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10 - The Hunt Ends -E

The Lich started to change, slowly growing more and more grotesque as the area he was standing on began to rot, accompanied by a fair bit of faint black smoke. The air continued to fill with the putrid scent of death, growing fouler by the second, so much so I began to feel nauseous, and my eyes started to burn. Yet, I did my best to stand my ground and endure it, as we’d come this far and we couldn’t afford to stop now.

The Lich’s transformation finished as he let loose a terrifying wail that shook the very ground and even made my bones chatter as chills of death ran down my spine. Looking at him now, his transformation at a glance didn’t seem that impressive. I could see that his body was taller with the fingers of his hand, literally touching the floor. Additionally, his body was much thinner, practically anaemic, looking like someone had taken another’s skin and crudely stretched it over a skeleton with a completely different body type. However, what finally caused me to feel fear at the sight of this beast was his face. The rotted skin was now stretched to such an extent it began to tear, exposing rotted muscle, nerves and even bone all across his face. His mouth was open wide, showing numerous rotten fangs, to call them teeth would be highly inaccurate, while the edges of his mouth were ripped open giving his mouth a permanent and nightmarish grin. Most of all, however, his eyes seemed to glow brighter than before, like balls of dark green fire, the wailing of what he could assume we countless dead souls could be heard behind his eyes. Truly he was a nightmare beyond all others.

I took a step back in horror, any confidence or smart remark I had immediately dying where I was. ‘Suddenly, I don’t feel so confident about our chances.’

“You mortals dare to oppose me?” He screeched in anger as sickly green energy burst from his body, while countless tortured souls wailed even loud. “I am no simple lich you parasites. I...am... A GOD!” His final word was punctuated by a bolt of green lightning cracking above as his power erupted upwards, nearly reaching the sky.

“God huh, well, let’s put that to the test shall,” said Shining getting closer before unleashing a powerful burst of magic. However, to his surprise, the Lich casually blocked the shot with ease, crushing his hand around where the beam had hit as if it were little more than a firefly caught in his hand.

He cackled. “Do you truly believe your pitiful spells can threaten me? I will show you what a true lord of the arcane is capable of and scatter what is left of your bones to the four winds of this world. ”

Fast as lightning, he appeared right in front of me, before slamming into me with his massive fist. I’d barely gotten my shield up, for what good it did me, as his strike broke through it with ease, sending me sliding across the ground as though it were ice.

The Lich was quick to follow up, immediately chasing after me and ready to punch, his fist now coated in dark green magic energy. Thankfully as his fist descended, I used a simple Light Flash to blind him enough to get away.

He screamed in anger, forming a ball of dark magic energy in his hand. “Before this battle is done, not even dust will remain from your corpse.” With another roar, he hurled the orb in my direction as I tried to defend myself.

I conjured a shield in front of me to try and block the fast-moving orb. Yet upon contact, the shield seemed to literally break apart, as if the magic itself was rapidly ageing before crumbling away. I was barely able to avoid the orb and watched as the ground nearby turns into sand before fading away completely, leaving only a large crater in its place.

“What’s the matter, boy, where did all that bravado from earlier go.” The Lich smiled viciously as his eyes continued to glow green. “Have you finally accepted the realisation that none can hope to match my power, much less you?”

The sheer amount of arrogance dripping from the Lich’s mouth actually made me want to gag, but instead, I could only chuckle instead. This only served to provoke the dead’s ire.

“And just what pray tell do you find so amusing wretch. Have you lost your mind completely out of fear.”

“No, I was just laughing at how utterly pitiful you are. True, for an undead you’re lethal, but compared to Luna or Celestia, you're a little more than a corpse performing second-hand stage magic. Little more than simple tricks and nothing more.”

The Lich grit his teeth, actually causing some of the rotten bones to crack under the pressure. Yet, instead of roaring again, he merely smirked again.”Tricks, you say. Well then, here’s a trick I’m quite certain you’re already familiar with.”

His eyes glowed dark green, as a massive magic circle appeared next to use, pulsing with dark magic. A familiar roar was heard before a massive shadow rose from the green light. With a thunderous crash, I found myself once again staring into the eyes of the same Undead Dragon I had nearly died trying to topple. And judging by the venom in its eyes, it wasn’t happy to see me.


‘Looks like the dragon is weaker this time. It seems like every time he brings something back to life, their overall power weakens,’ I thought.

“You really think that killing them makes it so I can’t bring them back?” The Lich said, laughing as the dragon roared louder than before, “Only holy magic can truly stop the rise of the undead, and that magic has been long forgotten. You can kill my pets as many times as you like until the sun itself disappears if you want, but no matter what you do, they will never truly die!”

With a wave of his hand, the dragon charged at me once again, though with less speed than it had originally. As before it attempted to slash at me with its claws, but the swipe was so slow that I was able to dodge it with ease. Immediately I followed with a fireball to the beast’s maw, the flames causing it to screech in pain before Swift appeared atop its neck, decapitating it in one stroke, leaving its body to fall to the ground, dead once more.

“Are you really that desperate Lich,” said Swift with a smirk on his face looking at the Lich, “Throwing your disposable pawns at us? But please, by all means, bring the dragon back to life again, I can always use a good entree before the main course.”

From nearby, Shining had finally gotten back up and approached the Lich with his spear and a magic shield, possibly to engage a sneak attack. However, but the Lich merely summoned more basic undead soldiers to surround him, his confidence never wavering.

“You’re right about one thing my little experiment, they are pawns. And that’s what makes them so useful. Pawns are a means to an end, there to absorb damage and weaken my enemy.” His eyes continued to glow darker green as the Shining did his best to slay the undead, only for more to rise in their place. “They don’t need to defeat you; they just need to leave you open so I may cast the final blow.”

“Not if I take you out before that happens.” Swift immediately charged the Lich, his sword crashing down, only to be met with a ghastly sword made of bone that appeared in the Lich’s hands.

I grit my teeth, watching Shining do his best to hold them back. "Are you alright?" I asked Shining while seeing the Lich and Swift clashing, 'Impressive even with the level difference he can keep his ground against the Lich,'

"I'm fine, but I don't think I will be able to hold the shield around us for much longer," Shining said panting, he was bleeding and was obvious how tired he was, yet he still managed to fight against the continuing undead soldiers.

"Shining one question, when you got your cutie mark did you got a new spell or power, if so how did it happen?" I asked Shining, trying to get a new insight on a possible solution to ending the Lich.

Shining looked at me in a way that made it pretty clear he felt now wasn’t the time for such a question, but ultimately obliged. "Pretty much, I just focused my mana into my cutie mark and boom I had a new skill I never had before. Though I don’t see what the big deal is since it’s a pretty basic skill?"

"The big deal is that my talent is in holy magic. Unfortunately, I don’t know any spells so I thought perhaps my cutie mark might help us here," I answered looking at my cutie mark in contemplation, "Think you can help Swift out while I figure this out?”

With another blast and slash of his magic, Shining managed to destroy the undead again, and they seemed to finally stop of the moment. “I can try, but you better hurry, we won’t hold out much longer at this rate.”

I nodded, it was clear from his struggled breathing and the blood from his wounds he likely wouldn’t last another few minutes. So I had to make this count.

'Focus mana in my cutie mark, seems easy enough,' I thought while concentrating magic into my cutie mark, How much mana does it need though, I don't feel more powerful and I'm pretty sure I haven't acquired a new skill, The Gamer would be told me so already'

A loud explosion immediately broke me from my trance and to my horror, the source was Shining, currently on the ground barely conscious. Adding to that, Swift was still standing, barely, just a few hundred feet away from the Lich and even though he looked to be on his last legs.

"You should’ve taken my offer you self-righteous fool. Now, you’ve not only condemned yourself to death but your allies as well. Enjoy that thought tormenting your last moments as I send you to oblivion," The Lich said, stepping on Shining with his heels piercing his skin.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Shining screamed in pain as the Lich cackled away, revelling in every second of Shining's suffering.

'I can’t allow this to go on. If I don’t act now, Shining is finished?' I thought in anger charging towards the Lich, 'I will not allow this! I refuse to die and bring others with me,'

"Not content to simply wait to die like a good dog. Well, I suppose I’ll just need to hasten this one's path to the abyss.," The Lich said pressing his heel with more strength into Shining's chest while the captain of the guard tried with what little strength he had to hold the Lich back.

'The darker the night, the brighter the star, you are ready to shine' A voice said inside my head said and something came up inside my mind, knowledge that wasn't there before power that I didn't have before,

"Come forth holy power, bestow upon me the blessing of thy light, I offer my body and soul to the being of light, let me become its new vessel, SMITE!"

From the skies, a blinding light came down on the Lich like a hammer, which despite its beauty and warmth, sent, the Lich screaming in pain as the flesh on his body burned and melted.

The flash of light lasted less than a minute, but the damage was beyond substantial. The Lich was now on his knees, the once potent glare of magic he’d been emitting was all but gone as smoke continued to rise from his heavily burned body. And the extent wasn’t just cosmetic, as a simple glance at this HP bar showed not only had his transformation been reversed but his health was below five percent. Now was the time to strike.

"Holy... Magic.... impossible," The Lich said barely managing to keep his balance, his bones cracking as he attempted to move, “This can’t end here, I won’t die to love life scum like you!"

The Lich started to run or to say better limp away in fear of another Smite; at this point, a simple sword strike would finish him off. Sadly, the truth was I couldn't move, that last attack not only consumed all of my mana but also any energy I had left in my body. Right now, it was taking all my willpower to stand up without collapsing in pain, with my body shaking with rapid spasms of pain while I struggled to breathe.

Shining wasn’t doing much better, still flat on the ground, blood leaking from his various injuries, yet unlike me, he had a smile on his face. And I only needed to widen my gaze a little to realise why. Swift was standing just a few feet away from me, his eyes still trained on the Lich, yet it felt as though he was looking at me as well.

“You too take a breath and relax. After that, you’ve both done more than your fair share, and I owe you for that. But now, let this old man finish this.”,”

Due to my spell, my vision was greatly impaired so I could barely make out what was happening, what little I could see was the Lich's life started to deplete without stopping as the undead begged for forgiveness. Swift was not interested in listening.

With a single strike the Lich’s screams died out, and in mere moments the countless undead still alive also perished, their master now finally gone.

With the threat finally over, I allowed myself to collapse to the ground, while Shining dropped the barrier before finally passing out, utterly drained but with a look of satisfaction on his face. Swift meanwhile was still standing, a simple smile on his face as he looked to the sky, with a sense of relief etched across his face.

“After all this time, I’m finally free. Kind of wish it hadn’t taken this long, but then again never would’ve gotten to meet you two. So thanks, for letting this old solider have one last moment of glory before the end.” Slowly his body started to crumble to dust with the Lich’s magic to sustain him, yet he looked at peace, happy it was over. “Hope to see you two on the other side someday, but make sure it’s not for a long time boys.”

With those final words, his body finally fell apart, as the old soldier was finally laid to rest for good. u,”



Shining Armor has LEVEL UP

At that point, I was able to stand if only just barely, and I slowly started to approach the Lich’s body to loot him.

X50 Common Essence It gives the user 1 point on VIT, DEX OR STR per essence used.
X40 Uncommon Essence It gives the user 2 points on VIT, DEX, STR OR INT per essence used, this item can be shared.
X45 Health Potions (Heals a 25% of the missing hp, to a limit of 5000 HP)
X50 Mana Potions ( Recovers a 25% of the missing mp, to a limit of 10000 MP)
X3 SOUL ESSENCE Each Soul Essence contains 1000 souls that have been assimilated. +25 for each stat if consumed or you can collect X3 SOUL ESSENCE to resurrect someone, though this only works if the user convinces the God of Death to take the offering in return of one life, which is trickier than it sounds. The God of Death doesn’t like giving second chances.

You have acquired X3 SOUL ESSENCE, do you want to start the ritual to talk with the god of death or do you want to consume the essences?


'Ritual,' I clicked on the option, but not before giving some health potions to Shining, the world around me suddenly started to change.

The place where I found myself was not as I expected; everything was white to the point where I could not see the beginning or end of the area...if there even was one. With little choice, I began to walk aimlessly for a few moments, until I heard a few steps behind me when I turned around to see who or what was following, I was surprised to find a child who appeared to be no more than nine years old, looking quite perplexed at my appearance.

"Mmmm who are you," The kid asked, running around me, "and what are you doing here?"

"Looking for the God of Death," I said, looking at the kid seeing little harm in answering.

"Oh, well, congrats, you found me.”

I had to pause just to avoid dropping my jaw at the idea of the God of Death, having the appearance of a 9-year-old child. Then again, with everything else I’d seen up to this point questioning such a minor detail seemed rather moot.

The god themself simply continued to stare at me, as if waiting for something to happen. “So I take it there’s a reason you’re here. Does it have anything to do with the old soldier from before?”

"Yes, I’d like for you to resurrect, after all, he endured, he deserves a chance to be happy," I said, confident in my statement.

The God’s expression changed from one of innocence to mischief as he circled me, hands folded behind his back, posture now more fitting of an adult than a child. “I see, but how can you say he wasn’t happy. True his death and life as undead were unpleasant, but he was able to conquer his enemy, make allies and find peace in a final glorious battle. For many warriors that would be considered a happy ending.”

“Even so, it isn’t fair….”

“Fair? You think death is fair?”

By now the child was no longer smiling, his entire persona had become colder as he was now sitting in place, nothing but the air holding him up. “Death is many things my dear pony, it can be terrifying, ominous, as well as peaceful and comforting, but one thing it has never been is fair.”

In moments the white room was suddenly filled with countless screens, showing countless beings of all different races and species at the moment of their deaths. Some were gruesome, some were calm, and some were mundane, the only thing they had in common was there was death in all of them.

“Do you know how many beings have stood before me, saying that their life-ending as it did was unjust, not fair? How many have demanded I resurrect them or someone else? Death is the only absolute in all of creation, a fundamental law of existence. Have you already forgotten the Lich you faced, he tried to do the very same thing you are attempting now, perverting the natural order and you saw what became of him. Thus I ask you this, do you think it’s right for me to bend that rule for you simply on the grounds that it isn’t fair?”

I stared at the being for a moment, contemplating what to say, but it was hard, no, impossible to truly fault its logic. This being was a god after all, so who would know better right? Even so…

“You’re right; I have no right to demand such a thing of you. Which is why I’m not demanding anything, I’m asking, no begging you, please to at least consider this. I’m not seeking to change the natural order or become a power-mad tyrant like the Lich; I simply wish to help my friend out. If there is any way I could do this, I will.”

The God of Death stared at me, intrigued, “Your conviction to this cause is strong, and I don’t sense any falsehood in your words. Perhaps, we can make a deal of sorts.”

With a grin, the God waved his hand, and the three Soul Essence I had collected appeared, floating next to us like small candle flames.

“Death is not something that can be easily reversed, but if you exchanged something of equal value, then I would be willing to look the other way. Think of it as maintaining a balance on a scale, one life for another life. If you are willing to part with these Soul essences, I would allow you to resurrect your soldier friend.”

Naturally, at the prospect of such an offer, my heart jumped out of its chest, I prepared to agree only for the God to halt my mirth with his hand. “Don’t be so excited, my friend; I haven’t finished.”

The Soul Essence floated over and entered the God’s hand; it’s body absorbing each with a look of peace appearing on his face as he did so. “While I may be willing to bend the rules, don’t think for a second that it is a charity you can simply exploit. If I allowed you to simply revive someone every time you gave me a Soul Essence, the very balance of Life and Death would be disrupted beyond measure. Thus my terms are this. You can have your soldier back, but this will be a single one and done deal. If he should fall again, there will be no return. Are we in accord?”

I saw little cause to argue, though the mention of a lack of any future revivals was an unsettling prospect, the agreement seemed more than fair. Thus I bowed my head before the God, happy with the outcome. “Thank you for this; I won’t forget this or your warning.”

The God offered one final grin, one more mischievous than sinister. “Make sure that you do, lest you suffer the same fate as the others foolish enough to meddle with forces beyond their understanding.”

With that, it snapped its fingers and the white room grew brighter until I could see no more, leaving the god there alone, his grin growing more sinister

“I hope this decision was worth it my friend. As I said, there is always a price to be paid, now it’s a simple matter of how much you are willing to give.”

X158 Common Essence It gives the user 1 point on VIT, DEX OR STR per essence used.

X40 Uncommon Essence It gives the user 2 points on VIT, DEX, STR OR INT per essence used, this item can be shared.

X40 Health Potions (Heals a 25% of the missing hp, to a limit of 5000 HP)

X50 Mana Potions ( Recovers a 25% of the missing mp, to a limit of 10000 MP)

X1 SOUL ESSENCE Each Soul Essence contains 1000 souls that have been assimilated.
+25 for each stat if consumed or you can collect X3 SOUL ESSENCE to resurrect someone, though this only works if the user convinces the God of Death to take the offering in return of one life, which is trickier than it sounds. The God of Death doesn’t like giving second chances.

new Holy Smite: The user draws down holy power to smite the enemies. Only evil and neutral creatures are harmed by the spell; good creatures are unaffected, evil creatures in your party would be affected, the spell needs an incantation.

new Great Fireball: Shoots a fire attack that damages all creatures except those immune to fire, within a large area. The damage is several times greater than the damage of a fireball.

new Fire Punch: The force of your strength and your fireball put together, while the range it's short. The damage is several times greater than the damage of a fireball but lower than a Great Fireball.

Author's Note: