• Published 14th Oct 2019
  • 2,158 Views, 102 Comments

Fizzlepop's Future - milesprower06

As Princess Twilight Sparkle relocates to Canterlot, her faithful Captain of the Guard Fizzlepop Berrytwist wonders if she's prepared for the newest changes and challenges in her life.

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By the time Fizzlepop had climbed the first and only hill to Fluttershy's cottage, she had finished the granola bar AJ had given her, and her stomach was satisfied for now. She saw Ponyville Tower on the next hill, and the home of the resident animal caretaker off on the right, before the treeline of the Everfree Forest began. She walked up the path, walking past all manner of birdhouses that had been set up in the trees in the front and side yards, and came up to the front door, and knocked. There was a small chattering of woodland critters in response, before the door was opened and Fluttershy greeted her.

"Oh, hello Fizzlepop. Come on in." The pegasus greeted, a bit surprised to see the orchid unicorn out of her armor. Fizzlepop stepped through the doorway, and took in the relative zoo that was Fluttershy's den.

"I was just about to start some afternoon tea. Would you like some?" Fluttershy asked, trotting over to her kitchen.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I came here to see if I could get a bit of advice." The unicorn replied as she heard the pouring of water and clinks of ceramic china, moments before Fluttershy came out with a silver platter containing tea service for two, and a plate of small, diagonally cut cucumber sandwiches.

"Certainly. What can I help you with?" Fluttershy asked as she sat down in the right chair and invited Fizzlepop to sit in the left as she poured two cups of ginseng tea.

"Well..." Fizzlepop began as she accepted the teacup in her magical grasp after the pegasus had offered it to her. "I guess I'm wondering what you as the Element of Kindness do after you've had a stressful or bad day. Like, how do you unwind and relax?" She asked, taking a sip of tea.

"Well, I doubt my Element has very much to do with it. I have bad days just like anypony else." Fluttershy admitted.

"And a string of bad days? Or a bad week?" The unicorn asked.

"Well, I think I can guess where this is going. You're looking for ways to de-stress? So that a bad day doesn't turn into another one?"

Fizzlepop nodded, taking a bite of cucumber sandwich.

"It's gotten bad enough where my squad has noticed, so I'm kinda taking some time off until I can figure out how not to let it affect me so much."

"Let what affect you so much?" Fluttershy asked.

"Twilight being up in Canterlot. I haven't been coping with that too well. I've never dealt with anything like it before. I left home at such a young age and had to focus so hard on surviving from day to day that my mind really never had an opportunity to miss home. So I think I have to find a ways to de-stress and unwind like a filly would. So I was looking for ideas."

"Well, if my animals aren't helping when I'm feeling down, sometimes I read, or go to the spa, or listen to music." Fluttershy told her.


"Oh yes. Music can touch us and affect us in ways that nothing else can. It can energize us, put us to sleep, help us reflect... The magic of music. Just like friendship. You can't see it, but it's definitely there. You can feel it." Fluttershy said as she went over to a record player she had on a small shelf in the corner. She leaned down and started sorting through the dozens of record sleeves she had on the shelf below, before turning around with one selected and in her wing. She came back over to Fizzlepop and offered it to her. She took it in her magic, and looked at the cover.

"Songbird Serenade..." She read. She recognized the pony on the cover from the Friendship Festival in Canterlot, but had never remembered her name.

"She's one of the most famous singers in Equestria right now. I think you might like some of the songs on that album. I'm pretty sure Twilight left a player somewhere in the castle. If not, I'm sure you can get one from the school, or even go buy one from Frying Pans and Record Players downtown. Who knows, you might even find yourself dancing."

"I was never much of a dancer." Fizzlepop confessed.

"You don't have to be, especially if you're on your own. It's another outlet for energy and emotion. I love singing, but I almost never do it in public, except if it's with the Ponytones for a special event. For somepony like you, think of it like physical training. Just go with the flow."

"Well, I'm willing to try and see what works." The unicorn replied, finishing off her tea.

"And also, for somepony like you, another piece of advice. I know that when you're on duty, you have to be tough and reserved and all that. So, maybe a way to unwind like a filly would is to take a little time for yourself, each day, and be vulnerable for a little bit." Fluttershy suggested.

"Like I said... Whatever works. Thanks for the tea and sandwiches, and the record." Fizzle repeated.

"Happy to do it. I hope it helps!"

With the tea and a couple cucumber sandwiches, Fizzlepop figured she was good until dinner. She was glad that buckball had gotten her appetite back, but right now she was afraid she was going to rebound after another bad night. Hopefully Fluttershy was onto something here.

It was a quick trot back to Ponyville, and the populace was either going about their afternoon errands, or starting to get together for dinner. As Fizzlepop rounded the next corner, and the front doors of the castle came into view, she saw Grubber enter the main hall, shutting the doors behind him, and she was fairly certain she saw him carrying a gift bag that was taller than he was. Her curiosity piqued, she made her way down the main road, and passed Berryshine on the way up the stairs, and entered the main hall in time to see Grubber start to climb the stairway to the second floor, looking very much like he had when he had carried the loudspeaker down her airship's boarding ramp.

"Grubber?" She called, getting his attention. He paused on the fourth step, turning back to her, peaking around the right side of the bag.

"Hey Fizzlepop. How's your day off been so far?" He asked, coming down the steps onto the red carpet.

"Pretty good, I'm starting to feel a little better. Say, what have you got there?" She asked, coming up to him. Whatever was inside was obscured by a few layers of tissue paper.

"For you." Grubber answered, letting go of the bag once he saw the unicorn's magic take hold of it and lift it from his arms.

"Thanks... What did you get me?" Fizzlepop asked.

First she removed the pieces of tissue paper, then began to magically tug at what looked like to be a purple throw pillow. She began to pull it out of the bag, and then began to notice the details. First she noticed the ears. Then the mane. She got as far as the expertly embroidered eyes before she quickly stuffed the Princess Twilight Sparkle plush back into the bag and was darting her head around making sure nopony else was in the foyer.

"Grubber!" She whispered with wide eyes, her cheeks turning a most delightful shade of red. "Where did you get this?"

"Plushies and Pillows, east side of town." He answered calmly. This had been the home of the Princess of Friendship for some time, there were at least a half dozen places that sold varying styles of Twilight Sparkle dolls.

"You honestly think the head of the Ponyville E.U.P. should be seen with something like this?" Fizzlepop whispered, not wanting her voice to echo, as her cheeks tinted further.

"Um, no? So don't go parading around town with it, duh." The hedgehog answered nonchalantly. The unicorn didn't look entirely convinced as she peeked at the bag's contents a second time. "I mean, you told me how you might need to find ways to cope the way a younger pony would, so I thought I'd get you the first coping mechanism that came to my mind. Should... Should I take it back...?" Grubber asked nervously.

Fizzlepop looked in the bag a third time, sighed softly, and looked back at the hedgehog in front of the stairs.

"No. Thank you, Grubber." She said, bending down and pulling him into a hug. "I'm gonna go listen to this record Fluttershy lent me. Did we keep any record players in here during the move?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's one in the east wing study. Have fun. I'm gonna get dinner started. It'll be ready in about a half hour."

With that, now that he wasn't dropping Fizzlepop's gift off in her bedroom, he headed down the west wing hallway on the first floor, to the kitchen, while Fizzlepop continued up to the second floor. With the east study a bit farther down the hall, she made a quick stop at her bedroom to drop the gift bag at the side of her bed, and grab her staff, then continued on with the record onto the study, which was four doors down past her room. She went inside, flipped on the light, and closed the door. The shelves had all been emptied of their contents in the move up to Canterlot, but sure enough, there on the end table between the two chairs was a record player. Removing Fluttershy's record from its sleeve, she placed it on the turntable, making sure the speed was at the correct setting, turned it on, and gently grabbed the tone arm with her magic, and set it gently down on the record.

After hearing the beginning three piano chords of the song, she immediately recognized it; it was the one that she had done a few fireworks spells for at the Friendship Festival.

I know you, you're a special one
Some see crazy where I see love
You fall so low but soar so high
Big dreamers shoot for open sky

While she had initially started gently rocking with the piano chords, when the drumbeats started, she started nodding to the beat, remembering how she saw the crowd do before Twilight had come over to her.

So much life in those open eyes
So much depth you look for the light
But when your wounds open, you will cry
You'll cry out now, and you'll question why

She planted her staff on the carpeted floor, and began doing some spinning kicks like she was used to from physical training, but this time it was slower, to the beat. Holding her staff as she imagined one would a dancing partner, she alternated hooves and breathed in and out with the flow of the song, beginning to lose herself in the music.

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

Songbird's voice had started to fade through the chorus, and in her mind it was now Twilight singing to her as the second verse began, gliding overhead, watching her dance around the room, as she continued to twirl and stretch her hooves out towards the walls of the study.

I am here and I see your pain
Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain
I'm telling you, you cannot escape
You can do it, just feel, baby

As the chorus started a second time, she very gently slid the chairs and table back to the end of the room, giving her enough room to pick her staff up and begin incorporating it into her routine; twirling it, vaulting and balancing on it for a few moments, even. It was exhilarating. She felt bits of her troubles and worries get flung away with every swing, every kick, every beat and every breath.

When the song came to an end, she felt winded; quite unexpected for a song that ran just over three minutes. But as she stood there cradling her staff in the center of the room, taking deep breaths, she brought a hoof to her face and realized that she was crying. This simply beautiful song had really touched her. She pulled up the chairs and table, sat down, and reset the record, starting the song over, and just sat and listened to it again, sitting sideways and reclining on the arm rests, tapping her back hooves in midair to the beat.

Here comes the sun, smiling down
Here comes the sun, smiling down
Smiling down...

After the weekly Friendship Feast for lunch on Saturday, Grubber was officially off until Monday morning, most the E.U.P. either went home to cook their own meals, or went into town to patronize one of the many local restaurants. But that didn't mean the hedgehog didn't like putting together hearty meals for his close friends; cooking for three instead of dozens meant the process was much less hectic, took less cooks in the kitchen, and the food could be much more personal.

Ever since accepting the position of Head Chef of the castle from Princess Twilight, the kitchen had undergone a slight remodeling, namely in making the entire room easily and quickly accessible to a creature that didn't quite reach the height of a full grown pony. Fortunately, this had been accomplished by simply adding a non-slip 'curb' to the floor in front of all the counters and appliances. When he wasn't using them, they easily slid underneath so ponies could use the kitchen as they saw fit.

With Thunderlane's and Gallus' help, cleaning up after today's Friendship Feast took barely an hour, and he had been able to run downtown for a quick errand before coming back to prepare dinner for a much, much smaller crowd. Tonight was just him, Starlight, Sunburst, and Fizzlepop, and he was doing a pony favorite; boiled carrot dogs on lightly toasted brioche buns. The carrots were actually the easiest part; get the pot of water seasoned and boiling, drop them in, then most of the work consisted of getting the toppings selected, washed, diced, and put into their own serving dishes, so that they could add what they pleased at the table.

One of the simplest side dishes to go with carrot dogs was crispy hay fries; depending on what area of Equestria you were in, some establishments even served them as a topping. Tonight, it would be on the side. The first thing he had done was getting the oil up to frying temperature so it was ready to go when everything else was; a couple minutes was the difference between amazing, crispy hay fries and soggy limp ones.

Once he began to smell the seasoned carrots in the boiling water, he knew it was time for the final steps. He lit the front left burner and set down the cast iron griddle. Once it was up to temp, he opened the split-top buns and pressed them to the heat for 20 seconds, toasting the inside to a perfect golden brown. Just as the buns were coming up, the hay fries were done as well. With those pulled up out of the oil, he was now running against the clock. He quickly got the buns plated, grabbed a pair of tongs and got the carrots out of the pot and placed in the buns. After the hay fries were done draining the excess oil, they were quickly plated, and given a pinch of salt. He placed the four plates alongside the serving dishes with the toppings onto a wheeled cart that was barely under his height, and pushed it just down the hall to the dining room. Pushing the cart through the doors, he saw Starlight, Sunburst, and Fizzlepop already seated, the latter was bobbing her head, probably got a song from that record stuck in her head.

"Smells delicious, Grubber." Starlight said. When the cart came up to the table, the three unicorns helped out by levitating the topping dishes to the center of the table, while he went around and placed the plates in front of each of them.

"Presenting, Carottes Brioche de Grubber," the hedgehog announced, getting a few chuckles as he placed two carrot dogs in front of Starlight, two for Sunburst, and one for Fizzlepop, who fortunately was nearly salivating at the inviting smell. By the time everypony was served, and Grubber was seated with his own plate, Fizzlepop had covered her carrot dog with every single topping, taken her first bite, nearly a third of the bun, and while the hedgehog's first thought was it looked like she hadn't eaten in a week, he remembered that it sadly was not so far from the truth.

To the hedgehog, unless he had prepared something formal, etiquette was merely a suggestion. This wasn't Canterlot or some fancy fine dining establishment. These were good old carrot dogs with good friends, and noisy eating, belching, and not to mention the way the orchid unicorn was quite nearly inhaling hers were some of the greatest compliments the chef could get for his food. Even the two unicorns sitting across from her found themselves quite unconcerned for her sudden lack of manners, and were just happy to see that her appetite had returned with a vengeance. Had she eaten the fries with her hooves instead of magic, they were confident that she'd be licking the salt from them. They could hardly blame her; nothing beat fresh carrot dogs and fries after a long day.

Fizzlepop had been the first one to finish, quite understandable having been given half the portion size, and had the foresight to wait until Grubber had finished what was on his plate.

"Hey Grubber? Did... Did you make any more?" She asked.

The hedgehog's heart skipped a beat as he smiled.

"You bet. Be right back!" He said, quickly grabbing her plate, with barely crumbs on it, and put it on the cart as he scampered back to the kitchen. He had made more, and the awesome thing about boiled carrot dogs were the longer they rested in the simmering liquid, the more melt-in-your-mouth they got...

"Well, I'd certainly say that was an amazing improvement." Starlight remarked to Grubber as they headed upstairs to retire for the night, heading to the east wing, after electing to help out with the dishes while Sunburst took care of some last minute chores over at the school.

"I'll say. I don't know what you and Fluttershy said to her, but I guess it's really started to help. Magic of friendship and all that, I guess." Grubber wholeheartedly agreed. The hedgehog was simply ecstatic that he had to return to the kitchen during dinner to make Fizzlepop an entire second helping, after days of getting plates back from her with mere bites taken from it.

As they started to pass Fizzlepop's room, Starlight noticed that her door was cracked enough to see the bed, and couldn't help but take a peek. She wasn't able to stifle a soft giggle as she stopped Grubber and pointed into the room.

The unicorn was out like a light, visibly drooling on her pillow, with a Twilight plush tucked halfway under the blanket with her, held to her chest with her right front leg.

"We can't take all the credit," Starlight whispered. "You helped her too."

Grubber smiled as he looked in at his friend, as Starlight's magic quietly gripped the doorknob and softly clicked it closed.

"Sweet dreams, Fizzlepop."