• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,907 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 5: A Knight and a Demon

For what felt like the longest time Marcus felt lost in an endless sea of darkness. Unable to move, speak, hear, or even taste. He didn’t have any idea how long he had been trapped in this dark sea, it was almost madding. However, a small bright light began to break the darkness he was so accustomed to.

Slowly the light started to grow larger and brighter until it finally overtook him. As soon as the light enveloped him Marcus could hear a faint voice saying, “Hunt for the token and summon the Knight, and doom may yet be held at bay.”

As soon as he heard this voice Marcus’s eyes shot open as he quickly sat up in alarm. He quickly made a quick sweep of his surroundings, his brain racing with questions. After completing his visual sweep he managed to calm down enough to really think.

Marcus closed his eyes while breathing in and out a couple of times before reopening them and asking,” Okay, what the hell?” He then looked back over his surroundings, this time taking his time so he could really make note of where he was. From everything he saw he could tell that he was in some sort of cabin or cottage sitting on some form of a couch. He could also deduce that where he was was very animal friendly given that there were birdhouses hanging from the sealing and some animal beds on the ground.

Marcus groaned and in an annoyed voice said,” Okay either I’m in some sort of animal care place or I have been teleported to yet another weird strange world.” He then had a thought, if this was a new world what sort of form would he be in this time? He then looked down at himself to see what he was now. As soon as he saw his body his eyes he angrily yelled,” WHAT, I’M IMPMON NOW!!”

As he yelled this the sound hooves clacking against wood could be heard from above quickly making their way downstairs. Marcus quickly looked over to the staircase and watched as Fluttershy raced down them and ran over to him. She then gently looked him over while asking, “Oh my goodness, are you alright, does anything hurt?”

Marcus tried to say something but was quickly silenced by a thermometer being pushed into his mouth, causing him to growl a tiny bit as he waited. Once Fluttershy pulled out the thermometer he said, “I’m fine, just wondering what is going and wondering where we are.”

“Oh, this is my cottage. It’s where I take care of all my animal friends,” She explained as she went to the sink and washed off the thermometer. Then as she came she said,” I brought you hereafter that fight you were in with that monster.”

Marcus rubbed the back of his head as he said,” I guess I got pretty beat up back there.” He then looked at her and asked,” So how could you tell that I was me?” He then motioned that to his body while saying,” I don’t exactly look the same as I did before.”

“No, I knew you from the moment I laid eyes on you,” Fluttershy pointed at Marcus with a soft smile. “I knew that as soon as I saw you that you were Beelzemon, but now you're just smaller and cuter,” She giggled as Marcus blushed. “Something in my heart was telling me that, I just can’t really explain it better than that, although I wish I could.”

“I’m not cute,” Marcus grumbled.

“I’m just glad you’re awake now,” Fluttershy said with a relieved sigh. “You’ve been asleep for nearly two weeks.”

TWO WEEKS!” Marcus shouted in shock causing Fluttershy to duck down covering her head with her forelegs. Uncovering herself when she felt safe and looked at him with alarm.

Fluttershy then walked over to him and gently put a hoof on his shoulder. She then asked,” Are you alright Marcus?”

Marcus looked over at her and let out a loud groan. He then rubbed his eyes before saying, “Yeah I am fine, that just caught me off guard a bit.” Two weeks, he was out cold for two weeks. That just didn’t seem possible given that his opponent was an Ultimate level and he was a Mega level Digimon at the time. Then it hit him, it was because he turned into Beelzemon Blast Mode for the first time.

Given that he had never gone through such a transformation before, at least of his own volition, it would make sense it would put a massive strain on him. That or the rush of power he got acted like an adrenaline high, and when that high dissipated it just wore out his body.

Marcus slowly took his hands from his face and looked at Fluttershy. Then with a small smirk and a chuckle, he said, “ Well I should thank you for taking care of me while I was out of it.”

Fluttershy raised her hoof and dismissively waved it in front of her while saying, “You don’t need to thank me for anything Marcus.” She then smiled warmly as she lowered her hoof and said,” That what friends are for, to be there for one another.”

Fluttershy’s words set something off in Marcus’s heart causing him to smile a little more. He then quietly said, “Well thanks anyways, my friend.” He then took a deep breath as he swung his legs over and hopped off the couch while saying,” Anyways I think I have taken up enough of your time, I should get out of here.”

Fluttershy worriedly looked down at Marcus and said,” Oh you don’t have to leave just yet, we don’t know if you fully okay yet.” She then quickly walked over and picked him up and set him back on the couch.

Marcus groaned as he said, “Fluttershy I am fine.” He then lightly glared at her as he continued, “And don’t pick me up like that again, it’s embarrassing.” He knew that he was shorter than her now, but come on picking him up like a child was really degrading.

“You’ve been asleep for a very long time Marcus and you haven’t eaten anything since you’ve been up,” She stated in a stern tone. “You may think you’re alright but for all I know you could fall over from exhaustion or from malnourishment. Let me fix you something to eat before you overexert yourself.” She then gave him one more stern stare before walking to the kitchen to make him something to eat.

Marcus groaned as he leaned back into the couch and just waited for her. However, his head started to hurt, causing him to hold his head in shock. As he held his head a familiar voice rang in his mind saying, “Hunt for the token and summon the Knight, and doom may yet be held at bay.”

Just as fast as the pain came it dissipated, leaving him there to think of what the voice said. “What the heck?” He questioned himself in confusion. “Find a token and summon a knight to hold off doom. What the heck does that mean? What does a token even have to do with a knight and what does any of this stuff have to do with me?” Marcus turned his head to a nearby window. “Sorry Fluttershy but I need some fresh air to clear my head and help me think.”

Marcus hopped off the couch and walked over to the window and opened it just as Fluttershy started to trot back into the living room with a tray of sandwiches and tea on it. As she entered she saw Marcus climbing out the window and quickly set the tray on a nearby table and chased after her friend. Meanwhile, Marcus landed on his feet just outside on the ground.

“Now for a walk,” He said, taking a deep breath and letting out a long sigh of relief. Marcus started to walk in the direction of the field behind Fluttershy’s house.

“Stop right there mister,” he heard Fluttershy behind him. Marcus simply stopped knowing there was no point in dissuading the butter-yellow pony. Once Fluttershy closed the gap between them and got on to the Digimon for so blatantly jumping out a window she decided if he was going for a walk then she would join him on it to ensure that he was going to be okay.

“Why’d you jump out the window instead of just using the front door?” Fluttershy scowled at Marcus as the duo walked along.

“I needed some fresh air and the window was the closest exit.” He then crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Besides the front door is too obvious, where's the fun in that.”

Fluttershy sighed as she shook her head while saying, “That isn’t the point Marcus, you should be resting right now.” She then stared at him sternly waiting for his reply.

Marcus stared back at her and said, “I am not some snot-nosed brat or some wounded animal that needs your help.” He then turned around and literally started ninja jumping away from her, covering a lot of distance fast.

As he jumped away he could hear Fluttershy calling after him, but he didn’t stop. He kept jumping farther away until finally entering the outskirts of the Everfree forest. After jumping into the depths of the forest he stopped to catch his breath.

While Marcus was catching his breath the snap of a twig could be heard.

Marcus looked around to see what broke the stick and noticed something large, yellow, and anthropomorphic. However, as soon as he saw it the creature began to run deeper into the forest.

Marcus couldn’t believe what he had just seen, but he did now he couldn’t let it getaway. He once again started jumping after it. The two continued this little game of cat and mouse until the creature stopped next to the base of a tree. Not too long behind he landed hunched over out of breath and wheezed out,“Ya..done..running..now..or..what?”

Once he managed to catch his breath he looked up at his target and groaned. He didn’t know what force in the universe was messing with him, but he could tell one thing. Whoever, or whatever, it was they sure knew how to make things ironic, it being a Renamon who he was following.

Marcus and the Renamon looked at each other, not word passing between the pair. Marcus then growled as he yelled, “WELL, YA GONNA SAY SOMTHIN OR NOT!?!”

The Renamon didn’t say anything, but what she did instead, pointed up into the tree she was standing under.

Marcus looked up at the tree and noticed something hanging in the branches. He then looked back down ready to ask the Renamon what that was, but she was gone. He then grumbled as he walked over to the tree while saying,” dumb fox face, being all cryptic and crud.”

Marcus then started climbing up the trees, making sure he wouldn’t fall. Finally, after a few minutes of climbing, he reached the branch holding into the object he saw before. Now that he was up there on the branch he could see that what he’d seen was a black headband with a red four-star on it.

Slowly then he started to inch his way over to the headband, each step causing the branch to squeak like it was about to snap. As soon as he was close enough he grabbed the headband and descended back to the ground.

Once on the ground he looked at the headband and asked, “Okay, now why was this in a tree, and why did that Renamon lead me to it?’ He then started examining it and noticed something written in the headband with glowing letters. Not wasting a moment he started reading it out loud saying, “If you seek truth and aid in helping the weak and in need, call forth the Anti-Magic Knight. What kind of a cooky saying is this? And who writes on headbands?”

As soon as that final word left his lips the glowing letters started to glow even brighter, both blinding Marcus and forcing him to drop the headband. Suddenly in front of him open a large swirling black and red swirling portal. Out of the portal fill something or rather someone, a human.

The human was a man with ash blonde hair tied back in a ponytail that reached down to his shoulders while it was spiky on top of his head. On his forehead was a headband that was a match for the one Marcus had found. The man was wearing a black leather trench coat over top of a light blue shirt, black pants, and black boots that were completely covered in dried blood. The man was half asleep as he sat up from where he’d landed from exiting the portal to reveal a black bull skull over top of a star outlined in gold.

The man sleepily looked around, “Shy, is breakfast ready?” he called out as he flopped back down on his back and started to snore with a snot bubble steadily rising and falling as he slept.

Marcus blinked a couple of times before walking over to the unconscious human and asked himself,” Okay what the heck.” He then smirked as he raised one of his fingers, causing a small flame to spark on his fingertip. He then flicked the flame at the unconscious human's face. He knew that doing this might not be the best thing to do, but he knew this would be the best way of waking him up.

The flame hit the human’s face but it merely bounced off and caught the grass on fire as the human continued to snore. The snot bubble suddenly popped and the human slowly opened his eyes to reveal a set of bright fluorescent green eyes. He sat up and stretched his arms towards the sky as he let out a rather large yawn. He steadily looked around as he scratched his chest and then he saw Marcus who was nervously smirking at the human.

“Hehe, an Impmon, weird dream,” the human said as he looked around. “Why am I in the Everfree Forest? Oh fuck,” he slapped his face, hard, and slowly dragged his hand down his face and then looked at Marcus again. “Hey, Impmon. Are you the one who summoned me?”

Marcus crossed his arms and said, “Okay first off pineapple head the name isn’t Impmon, it is Marcus. Secondly, yes that was me, I guess.” He then sighed as he rubbed his temples with his hands as he said, “Honestly with how my life has been lately I don’t know anymore.” He then looked up at Asta and asked, “ So ya got a name, or should I just stick to calling you pineapple head?”

“My name is Asta Ferris,” the human crossed his arms. “And I’m guessing you’re the resident Displaced? And I’m guessing you have no idea what that means going off that look on your face?”

“Displaced? What the heck is a Displaced?” Marcus exclaimed as he crossed his arms.

“We’re Displaced,” Asta pointed between himself and Marcus. “Short for Dimensionally Misplaced. We’re humans, some like you that used to be human, that have met up with interdimensional beings that sent us and others to different versions of Equestria or some other world in the multiverse. It always has to do with My Little Pony in some major way.”

“And how the heck did I bring you here?” Marcus pointed at Asta with a confused tone as he scratched his head.

“You found my token. Any item that we send out into the Void that winds up in other worlds with a say that we attach to it,” Asta pointed to his headband. “When another Displaced finds the token all they have to do is say the saying our I summon yada-yada and poof the Displaced is summoned. The one being summoned can deny the request though. I’m guessing that I thought your voice summoning me was my girlfriend telling me it was time to get up and I acknowledged your request while I was still half asleep.”

Marcus blinked a couple of times before groaning while saying, “Man things just getting stranger and stranger.” He then looked up at Asta and asked, “Wait if you are from a place like this and you have a girlfriend, does that mean you are…?”

“Are what?” Asta tilted his head.

Marcus then groaned as he asked,” Are you dating a pony?” He put his hands up and said,” Ya know what never mind, I don’t wanna know.” He then pointed at Asta and asked,” So mind telling me why you are covered in blood?”

“I’ll answer all your questions little dude,” Asta said as he looked himself over. “Technically yes I’m dating a pony but in my world, the ponies are humans with wings and tails. The unicorns have the focus crystal thing they were on their heads. Earth ponies just look like people with tails, Is there a stream I wash off in around here?” Asta looked around. “The reason I’m covered in blood is because I fought an army of sex-crazed caribou who wanted to reenslave the people I just saved and was too tired to wash up after the battle.”

Marcus just blinked a couple of times and said,” Wow and here I thought that fighting a Megakauterymon was a strange thing to say.” He then sighed as he put his hands behind his head and asked,” So what now, how do I send you back to where you call home?”

Marcus then started marching around Asta while saying, “Because I have the feeling that you don’t go home until we finish whatever I am supposed to do.” He then stopped dead in his tracks and with a smirk asked, “So ya willing to help me out, with whatever it is I am supposed to do?”

“I’m stuck here until you say ‘Our business is done,’” Asta said using air quotes. “Or something along those lines anyways. I don’t have the power to travel through the Void at will like a Void Dweller or my older brother.” Asta looked over to a nearby bush. “So yeah, I’m game, but let my change out of these crusty clothes first.” Asta jumped into the bush and took about five minutes and came out wearing his trench coat over a red t-shirt and black pants with a book glowing a red and black aura floating next to him. “That’s better,” he said brushing off some leaves. “Lead the way to wherever Marcus.”

Marcus gave a small nod and said, “Sure I should probably get back anyways.” He then turned around and started walking away. While he walked away he asked, “So, got anything to talk about?”

“Hmm?” Asta tapped his chin. “Well, usually when Displaced encounter one another they usually give a rundown of what they can do and their powers. They also work out something along the lines of a power exchange.” Asta explained as the duo walked along.

Marcus gave a quick nod as he said, “Alright, if that is the norm then let us do this.” He then smirked as he said,” Well, as you can see I am a Digimon and have all the powers of said Digimon. However, normally I am not an Impmon, I am a Beelzemon.” He then groaned as he looked at the ground in annoyance while saying,” But after my last fight I was apparently forced to dedigivolve into Impmon.”

Marcus then stopped in his tracks and looked up at Asta and asked,” As for sharing powers, the only thing I can think of is this.” He then walked over to Asta and quickly grabbed his grimoire and opened it.

“Don’t touch my Grimoire,” Asta quickly snatched his book back from Marus. “It's very dangerous to someone who doesn't understand it. It’s also very insulting to a magic Knight when someone grabs their Grimoire without permission.”

Marcus blinked a couple of times before glaring at Asta and asking,” Well then how else am I supposed to do this?” Just as he said this in the back his mind he heard a voice saying,” Through the soul, your bonds shall grow, and a new weapon shall be owned.”

Marcus shook his head and said,” Man I hope that doesn’t become a recurring thing, but hey this voice hasn’t lead me wrong yet.” He then closed his eyes and started to create a picture in his mind. As he did this he felt something deep inside him start to grow until finally, he put his hands out in front of him, and in a quick flash, an old Beelzemon Digimon TCG card appeared.

Marcus looked up at Asta and said,” Here use this, put it in your book maybe, and it should give you access to my Berenjena.” Then with crossed arms he asked,” So now it is your turn Asta, what do ya got?”

“I have a publishing spell that lets me give others Grimoires,” Asta said as he took the card and looked it over. “Blast Mode, cool. But back to the Grimoire.” Asta looked at Marcus. “I have no control over what magic you’ll get or the power level of it. All that solely depends on you. See, you have four levels of power when dealing with Grimoires. One to four-leaf clovers. One and Two leaf clover Grimoires are weak to medium strength then three-leaf Grimoires are moderate strength and the most common. Four-leaf clovers are the top shelf and said to bring not only power but luck as well.”

“But I saw yours is a five-leaf clover,” Marcus said pointing to Asta’s Grimoire. “So going off that logic means you’re pretty strong and a pretty big deal.”

“Five leaf Grimoires are outliers,” Asta explained. “In the fifth leaf dwells a demon. See, demons can’t exist in a martial form unless they have a five-leaf Grimoire in Asta’s world.”

“How many five-leaf books are there?” Marcus crossed his arms.

“That I know of, two.” Asta held up two fingers. “That’s what I know from the show my character is from anyway. From the encounters I’ve had, three. My own, my student back home, and one other Displaced. With me as the exception, the others have dealt with darker parts of themselves that manifested as demons after they got their Grimoires though.”

“What does this have to do with yours truly,” Marcu shrugged as he thumbs himself.

“Beelezemon is a Demon Lord Digimon,” Asta held the card up between his forefingers. “Meaning you get a five-leaf grimoire on the spot. Over time you will develop your own demon from your darker tendencies as the Publishing Spell unlocks your magic but also seals some of your dark nature, but in your case, it might be all of it when you get the Grimoire. Which given your good nature already, I highly doubt that’ll happen.” Asta’s Grimoire pages flip tell they reached a certain page. “When using your Grimoire with your demon nature you should air on the side of caution. Think of this as a sort of dual-edged sword. Demon power increases magic dramatically but also lets the demon have a chance to take over your mind. You could have an easier time dealing with though as your technically already a demon.”

“What could happen to me,” Marcus tilted his head.

“Beelzemon is one of the seven demon lords that serves as the icon of gluttony,” Asta said as the pair marched along. “Main he craves more out of life. Not merely greed where he would needlessly want to own everything in the world, but gluttony which craves to be sated with a singular drive usually a hunger for power and dominance. You could end up craving power as Beelzemon from the season three show did and lose yourself in it. The demon aspect of you will prey on this and give you power while consuming your mind and taking your body as its own.”

“Wow,” Marcus said as he held his head in his hand,“ When ya put it that way it sounds like more trouble than what it’s with.”

“Not really,” Asta chimed. “As long as you stay strong and don’t rush forward. You can learn how to draw on the demon’s power. I can do this, for many reasons but the most prevalent is that you need to have a strong mind, spirit, and heart. Don't go it alone either, let your friends help you.”

Marcus gave a small nod as he said,” Good to know. If there is one thing I know it is the importance of friends.” He then chuckled as he then said,” Besides if there is one thing this Impmon know it is that somehow, friendship is the key to unimaginable power.” Then with a smirk he pointed at him and said,” You should know that, being a Shonen character after all.”

Marcus then put out his hand and asked,” So, are you gonna give me that grimoire or are you not.”

“I’d be more than happy to give you a Grimoire of your own Marcus,” Asta said with an apprehensive tone .”But I need a few things in order to make it happen.”

“Well, what do ya need?” Marcus asked as the duo near the edge of the forest.

“First we’ll need a blank book, like a journal you write in. Then we’ll need some top quality ink and a high-end quill,” Asta explained, “Lastly, we’ll need a few drops of your blood. We mix it into the ink and you write your name in the book with it, After that it’s only a quick jolt of pain as I use my Publishing Spell to forge your Grimoire.”

Marcus gave a deep chuckle as he said,” And you called me a demon, this sounds like the beginning of a Fausten Tail.”

“It’s how the spell works. In Asta’s world you’d normally go to the Grimoire Library or have it passed down to you from a family member,” Asta shrugged. “But since neither the library exists and no preexisting Grimoire are out there that I know of, I was given a way to give others their own Grimoire. Don’t ask for details because I can’t give them to ya.” Asta crossed his arms as the duo exited the forest just across from Fluttershy’s cottage. “Oh, so this is where you hold up? Nice to know that someone else stays with Fluttershy.”

Marcus looked up at him and said,” Hey that wasn’t my choice, she took me here after my last fight and healed me up.” He then groaned as he said,” And I didn’t exactly leave in the best way last time I was here.”

Marcus then walked up towards the front door of the cottage and was about to knock, but stopped. He then gets behind Asta and pushed him forward while saying,” You do it, cause I can’t.”

“You shut left in a huff, didn’t you?” Asta looked over his shoulder. Marcus merely scratched the back of his head. Asta let out an annoyed sigh. “Alright, I mean she’s my girlfriend back home so I already have a pretty good idea of how pissed she is. Here goes nothing,” Asta reached for the door handle and pulled open the door to the tiny cottage.

“Marcus!” came a soft but very angry voice.

“Geez, you are in trouble,” Asta said as he looked back to see Marcus trying to sneak away. “No you don’t,” Asta vanished and immediately appeared in front of Marcus placing a hand on his head as he lifted him up. Marcus looked at the knight as he knew he was dead meat as there was no way to get out of his vice-like grip. “I’m not taking the heat for you little dude.” Asta walked into the cottage and set the Impmon on the sofa. “You made the bed now it’s time to lie in it.” Asta remarked as Fluttershy trotted into the room and froze at the sight of Asta. “Right on cue.” he crossed his arms. “Nice to meet you, little pony, my name is Asta Ferris and I’m a friend of Marcus here. I just found out that he just up and left you.” Asta eyed Marcus. “He’s all yours, I'll just be quietly sitting over here.” Asta plopped on the ground crossed legged and cross-armed.

Marcus growled at Asta and said,” Oh I am so going to get you back for this, mark my words Asta.” Just then Fluttershy let out a small but assertive ahem, causing him to quickly look at Fluttershy and gulp. He then rudded the back of his head and said,'' Okay I can tell that you are mad, but hear me out.”

“What were you thinking?!” She sternly raised her voice. “First you ignore me when I tell you you need rest. Then you try and sneak out through the window, no less, while I was getting you something to eat, which you still need to do,” Fluttershy scowled angrily at the Digimon while motioning to the sandwich on a nearby coffee table. “Finally, when I try to help you and get you to rest you storm off, into the Everfree Forest of all places!” She raised her voice as she threw her forearms into the air. “You’re not huge anymore. You could easily have been attacked by timberwolves or something more dangerous.” Fluttershy pointed at Marcus as she continued to scold him. “But you're back now, safe and sound. With a new friend no less.” She smiled as she wrapped Marcus in a warm hug.

Marcus was surprised at first, how could she go from angry to happy in such a short amount of time. He then hugged her back and a familiar feeling washed over him. It reminded him of a feeling that he hadn’t felt in such a long while, not since his mother.

After a few minutes, the two broke off the hug Marcus said,” I am sorry I scared you like that Fluttershy, I just needed to move.” He then rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly as he said,” I have never been one to stay in one particular spot for too long.”

“I guess you and I are a lot alike the regard of never being in one spot for any extended period of time,” Asta looked at Marcus in a somewhat understanding tone. “Being an actor I only ever stayed as long as I needed to for a job until it was time to move on to the next job. I was never close with anyone except my older brother and a couple of friends but after he disappeared I was by myself for the last nine years. I did have my friends but we only ever saw each other a couple of times out of the year at most.”

Marcus looked at him and said,” Well it is good to know that the two of us could relate to one another.” He then snapped his fingers and turned back to Fluttershy and asked,” Oh yeah, Fluttershy I was wondering if you had a blank book and a quill that we could borrow?”

Fluttershy tapped her chin and said,”I think I might have a journal Twilight gave me that I never used, and I should have a quill somewhere.” She then left to find the journal and quill.

As soon as she left Marcus looked at Asta and asked,” Okay how are we going to not get her to freak when you have to get my blood for your spell?”

Asta’s Grimoire floated up next to him and opened to a set page and out came a bottle of ink on a saucer with a sewing needle next to it. “Simple. You prick your finger and add a drop to some of this ink,” Asta to the bottle and poured some of the ink on to the saucer and handed Marcus the needle. “It just needs to be a little bit, enough to completely mix with the ink so the Publishing Spell recognizes you as the Grimoires new owner.”

Marcus looked around before taking the pin and asking,” So you promise this isn’t some deal with the devil kind of thing.” He then crossed his arms and said,” Because I am quite fond of my soul thank you very much.”

“The only deal with a demon to be made here is the one that might come with your Grimoire,” Asta pointed out. “And even then only if you accept its power. Who knows though, maybe you and the demon could work something out to where you stay in control while having full access to its power.” Asta shrugged with a sideways cocked head. “Again, it's if you get a demon in the first place. Technically, you're already a demon and could just straight up get a Five Leaf Grimoire without a demon in it, or it could develop over time. So, still want to go through with it?”

Marcus sighed as he poked his finger while saying,” Technically i’m not a demon, but I get your point.” As soon as blood came out of his finger he made sure it fell into the ink. When his blood and the ink mixed Fluttershy came back from wherever she went with the journal and quill and looked at the two, wondering what the two were up to.

“Now just write your name in the front cover of the book with the ink and shut it afterwards,” Asta pointed at the journal. “Then I’ll take care of the rest. Fluttershy you might want to duck under a table or something as the Publishing Spell can be quite, ah… terrifying for somepony as timid and shy as yourself. Okay?”

Marcus gave a quick nod as he took the book and wrote his name in it, While he did this Fluttershy, reluctantly hid in the kitchen.

“Alright, now that all the ingredients have been mixed all that’s left is to bake this sucker,” Asta smirked as he clapped his hands together and rubbed them. His grimoire turned its page and floated in front of him. He stood up and held his left hand out over his Grimoire. “Grimoire Publishing Magic,” Asta called out and the Grimoire came to life with black lightning.

Soon the lightning shot for Asta’s Grimoire to the Journal. The journal was now surrounded in the black lightning and Marcus stared at it in confusion as the book began to levitate. Suddenly the lightning shot at Marcu enveloping his entire body causing him great pain before he was dropped back on the floor with a thud. Marus looked up through one barely open eye as he gritted his teeth. There he saw the journal turn completely black as it began to warp into a new book altogether.

This new book was a far cry from the journal it used to be. What once was a normal cover, spin, and back turned into solid gold with a five-leaf clover in the center of the cover. The pages seemed to have been turned into what looked like weathered papyrus.

Marcus looked at the grimoire and then at Asta and asked,” Okay that was an experience.” He then walked over and picked up his new grimoire. As he held it he could feel waves of great power emanating from it, telling him to open the book and claim its might. Slowly he reached to try and open the grimoire, but it wouldn’t.

Marcus blinked in surprise before glaring at the book and trying again to open it, this time with more force. He kept at this for minutes before angrily throwing the book and yelling,” The stupid thing won’t open, why won’t it open!?!” He then turned his head towards Asta, expecting him to give him the answer.

Asta threw his hands up in the air giving a shrug. “I’m guessing you have to meet a certain requirement before you can open it,” Asta shrugged. “It might be like some of the items in my own Grimoire. I had to get a dragon before I had access to draconic gauntlets. Mind if I have a look?’ Asta held out his hand.

Marcus shrugged and picked up the grimoire and said,” Sure, go at it.” He then threw it over to him, hoping Asta would catch it.

Asta caught Marcus’s Grimoire and his own floated up next to him and turned to a new page and Asta proceeded to put his hand over the page and out came a purple gem roughly the size of someone’s eye. “Let’s see now,” Asta held his gem up in front of his eye. “Hmm… “ Asta rubbed his chin. “It has a Digivice from Season three on it, see” He held the gem in front of Marcus’s eye and the Grimoire in front of it. “Any ideas?”

Marcus looked at the gem and said,” I have an idea, which would be digivolution.” He then groaned as he said,” Well that or something else like that, hoping that is the first one though.”

“Wait a minute?” Asta said suddenly as he threw his seeing gem back into his Grimoire and turned the pages to pull out the Beelzemon card Marcus had given him earlier. “I think you're right. You need to be Beelzemon before it unlocks. I wonder?” Asta looked at the card and then to Marcus’s Grimoire. Asta then tossed the card onto the Grimoire and it changed into a black D3 with a red chrome ring around its display screen. Then chains of white light appear around Marus’s Grimoire and then the book floats to Marcus and the Digivice to Asta.

“Okay, that was unexpected,” Asta grabbed the digivice and looked it over before noticing writing on it. “Digital Self-Modification, what’s that mean?” Asta looked at Marcus.

Marcus crossed his arms and said,” Well in the show the tamer could boost their partners by using Digi-modify. So if I had to guess then it would probably that, but more on the self then on a partner Digimon.” He then rubbed his chin as he then asked,” But how is one supposed to do that, we don’t have any of the cards or the special blue evolution card.”

Marcus then looked at Asta to say something else, but was cut off by the Renamon from earlier appearing in between the two of them. This caused him to jump back in fear and asked,” Holy hell, where did you come from!?”

The Renamon looked at the two and said,” The sin of Greed has arrived, the mistress needs you both to take care of it.” Then before Asta or Marcus could ask her anything it disappeared into thin air.

“She might have disappeared but her ki hasn’t,” Asta said looking out the window. “A mistress, aye?

Marcus blinked and turned to Asta and asked,” Um Asta are you thinking what I am thinking?” As he asked this true unbridled fear could be seen in his eyes. For if he was right then one of the strongest demon lord Digimon has just arrived, Barbarmon.

Marcus’s eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks as soon as he heard a loud thud. Asta slammed his fist together with a very large grin and a furrowed brow giving off his eagerness to fight a strong opponent. “Hell yeah,” he continued to smile. “I get to face one of the strongest evil Digimon and push my limits. YEA!” Asta roared, sending waves of charisma and excitement outwards.

Marcus looked at Asta with a dumbfounded look, honestly shocked how happy he was. He then groaned and said,” You hear that we have to fight one of the worst Digimon there is and you are happy, are you serious?”

“What, you aren’t?” Asta looked at Marcus in curiosity. “It’s when we face those who are strong and can push us to test the limits of what we can do that can make us stronger. But it’s not just facing strong opponents that can do it but the ideals we stick to as well as those we surround ourselves with. If Impmon in the Series had realized this before he made a deal with Caturamon then so he would have digivolve long before he went back to the Digital World. So.” Asta looked up, holding up a clenched fist. “Where is the evil bastard?” He closed his eyes and concentrated before his eyes quickly shot open to looking at Marcus. “We need to get to Ponyville, now.”

Marcus turned his head to the side and said,” First off, me and that Impmon are two different people, and secondly, how did you know that?” Just then a loud explosion could be heard coming from the direction Ponyville would be in. He then growled as he said,” Oh fine let’s go.” He then jumped onto Asta’s shoulder and kicked him lightly while saying,” Come on get moving, we don’t have all day.”

“First off, I’m not a packhorse,” Asta said in annoyance. “Secondly, I know you’re not the same as Impmon, but as Displaced we also pick up the mannerisms of who we become, unfortunately sometimes,” Aasta said to the side as he ducks out of the doorway as his Grimoire floated up next to him turning its page and a handle came out of it. Asta took hold of the handle and pull out his Demon Slayer Sword. “You might want to hold on tighter,” Asta smirked as he started to run and then threw his sword in front of him while he proceeded to jump on it and the Duo sped off towards Ponyville.

Marcus held on as they took off on the sword and under his breath said,” We could have just taken Behemoth you know, no we had to go by sword.” He then watched as they flew closer and closer to Ponyville and saw Barbamon hovering in the air, attacking the town with his Dark Inferno attack. “Okay two things, how are we gonna beat that and what am I supposed to like this?” He said while gesturing towards himself, still an Impmon.

“Here’s a relative question for ya?’ Asta said as he weaved through flames. “When was the last time you ate?”

Marcus groaned as he said,” I kinda skipped out when Fluttershy was making me something to eat, so yeah it has been a while.” He couldn’t understand how he forgot something so simple when it comes to Digimon. No food then no Digivolve. He then looked at Asta and asked,” You wouldn’t happen to have something on you would you?”

“Let’s see here,” Asta chimed as he reached into his Grimoire and pulled out a simple sandwich. “Good thing I never ate this thing last night, warning though, it’s spicy,” He said, handing Marcus the sandwich.

“You know I wanna ask why you have a random sandwich in your bag, but now is not the time,” He said as he grabbed the sandwich and ate it. As soon as he was done he asked,” Okay now I have the nutrients, now how do I digivolve?” However, before he could get an answer from the corner of his eye saw a black fireball flying towards them. ”Hellfire, hellfire headed at us right now!” He said as he pushed Asta’s face down, for some reason thinking that would cause them to go down.

“Get your hands out of my eyes,” Asta yelled as he struggled to keep balance on his blade. “I can’t see to dodge-” was all Asta was saying as a Hellfire ball hit the Knight Digimon duo head-on knocking them off the sword and flying towards the ground.

As the pair fell Asta hit the ground, causing a small crater to form upon impact, and Marcus to hit the side of a building and bouncing off it. “Okay next time I drive,” He said in a pained voice as he slowly stood up. He then limply ran over to Asta and asked,” You alright man?”

“Yea,” Asta groaned as he summoned his sword to his hand and used to it to get to his feet. “Crystal reinforce bones and skin help but that doesn’t mean it stops the hurt,” he said cracking his neck from side to side. “Man, I don’t know if I’m going to be much help here. I deal in canceling, absorbing, and erasing all types of magic. My other tools are way too big a threat in their own right to deal with a small fry. They’d do more harm than good here and all my Pokemon are back in my world. Christ, I’m up the creek without a paddle on this one.” Asta sighed as he rubbed the back of his head. “I still have Crystal Magic at least, and Ancient Magic as a last resort. I can still use Black Form to raise my power but it won’t do any good unless I can get up close for someone on one for my palms to connect.” He slammed his hand on the guard of the sword driving it two feet into the ground. “Damn it.”

Marcus didn’t say anything to what Asta said and just walked over to him and grabbed his grimoire. He then looked down at the golden book and said,” Then maybe you should get out of here.”

As soon as he said this a cold raspy voice could be heard above them saying,” Well that sounds the smartest move to make, but I am afraid I can’t let that happen.” This caused both Marcus and Asta to look up to see the old looking Digimon Barbamon hovering above them. “ I am afraid I have need of you little Imp,” he said as he pointed one of his long-clawed fingers at Marcus.

Marcus looked at Barbamon and felt his whole body tense up from fear. He knew the power that this Digimon had and knew that if he wanted to he could destroy him without even batting an eye. Then in a shaky voice, he asked,” What do you need me for?”

Barbamon smiled wickedly, showing off the many sharp teeth that fill his mouth, and said,” Oh my dear sweet Imp, it is not you, I need.” He then flew slowly up to Marcus and grasped his chin and lifted him into the air until he was eye level with him. “ I need Beelzemon, which I know you can turn into, so I might complete my plans and achieve are ultimate form.” He then dropped Marcus, causing him to fall onto the ground.

Marcus looked up at Barbamon and thought about what his plan could be. It then hit him and with pure fear in his voice said,” You want to bring about Ogudomon.”

Barbamon chuckled mockingly as he said,” I would seem that you have some brains to you little Imp, yes I want to combine all the sins to become Ogudomon.” He then once again began to float up. As he ascended he said,” I wish to ravage this world until nothing else remains, but to do this I need all the Demon Lord Digimon. Thus far I have six, myself included, now all require is you.” Barabamon then pointed his wand at Marcus said,” So I will offer you a deal, an offer you will not want to refuse. I will stop my attack on this village and let your little friend escape with his life. However, in return, you come and join me in my mission.”

Marcus took a moment and looked at the burning town, watching as the black flames were engulfing serval buildings. Ponies running around in a frenzied panic trying to put the flames out. He then looked at Asta and asked,” What do you think, you still have the choice to go home?”

“My choice to go home is up to you, like everything else here,” Asta said as he pulled his sword from the ground. “But remember, my job as a magic knight is to help those who need it.” he points the sword at Barbamon and then he looked at Marcus, “SO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF ASS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT THE EVIL BASTARD IS SAYING MARCUS!” Asta roared in anger as he disappeared to reappear in front of Barbamon “Iron palm Ruijin'en (Ape’s Palm).” He thrust his palm into Barbamon’s gut sending the Demon lord hurtling through the sky and then proceeded to walk over to Marcus.

“GRIT YOUR TEETH!” Asta yelled as he nailed Marcus right in the cheek. The Impmon was sent into the dirt and he looked back at Asta and held his face. “If that sick fuck gets what he want’s none of your new home will exist. What about everything that lives here? What about the friends you made? Can make? YOU SAID YOU WERE DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER IMPMON BUT ALL I SEE IS ANOTHER LITTLE BITCH THAT IS WILLING TO TRADE EVERYTHING HE HAS FOR MORE EVIL POWER!” Asta belted out in anger at Marcus as he continued to scowl at the younger Displaced.

Marcus blinked a couple of times before angrily yelling,” What the hell are you on about, I was just asking if you wanted out before this got to dangerous!” He then growled as he said,” I was going to fight him anyways, I just wanted to know if you were with me.”

“Course I’m with you if you’re gonna fight the bastard, but don’t lie to my face either kid,” Asta continued to scowl. “I used to be an actor and I know how to read people, it was part of my job to become someone else, and the way you spoke wasn’t acting but real fear.” Asta’s Grimoire floated up next to him as he proceeded to pull out his Demon Dweller sword. “I have every intention to carve that bastard into pieces and I have my trump card too. Digimon reformat which is basically a form of Reincarnation,” the book revealed Asta’s next weapon and he released his Demon Slayer and pulled out his third sword, The Demon Destroyer, “And I know it workers, as I used it on a vampire with instant regeneration abilities once. I cut off her arm, it didn’t grow back.” Asta’s gaze shifted to Barbamon as he releases bloodlust and true killing intent that would drown the weakest of souls, causing them to faint.

Barbamo looked at the two and began to scowl while asking,” So I can take it that you are turning down my offer then, such a shame.” It then started to send out it own bloodlust which was even more potent than Astas. Then with a wicked smirk, he raised one of his hands and motioned for them to attack him while saying,” Come on then little fools, entertain me a little bit. Unless you are scared.”

Marcus’s eye twitched when Barbamon brought up being scared and caused him to growl. He then angrily said,” You know what I am tired of you both calling me scared. You wanna see if I am scared.” He then reached to move his grimoire in front of him and started to try and open it again, but this time it actually opened. Once the book was fully open a bright white light shot out and envelope him. Once the light dispersed Marcus had changed into Beelzemon, but not a normal Beelzemon. Instead of his normal leather, he was wearing a long black robe with golden accents and a crimson stole draped over his shoulders. From his back, six raven black wings sprouted, and a large crimson horn sprouted above his third eye. He then angrily asked,” Does this seem like someone who is scared ya big palooka?”

Asta kicked his Demon Slayer and it spun up in the air then he jumped on it riding it over to Marcus’s side. “Lookin good there bud,” He said, placing his Destroyer on his shoulder and the Dweller pointed to the ground as black anti-magic started to waft off the blades. “Looks like all you need was to drum up your feelings to show your true self.”

Marcus looked at his new body and said,” Wow this form really went into the fallen angel shtick didn’t it.”

“That’s how most demon type Digimon lore goes,” Asta looked at the New Marcus. “But you can admire yourself in the mirror later,” Asta pointed his Destroyer at a snarling Barbamon. “We need to deal with that asshole first.”

Barabamon rubbed his chin and said,” Interesting, I have never heard of a Beelzemon quite like that.” He then smiled wickedly as he said,” This should actually be worth my time.” Then in a swift motion, he raised his wand and created a large black ball of fire. “Come now and meet your doom, Dark Inferno”, he yelled as he launched the fireball at the two.

Marcus’s grimoire shot open as he lifted his hand and a large magic circle appeared blocking the fire. Then without looking at Asta said,” You rush him while supporting you from behind.”

Asta crossed his blades in front of his chest and smirked, “Thought you’d never ask,” Asta flew around the circle on his Slayer and straight at Barbamon, Anti-magic coming off his swords. He hit Barbamon head-on but the Digimon managed to block the blow with his wand. “Quick on that draw old man.”

“Impudent Child you will pay most dearly for that,” Barbamon hissed.

“I know you are but what am I,” Asta mocked as he forced his swords together cutting Barbamon’s wand in two. “Lost your stick,” Asta chuckled as he kept up the mocking as he jumped up digging his foot into the side of Barbamon’s head, sending the dark lord whirling through the air into the ground, hard.

“Oooo,” Marcus hissed, “That's gonna leave a mark.”

“And I may be a child to one as old as you,” Asta talked down to Barabmon, no fear in his voice whatsoever. “But I know what power is and you Barbamon don’t even scale to what I’ve seen.” He looked as if he had pity in his eyes, “And not even you can come close to that power.” Asta raised his Demon Destroyer sword and it became engulfed in his Antimagic,” Black Slash,” He brought a swipe down sending a wave of black demonic energy at Barbamon.

The elder Digimon recognized that if he took the slash head on he would actually take some decent damage. So in defense, he held up his wand to block the strike. While it did keep the attack from connecting with his body, he was sent hurtling towards the ground

Asta flew down to the ground and hopped off his Demon Slayer and let his other two swords fall into the dirt tip first. Marcus looked at the Knight in total confusion. He then turned his attention back to Barbamon but directed his words at Asta.

“What the heck are you doin?” Marus growled at Asta.

Asta also kept his eyes on Barbamon but his speech was centered on Marcus’s question. “I may be a master swordsman thanks to Asta’s skills but what I truly excel,” His Grimoire floated in front of him and opened allowing him to reach in with both his arms then pull them out covered in armored gauntlets.

Asta held up his armored hand, “Getting up close and personal,” He flexed his fingers as he proceeded to drop down on all fours. “Beast Style,” He said aloud as he took in a deep breath and controlled his blood flow, strengthening his body far beyond what was possible.

In the next moment, Asta took off in an instant. Even Barbamon had a hard time keeping up with the knight as he came out of nowhere, sending the demon lord into the air. Asta let loose a fury of attacks on the Digimon as the knight zig-zagged around and around him in mid-air. From all directions, Asta was leaving behind afterimages further confusing Barbamon as he swung trying to hit the knight only for his claws to pass through him.

Asta suddenly appeared overhead and threw the palms of his hands together with his fingers outstretched like fangs, “Shi Ten Ryū Kōgeki (Four Heavenly Dragons Strike)!” All of Asta’s afterimages followed the original and converged on Barbamon unleashing an ungodly roar and Hell on the demon lord as he fell to the ground bruised and bloody while Asta reappeared next to Marcus and let out a heavy breath.

“I may be able to boost myself for a few hours but those super moves really eat up the time I get in one go,” Asta stood up and cracked his neck from side to side. “He’s yours man.” Asta looked at Marcus.

Marcus smirked wickedly, showing his razor-sharp teeth, and said,” I don’t mind if I do.” Then his grimoire’s pages started to rapidly flip.

As this was going on Barbamon angrily glared at him and said,” You, what do you think you could do?” He then pointed at Asta with his crooked finger and said,” That warrior couldn’t defeat me, all he managed to do was wound me.” Then with a cocky smirk asked,” What could you even hope to do?”

“Fyi, I’m a knight, not a warrior, and I was holding back, asshole,” Asta crossed his arms. “Where’s the fun in a fight if I can’t actually give an opponent a fighting chance to see what they can do and to see if I can push my limits.”

Marcus didn’t say anything, all he did was raise his hand as the pages of his book finally came to a halt. “You wanna know what I can do, then here let me show you. Impaling Darkness!!” As he said this a large magic circle appeared in front of his raised hand, launching ten black tendrils shot out at breakneck speed.

Barbamon smirked as he quickly took to the air and mockingly said,” If this is all you have to offer then I have nothing to fear.” However, as he said this he noticed the tendrils quickly turn up and chase him. The elderly Digimon tried desperately to shake the tendrils, but no matter where he went they followed until finally, they caught him. Each tendril piercing parts of his body, primarily the arms and legs, keeping him locked to that location.

Marcus smirked as he asked,” You still think there isn’t much I can do?”

Barbamon growled as a small amount of blood started to flow from his mouth and spitefully said,” If you truly think this will ever be enough to beat me then you are mistaken.”

Marcus shook his head and said,” I know this wouldn’t be enough to code you Barbamon, I just want to show you not to mess with me.” As he said this anyone could see his eyes become more serpentine. He then raised his free hand, causing another magic circle to form. However, in the center of this circle, a small ball of energy started to form and constantly be pulling in energy but never growing larger. After a couple of minutes of charging he moved his hand so the attack was aimed at Barbamon. “ DARK JUDGEMENT!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, causing a massive beam of energy to shot out and engulf Barbamon.

“That had to sting,” Asta chuckled.

Marcus just chuckled as he watched as Barbamon slowly fell float to the ground, bleeding from multiple areas.

Barbamon growled as he said,” I have to admit you both are stronger then I expected, but that isn’t enough to destroy me.” The elderly Digimon then waved his arm to the side, opening what seemed like a large circular gate appeared and opened up. Inside the gate what looked like a black ocean could be seen. He then said,” For now though I think I shall take my leave.”

“Marcus,” Asta called out to get the Displaced attention. He grabbed his Demon Destroyer Sword and charged the blade with Anti-magic. “Catch,” Asta tossed Marcus the blade as he took his Demon Dweller sword in hand and took off riding on his Demon Slayer. “You’re not going anywhere, Black Meteorite!” Asta yelled as he flew towards Barbamon in a streak of Black.

Marcus grabbed Asta’s sword as it was thrown to him and started flying towards Barbamon alongside Asta. Right as the two got to him they both raised their swords and slashed down across his chest, causing two large gashes to form across his chest.

Barbamon groaned as he flew back into the portal and said,” Next time we meet Beelzemon, you will be mine.” Once Barbamon was fully through the portal it then closed, not leaving a trace.

“Evil bastard,” Asta said out of spite as he spat on Barbamon blood that had fallen on the ground. He then turned to Marcus and held out his hand. “I’ll be taking my sword back now. If you hold on to it any longer then your magic will be completely depleted.”

“Ah, Sure,” Marcus said with a bit of unease in his voice as he handed the blade back to its rightful master. Asta then swung it to the side and threw the evil blood off it before he swiftly returned it back to its rightful place in his Grimoire along with his other swords.

As Marcus gave back the sword he started to glow again, and it only dissipated when he was turned back to an Impmon.

“I guess that you’re gonna dedigivolve after every fight if you use up all your energy,” Asta tilted his slightly. “So, you think he went to that Dark Ocean dimension from the second season?”

Marcus looked up at Asta and said,” Well I don’t know about normal Beelzemon, but it looks like with the forms I do.” He then groaned and as he said,” Well that is what it looked like.”

Just then the Renamon from before appeared in front of the two in a swirl of leaves. It then gave a small bow while saying,” Congratulations warriors, you have done well in fending off Barbamon.” She then straightened back up and walked over to Asta and said,” In honor of your help, my mistress would like you to have these.” She then handed him some modify cards for his digivice.

Asta happily took the cards from the Renamon and proceeded to return her bow, “Tell your mistress it was a pleasure to deal with the evil bastard and I will gladly do it again should you need my aid in the future.”

Renamon gave Asta a slight nod before turning her attention to Marcus. She then said,” For you small one my mistress has nothing for you at this time, but her deepest thanks.” She then backed away and said,” Until we meet again warriors.” Then just like she arrived, she disappeared in a vortex of leaves.

Marcus crossed his arms as he said,” Well that seems a bit unfair, but whatever.” He then looked up at Asta and said,” Well it would seem that our business is done.”

“It would seem so my small friend,” Asta smirked as a portal opened up behind. “I need to give these things a test and this seems to be the right time,” Asta held up his cards and Digivice in front of him with his arms crossed. Asta shuffled through the cards and picked one as he got a wicked smirk on his face. “You keep on the straight and narrow okay Marcus. Be Careful of the Displaced as not all of us are… uh…. Good at heart.” He held up his cards and Digivice while yelling out, “DIGI-MODIFY!” Suddenly the Behemoth appeared in front of the two but its color scheme was inverted. “Cool,” Asta jumped on the machine and revved the engine. “Sweet, anything else before I take off?” he looked back to Marcus.

Marcus glared at him and said,” That better be a copy and not the real one or I swear you are dead.” He then let out a whistle to call Behemoth and his Behemoth came driving towards him, parking next to him. Then with a quick nod, he said,” I don’t think so, especially since I now know we both have our own Behemoth’s.” He then offered his hand for Asta to shake while saying,” It was nice to meet you, Asta, our business is done.”

Asta took hold of Marcus’s hand in a firm grasp and gave it a shake,” It was my pleasure little man and do keep a clean nose,” He smirked as he released Marcus’s grip. “And be good to the little pegasus, she’s only looking out for the way she knows how,” Asta placed his hands on the Behemoth’s bars and the machine roared with an eagerness to burn rubber. “Let’s do this!” Asta revved the engine again and took off into the portal returning to his own world from whence he’d come as the portal closed behind him.

Marcus gave a quick nod and turned around and readied himself to head back to Fluttershy’s cottage. However, as he turned around he was greeted by four ponies. One had a horn, one had a horn and wings, and two others with neither. Then one of the two normal ponies, who was orange and had a cowboy hat, threw a lasso around him. He then groaned as he said,” Well...shit.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys this was a collab chapter with my friend Alvasa, who wrote The Equestrian Anti-Magic Knight. It is really awesome and you guys should check it out. This was a really fun project to work on and has given me a lot of fun ideas. Well until next time my friends, hope you enjoy.