn’t get a choice to leave at first but he embraced his path and I didn’t get to say goodbye either and my fold just accepted, he’s gone so he’s dead. It hurt a lot but I kept on moving and never gave up that I could find him, and eventually, I did, though a lot older and a hella a lot more powerful but he was happy so I was happy.”

“We don’t always get to choose the paths we are put on Marcus, especially as displaced but we can sure as hell embrace them and make them our own,” he pointed at Marcus. “So tell me, well you continue to sulk and throw a temper tantrum like a kid, or will you be the you, you want to be?”

“The me I wanna be” Marcus mused aloud. Pulling out the second half of the senzu bean he quickly ate it, fully healing himself. Now with renewed vigor he said, “I just want to show the world that I won't be pushed around anymore, that is the version of me I want to be.”

“Then instead of going at it alone try to stand alongside those who support you,” Asta motioned to the madrid of creatures around them watching. “You can’t just rush in and expect everything or everyone to listen even without force or with. Stop and think about how your actions will affect those around you. You currently live with the Fluttershy of your universe. Think of how worried she is right now when you stormed off, and now that you’re just gone. You didn’t get to say goodbye to your sister, and now Shy. You could very well be stuck in this world for the rest of your life with no small part on my end!”

Marucs’s eyes went wide as he asked, “What are you talking about Asta, what did you do?”

“My daughter is the one who summoned you Marcus, not me,” Asta explained, “I have no say in sending you back nor do I even have the power to cross the void! My daughter isn’t even a year old. You could wait till she could speak but that would still take another three years at the least! There’s only one being I know that has the power to send you back and he very well may not even bother to pick up the damn phone! So you tell me, Marcus, what did I DO?”

Marcus could not believe what he was hearing, so once again life has found a way to screw him again. He grits his teeth while balling his fists tightly as he thought of how it could be Asta’s fault before finally saying, “You taught me how to send those stupid items out into the multiverse, and now look at what it has done.” Feeling energy rise in him he screamed, “This is all your fault, Impmon warp Digivolve!” Once again he was enraptured by an egg of energy until it finally shattered to show Murmukusmon.

“I’m not going to deny some of the blame can be on me but at the same time,” Asta’s gaze narrowed as his right arm start to take on a crystalline look, “I told you what it is we are and what is to be expected when sending out the tokens,” the black dragon scar on his left arm started to expand and wraith with black flames. “So no, you can’t solely put this on me!” he roared as his hair took on a mist-like appearance and four black and red tipped horns sprang from the front of his hairline while his eye became black with his green sclera glowed while his pupils became slits. “So tell me Marcus, when all is said and done and if you’ve beaten me, what then? Will you go after my daughter next as she is the one who summoned you?”

Marcus clenched his fist fists as he spread out his crimson wings and took to the sky. Growling he pointed at Asta and said, “Of course not, that kid did not mean to bring me here. Now stop all of your prattling and fight!” He then charged forward and summoned two purple flames in his hands. Once close enough he put both of his hands in front of him and yelled, “Gehenna Flame!” This launched a massive flamethrower of purple flame right in the king's face.

Asta raised his left hand, “Black Flame Dragon Claw!!!” The flames of the dragon erupted from the mage king’s arm and coalesced in a massive black flame claw that caught the purple flame and smothered them in black fire.

Asta retracted his left arm and reached behind him with his right arm to grab onto the Demon Destroyer Sword. As soon as he touched the blade it shift from its dirty and grimy look to a shining silver blade.

Asta brought the sword up in front of his face with his right arm glowing slightly, “Magic Swordsmanship,” he said as his gaze narrowed, “Demon Sword, Crescent Moon!” he said as the sword pulsed once and stook on an interstellar look before Asta launched the magic at Marcus in a single crescent slash.

Asta quickly pulled the Demon Decapitator Katana out with his left hand, “Dark Magic, Jet Black Blade,” he said as the blade of this sword turned into a lightless pitch black hue, “Light Lighless Flurry!” He said as he slashed and sent dozens of smaller slashes ahead of the Crescent Slash.

As the slashes came close to Marcus he was unable to dodge the smaller slashes, covering him in cuts. However, he managed to avoid the larger attack. Groaning he said, “You seem so interested in asking me all these questions, then let me ask you one. Why do you care what I do, for what purpose do you care the road I chose to follow? You act like you are my better, or any annoying older brother, why?” Unbeknownst to Asta, the only reason he was talking was to keep his attention occupied while he prepared his next attack, which would need him to get face-to-face with the swordsman if it was to do what he wanted it to.

“Your little sneak attack won’t work kid,” Asta said as he blurred out of sight and as soon as Marcus got a lock on his opponent's energy it was too late as he was launched into the sky by a pillar of stone. He came face to face with Asta in the air who was pointing two jet black cero at his face, before firing them both point blank right into Marcus’s eyes.

The mega hit the ground hard, clutching his head as he cried out in pain.

“To answer your question, I don’t want to see you make a choice that you can’t take back and regret it,” Asta said Marcus shakily got to his feet while Asta pulled out the Demon Slayer sword. “Because at the end of the day kid, you have a good heart and a kind soul,” he said as he raise the sword over his head and it grew to a massive size with magma field veins bulging out over the blackened blade, “Continental Divider!”

Asta slashed down and with the sheer size of the weapon Marcus had nowhere to go as he was hit with the superheated sword’s flat. After a moment Asta retracts the sword to reveal Marcus barely alive, still in his mega form.

“This fight is over,” Asta said as his other three swords flew from behind him and crossed blades over Marcus’s Neck. “Or do you wish to keep on going?”

Marcus could hardly move due to the sheer amount of pain but he managed let out a small growl as tears started to fall from his eyes. With a broken voice he angrily asked, “Why do you care so much what I do with my life, why try so hard to reach me? You say I have a kind heart and soul but what do you know! We are little more then acquaintances! So who am I to you to make you care so much, my mistakes would have no effect on you!!” Choking on a sob he then asked in a low tone, “What am I supposed to do with all this anger?”

Asta looked at the younger displaced, “It's alright to be angry, and especially for the right reasons but that doesn’t give you the excuse to go off on those around you who are only trying to help you understand the reasons for your fury,” he said, “You have to talk about it and let those who are there for you know how you’re feeling, lest you drown in you own negativity and become a beast of darkness that will no sooner cut down his closest friends and loved ones.”

“I care because it happened to me very recently. I lost myself to all that hate and anger to the point ai saw everything as the thing I wanted to kill,” Asta said. “I… don’t want to see you go that route Marcus because the only thing you find there is more anger and heartache. And we are friends. I fought alongside you against Barbamon remember? I wouldn’t try this hard and try and be here for a mere acquaintance.”

Marcus didn’t know what to say at this point, he was beaten in every way possible. With a small flash of light he de-digivolved back into Impmon. “You win, I can’t fight anymore,” he said with sheer defeat present in his voice.

Asta smiled and displed his equipment. He made a motion and several Shinigami and magic knights rushed out from the nearest entrance.

“Very carefully take him to the treatment room and place him in one of the tanks,” Asta ordered, “use the best medicinal mixture we have on hand. Contact Fluttershy and have her come and treat his more serious injuries with her magic.”

They all performed the Clover Kingdom salute before performing their assigned tasks.

“Your Majesty,” the big pegasus from earlier appeared with a small silver sugar bowl looking thin in his hand, “It’s lady Shinobu,” he said as the thing activated to show the hologram of a lavender-colored butterfly theme demon slayer.

“What's wrong?” Asta asked.

“Master,” Shinobu bowed, “We’ve encountered an incredibly larger number of high-level demons in the mountains outside Wilder. With the skill and powers they possess, I'm afraid our current level of Slayers won’t be enough to handle the task of wiping them out.”

“Hmmm….” Asta thought, “Alright then. Send word to the Hashira nearest you and I’ll bring Rengoku. I’ll be there before sundown.”

“Thank you, master,” Shinobu bowed again and the feed cut off.

“I hate to leave you like this Marcus but my people need me,” Asta looked back to his guest. “Given the state, you’re in how about you stay in this world and recover and learn hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship? I can also give you bending training in my spare time. It's up to you though.”

Marcus groaned as he said, ”You told me it might be impossible for me to go back to my Equestria, so sure why not. Now go do what you need to do, I am going to slip into unconsciousness.” With that, he closed his eyes and passed out due to exhaustion and pain.

It would take a couple of hours for him to wake up, now finding himself in what he could tell to be a medical center of some kind. With a grumble, he looked around trying to find someone. “Hello, anyone there,” he asked aloud.

“Welcome back to the waking world,” he heard. Looking over he saw none other than this world’s version of Twilight Sparkle, but she was a tad different as the one did have wings but the aura about her was much more than that of an alicorn.

“Fluttershy treated you more serious injuries,” She explained. “Shall I drain the medical fluid and get you out and something to eat? Or do you want a bath before that?”

Marcus looked at this Twilight as he nervously said, “I would like the first option, not really the bath kind of guy. I much prefer a shower than to stew in my own filth.” He then looked at this Twilight and asked, “So question, why is your aura so different from my psycho nerd?”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that last part,” Twilight smiled grimly as she hit a switch and the green fluid Marcus had been floating in drained, allowing him to walk. He immediately pulled off the oxygen mask on his face. “As for why, that's because I’m not a normal alicorn per se. I’m also the Goddess of Balance and Magic for this world. Towel,” she tossed Marcus a towel and he start to rub off the rest of the greenish-colored liquid on his body. “And sorry about the shower but the only place we have those are the barracks. Well, we do have the rinser in the bathroom in the palace if you’d prefer more privacy?”

Draping the towel over his shoulders Marcus said, “I think I am good. Anyways, a god huh, do I have to worry about you trying to strike me down for being of the demonic persuasion.”

Throwing the towel away he said, “Cause if that is the case then just get it over with, after the day that I have had I don’t think that I would be quit as against it.” He spun his heels to face away from the goddess and started to walk away while saying, “If that is not the case then I am going to go grab some grub, I want to get out of this Impmon form.”

“You’re our husband’s guest Marcus,” Twilight smiled as the sound of broken glass was heard in Marcus’s head. “And besides,” she said as her aura turned more malevolent and her skin and over-color scheme darkened. “We’re part demon too. My name is Midnight, I’m Twi's darker side. We’re the Goddess of Balance after all, so naturally, we'd have a darker side as well. You should know that the Spike of this world and Luna are both demon users to. They both have five-leaf grimoires. Just because you’re a demon doesn’t mean your evil per se. The demons Shinobu was talking about are a different type. They’re more of a plague but we do have some of them that are actually good too. Let’s go get you some food,” she motioned as she shifted back to Twilight.

Marcus turned back to look at Twilight as she shifted into Midnight and back. With a sigh he said, “Who in this universe isn’t have absurd power.” He then followed her as they went to get some food. As he walked the little Imp asked, “So, you are another one of Asta’s wives huh, how many of you are there?”

“About six in total,” Twilight answered nonchalantly, “Four are officially married while two others are still on the other side of the Crystal Mirror, doing what they feel is right. They’re more or less just engaged though. I heard you live with your Fluttershy in your world, what variant of pony is she?”

Marcus rested his hands behind his head as he said, “Well she is a Pegasus.” A frown spread across his face as he thought of his Fluttershy and how he might not see her again if Asta’s words were true. While deep in thought he ignited a flame on his finger and just looked at it.

“We’ll get you home,” Twilight said. “We have a… well a long way around if the first doesn’t want to cooperate.”

“Um, you sound like this option is something that you guys would rather not do,” he asked while moving the flame across his gloved hand.

“Not that we don’t want to its just…” Twilight said hesitantly.

“They’d don’t like asking having to rely on it all the time,” came the disembodied voice again.

“Yea…” Twilight relented.

“That was a marvelous show by the way,” the voice chuckled. “And to see you use the bean like that. I was hoping you would!”

Marcus looked around before looking at Twilight and asking, “Okay this is the second time this voice has popped up from the aether, can someone please tell me who this is?”

“That would be the voice of my older brother-in-law,” Twilight head her head.

“Wait I thought that was Ichigo,” he said in surprise. Looking at the sky he then asked aloud, “So if your his bro, then why don’t you come out and introduce yourself?”

“Remember what Ichigo said before your departure into hell?” the voice asked. Marcus then recalled, “Right, Ichigo isn’t actually related to Asta by blood, they’ve just known each other since grade school and are so close that they consider each other brothers, which I do as well but not the point. I am the really older brother by blood and I didn’t introduce myself because it wasn’t necessary. All of these timelines pretty much ended up this way so I didn't need to show my face, and still don’t currently as you need to rest and train.”

“Twilight,” he called out, “Rest assured you can count on me to get him home when the time is right. Until then I look forward to watching you grow stronger Marcus, at least when I can dedicate the time. I’m a very busy Void Walker after all.”

“I’ll be sure and let Asta know then,” Twilight sighed.

“Goodbye for now young ones!” the voice laughed as it faded.

Marcus’s eye twitch as the flame in his hand grew larger from his anger. With a growl he called out, “I am not a kid, so you and your brother need to stop calling me that!’ Unbeknownst to him he could not see how much of a child he was acting in throwing a tantrum about being called a child.

“Marcus, calm down,” Twilight scolded the digimon. “He was referring to us both. Ed is well into her thousands and Asta is over a hundred, so to them… YOU ARE A KID STILL!” She yelled as he color pallet shift before quickly reverting, “Sorry,” she threw up her hands, “And no offense, but they way you’re acting right now says otherwise…”

The Impmon stared at her angrily and stomped his foot while yelling, “Oh don’t you start on with that crap to!” With a growl he started to stomp away while saying, “Let’s just go get food already.”

The Impmon stared at her angrily and stomped his foot while yelling, “Oh don’t you start on with that crap too!” With a growl, he started to stomp away while saying, “Let’s just go get food already.”

“Manners,” Twilight squinted, causing Marcus to think a bit more before he spoke again. “Besides, we have to head back to the palace for the food. Asta was very specific about an all-you-can-eat buffet being set up for you.”

As soon as Twilight mentioned an all-you-can-eat buffet a wide smile plastered itself on Marcus’s face. Without skipping a beat the little Imp started to jump forward at great speeds. All the while he yelled, “Then what are ya waiting for, let’s go already.”

Images of a hoard of different culinary delights sprang forth into his mind, from a simple cheeseburger to a ten-laired cake with buttermilk frosting. Suffice to say he wanted all this and more as fast as possible.

“If you stop jumping around like Pinkie at a party we could go,” Twilight stated, “special magic dark door,” she said and a swirling black and blue portal opens up.

“I don’t know about you but I don’t feel like walking through the streets,” she motioned to the portal, “so either go through or starve.”

Marcus looked at the portal and thought for a moment. Thus far every other portal he had gone through had led him to another dimension, so did he really want to tempt it. However, his thinking was cut short as his stomach let out a growl. With a shrug he jumped through the portal like he was told, hoping that it truly led to food.

As soon as Marcus went in he came out to a massive room with a very long stable laid out with a spread that would’ve even made Celestia’s jaw drop.

Twilight walked through after and looked at the drooling imp, “Just so you know I don’t have the power to open portals across the Omniverse, just across this world to places I’ve been,” she said as she picked him up by the top of his head and sat him in a seat. “And no need to hold back, whatever mess you make will be taken care of by the castle staff. Just try not to get anything on the upper walls and ceiling. After you are done eating then we’ll hit the training hall to introduce you to your instructors for the sword and martial arts. After that, you can relax as long as you don’t cause problems. Your training will start tomorrow. Questions,” Twi looked at him. Marcus smirked and raised a finger, “If you ask me to pass the butter it’ll be in your face.”

Marcus lowered his finger, no longer finding the joke funny, and quickly clapped his hands together to show his thanks for the meal. Quickly he started to grab mounds of food and stuff them down his throat. Digivolving into both an Ultra and Mega level back to back with no food break in between to restore energy made filled him with a ravenous hunger. Plate after plate he ate until there was a literal stack of plates that was double his current height.

Leaning back in his chair he chewed on the bone of what was a leg of lamb and let out a loud belch. With a smile, he said, “That was amazing, almost worth getting beat by Asta.”

“Almost?” Twilight points out curiously as Marcus looks over to see bits of food and bones on the floor and behind the goddess but not a spec on her. “Why almost?”

“Let’s see, I was really wanting to put his “I know better than you in all things” face into the ground. He was treating me like some dumb kid so yeah this was almost worth doing so, “He said this as he took the bone out of his mouth and started to balance it on his finger.

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Asta only used about twenty percent of his power when he fought your ultra form and about thirty five to fight your mega,” Twilight explained. “That’s without using his sacred treasure too. You kind of missed the point of the fight for the most part. At least you’re willing to accept people a little bit more now.”

Tossing the bone over his shoulder Marcus said, “I know his point, he wanted me to think before doing anything so I don’t do something I might regret.” With a sigh, he stood in his chair and continued, “Look I get it, I was acting like a hot-headed idiot about, well everything, and didn’t want to listen to others. We Impmon/Beelzemon tend to be like that by nature, I assume.” With a sad chuckle, he said, “You know it’s funny, both myself and the only other Beelzemon that I know of both were taught a lesson about not being too thick-headed by a Knight.”

“I’ve heard the stories Marcus,” Twilight reminded the digimon, “don’t forget my husband is a displaced. Now shall we go, or would you like to change form first?”

Marcus gave a quick nod before jumping off his chair, digivolving into Beelzemon mid air, and landing perfectly. With a smirk he said, “I am ready to go when you are toots.”

“I’m going to warn you once, drop the nicknames before someone decides to use a weapon to make sweet love to your face or groin,” Twilight warned him opened another portal. “You’re instructors won’t be Asta or Ichigo either. Asta has his state of affairs to deal with and Ichigo has his own duties as head captain of our Shinigami division and the Gotei thirteen’s overseer.”

Marcus turned his head to the side and asked, “If it isn’t either of them then who is it, another one of his wives or something?” As he said this he walked through the portal, wondering who it could be.

“I mean Aj could be your martial arts instructor from time to time if you want broken bones on your best days? But Shy is busy with Aurora and Rebecca isn’t a fighter in any sense of the word,” Twi shrugged. “I’m only here for you until I get you back to the palace after this intro is done then I have to get back to Canterlot for my lessons with Luna and Celestia. Still having issues with these,” she twitched her wings a little. “And etiquette too. I’m not a princess of Equestria actually, just a knight but they’re alicorns, and my sister-in-law to far north for lessons for my taste. Anyways, your instructors are the power couple of Spike and Rainbow Dash.”

Marcus was wide-eyed as he came up to the portal and asked, “Are you serious, skittles and the little dragon are a thing here.” He then started to laugh historically at the mental image of his Rainbow and Spike together.

“Yes and they’re quite powerful,” Twilight nodded, “Though you’re wrong about being a little dragon. They both fought alongside Ichigo in the recent Displaced Tournament and Spike is a demon user like Asta, Luna, and myself,” she explained as she opened a portal. “Spike is not the little kid you think. I seriously recommend watching yourself around him, cause he’s not afraid to break the bones of his friends in a match or kill enemies that cross him. Let’s go,” she motioned to the portal.

Marcus shrugged as he said, “Well I will try not to but that is not fully up to me. If he annoys me then I will do the same in return.” Looking at the goddess’s motion and then went through the portal to the set destination. Once through he could see a training ground for the Shinigami and Demon Slayers, riddled with wooden training dummies and other equipment.

Turning to look back at the portal as Twilight came through Marcus asked, “Alright so we are here, where are the trainers that you are hyping up so much?” With a devilish smirk he asked, “You think that Skittles is not doing her job and taking a nap instead?”

“Rainbow is in the main hall,” Twilight pointed to the dojo where Rainbow was teaching her students. “She’s not big into swords though she does have one tailored to her magic type and physical strength. You might actually like it,” She smirked, “Project magic,” she said and produced an image of the weapon.


That’s when Marcus thought about something weird with Twilight’s powers, portal magic, and projection magic. From what he recalled from Asta’s explanation of grimoires it was normally impossible for someone to have two types of magic, especially unrelated types like this.

Marcus pointed at the image and asked, “Hey not to derail your explanation but I got to know, why do you have multiple types of different magic?”

“That’s the special magic that my grimoire grants me,” Twilight explained. “Copy magic. It allows me to see a spell and immediately copy it and make it my own, even if I don’t have an affinity for it. There’s only one other mage with this magic and he isn’t in this world, but at the same time, I can also combine my spells to make new ones while he can’t. Think of it as a copy machine, though mine aren’t as strong as the original spells, though with the combination I can make them stronger, and paired with my demonic mana I can ramp it up to twelve.”

Crossing his arms across his chest Marcus said, “So your just another op person from this dimension, got it.” With a sigh, he started walking to the dojo but stopped when he got to the door. With a smirk, he asked, “What do you think would happen if I kick the door down?” The only reason he wanted to do this is because of his punk/gangster vibe, well that and he always wanted to do it after seeing it in different anime.

“Asta would make you pay for it, literally and physically,” Twilight sighed, “Don’t tear up our stuff just cause you to want to look cool, and do keep in mind that this is a martial arts dojo and sword training hall, many of the students here aren’t nearly on the level as the Black Nights or Shinigami but if they’re here that means they can hold their own in a fight with a high level hollow or demon. They might not be able to stop you individually but one would be more than enough to go toe to toe with you in a fight, now multiply that number by say two or three hundred.”

Marcus grumbled as he said, “Alright, alright I get it, don’t go breaking y'alls stuff. You don’t need to lay it on so freaking thick.” He then pushed open the doors to see inside and called out, “Yo mind if I come in?”

A lighting bolt immediately struck Marcus square in the head, thoroughly charring the demon lord.

“We’re in the middle of training!” Dash yelled out, “Oh hey Twil when’d you get back?”

“About an hour or so ago, but not staying,” Twilight waved her hand in front of her face, “I’m showing Marcus the training hall and dojo.”

“Oh yeaaaaaaaaah,” Rainbow shot in front of Marus in a blur of rainbowic electricity, “You the guy that faced the boss in that arena fight earlier. Honesty I don’t find them all that entertaining unless I’m one of the ones in the ring these days.”

Many of the disciples started to whisper amongst themself.

“I DIDN’T SAY YOU COULD STOP TRAINING YOU LITTLE SHITS NOW GET BACK TO AND START SPARRING! I WANNA SEE SOME BLOOD TODAY!” Dash roared, the student quickly complied before turning back to Marcus, “So ya gonna talk or just stand there like a smoldering barbeque?”

Taking his right claw Marcus whipped off the ash that the lightning strike left on him. Once cleaned enough he growled as he said, “Randomly hit me with lightning again I will set this place on fire.” Crossing his arms again he said, “Now I was told you were going to train me or something?”

“First off, I was ordered to train your wanna-be biker butt in the basics of whatever style of martial arts you want by the boss,” Dash listed on her finger, “Second, If you don’t want to get hit with lighting then don’t interrupt my sessions. And third, I will blast you again if you get out of line.”

“It won’t kill you obviously,” Twilight said. “Everyone student is under the same threat too, so don’t feel bad.”

“I can, reluctantly, agree to all that but I am going to tell ya up front,” Marcus said giving her a harsh glare. “I will not call you or anyone else master, sensei, or boss ya got that.”

“I can respect that but never wanted ya to in the first place,” Dash shrugs. “Besides, pretty much everyone knows about your fight with the main man of the city, so everyone knows you’re a strong guy and got the balls to strut your stuff with your power output. Pretty much everyone is going to call you Lord Marcus for standing against the king in a battle like the one you two had from what I’ve heard about it.”

Marcus turned his head to the side before shaking his head quickly. With a scowl, he said, ”Lord Marcus, that is just… doesn’t sound right. I might be a demon lord Digimon but I am just me.”

“Yes but you also have a grimoire and in this world that makes you far above everyone else in this kingdom already,” Twilight added, “Pretty much on the same level are a knight here, so if not lord, tell them to call you Sir Marcus. The Caribou here are… they just highly respect Asta and his subordinates.”

“Don’t feel bad about it big guy,” Dash added, “It’s just how they are so it’s best not to go against it. I’ll be seeing you at sunrise in a few days after you’ve made a complete recovery in a few days. Till then I have work to do, later! Bye Twi!”

She rocketed off to the front of the class, “Time for the ring!” She cracked her knuckles while many of the disciples started to sweat.

Marcus smirked as he looked over to Twilight and said, “She might not be my Rainbow Dash, but she is cool enough.” Now turning to leave the dojo he asked, “So where is your Spike at cause I wanna get this intro out of the way?”

“That’s a good question actually…” Twilight bluntly stated as a bird flew by behind her.

Marcus shrugged as he said, “Well we can either wait here or go and try and find him.” He then snapped his fingers and said, “Oh yeah I wanted to ask one of you with a grimoire a question. What happens when someone has their grimoire taken from them?” All while he asked this he did not notice the bird.

“This is more of an Asta,” Twilight said as she motioned and they walked along, “So I can only tell you what I’ve heard from him and seen only once. In General, nothing happens to them of note but their magic output is drastically inhibited. They can still use their magic but its nowhere near the strength it should be unless the mage just has a crap ton of mana and or talent. There was a case in the otherworld where I saw an elf overcome with true despair and turn their grimoire into a black five-leaf grimoire that was taken by a devil right after. Asta destroyed the devil and the grimoire as the devil was now the owner of the book. The elf was still tied to it in a way but technically it wasn’t his anymore. To make things simple he completely lost his ability to even use the most basic of his magic though he did still have mana.”

Marcus blinked as she finished her tale and said, “Okay that was fascinating and all but now I have another question. Is it just the basic setting for all Twilights to say they don’t know much of a subject, followed by them giving a long explanation?” Shaking his head he said, “You know what never mind, that is a dumb question.”

With a groan, the Beelzemon walks over to a wooden dummy and said, “Yo Twilight you mind if I get a little workout in while we wait for Spike to show up?”

“Normally I’d say just do it but seeing as how Fluttershy is the one who healed you and said no strenuous activity for three days that will be a hard no,” Twilight forewarned, “And you know how Fluttershy can be, and on top of that this is my Shy who you’ve met. So tell me, do you think is it worth it?”

With a smirk, he said, “Depends on the training.” He pulled put the Berenjena in his right holster with a spin and jumped back and pointed it at the dummy. “Would you count cero/target practice as strenuous,” he asked with his finger ready to pull the trigger.

“With a double barrel shotgun it is,” came a new voice. Marcus looked over and saw a spiky green heard teen. His face, wrists, neck, and angles sported various scars and it was the eyes that caught Marcus, slighted pupils with glowing green irises. “This is a training hall, not a gun range. So put it away,” he glared.

Marcus eyed the teen up and down before raising his gun to the sky. With a smirk, he said, “You know it is only polite to introduce yourself before barking orders but fine.” With another twirl of his Berenjena, he holstered it back. “So I take it you're the Pineapple head that is supposed to train me,” he said in a joking manner.

“One thing you should learn is I don’t do joking little nicknames,” He said, “As you guessed I’m Spike and I stand as Asta’s other right hand alongside Ichigo. You’re training starts tomorrow after lunch,” he turned and left.

“Our Spike is a bit on the rough side, Sorry Marcus,” Twilight looked down, “He still blames himself a lot for us getting kidnapped.”

Marcus looked at Twilight and shrugged as he said, “Hey he got reasonable baggage from his past, I get it. Hell, that fight with Asta was him trying to keep me from attacking my Celestia and Luna or just doing something I might regret like Coding a Knightmon for doing his job.” .

“Spike has a lot more than just his responsibilities here in the Black Clover Kingdom actually,” Twilight looked off to the side, “He’s actually the next in line for the Equestrian throne as he’s Celestia adopted son. Long story short he was an orphan on the streets and broke into the castle on the day of my exam for food. The guards ended up chasing him into my exam room and you can guess what happened next,” she twirled her hair out of embarrassment.

Marcus just looked at Twilight for a moment before bursting out into a fit of laughter, which ended up causing him to fall to the ground clutching his sides. After a moment he got up he said, “Oh sweet King Drasil that is hilarious.”

Whipping a tear from his eyes he said, “Anyways now that I meet my two taskmasters, what should we do now?”

“You go back to the palace under the care of your doctor and rest while I return to Canterlot for my training of my own,” Twilight said, “Bye!” she snapped and a portal wafted over Marcus, taking him to the nursery from earlier in the day.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” he heard a familiar voice. He turned and saw Fluttershy with Aurora in a pen next to her.

“Well I got hit with lighting and snuck up on by a teen with a myriad of issues, so yeah I think it I can say I enjoyed myself,” Marcus said as he looked around. With his thumb he pointed at Aurora and asked, “So why am I here exactly, this nursery I mean? Honestly I figured I would be back in the medical wing.”

“Because I have to keep an eye on you,” Fluttershy bluntly smiled. “After tomorrow’s breakfast, you’ll be able to go and do whatever you wish with an escort. The escort is more of a map of the city. We don’t need you getting lost or stumbling into Urahara’s shop now do we?”

Marcus looked at her with an are you serious look before sighing. “Look thanks but no thanks, I don’t need a babysitter holding my hand like some dumb kid. So I am just going to go,” he said as he started walking towards the door to leave to go anywhere.

“There’s a barrier up already,” Fluttershy giggled. “It wasn’t a request. I healed most of your server injuries so you could move around but you still need a thorough treatment. Don’t think I can’t hold my own in a fight either, so please, don’t fight and just take the treatment.”

Crossing his arms while turning back to face Fluttershy Marcus asked, “Oh and what sort of treatment would that be, insulting me by treating me like I am a toddler?” Brushing her off he then said, “As you can see I am a big Digimon so I am fine thanks.”

“If you’re going to act like a child then you’ll be treated as such,” she sighed as magic vines sprang from the floor and wrapped around Marcus, found the vines totally unbreakable, “See, your still too weak to even break a normal vine let alone a magic infuse one. This is to heal you not torture you but if you insist,” she released him, “Then leave.”

Marcus looked at where the vines were and growled at how right she was. With a flash of light he went back to his Impmon form and crossed his arms. Angrily he tapped his foot on the ground as he said, “Fine you win.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy smiled as her grimoire activated, “Gaia Magic, Earth Mother’s Light,” she said and a sunflower popped up and bent over Marcus showering him in a soft yet warm light, “If you get hungry let me know. Until then here,” she said and a vine set a small device in front of him. “It's a tablet from what Asta said. He said you’d get bored if you just sat there. It was made using some technology from Edward so it has internet if that's what it’s called.”

Marcus’s eyes shot wide open as he grabbed the tablet as fast as he could. He sat on the ground cross-legged and started messing with it. Since it was connected to the internet he used it to watch bleach fights to see if he could get any ideas on how to advance his Cero.

One month Later…

Marcus, in his Beelzemon form, stood in the middle of the training yard with his sword resting on his shoulder. After the month of training his body had become more muscular from all the training he had gone through. Thanks to the hand-to-hand combat lessons with Rainbow Dash and then the sword training with Spike. From all this grueling work he has managed to get decent with his blade and even use his Cero in combination with his Double Impact, making Cero Double.

Now at the end of his time in this dimension he found himself ready to return home, but first, he needed to give his thanks to his friends. After a second he smirked as he came up with a way to call his hoasts to him. Quickly he unholstered his Berenja and fired a Cero Double into the sky, knowing that they could come to either tell him off or just see what was going on.

“No need to be so dramatic,” Ichigo said from behind Marcus.

“Ed told us you were here,” Spike snuffed. “I wish you stick around for another month so we could get some serious runs ends but I guess your baseline is good enough to hold a candle to a rank one Demon Slayer.”

“You bulked up good didn’t ya,” RD smirked. “Should be able to easily contend with anyone who gives you shit both in this form and your mini form.”

“A month really flew by didn’t it?” Twilight smirked. “It was good to have you with us though.”

Aurora baby talked as she reached out for Marcus, the digimon more than a little reluctant to interact with the child that easily tossed him into a wall when they first met and then would crush his fingers even in his current form.

“Sorry about her Marcus,” Fluttershy held her daughter, “She seems like she’s going to miss you a whole lot.”

“It was fun having you here bud,” Ichigo laughed.

“If you ever need a hand with anything call us over,” Asta said as he tossed a ring with the Black Bulls symbol in between two swords to him, “That marks you as an official Magic Knight and member of my court.”

Marcus turned the ring over a few times before shrugging and putting it on. As soon as he did the black and white black bulls logo appeared on the back of his jacket.

“Not bad,” Asta smirked as his grimoire floated up next to him and he pulled two hand cannon pistols from it, “Catch,” he said tossing them to Marcus. He caught and could fill it in these weapons, they were for slaying unholy things. “They’re the ones Alucard uses in Hellsing and can fire holy bullets or compressed spiritual pressure without draining your reiatsu while also firing concentred magic. The best part is with your new bulked-up self and these not tied to a form you can use them even as Impmon.”

Marcus holstered his Berenjena as he started to spin the hand cannons around until finally gripped the handles tightly. Putting them away in his jacket and with a smirk said, “One would think that you would be handing me all these new things after a month here. But thanks either way Asta.”

“I didn’t contribute to your stay here in any way,” Asta nonchalantly threw up and hand and then smirked, “Think of one as an apology for my daughter pulling your sorry butt here and the other as my end of the summoning contract. Besides, what are friends for after all?”

Scratching his chin he looked at the sky, a small blush appearing on his face, he said, “Speaking of that, I guess I should finally thank you for helping me sort through my anger when I first got here.” Finally looking back at Asta he put out a fist, resting it on his chest, and said, “And just so you know to me my friends are as good as family, so if you ever need me then I will come without a second thought.”

“Good to hear brother,” Asta and Ichigo said in unison.

“Next time you better be ready to earn that buster sword variant,” Spike said as he walked over and held up his fist, “After all, what’s a protag powerhouse like you without having a bigass sword that’s all your own?”

With a smirk, Marcus waved his hand in front of his face as he said, “You don’t need to worry about that.” He then meets his fist with his own before saying, “But if it means that much to ya then I will make sure to meet your standards.”

Moving his fist away as he backed away Marcus looked at the group and smirked, “Well I think that I have spent enough time at this dump, it is time for me to go. I kinda left while in the middle of something, so I should probably get back to that” Turing his back to the group he called back, “You guys have helped me a lot, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that, but this is where we must part ways for a while.” Suddenly he took in a deep breath of air, expelling it as he yelled out, “Yo Ed, you mind helping a mon home?!”


Marcus blinked a couple of times and then looked off to the side. There stood a blonde six-foot man with a metal arm and his hair down.

“I need coffee…” he mumbled as he scratched his stomach.

With a groan the Beelzemon said, “You can get a coffee when we get back to my dimension alright. So can we please go now, you are kinda ruining my awesome anime goodbye moment here.”

Ed snapped his fingers and was immediately transformed into his usual self, “If its that inconvenient for ya I can always through you into a nearby star,” he threatened as he stretched.

“Now how shall I get you there?” Ed thought. “Trains out 'cause it's being used by another me to do void shit… Hmmmmmm…. Can’t do instant movement cause never actually been to your world. You good with a Gate of Truth?”

Marcus raised an eyebrow and asked, “As long as my eyes, arms, legs, internal organs, and frankly the whole being doesn’t get taken away due to equivalent exchange then sure.”

“It's just a corridor from world A to world b in this case,” Ed motioned with his hand. “If I was actually opening your portal of truth then that would be a cause for a missing something. So you good?”

Marcus gave a nod before saying, “As long as I will be in one piece and not forced into a suit of armor then sure I am good. Now it is time to go, I have an appointment with royalty to keep and I would hate to keep them waiting any longer.”

“Ehehehe, funny…. “Ed glared. “Joke like that again and you will be in a suit of armor for the foreseeable future, possibly for the next three hundred or so years of your future,” he said totaling meaning it and Marcus gulped as Ed clapped his hands and then in a flash of red electricity created a gigantic marble gate that opened into a consuming blackness. “After you,” he motioned as several shadowy hands shot out and grabbed onto Marcus, swiftly pulling the Digimon through the gate.

Marcus’s World…

All was calm in Canterlot Castle’s throne room. Celestia and Luna had just finished dealing with the nobles who had been complaining about the recent increase in royal guard activity sense Marcus’s sudden disappearance. Suddenly the rooms doors opened up as Dianamon and Apollomon walked through, kneeling in front of their tamers.

Apollomon’s mouth opened as he said, “My Lady, we have searched the whole of Canterlot again, and still there seems to be no sign of the Beelzemon known as Marcus. Members of the guard have even reached out to your former apprentice in Ponyville to see if he had returned there. However, even they claim to not know where the fugitive is.”

With a sigh Celestia looked at her sister and said, “That makes almost a full week since his escape. From what we have been told by Twilight and her friends he has not shown to be able to dissipate into thin air, and I doubt they are lying to us. So where could he have gone?” As she said that a large pair of doors appeared in the middle of the throne room.

Quickly the two mega level digimon got to their feet and got into fighting positions, Dianamon with her scythes drawn and Apollomon’s fists set ablaze. For a moment not a single being moved an inch.

Suddenly the doors opened wide and a screaming Marcus was thrown through and onto the floor face first. With a growl the demon digimon jumped to his feet and turned to face the doors. “Could you have not just let me walk through Ed, like was it really that hard, “ he yell asked.

“How dare you show your face in these halls fugitive,” an enraged Apollomon yelled.

Marcus turned to face the literal flaming Mega and dismissively said, “Oh hey what’s up?” He then looked back at the door as if waiting for something else to come through.

Apollomon’s furry grew even hotter as the Beelzemon seemingly ignored him. The floor underneath him cracked as it seemed to disappear for a moment, only to reappear above Marcus with his fist pulled back for a punch. With a howl he called, “Sunfire Punch,” as he brought his fist down to strike Marcus’s head.

“Young fools need to think before they act,” came Ed’s voice from the gate. “Don’t you agree Celestia, Luna?”

Apollomon then found himself immediately where he’d just been before he’d launched his attack with no signs he’d even moved.

The two monarchs and Dianamon looked surprised as the sun lion digimon was suddenly back in back in his starting position. Lune then spread her wings and asked, “What sort of trickery have you employed you vile Demon?”

Marcus turned to look at Luna and started laughing. “You think this dude works for me, I am pretty sure that there isn’t a being alive that can get this guy to do what they want,” he said while clutching his sides. After taking a moment to compose himself he said, “Now can we all be calm and talk things out?”

Dianamon pulled out an arrow of ice from one of the quill-like objects as she said, “There is nothing that needs to be said to a criminal like you.” She then pulled back her arm before throwing it forward, sending the arrow flying at an extreme speed right at Marcus. As it flew it started to glow blue while she yelled, “Artemis Arrow!”

“Enough of your petty parlor trick!” Ed’s voice rang out as several shadows with eyes and mouths shot from the portal and easily knocked the attack away before consolidating into a half-red half-black humanoid mass of eyes and mouth.

“Good afternoon to all,” he bowed mockingly causing the Digimon except Marcus to freeze in fear.

Celestia quickly shook the fear off and moved herself in front of Luna and called out, “Who are you and what compels you to invade our throne room with an escaped convict? Speak now and you might escape my wrath.”

“Ahahahaha!” Ed belted, “Your wrath is something I fear in my own time and place but not this one little pony. As for the Fugitive, as you call him, I am merely returning him to his own proper time and place, and his name is Marcus. The form I come to you in now is that of Abbadomon, though it is not my own but merely a medium to which I took a liking too on my way here. You may call me Edward,” the eyes all glared at the opposition. “The reason Marcus went missing was not his fault either. He was accidentally summoned to the other side of the portal by my niece who knows not what she had done for she is not even a year old.”

Apollomon marched forward and said, “Be that as it may, he was still under arrest for assaulting a member of the royal guard and left before his court date.” He then stood about a foot away from Ed and growled. “Now we thank you for returning the prisoner but it is time for you to go before you’re made to leave,” his fists clenched tightly as he readied to strike the Abbadomon if he needed to.

Dianamon moved back so she could act as a sort of last line of defense in case the throne room turned into a battleground.

“You little things are of no consequence to me just as this flesh puppet that stands in front of you,” Ed shrugged. “You’re far too young and inexperienced to even be able to fathom what kind of powers I wield through just this single puppet. Marcus’s battles are not my own to fight but at the same time that doesn’t mean, I’m not going to sit here and let you unjustly put him back in a cell in the dungeons. You didn’t even try and ask him what was wrong or how he was feeling or even his reasoning for being here, you just announced yourselves and then did your whole spill. I honestly wouldn’t get involved in these types of lower universe squabbles unless it benefited me in some way but seeing as how my brother and Marcus consider each other family that means he’s also my family and I look out for my family.”

Marcus looked up at Ed and turned his head to the side. He had no idea that the guy thought of him in such a way. With a smirk he thought about how he could be fine with having him as family, at least he hasn’t called him some variation of kid yet.

On the inverse Ed’s words just made Apollomon furious. With a growl he said, “Then you shall share his fate, I hereby place you under arrest for harboring a criminal, hindering justice, and finally disrespecting the Princesses Celestia and Luna.” He then back his swung his arm, it catching flame mid-flight, aiming at Ed’s chest area. However, as the fist got close to its target he suddenly stopped it as he heard his tamer yell, “That is enough Apollomon, stand down at once!’

Turning to face the solar Princess the mega asked, “But your Majesty, they have had the nerve to disobey yours and your sister's authority right in front of you. Surely you can’t expect me to allow such a crime to take place?”

Marcus crossed his arms and said, “I would unless you want to know what to be torn apart like a piece of paper.” Sighing he walk past Ed and said, “Look I am sorry for the thing with Knightmon, though to be fair he did challenge me first. I should have handled it better and not flown so far off the handle.”

With that, he gave the monarchs a bow to show he was sorry.

Celestia and Luna looked at Marcus with shocked expressions before looking at each other, as if to see if the other was seeing the same thing. From what they heard of the Beelzemon from their partners and Shinning Armor he did not seem to be even remotely reasonable.

After a second Celestia cleared her throat before saying, “Well I can admit I am sad that sir Knightmon goated you into that dual. So I think this once we can forgive your transgressions.” All the while Luna has nodding to show that she agreed with her sister.

Apollomon looked dumbfounded at the two monarchs, unable to understand what they were thinking. With a sigh he put of the fire engulfing his hand and said, “If that is your will then let it be so.” He and Dianamon then moved to the sides of their tamers, the four of them looking down at Marcus and Ed.

Luna then stepped forward and said, “Now I believe that you have some questions for myself and my sister Marcus.”

Marcus gave a single nod before looking at the Sun and Moon Monarchs with a serious gaze. He crossed his arms as he angrily asked, “Yeah I do, what in the world makes you two think that it was a smart idea to start summoning Digimon to this world? Do you have any idea of the danger you have put your subjects, your lands, and the digimon in?”

“Let’s discuss this over tea,” Ed remarked as they were all suddenly in a magnificent garden the likes none had ever seen before. Ed having returned to his original human form while a hot kettle with a rosy aromatic steam rising from the spout appeared in front of everyone as they were now sitting at a table.

Everyone there but Marcus only grew more unnerved and amazed at this beings power.

“A single young digimon can cause quite a bit of trouble, even undigivloved,” Ed says as he pours tea for the sisters and their partners. “I to would like to hear the truth on this matter from your mouths, and please don’t hide anything you know from us as I can find out details about it that not even you knew about by viewing this world’s past with my own eyes, but I’d rather not have to if you’re willing to be forthcoming.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other once more before Luna looked at the pair and said, “Yes we understand the potential risk that summoning such creatures can bring, hence why we do so in secured areas.”

Celestia sighed as she looked at Marcus directly and said, “Maybe we should elaborate how our dealings with the digimon began. You see, the first one of your kind brought to this world was due to a young Unicorn’s magical surge about a few years back, and his name was Lucemon. At first we were suspicious of him, though after several meetings with him we grew to trust him. He told us that the digital world was on the brink of collapse due to the tyrannical rule of your King Drasel.” Her eyes then turned to Apollomon, who was just glaring at Marcus and Ed, and frowned. “Lucemon begged me and my sister to allow for his kind to be brought to this world so that they might be sparred, which we happily agreed to do. With his aid we learned how to call forth Digimon to this world at will, though per his advice we made sure it was only done in special facilities. That way we could make sure the threat to are little ponies were protected encase the summoned Digimon was to lash out. After a certain amount of time and with proper teaching they are allowed to leave and join are society,” Celestia finished explaining.

Marcus just blinked for a second before slapping his forehead. “Of course it was Lucemon, why is it that everyone so easily trusts that little angel prick,” he angrily asks.

“Stay calm my friend,” Ed said as he sipped his tea before setting the cup down and looking at the sisters. “Lucemon is easily known for his ability to deceive others through words alone. His power is actually comparable to that of highly level digimon in his rookie state but his is better known as one of the seven demon lords and as the one who embodies pride. Marcus here is another embodiment of the seven being that of Gluttony,” with this mention the solar and lunar digimon suddenly tried to move but found themselves frozen in place. “Worry not. He is actually not the true Beelzemon of Gluttony but far superior as he tamed the Behemoth.” Ed looked at Apollomon who struggled in vain. “I transcend multiple realities and universe child, there is no way you could stand against me. If you keep glaring and thinking evil thoughts then you yourself will fall to your own evil self.”

These words caught Celestia and Luna’s full attention as Apollomon had never talked of having an evil side.

Marcus snapped his fingers as he looked at Ed and asked, “You are talking about Apollomon Whisper Mode right? Cause i think that that form is really cool, the blue flames are awesome.”

Apollomon did his best to look away from the princesses as he said, “That is not a form we Apollomon would ever choose to go into of our own volition. It only happens when an Apollomon is tainted by the whispers of evil.” He then growled as his eyes fixed on Ed and said, “I will never fall to such depravity.”

“Then perhaps you stop thinking Marcus is against you when he is a victim even more than yourself,” Ed warned as he snapped and a holo-image of Marcus and Asta’s fight with Barbamon started to play. “That is Barbamon, the true culprit of the attack on your little hamlet. Marcus and our Brother Asta stopped the psycho before he could do any real damage. He is also actively looking for Lucemon for his plan to unite the seven lords into their most powerful state, which is why his targeted Marcus as he though not a true Embodiment of Gluttony he still meets the qualifications,” Ed explained, shocking Marcus a little as he knew Ed wasn’t there. “As I said before, I can find things out that not even you are aware of. I can exist in any point and time in a universe I’m in or have been in before. Past, present and even future…” he listed off on his metal fingers. “Shall I show you what Lucemon’s true intent is?”

Celestia looked unsure at Ed's proposal, for she truly thought of Lucemon as a friend. However, if what he said was true then it could she really run the chance with the safety of her subjects. “Very well, show us what you wish,” she said in a deaffeted tone.

“Very well,” he stood up and the digimon found themselves able to move once more. The alchemist looked at each one of them, “just so you know… I actually careless then a fraction for what happens to this universe,” he said coldly, even sending a chill down Marcus’s spine. “But I do care about what happens to Marcus as he is my family. I will be watching and if I think I See something threatening him he can’t handle, then as sure as the sun rises and the moon falls by your magics, I will personally interfere and snuff it out…. Permanently.”

“Arc of Time,” Ed said as a silver spell matrix appeared behind him and everything flashed and they were all at the site of Lucemon arrival, “just so you’re aware, you can normally interact with the past like this but doing so will cause ripples and a new timeline to be created in this universe, but at the same time it will not affect the state of your own timeline in any way. That being said, I will be keeping us out of synch just in case you get the urge to to do something stupid,” he looked at the digimon.

Dianamon and Apollomon just looked away at the alchemist’s words and just stuck close to their tamers. Suddenly a flash of platinum light could be seen about a block away, a beam shooting off and landing about ten feet from the group. After a second the beam dissipated to reveal Lucemon with his six snow white wings wrapped around him.

“After so long I am finally free,” Lucemon slowly unfurled his wings and hovered in the air. Quickly he looked himself over as he said, “I am honestly surprised that Barbamon’s plan worked, now to keep up my end of the bargain. I prepare this world for Ogudomon and then we rule this world without having to worry about the fool Drasil and his Knights getting in are way. Now to find the local leaders and make them my willing puppets,” He said looking around.

Lucemon’s eyes widened for a moment before returning to a neutral position, a wicked smirk covering his mouth. “Well I guess I should start with the Castle I see,” with that, he flew off towards the castle.

“Shall we see more?” Ed spun his finger in a circle causing time to speed up to show Lucemon after just having a meeting with the sisters. “Let’s see what the little prick is up to.”

As the scene changed the group could see Lucemon leaving the Canterlot Castle’s throne room. “That couldn’t have gone any better, those sisters will prove to be most useful,” the angel child said with a chuckle while leaving the castle in it whole. Quickly he flew to the tallest spire and stood atop it, looking at the kingdom of Equestria as a whole. Tapping his chin he asked aloud, “Now where would be the best places for the portals?” Suddenly his eyes went wide before returning back to normal, quickly he took off towards the everfree forest to start setting up areas to summon a Digimon army to take this world over with.

Marcus rubbed his chin as he watched Lucemon fly off to the everfree forest and said, “Well that explains why I was in the forest.” He then looked at Ed and said, “I think we have seen enough of this Ed.”

Ed snapped his fingers and they were all back in the throne room, “so tell me,” he looked at the sisters and their partners over his shoulder, “where is he now?”

Luna sighed as she said, “Honestly we have no idea where Lucemon is now. After his last check in a couple months prior we haven’t heard from him.” She looked at her sister and said, “However, he told us that from time to time he would be unable to communicate so we did not think much of it.”

“Well I can deal with that later, I just have one more questions,” suddenly Marcus disappeared in a blur, due to using his Sonido. As quickly as he vanished he reappeared in front of the monarchs and asked, “You gonna keep summoning new Digimon here?”

“They can’t,” Ed remarked. “Lucemon was the one who allowed them to do it, using them as batteries in his stead but now that he’s more than likely regained his lost power from the dimensional transfer he doesn’t need them anymore, as to why Barbamon showed up not long after you did.”

Marcus just looked over his shoulder at Ed and said, “I just assumed that at this point he moved due to the universal walls between this world and the digital one we so thin he could just move freely.” With another Sonido he got back to his friend and said, “Anyways I think I am done here.” With a wave of his hand he called, “If you need to get in touch you know where I live.”

“How dare you speak to the Princesses in such a way,” Apollomon roared out. This outburst just earned a groan from Dianamon, Celestia, and Luna.

Celestia looked at Marcus and said, “You and your friend have left us with much to think about young man, expect to hear from us soon. Oh and before I forget,” she said in a calm voice. “If you even think about hurting Twilight or any of her friends, you will wish Apollomon and Dianamon had finished you in your fight,” venom leaked from every word as she spoke.

“Watch who you’re speaking to in that tone little girl!” Ed voice boomed from above. Everyone looked up to see the massive face of the alchemist staring down at them literally standing in the palm of his, causing everyone but Marcus to fall on their butts?

“I warn,” another Ed appeared in front of them. “If I even see a hint of a weapon raised against him I will end this entire universe without a second thought and place those I deem otherwise in an entirely new one better suited for them, and that’s not a threat but a fact. I’ve done it before after all,” he held up a finger with a glowing white ring and flicked it over at Apollomon who quickly reverted back to his rookie from. “I warned you and yet you didn’t let up, so let’s see how you like have to go back to square one, and not maintain that mega form. Of yours.”

Marcus sighed as he said, “Ed leave turn him back, he was just doing the job of any Digimon who is attached with a tamer. Besides Celestia was just making sure that I don’t hurt the girls, which I respect.” Quickly he got back to his feet and said, “Besides they can’t do much to me at this point so why worry.”

“No,” Ed refused as he walked away to Ponyville, “once he learns some respect then the curse will break on its own.”

Celestia looked at Coronamon, who was also looking at his new form with shock, and said, “Maybe this will help with that attitude he was forming. Now I wish you both a good day.” She then used her magic to pick up her partner, placing him on her back, and lead Luna and Dianamon away from the throne room.

Marcus shook his head as he said, “Ah now I just feel sad for him, I also know the pain of being forced to ride on another's back. Truly there is no greater dishonor then that.” He then quickly turned to Ed and with a growl said, “And don’t you get any bright ideas, I got enough of that kinda stuff from mine and your Fluttershy!”

“You should really enjoy letting others care for you as they’ve tried to do here Marcus, and you’ve never met my Fluttershy,” Ed turned slightly. “My Equestria can be just as blood as my brother’s but I have far more experience in wars than he has and was able to calm it with the help of my wives. At the same time,” he turned back, “I have no intention of doing anything like that. The boy had more than just a pride problem but a massive superiority complex to anything he sees as evil. If this doesn’t work and he still retains this then I’ll send him back to his original world. As for those here, I don’t plan on doing anything to them. Twilight and her friends have done nothing to warrant my Ire the only thing they did was tie you up and that was for their safety after which they not long after set you or you got free, I don’t recall everything but they’ve tried to help you on nearly every occasion. You were just too emotionally unstable to process the situation properly at the time.”

“Oh, so you went to a different Equestria from Asta’s, good to know, As for the while let others take care of me, I still don’t like it. I don’t like being treated like a kid, people thinking that I didn’t know what was really going on and not letting me help, I hate it,” he said with a click of his tongue. He then started to stretch while asking, “So should we head to Ponyville?”

“Of course I have my own Equestria. I'm a little over 15 millennia old at this point in my never ending life. Even the sisters are usually no more than children when compared to me and my girls are a little over seven thousand themselves,” Ed chuckled. “You get treated that way because you’re letting your Impmon nature influence your mind too much. You got lucky when you retained all your memories as a human. A lot of us aren’t so lucky my friend. Asta remembers everything except his original name. Try mediation every now and then, it helps. And we’re already here!”

He motioned to the ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ sign.

Marcus blinked a couple times before groaning, of course they had already arrived with Ed’s abilities. Looking up at Ed he said, “You really need to warn a guy before suddenly moving them somewhere. On that note I want to talk to you about that gate thing earlier.”

Suddenly Marcus’s train of thought was cut off when a loud “Marcus!” could be heard from down the road. Slowly the Beelzemon looked over to see who called him, his eyes opening wide and a nervous sweet started to form on his brow as he saw the caller was a Fluttershy. Her eyes were full of tears as she scowled at the Beelzemon. With a gulp he asked, “Hey Ed you mind taking me back to Asta’s, Fluttershy looks like shes about to kill me?”

Ed was currently sitting on a bench flipping through the Canterlot Gazette, “oh, Fleur came out with a new amethyst ball gown for the Gala this year in this world, looks nice.” He chuckled as he flipped the page, “you’re on your own when it comes to your friends Marcus. You caused this mess to begin with, remember?” He said with a raised finger from behind the paper, “Oh Donut Joe’s has cinnamon sugar with extra spice!”

Marcus just looked at Ed dumbfounded and wanted to yell at him to help. However, before he could do anything Fluttershy’s hooves pulled his head to face her, now mid air while continuing to scowl. With a nervous chuckle he said, “H-hey Shy, what’s up?”

“What’s up, what’s up!? Is that all you have to say for yourself after being gone for nearly a week,” she lectured. “Do you know how worried I was, I thought the princesses had sent you to Tarturus. What made you think running off like that was a good idea, you are in so much trouble young mon,” she set herself back on the ground and starred up at him. With a stomp of her hoof she said, “Now what have you been up to!”

“If I may interject my little butter yellow lady,” Ed stood up and folded the paper and placed it under his arm. “Marcus didn’t run away of his own accord but was summoned across the void to my younger brother’s universe by his less than one year old daughter. With her being a toddler and unable to establish a formal contact as a displaced there was no way for them to send him home. So he stayed in the world while reflecting on his action that led up to the actions before he came to that universe. It's already been cleared by your reality’s version of the royal sisters. Nice to meet you, I am Edward Elric, the Crimson Sage as well as Marcus’s friend, honorary brother, and his ride back to this universe.”

Fluttershy looked at Ed and cowered for a moment at his appearance as Abbadomon but relaxed as he explained everything. She smiled as she nodded and said, “Well I thank you for that explanation, though I can’t say I understood all of it, but it is appreciated.” Her stern stare then returned as she looked back at Marcus and said, “However, he still left Twilight’s castle without a word and threatened Rainbow, and yes she told me. So while I know understand while you were gone for so long, you are still in trouble for that. I hope you like being Impmon because you are going to be in that form for a while.”

Pleadingly Marcus turned to Ed as if to ask him for his help on this, he was honestly more scared of Fluttershy than he ever was with Asta.

“And I’m going to stop you there little miss,” Ed waved a hand and Fluttershy and Marcus found themselves separated a good ways apart. “Marcus is not a kid but a grown being who is capable of making his own choices and mistakes. You’re not his mother or his guardian, your his friend and as his friend you should realize how much of a hard time he was having before he left this world,” Ed gave a soft glare. “Summoned across time and space without rhyme or reason let alone ripped away from his home and family while in a new universe in a totally different form than he’s used to. Please stop me if you wouldn’t have a hard time coming to grips with reality if you were just some random normal creature to go through that?”

Fluttershy looked at the ground as she listened to Ed, barley moving an inch. As he finished as few tears could be seen falling on the ground. With a sniffle she said, “I know I am not his mother or guardian, or understand his emotions on being brought to this world. But like you said he is my friend.” Slowly she raised her head were it was clear for all to see tears were freely flowing. “I just wish he would have tried to talk to us, talk to me so I could have tried to help him. We might not be related by blood but I view him like I do my own little brother,” she said in a slightly shaky tone.

“No you’re right too little one,” Ed turned his gaze to Marcus who clinched a bit. “He was closed off, pig headed and rushing things before he even had time to process what was going on himself. You and your friends are not at fault for anything more than just being good little ponies and better friends. That being said, you were all dowding him a bit making him even more flustered and wanting to get away.”

Marcus was in shock at what he saw as he walked up to Fluttershy, turning back to Impmon as he did so. He might not always like being in this form but right now he felt like he could live with it, he just wanted her to feel better. Once up close to her he put a hand on her left front leg and said, “I am sorry Fluttershy, I should have talked to you but I was to dumb and didn’t even think about it.” With a few tears of his own he asked, “Do you think you could forgive a thoughtless idiot like me?”

Fluttershy gave a nod as she smiled down at Marcus and said, “Of course I can Marcus, but only if you can forgive me to.” This just earned a nod of agreement from the Imp. With a sniffle she said, “Now I think that we should go see the girls, they were worried about you as well.”

“Donut?” Ed offered from box from Pony Joes.

Marcus looked at Ed with an exhausted look and asked, “Will I ever understand why you do what you do? When did you get donuts?”

“Not really,” Ed shrugged, “And just now. So what was it you wanted to know about the Portal of Truth before our little yellow Pegasus pony showed up?” He asked as he munched on a donut.

It took the Impmon to remember what he wanted to ask before it finally came back to him. Pointing at him he asked, “Oh yeah, I was curious why it grabbed me with those arms and literally dragged me though! What was wrong with me just walking like a normal creature, why the digihandeling?!”

“That’s just how it works. Its actually more like pulling you apart atom any atom on one end and reassembling in reverse on the other,” Ed happily, much on one donut after another. “It did it to you because you needed to be sent here, I on the other hand can just make a body once I felt like it. I’ve been in this world a few times since Asata came but I only make myself known if I feel like it.”

Marcus blinked a couple times and then asked, “How many times have you been here and what have you seen?” He only asked this to see if he would rat him out for letting that Cherrymon go back at Sweet Apple Acres.

“I’ve been here like mmmmmm…….” Ed thought, “lost count after fifty or so,” he shrugged “as for what I know, I Can travel through a worlds timelines as I please and as long as I have a physical form present I can take others with me like earlier, but that doesn’t mean I need a physical body to look through time for myself.”

With a blink he said, “That did not answer the what you know bit. All that did was say what you can do.”

“It literally answered everything,” Ed corrected. “Everything,” he emphasized.

“You know that you could have just said that, it has been a long day and my brain doesn’t want to work that well,” he said with a groan. Shaking his head he asked, “So you gonna snitch or what?”

“Snitch, I didn’t know you had those here?” Ed smirked. “They’re quite tasty after all? Just let me know if you have an issue with them and I’ll deal with it permanently for you myself!” He gave several toothy grins.

WIth a shiver he said, “Dude, when you are in a form that is at least one third mouth, do not do a toothy grin. That is just creepy.” One last time he sighed before smiling at Ed and saying, “Anyways I will let ya know, thanks for all your help bro.”

“I meant what I Said earlier Marcus,” Ed stopped as they arrived at their destination. “If ya need me just ask. I keep a close eye on my family, and those they consider family. I’m not a fix all though. Asta would tell you I show up and only do the minimum or give advice. I don’t interfere unless I think you’ll die or something unreasonable happens.”

Marcus gave a nod and said, “Well as long as you don’t interfere too much with my fights coming up then I am happy to call you if I need you.” He looked at Twilight’s castle that they had walked to, Fluttershy standing next to the entrance. With a sigh he said, “I guess this is it for now isn’t it?”

“Might as well rip it off quick,” Ed said in a chili state as he now stood six inches tall on Marcus’s shoulder.

Frowning Marcus looked up at Ed and said, “You will tell the others thanks again for me won’t you, they did a lot for me.”

“They did it because they wanted to do it Marcus,” Ed shook his head. “They know how much you appreciate it, now quit stalling or I’ll instant us in myself.”

Marcus groaned as walked up to the castle’s doors, watching as Fluttershy pushed them open to reveal the rest of the main six standing in the corridor. At the doors sudden opening the girls turned to face the nervous looking Impmon and gasped in shock. Suddenly he was tackled by the five ponies and knocked on the ground.

From the pile of ponies Marcus could be heard saying with a crushed breath, “Can’t breath, need air.”

The tiny Ed floated above the ponies who were none the wiser to his presence. Ed saluted with a wink before floating out a nearby window, “I have my own business to take care of in this world after all little brother. Call me when you wish!” He called out as he flew off.

Author's Note:

Hello all, I hope you enjoy this extra-long chapter. This was my second time crossing over with Ghost Alvasa's "The Equestrian Magic Knight", make sure to show him some love. Now while I have you here I just wanted to let you know not to expect another update on this fic for a tiny bit. It is not because I don't want to work on it anymore, I just want to work on updates for the other fics I have, or at least a couple of them. Anyways, I hope you all have a fun and fruitful day, I will see you next time. (PS. It am posting it as one giant chapter for my own convenance, I really just don't want to find a place to split up the chapter.)