• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 2,318 Views, 20 Comments

The Ghost of Coltistrano - EthanClark

There are stories children are told of a figure in black, emerging from the darkness to strike at those who threaten the goodness of the world. This creature is the Ghost, but for young Silver Spade, it's his last hope for vengeance beyond the grave.

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Chapter 16: “Now presenting, for the first time at the Grand Galloping Gala”

A sense of electricity drifted through the air as Canterlot came alive with the sounds of bustling crowds and rattling carriages, all headed for a mutual destination. In the sky, the groups of ponies could witness a show of swirling stars above the castle, glittering against the moonlight as they formed a brilliant arc. Several ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ could be heard from those entering the palace grounds. From the entrance to the palace walls, to the gardens and the ballroom, every inch of the Royal Palace was transformed into an immaculate display of extravagance and grace, with hallways decked in banners of swirling colors to match the theme of tonight’s event: Unity.

Guards stood firm at the entrance to the palace, staring down the crowds, before a single streak of fire and sparks shot up from one of the castle towers. It burst, letting loose a cascade of light and streaks in the shape of heart, signaling the guards. They took their cue and pushed open the towering gold doors as the horde of ponies made their way into the lobby. There, at the top of the grand staircase, stood the royal tetrarchy. Princess Celestia stepped forward, draped in a flowing raiment of white and shimmering gold.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, I welcome you all to this year’s Grand Galloping Gala!”

A chorus of cheers rose up from the crowd of ponies. Princess Luna, adorned in a tight gown that glittered like starlight, raised her horn and shot a bolt of magical power into the open air. It burst and rained down over the guests like a brilliant meteor shower. Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight merely smiled and waved at the coming guests, prepared to meet and greet all who wished for the honor. One by one, ponies ascended the stairs and bowed to them before moving out into the castle proper. A smooth and resonant melody began to swell and echo from the ballroom and through the entire building.

After time the crowds began to disperse across the palace, with a large congregation in the ballroom enjoying hor d'oeuvres, music, and good company around the large alicorn statue in the middle.

“Now presenting,” a guard announced into the hall. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire.”

The duo, hoof in hoof, walked out to the sound of applause from the gathering ponies. Cadence’s gown flowed from behind her in a train of hearts, a contrast to Shining’s pressed uniform. Compliments and adorations were thrown their way as they walked deeper into the crowd, toward a familiar face standing by the buffet. Shining Armor approached and saluted.

“Vice General,” he said, firmly.

“Oh, at ease, Shining. You’re royalty now.” Shield Wall gave a smile to Shining and patted his shoulder. He moved to offer his hoof to Cadence.

“And Princess, it is always a privilege to see you again. I trust you’re keeping him under control.”

“Oh, of course,” Cadence giggled. “He’s only a problem when we’re invited to weddings. He can be such a crybaby.”

Cadence,” Shining mumbled to his wife, earning only another giggle in response.

Shield Wall summoned another laugh from within, a genuine one, before looking out across the sea of well-dressed attendants. From across the way he spotted the blue mane of Fancy Pants. The two locked eyes for just a moment, with Fancy giving a huff and tilting his muzzle before turning away. Shield cocked an eyebrow in annoyance before allowing his attention to return to Cadence and Shining.

“Ah, Mr. Gavel,” Shield announced, watching his indigo conspirator trot towards them. “How lovely of you to join us. No longer swamped in litigation, I take it.”

“As you know, vice general, I am always swamped with work. Ah, your majesty!”

Midnight Gavel gave a low bow. Cadence nodded back, permitting him to rise from the floor.

“It’s wonderful to see you, too, Mr. Gavel. Did you receive my message about the border disturbances?”

“Of course, princess, I was reviewing it just this morning.” Shield gave Gavel a knowing look before he continued. “I assure you, we will do all we can to investigate these skirmishes along the Crystal Empire’s borders, but there is still so much going on right now.”

“Don’t suppose you’d be up for a little joint operation, sir?” Shining said to Shield Wall. “Your boys and mine running border security on both sides?”

“Well, as enticing as that sounds I, as well as everypony else, am under an extensive internal review. The fun will have to wait, it seems.”

“Now presenting,” the announcer called out. “Countess Abundant Glow and her escort, Corporal Spearhead.”

Shield Wall turned, faster than the others, to the front door where he watched Abby enter with a copper pegasus around her foreleg. Her mane was wrapped over itself in a large bun of ruby locks, with scant strands falling down along a smooth green gown that trailed behind her. Nobles and other ponies calmly made their acquaintance before Spearhead, true to his name, bored through the crowd and lead Abby to the rest of the group.

“Oh, Abby!” Cadence almost shouted, closing the distance with a hug. “You did come!”

“Well, I couldn’t let you down, Cadence,” Abby replied. “I know it means a lot to you. Hello, Shining.”

“Hi, Abby.” Shining gave a light hug of his own. “And Spearhead, you clean up well for the company dunce.”

“Says the old stooge. I bet you couldn’t even button that coat without the wife helping you.”

“Ahem, that’s royal stooge, to you, corporal.”

Spearhead gave a mock salute to Shining, the childish display bringing a laugh out of everypony present. Everypony, that is, except Shield Wall. His expression, while pleasant, sported a stare that bored holes into Spearhead. He could feel a heat fill his cheeks that spread down his neck and into this chest. The very sight of Spearhead with Abby made his jaw clench, with visions of drowning the pegasus in the punch bowl drifting through his mind. His daydream was broken at the sight of an ice blue pony waving him down from the side. Shield Wall excused himself and trotted over, his face firm as he pushed through the crowd.

“What are you doing here?” Shield Wall whispered.

“I have come to collect my cut,” Serenade whispered back in a seething tone. “This madness you are apart of, this scheme. I want no part of it anymore. You have my underlings, my contacts, now all I want is my money so I can go.”

“You came into the heart of Equestrian high society and risked both your cover and mine just so you could be paid?” Shield spat.

“Yes. Like the others, your secret will follow me to the grave, but I want out.”

The fire that sparked in Shield Wall’s gut was now stoked, spreading through his limbs and threatening to singe his brain with its intensity. He tensed his muscles, stretching out his suit, as he stood tall to retort before the announcer’s voice delayed his wrath.

“Now presenting, for the first time at the Grand Galloping Gala: Lord Aristo du Luna Mer.”

Shield’s rage calmed for a moment to look over the crowd. Serenade, too, took the opportunity to identify the newly announced pony.

From across the crowd, veritably walking over itself to reach the new face, stood a pony they had never seen before. He was young, lithe, and sporting fur of purest white wrapped in a vibrant red tailcoat with gold trim and swirling patterns. His tail, also a marble white, was tied behind him in a braid that came down to his hooves, dancing near his golden horseshoes. Coming down from his head was a glistening stream of white curls that flowed over his shoulders and bobbed with each step he took. He was elegant, sublime, and awe-inspiring to all who looked upon him.

To his side was a grey unicorn, withered with age and far less impactful in his attire. Shield Wall watched as the unicorn, who he guessed was a servant, leaned over to his master and whispered something in his ear. The two then made their way through the crowd, ignoring the many onlookers, and began to sample from the buffet. Shield abandoned Serenade and returned to the group. He nudged Midnight Gavel, snapping him from his trance.

“Who is he?”

“I have absolutely no idea,” Midnight returned. “He… well, he is quite regal, would you agree?”

“Quite...” Shield Wall held his gaze on Aristo. He eyed the earth pony’s grace and obvious standard of dress. He could sense his own reservations about the aristocrat, particularly for his excess, but Shield’s curiosity soon turned into opportunistic desire, and after a moment he found himself walking toward the egregiously fancy pony. Shield Wall broke through the crowd and stood beside Aristo, giving a light but firm cough to announce his presence.

“Your lordship,” he began. “I am Vice General Shield Wall, commander of Her Majesty’s armed for-”

“His lordship will only speak to those he has chosen to speak to,” the grey unicorn spoke up, his muzzle high in the air. They locked eyes and neither seemed willing to budge until a silvery voice rose from behind them.

“Oh, lay off him, Major Dome,” Aristo piped up. He waved his servant away before stepping forward, extending a dainty hoof to Shield Wall. “You were saying?”

“Yes…” Shield Wall drew out, giving the hoof a perplexed look before taking it in his own. “ I command the Equestrian armed forces and am most honored to make your acquaintance.”

“Mhmm, yes, of course you are.” Aristo said with a bright chuckle, smiling at both the vice general and the crowd around him.

“Permit me to ask, your lordship, but I am curious why we have never been graced with your presence before?”

“Yes. A crime, for sure, but I am quite busy overseeing my interests in the northwestern part of the country. Managing my numerous metal and gem mines can be such a bother, I assure you.” Aristo held out a hoof to his right, and was immediately handed a glass of champagne by Major Dome. “I usually have to host my own parties to get any form of excitement. Have you heard of the Aurora Ball, Mr. Wall? It is quite splendid.”

Shield Wall was taken aback by the posh pony before him. Not for his extravagance or obvious affluence, but by the sheer haught he carried himself with. It forced him to grind his teeth. The very thought that an earth pony, regardless of status, could talk down to him in such a manner stoked something dark within Shield Wall.

“I will take your word for it,” Shield replied. “Now, my lordship, might I invite you to converse with my colleagues? I’m certain Princess Cadence would love to meet you.”

“Hmm? Well, I suppose if royalty is involved…”

Aristo clapped his hooves together, immediately summoning Major Dome to his side as he followed Shield Wall through the crowd of ponies. His exterior seemed to shine against the marble floor he strode across as he kept his muzzle high. Within, however, Aristo felt like a slowly unraveling bundle of nerves. He looked to his side to ensure Major Dome was still there. He was. It always surprised him how uncanny his instructor’s disguises were, with every detail, down to the last wrinkle below the eye, accounted for and included with pedantic care. Closing in fast, he could see the group.

“Friends, colleagues,” Shield Wall announced. “Allow me to introduce me newest acquaintance. Lord Aristo.”

“‘Lord Aristo de Luna Mer’,” Aristo interrupted with a laugh. “It is my full title. Surely you would hate for me to call you ‘Vice’ or some such, hm?”

Shield Wall twitched, a wash of embarrassment covering his face as the bright clack of Aristo’s golden hooves pierced his ears and made their way to Cadence.

“Ah, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, just as lovely as the stories. To think anypony could mistake a changeling’s spell for your beauty is simply ludicrous.” Aristo gave a bow, dipping low to the ground in practiced form, stretching his hoof to her. Cadence giggled at the display and received it.

“Oh my! How refreshing to know somepony can talk to a lady.” She gave a sidelong glance at Shining before his rolling eyes had her erupting into a torrent of giggles.

“Laugh it up, wifey,” Shining said, hiding a smile.

“Ah yes, Prince Shining Armor.” Aristo shifted his attention to the unicorn. “I do say, your reputation precedes you. Quite the storybook hero, from what I hear.”

“It’s just my job, your lordship.” Shining reached out a hoof and took Aristo’s. A jolt of emotion shot through the noble’s body as he fought to keep himself composed.

“But I’m sure guardponies aren’t really your speed, even if they are royalty,” Shining said. “Here, let me introduce you to our friend.”

As the posh pony turned his glance to the side his eyes locked with a pair of sea green orbs. All thought seemed to drain from Aristo’s mind, dribbling down like the ruby hairs that fell from the mare’s head. He had prepared for this moment, knowing full well a mare of status would have to be present at the gala. Yet, despite all his preparation, despite all the fortification he gave to his heart, he crumbled at the sight of those sea green eyes. His muscles screamed at him to lunge forward and take her in his forelegs, to run for the door, to hold her as tight as he could and never let go again. Aristo resisted and merely extended his hoof.

“Charmed,” he said, as Abby reached out.

Abby took the lord’s hoof. Her body was firm and held her graceful pose, but her eyes betrayed her. A rush of heat came from within at the sight of Aristo. She had met many well-to-do stallions at the gala before, and many more outside of it, but she had not prepared for such an encounter. The lord was tall, taller than her, and at this distance she could see a sort of strength hidden beneath the frills. Her gaze landed on his eyes. They glowed like amber. Even covered by makeup and painted to show elegance she could feel the intensity behind them. A ghostly image formed in her vision, but she blinked away the impossible visage. Her breathing became shallow. With a gulp she composed herself and spoke.

“Your lordship, my name is Countess Abundant Glow.”

“And what a grand radiance you must be, countess.” Aristo leaned down and brought his head to her hoof. He feared to kiss it, despite his heart demanding it, and pulled away.

“You are far too kind, my lord.” Abby’s lips betrayed her and formed a smile. “What brings you to Canterlot?”

“Business, of course,” he said. “Bits can scarcely earn themselves, and besides, if would be a shame to miss out on the largest party of the year. What of you, countess?”

“Oh, me? Well, I live in the city as the heiress to my family’s fortune. The House of Glow is descendant from Celestia, herself, and has overseen the city’s welfare. Poverty, education, and the like.”

“Ah, a philanthropist, how suiting,” Aristo chirped, stepping closer. “Perhaps you would be willing to accept donations? The shining jewel of Equestria could always use another polishing.”

“How wonderful, my lord,” Abby said through her growing smile. “That would be most generous. It feels like I have waited ages for somepony with your initiative.”

“And for somepony so caring, I would have waited ages more.”

The room became silent in Abby’s mind. Aristo’s comment seemed to bore into her chest like a knife, twisting and pulling at the nerves within. The alabaster coat, the firm face and eyes, then those words. Those simple, precious words that pulled at Abby’s very core still rang out in her mind, paralyzing her. From the side, Aristo saw Cadence waving over the crowd. She smiled, squinted, then giggled before tugging on her husbands foreleg. The two invaded the space shared by Aristo and Abby.

“Excuse me your lordship, but if I could steal Abby away there is somepony she has to meet.”

‘Oh, of course,” Aristo said, almost wistfully. “It is a party, after all.”

“Come on, Abby, it’s the mare I was telling you about. Rarity! Rarity, we’re coming!”

Abby scarcely noticed being dragged across the ballroom floor, away from the object of her turmoil, as they pushed through the attendees before disappearing entirely into the crowd. Shield Wall watched as the two held their gaze. Now, he could feel every muscle in his body tighten. He felt hot, possessive, and utterly insulted by his new acquaintance’s casual courting. Shield Wall stepped to Aristo’s side, who soon became flanked by Midnight Gavel.

“I say, Mr. Wall,” Aristo finally uttered. “The countess is quite a lovely creature. How did you ever get so lucky?”

“Oh, my lordship, you give me too much credit,” Shield said, forcing a chuckle. “The countess is a friend, nothing more.”

“Hmm, interesting.”

Shield’s humor left him at the comment. He peered over the crowd, following the trail Abby took to leave them. A tingle grew in his gut. Gavel sensed the change in his friend and spoke up before the sensation overtook him.

“My lordship, my name is Chief Magistrate Midnight Gavel. I oversee all dealings of the regional and royal court.”

“Ugh, how positively boring,” Aristo blurted out, waving his hoof as if to make the comment itself go away. “You are a stronger stallion than I to endure such bureaucratic torture.”

“Yes…” Midnight looked to Shield Wall with an incredulous look. Shield, however, returned with a reassuring nod.

“So, tell me, your lordship,” Gavel continued. “What occupies your precious time when not managing your business?”

“Oh, I am so glad you asked!” Aristo said in a chipper tone before straightening himself. “Well, when not overseeing the extraction and sale of my gem stores I find my true passion lies in the arts. Music, painting, and such. A shock, I know, but I have the soul of an artist! Major Dome, remind me again of tomorrow’s schedule?”

“At once,” Major Dome cleared his throat before producing a small, black book. “After the morning toast we are heading to the Canterlot Museum for their display of military antiquity, then to the Silver Frames Silent Auction after lunch. Then-”

“The Silver Frames Silent Auction?” Midnight said, his mouth agape. “She is the premier art dealer in Canterlot. Her collection costs thousands of bits!”

“Oh, I know, sir. I know!” Aristo let out a haughty laugh. “But, truth be told, I seek a new passion. Something adventurous, you understand?”

Shield Wall shot another glance at Midnight. He flagged down a waiter and took three glasses of champagne from the tray, divided among themselves. After a sip he moved closer to Aristo and began to speak, before another voice rang out over the crowd.

“Now presenting, from across the Celestial Sea, Madame Genevieve of the Griffonstone Trading Company, and her entourage.”

The eyes of the the room fell upon the gryphon and her companions. She walked across the floor, shielded by the four ponies in matching tuxedo collars and bow ties. Genevieve, herself, spared no time crossing the ballroom to the h'orderves buffet. Her amethyst gown rippled behind her with each step as her tail swished from side to side. True to her desires, her wings sported gold leaf along the limbs to accent her piercing yellow eyes, no longer covered by the fringe of feathers that now were styled along the side of her head. Aristo found himself almost gawking at the gryphon before a stiff huff from Shield Wall reminded him of his company. He looked away, but snuck another glance and found a thin line of red across her beak. He coughed, straightened himself, and turned his muzzle up.

“A horrid display, would you agree?”

“Excuse me, your lordship?” Shield Wall asked.

“It’s almost treacherous to have such fine ponies in the employ of a foreigner.” Aristo kept his eyes closed, not noticing the look of surprise Shield and Midnight shared. “Why, my businesses make it a point to hire Equestrian only since the yak invasion years ago, not to mention the veritable slew of embarrassments the kingdom has suffered.”

“Oh, I could not agree more,” Shield Wall said, candidly. “To think ponies would sacrifice their own dignity for the sake of foreign coin. It’s embarrassing.”

“Finally! A pony who understands. How are we supposed to follow Princess Twilight’s example of friendship and unity if we keep choosing others over those who deserve it most?”

“As I recall,” Midnight piped up. “Princess Twilight does collaborate with dragons regularly, one of whom even saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra.”

“Yes, yes, I suppose,” Aristo said, dismissively. “Further proof dragons can be domesticated.”

Shield Wall erupted into raucous laughter. In almost an instant, any hate he held for the young lord seemed evaporate, replaced only with relief. He was joined by Aristo, and their joined jubilance drew the attention of some ponies around them. Midnight, however, merely stood and watched the two, forced to endure the disturbing display as an uneasy tightness swelled within him.

“Domesticated?” Shield said, coming down from his chortling. “Oh, your lordship, you have quite the wit. I believe I have seen all I need to see, would you agree, Gavel?”

“Yes... quite.” Gavel replied hesitantly.

“Your lordship,” Shield Wall began. “Mr. Gavel and I are representatives of an organization dedicated to ensuring safety and security throughout Equestria. Given your unique perspective and… sizable reach, we would like to invite you to-”

We may need more time to deliberate, your lordship,” Gavel interrupted. “The nature of our work is delicate, you understand.”

Shield Wall shot Gavel any icy glare, one that almost made him recoil at the sight. Aristo, however, stood unphased by the display.

“Would you excuse us?” Shield said before pulling Gavel out of the crowd.

“Of course. Should you need me, I will be staying at the Clocktower Auberge in town. Top floor, behind the clock face.” Aristo gave a final, haughty giggle before the other two faded from sight. Aristo took a long sigh, nearly collapsing in place before Major Dome came to support him.

“Are you alright, my boy?”

“Alright? Alright?! Are you kidding me?” Silver, dropping the act, nearly shouted. “I just had about fifty panic attacks in the span of twenty minutes. I can’t believe you had me dye my tail.”

“You did splendidly. Not only piquing his interest, but apparently driving something of a rift between Shield Wall and Midnight Gavel. I dare say, without Gilda’s display, we may never have had the chance to make such an impression.”

“I feel terrible for doing that,” Silver muttered before snagging a champagne glass from a waiter. “I don’t like using Gilda as race bait. It just feels… dirty.”

“Yes, it does, but without it our plan would have failed. It is the cruel reality of espionage.”

Silver took a sip from the glass and peered over the crowd. Far away, in the corner of the ballroom stood Shield Wall and Gavel, arguing. It was impossible to tell from this distance what they were so heated about, but Silver spied another joining the fray. The ice blue coat of Serenade came into view. Now, the argument only intensified as the three ponies went from agitated to near-violent in a matter of seconds.

“I don’t like waiting,” Silver said, taking another sip. “There are eight trained killers in this crowd, Darrox, and I have no idea where they are.”

“A lesson in surveillance, my boy, look to see who is not enjoying themselves.”

“Do I count?” Silver said, sarcastically.

“Focus. What do you see?”

Silver strained to analyze the crowd through the hordes of ponies. If it wasn’t an eccentric wig like his own or an oversized gown blocking his vision, it was the sheer number of attendees. Despite his best efforts, the only viable targets he found were the wait staff and the bored-stiff guards, both of which he knew had no reason to be having fun.

“Unless we’re expecting murder by crackers and tar tare, I’m not finding anything.”

“Then perhaps another goal. If we can find the target then we may be able to stop the attack altogether.” Darrox’s trained eye watched Shield Wall as he floated a glass to himself. As Darrox’s disguised horn glowed, he cast a second spell, listening in on the conversation across the ballroom.

“... exceptions, understand? Aristo is perfect to keep the plan alive and funded.”

“Forgive me if I am not enthusiastic about another elitist joining our ranks. You are letting your excitement get to your head.”

“Me? What do you think I am, a fool?”

“You could certainly be played for one if this goes south. We have never even heard of this pony before.”

“No, we haven’t,” Shield huffed, “but we are running out of time. We only have so much of the shared accounts left, and when that runs out we are finished. Not to mention if Fancy Pants talks, now that he is emboldened.”

“You know he lacks the nerve.”

“Does he? For all we know he is out there now, spreading the word among every pony he can find. I only set this up because you wouldn’t let me ship his mare away.”

“Set what up?”

Shield Wall stayed silent, giving only a brief glance to his friend. After a moment Gavel’s face shifted from confusion to shock as he stared to Serenade and back to Shield Wall.

“You’re going to… remove him,” he said, choking a bit on the words. “That’s what Serenade’s agents are for.”

“Well, yes, but to be honest I had not known how best to execute it, until a brilliant plan popped into my mind last night. A way to remove a threat to the plan as well as implicate our enemy. And once the princesses are away…”

Darrox followed Shield Wall’s gaze over to the group of alicorns, joined by Shining Armor, as a duo of guards lead the royal tetrarchy out of the ballroom. The doors shut behind them, just as Shield Wall shifted his attention to Fancy Pants, deep in the middle of the crowd, and raised a hoof. Darrox’s heart fell into his gut.

“Silver,” Darrox spun to face his student. “The attack is beginning! That unicorn, with the monocle, is the target. You must hurry!”

Before Silver could respond a loud clanging sound came from the front doors to the ballroom, where two nobles barred the entrance and placed a large glyph on the front. Everypony turned to face the sound, save for six other party goers. They peeled away their disguises, both pony and gryphon, alike, transforming from posh nobility into leather-clad assassins in the blink of an eye, all bearing the symbol of the Kingdom of Griffonstone. Darrox and Silver shared a look, nodding to each other, before Silver drew a deep breath.

“Ah! Bandits! Ruffians!” Aristo shouted with an ear-piercing scream. “Save me, Major Dome! Do your duty and save me!”

Major Dome flipped the panicking aristocrat onto his back and charged for the side door. The elderly unicorn broke through, along with several other ponies, before the assailants could seal the room entirely. Once through, Darrox released Silver and placed him onto the hallway floor. The two split up, Darrox leading the escaped group to safety and Silver bounding up the stairs alone. Silver doffed his extravagant exterior before wrapping himself in dark cloth and rushing off. He pushed past servants and reached one of the ballroom’s balconies just in time to witness the crowd herded together by the mercenaries, with Fancy Pants forced to the ground by one of the assassins.

“Unhoof me, ruffian!” He cried in protest. “Your master wouldn’t dare lay a-”

The assassin landed a solid blow to Fancy’s face, knocking him to the floor with a small spatter of blood. Wearily, he looked up to see Shield Wall, in the back of the room, staring coldly at him.

“In the name of the Kingdom of Griffonstone, and those who reject the rule of the Two Sisters,” the assailant said, raising a hoof over Fancy’s head. “You will serve as an example!”

Shield turned away and snuck through the crowd. He kept his eyes trained for the unmistakable ruby mane of Abundant Glow as he came up behind her. She leapt at his touch, only to be quickly silenced by his hoof over her mouth.

“Countess, we have to get out of here, these mercenaries mean to kill us.”

“Kill us?” She gasped. “But where do we go? The doors have been barred.”

“I know another way. Come, we haven’t much time.”

He pulled on Abby’s forehoof and dragged her away from the scene. They made it only a short distance before Shield Wall’s attention was stolen by a single, hauntingly familiar sound. A crack of wind and a muffled scream echoed through the ballroom as all attendants hushed. Shield Wall craned his neck over the crowd and was met with a sight that chilled him to his core.

A dark figure sat atop the large chandelier. Its black tendrils reached down, wrapped around the head of Fancy Pants’ attacker. He writhed under the oppressive fabric as his movements lost strength and was soon released from its grasp. The ponies gasped and whispered among themselves as the shape floated down from its perch, resting over the beaten Fancy Pants.

“You may want to get out of here,” it said. Fancy wasted no time in coming to his hooves and hobbling away toward the ballroom’s large statue. The other seven closed in around the dark figure.

“This wasn’t part of the job,” a gryphon mercenary said.

“Who cares, he’ll be a bonus,” said another, a pegasus who flared his wings.

“I would listen to your friend,” the cloaked figure announced. “Tomorrow’s wounds won’t be worth the trouble.”

“Holy smokes… it’s the Ghost,” a unicorn announced with a tremor in his voice.

“Is he for real?” The pegasus shot glances to the rest of his allies, all just as confused as he was. He scoffed, took two steps forward, and swung a hoof at the pony.

He nimbly dodged the blow and slapped the pegasus’ head, pushing him to the side. At this, two others joined into the fray, both gryphons and brandishing their sharp talons against him. A flurry of swipes and blows came down upon the pony. Each one, though, glanced off his wispy form before he planted a strike upon one’s beak. The gryphon flew back and crashed upon the polished marble. The other four, as one, dove onto the masked marauder.

With a snap, the dark tendril of his cloak shot up onto the chandelier as he pulled himself into the air. Two of the four collided into each other, leaving the others to recover as the pony came down, spreading the black mass over them. An all out brawl began between the mercenaries and their aggressor. Talons were swiped, magic was thrown, but all fell short of the Ghost’s sheer skill with his unusual weapon.

“Somepony hit him, for goodness’ sake!” An earth pony bellowed before feeling the cloak squeeze around his forelegs.

The Ghost gave a mighty pull and spun around, lifting the mercenary from the floor and sending him hurtling against the table of h'orderves. As quick as the first, another flick of the cloak sent it reaching for the knocked over table. The mercenaries saw their chance and began to wail on the now exposed pony. He maintained his hold on the table, fighting off the assassins with only three legs as he deflected and struck back against them. With a break in the assault, he latched the other end of the cloak to the table and heaved, sending the hunk of ornate wood against the group. Three were struck and sent skidding across the floor with the table along with them. The two who collided with each other, a gryphon and a unicorn, now stood, flanking the lone hero.

“Hold him, I’m going for the target!” The lead pegasus beat his wings hard and bolted toward Fancy Pants, cowering behind the alicorn statue.

All the pegasus met, however, was the cold embrace of the marble floor as tightness formed around his hind leg. He looked back just in time to see the face of his attacker before being launched in the opposite direction of his target. The crowd recoiled at the crashing pegasus, a chorus of applause rising from their hooves.

The final two worked in tandem as they launched an assault against the masked pony. The unicorn opened with a mix of hoofstrikes and magic blasts, while the gryphon went all-in with a flurry of talons. The masked pony wrapped his forehooves in the cloak and danced between the two mercenaries as their strikes came down. One of the gryphon’s talons came through his defense and caught against his ribcage, failing to penetrate the dark cloak. The unicorn, however, found an opening and fired a burst of orange sparks. The masked pony gritted his teeth at the searing pain but stood firm. In a final display of strength, he launched himself forward. His forehooves wrapped around the unicorn, catching his neck and horn, while hind legs wrapped around the gryphon’s midsection, and brought them down onto the floor with a thud and a crack.

He rolled away and scanned the group of defeated degenerates. From the side, he heard a frantic breathing, punctuated by a whimper. The pegasus leader stood before him, and he was not alone.

“Y-You freak,” he spat, shouting over the shoulder of a distraught unicorn mare he held hostage. A unicorn the masked pony recognized as Rarity.

“Let her go,” the Ghost said firmly. “You aren’t killing anypony tonight, so let’s not start with her.”

“Back off!” He wrapped his foreleg around her throat tighter, tousling her violet locks and causing her to gag as he backed up towards the drinks table and side entrance. A loud bang came from the main doors as they buckled.

“The guards will be here any second. If you hurt her-”

“If you come close, I will hurt her!” The pegasus shot a gaze of daggers at his assailant. “Now, I’m getting out of here, and if you or that freaky cape-thing get close I’ll wring her pretty white neck.”

Rarity stared out with pleading eyes.

“Last chance,” the Ghost threatened.

“Buck off.”

In a flash the cloak’s dark tendril reached out past the pegasus. He flinched, just barely maintaining his grip on Rarity before recovering. His eyes followed the cloak back to the pony who cast it as he let out a laugh.

“You missed.”

The masked pony gave a firm tug, retracting the cloak and bringing an enraptured punch bowl with it. The pegasus didn’t even see the glass bowl before it collided against his skull. With a second cast Rarity was wrapped in the dark fabric and pulled to safety. The pegasus collapsed, face first, against the floor for the last time.

“Somepony should lay off the punch,” the vigilante said. “It goes straight to your head.”

Rarity paid no attention to his quip, however, instead snatching him in a crushing embrace. She chanted her ‘thank you’s again and again before looking up into his eyes.

“O-Oh my stars! The flying, and flips, and the… the punch bowl! Y-You… you, sir…”

“Am happy to have been of assistance,” he finished for her, leaving her a blushing, eye-fluttering mess.

Oooh, my hero.”

Rarity reached up and pressed her lips firmly against those of her savior. The Ghost stood in shock at the sensation, Rarity’s passionate kiss drawing forth a tingling sense of elation from within him. The crowd behind them cheered and hollard their praise as loud as they could. Not a second later, though, the main doors burst open, cracking the magical sigil on its front and allowing guards to spill into the ballroom. They, along with Shining Armor, took formation behind their vice general, who sauntered through the crowd.

“Miss,” the pony said, finally freeing his lips from Rarity’s. “There’s really no need for that.”

“Oh, of course there is,” she swooned, leaning in again. “The beautiful girl always gives her hero a kiss.”

Before their lips connected again, a golden bolt of magic flew just inches above their heads. The masked pony instinctively raised his cloak to shield himself and Rarity before meeting the sight of twelve guards, Shining Armor, and Shield Wall arranged in a firing line.

“Sir, be careful, you almost hit them,” Shining called out to Shield Wall. He ignored the prince, taking a step forward to meet the cloaked hero.

“To think I would live to see the day,” Shield Wall muttered just loud enough to be heard. “The Ghost, in all his glory. Tell me, you old bug, what new face have you taken this time.”

The Ghost held his defensive pose, eyes fixed on the vice general and watching for any sudden move. He leaned over to Rarity and whispered to her.

“You should go back to them, things are about to get ugly.”

Rarity tried to speak but could feel the Ghost’s other hoof pushing her along. Instead, she lunged for his mouth again, planting a firm kiss on his lips before leaning into his ear.

“Canterlot Carousel. Midnight. I can help you.”

She rushed back into the crowd of gala attendees. Once Rarity disappeared into the mass of ponies the Ghost returned his gaze to Shield Wall. The two stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity, the air charged with a tense energy from the two secret rivals.

“The fight’s over, Vice General,” the Ghost spoke up. “Let these ponies go and have your soldiers stand down.”

“Oh, the guests are free to leave whenever they wish, the door is still open. You, on the other hoof, are a fugitive and a masked assailant. I am legally obligated to apprehend you when I am given the chance, and…” Shield wall motioned to the line of guards, all training horns and spears on the Ghost. “That obligation is very strong, right now.”

From behind Shield Wall, along the fringes of the crowd, the Ghost spotted a bundle of red hair. Abby looked out past the line of guards to see the masked hero for herself and the two locked eyes for just a moment. The very sight of her soothed him, enough to come down from the adrenaline-rush of the fight and think. He shifted his sight to Shining.

“Captain,” the Ghost said to him. “Tell your boys to duck.”

Before Shining could ask for clarification, the Ghost whipped around and snapped the cloak upward. The lightning-quick stretch of the fabric slashed the cord holding up the chandelier at the same time Shield Wall fired the first shot of magic. The Ghost bounded underneath the crashing chandelier as it blocked the oncoming fire, before colliding with the floor and shattering into a cloud of dust and glass shards. Guards and guests dropped to the floor to avoid the incoming debris. Shield paid it no mind and attempted to give chase, but made it only a few steps before a second crash came from the window, watching the Ghost’s dark shape slip out into the night.

“Vice General!” Shining shouted after Shield Wall, rushing to his side. “Sir! Sir, are you alright?”

Shield’s eyes stayed fixed on the broken window before him. The other guards walked past him and fanned out, apprehending the beaten mercenaries that littered the ground and hauled them away. For the first time, in what felt like years, there was no pain in Shield Wall’s mind. No violent throbbing, no horrific imaginings, nothing. All the spite and anxiety drained from him, replaced by a sense of weightlessness. Shining Armor’s voice came again.

“Sir,” he said hesitantly. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” Shield replied after a moment, a smile forming on his lips. “I’m perfect.”

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