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15 - Galatea

After Celestia, Luna and Sombra decided it was time for an adventuring party, we set off to the first place on the list, the maze of Galatea, for what I could gather it was a place where power and intelligence were essential for survival, with no more information of the place, Sombra teleported us to the maze.

The first thing I noticed when we arrived at the place is that the maze created four different entries, one per person in my group.

"Alright, let's go!," Celestia was eager to start, and was the first one to enter the maze, followed by Sombra and Luna, as they entered the labyrinth the paths they chose disappeared leaving in the end, one single path for me.

"The start of every horror movie I've ever seen, great..." I muttered as I reluctantly entered the maze.

The place was weird as I expected it; the walls moved and changed continuously, giving the illusion that the labyrinth was alive, besides that the walls had several writings that didn't form complete or understandable sentences, after walking for a bit a message appeared floating in my head.

The Maze of Galatea, as the name suggests, was created by the Goddess of Knowledge Galatea. At first, it was known as the Garden of knowledge. But after the great rift started, its name changed to the Fortress of Galatea; after a while and with Galatea supposedly dead, the maze was renamed once again.

It is said that the maze was probably created to hide her powerful tomes and relics, and with that rumor, many gods and mortals have ventured to try to find them, failing each and every one of them. The key to entering this maze is an encantation that changes every hour, and the adventurers must solve puzzles on time to get the new encantation.

'I don't remember Sombra or anyone doing an incantation' I thought, all we did was to teleport to the entrance and that was it, perhaps the information wasn't right.

Ignoring the information for the moment being I started to thoroughly explore the labyrinth, and eventually after a thousand turns in the maze, practically walking aimlessly I found a room that got my attention, I'm not quite sure why but I was drawn to it, like a moth to the fire. Without noticing or questioning it, I found myself in front of the room, the door was cracked and falling apart, so taking the opportunity to check what would expect me inside I took a peek through the hole.

As soon as I took a peek an alarmed caw and a flutter of wings inform me of the presence of a bird's nest somewhere in this creepy place, so with nothing to lose I decided to push the broken door wide open; it's not like a bird was going to stop me, yet I regret being so hasty opening the door, for I was immediately greeted by the all-powerful dust entering my lungs setting me off into a cough fit like a mad man, so adjusting my teary eyes and angry lungs for this dusty adventure I was ready to go once more, it took me a couple of seconds, but I managed to regain myself, with the cough gone and my eyes clear of tears I see that there are many shelves with items from books to rare artifacts on the room.

The room of Galatea

'The room of Galatea, I suppose this is where the designated asshole aka God comes out to punish me for my hubris ' I thought with a dark chuckle, praying I didn't invoke the murphy law.

Taking a good look around, I notice that the room is filled with the so-called treasure of Galatea, that many before me came to claim, and yet I found in less than a day, "Huh, my first time and I found her treasures, maybe I should work with Daring Do,"

Another flutter of wings this time behind me, and probably from the same bird gets my attention; I slowly turn my head to find a crow in standing in front me looking at me as it was inspecting me, "Well, It seems I invaded your house buddy,"

"CAW!!" The crow caws at me, trying to look threatening.

"Arent you adorable," I chuckled, ignoring the little fellow.

"CAW!" The crows narrow his eyes for a second before flying off.

An involuntary shiver runs down my spine, I feel like someone it's watching me, and not someone ordinary. The room has been abandoned for at least hundreds of years, the dust and other stuff points to that, so if it isn't Galatea who?.

As far as I know, thanks to my gamer power, no one but me has been able to find her relics, but my ability has been on the wrong many times.

Peering around nervously and pulling out the sword I brought with me in case something were to happen I decided to go and check the attic in the room before leaving, with that in mind I climbed up into the attic, make sure, not to many any sounds, once in the attic, I catch glimpses of old weapons the majority where beyond repair, cracked spears and daggers, it seemed Galatea had an armory above her room, and surprisingly was hundreds of times bigger than her room, I could probably fit haft of the castle here, on the floor there are some footprints, recent ones, someone was here.

A faint glow from the back of the room gets my attention, and surprisingly is in the direction the footprints are leading.

Heart thumping and sword ready I carefully make my way to the back of the room following the glow and the footprints, it doesn't take me long before I standing before a sword with I have never seen before.


The Sword of Galatea, is a legendary broadsword with a very wide blade. The grip has a dark swirly appearance to it, giving a mysterious air to it. The crossguard has a hollow center and a sharp diamond shape with pointed edges that matches its pommel. The rain guard is adorned with jewels, that emanate with regality.

The blade has a tremendous cutting power, but this cutting power is only a reflection of the desire to cut or fight from the user if the user doesn't want to cut or doesn't have enough resolve to fight the blade will fail and possibly shatter - if broken the blade will fix itself, but it could take a long time.

The faint glow seemed to come from the weapon itself but is muffled by the cloth and dust covering the majestic sword, I also noticed that the footprints led straight to the sword, where was the other person? was the first thought that came to my mind as I slowly survey my surroundings trying to find someone else, yet I was alone in the attic.

Putting aside that thought for the moment and almost as if in a trance, I reached out and grabbed the sword, involuntarily shaking all the dust it had and going off another coughing fit.

"God, *COUGH* damn it, *COUGH*," It seems that even in the body of a demi-god, I'm weak to the all-powerful and mighty dust.

As I recovered, with tears in my eyes from having coughed so much, I marveled at the sword in my hands, so similar to the representation of Excalibur in the Seven Deadly Sins, so similar yet so different, I knew I wasn't worthy of any Excalibur but having one that looked so alike in my hands felt good.

I catch myself admiring the sword like a kid that got a new toy. Feeling slightly embarrassed, I ponder what to do. Looking closer at the information about the sword, they go from zero to an unknown number, leaving me with more questions, in the description it said the sword would reflect my resolve in battle, perhaps the stats fluctuate depending on how determined I was to win.

"I'm gonna call you, Excalibur," I might not be worthy of being a King, but I wasn't gonna miss the opportunity to name one good looking sword the name it deserves, besides it not like any other man would call this beauty another thing.

The Sword of Galatea has been renamed to Excalibur

As I continued to admire the sword, I notice something is being reflected on the blade, Looking closer, I notice something glowing purple, turning around I see is a ball like the ones fortune-tellers use in my world but this one is roughly the size of my fist.

My eyes are drawn to its purple glow, slowly getting closer I see the face of a woman, a dead one, gasping in genuine shock, I stumbled back a few steps. The image the ball was showing changed, this time showing my reflection, but with a slight change, the room behind me disappeared completely in the reflection; instead, it showed me purgatory and its hellish landscape of fire and smoke. Panicking, I whipped my head around, relieved to find that I wasn't back there yet, and it was just an illusion, I was still in the old dusty attic. Perhaps the ball could show my greatest fears?.

Whatever it was it was worth studying it, so I did what any good thief would've done, and took the ball with me, "Inventory,"



"Fuck yes,"

<Galatea entries>

YEAR 1 - After Father suddenly disappeared the great war started, some call this event the great rift, my brothers and sisters have been fighting nonstop to win the position father had, and rule it all with our maker gone and this bloody war on full all I can do is watch, it was the last order, the last command Father gave me, perhaps father foresaw this, I really hope father returns and set things back to normal.

At least I have some of Father's essence to remember him by.


YEAR 1985: The war keeps going, and now they created other races to fight for them.

I initially thought the father had a reason to leave and leave me watching does he wants me to see innocent creatures suffer for all eternity and learn from that, what kind of knowledge would I gain from such cold and heartless thing, I wish father had been more specific with my orders he never specifically said, Galatea, just watch them... Maybe it's okay if I try to stop all this? It would probably be for the best; It's decided I will try to talk to my brothers and sisters out of this madness.


YEAR 3521: They all refused, and some even tried to kill me no matter how many times I tried, or how long they all refused to help me or stop, what is going on why are they acting like that they never were like this, was the fear of father keeping them in line? It doesn't matter now, but at least one thing is sure now, I'm now confident that father meant for me to stop all this whatever it took. I hope father forgives me for taking so long to understand his message.


YEAR 15121: I was never one to fight like Father used to say it wasn't my cup of tea, and no matter how hard I try I don't make a difference, the world will end if this continues, maybe I could put the scales on my favor if I forge a weapon with the last reminder I have of Father.


YEAR 21456: Using Father's essence to create the sword proved to be a game-changer, I'm finally able to push my brothers and sisters back, but for how long, some even decided to form alliances to end me, I need to create a fortress to protect the sword should I ever fail in my task, perhaps I could use my old Garden,


YEAR 45657: The war changed, my brothers and sisters are demanding for me to give up the sword, at least now they all want to kill me, and I can certainly avoid killing innocents, but I can't sleep nor lower my guard, they want me dead more than ever, in their eyes, I kept everything father left for myself, I'm glad father never gave them a part of him.


YEAR 45666: I created a forest full of magic and life a realm for mortals and mortals only, it took me some time, but a place free of Gods is finally here, not even I can enter it, It was hard to make I had to sacrifice my realm to do it, but it was worth it, I had to do it in the case if I were to fail in my task, the poor creatures of this planet would have a safe haven waiting for them.

I will call this place of freedom and eternity the Everfree Forest.


YEAR 45866: I don't know what to do, I'VE BEEN FIGHTING FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED, what is it that you want from me Father, I can't keep this up, I just want to rest.


YEAR 46240: Things have gotten much worse. Father abandoned us, and here I am trying to fix something beyond repair. I'm trying to save the creatures Father created and the ones they created, so far nothing but failure.


YEAR 47021: I have an ally, Hera, she wants to help me, I once considered her a sister, but I feel she just wants to betray me and take the sword, I will study her before jumping to conclusions, I'm tired of being alone and attacked all the time, if I had someone with me, things might be different.


YEAR 47060: I was right about Hera, she only wanted to use me, I had to kill her, I had no other choice, what would father think, not like I care anymore it obvious we were nothing but a science project for him. After I killed Hera, they started being more cautious with their attacks.

Perhaps I should kill all the Gods; this world is better without us; we are a disease.


YEAR 47061: Last entry, If someone is reading this I want you to know that I'm sorry, I failed to leave this world clean for your generation to nurture it, don't give up and fight for your freedom the gods are not as mighty as they want you to believe, I know you are a good person. Otherwise, the sword and the diary would've never shown themselves to you, be brave, and never give up.

I feel bad with myself here I am, on my death bed happy I can finally rest, and at the same time I'm sad, I didn't make a difference, what a pathetic excuse for a goddess, don't you think?

Keep my diary; it has all the information I ever gathered at least the important one, signing off Galatea.


The diary of Galatea has changed to the library of Galatea!

Author's Note:

Is under editing, but here it is! is just the first part, I cut this chapter in two, next one will be here in a week, I finally have backup chapters again, so maybe one chapter a week or one every fifteen days.