• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 2,158 Views, 102 Comments

Fizzlepop's Future - milesprower06

As Princess Twilight Sparkle relocates to Canterlot, her faithful Captain of the Guard Fizzlepop Berrytwist wonders if she's prepared for the newest changes and challenges in her life.

  • ...


Tempest leaned against a pillar on the outer edge of Canterlot Castle's courtyard, as she sipped a cup of the Apple Family's famous cider. It was quite tasty, and due to the events of the past three days, the barrels weren't even starting to run dry as Canterlot's first Friendship Festival was beginning to wind down for the night.

"Not much of a party goer?" Princess Twilight asked, who was sitting against the other side of the pillar, munching on a chocolate and peanut butter covered marshmallow rice bar.

The dark orchid unicorn smiled weakly at her.

"I just don't think it'd be a good idea to mingle." Tempest replied, with the Princess of Friendship nodding in understanding. In the hour since her fireworks display over Songbird's performance, she had gotten quite a few glances of worry or anger. Not to mention that Canterlot E.U.P. had been keeping a distant but constant watch on her. She was content to sit here, enjoy the company of Twilight and her friends, listen to the other non-headlining musicians, sip at her cider, and await the inevitable.

As if her thoughts were on cue, the two ponies heard the sound of approaching armored hoofsteps. They looked to the left, and saw a squad of four E.U.P. royal guards come up to them.

"Tempest Shadow, please come with us." The lieutenant stated.

"What is the meaning of this, Lieutenant?" Princess Twilight asked as Tempest set her cup of cider down and got to her hooves, uncertainty having overcome her expression.

"She has been summoned to the throne room by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Your Highness." The lieutenant immediately replied.

"I'll accompany her." Twilight said, likewise getting to her hooves as two of the guards came to Tempest's left and right.

"That's not necessary, Princess. We've got this under con—"

"I'm not questioning your control of the situation, Lieutenant. I'm merely exercising my royal prerogative; I go where she goes. Now, shall we?" Twilight asked expectantly.

"Very well." Was his only response before performing an about face, and began escorting the two mares back towards the castle, surrounded on all sides. Tempest kept in step with the guards on her left and right, looking up at the clear night sky above Canterlot, wondering if this was the last time she would see the stars.

The inevitable had arrived.

"Captain Celaeno, on behalf of a grateful city and nation, we would like to offer our personal thanks for you and your crew's valiant defense of Canterlot in her hour of need. I invite you to stay as long as you like." Princess Celestia told the five parrots who had been gathered in the throne room in the closing hours of the Friendship Festival.

"Thank you, Your Majesties. I think we would like to kick back for a day or two after everything that's happened. But, sooner or later, my crew and I are going to have to figure out what our next move is going to be." Celaeno replied, her crew showing varying expressions of excitement upon the realization that some R&R was in their immediate future.

"I would actually like to offer you an option, Captain. I understand that you lost your vessel when you voluntarily sheltered Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I also understand that the Storm King's raiding fleets were somewhat extensive, and not all of them were here. I would gladly provide you and your crew with a suitably-sized airship from our fleet, along with Letters of Marque. Sail under the flag of the Equestrian Royal Navy as privateers, help us hunt down the remaining Storm Raiders, and return the treasures and riches to the nations they stole it from. On top of standard salaries for Royal Navy Privateers, I can offer you 10% of whatever stolen loot you find."

Celaeno's eyes widened just noticeably.

"I believe we'd be mad to refuse an offer like that, Your Majesties. When do we start?" She asked, and heard whispers of disappointment from her crew behind her, who now thought that R&R time was slipping away.

"First, take some time off, a couple days minimum. After that, our tailors can have you fitted for uniforms, and then you can be taken to the docks to inspect our available vessels, and we can make whatever adjustments you may require."

"It would be our pleasure, Your Majesties." Celaeno said, giving a bow, her crew following her lead.

"My aides will show you to your accommodations in the castle for your time here in Canterlot. Have a pleasant night."

As Celaeno and her crew turned towards the exit, the doors opened, and in came four more E.U.P. guards, escorting Princess Twilight and Tempest Shadow.

"Wouldn't want to be her right now." Boyle mumbled in passing as they were lead out of the throne room towards the guest suites. With one matter closed, Celestia and Luna now turned their attention to the other matter that was surrounded by her royal guards, and accompanied by Twilight.

"Tempest Shadow," Celestia began, unfurling a scroll. "You knowingly and willingly conspired with an enemy force to spy on our military, to invade and subjugate your native and sovereign nation, and overthrow the ruling government. This amounts to high treason, and is punishable by life imprisonment." Celestia formally stated, but not able to hide the anger from her voice. "How do you answer?"

Tempest couldn't maintain eye contact with the reigning monarch, and her gaze fell to the marble floor and red carpet beneath her. She took a breath, and just as she was opening her mouth to give her response, she felt a light gust of air and saw a shadow pass over her. When she lifted her head to look, Twilight descended and landed on the carpet directly in front of her, wings flaring out defensively.

"No." Twilight challenged defiantly. "Princess Celestia, I must formally object to these charges."

The Princesses of the Sun and Moon shared glances of surprise, before Celestia turned back to Twilight.

"You realize what she did?" Celestia asked her former pupil, as calmly as she could muster.


"She trained and led an enemy fleet directly to our gates."


"She openly and directly attacked four Heads of State."


"She had half of this city's population in chains and muzzles."


"Very well, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I will humor you. Your objection is sustained, and I would very much like to hear why Tempest Shadow here should not be in chains for the rest of her days."

Twilight took a breath, and glanced back at Tempest, before looking her mentor in the eyes.

"I am not denying that she should be punished for what she did. But she acted in our defense when it mattered most. She jumped in front of the Storm King's obsidian orb and took the hit herself. If it weren't for her sacrifice, he would have triumphed, and none of us would be here talking about it now. I will not allow that fact to be omitted or ignored. I can't stop you from imprisoning her for the rest of her life, but you cannot convince me that it wouldn't be an absolute waste. She has opened up her eyes, she has seen the light, and shutting her away now would be antithetical to everything my crown stands for, and it would forever change my opinion of this court."

Tempest felt her throat go dry as she saw Princess Twilight Sparkle stand unmoving between her and Equestria's rulers. With guards still behind and at her immediate sides, she didn't dare take a single step. The silence seemed to hang in the air as she felt her heart pound against her chest.

The two royal sisters exchanged glances again. Neither one appeared convinced, but Celestia's justifiably angry expression seemed to soften just a bit as she turned to face Twilight again.

"What then, Princess Twilight, would you suggest?" Celestia asked.

For the first time since her tirade began, Twilight's spread wings fluttered momentarily. She had not mentally gotten that far. She shifted on her front hooves, and looked back at the unicorn who was under watchful heavy guard. She stared at her for a moment, swallowed, and then turned back to face Celestia and Luna.

"I request that she be released into my custody. I will take full and complete responsibility for her from this moment forward." She said, finally able to fold her wings into her sides. With that, she slowly stepped off to the side, off the carpet onto the marble, and silently awaited her mentor's decision.

Tempest felt her blood go cold when Celestia's eyes met hers, and she swallowed a nervous lump in her throat. For the very first time, the black armor around her chest felt restraining. She could tell from Celestia's expression that she was nowhere close to entirely convinced. After a few more silent moments, her sparkling, wavy tail twitched visibly.

"So be it." She stated firmly. She swiftly nodded to the guards, and with a crisp salute, the lieutenant turned immediately with the rest of his squad, and filed out of the throne room. Tempest quietly let out a breath she didn't even realize she had been holding. She couldn't find it in herself to move an inch as Celestia and Luna silently walked between her and Twilight, and likewise left the throne room without another word. When the doors closed, she finally turned her head to look at Princess Twilight, who was smiling at her in relief.

"P-Princess... I-I... I don't know what to say." Tempest said at last, having not spoken since the courtyard.

"You don't have to say anything," Twilight replied, coming up to her. "Now I'd wager we've overstayed your welcome. Let's get one of the last trains down to Ponyville, and I can show you where you'll be staying."

Author's Note:

I've been wanting to expand on how Tempest got down to Ponyville after the Friendship Festival, from the barely single paragraph that it got in the first story.

From here on, it's post-finale material.

Your feedback and comments are my crack. The more you give me, the more I use it to tweak future chapters.