• Published 23rd Jul 2019
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The Ghost of Coltistrano - EthanClark

There are stories children are told of a figure in black, emerging from the darkness to strike at those who threaten the goodness of the world. This creature is the Ghost, but for young Silver Spade, it's his last hope for vengeance beyond the grave.

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Chapter 6: "Strike first."

-- 4 years later, after the Changeling Invasion of Canterlot --

The usual bustling sounds that drifted up from Canterlot’s streets were nowhere to be found on this day. In place of towering buildings and posh locales stood only damaged homes and scorched craters. Guards lined the streets, their golden armor glistening in the sun, as they helped direct the efforts of hundreds of ponies who worked together to clear the devastation. Canterlot had survived a terrible battle.

Canterlot’s royal palace was not immune to this misfortune, it’s pristine stain-glass windows cracked and walls scorched. Ponies in hardhats and construction apparel trotted in groups to and from the courtyard. They hauled supplies and tools from emergency depots throughout the city, a contingency in case such an event took place. Even a volunteer’s corp had been formed to assist in reconstruction. Bakers, accountants, guards, and even some nobility came together to do what little they could to bring Canterlot back to it’s once-shining glory.

For many, it was hard to believe such pain came out of happiness.

Queen Chrysalis, vile mistress of the changeling horde, had supplanted herself as Princess Mi Amore Cadenza on the night before her wedding to Captain Shining Armor and used her masterful trickery to launch a surprise attack on the city. It was a brutal plot, and though victory seemed within reach the good ponies of Canterlot overcame her. The city lamented, save for one pony.

In his office, high in a tower of the palace’s west wing, was the new Vice General Shield Wall. He was unadorned, standing precariously upon his forehooves alone. He breathed slowly through his nostrils, tensing his core to maintain balance. He had been like this for almost fifteen minutes and not even the startling sound of knocking broke his concentration.

“Shield Wall, open the door.”

The vice general descended and wiped the sweat from his brow. He turned to the silver platter by his desk, hosting a number of crystal bottles, and began spritzing each one on himself to freshen up. He floated a dark grey jacket to him, adorned with service ribbons and officer bars, and slipped around himself. The same power enveloped the door knob and twisted it, beckoning Midnight Gavel to enter.

“Finally,” he huffed. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

Midnight took in the sight of Shield Wall’s new office. Unlike the almost spartan charm of his previous one, this office was exquisitely designed, with bookshelves and paneling made of a rich dark wood. Several military artifacts and memorabilia hung on the walls, most of them Shield’s own possessions. The same large desk, however, sat in the center of the room where Shield Wall stood.

“No, Gavel, not at all. What have you to report?”

“The meeting is in order, they are all waiting for you in the conference room. I must say, though, I’m shocked to see so many in attendance this time.”

“This attack is exactly what we needed, old friend,” Shield took a sip from the bourbon on his desk. “They are all afraid, and that is what will bring them together.”

“Only we could see the good in such devastation,” Gavel chuckled, pulling a sheaf of parchment from his bag.

“Indeed, which has been the real problem, hasn’t it?” Shield smiled softly. “What do you have there?”

“Reports from Coltistrano, delivered by Plunder’s band of miscreants. Recruitment, trades, and miscellaneous dealings from east of the Foal Mountains.”

The packet floated from Midnight Gavel to Shield Wall, who flipped through it leisurely. Midnight was not ignorant to the shift in Shield Wall’s mood over the past few years. In the beginning there was a sense of weightlessness that came off of his friend, and for many months after his visits for tea and therapy became less and less. Now, to see Shield Wall smile was an almost regular occasion. Gavel’s eyes, though, shifted to Shield Wall’s desk, noticing a stack of newspapers and magazines, wrinkled with age.

“And what of Shining Armor? Is the lucky couple joining us?”

“No,” Gavel said quickly, snapping his vision back to his friend. “The two left on honeymoon this morning at the behest of Princess Celestia and her student, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Ah, a pity.” Shield placed the sheaf onto his desk and took another sip.

“Though perhaps it’s for the best. To bring Shining Armor into the fold is, while potentially profitable, very dangerous. Do not forget who he now shares his bed with.”

“Yes, yes, I know,” Shield Wall waved a dismissive hoof as he placed the glass down. His eyes wandered to the stack of clippings on his desk, where they remained. Gavel took a few steps forward and spotted the headlines. They were stories printed about The Ghost.

“A trip down memory lane, old friend?”

“Of a sort,” the clippings shifted around in Shield’s magic. “To think my greatest enemy couldn’t even make it to see the fruits of all our work.”

“You say that like you miss him.”

“In a sense,” Shield said, almost wistfully. “We should away. I would hate to keep the nobility any longer.”

“Indeed, and you are sure they will agree to your plan? It is bold, even for us.”

Shield said nothing as the two exited the office and made their way down the less-battered hallways of the west tower. Each flight of stairs was flanked, intermittently, by a window that looked over the city. The two unicorns saw the fires had finally been put out along the commerce district. Their hooves clacked against the marble stairs as they landed upon the ground floor. After a right turn, they passed a wall of silhouettes. Shield locked his eye upon one depicting an earth pony, one of the newest additions.

“May I confide something in you, Midnight?”

“Of course.” Gavel turned his gaze to Shield Wall.

“I’m bored.”

The admission didn’t hit Midnight at first, but soon he began to process his friends words. The last four years had been nothing if not eventful. Nightmare Moon’s return, the Lord of Chaos breaking free from imprisonment, and now a changeling invasion. Gavel struggled to speak, succeeding only in flapping his gums a bit before finding his words.

“How? Equestria has suffered a crisis almost annually? The amount of legal work, alone, is enough to keep anypony at least stimulated.”

“Yes, but it lacks excitement.”

“And what sort of ‘excitement’ are you looking for?”

Shield Wall didn’t respond as they approached the conference room. No guards stood outside to greet them, a condition of all meetings involving their private dealings. His golden aura illuminated the door as it swung open, allowing a wave of ambient chatter to greet Shield Wall’s ears. As the door closed Shield and Midnight’s horns glowed in unison, sending an almost transparent bubble of magic out across the room to silence their conversations to the outside. The table was long and surrounded by ponies. Some came dressed in posh clothing, adorned with glittering jewelry or smart accessories, while others were dressed quite similarly to Shield Wall and were obviously of military background. The chattering dimmed as Shield made his way around to the head of the table, with Gavel taking the unoccupied seat to his right.

“Ladies, gentlecolts, thank you for coming. I trust Mr. Gavel has made the purpose of our meeting today known to all.”

There was nodding and grunts of agreement around the table.

“Excellent, then we can cut to the chase. Equestria is no longer safe, and dare I say, has never been as safe as we ignorantly believed it to be. This recent attack, on our very doorstep, proves as such. Were it not for the convenience of Princess Cadence’s magic our capital would currently be serving as a hive for the changeling attackers. I tell you now, esteemed guests, we cannot rely on convenience to defend this nation.”

“Here, here!” A few ponies shouted from around the table.

“Therefore, we have called this meeting to ensure your support in devising a plan to not only bolster Equestria’s defenses, but to also prepare for future cataclysms. Many of you have supported myself and Mr. Gavel for years, and we humbly thank you, but now is the moment when we must make lasting change. Before we continue, I would like to ensure we are all still in agreeance.”

A number of ponies simply nodded their heads while others looked around, seeking an explanation. One of the ponies, a dapper unicorn wearing a monocle, stood.

“What, exactly, are we agreeing to? Forgive me, but this is my first time at such a function.”

“Of course, Mr. Pants,” Shield Wall’s horn came to life, projecting a golden map of Equestria before the crowd.

“What you see before you is a rendition of Equestria. For the sake of understanding, take a look around the border. What do you see?”

“Well,” Fancy Pants began. “There are the oceanic borders, the recently discovered Crystal Empire to the north, I see the Badlands and Yakyakistan on flanking ends.”

“Excellent. It is refreshing to find a pony knowledgeable in his world. Now, look deeper south.”

The twinkling image expanded, revealing an entire landmass south of the Badlands, stretching into a massive desert. At the bottom, the map showed a darker land clouded in thunderstorms.

“Perhaps you could tell us what that is?”

Fancy Pants looked perplexed, touching a hoof to his chin in concentration.

“As I thought,” Shield said. “Do not feel bad, Mr. Pants, very few of us have ventured south of the Forbidden Jungle, and even fewer have survived. I, however, have seen the lawless lands beyond our borders. To our north, just on the doorstep of our Crystal Pony brethren, is the home of savage yaks who, already, have attacked Equestria. The changelings have left evidence of their true nature scattered all across the city. And worst of all…”

The map on the table shifted to the east, showing the expanse of the Celestial Sea and the neighboring continent.


There was murmuring all around. The more stern of the guests spat at the mere mention of its name, while several others whispered amongst themselves.

“I don’t understand,” said Mr. Pants, cleaning his monocle. “The gryphons have been our allies for many years now. We even invite their dignitaries to Canterlot every year.”

“And we are fools to do so.” Shield Wall’s tone shifted to a firm one. “Officially, Griffonstone is a tenuous ally to Equestria and has been for more than three decades. But their actions speak a very different message. For years they have bolstered militia forces, aggressed on our oceanic borders, and attempted to assert their dominance in the annexed territory of the Griffish Isles. Even more shameless, said militia has already attacked soldiers of the crown. Sergeant Silver Spade.”

Shield Wall almost spat at the words, his skull throbbing. Midnight looked to his friend and took notice of the tension in his face. He whispered under his breath, reminding Shield Wall to relax. Shield steadied himself before continuing.

“The sergeant was attacked on the deck of the HMS Compassion four years ago, brutalized by two gryphon militia fighters. They cornered him, lacerated him, beat him within an inch of his life, then carried him out over the sea. After so long we can only presume the brave stallion has found some measure of peace in his brutal end. Yet, as expected, Mr. Pants,” Shield directed his attention to the bespectacled pony. “The crown sees fit to forego a proper investigation in the interest of inviting the brutes to tea parties with the princesses.”

“What rubbish,” an elderly magenta mare spoke up. “Surely Celestia and Luna would’ve seen to this tragedy.”

“It’s an outrage to suggest any less!” Another, a two-toned pegasus with a hefty mustache shouted.

“I’m afraid, my fellows, I can confirm the vice general’s claims.” Midnight Gavel stood, the energy of the room shifting to him. “As Chief Magistrate, I oversee all services of process both on the regional and royal levels. The murder of a military officer during peacetime falls into the royal category, and I have never once seen seen a request for international litigation against Griffonstone. Needless to say, the notion is unthinkable.”

“But Griffonstone has no consistent central government,” Fancy Pants piped up. “Even if we were to pursue legal action, we cannot hold the entire nation accountable for the actions of rogue forces. I say, Mr. Gavel, who is there to prosecute?”

“The Griffonstone dignitaries we accommodate are regional ministers acting in King Guto’s absence. It is their responsibility to curb these violent transgressions. However, as the vice general can attest, these ‘rogue forces’ are far too well equipped to not have royal support.”

“Well, we certainly can’t just come to their doorstep and demand some form of recompense, can we?” Fancy Pants teased, earning a few giggles from the table. “No, what we would need is some good, old fashioned diplomacy, a chance to hear both sides and t-”

“This is the case of a political assassination and a growing rogue state within an already reluctant ally to our great nation, and you want to talk?” Shield Wall glared at Fancy, his tone hardening with frustration.

“But, without the courts, what would you propose we do?”

“Strike first.”

The room fell deathly silent at Shield Wall’s declaration. All eyes turned to him, as if searching for explanation. Shield Wall stood firm and spoke again.

“If you will not hear it from me, then hear it from one who has suffered. Ladies and gentlecolts, I present the Countess Abundant Glow.”

With a flash of his horn the door opened. Escorted by Serenade, Abby strode across the floor, the train of her dark emerald dress following behind. She stopped at the head of the table, opposite Shield Wall. Her sea green eyes, staring out from behind the veil of her fascinator, scanned the room.

“Ladies, gentlecolts, I thank you for coming here to hear the vice general’s proposal. It’s a world I know nothing of, but he has been there for me in the darkest of times and I trust him.”

Shield Wall fought to hide the smile trying to break out around his face, an alien tingle forming in his gut.

“Four years ago, Silver Spade, the love of my life, was viciously taken from me during a voyage at sea. Gryphon soldiers descended upon his vessel and attacked his crew. My darling Silver fought them off, saving his crewmate before succumbing to his wounds. I’m told he fought bravely, but they… they…”

Tears dripped along the table, forming black streaks down her face. Serenade came to her with a tissue, but a strong foreleg from Abby held him back. She straightened herself and stared out over the crowd.

“I was denied peace for my love by the same system of power that defends his murderers. All I ask of you is to help us in bringing some semblance of order to this, and to ensure such injustice never happens to anypony again.”

The nobles shifted in their seats, uneasy. Nervous glances were shared between them and concerns were shared in hushed voices. Abby fought back the quiver building in her lip. It was not the rousing applause she had hoped for. As her expression sank even deeper a pony stood and walked to her. The mare, who Shield Wall identified as a fellow vice general, was the same blue pegasus who oversaw Silver’s debrief.

“I won’t speak for the rest of this weak blood,” Stratos began, bowing her head to the countess, “but Sergeant Spade was a good soldier, and I won’t let your love for him be poisoned by this table’s inaction.”

“Madam, can you be so bold?” Fancy Pants’ mouth hung open in shock. “Ignoring your rudeness, can you really support subverting due process and actually launch-”

“Shut it, Pants!” The harsh words zipped Fancy Pants’ mouth closed, as well as quelling all other dissension in the room. Shield and Midnight shared a glance, just as taken aback as the others.

“There are a million reasons you’d sit around and do nothing,” the vice general continued. “But we all know the real reason is because of your station. You’ve spent your whole life knee deep in prestige, while my boys in uniform spend their lives knee deep in mud. Those heathens killed one of our own and all he’s gotten is a funeral without a body. I’d dive in head first for any of them, can you say the same?”

The eyes of the room looked to Fancy Pants. He stood stammering, barely able to think of a proper retort before the vice general returned to her seat, chest puffed in victory. At this, Shield Wall stood and motioned to Serenade who took Abby by the hoof and escorted her out of the meeting room.

“Truly, a far more passionate defense than I could hope to display. Thank you, Vice General Stratos.”

The pegasus mare nodded firmly.

“Everypony, I feel there is nothing left to be said.” Shield nodded to Gavel, who rose from his chair. “Should any of you have questions or suggestions, as always, leave them with ‘our friend from the place where we met that one time for the thing.’ You all know the one. We shall reconvene next month to deliberate on strategy.”

“Wait. Hold on a minute, certainly we can…” Fancy Pants scanned the ponies around him, all gathering their things and rising to leave. After only a few seconds the room had cleared, leaving the three alone.

“You… you can’t do this.” Fancy turned to Shield and Midnight, stiffening his upper lip.

“Why not?” Shield began, his face stoic. “Everypony was in agreement, and you heard how the countess felt on the matter. Would you be the one to deny her late lover justice?”

“This is not justice, sir, this is treason!”

“Your point?” Shield’s expression was unchanged.

“Well… well I… I’ll tell. I’ll tell everypony, even the princesses! Surely, hearing of your madness will convince them to stop you.”

“Oh, no doubt. I can only imagine the look on Celestia’s face when she hears about all the terrible things I have planned.”

“Then… then why aren’t you scared?”

“Because you aren’t going to tell; because it is in your best interest not to.”

At this, Gavel pulled a scroll from his bag, adorned with Fancy Pants’ cutie mark. It unfurled and fell to the floor. With a smirk, Midnight began reading.

“These are notes taken from my agents inside the city. Don’t worry, you’ve never seen them, but they do tell me a fascinating story about your life, particularly about your marefriend. Miss Fleur de Lis.”

“What have you done to her?” Fancy demanded.

“Oh please, I’m not a savage. No, we simply uncovered some intriguing information about Miss de Lis’ parentage. It must be so terrible for them, their daughter running off and all that.”

“How dare you, sir!” Fancy’s face became red, a vein becoming pronounced along his neck. “Her family is horrible. They would’ve married her off to some pompous bureaucrat as a bargaining chip for their own goals! Though, now I see you two are not so different.”

Shield stomped forward, scaring Fancy from his hooves and onto his haunches. His golden eyes bore holes into the now trembling noble.

“Do not presume to know us. Our mission is one you seem unwilling to understand, so allow me to make things painfully simple. You will not speak, you will not cry for help, and you will not stand in our way! Fail any of these instructions, and I will personally pay the postage to ship your mare back home!”

Fancy sat on the floor, tears welling in his eyes and holding a gaunt expression.

“You’re a monster.”

“Do well to remember it.”

With that, Shield Wall and Midnight Gavel strolled away, leaving Fancy Pants speechless on the floor. The door to the conference room shut behind them. Shield stared out the windows lining the hallway and, with a breath, returned to his usual disinterested composure.

“Perhaps I’ll invite Abundant to dinner,” he said to Gavel. “There’s a lovely osteria that opened last week I’ve been dying to try. Care to join us?”

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